Wood carving tools. Review of hand tools for wood carving: a must-have set Tools for wood crafts

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From time immemorial, wood has been a priority building material, raw materials for production household utensils, decor. The emergence of new products in this area does not prevent the tree from maintaining high popularity and remaining in demand. One of the important qualities of this natural material is simple processing. This allows not only experienced craftsmen, but also amateurs and creative people to create unique elements decor, building construction. Special tools for woodworking are indispensable assistants in such operations.

Main types of tools

Specialists in the field know very well what devices and mechanisms can be useful in various works with a tree. It is quite difficult for a beginner to understand the huge assortment. In order to create your own universal arsenal, allowing you to perform any operation, you need to get acquainted with the classification of tools, their types and features.

These products include professional and household products, universal and specific ones. In the woodworking tools category, you can choose:

  • mechanical hand products;
  • electrical devices;
  • machine equipment.

Most owners who prefer to do their own repairs and construction have simple hand tools. Application of various electrical devices network and mobile simplifies the process, allows you to conveniently and efficiently perform complex operations.

Electric woodworking tools make the process much easier

Machines designed for wood processing are installed not only in specialized enterprises. IN model range There are also household versions of the equipment, which have compact dimensions and are easy to operate.

Hand tools for the DIYer

In a row mechanical tool for wood there are many universal devices that are used in the most different jobs. Every craftsman should have them in stock. The presence of this tool makes it possible to perform a lot of tasks around the house and on the site. A practical owner should have:

  • hacksaw saw;
  • axe;
  • chisel;
  • hammer;
  • plane;
  • rotation

Hand tools for wood

These are the carpenter’s main assistants, without whom it is impossible to do construction and repairs. A hacksaw is a tool consisting of plastic or wooden handle And metal sheet with teeth. Saws are produced in large assortment, differ in size and size of teeth. The tool is designed to divide a whole part into elements and eliminate excess. For small operations, a special jigsaw with a thin blade is used. Cleavers and axes are used for splitting, chopping, and trimming.

Jigsaw with thin blade for small operations

A metal chisel, consisting of a working part and a handle, is useful in chamfering, forming recesses, etc. When working with this tool, a special hammer is used, which is called a mallet. A plane will help make the surface smooth and give the board the ideal geometry. If you need to use it regularly, it is worth purchasing a power tool for woodworking. There are several types of devices of this type: tongue and groove sheets, jointers, etc. In the formation of holes in wooden materials A brace is used that works with various types of drills.

A plane will help make the surface even.

In his work, the master will also need special materials for processing, allowing him to create a perfectly even, smooth surface. In such operations, sandpaper is used. You need to stock up on material with different sizes of abrasives in order to perform rough and finishing work.

Sandpaper for finishing work

Electric tool for woodworking

Qualified specialists and many home craftsmen prefer to acquire electrical equipment that allows them to quickly and efficiently perform different kinds works This woodworking tool is offered in a wide range. The most popular devices include electrical ones:

  • planers;
  • drills;
  • chain saws, circular saws;
  • screwdrivers;
  • grinding machines and etc.

Electric planer significantly simplifies the process of achieving ideal performance wooden surface. Using a drill, holes of the required size are created. You can also use this device for installing fasteners and mixing solutions.

An electric planer greatly simplifies the process.

Electric grinders are very popular among professionals and amateurs. Production uses belt models designed for large volumes of work. In everyday life and repairs, vibration and planetary tools are used for sanding wood.

A chain saw or circular saw is an indispensable piece of equipment for a craftsman who has to carry out large volumes of woodworking. Modern multifunctional models perform a range of operations.

A circular saw for wood is an indispensable tool

For a home craftsman, a specialist who makes complex structures, will come in handy milling device. Mechanical and electrical woodworking tools allow you to create shaped elements, stairs and window frames, and furniture.

Not only hand jigsaws are used in creating small elements, in work that requires special precision. You can also purchase an electric wood carving tool.

