Old Russian jewelry - their meaning. Old Russian amulets

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Amulets have existed in Rus' for a long time, the most ancient of them have a history stretching back thousands of years. The popularity of amulets was very high - almost every home had an amulet. In Rus' they gave great importance magical possibilities various items― both self-made and natural formations. The Slavs had a unity with nature, almost lost in our time. They knew how to receive strength and energy from nature, communicate with animals and Gods.

The ancients believed that sacred symbols were given to humanity by higher beings, and each symbol contained divine knowledge about the universe. Moreover, each of the symbols has its own meaning, its own knowledge and its own magical potential.

Russian amulets and talismans and their meaning

The pectoral cross contains powerful protective forces

Amulets and talismans were an integral part of the culture and life of the Slavs. Many of them have survived to this day. For example, pectoral cross- one of the oldest Slavic amulets, although many do not even know about it.

The amulets of ancient Rus' can be divided into verbal, objective and symbolic.

Object amulets include various gizmos and objects made independently, purchased or simply found. Moreover, it is worth noting that hand-made items had greater potential and significance than purchased ones.

Verbal amulets and spells are important for Russian people

Symbolic Russian amulets are images that can depict objects of the real world, including Gods and animals, or contain a sacred drawing. Prayers and conspiracies are.

Amulets and talismans can be universal, that is, protect against any negativity, or they can have one specific property, for example, protect against various diseases.

How to choose a Russian amulet

Before making or buying a talisman, you need to clearly understand what kind of protection or help you would like to receive in life. Perhaps you are unable to resolve a problematic situation on your own, or you have serious health problems, or you simply vaguely sense some kind of threat from the world around you. The motives can be very different, you need to determine the most important one for you.

Your inner feelings will tell you in choosing a talisman

You can choose for yourself suitable amulet, familiarizing yourself with its meaning and properties. Or, if you have well-developed intuition, you simply feel that this particular amulet is yours, then don’t hesitate and buy or make it.

You can choose any material for the amulet. It can be glass, wood, fabric, stone and others. There is only one condition - you should not have a negative feeling towards the material itself, and the material should be in harmony with the character of the person for whom you are going to make the amulet.

Home amulets

All hand-made amulets are always made only from natural materials

In the houses of our ancestors there was always a talisman, and often more than one. The protective items were very different - pillows with dried herbs, and many others. They had one thing in common - they all had to be made from natural materials. Natural materials They themselves are excellent defenders against illnesses, problems and magical attacks.

The Slavs attached particular importance to wormwood. They filled pillows and dolls with it, or simply placed a wormwood broom near the entrance. Dark forces are afraid of wormwood, and people with unclean thoughts will feel some kind of barrier and will not enter your home.

Wormwood has long been endowed mystical properties and was often used in various rituals

Today, wormwood has not lost its magical power and meaning. You can add a small bunch of wormwood to your entryway as a decorative element, and this weed will protect your home from uninvited guests, as well as envy, the evil eye or damage. A small doll with wormwood inside will reliably protect you on the road.

Another amulet known to every Russian person is this. A horseshoe has several protective properties, the manifestation of a specific property depends on how you position the horseshoe. To attract good luck, the horseshoe was placed with the ends up, and to protect the house from dark forces and deceitful people - with the ends down. The horseshoe was most often placed at the entrance to the house. If you decorate a horseshoe with wormwood branches, its strength will increase.

Such a talisman as the bell is also quite famous today. Usually it was made by hand and also placed near the entrance or simply on front door. The bell symbolizes prosperity, and its ringing has a beneficial effect on the energy in the house and drives out evil.

Russian amulets for children

Magical objects accompanied Russian people throughout their lives. And mothers sometimes cooked even before the child was born. Basically, self-sewn dolls served as such amulets. The doll was placed in the crib, it protected the baby from the evil eye and at the same time warmed him.

The custom of putting a cross on a child originated long before the baptism of Rus'

The newborn baby immediately received another one of his own personal amulet- cross. They put a cross on a child so that he would always have a protective object with him. It is interesting to note that s. The Slavs believed that the cross had magical powers no less than those of solar symbols.

