Interesting ideas for decorating a summer cottage. How to decorate a summer cottage: original ideas for flowers and crafts

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These days modern country cottage area is not only a place of spiritual unity with surrounding nature, but also an environment for maximum physical and emotional comfort. Your complete rest depends on the harmonious combination of objects located in the country.

Long gone are the days when country house was a place for growing vegetables and fruits. Back then, people didn’t even think about the special exterior of the site, its improvement and decoration.

Look here how to decorate your yard with your own hands with photo and video instructions from a pro!

Remember, just 10-15 years ago the most vivid impression from visiting a dacha was several flower beds or weaving branches of grapes along the fence. But today this place is becoming truly a piece of paradise, where designers and builders are attracted to work.

In our article we will tell you some of the best and amazing design ideas landscape plot with your own hands from available materials, without spending fabulous amounts of money.

Advice from experts on designing summer cottages

Firstly, you should immediately understand your taste preferences in style. Secondly, you need to take into account your time and financial capabilities.

And most importantly, it is important to create the most comfortable nest for complete relaxation of soul and body, without resorting to too elaborate and complex designs.

In the works creative design For your dacha, you may need the following simple and practically free things:

  • used car tires;
  • plastic bottles of different sizes and colors, bowls, buckets;
  • ropes or ropes, wire, mesh;
  • ownerless polypropylene pipes;
  • old unnecessary shoes;
  • all kinds of wooden boxes;
  • different-sized containers, tanks;
  • dishes: mugs, teapots, beautiful plates;
  • non-working old bicycles;
  • unused building materials.

Ideas for site design

You will be surprised, but many hand-made figures or figurines are not only unique and one of a kind, but also extremely attractive. One example is frogs made from foam or swans made from plaster.

You may have noticed the abundance of figures made from old car tires. They made a lot of things out of them: from ordinary fences to exquisite firebirds!

The main brightness is added to the transformation of tires by the use of special paints, which turn strange black rubber statues into real masterpieces.

There are a lot of photos on the Internet today. beautiful design plot: these include rubber parrots or pigs, palm trees from bottles, etc.

DIY artificial pond

At your dacha you can build a fountain yourself or artificial pond and it will become great solution for an attractive exterior of the site. The container itself for the fountain can easily be made from an unnecessary boat or a large tank, and the bottom of the pond is lined with gravel and sand, on top of which a tarpaulin is placed in several layers.

At the end you simply fill it with water, and all that remains is to decorate it according to your wishes and tastes. Along the perimeter of the reservoir, flowerpots or simply planted flower beds will look harmonious.

Country paths

Let's think about whether we need paths or paths at our dacha? Definitely needed! When it's raining, you're unlikely to enjoy running through muddy puddles of mud into your house. To do this, we recommend making aesthetic passages that are installed near the objects you need (toilet, garage, veranda).

To implement this idea, you don’t need much: large sea stones, unnecessary bricks, small pebbles, mild bottle glass.

Imagine how wonderful such a country path will look, along which small flower beds of all kinds of flowers are planted.

We strongly recommend that you place a simple bird feeder at your summer cottage, which will not only be beneficial for the singing birds, but also a joy for children. A “refectory” place for birds can be made from the simplest plastic bottles or wooden boxes.


Modern landscape design- this is not only an opportunity to decorate our summer cottages, but also allows us to develop our imagination in order to achieve the goal of getting comfortable stay for body and soul. Many ideas can help you create such paradise, to which you will want to return again and again.

Photo of the process of decorating a summer cottage with your own hands



A summer cottage is not only a place where you grow vegetables and fruits. On a standard six hundred square meters (and for some there may be more) you can let your imagination truly unfold! At the dacha you can bring to life a variety of and, sometimes, even wild ideas. Many of them will not only decorate your garden, but will also prove very useful in the difficult work of a gardener. And most importantly, country homemade products will give new life things that, it would seem, should have gone to the landfill long ago.

What can you create from? country crafts with your own hands? You will be surprised now, but anything can come into play! Don't rush to throw it away trash can things that have served their purpose or that at first glance seem like garbage. Imagine a little - maybe this old shoe is still good for something?

