Interior design using wood. Wood and stone are the perfect combination for a feeling of comfort

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It is not surprising that in Lately the use of wood in the interior is becoming increasingly popular. Natural wood is a natural material that contributes to an atmosphere of calm and tranquility in the home. Wood in the interior looks stylish and cozy.

1.Classic wooden window sills

From solid wood you can make not only a strong window sill, but also a small table by the window, at which it is so pleasant to sit and look out the window.

2. Mirror with wooden frame

Combined with modern design solutions, mirrors in a wooden frame can add style and comfort to the interior of an apartment or country house.

3. Solid wooden structures

To create such a design, you will need to seek help from specialists.

4. Expensive wood for the sink

Wooden furniture looks stylish and quite appropriate even in the bathroom.

5. Wooden headboard

If you want to turn your bedroom into a real magical nest, then why not use wood for the headboard.

6. The more wood, the better.

Tabletop in Italian style looks like it just grew out of the kitchen floor.

7. Unusual lamps

And you can make such lamps with your own hands in just a couple of hours.

8. Wooden table by the window

A colorful solution for the workplace.

9. Sink base

For the most creative people.

10. Living room shelving

Wood goes well with metal.

11. Small shelf for wine

Such a shelf not only does not take up much space, but also attracts attention.

12. Original table

What do you think of this solution for the living room?

13. The more shelves, the better.

Wood is a strong enough material that can support a TV.

14. Wood + aluminum

Not a bad option for a country house.

15. Wooden furniture

In such a living room you just want to sit on an armchair and read your favorite book with a cup of hot tea in your hands.

16. Coffee table

This table is easy to make with your own hands.

We want the interior to look special, interesting, unusual, and the right combinations of patterns, textures and colors help us a lot in this. Otherwise, the space will look monotonous and boring. The same goes for the choice of materials, and if you are a devotee natural materials, then the art of correctly combining wood in the interior will be very useful. After all, monochromatic furniture and floors, which also have a similar pattern, will merge and look very pale.

In today's article you will find 15 bright ideas and tips on how to correctly combine wood in the interior to create unique design premises.

Furniture and parquet - is it possible to combine different types of wood?

A monochromatic decor is not only boring, but also quite difficult to achieve. Furniture, rugs, pillows and other small accessories tend to accumulate over the years, making it difficult to match surfaces with the same textures and colors. However, this is for the best! But we will now tell you how to create a harmonious environment from different types of wood.

Pay attention to shades

Combining wood colors in the interior is quite simple, you just need to choose suitable friend to each other shades. For example, you are looking for furniture that would look good with your parquet flooring. How would you define the color of the parquet - is it more like warm or cool? Accordingly, warm shades go well with warm ones and vice versa.

Warm colors of natural wood furniture

This living room combines two colors. And although the coffee table is clearly much darker than the floor, they still go well together and create a pleasant atmosphere. The secret lies precisely in the fact that both the floor and the table are painted in a warm shade.

Combination by curliness

Curling is patterns on the surface of a tree that arise as a result of layering of annual rings, marks from branches, etc. So, if a piece of furniture you already have has a pronounced curl, this feature can be used to successfully combine with new pieces of furniture. This way you will emphasize the mood of the room and at the same time create an interior rich in colors, without going too far in the direction of bad taste.

Deliberate rudeness

Another option is to combine wood according to style. Let the color scheme and texture of individual furnishings be different, but they will all be made in the same style - it is this technique that will create a harmonious interior.

Separate wooden items

Let's assume wooden dinner table stands on wooden floor, in no way compatible with it. “This is a failure,” he will think experienced designer and he will be right: such a discrepancy immediately catches the eye. However, this effect can be avoided by separating the table from the floor, for example, using a carpet.

Combination of wooden furniture of different styles

As in the previous example, the designer used a rug here to separate the furniture from the floor. But there is one more catch here: the chairs are made of a different type of wood from the table and in a completely different style. The carpet saves us here too: bright pieces of fabric harmoniously combine with multi-colored upholstered chairs. The rough texture of the table matches the style of the floor and is softened by the vintage feel of the chairs and armchairs.

