Tree peony - preparation for winter. Tree peony: the best varieties, rules of care and cultivation

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Many gardeners dream of having this beautifully flowering, perennial plant in their garden. But some people simply don’t know where to buy tree peony. Preparing for winter and proper care behind it is another question that often worries lovers of this plant. This shrub good conditions can reach a height of up to one and a half meters and have large (up to 20 cm in diameter) flowers. They have a not very pleasant smell, unlike their ordinary counterparts. The inflorescences can be white, pale pink, burgundy, purple and even bright yellow.

The shape of the flowers can also be different: pink or crown-shaped. This is truly a long-liver of the garden; it can grow in one place for several decades. Therefore, it is so important to initially choose a good and suitable place for it on the site.

How and where to plant a tree peony on the site?

When choosing this shrub for your garden, keep in mind that planting should be done exclusively in late summer or autumn (until mid-September). At spring planting there is a very high probability of frost, and this can negatively affect the plant: the buds or even the entire peony will die. A bright, windless place is required. Strong winds can break the branches of a bush. China is the country where the tree peony was first grown. The plant does not require shelter for the winter there. In our climate, this is necessary, so when choosing a place, think in advance where there is more snow on the site. A cone-shaped hole is dug for the peony, crushed stone is poured onto the bottom, brick chips, Add to the earth mixture good humus, 200-300 grams of lime and superphosphate. Planting must be done carefully; under no circumstances should the growth point (root collar) be buried. It is very easy to identify in young plants; it has a larger diameter and resembles a cone. The soil must be well drained. The plant responds well to the addition of ash to the soil or it can be mixed with the soil before planting. You can dilute it with water and periodically water the peony. This is especially true if the soil is clayey, but you still really want to plant tree peonies.

Plant care

It is quite simple and includes the following points: watering, pruning, weeding and fertilizing mineral fertilizers. Moisturizing should be plentiful, but not too frequent. The volume of each watering in hot and dry summers is 6-7 liters of water per bush. At the same time, you need to weed around the bush and lightly loosen the ground. Humus around the peony trunk is also welcome. There is no need to fertilize in the first two or three years. In the fourth year, watering with fertilizer is carried out 3-4 times during the summer season: during the growth of shoots, during the period of swelling of the buds, and when the tree peony fades. Preparation for winter begins in October; before this time the plant must gain strength. For this you need to use nitroammophoska and superphosphate.

Bush pruning

You need to trim the shoots in order to rejuvenate the bush and give it the desired shape. Pruning of stems is carried out at the very beginning of the growing season, in the spring, during the awakening of the buds. If the shoot is healthy, then cut to the first living bud. For the weak, a height of about 20 cm is left.

Tree peony: shelter for the winter

If you are growing shrubs in middle lane In Russia or Siberia, where there are quite severe winters with severe frosts, it is necessary to cover the tree peony. Preparation for winter begins with pruning leaves when daytime temperatures reach zero or several degrees Celsius. After they are all trimmed, the best option- build something like a hut from branches or spruce (pine) spruce branches. This will provide shelter for the tree peony from too heavy snow and will prevent breakage of shoots and buds when the snow begins to melt in the spring. The outside of the hut must be tied with a rope so that it does not fall apart. As soon as the first snowfalls begin, it is better to gradually cover the hut with snow. Some prefer to bend the shoots to the ground and cover them with dry leaves or the same spruce branches. This option is also possible if it is a young tree peony. In this case, preparing for winter will be easier, since the stems are still flexible and can be bent. But this method is not entirely suitable for old specimens with very lignified branches. In spring, it is important to remove branches in time so that the plant does not rot. tree peony Of course, you don’t have to cover it for the winter if there is abundant and high snow cover in your area. Then it will wrap the bush like a blanket, and the only thing to be wary of is breaking the stems. But in last years very often severe frosts, below 20 degrees, are accompanied by a lack of snow. In this case, all the shoots will freeze, so it is better to cover the tree peony. Preparing for winter - important stage for the plant, this should under no circumstances be neglected.

