Turkish double clove growing from seeds. Turkish cloves: growing from seeds

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Why did Turkish cloves gain such enormous popularity? It turns out everything is simple - with its unpretentiousness, beautiful appearance and long flowering period .

Turkish carnation - planting

There are several ways planting Turkish cloves:

  • seed - in open or closed ground;
  • cuttings;
  • layering.

Planting Turkish cloves with seeds in open ground

Turkish cloves are grown from seeds in the spring. Flowers can be planted immediately open ground or first grow seedlings and only then transplant them to the site. Carnations are not afraid of cold and can bloom for a month and a half. But if you still prefer houseplants, plant physalis.

Planting of clove seeds begins in May or June. Before sowing the seeds, prepare the soil. It is dug up to 25 centimeters. The loosened soil is watered and covered with polyethylene. After two weeks, the film is removed and planting begins. The seeds are sown in rows, maintaining a width of 15 centimeters between them. The grooves are made 1.5 cm deep. The crops are sprinkled with earth and covered with polyethylene. When all the shoots appear, the cover will need to be removed. The emerging sprouts need timely watering, weeding and loosening. Somewhere in August, the carnation will need to be thinned out a little, placing some specimens in other places. permanent place. If desired, you can replant all seedlings. In the first year, the carnation only forms a rosette, and it will bloom in the second year. Another beautiful perennial is the aster.

Planting Turkish clove seeds for seedlings

Cloves can also be grown as seedlings at home; for this, the prepared soil must be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate. Sowing takes place in March month or at the very beginning of April. The seeds are planted one centimeter deep and lightly pressed with soil. The soil is sprayed with water and covered with polyethylene. On the twentieth day, young shoots dive, leaving a distance between shoots of 7 centimeters and a width of 15 centimeters. They pick carnations on a cloudy day after six o'clock in the evening. Cover the seedlings again, allowing them to breathe fresh air from time to time. As soon as the seedlings become large enough, covering them is no longer necessary. At the end of summer, the carnation is transplanted to the site, choosing the most suitable permanent place for the flowers. If you grow Turkish cloves from seeds in this way, you can achieve flowering in the first year.

Propagation of Turkish cloves by cuttings

From two-year-old plants (in early summer), you can take cuttings that need to be planted in an inclined position in loose soil. The plant should be planted in its permanent location in August. However, flowering can only be expected next summer.

Reproduction and planting of Turkish cloves by layering

Reproduction by layering is a fairly simple method and, at the same time, very reliable. In mid-June, the stems are bent and sprinkled with moist soil. Conventional technology propagation by cuttings in this case is modified by the fact that the tops of the shoots need to be pulled to the support so that they are in a vertical position.

Reproduction and planting of Turkish carnation by division

Dense bushes of Turkish carnation successfully reproduce by division. Carnations are best propagated by division in the fall.

Brugmansia: planting and care
Lavender - planting and care in the garden and at home

Plant care

Basically, the rules for caring for carnations come down to timely watering, weed control, fertilization and loosening the soil.

Water the plant twice a week, and hot weather and even more often. Flowering plant If possible, you should try to water without getting water on the flowers themselves. The first feeding is carried out when the clove reaches 12 centimeters. The second feeding is carried out during the formation of buds. And the third time the carnation is fed during the period when it blooms.

Turkish clove- a popular flower among gardeners. Everyone loves it beautiful flower can be explained by the duration of flowering and unpretentiousness of cultivation, and of course, by the bright and intricate coloring, sparkling with all shades of the rainbow. Breeders love to develop new species, experimenting with varieties and shades.

Turkish cloves - decorative flower. In order for your eyes to enjoy such bright beauty, you should know not only how to grow, but also how to care for the plant. Not only planting, but also cultivation and care must be correct and timely. How to raise a Turkish beauty? When to plant? How to care?

Landing Features

Planting Turkish clove seeds is carried out in several stages. It is important to adhere correct sequence and approach each stage with responsibility. You should start by preparing the soil. Growing involves two methods:

  • seeds are planted directly into the ground in May-June;
  • for seedlings in the period March-April.

