Replanting home flowers according to the lunar calendar. Favorable days for replanting indoor plants and flowers

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Flowers need to be cared for certain time, which is described in a special calendar for gardeners. Favorable periods for changing soil, watering and fertilizers can be found in the calendar and follow its advice. On such days, flowers tolerate changing soil normally and begin to grow actively.

In the case when the soil is indoor flowers became raised, the leaves began to wither and the flowering disappeared, the plant urgently needs to be transplanted into another pot. Check to see if soil change is necessary.

When replanting, you should choose a pot 4 cm larger than the previous one. If the plant is sick, it is recommended to leave the dimensions of the flowerpot at the same level. To carefully remove the flower, water it in advance and carefully remove it along with the soil. Important to use good drainage 1 cm high, for large pots 5 cm. Soil should be poured onto the drainage in a mound, and then the plant should be placed.

After the procedures have been carried out, you cannot place the flower in the sun and fertilize it. It is important to take into account the time of year and replant during the absence of flowering. The suitable period for transplantation is the following months:

  • from March to April
  • from September to October

Each plant has individual characteristics, growth and flowering can occur at different time intervals, it is important to pay attention to this.

While the process of sap flow to the leaves and stem of flowers is underway, this good period to change the soil. When a suitable period for caring for plants passes, the turgor in their root system decreases and the cells become dehydrated and less susceptible to breakage, because of this, transplantation has the least effect on them negative impact and settling in new soil gets faster.

Most experts advise changing the soil of flowers at a certain time: in spring - in March and May, in summer - in July and August, all autumn period, in winter - in December.

This advice is based on 15 years of research. On such dates, flowers tolerate a change in habitat well and easily respond to negative influences. It is recommended to follow flower care guidelines to transform your home with healthy and attractive houseplants.

In such a calendar there will be answers to questions about loosening, watering and other care, when it is not recommended to change the vegetation’s habitat or even care for it. Researchers create a lunar calendar to make the process of caring for vegetation easier.

It is prohibited to carry out any actions with plants

The presented calendar is easy to use and compiled according to lunar phases. On the listed dates, the flower will easily get used to the new pot and atmosphere, and flowering will actively occur. The numbers that are described in the calendar are optimal for caring for flowers.

The calendar compiled for 2017 will become an assistant in caring for indoor plants and will tell you the optimal periods for changing the soil, as well as the time when you should not manipulate vegetation. When making a transfer indoor plants there is a high risk of damaging them. Damage to the roots, tearing off of leaves or breakage of the stem are classified as stressful situations, to reduce it, we advise you to rely on the readings of the lunar calendar.

An important factor influencing the optimal time for growing flowers is the state of the Moon. While in the growth phase, the stem becomes taller, and the juice in it nourishes it.

When the Moon is in the full moon phase, flowers should not change their habitat. During this period, the root system receives nutrients. There is no need to work with the earth during an eclipse, the process of revival of all living things is underway, nature rests and gains strength for further growth. Astrologers take these periods into account when creating the lunar calendar.

The zodiac sign in which the Moon is located is also important when planning a flower transplant. The following signs are considered good:

It is not recommended to work with the earth during periods of the Moon in the sign of Aquarius and Leo. The remaining signs do not actively influence flowers. The moon influences water; the various ebbs and flows of the seas are associated with the position of the satellite of our planet. Nature is influenced by the Moon; the process of vegetation growth directly depends on the phases.

Sometimes after a transplant, according to all the rules, the effect does not turn out as expected, because it is important to remember the negative factors influencing the work done.

The plants that live in our home are also influenced by lunar rhythms, like all plants that grow in open ground. If they live at your home indoor flowers, you already know from your own experience which of them take root best in your apartment, what care they require and how they behave, but if you feel that something is wrong with your plants, try caring for them in accordance with the lunar rhythms .

If you are a beginner florist, you will undoubtedly find our advice useful, following which you you can boast of a beautiful garden on your windowsill.

Indoor plants are not only pleasing to the eye and are the pride of any housewife. They bring a lot of benefits ventilating air indoors and even getting rid of harmful effects electrical appliances.

In the bedroom, for example, it is not recommended to place flowering plants. More suitable for this room leafy plants, For example, chlorophytum or Helxina, which will improve the microclimate and reduce harmful radiation. Suitable for living room beautiful flowering plants, For example, hippeastrum or orchid that you can show off to your guests.

