Aerated concrete blocks or foam concrete blocks, which is better? Which is better - aerated concrete or foam concrete?

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Selection of building material - important stage preliminary preparation building a house. The comfort, coziness, and warmth of the building depend on it. Lightweight, porous materials are popular in modern construction. All that remains is to choose - aerated concrete or foam concrete. Gas blocks and foam blocks are cellular materials. The main difference is the method of formation of air bubbles inside, their specifications. It is worth comparing the two materials, determining the similarities and differences between them.

Aerated concrete

The name of the gas comes from the manufacturing process. You can distinguish an aerated concrete block by its white color, rough surface with small pores. Gas composition:

  • quartz sand;
  • Portland cement;
  • water;
  • aluminum shavings, lime.

The result of the chemical reaction is a gas that promotes the formation of aerated concrete. When released, the gas forms pores (small cracks). Advantages:

  • Lungs, big size elements allow you to quickly erect building partitions without the necessary heavy equipment.
  • Correct geometric shape.
  • Good thermal insulation keeps you warm in winter, summer period keeps the room cool.
  • Due to its porous structure, the material has good breathability.
  • Easily amenable to external processing.
  • Environmentally friendly product. The natural ingredients are not harmful to health. Aluminum, which is part of the composition, is a harmful component, but during the process it dissolves in the total mass and loses its harmful properties.


  • High moisture absorption. Having gas concrete blocks on the street, having correctly made the ebb system, nothing critical happens when moisture is absorbed, the material is not inferior to foam concrete.
  • Insufficient density in aerated concrete makes the elements brittle.

Despite the stated disadvantages, correctly selected parameters will allow you to build not only partitions, but also any type of building walls.


On initial stage the components included in the composition are measured according to required quantity, mixed in a special mixer. The resulting mixture is poured into the mold and left to acquire initial setting. Based on the method of acquiring strength, blocks are divided into the following types:

  • Autoclaved. Promotes hardening high pressure, with the addition of water vapor.
  • Non-autoclaved. The material hardens in natural conditions. It is possible to use steam or electrical heating, but the pressure does not increase.

Aerated concrete blocks belong to the first type. The strength of autoclaved material is much higher, having gained strength under natural conditions. The autoclave method is used only in factory conditions. To create porosity, aluminum paste is used. The interaction of aluminum and water leads to an increase in mass volume. After preliminary setting, special tool the raw materials are cut into equal gas blocks. The building material is placed in an autoclave, where the effects of pressure, temperature, and steam finally add strength to aerated concrete.

Foam blocks

Features of foam material: grey colour, smooth surface, closed porous cells. The composition of foam concrete includes:

  • Portland cement;
  • water;
  • special chemical additives.


  • High frost-resistant, heat-protective characteristics.
  • The closed pore structure does not allow moisture to pass through.
  • Has good strength. Although compared to aerated concrete, the strength is lower.
  • Chemical foaming agents are used to create porosity.
  • Imperfect geometric shape.
  • The structure of the foam block is subject to temporary changes.


First, using an industrial mixer, a regular cement mortar is prepared, the ratio of the components is maintained according to the future strength. Foam is added to the mixed mixture and mixed thoroughly. Then ready solution distributed into forms. Foam concrete blocks gain strength and harden under natural conditions. The initial setting of the mixture occurs in the first hours after distribution of the solution. Then the foam blank is loaded onto a pallet and removed for subsequent drying. The drying process takes 2 to 3 weeks. This time is enough to be used. The foam block gains its final strength in six months.

Comparative technical indicators

Foam concrete or aerated concrete is produced according to the same construction standards; deviating from them is strictly prohibited. It would seem that the difference should be minimal, but technical specifications identical. Let's try to compare and differentiate the indicators and find out what is more reliable - aerated concrete or foam concrete?


The density of materials ranges from 300 to 1200 kg per m³. A comparison of gas and foam concretes of similar density shows that the second option is less durable. The quality of the chemical foaming agent directly affects the strength of the product. Many manufacturers save on it, since the price of foaming additives is high. In addition, the material does not have the same strength over the entire area. Aerated blocks are characterized by uniformity and equal strength at different points of the material.