Electric jigsaw will perform work that requires special precision

The advantages of electrical appliances include the speed of operations and the absence of the need to expend a lot of effort. For stationary work, it is advisable to purchase models that operate from the network. Mobile devices with rechargeable batteries allow you to perform operations anywhere.

Additional accessories

In addition to the main tool, additional devices are also used when working with wood. For the home handyman will come in handy:

  • workbench with a vice;
  • pliers and pincers;
  • clamps;
  • rulers and tape measure;
  • carpenter's pencils;
  • corner and protractor;
  • plumb line

The workbench guarantees ease of use

The presence of a workbench guarantees ease of use. This construct is used to perform large quantity operations. It is equipped drawers, they store various little things that the master should always have at hand. Using pliers or pliers, you can easily remove hardware and quickly dismantle it. Clamps of different configurations are useful for fixing elements.

You can choose wisely necessary tool woodworking in a large assortment without spending extra money. Experienced professionals give several recommendations:

  • When choosing hand tools Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the quality and reliability of the working part. When working with it you have to use force. Durable, well-sharpened products will allow you to spend less effort and time.
  • Any tool should be convenient. Handles, configurations, dimensions of equipment and devices are selected taking into account personal characteristics. Comfortable models will eliminate inconvenience, fatigue, and ensure safety.
  • Home craftsmen who rarely use woodworking tools should give preference if necessary manual types. This will significantly save the cost of purchasing equipment. If such work is performed regularly, it is better to purchase electric analogues.

For regular work, purchase an electric woodworking tool.

You don't have to have every type of tool in your arsenal. You can limit yourself to several types of universal devices if working with wood is not professional activity, favorite hobby.

Wood carving assistants

The skill of wood carving has been highly valued at all times. Exquisite figured elements decorate the facades of houses, furniture items, and household utensils. The emergence of CNC machines that perform this operation on high level, did not make hand carving less popular. It remains one of the most popular hobbies for creative people. Special tools for wood cutting allow anyone to master this skill.

Wood carving remains one of the most popular activities for creative people

There are several types of this art. The flat carving technique is used to create silhouettes with shallow contours. In the relief method, the decor protrudes above the recessed background. For geometric patterns The technique of deepening lines is used. In execution openwork carving gaps are cut out. With this art you can create volumetric images in 3D format.

A carving specialist uses a large number of different tools. They are selected depending on the type of work. The master’s arsenal includes universal products that are used in many operations with wood. These include hacksaws, chisels, and milling cutters. There is also a specific tool:

  • knives;
  • engravers;
  • incisors.

Woodworking tools are selected depending on the type of work

Carving knives

Knives help the master create skillful carvings. There are many types of this hand tool. The most popular options include:

  • Tatyanka;
  • Bogorodsky;
  • jamb.

Wood knives for creating intricate carvings

The Tatyanka knife has a long handle. When working, the beveled blade is located 2 centimeters from the master’s hand, which allows you to create small elements. Bogorodsk knives are available in several models; they can be used for rough and fine carving. This tool has a semicircular handle, and the blades are partially sharpened, similar to a penknife. The structure of the jamb is identical to the shoe jamb professional instrument. Its blade is beveled at an angle of 45°, sharpening is one-sided.

Bogorodsk knives for fine carving

During operation, wood cutting tools become dull and require regular sharpening. The craftsman must have special devices on hand to maintain the necessary sharpness of the blade. For this we use:

  • bars with surfaces of different grain sizes;
  • fabric skins of several numbers;
  • leather belts and special grinding paste.

Wood cutting tools need regular sharpening

Chisels in wood carving

An important working tool is a chisel. These devices also have several types. Masters use devices:

  • straight,
  • reverse,
  • corner,
  • curved,
  • cranberries.

Chisels differ in profile shapes and create a groove of the desired configuration. When working with the tool, a mallet is used. The sharp working part allows you to do without force load. There is a modern assortment of electric chisels that can be powered by mains or battery.