It has long been believed that young children are especially susceptible to the influence of dark forces, and, of course, they tried to protect the child as much as possible. One of the protections was diaper dolls. They were made before birth, and from the first days of life, the diapers were continuously next to the child for several months. They were then removed and used again only when the child became ill. Swaddle dolls protected the baby from any evil.

After seven years, the child received other amulets. For boys, some small, sharp object was placed in their pocket, and for girls, a pin was pinned on the wrong side of the dress.

Amulets for newlyweds

For the ancient Slavs, family was the most important thing life value. The connection between spouses, as well as blood kinship, was revered as something unshakable. There were talismans and amulets that were presented as wedding gifts; the main meaning of these items was to protect the new marriage from quarrels and troubles.

One of the wedding customs was a gift to the newlyweds - a Lovebirds amulet doll

The mother of the bride usually prepared a traditional talisman gift in advance - . These two dolls had one common hand, symbolizing life together in happiness and prosperity. Lovebird dolls were given to the bride and groom at the very beginning of the wedding ceremony, and then placed in the newlyweds’ house as a talisman.

Another wedding gift-amulet was a needle without an eye. The bride had such needles attached to her hem wedding dress, and for the groom - on the belt. Needles were required to be worn for forty days; it was believed that it was during this period new family most susceptible to envy and dark attacks.

Culture Ancient Rus' very interesting and informative. Each of us simply needs to know about how our ancestors lived and what they believed. A special place in the above-mentioned culture was occupied by amulets - various items, which protected the owner from troubles and the evil eye. The amulets were of different types, not necessarily difficult to make. Such items were considered household items, specially made amulets, and trophies. The amulets were made from clay, metal, wood and other materials that were available at that time. Embroidery was considered the strongest amulet, as well as painting, which could be found on dishes and other household items.

Pagan culture was gradually replaced by Christianity. Despite this, the ancient Russians continued to believe in their gods and keep old amulets in their homes. Some of them have survived to this day and have practically not lost their significance. Each item in Ancient Rus' had its own sacred meaning, could protect a person from a certain misfortune. In this article we will look at the most common and popular ancient Russian amulets that are available to modern man. Moreover, we encounter some of them in Everyday life, and we can make others ourselves, if desired.

Sun circles

The most common ancient Russian amulets were those that protected the home. For the ancient Russian, the house was a holy place, which he tried to protect from evil spirits and troubles. The amulets were placed directly in the house, under the threshold, in doorway, in the courtyard. By the way, painted household utensils served not for beauty, but also for protection. In addition, in order to protect their home, its facades were decorated with carvings, which were most often applied to shutters, window and doorways.

The most ancient protective patterns symbolized three elements: Earth, Water and Fire. The sign of the first element was a rhombus, divided into 4 equal parts, in the center of which there were dots. Water was depicted as wavy lines. The symbol of fire was an oblique cross.

The Russians placed the above-described symbolism in those places through which evil spirits could get into the hut - around windows, doors, on the stove and on the chimney. Often on such passages a symbol of the sun was drawn, which was a 6-rayed or 8-rayed star enclosed in a circle. On the facade, the above symbol was often depicted in three positions: morning, midday and evening. Next to the solar symbols, thunder symbols were placed, which were supposed to protect the house from lightning strikes. The thunder symbol was a circle divided into 6 equal sectors. Also, the collection of protective signs was complemented by the symbol of Rarog - a cress enclosed in a circle, which denoted the harmony of fire: heavenly and earthly.

How was the horseshoe used?

The Russians associated the image of a horse, a magical and sacred animal for them, with a horseshoe. It was believed that a horse (an animal, figurine or pattern) represents the heavenly chariot driven by Dazhbog. The heavenly chariot, in turn, symbolized the sun.

Children's swings were often decorated with carved horses and horse figurines. It was believed that if a child plays on such a swing, he will experience successful marriage and a happy life. This was especially true for girls who were destined to become wives and guardians of their homes. A girl and a guy swinging on a swing together was considered a blessing for their union. This ritual brought them happiness and mutual understanding.