If Turkish cloves are planted from seeds, the soil should be properly prepared.

Some time before planting (several weeks), it is recommended to dig up the soil. The layer of soil being dug up should be on average 20-25 cm. Next, the soil should be loosened and watered, and then covered with polyethylene film. The film is removed after two weeks, after which seed planting begins.

An interesting move is to plant carnations in October. It is important to note here that the seeds must be as dry as the soil itself, otherwise the seeds will be damaged when frost arrives. Although garden beauty Considered a cold-resistant flower, it would not be a bad idea to use winter mulching. Great option: the soil around the plant is covered with a ball of humus or peat 10 cm thick. But with the arrival of spring, the plant should be covered with some material. This is done to avoid burns.

When planting seeds in the ground, they are sown in rows. The row spacing should be at least 15 cm. It is better to sow seeds to a depth of 1 cm. After sowing, the soil should be pressed and watered. It is important to remember that the water temperature should be room temperature. Experienced gardeners It is recommended to stretch non-woven cloth over the crops, so you can get the first shoots in 8 days.

Next stage- seedlings should be picked. The distance between them should be 6-7 cm, while it is important to maintain the row spacing - 15 cm. Cloudy weather or time after 18 o'clock - best time for picking. The final stage - the seedlings are covered protective material.

If planting is carried out in the spring, then at the end of summer, Turkish carnation flowers can be planted in previously prepared flower beds. The first year is marked by the formation of a bush. On next year the flower stretches 40-50 cm. Planting in the fall, under the snow, is also widely known.

Mid-June is the time to reap the benefits, that is, to admire the play of colors and fragrant aroma, which, by the way, is very delicate in cloves. Admiring such large and beautiful inflorescences is a pleasure.

Rules of care

It is important not only to know how to raise a Turkish beauty, but also how to care for her.

Basic rules of care:

  • regular weeding;
  • loosening the soil;
  • timely watering;
  • correct feeding.

Flowers should be watered no more than twice a week. For a flower bed measuring 1 sq.m. 12-15 liters of water are consumed. Summer heat Watering is carried out more often, but you should not overdo it, otherwise there may be a risk of the formation of root rot. The stream of water is directed not at the flowering buds, but at the soil itself, at the roots.

As for feeding, it can be organic or chemical. It is recommended to carry out the first feeding when the height of the plants is 10-12 cm. The time of the second feeding is the formation of buds. Don’t forget about fertilizing in the fall, and not just in the spring and summer. No nutrients - no healthy growth.

It is important to pay attention to the quality of not only the work itself, but also the soil in which the seeds are planted. Plants grow well in almost any soil, but it is better to give preference to light loam with a slightly acidic or neutral soil reaction.

Sowing Turkish clove seeds for seedlings (video)

Variety of species

Interesting varieties:

  • "Indian carpet";
  • "Super duplex";
  • "Little Willie"
  • "Macarena";
  • "Undine";
  • "Purple Mountain";
  • "Nigricans."

Turkish terry carnation- one of the most popular types. Beautiful plants delight with their charming appearance, alluring aroma and rich color. Gardeners are attracted by the spicy aroma, the wonderful shape of the umbrella flowers and the richness of color.

Perennial Turkish carnation. This species has several subspecies, each of which has its own characteristics. The low-growing, or dwarf, carnation is one of the most beloved. The main feature is its miniature size. The height of such flowers is up to 25 cm. Among dwarf plants we can distinguish the “Indian carpet” variety. The low plant pleases with the beauty of its color and delicate aroma, but its main feature is interesting pattern petals that resemble a woven carpet. The intricate pattern formed the basis for the appearance of such original title. This Turkish carnation can be seen from afar.

Varieties of Turkish beauty differ not only in appearance, but also in flowering time. Most species bloom in the spring, but some varieties bloom again in the fall. These are perennial plants. Their lifespan is 5-6 years.

The variety "Nigricans" is known for its dark burgundy, almost black flowers. No less interesting is the “Black” variety, which surprises with its burgundy-wine color with a black tint.

