Floor boards: thickness of wooden flooring, which one is best to use and what is suitable for technical boards. Floorboard - any size, simple installation Which board goes on the floor of the house

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Choosing the right floorboard is no less important than the floor design. After all, the final result largely depends on the board that was laid on the joists.

In general, the floorboard can be any lumber secured to joists. Most often, this name refers to a tongue and groove board. This is lumber that has three processed “finish” sides - two ends and one plane - front side. On the sides special machine tongues are formed: on one side there is a groove, on the other there is a tenon. When laying, the tenon is driven into the groove, which gives the coating additional strength and can partially hide the cracks that form during drying. Moreover, even a slightly dry tongue and groove floor looks good.

A tongue and groove board can have a tongue of different shapes. It is most convenient to install if it has a conical shape. The cone fits in easily even with slight curvature of the boards. With a spike rectangular shape much more difficult to fight. If there are deviations, the board is not ideal, then you either have to struggle with it for a long time, or cut it into pieces no more than 2-3 meters long, and then join the sections. It turns out to be a completely different, unkempt look.

Floor boards also come with a quarter-shaped overhang. This is when half the width of the board is removed from one side from the bottom, and from the other from the top. This type is even easier to install than a traditional tongue-and-groove board, and the floor looks no worse.

There is another type of floorboard - with edges beveled at 45°. It is also not very common, although it is no worse in operation and aesthetics.

Sometimes an ordinary edged board is laid on the floor - it has a cross section rectangle view. It is placed close together - end to end - and secured with nails or self-tapping screws. If we talk about bathhouses, then when installing leaky floors, edged boards will be the best option. In other cases, you should give preference to options with any type of lock: when drying, the cracks are not so noticeable.

In addition to tongue-and-groove solid wood boards, there are also glued boards. It consists of several boards glued together. The wood fibers are arranged in such a way that under any conditions its geometry remains virtually unchanged. If it changes, it is several times less than the massive one. But due to the labor-intensive production of such material, its prices are high. But a laminated board floor is almost guaranteed to be level.

Types of floorboard locks

There is another type of lumber that is laid on the floor. This is a decking board. She is different in that she front part not smooth, but wavy. And even if the board is wet, it is not slippery to walk on. It is rarely used indoors, mainly because it is very difficult to bring an uneven surface to an ideal state. But when building a bathhouse, it can be useful if you build a swimming pool or plunge pool on the porch. By laying a decking board around the pool, you don’t have to worry about someone slipping.

The deck board looks very attractive on the floor

Any type of lumber is in the “euro” category. There is a Euro floor board, tongue and groove or not, and there is a terrace board. The whole difference is the presence on the back side of a longitudinally located groove, which helps better ventilation. There should also be a difference in the quality of the wood: without knots. But better quality is not always available, and higher prices are always available. If you decide to take the option with a groove, be sure to meticulously check the quality of the material and geometry.

Wood species for flooring

Any wood can be laid on the floor. The only question is your preferences and financial capabilities. The purpose of the room can also play a role.

For baths, a board is traditionally placed on the floor coniferous species. It is the most inexpensive, and its quality indicators are quite good. Contained in conifers a large number of resins (pine and spruce), some contain tannins (larch), which extends their service life in conditions of constantly changing temperatures and humidity. The only drawback of pine and spruce is that they are soft species and, if there are a lot of people steaming, they wear out quickly. But if the bathhouse is a family bathhouse, visited occasionally, then such wood will last a long time.

Speaking specifically about premises, larch will behave better in “wet” conditions: it only becomes stronger from water. It is better to place pine and spruce in the locker room or rest room. They will not tolerate the constant presence of water, especially since not many people want to treat wood for steam rooms with antiseptics, and without them they will most likely begin to rot.

Place wood on the floor and hardwood, but it is more susceptible to rotting, and even more often darkens from water. There are some other nuances that can only be determined by experience. For example, oak wood is durable and not afraid of water. But it is better not to put it on the floor in wet rooms: when wet it is very slippery. It is impossible to walk on it, so you will have to cover this beauty with anti-slip mats.

This is what a tongue-and-groove Euro board looks like in profile

When installing a double plank floor, the boards for roughing and finishing should be taken from the same wood. For a subfloor, unedged (be sure to remove the bark and treat for bugs), for a finished floor - edged, tongue-and-groove. But only from the same wood. Otherwise, due to different amounts of expansion and contraction with changes in temperature and humidity, the floor may move.

Floor board dimensions

Minimum thickness boards for laying on the floor are determined by the step of laying the lag. The greater the distance between two adjacent supports, the thicker the lumber is needed.

Table of the dependence of the thickness of the floorboard on the installation pitch of the logs

But this is the minimum thickness. It is advisable to take with some reserve: taking into account the fact that it will be necessary to update periodically appearance- sand, removing the top layer. If the thickness is taken “butt-to-shoulder”, after one or two sandings the floorboards will begin to sag under your feet and creak - this is not the greatest pleasure. To get rid of “dancing” boards, you will have to lay new, thicker boards, or reduce the lag pitch (increase their number), which is also not fun.

The width of the boards can be different - from 30 mm to 120 mm. In general, it turns out like this: the wider the board, the fewer joints and faster installation. Therefore, for ordinary dry rooms, you can choose a wide board. But it must be said that a cube of a wide board costs more than the same volume of a narrower one: there is more waste.

When choosing the width of the boards for the bathhouse, there are also some nuances. Wide boards It’s better not to take them: as humidity increases, they change their geometry more strongly. Sometimes it is so strong that walking becomes problematic. That’s why in a steam room or shower they use a narrow or medium-width board.

How many boards in one cubic meter

Having decided on the size of the floor boards, you need to calculate how many of them you need to buy: lumber is sold by the cubic meter.

There are no strict standards in this industry, nor is there a clear distinction between varieties. Some manufacturers produce only two varieties, others may have five or six. You have to navigate on the spot.

The only thing that is clear is that higher-grade products should not have knots at all. It is advisable to buy them if you want to varnish the board. If you plan to paint, then there is no point in overpaying for the absence of knots: they are not visible under the paint anyway. The only thing you need to pay attention to is that they are not “dead” - black. Black bitches crumble and fall out, but we don’t need that.

There is only a more or less established standard for length: 6 meters. But many sawmills make three- and two-meter boards. Moreover, a cubic meter of three-meter ones will cost less than six-meter ones. So if you don’t need a long board, look for a suitable size: it will be cheaper.

Now let's talk about how to count the number of boards in a cube. To do this, you need to calculate the volume of one board. You have decided on the width and thickness of the board, knowing the standard length, you can calculate its volume: you need to multiply all the dimensions. But they must be expressed in meters.

For example, we will lay a 40*150 mm board. Convert millimeters to meters:

40 mm = 0.04 m, 150 m = 0.15 m

We will take a standard length of 6 m. The total will be 0.04 m * 0.15 m * 6 m = 0.036 m 3. One board is 0.036 cubic meters. Now we find how many such boards there will be in one cube (we divide one by 0.036), it turns out 27.7 pieces, but 27 pieces will be shipped.

Knowing this algorithm, you can calculate the quantity of any board or timber. To make it easier for you, the volume of one board of the most popular sizes and their number per cubic meter are calculated and entered into the table (for six-meter lumber).