ThingsTransformation ideas
Plastic bottlesBottles from lemonade, milk, and juice are perfect as any details for creating interesting shapes, as well as for creating fences around beds or irrigation systems. The material from which they are made is very durable and moisture-resistant and will last in the country for more than one season.
Milk cartonsExcellent “pots” for seedlings! Gardeners have known this for many years.
Old shoesCreate a “battalion” of old boots original flowerpots for flowers.
TiresCar tires can be used not only as flower beds: they can be used to create amazing animals and birds, and also, if covered with fabric or tied with twine, they will make excellent seats.
Lumber scrapsThere is no need to burn the remains of the boards in the oven - it is better to use them to decorate a fence, creating an interesting ornament, or to create small flower beds, paths, or shelves.
Old technologyThe skeleton of an ordinary Soviet bicycle, a rusty car, or a broken motorcycle do not have to be scrapped - decorate them as a flowerbed!
Aluminum cansYou can use them to make a device that repels moles. It is enough to put the jar on a stick buried in the ground.
Broken glassColored broken glass will help decorate the fence: drill holes in the boards and insert glass into them. On a sunny day you won’t recognize your fence!
Plastic bottle capsThey will help you shape your country house unique. Create patterns using lids attached to the walls of the house using small nails.
Old clothesScarecrows are still in demand. Cross together two slats, dig the scarecrow's frame into the ground and dress it up in your old clothes. To make the scarecrow “kind,” give it a cute face and dress it in a colorful dress.
Old rakeDo you have old and rusty rakes that have served their purpose? Don't rush to get rid of them. Attach it to the wall of a barn or house and you will have a great hanger for gardening tools.

This is only some of the outdated things that can be used in the country. Remember: you can find a new use for every item, you just have to use your imagination a little. Now is the time to give more detailed instructions to create various country homemade products, serving both to decorate the estate and bring considerable benefits.

DIY mini pond

A mini-pond, created with your own hands, vaguely reminiscent of a fairy-tale swamp where the Frog Princess lives, is very easy to create. For this we need:

  1. an old bathtub or other large container that does not allow water to pass through;
  2. old slate;
  3. old rubber hose;
  4. a piece of thick plastic film;
  5. stones, sand and other “decor” elements;
  6. plants that live in water.

Technology for creating a mini pond on the site

  1. We bury the bath so that its edges are level with the ground.
  2. Around the bathtub we dig slate upright so that its edges are 20 centimeters above the surface of the ground.
  3. We stretch a hose cut lengthwise onto the edge of the slate (it will protect the polyethylene from tearing).
  4. We cover the bathtub and slate with polyethylene, carefully spreading it along the bottom of the future reservoir. The edges of the film can be sprinkled with earth and pressed down with stones.
  5. Pour water into the “reservoir”.
  6. We decorate with stones, plant plants around it, and water lilies can be placed in the pond itself.

Idea - a small pond on the site

Neat beds

Who doesn’t love it when the beds in the garden are not just raised above the ground, but also neatly decorated? There must be order in everything! We suggest decorating the beds using plastic bottles. We will need:

  1. a lot of plastic bottles;
  2. sand;
  3. paint - optional;
  4. shovel.

Technology of work execution

  1. Choose bottles of the same size and color. Colors can be combined if desired.
  2. Fill the bottles halfway with sand.
  3. Dig a shallow trench along the bed.
  4. Place the bottles in the trench upside down and dig in.
  5. Bottles can be painted water-based paint, but this is optional.

Video - interesting crafts for the garden


Do you want lions and tigers, plump pigs, colorful beetles, giraffes and zebras to live in your dacha? Bring to life an idea called “Safari”. You can create an impromptu zoo with your own hands using absolutely various items. We will need:

  • plastic bottles of different sizes;
  • old tires;
  • brushes and paint;
  • stones different sizes or old construction helmets, basins;
  • shovel.

The most common representatives of fauna created by summer residents are giraffe, zebra, piglet, and beetles. We will try to arrange them with you on our site.

Giraffe and zebra are made using the same technology. The differences are in the color and length of the animals’ necks.