Hygroscopicity, cold resistance

These indicators are affected by differences in production methods. Aerated concrete absorbs water strongly, while foam concrete absorbs less water. In practice, the outer part of the materials can be processed - they are covered with plaster or tiles, so attention is not always paid to the hygroscopicity indicator. In this indicator, aerated concrete is inferior to foam concrete.


With the autoclave method, chemical reaction lime and aluminum paste, resulting in the release of hydrogen. During the hardening process, it does not completely evaporate from the materials; it partially disappears during the construction process. This gas is not considered bad and does not cause harm to health.

The ones used do not contain harmful substances, and the pores are hermetically sealed. It follows that the two construction products are not harmful. When choosing a material, the safety criterion should not be used as a determining factor.

These materials belong to to the class of lightweight concrete. Each has its own advantages. It is not a subjective opinion that will help you make your choice, but knowledge of the basic properties of foam concrete and aerated concrete.

What is the difference between a foam block and a gas block? Characteristics

Cellular concrete, from which foam blocks (foam concrete) and aerated blocks (aerated concrete) are made are wall material, small pores are evenly distributed over the entire surface. Production technology and main components affect the characteristics of these largely similar building materials.

Video about the difference between foam concrete and aerated concrete (plus polystyrene concrete), comparison.

How to produce

Lightweight concrete is made from environmentally friendly components. The production method has significant differences, but pores appear as a result of different technological processes.

Foam blocks:

  • the components are combined, a special foaming filler is added;
  • concrete and foam are mixed mechanically;
  • hardening takes place under natural conditions;
  • production equipment affordable for an entrepreneur " mediocre" Foam blocks are often produced in small handicraft industries;
  • finished products often have an uneven surface. Deviations in size can be quite significant, which deteriorates the quality of the masonry.

Gas blocks:

  • the cellular structure appears as a result of a chemical reaction between the main components;
  • to increase strength, finished blocks are processed in an autoclave;
  • aerated concrete can only be produced in a factory using high-tech, expensive equipment; the quality of the material is much higher than that of foam blocks produced in an artisanal way;
  • the geometry of gas silicate blocks is almost ideal. The installation of the structure is progressing at high speed, the masonry is strong and monolithic.

What is it made from?

Both types of cellular concrete can be safely classified as environmentally friendly building materials. Some builders are wary of the aluminum powder required for the production of gas silicate blocks. But this component is missing in finished products.

For the production of foam blocks lime, water, cement, some types of industrial waste are used: blast furnace slag, and others. An obligatory component is soap or sulfide lye, which forms the foam structure of the material.

Composition of aerated concrete: cement, quartz sand, water, lime. A mandatory component is aluminum paste. IN pure form This component is harmful to human health, but the particles dissolve during the production process.

Video about the production of aerated concrete and foam blocks, the difference between aerated concrete and foam concrete.

How to distinguish aerated concrete from foam concrete

Differences between the foam block and the gas block are clearly visible:

  1. Foam block: gray shade, smooth surface.
  2. Gas block: color – white, surface rough, embossed.

Compare the block structure. The differences are visible to the naked eye. The pores of foam concrete are much larger.

Do an experiment:

  1. Break off a small piece from the gas block and foam block, put them in two glasses
  2. Open-cell aerated concrete will quickly absorb moisture and sink to the bottom.
  3. Foam concrete practically does not absorb moisture. A piece of material will remain on the surface for several days.
  4. If you compare foam block and gas block: which repels moisture better, then the answer is obvious.


Foam concrete – closed cell material. Walls built from foam concrete have excellent heat and soundproofing characteristics. The material absorbs water less easily than aerated concrete. But, exterior decoration still needed.

Fine-celled pores with microcracks– this is the structure of aerated concrete. The material absorbs water more strongly than foam concrete. This feature of the material requires the mandatory application of a special coating that protects against moisture penetration.