Now about the volume of purchases. Having calculated how many boards you will need, take at least 10-15% (or preferably 30%) with a reserve. Firstly, defects always occur, and secondly, most likely in a year or two the floor will have to be rebuilt - cracks will appear, some boards will be unscrewed with a “propeller”. And then you will need to change or add boards. If there is nothing left, then those purchased from another batch are unlikely to become normal. There will definitely be problems: either the thickness will not fit, or there will be problems with the tongue and groove. In general, a number of pieces should be in stock for a couple of years.

How to choose

First of all, you need to decide on the humidity. The best option for baths is an average humidity of about 20-25%. If you take a board with natural humidity, it will move when drying; there will be a lot of “skis” and “propellers”. They can then only be used in the construction of fences. If you take overdried - chamber drying - in conditions of high humidity in the bath, it will begin to swell, the floor will warp and rise. So the best option is medium humidity.

The first thing you need to do when purchasing is to check the geometry. When choosing an edged board, make sure that the edges are smooth. And the thickness on one side was equal to the thickness on the other side. In principle, this parameter needs to be checked when purchasing any graded lumber (except unedged boards). Take a caliper and measure in several places along the board on one side and the other. There shouldn't be any difference.

When purchasing tongue and groove boards, you also need to pay attention to the geometry and dimensions of the tongue and groove. In order for everything to connect without problems, the groove is made a little deeper than the height of the ridge. Then everything fits together easily. On an incorrectly configured machine, the opposite often happens. Then, no matter how hard you try, you won’t be able to make a floor without cracks. You will have to either change the boards (if possible) or remove part of the tenon.

There is another mistake that is made when producing tongue and groove boards: the upper edge above the tenon (ridge) is grooved more than the lower one. With such a defect, cracks are generally inevitable: it is more difficult to deal with this defect. Only special equipment is required.

You also need to check how much the boards sagged during drying. They are stacked, arranged in bars. Sometimes they become uneven. Then when laying them together it will be problematic.

All these shortcomings are identified quite simply. First you need to inspect the ends of the boards. If you know what to look for (and you now know), the shortcomings are immediately visible. Estimate the dimensions of the tenon and groove, and also see if the edges are evenly positioned above the tenon. If everything is fine, take two boards and join them, as when laying. If their geometry is not broken, they fit together easily and without gaps. If the tests were successful, you can take the tongue-and-groove floorboard: you will be able to install it quickly and easily.

How and with what to fasten

A few years ago, no discrepancies arose: the floorboard was nailed right through to the joists. Sometimes the cap was flattened and then driven deeper with a hammer - this was so that nothing could be seen. This can also be done today. And save money at the same time: nails are cheaper. But after some time, a large number of cracks appear in the plank floor. To get rid of them, the floor is dismantled, compacted, one or two boards are added to the wall - as it turns out. This is where self-tapping screws have an advantage: they are easier to dismantle and do not damage the wood. Try to get a nail with a flattened head without damaging the wood. No way. That’s why they are increasingly using self-tapping screws, although the option is ambiguous: nails are stronger, and the heads of self-tapping screws, especially hardened ones, often fly off.

Tongue or groove?

For hidden fastening Self-tapping screws are not fastened through the boards, but into a tenon or groove. You can do it right through, into the surface, but then the caps will need to be buried in the board, and the holes will need to be covered with putty. Even if the floor is painted, although this is done very rarely in bathhouses. If you take wood putty of the appropriate color and mix some wood dust from your boards into it, then even under a light varnish almost nothing will be visible.

If the screws are screwed into the groove, then at an angle of about 60°. If it is in a tenon, then the angle is smaller - it can be almost perpendicular to the plane of the floor. The second option holds the board more securely (it grips ¾ of the thickness), although the “in the groove” method is more common.

In any case, you will first need to drill a hole for the head with a drill of a larger diameter and a hole for the self-tapping screw with a smaller one. This operation, although time-consuming, serves as a guarantee that the board will not burst.

Hidden fastening technology

The technology for hidden flooring is as follows: the first board is nailed tightly through. The second and subsequent ones are attached, beaten with wedges, or better yet, tightened with clamps so that there are no gaps anywhere. Then the fastener is screwed or driven into the groove or tenon at an angle. If the wood is dense, the screws are difficult to install. To make the process easier, the threads are lubricated with soap (it can be slightly moistened to make it easier to smear).

With this method of fastening, no nails or screws are visible. But there is one drawback: only one edge of the board is pulled to the joist. When humidity changes, shrinkage or movement of the foundation, another one may rise. The result is an uneven floor, and it creaks more often. Although, it’s never too late to drive a few nails or screw a few screws into the face.

Which screws to take

What screws should I use for flooring in a bathhouse? Preferably with a thread that does not start from the cap itself. It will be more secure to hold it this way. And it’s better to take unheated ones - they are stronger. For a bathhouse, galvanized ones are better - they won’t rust. The length of the screw depends on the thickness of the board: it should be 2.5 times longer. It seems that according to the parameters of the self-tapping screws, everything is fine. With nails everything is simpler: you need regular ones, but not screw or corrugated ones - it’s almost impossible to pull them out without damaging the wood.

It is better to take self-tapping screws with threads that do not start from the head itself

There is one secret inherited from our ancestors. It will allow you to use ordinary nails in a bathhouse, and they will not rust: they need to be boiled in drying oil. Once dry, you can use it. These nails were used to nail shingles onto roofs, and they did not rust for decades.

So: you need to decide on your own with the method of fastening and the choice of fasteners. There are different opinions, and they are all based on experience - your own or your ancestors. But it has long been known: how many people, so many opinions. Add your own. But remember that in a year or two the floor will have to be rebuilt. So for the first time you should fasten it with a minimum of nails or screws - as you decide. Then, once it has dried, it will be possible to permanently fix it.

Watch the video to see how the floorboard is installed and how clamps are used to eliminate cracks.

You can make a device for tightening floor boards yourself using the attached video instructions.

Wooden floors can be seen in many modern apartments. The floor board is made from solid natural wood, so the floor surface can be sanded much more often than parquet.


High-quality floor boards can be made from any type of wood. But it is not recommended to use poplar and linden for these purposes. In addition, soft types of wood should be treated with coatings that will not wooden floor deform ahead of time. The best option for creating a floor surface in an apartment is oak, larch or ash.

The advantages of plank flooring are obvious:

  • these are very durable and reliable surfaces that will serve you for many years in a row;
  • you can arrange a heated floor, so you can walk on it without shoes even in winter;

  • plank flooring is environmentally friendly, since the wood contains no hazardous components;
  • natural material creates a special indoor environment warm atmosphere;
  • the floor in the kitchen or other room can be varnished, so dust will not accumulate on its surface;
  • caring for a wooden floor will not cause problems, since the store offers various means to remove stains from such surfaces.

This is an excellent background for other coatings that you will choose during the renovation process. Wooden floors are suitable for brick house, as well as in structures made of other materials. It is presentable and stylish, which will radically transform the interior of the room. Walking on a wooden floor is very pleasant because it is warm and pleasant to the touch.