It is important, of course, not to forget about the lighting capabilities of your apartment. For example, if your living room is very dark, flowers that love light will be in it. will not take root without additional lighting. Therefore, if you do not want to install additional lamps, it is better for you to place plants in such rooms that don't like light, for example, such as ferns, abelia chinensis, anthurium, begonias, aglaonema, poinsettia, myrtle, spotted dieffenbachia, alocasia and others.

Lunar calendar for replanting indoor plants

Luna's tips: New plants should be planted or old plants should be replanted on the days when the Moon enters Virgo sign with waxing moon. Also on these days you can tear off shoots from plants for planting. This propagation of indoor flowers is very common, but not all shoots should be planted in the ground immediately. Some of them need to be in water for the shoot to take root.

The cuttings of the plant should not bloom, but should look healthy and full of energy. Sometimes a single sheet is enough. Plants such as gloxinia, violet, begonia, tradescantia, ivy, balsam, are easily propagated by leaves that are first placed in water. Chlorophytum propagated by “babies” that appear on the plant after flowering. This baby takes root even without pre-soaking.

Cacti and others succulents can also be propagated using cuttings, however, to prevent the plant from rotting, the torn cuttings should be dried for a couple of days.

Another way to propagate plants is bush division. In this way you can propagate plants such as cyperus, asparagus, spathiphyllum, pogonaterum. This method will allow you to immediately get several already mature plant bushes. The procedure for dividing the bush should also be done in Virgo days on the waxing moon so that the plants quickly take root and grow well.

Successful days for planting and replanting plants this summer: June 14-16, July 12-14, August 8-10, 2013

Lunar calendar for watering indoor plants

Luna's tips: It is best to water indoor plants in days of water when the Moon is in the following signs Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. Thus, about 7-9 days pass between waterings.

There are plants that require more frequent watering, so water them on other days, but it's best to avoid days of Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius). These days, plants do not absorb nutrients well; water can stagnate in the pot and lead to rotting. It should also be remembered that plants should be watered frequently in summer and less often in winter. cacti For example, in winter you can generally water once a month, or even less often.

IN Fire days (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) Water the flowers carefully early in the morning (in winter and autumn) and in the evening after sunset (in summer and spring) so that the scorching sun does not lead to burns. The same applies to spraying flowers.

You need to spray flowers if the air in the room is very dry. Many modern indoor flowers came to us from the tropics, where air humidity is very high, so they may wither away in a room with dry air. Some flowers require moisture so much that they need to place a tray with wet expanded clay under the pot.

Flowers such as: cacti, succulents, orchids, arrowroot, ivy, tradescantia, ferns.

Plants such as: violet, begonia, cyclamen.

Plants should be watered until they have settled for several days. tap water , although some gardeners recommend watering flowers such as orchids, boiled water. IN tap water Bleach is added to clean it, which has a detrimental effect on the flowers. To allow the chlorine to evaporate, it is enough to leave the water in an open container. 12-14 hours.

If the plant is watered from above, water it at the edges of the pot, so as not to expose the roots. If leafy plant There is a funnel made of leaves, you should pour a little water into the center of the funnel. If the plant is watered from below, like a violet, gloxinia or orchid, then the water should be poured into a tray or immerse the pot in water for 30-60 minutes if the plants are severely dehydrated. If there is still water in the tray a couple of hours after watering, it should be drained.

What to do, if you are going on vacation, and there is no one to water the flowers in your absence? For example, to prevent flowers from drying out if you are forced to leave, use bucket of water and bandages. A bucket of water is placed in the middle of the room, and flower pots are placed around it. Then the bandages are cut long enough to reach from the bottom of the bucket to the pot. One end of the bandage is dipped into the water, the other is stuck into the ground. This method allows protect the soil from drying out.

If your flowers do wilt a little after your arrival, they will usually come back to life quickly if you start them up again water correctly on Water or Earth days. If you are going to leave again, it is better to find someone who can come to your home and water your flowers. Create a watering schedule based on the lunar calendar and give it to the person who will take care of your plants. Also prepare in advance settled water for irrigation and spraying.

Once a month in days of water plants can be bathed and washed. Plants that stand indoors become covered with dust, which clogs their pores, preventing them from breathing normally. Moreover, the sight of dusty plants will not decorate your home, even if the plants are more or less healthy.