Aerated concrete or foam concrete - which is stronger? This indicator largely depends on the density of the material. Density of foam concrete– about 650–700 kg/m3, density of aerated concrete– 450 kg/m3. Perhaps the foam concrete should be stronger.

But, thanks to the use modern technologies and factory production method, gas silicate blocks with a strength of 35 kgf/cm2 and a density of 400 kg/m3, they can withstand the same load as foam concrete with a density of 700 kg/m3 and higher.

Conclusion: aerated concrete is considered to be of higher quality and durable material. For the durability of buildings, choose gas silicate blocks. Please note that costs will also increase.

Features of application

Gas silicate and foam blocks are used in the construction of low-rise buildings. They are erected from foam concrete:

  • partitions;
  • load-bearing walls (not higher than the third floor);
  • various types of fencing.

Aerated concrete is suitable for:

  • construction of partitions;
  • construction load-bearing walls;
  • filling frames in monolithic buildings;
  • Durable aerated blocks are used for the construction of higher-rise buildings using a stiffening belt.

What's warmer?

Foam block or gas block? Aerated blocks have lower frost resistance than foam blocks, but thanks to their ideal geometry, they can be laid with cement-adhesive compositions. High-quality fit of gas silicate blocks ensures a monolithic structure, and “cold bridges” are minimized.


  • thermal conductivity coefficient of aerated concrete with density D 500–0.12;
  • The thermal conductivity coefficient of foam concrete with a density of D 700 and above is 0.24.

Foam blocks have a high thermal resistance, accumulate heat well. This fact allows you to reduce heating costs. But, to achieve this result, walls made of foam concrete must be almost 2 times thicker than those of a house built from aerated concrete blocks.

Conclusion: houses made of aerated concrete are almost twice as warm as those built from foam concrete with the same wall thickness. Insulating buildings and installing ventilated facades will ensure a pleasant microclimate in the house.

What is cheaper: foam block or gas block? Prices

Foam concrete or aerated concrete? The cost of equipment for the production of aerated concrete blocks reaches several hundred thousand dollars. Complex technology for the production of high-quality material also requires considerable costs.

Foam blocks are produced in artisanal conditions, often right on the construction site. The equipment costs several times less. The quality and geometry of finished foam blocks are inferior to aerated concrete.

Conclusion obvious: aerated concrete is more expensive than foam concrete. But the costs are fully compensated by the durability of the structure. The consumption and cost of glue for laying aerated concrete blocks with ideal dimensions is much lower than the price of a larger volume of cement mortar, which will have to equalize the errors on the sides of the foam blocks.

IN Lately is increasingly being chosen as a material for building a house. cellular concrete- artificial construction material with a porous structure, one of the varieties of lightweight concrete. Both cottages and apartment buildings. Moreover, such buildings are distinguished by the best thermal insulation characteristics in comparison with brick ones and much stronger than those in the construction of which cinder block was used.

Due to their shape and small deviation in size, cellular concrete blocks can be laid not on cement mortar, which is a kind of cold bridge in finished wall, but with a special glue that can significantly reduce the heat transfer of the walls.

There are three ways to porous such concrete: foaming, gassing and aeration, which produces aerated cellular concrete and silicates.

Such material began to be used for the construction of buildings back in the 19th century, when builders began adding bovine blood to the cement-lime mortar, the protein of which, when reacting with the solution, formed foam. Neither then nor in the 30s of the last century did cellular concrete become widespread and began to gain popularity relatively recently as a lighter and less expensive building material compared to brick. It is sufficiently durable, retains heat better and easily removes excess moisture from the room to the outside.

Today, it is quite possible to build houses up to three floors high from high-density foam concrete blocks. If the design of the house involves the construction of a reinforced concrete load-bearing frame, then buildings of any number of floors can be erected from foam blocks.

There are several types of foam concrete blocks, varying in density, thermal conductivity and frost resistance.

To produce aerated concrete, special substances are introduced into the cement mortar, which release gas and provide a more even porous structure than in the production of foam concrete.

