Documents necessary for organizing a children's room. Business plan for a children's playroom

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600,000 ₽

Minimum start-up capital

2,000 ₽

Monthly subscription cost

40-50 sq. m.

Min. square



Today, products and services for children are becoming increasingly popular. One of the first places is preschool development centers. Due to the catastrophic shortage of places in government institutions, developmental centers for kids are a great idea.

Modern parents are increasingly using the services of children's development centers. According to surveys conducted in major cities Among parents of children from 8 months to 7-8 years, more than half of mothers already take or are planning to take their children to educational activities. Moreover, if previously visiting commercial centers was expensive, now such preschool education and development is available even to people with an average income.

More and more new mothers are thinking about opening their own children's club and turning it into a permanent source of income. Despite high competition, business in this area remains attractive and profitable, as the number of children increases every year, and there is still a shortage of good childcare facilities for preschoolers.

Classification of children's centers

There are children's centers various types. The owner of such a center himself determines the areas of work that interest him, the level and list of services provided. Regardless of whether you plan to take out funds to organize your own business or are going to make do with your savings, before starting work, experts advise drawing up detailed business plan. Such a plan for a preschool institution, which aims to develop the intellectual and creative skills of children aged 1 (less often younger) to 8 years, includes several sections: an overview with a description of the specifics of the industry, a description of the enterprise itself, a list and description of the services that you plan to provide, analysis of the current market, production plan.

If you do not have the funds to consult specialists, conduct your own marketing research of similar organizations in your city and in the area where you are going to open a center. Interview potential clients - parents of children (respondents can be found at playgrounds, children's clinics or kindergartens). Ask them questions about the location of the club, where they would like to take their children, about the program they are interested in and teachers. Find out what they look for first when choosing children's center for your kids.

First of all, to organize your own children's center you need to find the optimal premises. Most entrepreneurs do not venture into large areas, preferring rent a small establishment with an area of ​​about 40-50 sq. meters. The main selection criteria: convenience of location (in the city center or at least in a large residential area, in a place with high traffic), minimal need for repair work(although, most likely, you still can’t do without it), the presence of a separate bathroom and a place where parents will wait for the end of classes.

Let's return to the question of choosing the area where your center will be located. It depends not on your preferences and convenience, but on the target audience you are targeting. Assess your financial capabilities. Children's center claiming high price segment, With excellent renovation, the most qualified teachers, a professional administrator and demanding clients, will not be cheap. Such an establishment should be located in the city center, where rent will cost a pretty penny.

For simple children's club with the low cost of classes even the first floor is suitable multi-story building in a residential area. Decide in advance on those areas that are not uniquely suitable for you due to remoteness (you will also have to travel to work every day) and/or due to the population and solvency of the population, competition and other factors. The area of ​​your premises also depends on your goals and objectives. The study room (if there is one) must be at least 30 square meters. meters. Some children's clubs open in office buildings or in shopping centers. Ideally, they should be located on the lower floor so that little ones do not have to go up the stairs or in the elevator. In this case, there may be several classrooms, but most likely they will be small in area.

In any case, your center should have a waiting room. Often, center managers try to save on rent and do without it. However, many parents will wait for their children while they study. If they have to stand outside all that time, they are unlikely to go to your center for long, no matter how good it is.

Taking into account the classrooms, waiting room (or hall) and bathroom, the area of ​​the children's club should be about 50 square meters. meters. If you don't have money for rent large area, and you can only afford one training room, sure, and such a facility can be profitable, but you severely limit the choice of courses you offer. No matter how hard you try, you won’t be able to cram your entire day into activities. Kids come to study in the first half of the day - before lunch and nap time.

Older children attend classes after 17-18 hours (when they are picked up from kindergartens). The period from 13 to 17 hours (essentially half a day) simply falls out of the schedule, since older children spend this time in kindergarten, and the little ones sleep.

Alternatively, you could offer discounts on classes during this time, but this is unlikely to completely solve the problem. On the other hand, the main rule of rented premises is that every meter of it should bring you profit. Therefore, renting or buying a large area that you simply have nothing to occupy is also not worth it. A list of classes in your center and a schedule of lessons in each room must be drawn up at the stage of choosing a room.

When searching for premises, it is necessary to take into account the standards of the SES and Fire Supervision Authorities. For example, a children's center cannot be located in a basement, semi-basement or ground floor. The premises must be well ventilated, have a separate entrance and a separate bathroom. Great importance has both convenient access to your center and the availability of a parking space (this is especially true for the city center, where during rush hour it is very difficult to find free place).