Good days to water plants this summer: June 9-11, June 19-21, June 27-29, July 7-9, July 16-18, July 25-26, August 3-5, August 13-14, August 21-23, August 30-31, 2013

Bad days for watering plants this summer: June 7-8, June 17-18, June 25-26, July 4-6, July 14-15, July 22-24, August 1-2, August 10-12, August 19-20, August 28-29, 2013

Lunar calendar of plants: how to fertilize indoor plants?

All gardeners advise fertilizing indoor plants, since plants in cramped pots do not have the opportunity to receive essential minerals and vitamins, which they receive during natural growth in the ground. Fertilizers help prolong flowering and strengthen the plant’s immunity.

For some types of indoor flowers, for example, cacti or orchids, there are separate fertilizers, which are not recommended for use for other types of flowers. Eat universal fertilizers , which will suit almost all foliage plants in the house.

Typically, such fertilizers contain nitrogen, phosphorus And potassium. Nitrogen avoids the fragility of leaves and stems; phosphorus has a positive effect on flowering and helps the root system grow; Potassium supports the immune system, provides resistance to various diseases and unpleasant environmental influences. Plants also require microelements such as iron, copper, zinc, manganese, molybdenum.

If you buy ready-made fertilizers for flowers, pay attention to dosage and frequency of their use. Usually these fertilizers are quite concentrated and diluted in large quantities water.

Another important point These are contraindications when feeding plants. Typically fertilizers are used in spring and summer, during growth. In winter, when the flower is usually dormant, it is better not to fertilize it. If the plant is sick, you should not stuff it with fertilizers. Try to feed only healthy plants . You cannot make a very concentrated fertilizer solution so as not to harm the plant.

Luna's tips: Indoor plants should be fertilized on the waning Moon and better in Water days (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). This can be done simultaneously with watering, dissolving fertilizers in correct proportions in water. If the survival rate of plants is poor, they can be fertilized days of Capricorn and Taurus.

Good days to fertilize plants this summer: June 27-29, July 25-26, August 3-5, August 21-23, August 30-31, 2013

Days of Capricorn and Taurus (waning moon): June 4-6, June 23-24, July 2-4, July 29-31, August 26-27, 2013

It is usually recommended to replant indoor plants in early spring when they begin to awaken from hibernation. Emerging sprouts or buds can serve as evidence of a flower’s readiness to leave its “home” place. Under no circumstances should you replant a plant at rest or at the moment of flowering.

However, some representatives of the plant world are not particularly sensitive to seasonal changes. If your pet is happy with the inflorescences all year round, you can change his “apartment” soon after he has finished blooming.

Whether a flower needs replanting can be determined by the following signs: it has stopped growing; leaves and flowers have become noticeably smaller than before; the plant withers and turns yellow for no apparent reason.

But there is more reliable way understand whether it is time to change the substrate and increase the size of the dishes. Gently cover the soil with your palm, passing the stem between your fingers, and turn the pot over (do not do this immediately after watering; wait until the soil dries and spread a newspaper on the floor). If the lump of earth does not come out of the pot, lightly tap it on the corner of the table. When examining a large specimen, move the soil away from the edges of the container with a wide knife or a special spatula.

Your task is to examine root system. If it has grown so much that it fills the entire space, it’s time to increase the size of the pot. It is worth replanting the plant even if you notice darkened and softened roots. The affected areas should be removed, and the cut areas should be sprinkled with charcoal.

What time of day is it best to replant indoor plants?

It is believed that the best time of day for replanting flowers is from 16.00 to 20.00. It is not recommended to replant flowers in the early morning (when they have not yet woken up) or at noon (when the phase of greatest activity begins). According to the lunar calendar, the first days after the new moon are chosen for transplantation. To determine the specific day of replanting, you can use the lunar calendar for gardeners.

The lunar calendar for indoor plants and flowers for 2019 will help determine the most favorable days for planting and replanting plants.

During various manipulations with home flowers, they are easily damaged. Broken roots, scratched cuticles, broken stems or torn leaves are all stress for the plant, which can be reduced by following the recommendations of the lunar calendar.

The influence of the Moon on the planetary movement of water has long been known; sea ebbs and flows are determined by the position of the Earth's satellite. Living organisms are also susceptible lunar influences. In plants, the preferential direction of sap flow depends on its phases.

The dates indicated in the lunar calendar as suitable for transplanting and planting plants fall during the period of movement of juices to the upper parts of the flower - stems and leaves. At this time, turgor in the root system decreases, the cells become slightly dehydrated and become less brittle. Thanks to this, they tolerate replanting more easily and take root in the new soil faster.