Features of the production of foam blocks and gas blocks

Foam concrete is produced by simply mixing pre-prepared foam with a concrete mixture. Such production is much simpler and cheaper than the production of aerated concrete and it can be organized, in fact, at any construction site, while reducing transportation costs to zero. Due to the comparative ease of production, foam blocks are very similar to cinder blocks, which can be made from cement, water and screenings in any yard. However, it should be borne in mind that in this case the quality of such foam blocks can be questioned.

Get foam concrete blocks possible in three ways.

First- the mixture for blocks is poured into cassettes metal molds, where it hardens for about 10 hours. After this, the mold is disassembled and ready-made foam blocks are taken out of it. At the same time, perhaps the only thing that distinguishes a cinder block is that pre-prepared foam is not added to the mixture for its production.

Scheme of a cassette mold for the production of foam concrete

Second way involves pouring a large mass of foam concrete with a volume of 2–3 cubic meters. Such a mass hardens for about 14 hours, after which the entire mass is cut into pieces using a special cutting machine. This method the better that you can get a foam concrete block of any size. In terms of cost, this method is more expensive than the first. In addition, with this method of producing foam blocks, about 0.5% of concrete goes to waste when sawing.

With the third method In production, foam concrete is fed into special molds, which, after the mass has hardened, are taken to automatic formwork. The finished blocks are squeezed out of the molds onto a special tray, and the block molds are automatically lubricated. The main disadvantage of this method is that such an installation cannot be reconfigured; it can produce foam blocks of only one shape and size.

Any online forum where construction issues are discussed is ready to offer finished video the production process of foam concrete blocks, as well as cinder blocks.

In the production of aerated concrete concrete mixture They add not pre-prepared foam, but a foaming agent - an aqueous suspension of aluminum powder, which reacts with the fillers of the mixture. As a result, hydrogen bubbles up to 2 millimeters in diameter are formed in concrete, which are evenly distributed throughout the material. After preliminary hardening of the mixture, the mass is cut into blocks equal size, which are subjected to heat treatment in an autoclave.

Production of aerated concrete

To use such equipment, professional skills are required. But the finished blocks are characterized by high frost resistance and resistance to cracking; they can easily be used in the construction of houses and other buildings.

In the non-autoclave method of producing aerated concrete, the cut blocks are left to harden under natural conditions. This production method is more economical due to reduced energy consumption, but it also has a significant drawback.

Thus, with the same material density, non-autoclaved concrete shrinks by 2–3 millimeters, while during heat treatment the shrinkage does not exceed 0.3 mm.

In addition, with this production method, the technology also involves increased cement consumption.

Thanks to this, the autoclaved aerated concrete block has become more widespread.

Pros and cons of foam concrete and aerated concrete blocks

The advantages of foam concrete and aerated concrete over traditional, familiar building materials are similar. Aerated concrete and foam concrete blocks weigh less bricks and more durable than cinder block, the very name of which, as some builders joke, speaks volumes about the quality of this material. They are easier to transport and, due to their light weight, save money already at the very beginning of construction by laying a lightweight foundation at the base of the building. At the same time, the main differences between foam concrete, along with its lower cost, are its disadvantages.

Aerated concrete is easy to process

Cellular concrete blocks of both types are easily assembled together. Therefore, it takes a third less time to build the walls of houses from such blocks than to build walls made of ordinary bricks, but aerated concrete is also much better suited to additional processing. What other stone, even artificial, can be cut with a regular hacksaw if necessary? Even cinder blocks are less easy to cut.

Hygroscopicity and frost resistance

Both materials have low moisture resistance, so the walls of houses made from them require additional processing different compositions. An aerated concrete block absorbs moisture better due to the fact that the pores in it not only closed type, as in foam concrete, but also open. He takes him out of the room excess moisture and “breathes” much better thanks to its porosity. Under the same conditions high humidity The facade of a building made of aerated concrete will need to be additionally protected from direct moisture.