Also, in order to attract happiness to the family, in Ancient Rus' it was customary to hang old pots and worn wicker bast shoes on the fence. Horseshoes, in turn, were kept mainly on the gates. They were considered the most powerful talisman, symbolizing the month (Moon). The strength of the horseshoe was given by the sacred fire with which it was made.

A horseshoe was sometimes placed in the chimney to prevent evil spirits from entering the house through it. It was believed that if this talisman was attached to a bed or placed under it, then the person who would sleep on it would not have nightmares.

The custom of hanging a horseshoe over the door has survived to this day, but we, modern people, do it wrong. The horseshoe must be placed with its horns facing up. Otherwise, she will not be able to hold onto happiness and will “shed” it.

Home amulets in Ancient Rus'

IN home interior Almost all objects were covered with protective symbols. This was especially true for the stove, kitchen utensils, working tools, and beds. The doors had special meaning– they served as a portal between real worlds: internal and external. Bunches of nettles were placed near the door threshold, symbols were cut out on the door frame, and fragments of a scythe or knife were stuck into the cracks on the door frame or threshold. In the most ancient times, the ashes of ancestors were buried under the threshold of the house, who after death protected the rest of the household. The rule has survived to this day that you cannot sweep garbage through the threshold of a house, as this will drive away the defenders of the house. In addition, the Russians believed that nothing could be passed across the threshold, or talk to a person. Guests were always greeted at the threshold, and then allowed into the house in front of them.

The stove was the main household item. There is even an opinion that houses were built around a stove, which is logical, since it heated rooms, served for cooking, and had a special sacred meaning. The stove was decorated with a special ornament, which included the symbolism of the god Svarog - a square (symbol of the family hearth), crossed spindles (symbols of fire) and much more. The stove was always kept clean, and they tried not to quarrel or offend others around it.

When bread was cooked in the oven, strangers were not allowed into the house, as it was believed that this would attract trouble. Household areas had to be cleaned from the door to the stove. A heated stove could not be thrown without its contents - firewood was always placed in it to dry, as well as water to heat it up.

Special objects were placed next to the stove, with which they tried to appease the brownie. Such items were: a broom, a bast shoe and a bread shovel. Then the brownie understood that the house would always be clean, nourishing and rich.

Diagonally from the above-described piece of furniture, a pokutie was placed - the “red corner”, in which ears of corn were stored before the advent of Christianity. Every year, grains from them were added to wheat, which was used to sow the field in the spring. It was believed that the headboards of all beds in the house should be directed towards the “red corner”.

Old Russian embroidery

Embroidery was used to decorate not only clothes, but also bed sheets, decorative home textiles, towels, tablecloths and various ritual paraphernalia. The main purpose of embroidery was protection from damage and evil. When creating such a complex and at the same time beautiful amulet, the craftswomen followed certain rules. For example, on back side There should be no knots left in the embroidery. If they were present, then needlework did not acquire magical power.

We never did embroidery as a talisman for ourselves. So that she really has protective magical properties, it should have been made close person(most often a mother or wife) who sincerely desires happiness. Most often, ancient Russian craftswomen embroidered various symbols of the sun. In addition, the embroidery contained tree symbols - Christmas trees (a symbol of life and longevity), stars (a symbol of reason), flowers (a symbol of youth and beauty), circles and squares (a symbol of fertility).

The embroidery pattern should not be broken. Otherwise, he will not be able to protect against evil spirits. One product could not protect against all evils at once. Each embroidery had its own meaning and had its own power. Ritual towels in Ancient Rus' had a special meaning. The patterns on them were supposed to reflect special family events. For example, the midwife placed the newborn on a new towel embroidered by the mother, which protected him from the evil eye. It was customary to depict symbols of loss on funeral towels: a rhombus (the same as the symbol of the earth, only empty).