One of the main conditions for the success of your establishment is its staff. Moreover, this applies not only to the teachers themselves, but also to administrators. True, it will be easier to find a good administrator than a teacher who loves and understands children, knows how to find an approach to them and captivate them in any activity. For the position of administrators who will respond to phone calls Students or recent graduates can be hired to receive visitors, schedule classes, and resolve other organizational issues. Administrators usually work in shifts. At first, you can take on their responsibilities, unless, of course, you intend to conduct the classes yourself.

It is much more difficult to find good teachers. Qualified teachers with extensive experience in kindergartens or even schools will not be cheap, but the worst thing is that having a special education diploma higher education, certificates, diplomas and other documents do not at all guarantee that your teacher will be able to find a common language with children, and will not discourage them from learning. It also happens that recent graduates of pedagogical faculties turn out to be better teachers who are liked by both children and their parents.

Personally interview potential employees at your child care center. Pay attention to them appearance, manner of communication, evaluate their passion for their work, initiative and innovation. Sometimes even mothers of children who do not have special education, but who are very passionate, apply for the position of teachers. various methods development of children, constantly attend various courses and seminars, are interested in new phenomena in the field preschool education and, most importantly, they understand what exactly their children need. On the other hand, it will, of course, be useful for your employees to have a diploma in pedagogical education, but still this cannot be the only criterion for choosing an employee.

Do not forget also that the services of your center must be advertised. Your target audience is, first of all, mothers of children. preschool age. They are the ones who, as a rule, choose clubs for their children. Of course, the best advertising is your favorable reputation, thanks to which parents will themselves recommend your center to their friends and acquaintances. However, the reputation still needs to be earned. To attract clients at the first stage of work, you can use standard advertising methods: posting advertisements, distributing leaflets, advertising on the Internet on forums and websites dedicated to the topic of raising children.

Provide the opportunity for a free visit (or with a significant discount) to the first trial lesson, at which mother and baby can decide whether your center is suitable for them or not. As a rule, centers offer two options for paying for visits - one-time for more high prices and a monthly subscription. In the latter case, the cost of the lesson is 15-20 percent lower.

Let's say a few words about the legal side of the issue. Until recently, many children's centers that provided services in the field of preschool education tried to avoid directly mentioning this in their names and documentation. This was explained by the fact that obtaining a license to carry out educational activities is quite complex and costly. Therefore, most small centers and courses for preschoolers were opened as individual entrepreneurs (IEs), rather than non-state educational institutions (NOU) and did not license their activities. They positioned themselves as leisure centers, clubs, private tutors, etc. However, now the situation has changed.

According to the new Federal Law“On Education”, an individual entrepreneur has the right to officially conduct educational activities with the involvement of others teaching staff, but for this he needs to obtain the appropriate license before January 1, 2014.

In the near future, by-laws are expected to be issued that will clarify the procedure for obtaining a license for an individual entrepreneur and the conditions that such a preschool educational institution and its employees must meet.

Let's calculate the costs of opening a children's center. This includes renting premises (depending on location and area), repairs if necessary (from 150 thousand rubles and above), purchasing necessary equipment and materials (about 200 thousand rubles), purchase of furniture (minimum 80 thousand rubles), salaries for teachers, administrators, cleaners, advertising and promotion (minimum 25 thousand rubles per month). The cost of one subscription for 8 visits starts from 2000 rubles (depending on the city, target audience, program). The payback period for such a project is from one year.

Calculator for calculating the profitability of this business

rent + salaries + public utilities and so on. rub.

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Very promising and profitable types entrepreneurial activity are those that are associated with children, in particular with their entertainment (see ““). To date, a number of ideas have been proposed, the implementation of which, with the proper approach to doing business, allows you to obtain stable and high profits. However, it should be remembered that a business based on entertaining children requires responsibility from the organizer (entrepreneur in our case), since in this case it is necessary to create all the conditions for the safe stay of children on the attraction, and so on.

In this article we will take a detailed look at the way to implement a business related to a children's playroom, we will give you our children's business plan game room. Often such a room is called a children's entertainment center.

General information

What is a children's playroom? In this place, a child (a group of children) spends their time under the mandatory supervision of the institution’s employees.