Propagation of tree peony by seeds

Withered flowers from the bush need to be removed, as this interferes with growth, unless, of course, you want to get tree peony seeds at home. In this case, it is better to leave 3-4 ovaries to ripen and cut off the steel ones. The process of growing a tree peony from seeds is very labor-intensive, and you have to wait a long time for the result, and it is not always successful. Planting takes place in September open ground or in seedling greenhouses. In the second case, the first day you need to keep the crops at a temperature of 18 to 30 degrees. Then they need to be kept in a cold room until the first leaves appear. The temperature should not exceed 10 degrees. Young specimens should be planted in small pots and the roots should be pinched. When growing a tree peony from seeds, be prepared for the fact that it will bloom only after 5-6 years. Its shades may be completely different from the color of the mother plant. There are also positive aspects, for example, a tree peony from seeds will have more high stability To unfavorable conditions growth, have a high coefficient of resistance to all kinds of diseases.

Propagation by cuttings

For this method, adult semi-lignified shoots with air buds are used. Best time- this is the middle of summer (in June). The cut is made sharp knife below the kidney, obliquely. It is advisable to treat it with a growth stimulator. Root the cuttings into a bowl filled with a mixture of wet sand and peat at an angle of 45 degrees. The air bud must be completely buried in the soil.

Reproduction by layering

This must be done before the flowers bloom. Choose shoots that are closest to the ground. A cross-shaped cut is made on the shoot, treated with a growth stimulator and then bent close to the ground. It is best to secure the stem with an iron arc or press it with something. The top part of the shoot with the cut should be sprinkled with soil. It is also necessary to constantly maintain moisture and water. In the fall - in September - the rooted young peony is separated and transplanted to permanent place.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

Held in mid or late August. Large and old specimens are dug up, and the soil from the roots is washed off under a strong stream of water. Next, the bush is divided, the process is similar to the propagation of herbaceous peonies. You need to separate the roots with a sharp knife or an ax and root them immediately to a permanent place. This is how a young tree peony is obtained. Shelter for the winter is required the same as for adult specimens.

Tree peony grafting

A very effective and productive method of reproduction. You can graft onto the roots of a herbaceous or tree peony. This needs to be done in mid-August. For scion use only fresh, new shoots. The process is painstaking and time-consuming. You can read about it on specialized websites and in books. It wouldn’t hurt to consult with a floriculture specialist.

Diseases and pests

The tree peony is more resistant to disease than its herbaceous counterpart. The only significant threat may be gray mold, the development of which is facilitated by excess moisture. In this case, the affected leaves must be immediately removed and burned, and the plant itself must be treated with a solution copper sulfate or potassium permanganate.

If you want to have a spectacular and unusual perennial plant on your site, then let it be a tree peony. Preparing for winter and caring for it will not take much time, but unusual look And bright flowers will delight the eyes and surprise the guests.

It can be planted either as single bushes or in group plantings, for example, with ordinary herbaceous peonies. And although shrub seedlings are quite expensive, its perennial flowering more than compensates for all costs.

Peonies are classified as garden peonies. perennial plants, requiring special care throughout the growing season. Many beginners often make mistakes when they start pruning shrubs ahead of schedule, namely in mid-autumn. Due to premature cutting of branches with leaves at the root, the plant does not grow required quantity nutrients, and therefore blooms poorly in spring.

When to prune peonies for the winter?

Professional gardeners strongly recommend pruning peonies as late as possible, right up to the onset of frost - approximately in November, by the way, later in the spring you can find out early, for this go to the corresponding article. To do everything right and get a lot lush buds next year, you must adhere to the basic rules for pruning a bush:

  • All ground stems must be removed along with leaves and all remnants of inflorescences.
  • The cut should be made above the buds with a distance of 3 cm.
  • The length of the entire hemp from the root to the top of the stems is 20-30 cm.
  • The cut remains are completely removed from the flowerbed so as not to cause fungus and other pests.

The late cutting period is due to the fact that after flowering the root system is strengthened and developed due to photosynthesis, as well as nutrients in the leaves and stems. The longer the feeding process, the more powerful the roots will be. new season flowering.

How to prune a tree peony in spring?

