Using an electric saw we make boards from logs. Methods for cutting logs on a band sawmill

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Sawing logs into boards with a chainsaw: what is needed for this

Some people have the opportunity to take a certain area in the forest for logging in order to split the trunks, but how can you cut a log into planks with a chainsaw if you have never had to deal with this? Those who have been logging for a long time can do this without any equipment - they just need to cut a longitudinal line on the trunk and use it to cut a beam or board.

But if you have never done this, then you will need certain devices, which we will now talk about and also show thematic ones in this article.

Cutting logs into boards with a chainsaw at a logging site

We spread the trunk onto the boards

Note. To cut a trunk into logs, you may need a sawmill or an electric or chainsaw with machine tools.

What will you need for this?

A chainsaw is the most affordable tool, and there are a number of reasons:

  • sawing of trunks can be done directly for logging. This does not require any stationary or autonomous power sources, only one tool;
  • compared with electric saw, gasoline has much more power. That is key point with longitudinal dissolution of logs;
  • it has a soft start and soft speed control. this means that the risk of breaking the chain during operation is reduced to almost zero (it is, of course, possible, but for this you need to try very hard);
  • compared to a sawmill, the price of a gasoline-powered tool is several orders of magnitude lower;
  • Compared to an electric unit, inertial braking works much faster here;
  • The operating instructions allow you to extend the time of intensive use up to 1 hour;
  • it is possible to carry out work with high humidity air (rain, fog)

Device for dissolving trunks

As we have already said, experienced sawers can cut a log without any equipment, but for beginners they will definitely have to purchase or make their own machine for fixing the log, an attachment frame for the saw and a guide for an even cut.

It should not be forgotten that during such work the tool experiences very heavy loads. Therefore, if you want to do this professionally, then you will naturally need an appropriate model, that is, as powerful as possible.

Professionals call the most popular and most best options, this is Stihl MS-660 or Stihl MS-880. Such units produce more than 7 horsepower, which ensures uninterrupted operation under heavy loads.

Frame parts

To adjust the thickness of the sawn board, a special steel frame is put on the bar, which is capable of adjusting the distance from itself to the bar.

The frame is ready - views from different angles

In order to make such a corner, you can buy a square tubular steel profile 20x20 mm, but you can also use the material at hand. For example, duralumin legs from an old school desk fit perfectly here.

A thick board was used as a guide.

As a guide to do something like stationary machine, you will need some kind of rigid metal, most likely steel, profile, or a thick, flat board for a log, as shown in top photo. In reality, it looks the same as in the picture - two sawhorses are installed and a guide (board or profile) is placed on them.

But it should be taken into account that such a device can only be used for short logs, since if it is increased (the distance depends on the thickness of the guide), there will be a deflection, which will lead to an unequal thickness of the material being produced.

Big Mill Timberjet

The thickness of the board or the cut will be even only if some kind of template is used to guide the chainsaw - a leading ruler or guide. It is very convenient to use the Swedish Big Mill Timberjit machine for this purpose, which you see above - it costs about 9-10 thousand rubles.

Here it’s up to you to decide whether you need such a device, but after spending once, you get compact device, which, together with the saw, can be delivered to the site on a motorcycle.

To get started, you will need a push-pull saw and a guide bar with two nuts. With this device you will be able to unravel logs up to 60 cm in diameter. Please note that in this situation you will have to acquire a chain for longitudinal cut barrel, but if for some reason it is not possible to purchase it, then resharpen a regular chain at an angle of 10⁰.

The Big Mill Timberjet kit comes with a variety of parts that will help you install and secure the wooden guide. It turns out that when driving the chainsaw, the frame slides along this guide, and the tire does not move to the side.

Note. No matter what type of wood you process, in any case the chain becomes dull, and in order for your sawing process to occur without problems, it should be periodically sharpened.