Due to their porous structure, there is always a reserve space inside the blocks for water to move when freezing. Therefore, the frost resistance of foam concrete ranges from F15 to F50.

Autoclaved aerated concrete, in turn, can withstand about 200 freezing cycles, which corresponds to approximately 500 years of service life of the wall. At the same time, GOST requires only 35 freezing cycles for this material.


Foam concrete and aerated concrete blocks can be made with different material densities: from 300 to 1200 kg/m3.

However, when equal density The foam concrete block is noticeably inferior to autoclaved aerated concrete in strength, which largely depends on the quality of the foaming agents.

Since foam concrete can be made almost handicraft, many manufacturers use higher-quality components instead of high-quality mixtures. cheap analogues. The cost of foam concrete blocks is reduced, but their quality as a building material does not improve.


Masonry made from autoclaved aerated concrete blocks is less susceptible to cracks than a wall made from foam concrete. The shrinkage of autoclaved aerated concrete usually does not exceed 0.5 mm per 1 meter of masonry. At the same time, for foam concrete blocks, shrinkage can reach 3 mm/m.

Thermal insulation

The thermal conductivity of foam blocks is three times lower than that of conventional brick. What distinguishes them from aerated concrete blocks is that the pores inside the block are unevenly distributed and can vary greatly in size. Somewhere there was more time, somewhere less, and in some place it was not formed at all. Because of this, it is difficult to assert that even one block of foam concrete is capable of providing the same level of thermal conductivity throughout its entire volume.

The texture of aerated blocks has more pores and they penetrate the entire material evenly. Therefore, their thermal insulation qualities are better than those of foam blocks.

Only a cinder block can have a lower thermal conductivity than aerated concrete blocks. However, in its case, thermal conductivity largely depends on what material was used in its production.

Fire resistance

Due to its structure, aerated concrete does not support combustion and does not spread fire. By visiting any construction forum, you can be convinced that, according to reviews, masonry made of aerated concrete blocks only 20 cm thick is quite capable of stopping the spread of a fire.

Foam concrete is also a non-flammable material and can withstand one-sided fire exposure for 5–7 hours.


Aerated concrete, especially autoclaved concrete, is significantly more expensive than foam concrete or cinder block. This happens for the simple reason that was already mentioned earlier - foam concrete can be produced almost anywhere. You can even produce it simply by reading reviews and visiting a construction forum, where they will not only help you understand the production technology. Videos of the production process can also be offered by people visiting such a forum, and good advice, if anything, they will help.

Equipment for the production of autoclaved aerated concrete is expensive; only large enterprises can afford it. Therefore, this material costs significantly more.


Foam block and brick size

Just one foam or gas block can replace 15–20 bricks in a masonry.

At the same time, the wall of a house made of these materials will be much lighter. The concrete blocks themselves can be produced in various sizes. It all depends on the equipment on which this building material is produced.

Houses made of foam and gas blocks compare favorably with brick ones, first of all, by their lower cost. When constructing them, both the foundation and masonry and the material itself are cheaper. Among other things, such houses will be cheaper to maintain. Heating a room with walls made of cellular concrete is much easier.

What is better for construction?

Any forum where the intricacies of construction are discussed can accommodate enough supporters and opponents of the use of both materials. Some prefer accessibility, simplicity and low cost of production. The second favorite is the good old brick and cinder block. Others believe that the quality of construction can only be guaranteed if materials produced by large production with expensive equipment. Both the foam and gas blocks fully deserved both negative and laudatory reviews. Each of the materials has its own undoubted advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages and disadvantages of aerated concrete and foam concrete

In addition to the production process, with the help of video you can evaluate the simplicity and subtlety of laying walls made of foam concrete and aerated concrete. The simplicity and convenience of this process play an important role.

Many factors can influence the choice of material for construction. The price consists of the cost of the material itself, the cost of its installation, operational characteristics, availability, purpose of the building being constructed, and much more.

Cellular concrete is in greatest demand in private construction. Many craftsmen, when starting a new business, cannot decide which type of material to choose - foam concrete or aerated concrete. To assess the characteristics of these blocks, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with their basic properties, discussed below.