Chisels differ in profile shapes

When choosing tools, you must be guided by their purpose:

  • jigsaws and chisels are used in making sculptures;
  • wooden posts and balusters are decorated with a hacksaw or router;
  • An engraver and chisels will help you make ornaments on trim, planks, and furniture.

Engravers making carvings

A popular carver's tool is the engraver. It is an excellent replacement for a traditional cutter and performs complex operations faster and better. There are several types of such devices. The work can be used:

  • hand engraver with a set of working attachments;
  • flexible shaft;
  • laser device.

Hand engraver performs complex operations efficiently

Hand engravers can be mounted on a screwdriver or drill, sharpening machine. This set is a convenient electric tool for making ornaments, openwork, figured or applied carvings.

Flexible shafts are equipped with chucks for fixing on a standard drill. The working tool can be a drill, a milling cutter, or a bur. It is advisable to have a sharpening machine that will allow you to regularly adjust the equipment and ensure the sharpness of the working blades.

Let me tell you a little about my carving tool.
When I started going to the woodcarving club, I used a master's tool. And immediately I began dreaming about my own instrument.
The guy with whom I went carving, his father worked at some metallurgical plant and I ordered 2 semicircular chisels from him, then a friend of my brother gave me a couple more chisels, 2 knives and 2 semicircular chisels from an artist friend, 1 knife from a guy from the yard. The steel is good tool steel, I still use them now.

Then one day a plumber came to our house to fix a faucet and we started talking, I told him that I was doing carving. And he said that he had a set of Soviet cutters at home and he wanted to give it to me) I was incredibly happy and jumped to the ceiling, he went home and brought it. It was cool, they weren’t even sharpened!) I especially liked the knife, it for a long time was my favorite instrument. It cut beautifully and evenly. It held its edge for a long time, Soviet incisors are great incisors!

Then I had a break from carving, and there was no place to sharpen knives and cutters.
Then I began to look for shops and markets, tents where I could buy cutters. But I didn’t find it.
I didn’t learn much about sharpening the tool I had, but it was very inept.
After some time, I found the tatianka.ru page on the Internet, but at that moment there were only domestic cutters and knives to choose from, and I ordered myself a couple of knives and chisels, so my arsenal began to expand))

I saved up my money and bought myself a small set of 12 Tatyanka incisors. I like it, I use it now. I used it to carve a box. The steel is not bad, but of course it can’t compare with Pfeil, they need to be often corrected on the skin with GOI paste and then sharpened. They are suitable only for soft wood species (linden, alder, maple, birch).

Then my girlfriend at that time (and now my wife) gave me a set of 7 knives for my birthday, I was very happy. I used them to cut out a frame for a mirror), a box with a geometric pattern, and a donation box.

In the shop Leroy Merlin I found cutters from the Czech company Narex and of course I couldn’t resist and bought them. (He who seeks always finds). The cutters are good, the steel is better than Tatyanka’s, but they also cost 2 times more.

When I was in Moscow on a business trip, passing through or visiting friends, I went to the Tatyanka store on Baumanskaya. Of course, I really liked the Pfeil cutters there and bought myself a couple of knives.
They performed well in their work, remain sharp for a long time, cut wood well and cleanly, both soft and hard wood (I cut beech and oak with them).
Now I have several Pfeil cutters and knives and they are my favorite because... this is very good tool. Their cost starts from 500 rubles. (the cheapest knife) and higher, but in my opinion this is not overpaying for the brand, but buying a good and quality instrument(once again, this is my opinion, not everyone may agree with me, but I believe so).

I also got an interesting knife from Bahco. I bought it for 4 euros, not a bad price for a good knife. Excellent cuts paper and wood, both soft and hard.

I like to store my incisors in fabric rolls and boxes:

I also sign my incisors.

One small piece of advice, if for some reason you do not use knives or cutters, then lubricate the blades with any tool oil (I use WD-40) so that they do not rust.