Objects of everyday use were embroidered with special protective symbols, mainly red roosters. People believed that the voice of a rooster drives away demons. In order for the embroidery to gain maximum strength, it had to be made within 24 hours. A simple ornament, for example, the same rooster, can actually be completed in a day. Often, embroidered amulet was made with red threads. In addition to red, similar colors were used: brick, beet, scarlet, poppy, currant.

Clay bell and old key

Often hung on the wall of the hut old key, because they believed that he “locked” the house from evil forces. In addition, the key was considered a symbol of prosperity and a comfortable life, since it allegedly locked the owner’s wealth. One of the most ancient Slavic amulets was the bell. It had to be made from clay with one's own hands. According to legend, its ringing could scare away any attack or evil spirits from the house.

In Ancient Rus' it was impossible to find a hut that did not have the amulets described above. All of them are simple, making them accessible even to modern people. It’s not difficult to make them at home, the main thing is that you have the desire.

“Keeps the amulet from the evil eye, keeping out evil forces...” - dozens of proverbs and sayings once again confirm the strength and unique protective properties amulets of the ancient Slavs. All the amulets of our ancestors are based on a close connection with Mother Nature and are endowed with deep sacred meaning. Are they capable ancient Slavic amulets and symbols help us in modern life? The answer to this question is in our article.

Ancient Slavic amulets: history and modernity

Amulets and talismans were deeply revered by our ancestors - the ancient Slavs. They kept them in their homes and took them with them on the road and on military campaigns. Old Russian amulets had powerful protective properties.

The beliefs of the ancient Slavs were always based on the deification of the forces of Nature.

It is important to note that our pagan ancestors perceived and assessed the world. Based on these views, special beliefs and rituals were formed. Paganism is based on respect, worship, and fear of the power and strength of Nature. To protect yourself from all sorts of negative impacts, the ancient Slavs came up with a whole series of amulets. Their meaning could be different, but most of them embodied the function of protecting a person from evil forces and influences.

Ancient Slavic symbols and amulets have not changed at all over time. They look exactly the same as they did centuries ago. Many of them have survived to this day through the connection of generations. The lost symbols from the amulets were recreated as a result of archaeological excavations and historical research. That is why modern amulets and charms depicting ancient pagan signs have the same power as in ancient times. They will also protect their owner from all danger and evil.

When choosing a talisman for yourself, listen to your feelings - the talisman will tell you everything

Ancient Russian amulets have long brought good luck to a person and contributed to the successful completion of any business or idea. How to choose a suitable amulet for yourself? Very simple! You need to listen carefully to yourself, and you will immediately understand which pagan amulet is “yours” and which is not.

The amulets of the ancient Slavs were divided into two types:

  • women's;
  • men's

Women's amulets of the ancient Slavs

The owner, the eldest in the family, was always responsible for making amulets

Women initially needed to wear more amulets on themselves. After all, they are the guardians of the human race. In ancient times, in families, the woman was usually responsible for selecting and making amulets. Moreover, this had to be the oldest representative of the family. The amulets were made by her alone and in complete silence. It was extremely important to set all your thoughts in the right way during this sacred process.

For many eras, not a single person, not a single hut, not a single courtyard in Ancient Rus' could be imagined without folk amulets. The Russian population firmly believed that it was thanks to them magical abilities they are reliably protected from all kinds of ailments, “ evil eyes", natural disasters and any misfortunes, that wearing and using special talismans brings good luck.

Gradually, people's point of view on the events happening around them changed. The way of life, family environment, housing, as well as other main everyday landmarks changed. Only every time the eternal desire of a person to protect and save his family hearth and his relatives from troubles was preserved. Our ancestors did this through protective amulets. Moreover, they were put on at the birth of a child and did not part with them all their lives.

When placing buildings in the courtyard, traditional rituals were followed, because a well-built house was in fact the optimal protection from all sorts of sorrows and problems. Just like in ancient times, today, all people strive most of all to protect the courtyard of their home. The boundary of private space is firmly established along the fence around the yard and is protected by certain symbolic things. These include, in particular, horseshoes nailed to the gate, on doors, gates for luck, crucibles and bowls, old bast shoes, those that are hung on the fence, or nets that are thrown over a fence or wattle fence.