Every spring, before the start of the growing season, it is necessary to carry out the so-called anti-aging pruning procedure. This is necessary in order to increase the lifespan of the flower bush and give it the correct shape. To do this, dried shoots are removed completely, and healthy ones are shortened by 10-15 cm. Weak shoots must be cut to the first healthy bud with a distance of 2-3 cm.

It is also necessary to remove some of the buds so as not to weaken the whole bush. It is known that tree peonies are resistant not only to frost, but also to sudden temperature changes, therefore, if everything is done correctly, they will not be afraid of even 30-degree frosts.

Remember - the peony should not be allowed to bloom for the first year; it must be allowed to gain nutrients and strengthen root system. All flowers must be cut off immediately after wilting.

Do I need to prune peonies after purchase?

Tree peonies can be planted in spring and autumn immediately after purchase. There is no need to trim anything if you contacted an experienced seller, who made sure that the rhizome was free of rot, and the stems were cut 3 centimeters from the cobs. In the cold season, it’s worth knowing how to make.

Tree peonies are old-timers, able to live 20 years and then rejuvenate due to correct pruning all shoots right to the base.

Unlike herbaceous ones, they are shrubby structures that can grow in one place for many decades. They do not need a transplant; on the contrary, they experience it very painfully. The annual growth becomes woody and winters well even in harsh conditions. You need to understand that the homeland of the tree peony is China, and there are also cold and snowy winters there, so this will not scare it.

How to prepare a tree peony for winter?

Despite all the unpretentiousness and stability of tree peonies, they still need proper preparation for wintering, otherwise all the growth over the past five years may be destroyed by one single spring thaw.

So, what exactly does it mean to prepare a tree peony for winter? First of all, it needs to be trimmed. This is done with the onset of the first frost. How to prune a tree peony for the winter: you need to cut off almost all of it aboveground part, to the upper axillary point. Even if you cut less, the remaining shoots will still die.

Winter shelter for tree peony

As we have already said, covering peonies for the winter will save them from both winter frosts and early spring thaws. The latter are scary because during the first warming the plant may begin to grow, and the subsequent frosts will destroy the hatching buds.

As they say experienced gardeners, it’s not at all difficult to insulate a tree peony for the winter. First you need to sprinkle the tree trunk circle with peat, and with the onset of frost, you will only need several spruce branches, from which you need to build something like a hut around it. To prevent the hut from falling apart, tie the branches with twine.

Alternatively, you can prepare oak leaves in advance and fill the frame built around the bush with them. It additionally needs to be covered from dampness.

The layer of peat with which you will sprinkle the ground around the bushes should be at least 10 cm. For northern regions, you can increase it to 15-20 cm. This warm shelter will not only save the plant, but will also provide the nutrients necessary for growth and development in the spring . Peonies covered in this way will bloom earlier and more abundantly, since peat and humus will become a good growth stimulator for plants.

Tree peonies have become especially popular among amateur gardeners in our country relatively recently. But in other countries, in particular China, this amazingly beautiful plant has been cultivated for more than one and a half thousand years; moreover, it is revered and loved as a flower-symbol of the entire people. Latin name peony Paeonia suffruticosa, it belongs to the peony family. China is considered the birthplace of the plant, but some of its species are found as wildflowers in the territory of the ancient region of Thrace, which was called Paeonia. There is even a version that the plant owes its name to it. Another legend says that the word peony comes from the Greek “paionis”, i.e. healing, one that heals. The plant itself has been considered a symbol of longevity and wealth since ancient times.

Description of the plant

The plant has a very attractive and decorative appearance, not only during the flowering period, but throughout the entire summer-autumn season; you can admire the beauty of the plant by looking at the tree peony in the photo. The bush can reach a height of 2 m, but usually it reaches from 1 to 1.5 m. Thick, branched shoots are erect, densely overgrown with very bright, double-pinnate ornamental leaves. The delicacy of the leaves gives the plant a special sophistication.

But if you don’t say that this is how peonies bloom, it means saying nothing at all about them. With the onset of spring warmth, large buds appear on annual shoots, gradually opening and turning into amazingly beautiful flowers, the diameter of which can reach from 15 to 22 cm. Different varieties of peony have simple flowers, the number of petals from 6 to 12, or double, very densely packed with petals. Sometimes they are so heavy that they lead to branches breaking off. Flowers of any of the varieties have an amazing delicate aroma. The number of flowers on an adult plant can reach from 50 to 100 pieces.