Before comparing foam blocks and gas blocks, you should familiarize yourself with the what they are:

  • autoclaved aerated concrete– blocks of various, including large, formats, with precise geometry. Color – uniform white-gray;
  • non-autoclave– a type of cellular lightweight concrete that differs from the previous one in the processing method. With the same density, this type of aerated concrete is characterized by lower strength and loses in performance characteristics;
  • gas silicate– blocks with a high lime content, produced using autoclave processing. By external characteristics the module resembles autoclaved aerated concrete, but has high water absorption;
  • gas block– a term denoting any aerated concrete (non-autoclaved/autoclaved);
  • foam concrete– blocks belonging to the category of cellular concrete. The production technology resembles that inherent in non-autoclaved aerated concrete. The material can have different sizes, the color of the modules is gray.

The approximate cost of building a house with an area of ​​200 m² using gas silicate is 3.50 million rubles, including the costs of labor and procurement of materials

Comparison of aerated concrete and foam concrete

Which one is better for building walls at home? To solve this issue, it is advisable to consider the main characteristics of building materials.


Aerated concrete:

  • As a rule, the material is produced in a factory and arrives at the site in the form of ready-made modules;
  • in artisanal conditions it is extremely difficult to produce a high-quality gas block, since the master will have to control more than a dozen technological processes;
  • the autoclave type is manufactured in accordance with GOST, on automated lines, which eliminates the impact of the human factor and becomes the key to consistently high quality.

Foam concrete:

  • the material can be manufactured directly on the construction site. Producing foam concrete with your own hands allows you to reduce costs, however, the master receives unstable quality indicators if he is inattentive and does not follow the work technology.

Strength characteristics

Consideration of questions about how aerated concrete differs from foam concrete, which is better, should begin with an assessment of the strength of each type of product.

They are produced with different densities - 300-1200 kg/m³. At equal density foam concrete loses physical characteristics and strength.

The strength of foam blocks depends on the quality of the foaming agent. If the manufacturer or House master use cheaper components to manufacture modules, strength indicators will be unstable and different at different points. Aerated concrete, in particular autoclaved concrete, is devoid of such fluctuations and is characterized by stable strength and uniformity throughout the entire block mass.

Which is better - foam block or gas block, based on environmental friendliness?

An aerated concrete block made in accordance with technology is air-permeable and environmentally friendly material. In such a house a favorable climate is created, slightly inferior natural wood. The basis of the modules is mineral raw materials, which are not subject to rotting, the formation of fungi and mold(subject to the operating rules).

Foam concrete is less environmentally friendly, which is due to its formulation - it contains more chemical substances and a closed porous structure, so the material does not provide such a high microclimate as aerated concrete.

Drying shrinkage

The following is taken into account:

  • foam concrete masonry is more susceptible to the development of cracks, since the shrinkage rate is 1.0-3.0 mm/m;
  • for aerated blocks, shrinkage does not exceed 0.50 mm/m, that is, the likelihood of defects occurring is an order of magnitude lower.


All parameters are regulated by GOST standards.

For aerated concrete modules, the permissible deviations are as follows:

  • up to 1 mm – in thickness;
  • up to 2 mm – in width;
  • up to 3 mm – in length.

For foam blocks, variation geometric parameters thickness can reach 5 mm. Such violations are due to simpler manufacturing technology. In practice, when pouring dough, it is practically impossible to maintain ideal parameters. Linear dimensions modules depend on the quality of the production line.

The indicated properties of foam concrete lead to a deterioration in the characteristics of the finished masonry:

  • risk of education large quantity cold bridges;
  • the master is forced to apply a thicker leveling layer, which negatively affects the cost of the work;
  • laying a perfectly even structure is practically impossible, which determines the need to plaster the surface.

Water absorption

Both materials have a porous structure, so they are able to absorb moisture to some extent. Aerated concrete is more hygroscopic compared to foam concrete. This is due to the fact that foam concrete modules contain closed pores, while aerated concrete contains both closed and open pores.