But a floor made of such material also has its drawbacks. These are also worth mentioning:

  • the soundproofing qualities of wood are very weak;
  • you need to regularly care for the boards, as well as adhere to certain rules for their operation;
  • if during the device flooring make mistakes, it will soon change its original shape;
  • wood not treated with special compounds is deformed from exposure to high levels of humidity;
  • the material supports combustion processes;

  • wooden floors have minimal resistance to abrasion, as well as mechanical damage;
  • The floor covering can be damaged by rodents.

But it is worth noting that finishing the floor with such material in a city apartment will last as long as possible if you use special compounds. You can update your old floor without any problems or difficulties. Floor finishing from end boards will bring the desired result if you choose the right material for this.


Now you understand that a wooden floor will become the best solution for any room. However, you need to choose the appropriate type of board in order to cope with the work in a minimum period of time, obtaining an effective result of the work.

There are several types of such material that you can choose from:

  • Parquet board. This is a coating that is initially processed. Thanks to this, you can immediately begin the process of arranging the floor. Parquet boards are durable and presentable, but they need to be maintained regularly and properly. The process of installing the material will not cause problems or difficulties.
  • Grooved board. This is a material that is equipped with special grooves and tenons for easy connection with each other. As a result, such slabs make it possible to obtain a floor without cracks. The flooring is very strong, reliable and durable. Caring for it is as simple as possible, since the absence of cracks ensures that there is no large amount of dust and debris between them.

  • Deck board. This is a board without locks, the technical process of laying which takes place by creating gaps between the planks. This ship material is not afraid of negative environmental influences. That is why the board is suitable for installation in rooms with high humidity levels. It can be a pine board or a larch board, because such wood has the highest level of strength. There is no need to treat the material with antiseptics, since its properties allow it not to deform under the influence of various factors.
  • Engineering board. This is a two-layer material that can be made of birch or other types of wood. The layer located on top performs decorative functions. It preserves the texture features as well as the natural color of the wood. Unlike lining, valuable wood species are expensive. However, the presentable and solid appearance of the floor will recoup the money invested in purchasing the material.

There are also many options for the subfloor. This can be edged material if it is necessary to create a level base in the future with the help of additional coating. There are jointed or composite boards, as well as other types. Each of them has individual characteristics.

Some people are interested in decking boards. This is a material that is not afraid of negative weather factors. Bamboo material or boards made from other types of wood will last as long as possible, without deforming or swelling over time.

Modern polymer boards look very attractive and stylish. There are also PVC panels, which are budget materials for performing work. Various timber is offered on the market in large assortment. Boards made from burnt wood and disks are also common and in demand among consumers.

When choosing a board for the floor, be guided by your own wishes and preferences. Be sure to take into account the style of the room design. Remember that wood is not cheap, so you need to calculate in advance the budget that you are willing to allocate for flooring.

Wood type

If you decide to use a natural material to create a finishing coating, be responsible for studying its basic properties. Thanks to this, you can choose the right type of wood. Most often, the following options are used to organize flooring.

Needles (pine, fir and spruce)

These are materials in which the level of quality corresponds to their cost. The canvas contains natural resins that act as an antiseptic. The floor covering will not rot, and its surface will not be affected by fungus. The vapor permeability of such material is excellent, so a comfortable microclimate will reign inside the room. The essential odors emitted by the boards are beneficial to human health.


This is a material with a unique textured pattern that looks very presentable and solid. The cost of such boards is very high, which is due to their highest level of strength and reliability. The material is not afraid of exposure to high levels of humidity, since water makes it even stronger. Oak does not rot, does not mold, and is not destroyed due to the development of fungus. The material also perfectly absorbs extraneous sounds, which makes living in the house more comfortable.


This is a material that is somewhat similar to oak in its properties.

There are also many advantages to larch boards:

  • long service life;
  • resistance to fungus and mold;
  • the ability to create a comfortable microclimate in the room;
  • presence in the composition essential oils that fill the house pleasant aroma;
  • high level of thermal insulation and sound insulation;
  • resistance to high humidity levels;
  • excellent indicators of strength and reliability.

Larch also has a wide range of shades. That is why you can choose the appropriate option for your interior.

Alder, aspen

The wood is not very strong or durable. However, it is capable of releasing components into the air that have a positive effect on the human body when the ambient temperature rises. That is why such materials are most often used for finishing saunas and baths. Natural boards are also used to decorate a child’s room and bedroom. If the movement in the room is not too active, then the material will last as long as possible.

Cedar and linden

Cedar boards are very expensive because their basic properties and characteristics are excellent. This is a healing material that has a unique structure. It is not afraid of exposure to high levels of humidity and other negative factors. Extra-class boards have a beneficial effect on the indoor microclimate. Linden is considered a more accessible material. It has a soft structure and low thermal conductivity. Linden will fill the house with a pleasant aroma that has a healing effect on the human body.

There are also other types of wood that are used to make flooring boards. For example, teak has a pleasant aroma, attractive texture and high levels of strength. Environmentally friendly birch will retain heat in the room and also create a comfortable microclimate inside the house. Wood such as ash is also popular among buyers due to its strength and reliability.

Each person will be able to choose an option based on their needs. The main thing is that the characteristics of the wood are suitable for use in specific conditions.


There are different types of wood that are used in specific conditions.

The choice of a suitable option for arranging the flooring depends on their characteristics:

  • Extra-class wood is used to create the finishing coating. There are no defects or knots on the surface of the canvas. Their texture is beautiful and uniform;
  • Class A and B wood is used in the process of creating finishing floors. The material has knots and resin pockets. A certain number of non-through cracks is allowed;
  • Class C wood is used only to create a subfloor. Visible defects on the surface of the canvas cannot be corrected by mechanical means.

The choice of board size should be taken responsibly and carefully. The length is selected based on the parameters of the room. Everything must be done in such a way as to obtain a minimum of joints and waste. Nowadays, the building materials market makes it possible to achieve similar goals.

The appropriate thickness of the floorboard depends on several factors. This is the intensity of use of the material, as well as the distance between the lags. If it is large, then you will need a fairly thick board.

To choose the width of the board, you need to take into account the direction of the design idea. Panels that are too large are subject to shrinkage, so the floor covering will become deformed in the future. The width of the board can vary from 85 to 140 millimeters.


The range of floorboard shades varies widely. You can choose exactly the option that fits into the interior of a particular room.

A white floor will be an appropriate option in rooms where it is necessary to visually increase the space. With its help you can fill the room with more light. This material looks presentable and solid, so it instantly attracts the eye. But it is worth remembering that light-colored coating is very difficult to care for. All stains that have arisen must be removed immediately, since they eat into the wood, leaving behind unattractive marks.

More practical is a subfloor, on which various stains are invisible. But in some rooms it will look gloomy. Avoid this decision if the walls in the room are also decorated in dark colors. Otherwise you will feel uncomfortable.

The combination of several shades in the floor design looks attractive. Such options will allow you to create an original interior, breathing into it new life. It's worth experimenting to find the option that suits you perfectly.

What to put it on?

Wooden boards can be placed on any base, because this material is suitable for use in various conditions. The main thing is that the base is carefully prepared, since only in this case can premature deformation of the boards be avoided.

If you need to lay boards on concrete base, you need to prepare thoroughly. The surface must be smooth, without defects or other flaws. Otherwise, the floor will quickly deform, losing its original shape after some time. Now available for purchase various brands concrete to create a concrete screed without encountering problems.