For the first time such facilities in our country were organized on the basis of large shopping centers at the very beginning of this century. In those days, the main guideline for businessmen was the needs of the people who visited these shopping centers. In simple terms, the entrepreneurs looked after the children of visitors while they were shopping. The development of this type of business was facilitated by the fact that there was an acute shortage of kindergartens and nurseries in the country. For this reason, children's room services generated considerable income. In subsequent years, this area of ​​entrepreneurship developed intensively. This trend is characteristic of our time and will continue for a long time in the future.

Expert opinion

Roman Efremov

Opening a children's playroom is a popular business model that allows you to achieve good efficiency with minimum costs. Among the advantages of this business idea are:

  1. High demand for the service. Often parents cannot afford to hire a nanny, or they have no one to leave their child with. A game room is an excellent way out of a problematic situation. For little money, the child will be provided with professional care.
  2. Fast payback. Opening a game room does not require unnecessarily large financial investments. At the same time, full payback does not require much time, which makes the business idea popular and competitive.
3. The implementation of the idea is not associated with additional difficulties faced by users intending to open a private kindergarten or development center. The activity does not require a license, highly qualified workers, etc.

Profitability and location

It is easier to implement the idea of ​​opening a children's playroom than a child development center, a private kindergarten, and so on. For example, such activities do not require a license to conduct educational work or highly qualified specialists. At the same time, opening a children's playroom does not require large initial investments against the backdrop of subsequent minor costs.

1. To open a soft play room with an area of ​​30 square meters, in which you can simultaneously support 20 children, you will have to spend about 300 thousand rubles. In this case, 15% of the costs will be for repairs, 65% for the purchase of equipment, 10% for renting premises, and the remaining 10% of costs will be associated with registering business activities and paying wages employees. With the proper approach to doing business, monthly expenses will be 50 thousand rubles, income - 100 thousand rubles, with a net profit of 50 thousand rubles.

2. If your goal is to open a children’s playroom designed for 70 children, then the minimum area should be 70 square meters. In this case, to start a business you will need at least 1 million rubles. Average monthly expenses will be 80 thousand rubles, income – 250 thousand, and net profit – 170 thousand rubles.

It should be remembered that business development directly depends on the location of the children's playroom. For this reason, choosing a place to implement our business idea needs to be taken seriously. As practice has shown, the best places for organizing playrooms for children are those in which there is a large concentration of potential clients. The best option for implementing the idea would be a place for people to have fun and relax. For example, a cinema would be perfect for our purpose; a shopping mall would be a good option for placing a children’s playroom, and so on. Good result can bring a children's room based in a store specializing in the sale of children's goods.

You can implement a children's playroom within a residential area, but this approach to opening a business is rational if there are no other options for locating the facility.

Expert opinion

Roman Efremov

Work experience: 5 years. Specialization: all areas of jurisprudence.

The profitability of the business will depend on the correct choice of location for the children's playroom. Therefore, before making the final choice, you need to consider the following points:

  1. Location within the village. It is most logical to place the game room in areas with high traffic. Preference should be given to the central part of the city and residential neighborhoods.
  2. Place to rent. Here you also need to focus on the level of traffic; the higher it is, the more profitable the business will be. In addition to shopping centers, cafes and restaurants, recreation centers, airports and railway stations, you can focus on establishments intended for adults. These are fitness centers, beauty salons, bowling clubs, etc. By organizing a game room on their territory, the user will automatically help increase the influx of customers. Considering that the arrangement of children's rooms is in the interests of building owners, they can provide significant discounts and preferences.
  3. Location in the building. Here the requirements should be taken into account fire safety. By law, child care facilities must be located near the entrance. It is advisable that the playroom be on the ground floor, and there is a toilet directly next to it.
  4. Room area. The minimum limit of free space per person is approximately 2 square meters. m. Therefore, if the playroom is designed to accommodate 10 children at the same time, they need an area of ​​20 square meters. Considering the fact that it will be necessary to arrange separate place for employees, a place for sanitary purposes, a room for storing personal belongings and an administrator’s office, the required room size will increase to 50-60 square meters.
  5. Particular attention should be paid to the requirements for the premises for arranging a children's playroom. The room should be spacious and have good ventilation. The room must receive sunlight. When decorating, it is better to use bright and colorful ornaments and drawings. This will attract the attention of children. The game room should functionally consist of at least 2 zones - for calm educational games, for active pastime. It is also recommended to set up a separate area for holding various events and parties.

Step-by-step instructions for opening a children's playroom

Step 2 – select the OKVED code. As practice has shown, the best code will be 92.7 (organization of recreation and entertainment).

Step 3 – registration in the Pension Fund, as well as in other funds, in particular extra-budgetary ones.