This is interesting! If you want to create an interesting and bright pattern in your flowerbed, you can replant Turkish carnations, or rather bushes, in such a way as to emphasize the contrast of color or, conversely, to emphasize the variety of shades of similar flowers.

On a note! Transplanting bushes is a delicate matter, so it should be done very carefully so as not to damage the roots.

In autumn, after flowering, not all plants are removed. Some varieties are perennial, so be careful not to mix up or remove perennial flowers. In spring they will bloom with new strength and a new splendor of color.

Collecting Turkish clove seeds (video)

Turkish Carnation is perennial with straight and strong stems that are topped with umbels of flowers different colors: white, red, pink, cream. The shape of flowers can also be different: simple, double, semi-double.

The height of the plant depends on the variety and can vary from 20 cm to 60 cm. By purchasing new variety, pay attention to the height of the bush to find its rightful place in the garden.

Growing from seeds does not present any difficulty. The main thing is to stick certain rules growing and subsequent care of seedlings.

Preparing for landing

The soil can be purchased ready-made in a specialized store for seedlings it will already have all the necessary elements.

But if necessary you can compose it yourself, taking sand and leaf soil in equal proportions.

The soil is sifted to remove everything unnecessary and superfluous (pebbles, twigs), and calcined in the oven at 200 degrees for 15 minutes.

Sowing of seeds is carried out in early March on the waxing moon. and you need the following tools:

  • priming;
  • container for planting;
  • ruler;
  • seeds;
  • expanded clay;
  • manganese.

The container can be any - plastic or glass - it doesn’t matter. Availability is important drainage holes , through which excess water will flow out after watering.

We sow Turkish clove seeds for seedlings:

How to plant in open ground

Seeds are sown in open ground in early May.. For this purpose, a warm, sunny area is selected and dug up onto the bayonet of a shovel. Mineral and organic fertilizers are applied.

Then they make holes in the soil and sow Carnation seeds. The soil is well moistened with a watering can so as not to wash out the seeds and covered with film to create greenhouse conditions so that the seeds germinate together without loss.

It is important to remove the cover when warm weather sets in, otherwise the seedlings under it will be able to dry out.

How to sow seeds in containers

Expanded clay is poured onto the bottom of the container, then nutrient soil, and moisten it using bottom watering warm water. Manganese should be diluted in water to Pink colour, since with the help of manganese potassium the soil is disinfected.

Using a ruler, we make shallow depressions in the damp soil and seeds are sown in such rows. In the row, the distance between seeds should be 2 cm.

To ensure that the seeds germinate smoothly, the moist soil with the sown seeds is covered with glass and kept at a temperature of 17 degrees Celsius.

When most the seeds will sprout, glass or other cover is removed, And further care caring for seedlings consists of timely watering and turning in relation to the sun.

By turning the seedlings to the sun in different directions, the seedlings grow more even and stocky.

Care and requirements for watering, temperature, light, fertilizing

When friendly shoots appear, the container with Turkish Carnation seedlings should be move to a bright place, but without direct sun rays . Direct sun can burn young shoots.

The temperature in the room should be at 13 degrees Celsius. Such conditions will allow the seedlings to grow low and viable.

If in early spring There is too little sun, then the seedlings should be provided with additional lighting so that they do not stretch out.

Watering is done as the soil mixture dries using a tablespoon so as not to wash the immature seedlings out of the soil.

When the majority of seedlings have two leaf plates each, they are dived in separate 200 gr. cups.

There is no need to add fertilizer to the purchased land., but if you made the mixture yourself, then the seedlings are fed twice at half the dose with nitrogen fertilizer.

Seedlings are planted in a flowerbed after hardening, and when the threat of return frosts has passed. IN southern regions In Russia it is the beginning of May, in the Moscow region it is the beginning of June.

Vegetative propagation

This Carnation has a remarkable ability to reproduce vegetatively. The procedure is carried out in early August.

We bend a healthy shoot of the desired color to the ground and secure it with a wire bent in the form of a hairpin (you can also use it if the shoot is not very tall).