The frame is installed on the guide

Sawing with a chainsaw - process

Now let's see how to cut a log into boards with a chainsaw:

  • first we make a guide - take two even edged wooden boards and fasten them together in the form of a half-Tee;
  • from pieces of the same boards we make stops for the half-Tee guide - fasteners are included in the kit;
  • roll up the log using a tilter and place it on a convenient base prepared in advance;
  • secure the frame to the tire with nuts;
  • after that we attach the supports. who hold a ruler to the ends of the log, checking its horizontal level;
  • We fix all the fasteners with self-tapping screws. since it will be extremely difficult to remove the nails at the end of the work;
  • we check that the cutting line does not run along the ruler, but 10 mm higher;
  • start the saw and make the first cut;
  • we free the log from the stops and rearrange the structure to the next cutting line so that it turns out perpendicular (90⁰) to the finished cut;
  • Now we turn the log again and fix it with boards to the stop on the ground - you will no longer need the ruler, it will be replaced by the cut made earlier.


Of course, cutting logs into boards at home is not limited to just these two devices. If you do this yourself, then you will need to make a right angle on the trunk, and then using a frame you can prepare boards of any thickness.

Sawing logs into boards with a chainsaw is quite convenient and simple method woodworking. Thanks to the presence of various attachments, the master receives materials that have a smooth and even surface. It’s easy to make boards yourself; you don’t have to go to specialized stores.

The advantage of sawing logs with a chainsaw

The method of cutting logs using a chainsaw has several advantages.

The ability to work under any conditions - the chainsaw is not afraid of humidity, so specialists can cut logs during the rain; in this case, the equipment will not deteriorate.

High productivity - it is allowed to carry out woodworking throughout the day, but it must be taken into account that the power of the device must be at least 7 horsepower.

Autonomous device - the equipment runs on gasoline and does not depend on electricity, workplace mounted on any site where it will be more convenient to carry out the process.

Ease of use - the chainsaw is equipped with a soft start and adjustable chain rotation speed, specified conditions provide high-quality results for beginners in this business.

The undoubted advantage is that the equipment costs much less than a small sawmill. During a breakdown, repairs are inexpensive and do not take much time.

Types of working attachments

Sawing logs with a chainsaw is carried out different ways, craftsmen work with wood along the grain, as well as across it. It all depends on what attachments are used in the chainsaw.

Attachment for longitudinal sawing

It is used for sawing logs lengthwise, the process takes place in a horizontal position. After work, the master receives the same thickness of the product. Finished materials are subjected, after which the boards are used in construction.

By appearance the device is a small frame, it is attached to the tire on each side.

Sawing with a lightweight attachment

The method is no different high performance, but is used quite often. The element is fastened on one side, but the workpieces are slightly uneven. Such materials are necessary for the construction of sheds or fences.

Drum debarker – debarker

With the help of such an attachment it is easy to dissolve the log; it works due to V-belt transmission. Attached to belts on both sides, special pulleys are used for this. The speed of rotation of the shaft depends on the size of the pulleys, so the performance of the attachment is easy to change.

This technology forces the master to carefully monitor each stage of the process; some specialists use an assistant during this cutting. But this option requires increased security measures.

Features of a homemade sawing option

It is easy to saw a log into boards using a homemade tool. Manufacturing the equipment is simple:

  • As a support, you need to use a frame from a school desk or a pipe with a cross-section in the form of a square, its optimal size is 20x20, more is allowed.
  • Build two clamps, mount a cross member with two holes for tie bolts at one end, and make a protrusion in the middle for the tire.
  • For longitudinal sawing of logs into boards, it is important to do support frame, its width must be 7–8 cm less than its length.
  • Then two elements 10 cm long are welded to both sides, holes are made for the bolts, and a handle is attached in the middle for ease of operation.
  • After this, insert the clamps into the grooves, the tire is installed, and everything is carefully fixed.

To Work with homemade instrument It’s not difficult, for this you will need two goats, they will serve as a support, and you also need to prepare a metal strip or board, the element will be a guiding element. A log is placed underneath and is adjustable required height for work.

Technique for sawing logs lengthwise

Longitudinal cutting is carried out using a horizontal attachment. In order to get even boards, it is important to use a specially prepared guide; its role is played by a metal lath or a high-strength board.

The difficult part in this process is making the first cut; for this you need:

  • Mount the leading ruler; it consists of two boards fastened together at an angle of 90 degrees.
  • Place the log on the supports and secure its position firmly.
  • Check if the log is level using a level.
  • Using self-tapping screws, secure the guide ruler to the supports.
  • Fix another guide in a horizontal position; the element will rest against the ground, but at the same time fix the log.
  • Saw the log.