The migration of water into the leaves occurs during the waxing of the moon. On the waning moon, the roots are filled with moisture and should not be disturbed.

By checking the lunar calendar before starting work in your home or office greenhouse, it will be easier to grow healthy and blooming indoor garden.

The exception is when the plant requires an emergency transplant: pests have appeared, the pot has broken or the stem has broken. Then he needs to be rescued urgently, there’s no timetable.

Transplanting plants that have bloomed is undesirable even on favorable days of the lunar calendar. After this, the plant may become sick for a long time and it will take a lot of effort to cure it.

It is convenient to check the detailed calendar, which indicates favorable and unfavorable favorable numbers every month so that your indoor garden will delight you with a riot of greenery and fragrant flowers.

Lunar calendar for indoor plants and flowers for 2019

Favorable days planting and replanting plants Unfavorable days for planting and replanting plants Prohibited days for any manipulations with plants
January 1-3, 10-11, 15-20, 24, 28-29 5, 7-9, 22 6, 21
February 1, 6-8, 12-17, 21, 25, 27-28 3-4, 11, 18, 20 5, 19
March 7, 10-12, 14-16, 19-20, 23, 27-29 3-5, 13, 17-18, 22, 30-31 6, 21
April 2-3, 7-11, 16-20, 24-26, 29-30 1, 4, 12-15, 21, 27-28 5
May 1, 6-10, 13-18, 21-23, 27-28, 31 4, 11-12, 20, 24-25 5, 19
June 4-6, 9-10, 12-18, 24, 28-29 2, 7-8, 11, 19, 20-22 3
July 3, 6-9, 11-14, 21, 25-26, 30 4-5, 10, 16, 18-19, 31 2, 17
August 3-8, 10-12, 16, 18, 21-22, 27, 31 2, 14, 17, 28-29 1, 15, 30
September 1-6, 8-9, 13-14, 18-19, 22-24, 29-30 7, 10-12, 15, 25-26 28
October 1-5, 10-11, 15-17, 21, 29-31 6-9, 22-23, 27 28
November 1-3, 6-8, 11-12, 27-30 13, 17, 20 4-5, 18-19, 25 26
December 3-5, 8-13, 17, 19, 23, 27, 31 1-2, 15-16, 25, 28-30 26

* days that are not in the table do not affect plants or manipulations with them in any way.

In the annual lunar calendar indoor gardener the dates indicated are suitable for major changes in the life of the plant - replanting or planting rooted cuttings.

On unfavorable days, less radical procedures are performed - loosening, fertilizing, watering, and pest control. Special attention should be given to dates when it is better not to touch flowers at all. Any care on such a day will not be beneficial.

Favorable days for indoor plants and flowers in January

Each gardener adheres to certain principles when caring for indoor plants and flowers. Some people find valuable tips and advice from experts on the pages of specialized publications, some reproduce the experiences of friends and acquaintances, and many prefer to listen to the opinions of astrologers about the influence of the moon on their silent pets.

Favorable days for indoor plants and flowers in February

Sunny days and lunar eclipses, even partial ones, are the most unsuitable for plant replanting. They are very vulnerable during this period, and even minor injuries are likely to result in death.

Favorable days for indoor plants and flowers in March

House flowers need regular replanting. There are several reasons:

  • The root system “grows” out of the previous flowerpot and the ground rises, making watering difficult.
  • The accumulation of hardness salts in the soil from irrigation water, which makes it difficult for the plant to feed.
  • Depletion of the soil, decomposition of its organic component, which makes fertilizing less effective.
  • Compaction of the soil, leading to oxygen starvation of the roots.

April warming and an increase in daylight hours are favorable for resuming work with house plants.

Favorable days for indoor plants and flowers in April

In late spring, active circulation of juices in indoor plants resumes, metabolism (respiration and photosynthesis) accelerates, and intensive growth of greenery begins.

This good time for relocating green pets to new places, rejuvenating bushes that have grown and lost their decorative properties.

To shorten the adaptation period of indoor flowers after transplantation and achieve abundant flowering, use the recommendations of the lunar calendar.

Favorable days for indoor plants and flowers in May

The silvery satellite of the Earth has an invisible influence on all living beings on the planet. Even emotional condition As a person, the ups and downs of mood depend on the Moon. Caring for flowers and plants, coordinated with the lunar calendar, will ensure their excellent health and give joy and pleasure to their owners.