At the beginning of September it will no longer be a cutting, but a separate plant from the mother. At this point, they are planted in a permanent place where they will grow next year.

When transplanting young bushes, it is good to water the soil with warm water.

Diseases and pests

In open ground, Turkish Carnation gets sick very rarely. But if it is planted within the boundaries of an industrial city, then some complications may arise.

Fusarium– destroys the plant from the inside. Diseased bushes are urgently removed from the flowerbed and destroyed outside the site. The place where it grew is treated with any fungicide twice with an interval of 15 days.

Rust– rusty raised spots with reverse side leaf plate. This disease manifests itself in high humidity and at the same time overfeeding with nitrogen fertilizers.

The plants are treated with the drug XOM, and diseased leaves are removed mechanically.

Mole crickets are pests for this plant., which, living in the soil, damage the root mass of the plant. But the only way to fight these insects is to collect them manually when digging.

Diseases of Turkish carnation - rust and fusarium, pests - mole cricket

Varieties and their features

Turkish Carnation has many varieties that differ in flower shape and color. The most popular are varieties with double flowers.

Turkish terry clove

This type has many well-known varieties, including:

Macarena F1

A popular mixture with double flowers of various colors: Fuchsia, White, Burgundy. The flowers are bicolor with a contrasting border. The height of the bush with optimal care is 70 cm.

Dynasty F1

Double flowers are collected in inflorescences resembling a ball. Various colors in all shades of red. The height of the bushes is not very large, only 40 cm. At the same time, the variety has excellent winter hardiness in middle lane Russia.

Moulin rouge

The Moulin Rouge variety of Turkish Carnation has an unforgettable aroma, reminiscent of the southern shores of the sea. Beautiful flowers of various colors seem to be spinning in a delightful dance.

Flowering lasts a very long time for a long time. The bush grows to a height of 20 cm.

How to collect seeds

This bright plant looks good planted near the border and on alpine roller coaster. But in order not to buy new bags of seeds from year to year, It’s worth taking care of collecting seeds from your own flowers.

To collect your seeds, select a healthy flowering sprout and mark it so as not to remove dried buds when cutting.

When the bud is almost dry, it is cut off in dry weather and lay it out to dry White list paper.

The place for drying is selected so that there is no sunlight and there is good air circulation. In this form, the seeds are dried until completely dry for two weeks.

Putting seeds in paper bag For storage, you must sign the year the seeds were collected.

How to grow seedlings in the garden

Seeds in the garden can also be sown in October, but this is done with dry seeds and in dry soil. In winter, such crops are covered with slate to prevent them from freezing.

When planting Carnation seedlings in the fall, the first shoots will appear only in the spring of next year.

Spring planting provides shelter from return frosts with any covering material that allows air to pass through. Grown strong seedlings are planted at a distance of 15 cm from each other.

Further care includes timely watering, loosening, and removal of weeds.

What is the difference between growing seedlings at home and in the garden?

There is no difference in the technology of planting Turkish Carnation seedlings at home and in the garden. The difference is that, growing seedlings in the garden significantly saves space on southern windowsills.

In open ground, seedlings turn out strong, stocky and do not suffer from “blackleg” and other diseases that arise when growing seedlings at home.

This one is wonderful delicate flower deserves your attention to plant it in a flowerbed, creating a unique southern flavor in your garden plot.

When planting it, you need to take into account that it can reproduce by self-seeding and therefore the site is selected for a long period of time.

For many centuries, carnations have been famous among gardeners in different countries. It attracts people not only with its beautiful appearance, but also with its aroma: during the flowering period, the culture emits a smell that resembles that emitted by the buds of the well-known clove tree, used in cooking as a spice. This explains the name of this plant.

The origin of the name carnation is quite interesting: translated from Greek it means “divine flower”, or “flower of Zeus”. Therefore, the desire of many flower lovers to plant Turkish carnations in their own flower garden becomes completely understandable. But the success of this event depends almost entirely on the gardener’s awareness of the rules for growing this crop, caring for it, as well as its reproduction both in open ground and in a greenhouse.