The shades of the petals can be very diverse: from white to burgundy, yellow, pink, crimson and lilac, but their common characteristic feature is the presence of dark crimson areas at the very base of the flower.

Varieties of tree peony

Approximately 500 are grown in the world today different varieties plants. Most of them were bred in China. The most common and popular among gardeners are:

  • hybrids with feathery long leaves and flowers, the diameter of which reaches 25 cm
  • dwarf hybrids
  • hybrid of Lemoine with large orange and yellow flowers with a diameter of 15 cm.

Experts divide all known varieties into the following groups:

  • Japanese, distinguished by semi-double or simple flowers, airy and light
  • Chinese-European, having heavy double flowers
  • hybrids of Delaway and yellow peony with semi-shrub varieties.

The differences between the varieties of tree peony in the photo of the plant are visible quite clearly.

Selecting a landing site

Tree peony should be planted in partial shade, but not in close proximity to trees or buildings. Although the plant can survive in any type of soil, it is advisable to give preference to permeable loam, with good drainage, somewhat sublime. Plants should not be planted on clay soil, in a wetland or area with stagnant water. Good result It will not work if planted in acidic soil - the peony will lag in growth, its leaves will have an unnatural reddish tint.

Tree peonies - seedling care

Experts recommend planting purchased seedlings or in early spring or in September, so that the plants can take root well before the onset of frost. If it was not possible to plant the plants in September, it is better to plant it in a pot or box and keep it all winter in a cool place at a maximum of +10 degrees C, preventing the soil in the container from drying out. Since plants begin to develop very early, it is not recommended to delay planting them in open ground in the spring. Throughout the summer, seedlings will require moderate soil moisture, loosening, and fertilizing, for which you can use an infusion of bird droppings (1:20). They can be planted in a permanent place after the first flowering, if possible at the end of August.

Active flowering of the plant usually occurs in the third year. To allow it to grow stronger and form a strong root system, the flowers are removed after wilting. Seed ripening will greatly deplete young plant. It is not recommended to allow flowering in the first year after planting - the flowers are cut off in the bud phase.

The peony should not be trimmed - only dried shoots, usually 2-3 years old, should be removed.

Preparation for wintering involves sprinkling the area around with peat or hilling it with soil; you can cover the plants with spruce branches, but not with straw or leaves.

It is not recommended to use acidic fertilizers or manure for feeding. Potassium, nitrogen, phosphate fertilizers They apply either at the end of winter directly in the snow, or at the very beginning of spring. The plant is also fed during the period of bud formation with mandatory subsequent watering.

Peony propagation methods

There are several ways to propagate tree peony:

  • root cuttings and stem
  • kidney renewal
  • layering
  • seeds.

Most often they resort to dividing the bush. It should be made in such a way that each part has from 3 to 5 stems and 3-4 roots no less than 15 cm long. To avoid infection, the sections are immediately covered with crushed coal mixed with sulfur (1:1). Before planting in the ground, treat with a 1% solution of copper sulfate.

When propagated by receiving layerings press the young branches to the ground, making sure that the soil is sufficiently moistened. It is also possible air layering. When using green cuttings, it may be difficult to overwinter the rooted cuttings.

Reproduction seeds- the simplest method, but it requires patience. Since the embryo in the seeds is underdeveloped, they must necessarily undergo stratification. First stage:

  • can withstand crops at temperatures up to +30 degrees for 18 hours a day. the rest of the time - at 18, until the roots appear (warm stratification)
  • further - until the first leaf appears - at a temperature of about +6 degrees C (cold phase). Containers with seedlings are kept on outdoors starting from the beginning of May.

They are planted in the ground at the end of August, at a distance of at least a quarter of a meter from each other. An area with young growth should be mulched and hilled up for the winter - this will help protect the plants from frost and temperature changes.