When choosing a material, it should be taken into account that aerated concrete absorbs moisture to a small depth, since the presence of closed pores blocks its penetration into the body of the block.

Closed-pore foam concrete also has negative characteristics. At negative temperatures moisturized the outer layer freezes, the water expands in volume and begins to disrupt the structure of the block. In aerated concrete, the development of such processes is excluded, thanks to the reserve open pores, where the liquid is distributed when freezing.

Can be used as insulation when working with aerated concrete. mineral wool. If blocks 400 mm thick are used, insulation can most often be neglected. With less weight, aerated concrete is stronger and is a better heat insulator

Thermal insulation

On thermal insulation properties The density of aerated concrete and foam concrete has a direct impact. The denser the module, the worse its thermal insulation properties. The construction of load-bearing structures requires more than high density, but the material will be “colder”.

For comparison, one can imagine that in the Siberian region, to ensure normal thermal insulation, it is necessary to erect a wall 65 cm thick - from D600 foam concrete, and 45-50 cm thick - from D400-D500 aerated concrete.

If we compare foam blocks and gas silicate blocks, we can conclude that in each specific case, both materials reveal their advantages and disadvantages. If construction of non-critical buildings is required, without bearing capacity, in comfortable climatic conditions, it is quite possible to get by with foam blocks. Why overpay for material?

Which is better for the price

The cost of cellular concrete is as follows:

  • aerated concrete, price per cubic meter – about 4.7 tr;
  • foam concrete, price per cube – about 3.5 t.r.

Experts note that the assessment of the characteristics of a particular material can be carried out endlessly. It's like arguing about which is better: polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam. Each technology has its supporters and opponents.

Video and Pivot Table

In order for the user to group the studied data, he can familiarize himself with the table below:

Characteristic Foam concrete Aerated concrete
Brand 600/700/800/900 350/400/500/600/700
Thermal conductivity (coefficient) 0.140-0.220 0.10-0.140
Strength D750-D800, corresponds to class B2.5 D500, corresponds to class B2.5
Vapor permeability Below higher
Geometric dimensions +/- 3-5 mm +/- 1.0 mm
Masonry The display is carried out on sand-cement mortar/ seam up to 2.0 cm Laying out blocks on glue/seam 2.0-3.0 mm
Environmental friendliness (coefficient) 4.0 2.0 (brick – 10, wood 1.0)
Soundproofing Below Higher (due to lower density, the material conducts sound worse)
Logistics The material is more economical to transport
Durability About 30 years 70 years old
Foundation Aerated concrete gives less load with equal strength
Dimensions Foam concrete block sizes (standard) are 200x300x600 mm Standard smooth gas block 200x200x600 mm

On average, aerated concrete is 10% more expensive than foam concrete, and this is the price of its undeniable advantages

The debate about foam concrete or aerated concrete, which is better, is clearly demonstrated in the video:

If we sum up some results, we can understand that It is advisable to use both types of cellular concrete in private construction. You can build garages from foam blocks, outbuildings, from aerated concrete - residential buildings, etc.

When planning and carrying out construction work It is important to select building materials that are economically beneficial, provide the building with a comfortable microclimate, have excellent operational and technical data, and the installation of which does not cause difficulties. This applies equally to foam and gas blocks. Let's look at each of the blocks, talk about the features, advantages and weaknesses each of them.

What is better for construction

Gas block and foam blocks are similar in structure, the differences between which, according to multiple reviews, are not significant. This is an artificial-based stone, for the production of which cellular concrete is used. The basis of the material is environmentally friendly and safe, both for humans and the environment.

For foam concrete, a mixture of cement and sand is used, adding a special foaming agent to it. Hardening occurs naturally, which allows the production of foam blocks even in the conditions of a house or other facility under construction - on a construction site. The material has a variable composition of raw materials, and it itself is characterized by a short shelf life. Ready product offers variable technical parameters, which does not in any way interfere with the construction of walls or when arranging partitions.