I think that all carvers will agree with me that there are never enough cutters)))) but at the same time, I am a supporter of rationality, there is never too much money, so you need to try to buy a tool that will be used and will pay for itself, and will not just lie around without affairs.
And finally, about dreams))) I want to earn money and buy myself this wonderful suitcase from the same beloved company Pfeil:

There are many others good producers both domestic and foreign ones that produce and sell carving tools, I wrote about mine.
I would like to add links to some resources that I use, where you can look for tools, fixtures, equipment and everything you need for a carver, and a good Craftsman forum.

Thank you for your attention.

The text indicates the work performed by cutters; then links to articles of these works will be added.
And there will definitely be an article about sharpening knives and cutters.

The article uses photographs from the web page tatianka.ru

Buy and order wood work available in my store

This type of decorative and applied art such as wood carving is finding more and more admirers these days. It is becoming a popular hobby not only among teenage children, but also attracts quite big number adults. Like any work with wood, from making furniture to amateur builders and decorating residential premises, wood carving requires the use special tool, which can be purchased in the form of ready-made kits, or you can make it yourself.

Considering the considerable cost of any original tool produced under the Tatyanka, Flexcut, Kogatana or Narex brands, the latter option is more preferable. It is unknown whether this hobby will be serious or whether it is a momentary whim, and a specialized cutting and engraving tool for wood carving is unlikely will find application in other branches of home creativity.

Required cutter kit

There is no universal tool that can be used to perform on a wooden surface. Its full range is quite extensive, but taking the first steps, the carver can limit himself to the following items:

  • one special blunt knife;
  • straight and semicircular chisels with blades of various widths.

Over time, this minimum will expand, but to start work and master the skills, one knife and two chisels are enough - one with a straight blade and the other with a semicircular blade. In addition to this specialized toolkit, you will need a regular, commonly used tool:

  • wood hacksaw with fine teeth;
  • bit;
  • set of files;
  • sandpaper of varying degrees of abrasiveness.

Considering that fantasy, skillful hands and high-quality tools are the key to success in any type of decorative and applied art; the production of the latter must be taken with special responsibility when choosing for it required material. At the same time, finishing individual cutting and engraving objects to the required conditions usually takes much more time than its direct production.

Making a knife

When taking your first steps in wood carving, you can limit yourself to: with a simple knife made of high quality steel, sharpened in a special way. The only condition is that the knife blade must be rigid enough so that when making individual cuts it does not deform or bend.

The quality of steel is checked with a regular needle file, which should not leave marks on the sharpened blade or they should be barely noticeable. However, it is better to initially make a special knife-jamb, whose blade shape resembles the well-known shoe knife, but has a smaller blade width.

Most often for self-production knives for wood carving, having different widths and blade shapes, use a machine-made hacksaw blade for metal with a width of 25.0...50.0 millimeters. Preliminary markings are made on the blade along the contour of which the blade blank is cut out.

So, in machine-made hacksaw blades, tool steel is used (usually P6M5 or P9M3), then to create a knife blade blank you will have to use a grinder with a metal cutting disc. The workpiece should be cut with a small allowance. When cutting metal, the edges of the part burn (the structure and hardness of the metal changes), so the final finishing is done on an emery machine.

For final production and preliminary sharpening of the knife, the same de emery wheel, and final finishing is carried out on sanding blocks of varying abrasiveness. Side surfaces The knife blade must be polished; a felt wheel and GOI polishing paste are used for this.

Similarly, this type of tool is made from metal circular saws. Benefits of use circular saw– more standard disc thicknesses. Knives can be made in a variety of sizes and thicknesses. If at the initial stages this factor does not play a role special significance, then over time, when necessary cutting tool with a semicircular or figured blade, the thickness of the workpiece will have a lot important.

On a note!

Power knives are made from these blanks for making deep cuts, and a tool for cutting shallow recesses can be made from a straight razor blade.

Making chisels

When making wood carver's chisels yourself, a drill of a suitable diameter and length is usually used as a blank. The process involves shaping the blade and giving it the desired shape. Sharpening cutting edge produced in the same way as a conventional tool. The spiral drill winding does not need to be ground off, but only the sharp edges of the spiral can be dulled using sandpaper. To make chisels with a semicircular blade, you can use punches or a drill shank.