Horseshoe - a talisman for good luck

In Rus', since the time of Adam, a horseshoe has been considered an amulet associated with success, well-being, and protection. And this is confirmed by various legends and beliefs. In bygone eras, when iron had just taken its first steps into Europe, it was so expensive that any iron trinket was considered precious. However, this was not the main thing for the horseshoe, the key factor was that it was forged by a blacksmith in a purifying flame, and also that it was similar in configuration heavenly body and personified the new month.

Finding a horseshoe on the way meant exclusively good omen. In certain areas, in addition, specific actions were followed in case of such a successful find: they picked up a horseshoe, spat on it, made a wish, threw it across left shoulder and walked away, never looking back. But this custom has not taken root.

Different European peoples have their own tales about the significance of the horseshoe as a sign of fortune and prosperity. The most common among them all is the Anglo-Saxon legend of the immaculate Dunstan and the Evil One. The devil himself suddenly appeared before Dunstan, the future Archbishop of Canterbury, and approached him with an offer to shoe his hoof. Dunstan, being also a blacksmith, agreed to such a procedure. However, he shod the devil so firmly that he, feeling unimaginable pain, begged for mercy. In exchange for freedom, the demon promised that he would never enter the entrance openings over which the horseshoe would hang. In all likelihood, the described Christian version of the role of the horseshoe as a protective thing was adopted by Christians from the ancient idolatrous Celts, who assumed that a horseshoe nailed over the doors would be able to repel the penetration of otherworldly visitors.

IN Ancient Egypt and Babylon, a horseshoe resembling a new moon was attributed to the cult of the fertility goddesses Isis and Astarte.

She was always credited with some kind of magical power, and most powerful individuals collected them. In the study of the Austrian Emperor Ferdinand I there was a large collection of all kinds of horseshoes. Today's horsemen and riders want to preserve the horseshoe of the horse on which they were lucky enough to get a win or re-set the highest record.

By the way, how to hang a horseshoe?

Forges up or forges down? And also, in which zone specifically should it be placed?

In modern times, such a talisman is used in different ways:

  • - an amulet nailed over the entrance doors with its horns to the bottom protects the home from harm;
  • - with horns up - attracts good luck to the family hearth;
  • nailed on the inside and invisible side of the door smoothes out the fluid of the home, provided that there are geopathogenic places in it that are undesirable for human health. For this purpose, souvenir amulets are placed at the head of the sleeping areas;
  • a talisman placed on the windowsill with its ends away from the window on the very first night of the full moon activates the attraction of finances into the house and serves as a help for material well-being in all sorts of ways;
  • buried underground near the northwestern wall of the dwelling, will bring luck, help and support;
  • provided that, for unknown reasons, flora does not grow satisfactorily in the room, place a horseshoe near them.


In antiquity, one of the most significant amulets was, indeed, a hedge. Due to the fact that the traditional Slavic economy seemed to be a real model of the world, and the first obstacle on the road of malevolent forces was the fence fence. She served as a kind of guard, preventing enemies and evil spirits from entering the court; various talismans, skull crucibles and dilapidated chuni were hung on her to ward off evil forces.

In modern life, a luxurious amulet - a wattle fence, attached to a wall in a room, protects the bosom of the family from poverty, cold and disease. In addition, the interweaving of twigs represents strong domestic relationships, glorious new connections, as well as deep friendships.

The type of material from which the wattle fence is made is also interesting. Few people know that the “magic hedge” was woven from willow.

This probably has a connection with the amazing ability of broom to recover. A cut willow twig planted in damp soil germinates steadily.

In Russia, the fluffy soft balls of willow blossoming in early spring have become the main symbolism of Palm Sunday, one of the most central Christian celebrations preceding Easter.

Pysanka was kept in huts as a talisman.

It was believed that it not only gives power to everything that awakens to the new: the earth, man, animals, and plants, but also brings beauty, health, and well-being.