Avoid Chaos

Be that as it may, you need to stop in time when using wood in the interior. Choose two or three well-combined colors, a nice pattern, and stay true to your choice when furnishing the room. This way you will get a finished, cozy interior.

Wood in a modern interior

This project uses two types of wood for furniture and flooring, not similar in either color scheme, nor in terms of curliness. At the same time, the combination looks correct and harmonious. The reason for this is the fact that both the furniture and the floor are made in the same style and look very modern; In addition, the designers, by focusing on only two types of wood, avoided excessiveness.

White as an alternative

White color is neutral and goes with absolutely everything. Therefore, if you are not sure how to properly combine wood in the interior, choose white as the base color.

Different types of wood for a varied interior

In the photo on the left White color used for facades kitchen furniture, as well as for wall decoration, thanks to which wooden floor, the ceiling and furniture go well together. This is despite the fact that more than three different types of wood were used in the project.

Same color scheme

Wood and stone today are the most popular materials when decorating premises. Imitating being in natural conditions allows you to create a harmoniously arranged interior.

What will we build the “jungle” from?

When arranging the interior contents of houses and apartments, the question always arises: what is better to use? Stone, metal, wood, plastic? Stereotyped ideas about decor and filling the space of premises are being replaced by fresh solutions. High-quality decorative elements that have appeared on the market serve as inspiration for designers, whose ideas are brought to life unique projects .

There are many materials, but natural ones now have a great advantage over others. “A stay in the “concrete jungle” should be at least partially similar to that in nature”- the designers thought and decided to make life as close as possible modern man to the roots, starting to arrange the space.

The stone has excellent heat and sound insulating properties, is distinguished by a variety of shapes and patterns, and is durable. Wood, as a biologically living material, has advantages natural wood: can breathe, passing air in both directions, has a surface that is warm to the touch, has a pleasant smell, and creates a favorable atmosphere in the room.

Durable stone and wood that is warm to the touch go well together and complement each other!

Stylish choice

Of course, you need to consider which style you prefer. For example, the Art Nouveau style only allows the use of natural decorative details in the interior, but does not give preference to them. But if you choose a rural country style, you won’t be able to do without wooden and stone variations.

Some people prefer to see metal in modern interior, the cold shine of steel radically changes the compositional line of the design, but even here you can’t do without a wooden trinket.

“Iron” high-tech is decor with character; it is preferred by young and ambitious people.

We also love metal, especially in the form of jingling coins, but we choose stone and wood in the interior of our home. Natural, beautiful, and even tasteful... Style is an important thing in this matter. A little fantasy and imagination - and your home can change beyond recognition, of course, for the better.

Stone variations

When decorating the interior, the following are used: facing and coral stones, limestone, pebbles, false panels, bricks. More exclusive ones are also used: malachite, lapis lazuli, jasper, marble, granite, tuff, porphyry, slate, travertine stone. The most economical way is to use decorative slabs, stylized as natural, which are made from cheap concrete and simple fillers with the addition of coloring pigments.

The stone is extremely appropriate in the hallway, hall and directly next to front door- this sets the tone for the entire interior space, and the appearance is more presentable. With its help, they decorate halls and offices, bedrooms and kitchens, swimming pools and bathrooms, it is appropriate everywhere: on the walls, floor, ceiling, the composition can be large or small, in the form individual elements. When decorating a fireplace, you can use contrasting color materials to highlight or highlight part of the adjacent wall.

The main thing is not to overdo it so that the home does not look like a cave.

Marble and granite are often used in the decoration of halls, large halls, bathrooms, they are used to decorate walls, columns, floors, sinks, countertops, borders. Extraordinary beautiful drawing on the stone cut makes them unique, and smooth surface will add a touch of sophistication to the interior.