You can also lay wooden boards on the ground. However, in this case it is necessary to prepare the foundation in advance. You need to cover the soil with beams to prevent it from becoming damp and deforming the floor covering. Only in this case will the floor last as long as possible, maintaining its reliability and strength.

Laying technology

If you need to create wooden flooring in a private house or apartment, you can do the job yourself. The technology for laying floorboards with your own hands is quite simple and affordable.

By lags

If you have a rough base, you can use the method of laying a wooden floor along the joists. The logs are long bars that are securely attached to the warp. They can be installed on a concrete column or brick.

The design can withstand considerable loads. But remember that you need to take steps between the minimum size bars. Otherwise, the floor will quickly deform. It is also worth choosing durable joists that will not sag under load.

Along the beams

If we do robust construction, it is worth paying attention to wooden beams. This option is very reliable, since it involves the use of beams with a wide cross-section. The system is often supplemented with lags.

The length of the beams can reach 12 meters. They are installed on the foundation and securely fixed. It is necessary to take the help of builders to cope with the work, since the beams are very heavy. Boards are laid on top of the prepared base.

On concrete

This is a convenient and simple option that will not cause any problems during the installation process. The wooden floor is laid on a pre-prepared concrete base, which must be level. If all kinds of deformations are present, it is worth leveling the surface using other materials.

Now let's figure out how to create a wooden floor step by step:

  • At the very beginning, the old coating is removed and the floor is cleaned of paint and varnish. The base is then cleared of debris to install the joists. They are displayed following the same level. It is worth keeping a distance of 40-50 centimeters from each other. It is worth mounting the boards starting from a high point on the surface.
  • You can attach the logs to the base using metal corners and dowels. Holes are drilled in the joists and in the floor, clearly following the pre-made marks. When marking, you should use a pencil and a special corner.
  • The base and joists are covered with special materials that provide waterproofing properties. The best option would be polyethylene film, which has a high level of density.

  • Dense insulation is laid between the joists. This could be mineral wool, which effectively copes with its functions. This “pie” will save maximum valuable heat indoors.
  • The frame is now suitable for installing the floorboard. It is worth starting work from the wall that is located further from the entrance. There is no need to lay the material too tightly against the wall. Leave an expansion gap, as it will prevent the floors from losing shape during use. This gap will not be visible, because the baseboard will cover it.
  • It is necessary to screw the boards to the joists using self-tapping screws. The fasteners are screwed in at an angle of 45 degrees. One mounting point will be fixed with at least two self-tapping screws.

  • In this way you can cover the entire floor surface. If a saw-cut or tongue-and-groove board is used, maximum care must be taken. The tenon on the next board should fit into the groove of the previous material. If necessary, the boards are knocked together using a hammer. The main thing is that the end of the board is not damaged.
  • You can create ventilation so that the boards do not rot or suffer from fungus. Thanks to this, the floor will last as long as possible without deforming or losing its original shape. It will withstand various negative factors.


In order for your flooring to last as long as possible, you need to learn how to properly care for it. Only in this case can premature deformations and loss of the original appearance of the material be avoided.

It is necessary to treat the surface with special compounds to protect it from the influence of negative factors.

Varnish is the most popular and sought-after means of protection, which prevents scratches from appearing on the wood. Cleaning of varnished material is carried out using aerosols or concentrated products. Such options do not contain chemicals active ingredients which could destroy the material. The aerosol is sprayed onto the floor surface and then rubbed with a rag.

But, unfortunately, varnish is not able to solve all problems. Over time, deformations will still appear on the floor surface. Compositions designed for material restoration will help to cope with such troubles. These are environmentally friendly products that do not harm human health. You can use them regularly so that the wooden floor does not lose its original appearance.

In houses and apartments, surface treatment occurs no more than twice a month. But the floor in an open area with a high level of traffic can be treated much more often, since it quickly loses its attractive appearance.

Needs to be changed every 10 years varnish coating, taking off old layer and refinishing the floor. Once sanding is complete, you can begin applying protective agents.

If a wood floor has been polished using wax, owners should take the time to Special attention surface care issue. This product causes rapid wear of the wood. In addition, replacing a wax coating is a costly and troublesome task that will require special skills from you.

There are liquid and paste waxes that are suitable for treating wooden floors. Liquid wax is applied to the surface using an ordinary rag. Paste-like products must be applied using a spatula. When the coating is processed, it is sanded. Such surfaces need to be updated several times a year. Additionally, the floors are polished twice a week.

Wood surfaces impregnated with oil have high wear resistance. Such substances reliably protect the material from various negative factors. The products penetrate deep enough into the wood structure, so the surface will not become intensely dirty. This suitable impregnation at the dacha, since it is in such houses that the material needs to be protected from negative factors.

An additional advantage of protective coatings is that the natural texture of the wood becomes even more attractive. The surface is very pleasant to the touch, as well as elegant and solid. The wood is treated with oil every three years. That is why you will not spend a lot of time and effort on caring for your floors.

It is also worth mentioning the removal of stains from such a floor. They are withdrawn almost instantly using simple means. You will be able to enjoy comfort, since you will not have to make special efforts to care for the floor.

To all owners wooden floors you need to purchase special products that are sold in every hardware store.

You should also follow these simple and clear rules:

  • if suddenly there are stains from chocolate or shoe polish on the surface, you can remove them with products that contain alcohol or kerosene;
  • the floor on the veranda or indoors, painted with felt-tip pens or colored chalk, can be saved by treating the surface with methyl alcohol diluted with water 1 to 1;
  • Drops from wax or paraffin should be frozen with an ice bag, then carefully scraped off the surface.

Every person must remember that high-quality heating premises and the creation of comfort in it directly depends on wooden floors. That is why you need to choose surface care products that are intended for such purposes. Only in this case the floor will delight you with its unsurpassed appearance for a long time.

Do not forget that the choice of suitable material for flooring depends on the characteristics of its use. Listen to the advice of professionals who will help you choose the best option for your home. In this case, you can create an unsurpassed interior, focusing on your needs and capabilities.

Professionals give people useful advice to help them choose the best option for arranging flooring:

  • There may be defects on the material, but if this is a finishing base, it is better to choose boards with a minimum number of them. Choose class A or B boards if you want to create a beautiful and durable floor;
  • Avoid purchasing wet boards as they quickly become deformed. In addition, they are very difficult to install. The best option would be a dry board that has gone through all the necessary processing stages;
  • If you have already coped with laying the boards, learn how to properly care for them. To remove stains and renew the surface, it is better to use special products designed for wood. Only in this case you will not damage the material;
  • choose a suitable base for laying boards, focusing on your capabilities and the characteristics of the room.

It is worth listening to specialists so as not to encounter problems and difficulties during the operation of a wooden floor. Thanks to simple tips you can achieve the desired result with a minimum of effort. The floor will last as long as possible, maintaining its original appearance and basic properties. That's why you won't have to change or renew the surface too often.

Beautiful ideas in the interior

Everyone can experiment with a combination of shades, materials and textures. The main thing is that such experiments bring the desired results. You can ask for help from experienced designers who will pick up best ideas for a specific room.