This plant is often found in flower beds. It managed to attract the attention of many gardeners back in the 16th century and intrigued gardeners with its colorful flowering caps. Today, many types of Turkish carnation have been developed, which are distinguished by their rich color palette.

If desired, you can find plain white and various red hybrids. A large number of experienced gardeners grow two- and three-color plants. Their petals are decorated with unique patterns. This zest gives them extraordinary attractiveness and originality, because such patterns can be very different: in the form of a border, eyes and intricate figures. Carnation petals are not inferior in originality. In special stores you can buy varieties with five petals, and also buy double Turkish cloves. The first carnation flowers bloom at the beginning of summer and delight the eye throughout the month.

Gallery: Turkish cloves (25 photos)

Growing from seeds

When growing cloves at home, you should follow these rules:

Planting in open ground

To achieve more beautiful flowering of carnations, you should choose the right site for planting, where it should prevail fertile soil. Suitable places for growing are sunny areas, but planting it in partial shade would also not be a mistake. In the absence of other options, it is grown on sandy and loamy soils, but before planting, fertilizers must be added to them. For this, humus or compost, ash, and mineral fertilizers are used.

During the period of digging the area for planting, it is enough to penetrate 30 cm deep. Then the bed must be leveled and watered, if necessary. After that, thick fabric is placed on the bed and left in this state for 14 days. Now you can start planting flowers.

Turkish clove seeds should be sown in a hole up to 1.5 cm deep. The holes should be made no closer than 15 cm from each other. After sowing, they must be watered and covered with a layer of soil on top. Next, the earth needs to be lightly compacted. There is no need to carry out additional watering; you can limit yourself only to a shelter made of dense fabric. It should remain until the first shoots appear.

The seeds of the plant can be sown in autumn or spring. In each case, the seeds are sown according to the same pattern.

Rules of care

Again, we note that it is recommended to grow cloves in a well-lit area where there is fertile soil. However, this flower may die from winter cold. First of all, this applies to young plants. In addition, stagnation of water and waterlogging pose a great danger to Turkish cloves.

Plants experience greater stress in early spring, because during this period of time there are frequent temperature changes due to the fact that during the day the temperature can rise to summer levels, and at night give way to frost. To protect the plant during this period, you need to use spruce branches. When the last wave of frost is already in the past, it can be removed.

When flowering is over, you need to fertilize the soil and trim the stems. Such procedures launch the process of formation of new shoots, which will make it possible to wait for the carnation to bloom again, but this only happens in certain types. If you strictly follow the rules of growing a plant, then it will be able to amuse you with its bright and colorful buds for six years. Ignoring the rules of care can lead to the fact that in three years, and maybe even earlier, you will have to look for a replacement.

To prevent the carnation from needing water, watering must be done at least twice a week. When the weather is dry outside, their number needs to be increased. Water the plant along the ground, while trying to avoid drops getting on the flower itself. If water gets on the plant, it will lead to burns.

Growing in a greenhouse

In order to successfully grow perennial carnation in a greenhouse, you need to follow these recommendations:

Sowing Turkish cloves for seedlings

Sowing occurs based on the following principles:

Diseases and pests

Although homemade Turkish cloves are undemanding, they are very vulnerable. From the beginning of spring to autumn, a flower can be affected by the following diseases and pests:

Fusarium is a disease that affects all parts of the clove. Signs: gradual withering of the trunks is observed, and after a while they completely die. Infection occurs due to recently applied fresh manure. Fusarium cannot be cured, however, as a preventative measure, the soil is disinfected with potassium permanganate three times a season.

Rust is fungal disease Turkish carnations. Signs: yellowish cushions form on leaves and shoots. Methods of treatment are cultivating the land with hom or lime.

Insects: spider mite and a gorak elephant. The latter gnaws holes in the leaves, and the former completely sucks out all its juices from the stems. Ecological method pest elimination - this is the well-known onion peel. Its recipe: 100 g onion peel pour 5 liters of boiling water, then leave to infuse for 3 days. Infected trunks are treated with this infusion 3 times every 5 days.