Finished with pebbles kitchen aprons, fireplaces, flooring - only zonally. These minerals, ideally ground by the sea or river, are especially good; they feel right in the bathroom, where the water element reigns, and are irreplaceable where there is a need to highlight part of the space or emphasize the chosen style. The most interesting look is the pebble mosaic in two shades.


Brickwork (or its imitation) has become especially popular today. It makes any space not boring, is indispensable when decorating staircase areas, corridors and lobbies, it looks impressive if it is made in fragments, not covering the entire wall, in combination with decorative plaster.

Brickwork with a slight antique effect - good way decorate your home with medieval simplicity.

If you like the industrial style, any rough masonry will suit the design; the main idea here is unadorned, in its original form. Metal, especially cold shades, wrought iron furniture, and antique-style chandeliers go well with brick.

Masonry natural stone - in the spirit of feudal times. The block version looks the most advantageous; this creates an interesting pattern that does not become boring; you want to look at it again and again. In this case, the walls and the whole room look more solid, creating a feeling of strength and reliability.

You can always “play” with color, focus on contrast or choose tone-on-tone materials, experiment with texture, visually highlight separate areas or hide unfavorable ones. Disadvantages of blocks - high price, special requirements for the surface.

Advice: if the room is small, it is better to decorate only part of the wall, otherwise it will look bulky and the interior as a whole will be overloaded.

Artificial tiles - thinner, lighter than blocks, which provides many options for using the stone; they are installed without difficulty. Limestone looks good with its pleasant rough texture - simple and tasteful. It has become fashionable to design showers from minerals various shapes, it turns out interesting composition"a la grotto."

Tin, glass? Wood!

Wood in the interior includes stairs, floors and ceilings, doors and awnings, windows, furniture and interesting design details. If you don’t like metal and plastic, but like everything “living” and natural, choose the country style, for which plants in any form, be it a tree trunk or wild flower- favorite decorative element. Can not live without natural elements chalet style with its rustic simplicity and the atmosphere of a mountain forest, wood is, of course, held in high esteem here.

For exclusive interiors - parquet board bakuri, mahogany chests of drawers and cabinets, balau floor and wall coverings, stairs, IPE parquet, decorative accessories, Wall panels, floor coverings, bamboo partitions...

Water, stone, mirrors are the elements of bathrooms. However, not only mineral decorative elements can feel royal here, but also the wood used to decorate the floors, ceilings, and partitions. Even the bath itself can be built from tree trunks, in the spirit of an old medieval tub, and how pleasant it is to be in it! The warm-to-touch surface is ideal for comfortable bathing.

Arrange a bathhouse at home like in the Middle Ages and get royal pleasure!

It is better to use Brazil nut, balau, bakuri, mahogany, merbau, and bamboo in bathroom design. The wood of these species is surprisingly resistant to moisture and durable. The combinations can be different: below there is a stone floor, everything else is wooden (and vice versa), or individual surfaces are originally designed. Metal harmonizes perfectly with the element of water; it can be used to emphasize individual details.

A complex approach

The ideal option is when wood complements the mineral, but it may be different when stone details only emphasize separate areas. Stone in combination with wood is an excellent opportunity for zoning space. These materials can have many shades of color: from milky white to dark, chocolate or almost black, which means there are prospects for creating unique design a lot opens up.

Urban lofts, suggesting a harsh Spartan look combined with bohemian chic, have formed their own style, in which there is a place for wooden beams and stone masonry, even the ubiquitous metal will be in high esteem here.

Contrasts are in fashion. A good combination is a varnished floor and a rough stone surface on the walls, wooden table top and stone sink, mineral masonry in beige tones and dark furniture, black marble and light wood, bamboo and pebbles, white granite and wenge, shiny metal and natural wood.

An excellent combination would be “mineral masonry in beige tones and dark furniture” or “bamboo and pebbles, white granite and wenge.”