This is a good example of how you can lay a dark floor in a room with dark walls, avoiding gloom and routine. Interior elements and furniture made in light colors, dilute the picture, making the room presentable and attractive.

Wooden floors are often used to furnish a bedroom. This photo shows how harmoniously the material fits into the general interior. A luxurious bed looks even more stylish against its background. The floor is harmoniously combined with pieces of furniture made of identical material. The room looks modern and interesting. You can add bright accents to focus attention on a certain area of ​​the room.

A chic floor made of solid planks does not limit the imagination of designers, as it gives the opportunity to create the best masterpieces in your home. The floor can be sanded many times in a row without worrying about its properties and strength. Pleasant shine and smooth surface of this coverage– this is the best option for creating comfort in any room. You can even walk on the floor barefoot, as it is very warm and pleasant.

The floor design can combine two colors harmoniously. This is a suitable option for experimentation lovers who want to create a unique room interior. You can cover the materials in the way that is familiar to you, without encountering problems or difficulties. The results of the work will meet your bold expectations.

Nobody has canceled contrasting combinations yet! Try combining dark floors with light walls. You can do exactly the opposite, experimenting with different tones. The results will exceed your expectations, because the interior will be fresh and modern.

You can play on a combination of colors that are similar in shade. The main thing is that the interior of the room does not merge into a single whole. For example, white walls look good against cream-colored floors. Dark coverings can be complemented with bright furniture, which will stand out against such a background. It is precisely such experiments that make it possible to create original rooms in which there is no place for routine and boredom.

The range of modern stores is very wide. They offer boards of different sizes, textures, and colors. You can seek help from specialists who will help you choose the right material and tell you about its pros and cons. They will focus on the main features of the premises, your financial capabilities and needs. As a result, the repair process will not cause you any problems or difficulties.

These are the main points that concern wood floors in a private house or apartment. You need to choose the right material, install it and maintain it regularly. Only in this case will you be able to create a unique and original interior from scratch, in which even the smallest details will be perfect!

The installation of long-lasting and high-quality wooden flooring includes not only issues of compliance with technology, but also what kind of boards are needed for the floor, based on the characteristics of its use in each room.

Each type of board has its own technical characteristics and is designed for different types of floors. The right choice will be confirmed by long service, the absence of creaking, cracked cracks and warping.

Usage criteria

To install the finishing coating, materials with appropriate quality indicators must be used.

For a wooden board these will be the following criteria:

For different types of wood, these characteristics differ within fairly wide limits. In addition to solid boards made from natural raw materials, more than 20 types of various wood-based materials used to cover the base are offered.

A solid board differs from a glued product in the absence of synthetic fumes and the possibility of repeated sanding of a worn surface (repairability).

Influence of wood species

Board coverings are laid not only inside buildings, but also on open verandas, balconies and terraces. The internal location also differs in temperature and humidity of the air, walls, ceilings (kitchen, library, basement and utility rooms).

In difficult conditions of open areas, boardwalks made of exotic wood have proven themselves well. Due to their good physical and mechanical properties in terms of resistance to climatic influences, they serve local area at least 20 years.

Rosewood has special decorative qualities

The following breeds have become widespread:

  • rosewood;
  • bamboo;
  • zebrano;
  • bunga;
  • merbau;
  • sukupira.

Among the local species, Siberian larch is used for such purposes.

For interior works It is advisable to use more affordable domestic materials of common species with selected properties:

Hard rocks are intended for areas with high traffic and high loads

Coniferous species are used in humid air conditions for the construction of subfloors and budget coating options.

Solid dock is laid in areas of heavy loads from furniture, frequent foot traffic, and attractive texture appearance. Soft wood is used to decorate recreation areas where there is no intense load.

Normal wood moisture content should be in the range of 8 - 10% and certainly not exceed 12%. Otherwise, shrinkage will lead to changes linear dimensions, cracks or loosening will appear in the locks of the elements. Maintaining high humidity will cause parts to warp.

Additional treatment with antiseptic compounds, stains and fire retardants extends the service life with fluctuations in humidity and temperature.

Board types

The qualitative indicators of materials can be determined in aggregate by their assignment to a certain class.

In relation to floorboards, this affects not only the strength, but also the appearance and cost of a cube of material.

I distinguish 4 classes of wood products:

  1. Higher. The surface does not contain the slightest scratches, knots, traces of veneer, or color transitions.
  2. A (1st grade). There are irregularities in the structure, minor color differences, and traces of knots.
  3. B (grade 2). There may be knots, minor cracks, resin pockets, and color stains on the surface of the boards.
  4. C (grade 3). There are defects larger than 3 mm; plane curvature is possible.

Boards belonging to class “C” are used for subflooring due to their unattractive appearance and low technical characteristics.

This material is used for finishing coating budget option, if additional sanding and painting is done.

The grade of the board affects the design of the future floor, since the number of defects directly proportionally reduces the performance characteristics of the flooring:

The thickness of the most commonly used floorboard for residential premises is 2-4 cm, the width is in the range of 10 - 30 cm, the length depends on the size of the room 3 - 6 m. A separate position in terms of dimensions and installation technology of floor coverings is parquet board.

The influence of the thickness of the parquet option on the possibility of application

A ten-millimeter board can be sanded once

Except decorative features and the hardness indicator, an important parameter will be the thickness of the parquet board for the floor, which one should be chosen for the specific conditions of the room.

The main criteria will be the expected wear and the prospect of repairs associated with this factor:

  1. A solid solid board with a thickness of 10 mm can be sanded (removing the top layer of no more than 2 mm) once.
  2. The thickness of 12 mm allows the board to be scraped and used for laying flooring on top of a warm floor.
  3. The most common in individual construction thick wood material will be 15 mm. This is determined by the presence of special locking connections in the products and the possibility of repeated repairs.
  4. Thick parquet boards (up to 2 cm) are usually used for permanent flooring in offices, social and cultural institutions. It is characterized by high strength, ability for a long time withstand variable loads and high humidity conditions.
  5. The maximum thickness of a parquet block is 2.2 cm. This typesetting element is laid in public buildings where there is a constant high load from the movement of people. Installation is carried out using the deck method, which is more suitable for long-term operation. For more information about the properties of parquet boards, watch this video:

The quality of installation and the further behavior of wooden typesetting surfaces directly depend on the preparation of the base for their installation.

Types of bases

The supporting plane for the plank covering must be level and correspond to the maximum design loads.

The types of bases can be as follows:

  • concrete floor slabs;
  • cement strainer;
  • wooden logs;
  • old wooden floor;
  • plywood sheets laid on a screed;
  • GVP sheets on a dry screed.

Based on the method of attaching the board to the base, the following structures are distinguished:

  • fixation to the joists with self-tapping screws (nails);
  • adhesives;
  • floating installation.

Wood is easy to process, but requires additional protection from permanent action a lot of moisture. For this purpose, waterproofing is provided indoors and water drainage is provided for outdoor installation.

Today, construction stores offer a huge number of floor coverings - laminate, linoleum, parquet boards, carpet, tiled or ceramic tile. But from time immemorial, boards have occupied a special place on the floor of a residential building.

What it is?

Batten- This is a device made of solid wood, as opposed to laminate or parquet boards. In this regard, its surface can be scraped several times and the product will not lose its commercial qualities.