Step 4 – purchase a cash register, which can be replaced with strict reporting forms. In any case, they will need to be registered with the tax authority.

Step 5 – equipping the premises in accordance with the requirements and standards of Rospotreb and Gospozhnadzor.

Expert opinion

Roman Efremov

Work experience: 5 years. Specialization: all areas of jurisprudence.

Step 6. Hiring staff, issuing medical records for workers.Step 7. Focusing on the key provisions of the Federal Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, it is necessary to set up an information stand. It will indicate the name of the company, its details, work schedule, price list and list of services provided to consumers.

Equipment for children's playroom

A small children's playroom will require the purchase of one labyrinth with an area of ​​15 to 20 square meters.

Its cost will be approximately 180-200 thousand rubles. For an employee it is necessary to purchase one table and one chair, which will require about 10 thousand rubles. Lockers will also be needed, one section of which costs approximately 800 rubles. This is the minimum equipment for a children's playroom, which can always be supplemented if desired.

It is impossible to imagine a children's playroom without a labyrinth. - This is a spatial design, which is more practical to order. In this case, it will take approximately one month to make the labyrinth. Often the finished labyrinth can be seen at sales. In this case, do not hesitate to purchase a labyrinth, since there may not be another chance. The variation in the size of the labyrinths is 10-100 square meters. The configuration of the labyrinth can be represented by a slide, a soft module, a passage, an obstacle, a shaft, a dry pool, and so on.

Entrust the preparation of a design project and its implementation to one company. The labyrinths are designed for children aged 3-12 years. A free-standing trampoline would be a good idea. It can be purchased for 70-90 thousand rubles.

If the children's room is also aimed at children aged 1.5 to 4.5 years, then in a separate corner you need to place soft stuffed toys, a construction set, tables on which children could draw, dry pools (fill them with balls) .

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The main quality that the workers you hire must have is their ability to work with children. In this business, the employee must be responsible. In addition to the fact that employees work with children, they also monitor the safety of play structures, ensure order in the children's playroom, and so on. Students of pedagogical universities cope well with the role of an employee. A good option is retirees who were previously engaged in teaching. The workforce must be represented by two employees, which will allow them to work in shifts.

Organizational aspects

1. The opening hours of children's playrooms are usually 9:00-21:00. On weekdays, for one hour of using the services of a children's room (in the case of 1 child), parents pay from 100 to 120 rubles, and on weekends and holidays - from 150 to 180 rubles. If the child’s age is less than 3 years, then his parents do not pay for their stay in the children’s playroom, in other cases, that is, when the child’s age is more than 3 years, then the parent pays from 20 to 30 rubles for himself.

2. The maximum duration of stay for 1 child is 4 hours and no more. In this regard, it would be a good idea to post the rules regarding the schedule for visiting the establishment and the requirements for picking up children.

3. An employee of a children's playroom should accept a child only if the parent has a passport, which he must present. Information about what time the child was admitted is recorded in the visit log or in a regular notebook.

4. Children's playroom workers should not accept sick children, as they can cause other children to become sick. In this regard, everything must be strict.

5. On weekdays, the services of the children's playroom are in greatest demand from 16:00 to 21:00, since it is at this time that parents go for various purchases and so on. To increase traffic in the first half of the day, you can resort to such tricks as offering discounts. It is also rational to offer discounts to regular visitors.

6. Remember seasonality. The greatest demand for children's playroom services is typical for the period October-April. This is due to the fact that weather Children are not allowed on open playgrounds. Expect a decrease in demand summer period.

7. In order to further develop the center and increase income, it will be necessary to organize festive events. For this purpose, various competitions and creative clubs will also be useful. You can set up a children's cafeteria or open a playroom based on it.

Children's rooms are appearing in many large hypermarkets and shopping and entertainment centers. playgrounds, and they are in great demand. Parents are happy to leave their children there to calmly walk around the store, and children are no less happy to stay among the new bright toys in the company of a friendly teacher and other children. Goodbye, whims, fatigue and spoiled mood!

At the same time, parents are willing to pay for the opportunity to make purchases or sit in a cafe without hassle. And if you are already thinking about how to open a children’s playroom, the main thing is to find a suitable shopping center where children’s leisure is not yet organized in any way.

Starting a business

If the most important condition is met - you managed to find a shopping center or other busy place with a lot of people and shops, salons, entertainment venues, etc., we can assume that the foundation for a successful business has been laid. IN small towns, where the children's entertainment industry is not very developed, the services of such a room will be enjoyed not only by visitors to the selected shopping center, but also by residents of nearby houses: leave the child for a couple of hours, knowing that he will have a great time, and calmly go to the same hairdresser - a dream for many young mothers.