  1. Dig halfway into the ground old tire– this will be the body of the animal.
  2. After cutting off the bottom and tops, connect several plastic bottles together to create a neck. Dig the “neck” in front of the buried tire.
  3. Cut one bottle lengthwise, cut off the neck - you get a head. Attach it to the “neck”.
  4. The animal is almost ready! All that's left is to paint. Color your ungulate in required colors: giraffe – yellow and orange, zebra – black and white.

An interesting idea - a safari at a summer cottage

By analogy, you can also make palm trees, birches and other plants, decorating your “oasis” with them.

Making a piglet is even easier:

  1. Take a large, pot-bellied plastic bottle and fill it with sand to add mass.
  2. Make ears out of a piece of plastic and insert them into the area of ​​the pig’s “head” (where the neck of the bottle is).
  3. Paint the bottle with pink paint, and draw the pig's eyes and snout with black paint. Piggy is ready!

Interesting idea - piglets made from plastic bottles

Funny colorful bugs can be made from any round containers and placed on beds and flower beds as decoration. Even stones are suitable for making: you just need to paint them with paint, drawing dots like ladybugs, antennae, and eyes.

And from an old basin you can make a turtle tortilla. By cutting the tires and bending their parts in a certain way, and then painting them with white paint, we get a swan.

Convenient waterers

Another convenient and practical way uses of plastic bottles - creation convenient system watering the beds. We will need:

  • plastic bottles;
  • thick nail;
  • shovel;
  • water.

Technology of work execution

  1. In plastic bottles on the sides we make small nail holes or a thick awl.
  2. We dig the blanks upside down into the soil next to the plant.
  3. We pour water into bottles through the neck.
  4. Water from the bottles will gradually flow into the ground through the holes and nourish the roots of the plant.

Practical experience - watering plants

From soda bottles you can organize and drip irrigation, which is very convenient for use in greenhouses. To do this, cut off the bottom of the bottle and pierce several holes in the cork so that the water flows slowly. To avoid mistakes, first make very small holes - it is better to widen them further later.

After creating the blank, dig a hole (about 15 cm deep) not far from the bush, at a distance of 20 cm from the stem, and dig the bottle into it with the neck down at an angle. All you have to do is fill the bottles with water, and the system is ready.

You can organize watering using bottles in another way. To do this, a bottle without a bottom is hung upside down on the side of the plant and filled with water. By unscrewing the plug little by little, you can regulate the water flow. To avoid soil erosion from falling drops, place tiny pieces of polyethylene under the bottle.

Winged swing

After working in the garden, you want to relax: for example, sit on a bench and drink tea. But it’s more interesting to relax on a swing, especially with children. We suggest making an unusual and even shocking swing from... an old sofa! The main thing is that strong and tall tree with powerful branches that need to be firmly secured with strong ropes or chains old sofa. And swinging on it will be soft and comfortable. It is better to cover such a means of entertainment with foil from rain and put it indoors for the winter. But no one will have such a swing!

You can also make a swing from an old chair seat: just hang it from a thick and durable tree branch and swing to your heart’s content.

Such different flower beds

Every housewife knows flower beds made from old tires, used both in their original form and in various ways, cut up. But not everyone will think of making “houses” for flowers from an old bicycle, car, car, shoes or teapot.

An old bicycle can be secured in the ground by digging in the wheels, and supplemented with small pots in which flowers are planted. In addition, run on it climbing plant: it will wrap around the frame of a two-wheeled vehicle and turn it into an unusual flower bed.

Interesting idea - a flowerbed made from an old bicycle

From the old ones rubber boots, painted different paints, you get bright flower pots. Fill them with soil and plant plants there. Don't forget about drainage holes in the sole of a former shoe! You can place such flowerpots anywhere: on the veranda, fence, between the beds, and this is where their huge advantage. By the way, don’t write off non-rubber boots: you can also fill them with soil and plant flowers in them, they’ll just last less than rubber ones.

A flowerbed made from old shoes is an amazing and very beautiful idea.

We save correctly

An old metal teapot is also an excellent flower bed. Attach strings or chains to the handle, hang it on the veranda from the ceiling, fill it with soil and plant a climbing plant such as a birch tree.

An old metal teapot is an excellent flower bed.

Video - DIY crafts for the dacha made by yourself

Useful tips

To make your dacha more comfortable and beautiful, you don’t have to buy expensive things and furniture.