Fixation of floorboards is carried out thanks to a groove and a ridge.

To relieve stress between rows and to avoid warping caused by changes in humidity and temperature in the room, on inside There is a notch in the board. Some models are equipped with a quarter lip.

Hard and soft woods are used to make solid boards. Only products made from poplar and linden are not suitable for flooring.

Soft wood from the coniferous family requires a mandatory protective coating. Varnish or paint is suitable for these purposes.


Before purchasing a flooring board, it is important to know its pros and cons. The advantages of this building material include the fact that it has good wear resistance and strength, perfectly retains heat in the room, and is made from environmentally friendly materials. Besides, solid board does not emit substances harmful to humans, unlike glued floor coverings, has good antistatic properties.

Disadvantages include poor sound insulation and constant maintenance requirements. Under no circumstances should building materials be over-moistened., otherwise the floor will swell and the board will begin to rot. Scratches may appear on the surface that will need to be masked.

Heavy household appliances In order to prevent dents, it is recommended to equip large furniture with rubber inserts.

Another significant disadvantage is the annual update. protective coating. Periodically, the floor needs to be either varnished or painted.. Wood itself is flammable and is subject to infestation by fungi and insects, which means that the room will require fire-fighting, anti-fungal and sanitary treatment.

Floorboards can be destroyed by mice or rats - this is especially important to consider in the private sector. Wood deteriorates from changes in temperature and humidity, and plank floors can fade, swell or crack. Some types of flooring are expensive.


Floor boards can be engineered, shipboard, edged, terraced or finger-jointed. Below we will consider each type separately, its pros and cons.

Engineered board is found only in Russian construction stores; its usual name is two-layer parquet board. Judging by the name, it is not difficult to guess that this flooring consists of two layers. For the front layer, hardwood is often used - it can be oak, larch, ash. Moreover, the thickness of the top layer usually does not exceed 25-30% of the total; glued sheets of plywood are used as the base. The number of sheets can vary from 7 to 9 pieces; almost all manufacturing plants use birch to create its base.

Despite the fact that the plywood sheets are attached perpendicular to each other, this does not prevent it from warping, so this type of flooring is not suitable for floating floors. In addition, the engineered board is laid using an adhesive composition.

The advantage of this building material is that it suits most spaces, styles and designs. The board is less susceptible to deformation due to the large number of perpendicularly glued plywood sheets. You can cycle it without fear of damaging the coating, but after this it is advisable to treat the product with varnish.

Some manufacturers produce thin products that fit perfectly with a heated floor system. This type of flooring does not crack due to high temperatures, and its service life is not reduced. In addition, thanks to moisture-resistant plywood, engineered board is also suitable for rooms with high humidity levels - bathrooms, kitchens, swimming pools.

The main feature of this floor covering is considered to be the thickness, as it may vary. Even in rooms with large differences You can lay a flat floor; all you need to do is select the building material of the required thickness.

Unlike other varieties, when laying engineered planks, a plywood underlay is not required. Installation can be done in a herringbone pattern, tile pattern, or diagonally. Many manufacturers provide tinting of the product for an additional fee.

Since the fixation is carried out using glue, there are no cold bridges between the boards, through which extraneous noise can enter. Nothing special temperature regime It is not necessary for the room; there is no need to maintain constant humidity.

The main disadvantages are considered to be high cost products, while the floor cannot be disassembled and laid in another place, such as, for example, laminate. If any lamella is damaged, you will have to tinker with it in order to replace it, and besides, it will most likely not be possible to match it by color, because not only the color will be different, but also the pattern of the wood.

Installation of engineered boards is quite complicated; not all specialists take on the task of laying such flooring.

Keep in mind that there are a large number of fakes on the markets; there is a high probability of buying a cheap, low-quality analogue at the price of an engineered board.

For additional sound insulation, experts recommend buying an acoustic substrate that has special slots into which glue is poured in doses. This significantly saves time spent on installation, since the glue is not applied to the entire surface and, accordingly, money.

Like laminate with parquet board, After purchase, this building material must be kept in the room to be renovated. In a few days, the tree will get used to the temperature conditions and humidity of the room.

Ship or deck boards are used not only for laying floors on ships, but also in rooms with high humidity. This is due to the fact that the deck board has good wear resistance and moisture resistance. In addition to kitchens and bathrooms, it is bought for installing floors on loggias, saunas, gazebos and swimming pools. It is suitable for both the veranda and the terrace.

It is often made from hard wood, namely larch. It is a well-known fact that larch can last up to 30 years, of course, with proper care. Other types of wood are also used: South American tiger and Indian teak.

Another advantage of this flooring is ease of maintenance and resistance to the environment. The material does not deteriorate from high humidity, low temperatures, and does not fade under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. The disadvantages include the undemocratic cost of exotic wood species.

Installation is carried out either on logs or on a cleaned concrete base. Fastening can be carried out in an open or hidden way. The first is done using a screwdriver and special screws. Moreover, the holes are drilled in advance to prevent damage to the product. The second method involves the use of special fasteners and a lamella cut, which is used to make a shallow cut.

Keep in mind that there should be a gap of 10-12 mm between the boards.

Terrace or composite boards, unlike deck boards, are made not only from wood, but also from a wood-polymer composite. Most often it is a combination of fiberglass, sawdust, shavings or flour with plastic - in other words, from industrial waste. Thanks to this, the lamellas can be of both small and large sizes. In this regard, this type of flooring can be installed quite quickly.

Wide and thin plastic is more susceptible to deformation than narrow and thick plastic. Although some manufacturers guarantee that their product can withstand a mechanical load of 350-400 kg per square meter.

Wood plastic does not fade in direct sunlight, does not change its color and does not crack. And from this it follows that This type of flooring will last for several decades.

The advantages of such a board include the fact that its edges are rounded, thereby reducing the likelihood of injury. Neither moisture nor frost is dangerous to high-quality plastic, so installation can be done not only in residential premises, but also under open air. But it is important not to forget about a slight slope - this will ensure moisture removal.

Plastic surface does not have a sliding effect, which means you won’t be able to slip either after rain or in cold weather. Even small children can run on this flooring.

Caring for plastic is also easy; just wash off the dirt with a wet cloth or use cleaning products. By the way, a good plastic product does not deteriorate when interacting with household chemicals. But it is strictly forbidden to carry out the cleansing procedure with a hard brush.

The decking boards are laid on logs. The step between the lags will depend on the load on the floor covering - the greater it is, the smaller the distance between the bars should be. Fastening, like deck boards, is carried out either openly or hidden. Remember to leave a small distance between the slats for thermal expansion.

You can install a heated floor under the terrace board. In this case, it is necessary to look at the product labeling - usually manufacturers print special icons or inscriptions on the packaging indicating the combination of the board with the heating system.

Additional processing or the boards do not require painting, since mold, insects and microorganisms do not inhabit this floor covering. In this regard, you can significantly save on annual prevention and protection.

An edged board, in contrast to the unedged and half-edged varieties, has all sides trimmed - both front and end. Thanks to this, the flooring is perfectly smooth.

There are several types of edged boards available in construction stores. Top grade It is almost impossible to find in the market because this reference product is exported to other countries. And it is produced according to European or American standards, which are alien to domestic consumers.