A license for this type of activity is not required, and you will not have to obtain permits from the fire service or Rospotrebnadzor. However, when preparing a room to receive small clients, you need to make sure that it matches sanitary standards, adopted for preschool institutions.

There are also no special requirements for the education and work experience of educators. As you can see, opening a game room is not so difficult. However, there are some nuances here that you need to know about in order for the enterprise to be profitable. Let's look at them in order.

How to choose and equip a room for a children's room

Successfully placing a room inside a shopping center is no less important than choosing the right shopping center itself. Usually such sites open next to cafes.

Good lighting, ventilation, absence of drafts - all this is absolutely necessary. There should be a toilet not far from the room.

Required condition - high ceilings, because you will need to place gaming equipment (you can order gaming equipment, for example,). It is better to make the walls of the room transparent: parents will be calmer if they can watch their children, and cheerful frolicking children are the best “living advertisement” for this establishment.

The minimum permissible area for a children's playroom is 30 square meters. meters. Most often, it is possible to agree with the owners of the center on preferential rental prices: as already mentioned, this is also beneficial for them.

Colorful toys

Of course, for such a room there is nothing more important than equipment and toys - little visitors should remain there with joy and delight, and for quite a long time.

So neither a labyrinth, nor a pool with balls, nor a swing, nor a trampoline will be superfluous - outdoor games can captivate children for a long time. No less important is the opportunity to change the type of activity, switch to quiet games, so tables with coloring books, pencils, plasticine, board games are also needed.

You will also need convenient lockers for children's things, where you can leave outerwear and shoes. If the space allows, you can install chairs or a sofa for parents.

The main requirement for toys and equipment is, of course, safety. You need to purchase it only from trusted suppliers. Everything must be made from environmentally friendly materials and comply with GOST.

Game room staff

When recruiting employees for a children's playroom, it is not at all necessary to require them to have a diploma in pedagogical education. Both a pensioner and a student can be hired for this job if they know how to handle children and are responsible enough. But teachers will have to issue health certificates - this is a mandatory condition.

The work responsibilities of a nursery teacher include:

  • maintain order in the room;
  • monitor the serviceability of gaming equipment;
  • organize leisure time for children - engage in modeling, drawing, games with them, read books to them
  • continuously supervise children and ensure their safety.

Consumer corner and important rules

There should be a consumer corner in the game room where the following information should be placed:

  • company name and operating hours;
  • organization details;
  • price-list;
  • information about employees who look after children;
  • list of services and rules for their provision.

The rules should be discussed in more detail. They need to be developed taking into account all the details and specifics of the organization and placed in a visible place so that each parent can easily familiarize themselves with them.

For example, according to sanitary standards, preschool children can stay in the playroom for no more than four hours if meals and sleep are not provided there. This must be included in the rules, and parents must know no later than what time they need to pick up their child. To avoid disagreements, the time the child arrives at the playground must be recorded in a special journal.

It is equally important to ensure that children coming to the playroom are healthy. So if parents want to leave a child with obvious signs of illness (runny nose, cough, rashes), the teacher not only can, but must refuse this: the organization is responsible for the health of the children. Since there are no medical workers on the playground and it is not possible to examine the child, such a refusal is legal and does not violate consumer rights.

Another important point that should be included in the rules: if a child disrupts order or behaves aggressively, parents must immediately pick up the child at the request of the teachers.

Expenses and income

How much it will cost to open a game room and how quickly it will pay off primarily depends on the size of the room. On small area(30 sq. meters) you can install a labyrinth costing 200–230 thousand rubles, the capacity of such a site will be 15–20 people. Taking into account monthly expenses (rent, room maintenance, employee salaries) of about 50-60 thousand rubles, the enterprise can pay for itself in approximately six months to a year.

If the area of ​​the room is twice as large, you can install attractions and play equipment for children of different ages. According to sanitary standards, there should be at least 1 square meter per child. meters of area, so that 50–60 children can be on such a playground at the same time. Of course, in this case more teachers will be needed.

The cost of equipping a large playground will be from 1 to 1.2 million, however, the income in this case will be greater, and therefore such a playroom will pay for itself in approximately the same time as a small one.

To increase attendance, you can reduce the minimum time a child spends in a group to an hour or even half an hour. During hours of low demand (for example, in the mornings), discounts can be provided, and on weekends and holidays, children’s stay in the playroom, on the contrary, can be made more expensive. As a rule, prices for the service range from 100 to 200 rubles per hour.