Slavic pysanka is a tradition of painting bird eggs with paints and beeswax. Previously, they accompanied any person in the process of his entire life activity, from birth to death, protecting him from harm.

For most nationalities, an egg is a sign of birth and life. The ornaments that were applied to the pysanka were by no means random. Absolutely every one contains its own purpose. Drawings of Easter eggs and color combinations passed from genealogy to genealogy.

Pysanky will not allow you to falsify them - they are all fragile and susceptible to the mood of the craftswoman; if you suddenly sit down to draw in confusion or dissatisfaction, they can fly out of your hands and shatter into pieces.

Nowadays, eggs are mostly painted only for Easter. Previously, they were written throughout the year: for bees, so that there would be an abundance of honey in the hives, for fields, so that there would be an excellent harvest. Women expecting babies decorated eggs with flowers or birds. It was a strong amulet for the child. It, painted with suns and beautiful butterflies, was placed in babies’ cradles and given to children for a bright, easy and carefree life - with “bloodworms”. Decorated with wishes for the newlyweds, it was considered the most expensive gift at a wedding.

Protective amulets - ornaments on clothes

Amulet embroidery

Clothing disconnects each person from the external environment. And whatever method of protection, in accordance with the faith of our distant ancestors, it was necessary to strengthen it through the miraculous influence, repeatedly encrypted in the drawings of patterns, in the manifestations of artistic creations. Embroidery or weaving patterns passed from family tree to family tree, brightening up ethnic items of clothing. All of them were absolutely not disorderly.

Variation in ornamentation appeared only at the end of the 19th century at the beginning of the 20th century in areas where there was a fairly large influence of the metropolis. In the old days, in eras that are far from being fully explored by us even in our time, peasants depicted an obviously beautiful world, their personal views about it, their own interdependencies with it, their judgments about it in a conventional pictorial language. These were the original functions of the code, invented by peoples and possessing magical properties.

It is possible that conventional images protected from recklessness. This system smoothly turns into an artistic ornament, which, in addition to the magical essence, has received an aesthetic essence that remains to this day, and makes one involuntarily admire this indescribable mysterious beauty. So, since ancient times, our beloved ancestors have been sending us signals-symbols about their lives, about their worldview, about relationships with the forces of flora and fauna. The decoding of these signals began to be studied almost recently, and people of coming generations still have to learn quite a lot of fascinating and unusual things.

The patterns are complex in image, rich bright colors decorated ethnic clothes. At first it is difficult to understand their ancient secret meaning. Peaceful beauty geometric shapes does not reflect the system of the universe imagined by our forefathers, however, it is here that we see signs of the sun with curved ornate ends, and signs of a field such as a rhombus with a dot in the center, and signs of little men.

There were all sorts of ornaments with simpler images of people, representatives of the flora and fauna, but their origins are in the most ancient Slavic legends.

Charms for women


Since time immemorial, girls have been decorating their person with crowns of flowers. The gifts of flora - fragile and short-lived - personified girlish color and sinlessness.

A wreath for girls was a symbol of girlish innocence and chastity; it protected her from “evil glances” and “unclean magical powers.”

In the summer, only fresh flowers were woven into wreaths: cornflowers, poppies, daisies, marigolds. In spring, sunny wreaths of dandelions looked dazzling.

Bright ribbons were attached to the wreaths, the colors of which indicated certain symbols:

  • The light brown ribbon represented the Earth-nurse.
  • Yellow symbolized the sun.
  • Green - beauty and youth.
  • Blue and blue - water and sky.
  • Orange ribbon - bread.
  • Purple ribbon - human wisdom.
  • A pink ribbon was woven for prosperity.
  • Ancestors were honored with a white ribbon.

There is a point of view to believe that the Little Russian crown with ribbons, which since the time of Adam has been considered a mixed component of the national attire, is nothing more than a bow to the “bright, peace-loving horizon” above the heads of those who walk in it. This is an extraordinary amulet against everything bad and bitter.