Either first grade or second grade boards are used as flooring. In order to save money, experts recommend buying a second grade. There are slight differences in quality and strength, but in general this is considered an ideal option for residential premises.

The board is selected depending on the load. These can be products from either coniferous or hardwood. As previously noted, larch will last longer, but it also costs more.

It's important to know that GOST clearly regulates the quality of edged boards. So, for example, products of the first and second grade should not have any cracks, chips, or knots. The wood must be dry, otherwise the building material will quickly become unusable.

Since such boards do not have a locking connection, fastening is carried out using hardware. These can be nails, then a hammer or self-tapping screws are used to drive them in. anchor bolts, then installation is performed using a screwdriver.

Many manufacturing plants have learned to recycle production waste. Thanks to this, such a floor covering as finger-joint boards was born. It is a strong building material made by splicing coniferous wood. Such slats are perfect for residential premises, country paths or terraces.

Typically, either pine, oak, or ash is used in production. There are no cracks or chips on the surface of such building materials. as well as knots or resin pockets, which are often found near edged boards. The base is smooth, uniformity is maintained both in color and structural content.

At the production stage, the interlocking connection is created. The fastening of such a board is carried out along the width. The length of the product can be 40-80 cm.

There are four classes of jointed boards in total. Class D1 is suitable for ordinary premises, class D2 is often used for flooring in kitchens, D3 - for bathrooms, and D4 - for rooms with high humidity.

The jointed board is sold at an affordable price and is suitable for universal application, easy to paint and treat with varnishes or impregnations. It can be looped up to 5-7 times. It has high thermal conductivity.

The main feature of this type of flooring is the ability to individually cut the dies to the desired sizes. Any manufacturer will produce a board with the required dimensions for an additional fee.


As has been noted many times, in order to make a wooden floor, you will need a floorboard. Most often it is made from wood cuts. So, for example, edged boards are made from soft or hard wood.

Softwoods include pine, spruce and other needles. Linden and alder have average hardness values. Well, the standard for interior and exterior decoration is larch, since it does not deteriorate at sub-zero and high temperatures. By the way, lining is most often made from these types of wood.

Pine board suitable for rooms with low humidity and constant temperature, which should not exceed +30 degrees Celsius. Linden boards are suitable for wet rooms - bathrooms, toilets and bathhouses, as they can withstand temperatures over 100 degrees.

After removing " iron curtain“Products made from exotic tree species began to enter the domestic market. Many of them have a high price tag and are not affordable for all people, but there are also affordable copies. One of them is bamboo flooring board.

Bamboo is a building material that is resistant to physical stress and has a long service life. It, like all wooden floorboards, is environmentally friendly safe material. Due to the fact that its wood matures in a short period of time - 4-5 years, there is no shortage of these products, this significantly affects competition and allows the price of products to be reduced.

In addition, bamboo boards are suitable for many interiors and are easy to care for. Some manufacturing plants impregnate their products with special compounds, which makes the board waterproof. It can be used to cover floors in both bathrooms and kitchens.

But keep in mind that some manufacturers use cheap resins for impregnation. A floor made from such boards can be harmful to the health of not only small children or allergy sufferers, but also adults.

Scratches may remain on the surface of bamboo, so sanding the base will be necessary to restore the floor to its former beauty. In this regard, experts do not recommend bamboo boards as flooring for corridors and hallways.

Despite the fact that this building material can be installed in rooms with high humidity, it is necessary to periodically monitor the protective layer. If it wears out, a new layer will need to be applied. Keep in mind that painted boards have less wear resistance.

Bamboo can be laid on concrete, reinforced concrete or wooden base. In the first and second options, the surface must be leveled using reinforcing mesh. And for the third option it is necessary to secure the logs.

Some factories, in order to prevent the boards from rotting, fire them at the production stage. Acetic acid and binding resins are formed in the fired lamellas, which makes the product more resistant to environmental changes.

This technology first appeared in Japan. There, houses were built from burnt boards that not only did not rot and were not infested by pests, but were also considered fire resistant. At the same time, their service life increased to 80-90 years. In Rus', this technology was called “smoking.” In addition, this technology allows even cheap wood modify.

Dark finishing material perfect for both old styles and new trends. It is also important that the board does not change its color when exposed to sunlight.

Terrace or wood-polymer board (WPL) is made from PVC, wood flour and water. To create a specific shade, a color pigment is added. The combination is carried out in a certain proportion, due to which the product is moisture resistant, resistant to temperature changes, and rotting.

As a basis, DLK can have a substrate made of wooden planks or plastic grill. In the first case, the floor turns out to be hard, and in the second, soft and less resistant to stress.


When purchasing a floorboard, you need to consider its purpose. The board can be used for finishing and rough finishing. Often the thickness of the board varies from 20 mm to 70 mm. Experts advise choosing a board of such length that there will be a minimum amount of waste. Keep in mind that The fewer joints on the surface, the more beautiful the flooring looks. Some products are available up to 6 meters long.

The floor needs to be scraped periodically, which means that the width and thickness of the board must be appropriate for this operation. Thin planks are almost impossible to sand. On sale you can find a board whose width is 80-135 mm.

For city apartments and country cottages, the ideal board is considered to be a lamella with a thickness of 35-50 mm, for commercial use - 50-70 mm. The width should be 100 mm.

The dimensions of wood-polymer boards are slightly different. So, its width is 160 mm, length – 2-6 m, and thickness on average 25 mm. Due to the fact that the product is made of plastic, the weight of the final product is several times less compared to a wooden board.


Huge selection Composite boards differ in shades. Since any color pigment can be added at the production stage, the final product can be a familiar or exotic color. In this case, the shade can be adjusted by tinting. Due to the fact that the paint is applied inside the product, it does not fade or fade during use.

The color can be plain or with a pattern that imitates a wood structure. Modern technology allows you to imitate not only the wood pattern, but also the roughness. When you touch the surface, it is very difficult to distinguish whether it is a natural product or its high-quality analogue.

As for natural wood, each variety has its own color. So, for example, ash has a light yellowish tint, and alder is white. And oak may even darken during use.

Manufacturers bleach, burn and tint their products. Each of these processes can emphasize the texture and structure of wood, giving it a certain color - white or black, respectively.

Flooring type

It was already mentioned in passing that if the floor is heated, then it requires a special floor covering that can withstand high temperatures. Many boards will quickly become unusable, lose their appearance and can even become a source of injury for household members.

Remember that if the apartment has an old plank floor, some of its damaged elements can be replaced. This will significantly save both time and money. Installation is carried out along the beams using self-tapping screws and a screwdriver.

For subfloors, it is recommended to buy a board made of soft wood, since strength is important for the base, not scratch resistance. The slats should not be damp or damp, infested with fungi or pests, uneven or cracked. And also the subfloor should not have any cracks. Boards must be treated with antifungal compounds. Particular attention is paid to the soil if repairs are being made in a private house. If installation is carried out on a concrete base, it must be degreased and treated with a primer.

Style and design

Each wood has its own pattern texture. It depends not only on the name or type of tree, but also on its age. The older the tree, the more circles are visible when cut. But, unfortunately, this feature can play a cruel joke. Let’s say that if you replace one board, choosing a pattern or background will be problematic.