Such bushes will be able to please with flowers only after being transplanted to a permanent place, in the 4th or 5th year of their life. So, for those who want to quickly decorate the garden with this truly royal plant, the easiest way is to buy a tree peony in the form of a divided bush.

Experienced flower growers also practice propagation of tree peony vaccination. The roots of tree or herbaceous peonies are used as a rootstock. The procedure is carried out in early August. In this case, only young shoots serve as a scion. Most often they resort to making a wedge-shaped cut. The thickness of the rootstock should be commensurate with the thickness of the cutting; the recommended root length is 15-17 cm. Perfect option- if there are two eyes on the cutting. Grafting is carried out using the usual method: the scion is inserted into the rootstock, making sure that the surfaces are perfectly smooth, then they are wrapped with electrical tape, with the sticky side facing out. The leaves are removed from the cuttings.

To improve survival rate, grafted plants are placed in boxes and covered with moistened sawdust. After a month, they are planted in a greenhouse, watered, and protected from direct sunlight.

At side grafting Cut both the scion and the root at as small an angle as possible, combine them and tie them tightly. The grafting site is coated with garden varnish.

Planting bushes in a permanent place

The importance of this moment is difficult to overestimate: the lifespan of a plant can reach hundreds, or even more, years, so that the results of your work will most likely be admired by more than one generation. Purchasing a tree peony, planting and caring for it, in accordance with the recommendations of experts, will ensure the appearance of an amazingly beautiful and decorative decoration on your site.

To ensure a comfortable stay, we will choose for boarding

  • the place is warm,
  • protected from the winds
  • with fertile, loose soil.

Proper drainage can be ensured by laying sand and gravel at the bottom of the pit, the thickness of the drainage layer is up to 20 cm. The pit for planting can be prepared in advance, its diameter for an adult plant should reach 80 cm, the bottom in diameter should not be less than 40 cm. The bottom of the pit is laid with drainage material, then a layer of humus; if the soil is acidic, add up to 250 grams of lime. We prepare a soil mixture from peat, soil and humus, add 100 g of superphosphate and 400 g of bone meal to it. If the soil is clayey, add half a bucket of clean river sand if sandy - half a bucket of clay, mix the mixture thoroughly.

When digging up a bush, you should avoid damaging the small roots. When planting, the roots, together with a lump of earth, are placed in a prepared hole with soil mixture, fill with water. Planting takes place in half an hour. The root collar of the plant should be located at the level of the soil surface. With deep planting, active flowering of the bush will most likely not be observed, as well as with too shallow planting. Watering the plant can be done with water with the addition of a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

If there is a threat of flooding of the site, then artificial hills are built for planting. If plants are planted in a group, then it should be taken into account that for their normal life, the distance between the bushes should not be less than 1.3 - 1.5 m.

Grafted plants are planted deep enough, 8-10 centimeters deeper than the grafting site, this will give the cuttings the opportunity to take down their own roots, the plant will become stronger and more resilient.

Frequent replanting of tree peony is not advisable. The plant is sensitive to this procedure, but if the shoots of the transplanted plant seem withered, do not rush to throw it away - new shoots may form from adventitious buds at the base of the stems.

Diseases and pests

The most common disease to which the plant is exposed is gray rot. The reason for its occurrence may be:

  • excess nitrogen in the soil
  • growing in a very shaded area
  • Very high level humidity.

The disease can be avoided by the right choice places for planting and quality care. If gray mold lesions are still observed, then at the beginning of the growing season the affected branches should be cut off at a height of approximately 15 cm and burned immediately.

Tree peony in garden design

The luxurious shape and color suggest that you should not resort to planting a continuous strip of bushes. The best option- creating groups of 3 bushes in the corners of the ground floor. It is best to observe flowering from a close distance; in addition, flowering is accompanied by an amazing aroma; it is best to provide direct access to the planted bushes. You can build a bench for rest near the planted peonies - this will allow you to more fully enjoy the beauty of the flowers and picturesque leaves.

If desired, a planting of peonies can be used as a natural green barrier near a seating area in the garden.

But in order for peony bushes to look more impressive in landscape design, they should be positioned in such a way as to ensure that there is free space around them. Even a luxurious bush growing separately on the lawn can look extremely impressive. Large plants located on bends look charming garden paths or near beautiful fences.