If there is even the slightest negative impact on the plant from diseases or pests, you should immediately begin treatment.

Plant propagation

Young plants can be obtained in two ways:

The place of a flower in landscape design

Having decided to grow cloves on your own plot, it is not at all necessary to immediately plant them in open ground. Low varieties look unsurpassed in rock gardens and rock gardens (as ground cover), and tall plants decorate borders, hedges and ridges with their colorful flowers. In order for the flowers of the Turkish carnation to look beautiful and not lose their attractive appearance throughout the entire flowering season, you need to maintain an advantageous and correct proximity to other “green inhabitants” of your garden. Plants that are suitable for proximity to Turkish cloves (according to clove varieties):

  • Low varieties with red and bright pink color: cleome prickly, pyrethrum maiden, graceful gypsophila;
  • Low varieties with light-colored plants: Carpathian bellflower, Damask nigella, medicinal sage;
  • Tall varieties of all colors: eschscholzia, lupine, red lychnis.

In the photographs, the double Turkish carnation looks extremely beautiful surrounded by the same abundantly blooming nasturtiums, hydrangeas and marigolds. Undesirable neighbors of this oriental beauty include dahlias, gladioli and tulips.

Having learned about all the features and secrets successful cultivation Turkish carnation and the possible difficulties in caring for it, you can safely go buy seeds and start planting the plant on your own plot!

To properly organize the cultivation of garden carnations using seeds, you first need to properly prepare yourself planting material. It is quite long and step by step process, which should start back in autumn time. So, collect a portion of the seeds that are left after the carnation blooms and hide it in a shaded and dry place. Planting is recommended around the second decade of January. First prepare the soil. For these purposes, mix the soil with humus in equal parts, then add peat (about ¼ part) and a little sand.

Garden carnation seeds

Now you can start planting. Required quantity it is necessary to soak for several hours in a solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection and additional stimulation of growth. Planting is simple - place them in pre-prepared furrows, deepening them into the ground by approximately 3-4 mm. In this case, it is advisable to fill the rows of seeds not with soil, but with pre-calcined sand. Optimal temperature regime is about + 15–16 degrees. Properly organized cultivation will produce the first shoots within 8–12 days. After this, the temperature should be increased slightly, to + 23 ... + 25 degrees. It is recommended to wrap boxes with seedlings in a layer of plastic film to create the so-called greenhouse effect.

To obtain good results, protect from seeds from exposure low temperatures, drafts and others unfavorable factors. Acclimate the plants gradually through daily ventilation. To do this, remove the protective cover from the seedlings once a day. plastic film and leave for 5-7 minutes. Watering at this stage of care should be given special attention. Moisten the seedlings regularly and very carefully. In this matter, it is important to maintain a balance, since overdried soil inhibits the growth of the plant and weakens it, and overly moist soil can cause rotting of the root system and death of seedlings.

When all the shoots appear, protective film It is removed from the box and it is placed on a window, preferably located on the sunny side. For normal, full development, seedlings may need additional lighting. If you grow carnations at home, you can use an ordinary electric lamp for these purposes, turning it on for 3–5 hours a day.

Growing cloves at home

As for picking plants, the opinions of gardeners may differ on this issue. Some argue that the carnation needs at least three transplants, others insist on two. Pay attention to the number of seedlings that appeared at the first shoots. If there are too many of them and they shade the plants, then you should make a pick, thinning the planting furrows so that there is a distance of approximately 4–5 cm between the plants. Otherwise, take your time with replanting and wait until the seedlings acquire several true leaves. Experienced gardeners claim that picking helps to activate growth processes and provides plants with optimal access to what is contained in the soil nutrients. The next time the garden carnation is replanted when more than 4–5 leaves appear on it.

After the second picking, it is recommended to begin hardening the plant in order to accustom it to the effects of unfavorable external factors. For these purposes, gradually lower the temperature in the room, down to + 12 ... +15 degrees. In May, boxes with plants should begin to be taken out to Fresh air to gradually prepare the seedlings for the upcoming transplant. The hardening procedure during such care will make the clove stronger, resistant to low temperatures and less susceptible to most common diseases.