During the second cut, specialists may not use a leading ruler; the resulting board will serve as a guide. The second cut is made perpendicular to the first.

Secrets of cross cutting

A crosscut saw is used to obtain firewood or decorative elements interior Sawing is carried out according to the following principles:

  • Place the log in a horizontal position on wooden supports, the height should be 0.5 m.
  • Clean it from the bark.
  • Using an ax or saw, make small marks along the entire length; they should be located at the same distance from each other.
  • Make a cut along the cuts.

No application required for cross cutting special devices or nozzles. An ordinary chain is perfect for such work, but its rings must be strong.

Safety precautions

When working with a chainsaw, you must follow safety rules; they will help you avoid injuries and unpleasant situations:

  • People, especially children, should not be allowed onto the work site.
  • When working with circular saw Be sure to put a special protective cover on it.
  • During the process of sawing logs, you should use protective equipment against sawdust and noise.
  • It is necessary to have a first aid kit with medications to treat the wound during cuts.
  • Do not pour gasoline into a heated tank of a chainsaw.
  • The chainsaw must only be used for its intended purpose; it is prohibited to turn it on full power, if it is not in operation.
  • Installation of logs is carried out only on the right side.
  • When working with equipment, it is strictly forbidden to press it with force.

If you follow safety precautions, the work will not be difficult, and the result will be high-quality material without harm to health.

Chainsaw is universal equipment, which is easy to use. Its masters can use it on personal plot, in a private house. In addition to obtaining boards, it is used for repair work outbuildings And wooden elements decor. Big number You don’t need boards, just take a couple of logs.

Video: Sawing wood into boards with a chainsaw

All photos from the article

In the process various works Often there is a need for longitudinal cutting of logs or beams. For this purpose the most Various types equipment - from stationary sawmills, to small installations, but these options cost a lot, and if you need to do a small amount of work, then sawing logs with a chainsaw will be the simplest and most rational solution.

Advantages of using this option

First of all, let’s figure out what advantages this cutting method has:

Ability to work in any conditions Unlike electrical equipment, which is afraid of high humidity, a chainsaw can work in the most unfavorable conditions, in this case, no damage to the structure will be caused, because all components in the chainsaw are adapted to work on outdoors and even under precipitation
Performance If you are going to work long time, then you will need equipment with a power of about 7 horsepower or more, it can withstand significant loads, while the quality of work will be consistently high
Autonomy Since the device runs on gasoline, you do not depend on electricity and can build a structure for sawing in any location. convenient location. This is especially convenient when working in areas where there are no power lines
Convenience The inertial brake in chainsaws works faster than in electrical systems, and soft start and chain rotation speed adjustment provide high quality work, even if you have no similar experience

In addition to all the above factors, we should not forget the low cost of the structure; purchasing a stationary sawmill will cost several times more.

Overview of some options

We will talk about the two most popular designs that provide best quality when working, and you yourself will determine what is more convenient and preferable in your case.

Homemade option

First, let's look at how to make a device for sawing logs with a chainsaw with your own hands.

The instructions for carrying out the work are as follows:

  • It is best to use a frame from an old school desk or a square pipe with a side of 20x20 or slightly larger.
  • First of all, two clamps are made, these are elements 50-60 cm long, at one end of which a crossbar with two holes for tightening bolts and a small protrusion in the middle for clamping the tire is welded, an element of the same configuration is attached on top, the photo below shows ready-made elements, as you can see everything is quite simple, and having at hand welding machine, you can make them very quickly.

Blogger Egorov decided to make a bench from trimmed birch logs. The idea is generally not new. The only novelty is in the method he used to make straight cut logs In this case, improvised means were used.

He created the simplest sawmill from a chainsaw, two boards and 6 screws. Perhaps he is not the first who has already made such a device, but there is currently no material about it on the Internet. It's not clear why no one does similar devices, but uses complex attachments.

A small, low-power chainsaw with a short bar was used. It is impossible to cut lengthwise with such a saw. The solution is obvious: either saw by eye, which is unsuitable for carpentry work, or make an alternative design using the tire mounting cover, which is parallel to the plane of the tire.