Making handles

In order to prevent your hand from getting tired and overstrained during woodcarving, the size and shape of the handle is important. Knife handles are made from two halves of hard wood, joined together with glue. A recess is cut out in the boards for the shank of the knife, after which the latter is placed in this recess, horses are applied to the joined planes and the halves are clamped in a vice or tightened with clamps.

After the glue has completely hardened, the handle blank, clamped in a vice, in which the knife blade is already securely fastened, is pre-processed with a file, giving it the most convenient (ergonomic, anatomical) shape. Final finishing is carried out using sandpaper or using belt sander. Depending on the needs of the carver, the surface of the handle is opened with varnish or left untreated.

On a note!

For the carver's first chisels, you can use standard handles for needle files or files, which are available at home tool stores.

As you can see, the process of making knives and chisels yourself is no more complicated than wood carving itself. To make the initial set (a knife and two chisels), you will need a grinder with a cutting wheel, electric sander and a sander. No power tools required self-production it will simply be impossible to recruit a carver.

After watching the video, you will learn how to make your own wood cutting knife.

Artistic wood carving is very ancient look art that is still popular today. The point is that with a little you with my own hands you can create a real masterpiece.

Advantages of thread

Before you start choosing knives or mastering certain craft making techniques, you need to learn about the benefits of this craft. So, among the advantages of threading we can highlight the following:

High quality finished products which are in great demand;

Very good decorative qualities of the finished product, which can decorate even the most inconspicuous interior;

You can do carving yourself, and you don’t have to graduate from any educational institution;

The work does not require the purchase of any complex equipment Moreover, you can make a wood carving tool yourself.

What tools will you need for the job?

All devices can be divided into several types: cutting and auxiliary. The first type includes the following:

1. Various knives:

  • cutter - used to design a “rosette” or other element that involves the presence of bends;
  • spoon - the device is used for cutting out dishes that have a sphere-shaped hole inside (bowls, spoons);
  • jamb - this wood carving tool is sharpened so that it has an angle of 30-80 degrees. Most often it is used to apply geometric patterns.

2. Chisels:

  • semicircular and sloping - irreplaceable devices for contour and geometric carving;
  • straight - necessary so that you can clean the workpiece, as well as cut through the contour of the main pattern;
  • jamb - this chisel is used for geometric carving;
  • corner - used for selecting narrow lines; this chisel is necessary for everyone;
  • caesarik - used for cutting into narrow elements on a relief surface;
  • cranberry - most often this wood carving tool is used to design relief and flat-relief products.

In addition, you will need other equipment. For example, for the initial processing of a workpiece, you need to purchase sandpaper, scrapers and scrapers, rasps, metal wire brushes, and hammers. You will also need drills and drills, as well as devices for cutting out a particular pattern.

You also need stencils and simple pencils, with which you can transfer the selected design to a wooden workpiece.

equipment requirements

All wood carving tools should be of the highest quality. That is, buy those products that are made of durable high-quality steel. Naturally, here it is necessary to give preference to well-known and conscientious manufacturers.

In addition, knives for wood carving, as well as chisels, must be properly and well sharpened. Otherwise, you will simply crumble the workpiece. Of course, you should follow all safety rules while working.

If you do not have the opportunity to purchase tools, then you can make them yourself. For example, knives can be made in just a day. Naturally, this requires work. When doing so, do not forget to consider the types of tools, their sizes and purpose. Low-quality thin steel will not provide required quality. Such a tool will quickly become dull and break.

Features of material selection

In addition to the device for work, you will need a base on which you will cut out the pattern. Wood for this purpose can be different: soft, hard and very hard. The first type includes linden, aspen and alder. These materials are suitable for your first steps in mastering artistic carving. The fact is that they are very easy to work with and you don’t need to use a lot of force to hollow out this or that element. That is, such blanks are usually given to beginners.