The wreath was thrown onto trees and attics, fearing God's wrath - lightning, placed directly under the initial sheaf in order to increase the subsequent harvest of crops, placed in the nests of hens, in the cradles of newborns, buried under clothes from witches, lowered into fields and vegetable gardens. The girls tried to wash themselves with water from a wet wreath in order to always be beautiful and healthy.

Our ancestors clearly understood that it was their “head” that helped them understand the world around them. In this regard, hats were widely used to protect them from the evil eye and various machinations of malicious people. There was a legend that wreaths nailed to the doors guaranteed health and well-being for the whole family for the whole year.

Small wreaths, as a talisman, were even given to men who went to war.

With the idea of ​​​​preparing amulets of love, for childbirth, for wealth and happiness, onions, garlic, ribbons, ears of grain, delicacies, curls, and special miraculous herbs were tied into wreaths.

Good day everyone. My readers are so interested in the amulets that I will continue to write new information about them. The article - “Slavic amulets and their meaning” will help you choose your amulet.

Amulets that came from antiquity

To protect their home, give themselves courage, fearlessness, the ancient Slavs used various magic symbols. They were placed on clothes, weapons, and household items.

The Slavs used 16 zodiac signs, each zodiac had its own symbol. A personal amulet was made. Before putting the amulet on oneself or on the person for whom it was intended, it was charged.

A charged thing endowed a person with those qualities that could help him in life. Personalized amulets protected a person throughout his life, endowing him with those qualities that he lacked.

How to choose a talisman

Today, your favorite handmade item can become a talisman, or you can look for a ready-made symbol.

When choosing ready-made jewelry, you should pay attention to important nuances:

  • Decide right away for whom the amulet is chosen - a woman, a man, young or old.
  • For daily wear, it is necessary to take into account the purpose of the amulet.
  • In what form should it be?
  • Carefully study the interpretation of the sign you have chosen.

The most revered Slavic amulets and their meaning

There are many variants of symbols that are revered Slavic peoples, but they are all protectors from all evil. You can select special group signs that were used in the manufacture of jewelry, embroidery, even for buildings, premises, and interior items.

The making of amulets was usually done by the oldest woman in the family. While creating strong amulets thoughts should be kind and clear, so there was complete silence in the house. Traditionally, a man was allowed to wear one amulet, and a woman - several.

Among large group defenders can be called Makosh. This is a female talisman. He keeps the most warm qualities necessary for good family relationships. It was worn by mature women who supported traditions, family ties, and respected their family.

Makosh- a symbol of happiness, prosperity, abundance in the home. This sign is considered the protector of the family from dark forces, capable of imparting health to all family members, bringing peace and abundance to the house.

Ladinets is an 8-pointed star with curved ends. It is believed that it is very useful for women, as it relieves pain, protects against female diseases, and helps to lose excess weight.

Our ancestors wore it as protection from damage, the evil eye, curses, and evil thoughts.

The Slavs wore Molvinets to protect them from unkind thoughts, words, and slander. They believed that he would protect the entire family. It is worth noting that Molvinets often appeared on clothes for children. This sign was also found on the bodies of the Magi in the form of tattoos.

And nowadays the Molvinets tattoo is becoming more and more popular. It is worth noting that any mistake in a tattoo can completely turn your life around, and no one knows in what direction.

Valkyrie is a masculine sign. He endowed a man with strength and wisdom, especially when resolving conflicts. It was usually presented to warriors.

A universal amulet that has the power of the Sun itself. For those who honor their family, this sign brought wisdom, understanding, and warmth to the hearth. To charge this talisman, you need to place it under the rays of the sun and hold it for at least three hours.

The Star of Lada or Lada the Mother of God is a symbol of love. He is considered the protector of the home from dark otherworldly forces, and the family from various kinds adversity. The star was often painted on the wall of the home so that the Goddess would take the whole family under her protection.

For the amulet to help, the wearer must have pure thoughts, sincerity, and an open soul towards his family, loved ones and loved ones.

Silver amulets

Slavic amulets for the stronger half preserved health, provided protection during the hunt, and brought good luck in everything. Most often, men's talismans were cast from silver, sometimes from copper. Men did not wear them as pendants; wives and mothers embroidered their image on their shirts.