And a little more design

Mineral is a cold, slightly detached material, so it is good to combine it with other plant elements that create a feeling of warmth and comfort: fur, wool, cashmere. The simplest option is wall hangings, panels, rugs, pillows, a fluffy blanket carelessly thrown on the sofa, imitation leather on the floor. It is possible that it will be a shaggy lampshade of a floor lamp, a table with fur legs... What designers today won’t come up with!

Decorative items in warm woody (beige, brown) and sunny colors (red, orange, yellow) will soften the icy pride, and highlight the beauty with contrasting finishing, a selection of elements of different shapes, which will help make any surface more prominent. You can use metal if desired; copper details of a reddish tint would be appropriate in chandeliers, furniture fittings, wall decorations, and accessories.

Stonework and wood can be painted, tinted, adjusting to the main color of the space, in this case only the shape and texture of the stone comes to the fore. White looks exclusive stone wall in a completely white room with an emphasis on individual pieces of natural wood.

It is necessary to choose the right and sufficient lighting to ensure beauty natural materials was not lost, but, on the contrary, stood out against the general background.

You can line a panel, a wall niche, or a ceiling with minerals (then the interior space and interior change significantly, the room seems smaller, but more comfortable, more interesting). There can never be too much stone and wood!

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I think few people will deny the truth that talking about wood in the interior is akin to talking about snow in Antarctica, or rocks in the Himalayas. The topic is also vast and inexhaustible. However, despite all its limitlessness, it is possible to deduce certain rules and patterns that will help to use this material in the interior of a home as efficiently and effectively as possible.

A little history of the issue

From time immemorial, wood has been used by people for construction, as well as internal and exterior finishing of your home. More universal material It is difficult to come up with for these purposes.

Strength, ease of processing, beauty of texture, durability (especially hardwood) are the most important qualities of wood. But its even greater value is the creation of a feeling of comfort, an atmosphere of soft warmth and tenderness, and spiritual peace.

Traditional use

Usually, the windows, doors, floors and windows in the room were exclusively made of wood. Now, due to the emergence large number new construction, finishing and decorative materials, the tree lost its position a little.

The main reason for this is purely financial, however, I doubt that a person with a developed sense of taste and style would prefer metal-plastic windows to high-quality wooden ones. Moreover, if the former imitate the latter.

Floors should be covered with carpets, skins of exotic animals, mats, or any other materials that protect the feet from glass not heated by the sun, since the glaze ceramic tiles is nothing more than glass.

This is where a natural wood floor demonstrates its advantage - it does not require any heating.


IN modern apartments furniture plays a huge role in shaping style internal space dwellings. Moreover, if it is a good one, quality furniture from valuable wood species.

It is furniture - all these cabinets, chests of drawers, tables, chairs, sofas and armchairs, especially if they are designed in uniform style, - will shape the character of the rest of the decor.

The color palette is also impressive - from white golden ash wood to black ebony. The surface texture can be changed from rough-processed, almost rough, to polished, almost mirror-like.


The tree looks extremely impressive in the form ceiling beams. Depending on their shape, size and location, they can significantly influence the creation of a unique visual rhythm, along with a certain spatial division of the room.


A potentially extremely rich artistic element is the end cut of a round timber. These dies of different diameters, mounted on a wall or partition, create a magnificent decorative effect.

The saw cuts imitate a woodpile well, which fits perfectly into the interior of a kitchen or living room with a fireplace. In this case, in addition to round ones, it is advisable to also use semicircular and quarter dies. This will tighten the fit of the cuts to each other, reduce voids and give an even greater resemblance to a woodpile.

Wall decoration

Using wood, the walls of a room can be decorated in many ways. ABOUT end cuts already mentioned above.

We can add to this that dies can be made from edged timber square, or rectangular section of various thicknesses. Panels assembled from such cuts are perfectly perceived visually.

This can be a vertical insert from floor to ceiling, a diagonal, wavy strip. You can use these dies to create a stylized wood pattern covering the entire wall. The options can be listed for a very long time. The main thing is to find an option for a particular, specific case.

The latter, for example, is practiced when designing hunting lodges.
To create a wood-like interior, wallpaper from natural cork and from natural veneer. Natural prerequisite for their use is, of course, maximum evenness of the walls.