You can offer subscriptions to visit the playroom (for many parents this option will be a more convenient option), and if the room is large enough, then hold children's parties.

In order for the business to be profitable, when drawing up a business plan for a children's playroom, it is necessary to study the market conditions in advance: due to the great demand for these services, many shopping centers, cinemas, and cafes already have playrooms.

Modern children's development center - entertainment for children and fashion trend among advanced parents. Almost every shopping center has children's rooms, which are always in demand. Active mothers on maternity leave, looking for additional income, are wondering: is it difficult to open a children's development center from scratch and how to do it?

How much money will it take to open?

How much does it cost to open a children's center (approximate estimate at the initial stage and monthly expenses).

Name Sum
Initial costs
Renting premises 100.000rub
Utility payments 15.000rub
Layout of the premises to suit the needs of the development center 15.000rub
Preparation and execution of documentation 23.000rub
Children's furniture (per 15 people) RUR 50,000
Bedding (if you plan to take children for the day) 15.000rub
Educational toys, manuals, books RUB 30,000
Payment for communication and intercom services 4.000rub
Household kitchen appliances 60.000rub
Payment for advertising the center 15.000rub
Total: RUR 327,000
Monthly expenses
Rent 100.000rub
Salary 60.000rub
Organization of holidays and birthdays 5.000rub
Electricity, water, garbage removal, heating 5.000rub
Stationery 5.000rub
Food RUR 50,000
Household chemicals 20.000rub
Total: RUB 245,000

Initial expenses will be at least 327,000 rubles, and monthly expenses for running the store will be 245,000 rubles

Reference! You can make an estimate of the necessary purchases and investments yourself or with the help of economists.

How much can you earn?

Having calculated the costs, the future owner asks the question: is it profitable to open a children's development center and when will the income from the project appear? Let's do the math.

Each lesson costs 250-300 rubles (1.5-2 hours);
mothers are ready to bring their children 2-3 times a week;

Profit per day— 4.500r
In Week- 13.500r
Per month- 54.000r
In year- 648.000r

Consequently, within a year you can fully return the money spent on opening. However, one group is not enough to make a profit. It is necessary to recruit several groups and work daily. A good income will come from opening a private kindergarten with an hourly rate.

Choosing an establishment format

It will not be possible to draw up a business plan for opening a children's development center without defining the format. Mothers who rely on your child's development in your institution will carefully study how it works.

To ensure that parents’ questions are not left without clear answers, several points should be considered:

  • What age will children be accepted and will there be a gradation by age groups?
  • What will be emphasized during the classes (physical education, art and music skills, writing, etc.)
  • What methods will be used for the development of children of primary and preschool age
  • Length of stay
  • Work with specialized specialists (psychologist, speech therapist)
  • Possibility of personal lessons

The main thing when starting a business is to determine a niche. Think about what will be more profitable for you: a regular playroom where parents will bring their children to have fun, or a full-fledged development center where kids will learn new skills and abilities.

Business registration

How to open a children's center from scratch step by step:

  • Register the form of ownership. If you are designing The educational center, the best option is LLC. You will need to obtain an educational license, without which it is impossible to hire teachers. If you do not need teaching staff, it is enough to register an individual entrepreneur without licensing.
  • Select the type of activity according to OKEVD. 85.32 - day care for children. 92.51 - cultural institution. 93.05 - provision of personal and social services.
  • Determine the taxation system.

Attention! Don't rush to get a license if you have a pedagogical education! Organize the work of the children's center on your own, and after reaching income you will receive educational license to expand the staff and the list of services provided.

Required documents

List of basic documents required to open a children's development center:

  • Lease agreement or certificate confirming the presence of work premises in the property;
  • Conclusion of the SES on compliance with sanitary standards;
  • Fire service permit;
  • Certificate of registration of activity;
  • Curriculum, expected results;
  • List of training manuals and textbooks;
  • Information about the teaching staff;
  • Constituent document (for LLC).

The package of documents should be submitted to the district Education Committee.


How to open a children's development center without attracting the attention of Rospotrebnadzor:

  • Choice the right room. You cannot work in a basement without a fire exit. The ceiling height must be at least 3 m.
  • Interior decoration and layout. It is important to make a separate place for clothes, a play/study area and a toilet. The covering of walls and ceilings should be odorless. Flooring smooth, not slippery. Install electrical components out of the reach of children.
  • Toys and educational equipment must be certified. Keep all certificates in the center.