Favorable days for indoor plants and flowers in June

Indoor plants have functions that are not only decorative. They improve the microclimate in a living space by humidifying and conditioning the air, neutralizing positively charged air ions from household appliances. Many of them absorb harmful emissions from furniture and finishing materials.

If the plant is noticeably worse with seemingly normal care, then it is time to apply the recommendations of the lunar calendar and adjust the work schedule in the indoor flower garden.

Favorable days for indoor plants and flowers in July

Propagation by cuttings will be successful on the waxing Moon. Then the stems and leaves are filled with life-giving moisture and it is easier for the plant to heal the wounds it receives. And the cuttings will take root sooner.

Favorable days for indoor plants and flowers in August

In spring and autumn, plants in any case tolerate better planting work. Rooted cuttings should be determined by permanent place residence in the warm season. If there is a need for replanting in the fall, carefully choose the date in accordance with the lunar calendar.

This approach will speed up the growth and reproduction of your favorite varieties and help make all your friends happy with little “babies” in pots.

Favorable days for indoor plants and flowers in September

It is quite difficult to create such a calendar on your own. Professional astrologers many factors are taken into account: the position of the Moon and the Sun in the zodiac signs, lunar day, month.

Feel free to use this table to plan your work personal plot in the garden, vegetable garden, flower garden.

Favorable days for indoor plants and flowers in October

If the soil begins to “crawl out” of the pot, the leaves have become small, yellowed, and the plant has not enjoyed flowering for a long time, it needs replanting and fresh soil.

Favorable days for indoor plants and flowers in November

With the onset of winter, all processes in the plant slow down, and a dormant period begins. Flower growers usually avoid winter transplants so as not to harm the plant.

Favorable days for indoor plants and flowers in December

Love and care put into indoor flower garden, will pay off handsomely, and let the lunar calendar for replanting indoor plants for 2019 become your assistant and competent adviser.

Planting and care flower crops must be at the allotted time and days, which are scheduled in the gardener’s (lunar) calendars. On what day is it better to replant indoor flowers, loosen them or fertilize them - the lunar calendar will give you the answers. It is believed that on such days the plant adapts well to a new place and conditions, and quickly takes root.

At first, the fact that the moon affects the growth and development of flowers was just a guess. Later, scientists proved that there is a relationship between plants and the moon. After this, lunar calendars appeared, based on which gardeners know exactly when it is better to replant indoor flowers and when to cut them.

Those who follow the calendar know which moon is best to replant indoor flowers:

  • Plants with tall stems and wide leaves are recommended to be replanted during until the full moon. During this period, the plant’s sap is directed upward from the root, so minor damage to the root during the replanting process will not affect the general condition of the plant;
  • It is better to trim flower buds at waning moon;
  • By lunar calendar the time when it is better to replant indoor flowers falls on waxing moon or full moon.

Important! You should never make a transplant on a waning moon. This can lead to the plant taking a long time to adapt to a new location or even die.

Beans, onions, potatoes, gladioli and other bulbous plants are best sown on waning moon. Then they sprout quickly and take root well.

What time of day is best to replant indoor plants?

In order for indoor flowers to grow and bloom well, you need to remember a few subtleties, when it is better to replant indoor flowers, and at what time.

When is the best time to replant indoor flowers?

  • The most favorable time is the period from 4 pm to 8 pm;
  • The best days The first or second day after the formation of the new moon is considered for transplantation;
  • You should not replant flowers in the morning (when the plants are still sleeping) or at midday.
  • Most favorable seasons The best time to replant flowers is in early spring and autumn.

Flower transplant calendar 2016

The summer resident and gardener (lunar) calendar of 2016 shows exactly the dates in which month it is better to replant indoor plants, on which days to sow vegetable crops when they need to be trimmed and loosened.

I focus on the calendar and, following it, I can achieve good germination and high yields.

Lunar calendar for replanting indoor flowers

Unfavorable days for planting and replanting indoor plants (flowers) in 2016

When caring for any seedlings or flowers, you should take into account not only better days for transplantation, but also unfavorable.

We figured out what day it is better to replant indoor flowers, now a little about unfavorable days. Unfavorable days It happens from five to ten per month.

Unfavorable days for replanting indoor plants

Whether or not to focus on the moon when planting and replanting plants is everyone’s business. But the fact that the moon affects the growth and development of plants is a proven fact that you cannot argue with. It was not for nothing that our ancestors revered and respected lunar predictions.


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