Additional wooden decorative elements

The use of stumps as expressive plastic objects in the decoration of a home has already been mentioned.

But, as they say, not by one stump. To give the interior some zest, an aesthetic accent, you can use many other, not very large-scale, but extremely expressive means. They can be a fancy driftwood on coffee table, or the root of an old tree on the mantelpiece.

A whimsically curved tree branch attached to the wall can replace an entire panel.
Any wooden trinket can become an artistic accent, the aesthetic nerve of the entire modern interior space. Perhaps it will be an original figurine, a vase made of birch burl, or a bast tree.

This role can be played by a set wooden utensils, an exotic mask on the wall, candlesticks, or chess with figures made of light and dark wood. There are no barriers to flight of fancy here.

About trees in a modern interior

Separately, it should be said about wood not as a material, but as a plant. There are two ways to place it in the interior. The first way, if space allows, is to install tubs indoors with small, live, shade-loving trees planted in them.

Also, instead of a living tree, you can install a dry, larger one, with a partially cut crown. The tree should reach the ceiling, and the cut branches should create the effect of growing through the ceiling.

The main thing is a skillful combination of colors, creating a fabulous atmosphere that fills the nursery. The crown of a tree, for example, can be higher than a wall, fill part of the ceiling, or float among fluffy clouds. The trunk and stylized branches will add volume to the composition. In addition, now there will be something to hang your favorite toys on and attach the most successful drawings.

A little about style

Wood is an amazing natural product. For any artist-designer, be it an expert or an amateur, it opens up a horizon of limitless possibilities.

Wood forgives the grossest design mistakes and is combined with almost any materials, playing either on the similarity or on the sharp contrast of their properties.

It can be easily cut (if it is not bog oak), easy to tint and paint, modern impregnations allow it to be used even in bathrooms! It, along with stone, is the most powerful weapon in the arsenal modern designer. However, the same can be said about designers two thousand years ago.

Both wood and stone are very expressive materials. Therefore, when working with them, you should always use the method of alternation: light with dark, warm with cold, rough with smooth.

To highlight, or, as artists say, “pull out” this or that element, it should be placed either in a neutral ( white plaster), or in a contrasting environment. For example, a meter wide woodpile looks great against a light, plain wall background.

Why do we all love winter chalets so much? Probably because we associate them with warmth, coziness and comfort. And it’s easy to agree with this; all you need to do is glance at external design their exteriors, in which only two materials predominate - wood and stone. These two materials give the buildings a charming, rustic look. But inside these chalets are even more charming, because they use the same two materials in their interior design - stone and wood.

A wooden ceiling with wooden beams harmonizes perfectly with the wooden floor

Second important material stone is used in interior design. Usually the stone is used as construction material, from which they lay out a fireplace or simply use stone for the external cladding of the fireplace. However, the stone can also be used for interior decoration walls, which gives the interior the appearance of a strong, solid and reliable home.

A stone fireplace in the bedroom will create a bohemian style

Feel free to use wood and stone in interior design. In our opinion, the best places For the application of these materials are the living room and bedroom. At the same time, the use of wood in the design of the ceiling will create a visual feeling of warmth.

A stone fireplace will become the main accent in the interior of any room.

Massive wooden elements will make the living room interior both cozy and modern

Solid wooden beams can look very elegant, especially in rooms with high ceilings.

Mediterranean style living room with elegant wooden beams and arched windows

Majestic living room in the style of a hall from a knight's castle

A stone fireplace accents the interior of this living room.

Chandeliers, furniture and stone wall decoration give this living room a magnificent look

If you don’t like the rustic spirit in interior design, you can only stop at using massive ceilings wooden beams. They will add charm to any interior, creating an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in combination with any interior design style. As for stone, it is recommended to use it for facing the fireplace. Such a fireplace will definitely attract the attention of all your guests, inviting them to sit nearby for a warm, friendly conversation.


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