For this, 2 boards were taken, using self-tapping screws, a corner was made from them, which was screwed to the log. A chainsaw was placed on the corner. A wonderful even cut of the log was made along this unique guide.

The main work is done. Now you need to prepare 4 platforms for holes for attaching the legs on the cylindrical part of the block, make holes and insert 4 legs. For greater stability, you need to drill these holes at an angle. Twist drill with a diameter of 52 mm.

To prevent the legs from drying out and falling out over time, they need to be dried for several days and placed in the holes extremely tightly.

The second block can be used as a backrest.

Homemade sawmill from a regular chainsaw

A simple device for cutting round timber yourself is a chainsaw sawmill. Any DIYer who knows how to use a welding machine can make such a device.

The resulting device is easy to use, but regular chain sharpening will not work. But more on that at the end of the article.

The sawmill consists of the following components:

As you can see, the device is simple - let's start making it!

First of all, we make a frame with guides. Its dimensions:

We cut out the bed platform from sheet material and make a hole for mounting on the saw

Guides are made from steel water pipes. We weld them to the frame strictly at right angles.

We boil everything thoroughly

Drilling holes for saw bar clamps

To fasten the frame, we replace the standard nuts (in the middle) with elongated ones with welded washers.

We twist and fix the frame

We make clamps for tires. All sizes in the photo below

The clamp is not difficult to make, it consists of profile pipe and pressure plate. Clamp assembly

This is how the clamp works

We make a carriage. It is necessary in order to smoothly slide along the guides and lock in a given position. It sets the thickness of the future board. This is what the carriage looks like

The carriage consists of a round and rectangular pipes. We saw the pipes in half

From the rectangular one we select grooves for the round one, and assemble it on the guides


This is how the clamp is attached to the guides. The bolts are relaxed, the distance is set and tightened.

We make a support platform. It slides along the log and creates a supporting plane.

Dimensions support platform

We make blanks according to size, place them on a flat surface, and try on the saw blade.

We weld and clean the seams

For ease of use homemade sawmill– you need to make a handle. We make a handle from a pipe. For easy bending, we burn the pipe at the bending point. blowtorch

We bend according to the template

This is what the support platform with a welded handle looks like

We weld the support platform to the carriage. It is necessary to maintain the same planes of the saw bar and the support platform. To do this, lay an even, tight gasket. Chipboard is ideal.

We weld the parts. To strengthen, it is necessary to weld the stiffening corners

Assembling the device

The device for a manual sawmill using a chainsaw is ready!

Logs are a kind of raw material for lumber production. general purpose And special types products. More precisely, it is the raw material for obtaining such a necessary material in construction and farming as boards.

Before starting work, it is necessary to carefully inspect the logs for flaws and clean them of bark. This is usually done manually without power tools. It is best to work with fresh material immediately after it has been cut down. It is very difficult to work with low-quality material or curved logs. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately assess the quality and sort the logs. It is also worth considering that it will simply be impossible to obtain perfect boards at home. So you need to calculate your strengths and possible losses.

Take electric plane and remove the subcortex. Subbark is a soft young layer of wood located directly under the bark. There's no need to shoot a lot. It will be enough to remove a layer one centimeter thick. Try to remove the desired layer immediately, otherwise the wood will not have an aesthetically pleasing appearance over time.

Dry the logs fresh air for five to seven days under cover. This is a very important process, since under-dried wood will simply crack over time.

Treat the logs with a chemical protective agent. Use only high-quality modern antiseptics, insect repellents and various fungi.

Secure the log to the guides or bed. And also do not forget to check the sharpness of the knives and chain.

By applying marks on the log, a cutting line is outlined. It is necessary to try to ensure that the boards have approximately equal density. It’s good if the log has ideal evenness and density. But it often happens that the logs have flaws, so you have to tinker with cutting to save money and maximize the yield of quality material.

Remove the hump from both sides of the log. As a result, you will get a comfortable beam that will not roll.

Start removing the boards. What you'll end up with is a set of boards with raw edges that will need to be cut down with a handsaw.

Now you can admire your work and consider cutting the logs successful and complete!


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