Some manufacturers specifically make changes to their products - adding abrasions, chamfers, cracks or wormholes to make the board suitable for the classic style.

As noted earlier, the edged board is fired, after which it becomes black. This flooring goes well with elegant black furniture, gilding, mirrors and chrome inserts. Suitable for rooms decorated in hi-tech and loft style.

Which one is better to choose?

When in a hardware store or at a construction market, you need to pay attention to the moisture content of the board. This figure should not exceed 20 percent. Wet wood weighs more. A well-dried floorboard will last longer.

The board must correspond to the required class and have no defects, including those at the locking joint. In the store, it is advisable to insert one board into another and carefully examine the connection. Certain difficulties may arise with connecting six-meter boards; here you will need to use the help of a sales consultant.

It is important that decking, engineered and shiplap boards do not have scratches on the surface. If protective layer damaged, moldy fungi, microorganisms and pests will begin to colonize the product through the cracks.

Composite slats made of high-quality plastic will last for several decades. No need to buy wide planks. As a rule, they are less resistant to loads, which means they deform faster.

Important nuances

Remember, the pitch between the joists will depend on the load on the floor covering. If the load is large, then the logs are laid at a short distance. This technology will relieve the load on the boards, which means that the lamella will not break from the weight of heavy furniture or a person.

Wood has the ability to expand and contract due to changes in humidity and temperature. Therefore, a small gap is left between the boards - this is a kind of ventilation. When the board expands, it will not harm the “neighbor” and the floor covering will remain unchanged. If this is not done, then the floor will “become a house.”

Do not forget about the waterproofing layer; it will not allow moisture and steam to negatively affect the properties of the plank floor. In addition, insulation and sound insulation can be laid between the joists, thanks to this, cold air and extraneous noise will not enter the room.

It is important to use not only antifungal drugs to protect the floor, but also paint coatings. With their help, you can avoid damage to building materials and extend its service life. The painted floor will fit into any interior.

Today there are many different ways cover the floor in your home. Accordingly, the variety of floor coverings is also great. However, hardly anyone would argue that the most suitable, most natural and organic material for a house was and remains wood. Wooden floor boards remain the generally recognized leader among different types floor coverings. IN Lately, the popularity of flooring boards is once again on the rise, even as many other options for flooring in the home have emerged.

What is a floorboard?

Batten- This is a profile part made of wood, which is intended for covering the floor. Externally, it looks like a milled board, which is made of a massive piece of wood. This, by the way, is the main difference between a floorboard and a parquet board, since the latter is obtained by gluing several thin layers.

To ensure that the boards adhere tightly to each other, each of them has a groove (on one edge) and a ridge on the opposite.

It is obvious that the material from which the floorboards are made is exclusively natural wood. It must be wood High Quality- no flaws, knots, blackening or cracks. Thanks to the natural material, floorboards are an environmentally friendly floor covering that is not capable of causing allergies.

Most suitable material for making floorboards - this is wood oak, ash, larch and pine. Walnut, alder and aspen are used a little less frequently, since these species are not hard enough. An extremely undesirable material for making floorboards is wood from species such as poplar or linden.

Basic performance characteristics of flooring boards

Like any other type of flooring, floorboards have several distinctive characteristics. Among them are the following:

Advantages of floorboards

The floorboard has a considerable list benefits, which follow from its technical characteristics:

  • The board floor is based on natural material;
  • strength and reliability;
  • excellent thermal insulation;
  • environmental friendliness of the coating;
  • antiallergic properties;
  • durability of the material;
  • aesthetic appearance;
  • relatively low cost.

In addition, the floor is made of planks - a great way to decorate your home interior, make it as warm and homely as possible.

Disadvantages of floorboards

However, the floorboard also has its own flaws, among which:

  • difficulty in maintaining the floor from the boards;
  • predisposition to rubbing and the appearance of scratches and dents;
  • the material is flammable;
  • subject to rotting processes;
  • can change its shape over time;
  • the possibility of gaps appearing between the boards due to changes in their volumes in winter and summer.

Floorboard sizes

The parameters of the floorboard include its width, length and thickness. The most important size of the floorboard is its width.

Today you can find floorboards from 80 to 135 mm wide on sale. The standard parameters for the thickness of the floorboard are the following: 28, 30, 32, 35 and 40 mm. The length of the floorboards can be 3, 4, 4.5 or 6 meters.

As shown practical experience, the most popular size is a board with a width of 100−105 mm and a thickness of 30−35 mm.

When choosing the width of the floorboard, you must first take into account general room design. After all, a floorboard that is too narrow (or, conversely, too wide) will not fit into any interior.

When choosing the thickness of the board, you need to proceed from distances between joists for their installation. If the distance between adjacent logs exceeds 70 cm, then you should choose boards with a greater thickness.

How to choose a floorboard?

First of all, it is important to decide for what purpose the board will be used. If you need a board to make a “subfloor”, then you need to choose one that has no flaws, warping or rotten knots. Boards for organizing the finishing floor must have a stable geometry and absolutely no knots.

You also need to take responsibility when choosing the thickness of the boards. The minimum thickness of the floorboard should be 21-22 mm. Obviously, the choice of the thickness of the floorboard should be determined by the loads that your floor will feel.

Much attention should be paid wood quality, from which the board is made. The following parameters are important here:

  • type of cut;
  • presence of knots and cracks;
  • percentage of material warping.

Installation of floorboards

In practice there is two main installation methods plank floors:

  1. So-called "parquet" method, when boards are laid on a flat surface using glue.
  2. Laying floorboards on joists.

Laying floorboards with glue

This method is often called “parquet”, since the process of laying floorboards here is similar to the process of laying regular parquet. The only difference is that the floorboards, due to their considerable thickness, additionally secured with self-tapping screws.

To use this method of installing floorboards, it is necessary that both the surface and the boards themselves are perfectly flat. An important point here is the correct choice of glue. In principle, any glue will do: epoxy, dispersed or polyurethane. However, if the floorboards are made of exotic wood species (such as, for example, beech), then it is better not to use dispersed glue. The glue must be strong and, at the same time, flexible. Suitable for these purposes one- and two-component polyurethane adhesives.

Laying floorboards on joists

If your home has wooden floors between floors, or you need to lay the floor in a room with a high ceiling, then it is better to use this installation method.

First you need to install the so-called logs, at a distance of 60−70 cm between them. Used as a floor joist wooden beam with a cross section of 50−70 mm. The logs must be treated with some kind of antiseptic.

As sound insulation for floorboards, you can use expanded clay floor screed or lay mineral wool. And in order to get rid of the “drum effect” as much as possible, you need to lay glassine or synthetic padding in the space between the boards and joists.

Next, the process of directly laying the floorboards begins. Usually a floorboard laid with the ridge forward. The first board is fastened in such a way that the screws overlap the wooden floor plinth.

The last stage of laying a plank floor should be sanding, and then varnishing the finished floor. You need to sand the floorboards first across, and then along and diagonally. To varnish the floor, it is recommended to use a high-strength varnish. Varnish on floorboards must be applied in at least two layers.

So, the floor is made of planks, no doubt. will make your home more comfortable and pleasant. Floorboards are an ideal, time-tested material that is durable, beautiful, stylish and environmentally friendly.


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