When manufacturing aerated blocks, they require special conditions: high humidity and high temperature regime. The components include water, sand, lime, cement base. The role of a gas generator is played by aluminum powder or paste. According to experts, the reagent does not emit harmful substances, is environmentally friendly and safe.

The latest technologies give the material a uniform structure, the properties of which are unchanged. The result is material with long period service and excellent characteristics, not prone to combustion, easy to process, which is used in the construction of houses, bathhouses, garages and other objects.

Difference between materials

Despite the similarities, there are also differences. Used for manufacturing different technologies. For foam concrete, mechanical mixing of a liquid concrete mixture with the foam obtained by mixing water and a foaming agent is used.

The resulting composition must be poured into molds, which can be group or individual. The holding period is 4-8 hours, which makes the product stronger and allows you to achieve the required parameters. Blocks are removed from individual molds, they gain tempering strength, the value of which is up to 70%. Blocks from group shapes are cut to give nominal dimensions - this option is better than the previous one and is characterized by high dimensional accuracy.

Aerated concrete is produced by mixing concrete composition with aluminum-based powder or paste. For 1 cubic meter solution requires 400 g of powder. As the mixture is stirred, a chemical reaction is activated, resulting in the formation of a special substance that “carbonates” the solution. To produce 2 cubic meters of aerated concrete, 1 cubic meter of solution is required. The composition gains strength in a few hours - in this aspect it is no different from foam concrete. After this, the blocks are cut to the required sizes and sent to an autoclave for final hardening.

When comparing materials, it is worth noting the difference in hygroscopicity parameters. Aerated block is of great importance in this parameter, which makes building a house based on it a little more problematic, and the material itself requires additional external finishing.

Blocks can be distinguished by appearance– typical for aerated concrete blocks White color, and the foam block is gray, and its surface is rough.

The joining method differs, and each of the blocks has straight or tongue-and-groove edges for a reliable connection.

Prices and costs

Let's compare prices. In some situations, this is almost the determining parameter when choosing a specific block. The cost of aerated concrete is on average 20% more expensive than foam concrete, and the monolithic format is even cheaper.

From a cost standpoint, foam blocks are more profitable, but a full-fledged construction of an object using only them is impossible. It's better to choose combined option With load-bearing structures made of aerated concrete and non-load-bearing elements based on foam blocks. The thermal conductivity of such a building will be high level, it will be warmer and stronger than one made of one material.

Application area

It remains to figure out how each of the materials under consideration is used. The structure of aerated blocks is characterized by uniformity, they are lighter than other similar materials, frost-resistant and not afraid of fire. This allows them to be used in the construction of load-bearing walls and partitions in the private construction sector. When filling frames in monolithic structures This is the most profitable and justified solution – from a technical and economic point of view.

The foam block has a slightly heavier weight and has a longer service life. Strength indicators vary, determined by the ratio of ingredients when mixing. Foam block is relevant when arranging fences, partitions and load-bearing walls, provided that the height does not exceed 3 floors.

Advantages and disadvantages of each material

Among the advantages of foam block:

  • Hassle-free production;
  • The manufacturing cost is cheaper than aerated concrete;
  • Laying using inexpensive cement;
  • Installation takes minimal time.

As for the disadvantages, they are as follows:

  • The edges of the blocks do not have a clear geometry;
  • Inconstancy of composition and its concentration;
  • Significant consumption of cement during installation;
  • The structure being erected requires mandatory reinforcement.

The gas block offers the following advantages:

  • The highest level of workmanship;
  • High strength;
  • Resistance to influences and influences;
  • Involvement at construction sites without restrictions;
  • Reinforcement is required only partially.

Disadvantages of gas blocks:

  • Slightly more expensive;
  • High hygroscopicity indicators;
  • Harder to manufacture;
  • Laying is carried out using construction adhesive.

The choice in favor of a specific type of blocks is determined by the construction conditions and features of the structure being built, as well as the preferences of a particular consumer and financial capabilities.


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