If you plan to open an entertainment club, it is better to choose premises on thoroughfares and near large shopping complexes. For educational institution sleeping areas are suitable so that parents can comfortably transport their children to regular classes.

What kind of staff should you hire?

To open a children's development center for a group of 15 children, you will need to hire specialists:

  • Two people with higher pedagogical education to teach and raise children younger age(engaged in educational and educational work, exercise control over children, hold holidays and organize outdoor events, maintain contact with parents);
  • Assistant teacher (engaged in economic activities);
  • Health worker (maintains children’s cards, provides first aid);
  • Employee for food preparation.

Advice! Try to hire energetic, experienced staff so that parents can see the high-quality work of specialists. However, it is worth understanding that the wages of such workers must be decent!

Attracting clients

At the stage of opening a children's development center, it is recommended to include the article “Attracting clients” in the business plan.

If funds allow, you can advertise on local television, radio and print media.

Business development options

It is more expedient to open a children's development center with an educational focus in a densely populated area, perhaps with new buildings, where there are many young families with small children. These are your potential clients. As the institution develops, attendance will increase; perhaps, on the advice of people, children from neighboring neighborhoods will begin to visit the center.

In such a situation, especially in areas with underdeveloped infrastructure, a large number of the clients of the development center will attract other businessmen. IN walking distance you can open toy and stationery stores, small retail outlets with children's clothing, inflatable balloons, and grocery minimarkets.

If you get your bearings in time, you can open a third-party business on your own, which will generate additional income. Not only visitors to the development center, but also residents of the neighborhood will visit the shops.

Children's development center franchises

Opening a children's development center as a franchise means starting your own business with minimal investment and a complete package of documents. A franchise will give you the right to use the brand and all the developments of the franchisor. In addition, franchise sellers are interested in the profitability of the new project and provide all possible legal and financial support to the franchisees.

People with a total family income of up to 80 thousand rubles per month make up the majority of the Russian population. Development centers offering franchising are aimed at working with middle-income clients.

Franchise "Clever Girl"

The attractiveness of this type of business is due to several objective reasons: while visiting a shopping center, it will be convenient for parents to leave their kids under supervision while they calmly continue shopping. The second reason is the basic shortage of preschool institutions in the country. At the moment, the idea of ​​opening a children's playroom is relevant even when the right approach will become very profitable for the entrepreneur.

Market analysis and competitiveness

A well-written business plan will help make this business effective and not waste money. Opening a children's playground cannot be called a highly profitable business: it will not pay off in a couple of months, but it will become an excellent business for the future. In addition, such an enterprise is stable, because the outflow of visitors is possible only in the summer, when children and their parents spend time in the fresh air.

So, it is important to clarify the following aspects:

  1. Appropriate place. This is especially important for entrepreneurs living in a small town. It is necessary to select a site with the largest number potential consumers of this entertainment.
  2. Age group. Clearly decide on the least developed segment and focus on it. This will significantly reduce the influence of competitors on your Entertainment Center.
  3. Availability of other game rooms nearby. Perfect option- this is their absence in the area. If such rooms exist, then you need to visit them. Goal: to find out the marketing component, pricing policy, as well as the competitor's target audience.

Important! You can get more information about other sites by visiting one of them and asking its employees. This will make it possible to determine the popularity of the center, its workload (how long the child stays there) and various shortcomings in organizational matters.

It is recommended to use the experience of word of mouth. All you need to do is place your ad in social network with reference to the locality and monitor the number of received reviews. There are calls and responses to advertising - the business is relevant. Otherwise, the market is already oversaturated with such proposals, and the project will not pay off.

Cost-effectiveness of a children's entertainment room

Before opening such an enterprise, you should draw up a business plan for a playroom for children with calculations: start-up capital, possible risks and likely future profits. As an example, we can take an entertainment room with an area of ​​30 m2, which can accommodate about 20 children. Setting up such an entertainment center will require about 300 thousand rubles. Costs include:

  • purchase of equipment - 180–200 thousand rubles;
  • wages to employees - from 50 thousand;
  • rent - 30–40 thousand;
  • opening an individual entrepreneur or registering a company - from 15 thousand.

Proper planning and good location of such a room will play a key role in business development. Preference should be given to places with large crowds of people: a shopping center, a cinema, a hypermarket, as well as various institutions. In some cases, even a residential area can be successful in terms of location and bring significant profit. For example, if there are no similar entertainments in the area.