Hardwoods - pear, birch, oak, maple, beech - are used by experienced craftsmen who have good skills. The remaining breeds are used quite rarely. At first, fake blanks are enough for you.

In addition to the hardness of the rock, the shade of its surface is of great importance. Naturally, after completing the work, you will open the product with colorless varnish. However, there is nothing better than the original shade. It will highlight all the natural beauty of your masterpiece.

Main types of thread

In order to make a craft, you need to master some types of work:

  • marking;
  • sawing;
  • cutting;
  • drilling;
  • planing;
  • pruning;
  • chiselling;
  • scraping;
  • grinding.

In addition, there are several types of carving itself:

  1. Through. This type involves cutting holes at specified locations.
  2. Embossed. In this case, the main elements are at different levels in relation to the background.
  3. Sculptural. This type of carving is quite complex and is used only by experienced craftsmen. The fact is that this work very thin and requires compliance with all necessary proportions.
  4. Flat-skinned. It is from this type that beginners begin to accumulate their experience. All that is necessary is to apply the design to the workpiece and hollow it out. In this case, all elements are on the same level with the background.

Features of using special equipment

In addition to the above tools, you may also need a machine. Wood carving in this case is performed without your direct participation. All you need is to set the program and set the desired ornament. Then the machine will do everything on its own.

There are different types of devices that can do this kind of work. They have different dimensions and functions. However, the main requirement for such equipment is the presence of cutters. All you need to do is control, which is done using the control panel. The rest of the process is automated.

At all times, wood carving was considered a very profitable and beautiful art. There are different tools for it, and their range is very extensive. By purchasing such a set, you will be able to hone your skills so that one day you can give your loved ones an original and very beautiful gift. Good luck!

All beginning carvers ask: “What tools do I need first?” First we will need a small number of tools. Instead of buying a full set of cutting supplies, purchase tools as you need them. Usually, when you buy a set, you don't save a penny, but there are always things left that you hardly need. Get the most tools best quality that you can afford; good, sharp, high-carbon steel tools will last you a long time and save you money.


You will need a good knife - one that is comfortable to work with. There are three types of knives - with a folding blade ( pocket knife), with a fixed blade and knives with a replaceable blade. I prefer to use fixed blade knives because they are the safest. Knives also vary in blade shape and steel type.

I recommend a high-carbon steel blade with a hardness of 55 to 60 RC—it will stay sharp longer than a stainless or low-carbon steel blade. For finishing and creating shapes, I use a blade 4 mm thick and 3.8 to 5.1 cm long. A knife with a narrower and shorter blade is better for detail work. Some carvers prefer knives with replaceable blades because instead of sharpening the knife, you simply need to change the blade. Another advantage is this. that the handle of such a knife can be used with small chisels.


There are chisels different widths and curvature. Curvature is indicated by a number. The steeper the curvature, the larger the number. So, a chisel with number 3 is almost flat, and number 11 has a U-shape. Of course, a number 10 or 11 chisel cuts deeper and removes more wood than a number 3. On the other hand, a number 3 chisel is useful for finishing. The number 12 V-shaped chisel has a wide range from 24 to 90 degrees, but the most common chisels are those with an angle of 60 to 70 degrees.

When choosing a chisel, pay attention to the handle so that the tool does not roll onto the floor when you place it on the table. Otherwise, you will constantly have to repair the blade.

When choosing a chisel, also keep in mind the size and type of carving you want to make. For self made Palm-sized chisels are more suitable, and for small parts you will need even smaller tools. Sculpted and relief carvings require the use of standard chisels with heavy handles.


Carvers use the saws themselves different types depending on the task, but most often a bow saw (“snake”) is used.

It includes a replaceable high carbon steel blade mounted on a steel frame with handle. A bow saw can be used to create narrow, curved lines, although a fair amount of patience is required to prevent the blade from breaking or warping. The saw is also used to remove excess wood.

Special tools

The scraper is used for stripping bark and for quick, rough removal of excess wood, such as when working on furniture. The spoon knife has a double-edged round blade, ideal for making spoons, cups or masks.