Most popular male sign The Hammer of Svarog is considered to be made of silver. It can be given as a gift to relatives and friends. He will become a real assistant in mastering a new profession, a protector from various life adversities. It will help you gain peace of mind and self-confidence. For family people it will help to create a strong family, a warm family hearth.

The description of the next amulet says that the representative of the stronger sex who receives the Znich symbol will feel nourishment from the Cosmos and have protection in dangerous or difficult situations.

The bearer of this amulet will strive for knowledge and will be able to find true love, Also Znich will help old feelings flare up. IN difficult situation will help strengthen your fortitude and become an energy accumulator. The main thing is to ask him for help!

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Perun's ax will give the male half physical and spiritual strength, will help protect the main human values ​​- faith, family, love. God Perun is ready to punish his enemies, and to support the wearer of this amulet in battle and give him strength.

There is also the Shield of Perun, which will protect against the evil eye, purify a person’s thoughts, and give strength to cope with difficult life problems.

The seal of Veles the Bear Paw is the patron and protector of a man, but on condition that he should not part with this sign all his life. God Veles will help you achieve great success in your work, bestow you with wealth and hard work, but you must sincerely believe in this.

For the house, to protect it from fire, it was applied to the walls.

General amulets for men and women

The main part of the amulets was cast, since the ancient Slavs believed that this metal was endowed with magical powers. Often there were amulets made of gold, as you liked. Among the talismans especially revered by the ancestors was Colard.

Symbol Kolrad helps everyone who wears it. On modern jewelry You can often see exactly this symbol, which after charging can be done.

An ideal gift could be bracelets or pendants with this sign. To prevent the symbol from negatively influencing fate, girls and boys who are not married do not need to wear such jewelry.

The main amulet of the Slavs

The Slavic amulet Cross does not belong to Christianity. This one of the main symbols of the Slavs represents the four cardinal directions, that is, its owner is protected from adversity and misfortune from all four sides. It is believed that its owner has the powerful support of his ancestors.

The cross has several varieties that have their own power:

Crosses were made of gold, silver, copper, bone, leather, stone, and wood. It was often embroidered on clothes.

Sun symbol

Kolovrat is the sign of the sun, on which everything in this life depends. He brought people:

  • the power of solar fire, fertility;
  • victory over enemies, the forces of darkness;
  • fortitude, health;
  • faith in the future;
  • protection from the evil eye, damage.

You shouldn’t be surprised if a person who has this amulet suddenly begins to have luck in everything! This solar energy gives the power of creation to good deeds. But in evil deeds the opposite can happen.

Any amulet should be cleaned and charged. Kolovrat needs it too. Keep it in running water for two hours, or in stream water. After cleansing, pass the wax over the flame three times. After this, carry the Kolovrat with you for 3 days so that it is charged with your energy. Just remember to clean it every six months.

Alatyr - a talisman with miraculous powers

People firmly believed in the power Alatyr- heavenly stone. It was worn as a talisman, embroidered on shirts, and painted on household items. The powerful Alatyr gave protection to everyone. Even small children wore it.

The talisman drove away evil spirits from the threshold and protected from illness.

Magic talismans

Amulet Fern flower our ancestors attributed magical properties, believing that it was endowed with unprecedented healing capabilities even from fatal diseases. In order for the amulet not to lose its magical qualities, it must be regularly carried over a candle flame.

What brings happiness is protected from evil people, help on long journeys, we have already written. Many of my readers have already learned how to make such amulets.

It’s a good idea to learn how to embroider ancient Slavic symbols. Embroidery is also a protector from various troubles. It was not for nothing that ancient women embroidered shirts for warriors when they sent them on a campaign.

It turns out that in order to protect oneself from the evil eye, the house from unkind people, evil spirits, they embroidered “Chur” - the god of protection. This is very reliable protection for home. Even in childhood, everyone said: “Fuck me!”, defending themselves from an attack. Here's an effective escape from negativity.

Svarog circle


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