Registration of activities

Unlike a kindergarten or development center, an entrepreneur will not need approval from government agencies and obtaining a special license. This type of activity can be legalized in the following way:

  1. Register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. The first one is more profitable in this regard: less tax and easier process registration.
  2. Get the OKVED code. In this case, “Other activities for organizing recreation and entertainment” under No. 92.7 is suitable.
  3. Register with extra-budgetary funds, including PF.
  4. Equip the premises in accordance with the requirements of Gospozhnadzor and Rospotrebnadzor.
  5. Buy a cash register or use a strict reporting form.

The same rule applies to opening a children's cafe with a playroom, for example. However, then additional documents will be required. There are no official requirements for the conditions for organizing such rooms, and supervisory authorities will be guided by standard regulatory documents. There are a few important rules regarding the creation of children's playrooms:

  • the site must have lighting and ventilation;
  • the room should be wet cleaned regularly;
  • employees are required to have medical records;
  • There should be no children with symptoms of acute respiratory infections, ARVI, etc. on the territory of the complex.

A fully completed and functioning entertainment center will bring a good profit to its owner. The main thing is to draw up a business plan, complete the documentation required by law, and have start-up capital. A well-designed project will allow you to successfully develop a business in the children's entertainment industry. You can take a competitive platform that has a good return on activity as an example.

Equipment purchase

It is important to properly organize the purchase of components for the operation of an entertaining children's room. The installation process of standard complexes can take about a week or two. If we are talking about individual project from scratch - about a month. The target audience is children, which means the equipment must be safe. The best option is a professional manufacturing company. It is not recommended to save money by buying handicraft samples. It is better to choose a manufacturer based on the following criteria:

  1. Availability of all certificates for manufactured products.
  2. Website of the manufacturer's store with a catalog of offered copies.
  3. Reputation of the manufacturing company in this market segment.

Advice! For greater safety, as well as to monitor the work of staff and the behavior of visitors, it is recommended to equip children's entertainment areas with video surveillance systems.

Choosing the right place

Location is one of the most important points, therefore, when developing a business plan for a children's playroom, this must be taken into account. The profitability of this business will depend on the correct location chosen. It is recommended to pay attention to 2 options:

  1. Shopping mall. Everything is simple here: a large flow of people in a short period of time. Parents will be happy to leave their children to have fun while continuing their journey in peace. shopping center. The owners of the shopping center understand this very well and provide free space to entrepreneurs who want to open a playroom for children. Rent can be discussed on individual terms. Usually this is 10-20% of the playground's profit.
  2. Sleeping area of ​​the city. A densely populated microdistrict in a metropolis with all its traffic jams and traffic is extremely inconvenient for residents who want to leave their children in the shopping center while shopping. Playground open next to residential building, school or kindergarten, will be a good decision for individual entrepreneurs.
  1. Room area not less than 30 square meters. This will accommodate about 20 children at once.
  2. The room should be spacious, bright, with cosmetic repairs and ventilation system.
  3. In shopping centers, children's playgrounds should be located at the entrance. This will immediately attract the attention of parents and make them want to leave their child there.
  4. In a residential area the best option will become the first floor of the house.
  5. It is better if there are toilets next to the rooms.

When choosing a room to rent, you should be guided by your own financial capabilities. The larger the area, the higher the payment. If the starting capital is small, it is better to start with an area of ​​20–30 square meters.

Benefits of a children's playroom

When drawing up a business project on an entertainment theme, you need to take into account the main factors described above. This will help you save money and avoid many mistakes at the initial stage of opening. The advantages of such a business include:

  1. Stability and payback. This type activities work for the future. The demand for entertainment rooms remains strong and growing. This is due to growing employment among the population, especially in megacities.
  2. Fast start. Promotion does not require significant financial investments. The purchase and installation of equipment for sites can be entrusted to professional companies.
  3. Lack of paperwork. To open such a center, you do not need to have special permission, as well as licenses to operate. It is enough to register yourself as an individual entrepreneur or LLC.
  4. Significant demand. Many parents will only be happy with such a service. It's completely inexpensive and safe. Good alternative nanny or kindergarten.

To summarize, it can be noted: to run a business in children's entertainment rooms, it is enough to conduct a market analysis. You cannot do without a well-thought-out business plan that will indicate the necessary financial investments, as well as all kinds of risks. A successful choice of premises will have a positive impact on the profitability of the business, and high-quality advertising campaign will speed up the promotion process. All that remains is to purchase equipment and hire efficient staff.


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