Files and rasps remove excess wood quickly and smoothly. They differ in the nature of the surface, which can be rough, medium or relatively smooth. Tools flat, semicircular or round shape always use with a handle. Riffler-type files and rasps have teeth on both ends and come in a variety of shapes. They are used to penetrate hard to reach places and removing small chips. Tools with a rough surface are used for cleaning small areas.

The flexible sanding belt is useful when working on curved surfaces. Grinding cylinders included hand drill or press are indispensable for final finishing. Polishing tools differ in surface texture and the nature of the material, meeting a wide variety of needs. Use sandpaper only after finishing the job, otherwise abrasive particles will get stuck in the wood and your tools will quickly become dull.

Electrical tools

When you start making blanks yourself, you will need band-saw. Huge selection blades will allow you to make the most difficult cuts with ease, far superior to anything that can be done with a bow saw. An openwork saw will help to process the inner surface, but not every tree can handle it. Belt and disc sanders are good for both finishing and removing bark. Many carvers use rotary tools with a wide range of heads to machine parts such as feathers. There are hand-held grinders and small high-speed cutters. There are also at least four types of electric chisels with a reciprocating motion, allowing arthritic people and people with tennis elbow to enjoy carving.

Strengthening devices

If you are holding a workpiece in a vise, select a tool that will not leave marks on the workpiece (or insert some material between the workpiece and the vise). I often use a 6mm capercaillie and a wing nut to secure the workpiece to the workbench. If you are a beginner, you can wear a steel wire glove to protect your hand.

I have an old friend, also a carver, who wears a heavy leather apron when working toward the chest. When finishing or dyeing a product, you can use an awl or a paint stick.


In order to hold the workpiece better when you cut wood with a snake saw, I advise you to use a support - regular board, supporting the wood during sawing. Simply attach it to a workbench or table and hold the saw vertically in the V-section as you cut the workpiece.


If you are planning to do relief carving, I advise you to also make a simple bench vise. One clamp holds the vise at the bottom in a stationary position, while the angle formed by the other two at the top prevents your workpiece or workpiece from slipping out of your hands while you work. Place a bench vise on your work surface.

Additional accessories

Electric burning tools can be used to color the product, add texture, and also to sign the work. You will need a dust mask and a vacuum cleaner. Artist's tools and various brushes are also needed if you want to coat the product with paint or varnish. To transfer the pattern to the workpiece, I advise you to use tracing paper or copying. When performing fine machining of parts, a good light source and a magnifying device are necessary.

Instrument care

You should periodically inspect your tools and wipe them with an oily cloth to prevent them from rusting. Store tools in individual compartments or wrapped in cloth to protect them and reduce sharpening time.


Make sure your tools are always sharp and stop working from time to time to sharpen them. All the carvers I know have developed their own dressing system; everyone found their own procedure that was convenient for them personally. Some use whetstones with oil, others with water, and others use electrical devices.

The first step is to sharpen the blade using a fine-grained abrasive such as diamond chips or sandpaper. First, one side is processed until burrs appear on the metal, then the other. On next stage edits, the surface irregularities that arose initially are eliminated. In conclusion it follows special composition grind the blade until mirror shine, reducing friction between the blade and the wood.

How can you tell if a blade is sharp enough? Take a piece of scrap wood and run a knife across the grain. If a smooth mark remains, then the blade is sharp. If the fibers stick out in different directions and the mark is rough, then you need to sharpen the blade more.


Cutting tools

Knife (preferably fixed blade)

Four straight chisels (palm-sized enough)

No. 3 sloping chisel 1/2 wide (1.3 cm)

№ 7 semicircular chisel 1/2 wide (1.3 cm) No. 11 steep chisel 1/4 wide (6 mm)

No. 12 corner chisel 1/4 wide (6 mm)

Drawing supplies and tools for applying patterns

Copier (MFP)

Bow saw (“snake”)

Support (see above)

Drawing supplies


Copy paper


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