Tree peony care in autumn, preparation for winter. Especially for readers of “Popular about Health” I will consider how to properly end the season for a plant such as a tree peony - care in the fall, preparation for winter, what it involves. How to perform all the necessary manipulations so that this beautiful plant and in next year delighted gardeners with its stunning flowers?

Features of the bush

Grow on your own garden plot This magnificent plant is the dream of many gardeners. The tree peony is distinguished by stunningly beautiful inflorescences, the diameter of which can be about 20 centimeters.

The color of the inflorescences can be white, yellow, white-yellow, pink, purple, and also burgundy and bright red. The shape of the flowers is also very variable and can be cone-shaped or spherical.

This is a real garden long-liver. A shrub can grow in one place for about several decades. Choice best place It is critically important for their growth, since the tree peony does not tolerate transplantation very well.

Features of the autumn pattern

The optimal time for the first pruning is the period after the end of flowering. At this time, you should carefully cut off wilted flowers and withered leaves. It is not recommended to touch other parts of the plant at this time.

After the end of the flowering phase, biosynthesis processes intensively occur in the leaves of the plant, which allows the shrub to accumulate more nutrients that will be in demand during the cold season.

The second pruning is usually carried out at the end of September, beginning of November. At this time, as a rule, the first autumn frosts have already passed and therefore the foliage of the bush withers and no longer carries out the processes of photosynthesis.

There are two types of pruning of tree peonies in the fall: to form a bush and to rejuvenate the plant. In the first case, using this procedure, the aesthetic shape of the plant is formed. At the same time, the lignified stems of the peony are cut to a height of about 70 - 90 centimeters using garden pruners.

Anti-aging pruning consists of removing old shoots and is carried out extremely rarely - once every 10 or 15 years. The need for this procedure is quite easy to determine - the bushes begin to bloom very poorly throughout the season. If anti-aging pruning is carried out in a timely manner and in sufficient quantities, life expectancy can be 60 – 80 years.

How to replant correctly in the fall?

In general, replanting a plant is not necessary, but there are situations when this is simply necessary. So, the peony should be replanted if:

Significant changes are planned to be made to landscape design;
The previous transplant was not the most successful;
The bush has grown significantly and no longer fits into the area allotted to it.

Strictly speaking, these peonies really do not like transplanting to another place and always tolerate it very poorly. They should be replanted if and only if there are simply no other options to solve the current situation.

Choice right place critical. A bright, windless area is optimal for a tree peony. In addition, it is better to take into account the wind rose, so that as much snow as possible accumulates in winter in this part of the garden.

For planting, you will need a cone-shaped hole, the depth of which depends on the size of the transplanted bush. At the bottom of the pit you need to pour crushed stone or expanded clay, as well as a little humus.

When planting, it is necessary not to bury the growing point (the cone at the base of the stem). She should stay outside. Next, the transplanted plant should be generously watered and sprinkled with a pre-prepared soil mixture consisting of soil and peat.

How to cover for the winter?

In central Russia, covering the tree peony is absolutely necessary, since frosts in our latitudes can be very significant, down to -35 and below. In addition, covering this plant is very easy.

First, the plant must be sprinkled with peat (a layer of about 10 centimeters), and then something similar to a hut must be built from spruce branches. To make the structure stable, it is necessary to tie it with garden twine. The top of the structure can be covered with polyethylene, which will limit the amount of precipitation.

The constructed frame can remain empty, or it can be filled with oak leaves. In general, this procedure is not necessary for safe wintering of the plant. Snow, which will strengthen the structure during winter, will not allow the cold to penetrate inside.

General Tips on cultivation

For a tree peony to bloom well, all that is required is: watering, weeding, periodic pruning and fertilizing. The intensity of watering depends on the air temperature and on average is about 6 liters per bush.

For feeding during the growing season, it is recommended to use nitrogenous fertilizers, which allow the peony to gain weight well. Pruning is carried out at the end of the gardening season and, if necessary, during the summer. Do not forget to weed the soil well, which will increase the supply of oxygen and strengthen the bush’s resistance to negative factors.


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