The best time to move carnation seedlings to open ground, it is customary to consider the end of May - the first ten days of June. Garden carnation is an extremely delicate and light-loving plant. Therefore, planting is appropriate only in an area open to sunlight, but protected from drafts and strong winds. The soil for growing this beauty is prepared in the fall by adding compost, nitrogen and organic fertilizers. Right before planting, the soil must be thoroughly dug up and loosened by 3–4 mm.

Moving flower seedlings to open soil

It should also be emphasized that cloves are plants with an extremely high degree of drought resistance, so they simply cannot tolerate stagnant water. Take this feature into account when choosing a seat.

The distance between seedlings should be about 25–30 cm from each other. In this case, the substrate accumulated on the rhizome must be preserved. When planting, it is not recommended to bury the plant too deeply into the ground, as this will make it take root much worse. At the end of the procedure, lightly mulch the soil with sand or sawdust.

Further care for carnations will not require much effort from the gardener. However, there are still certain subtleties in care. To provide the carnation with maximum access to oxygen and improve microcirculation processes, the soil around the bushes must be regularly loosened and slightly dug up. It is best to do this after watering or precipitation, allowing the soil to dry out a little.

When it comes to hydration, you should be extremely careful. Excessive and intensive watering can destroy the plant, causing rotting of its root system. To prevent this from happening, moisten the cloves as needed, but no more than once every 2 weeks. Also, make sure that the liquid does not get on the buds and flowers of the carnation. This has an extremely negative effect on the condition of the plant and can cause the development of characteristic diseases and pathological conditions.

After the flower stalks appear, you will need to take care of the stability of the carnation. The fact is that this plant is characterized by long and intense flowering, until the onset of the first frost. And to prevent the bushes from breaking off, you will need to tie them to special pegs driven near each plant.

Garter of plants with flower stalks

Of course, you shouldn’t forget about weeding, regularly clearing the area of ​​weeds. It is especially important to observe this rule at two stages of the carnation’s life: during acclimatization of seedlings after planting in open ground, as well as during the formation of buds and the active flowering phase, which require large quantity strength and nutrients.

Such diligent cultivation will be rewarded with a lush, but often shapeless bush, so the owner, among other care, will have to take care of appearance clove thickets. To make them look well-groomed, you will need to periodically remove side shoots by pinching them. In addition, already faded flower stalks should be carefully trimmed, shortening them by approximately half. This manipulation promotes the active development and growth of the bush, increases its vitality, and ensures more active and intense flowering in the new season.

If you want the plant to please you for as long as possible abundant flowering, you can have it during seasonal care additionally feed. The first fertilizing should be done 10–14 days after planting the seedlings in the soil. The carnation needs especially intensive nutrition during the formation of buds. The third fertilizing can be applied 2-3 weeks after the start of flowering.

What's wrong with growing beautiful flowers?

Cloves are quite susceptible to fungal pathologies, even with proper care. The disease manifests itself by the presence of specific spots, drying of leaf blades, wilting of stems and breaking off of buds. In diseases of a viral nature, the growth and development of the plant slows down significantly, its deformation is observed, and the carnation practically stops blooming. To combat such diseases, leaves, shoots and stems showing signs of disease should be removed and then burned outside the garden.

After this, the bushes are treated with preparations with a high copper content. Spraying with infusions of onion peels, tobacco or garlic also gives a good effect. To reduce the risk of developing viral or fungal pathologies, you need to monitor and control the level of soil moisture. Moderate watering, which prevents decay processes, will serve as the best preventive measure in such a situation.

It is also necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the area, promptly remove old withered branches, as well as shoots with traces of damage. Concerning garden pests, then the carnation is quite often attacked by mole crickets and earwigs. You can get rid of them with the help of drugs such as Grizzly, Medvetox, Bankol, Phenaxin Plus, Iskra, Inta-vir.


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