There are many ways to decorate your favorite garden, and also make cozy place for children.

Using ordinary materials, available tools and imagination, you can create a large number of interesting and useful crafts for garden.

Here are a few interesting ideas, which you can turn into reality to decorate your dacha, garden and/or vegetable garden:

Ideas for cottages and gardens. Wooden path.

You will need:

Wooden boards

Hammer or mallet

Tape measure (if necessary)

Saw (if you need to cut boards)

Rake (if necessary)

Sand (if desired)

Varnish, paint (if desired).

1. Dig a shallow path on which you plan to lay wooden planks.

2. The path needs to be leveled.

3. Carefully lay the boards on the ground. They can be left untreated and will last 2-3 years without problems. You can cover them with varnish or paint.

*If you wish, you can cover the path thin layer sand or gravel or pebbles.

4. Fill the space between the boards with earth or sand.

Similar paths can be made from cut wood:

Tree bark path:

Path made from pine nut shells:

Interesting ideas for a summer cottage. Flower vases from tin cans.

You will need:




Drill (or nail and hammer)

Paint (if desired).

1. Make several holes in the bottom of each can.

2. Punch a couple of holes in the sides of the cans so you can hang them.

3. Thread a rope through the side holes and tie a knot at the ends.

*You can paint the jars.

4. Plant plants in jars and you can hang them on a fence, for example.

Original ideas for a summer cottage. Children's vases for plants.

You will need:

Plastic bottle


Toy eyes (can be drawn with a marker)

Cover from plastic bottle

Hot glue.

1. Cut off the bottom half of a large plastic bottle.

2. Glue the eyes and nose (plastic cover) to the cut-off part.

3. Fill the vase with soil and plant the plant.

4. Make small holes in the bottom of the vase (on the side or bottom).

Ideas for a do-it-yourself garden using scrap materials. Greenhouse made from plastic bottles.

Original ideas for a do-it-yourself garden. Flowerbeds in unusual places.

Flowers can be planted in a cut down dead tree trunk. You will need to make indentations in the trunk using a chisel and hammer and fill the resulting space with soil.

You can also make beautiful clubs inside an old boat.

Ideas for a summer house and garden (photo). Path made of stones.

You will need:

Agrofabric (for landscape design)

Crushed stone, sand

Boards for borders (if desired).

1. First you need to dig a shallow (about 10 cm) trench where you will have a path.

*If desired, you can use boards to make borders on the sides of the path.

* You can also lay down agro-fabric before adding sand to prevent weeds from appearing.

2. Fill the trench with sand about 3 cm. If desired, you can pour crushed stone or gravel on top of the sand. Straighten it with a rake.

3. Start carefully laying flat stones. Instead of stones, you can use bricks or tile fragments. Use rubber mallet so that the stones lie more firmly.

4. Fill the gaps with sand.

Here are some more options for paths made of stones:

DIY garden ideas (photo instructions). Support for climbing plants.

Such a support should be made where it can be leaned against a fence or wall. This is especially convenient if there is little free space.

If desired, you can make two supports.

You will need:

Tall branches (about your height or taller)


Scissors or knife (for cutting twine).

1. Lay your branches on the ground and distribute them so that there is approximately the same distance between them.

2. To two opposite branches, start tying the remaining branches using twine.

3. Once the frame is finished, start tying the twine. Tie a knot on one side, pass the twine around the first branch, then extend it to the second and wrap it around once, and then to the third, and so on, until you reach the last branch, to which you need to tie the other end of the twine.

4. Now you can lean the support against a wall or fence and plant plants, which will therefore curl around the twine.

The support can also be made using high boards and old bicycle wheels:

And here is a flower support made from small pots and a wooden frame:

DIY ideas for your cottage and garden. Race track.

You will need:

Sand and cement (2 bags)

Fine wire mesh

Black cement paint or colored (black) cement (if you want to paint the race track black)

Old motorcycle tire

Several small plants

White paint (if desired) to create a dividing line.

1. Dig a shallow trench for the future track. The depth of the trench is approximately 10 cm.

2. To decorate the road with a “bridge” of old tire, you need to dig a small hole and bury the tire about halfway into it.

3. Prepare a solution of cement and sand and pour it into the trench. Instead of cement, you can use tiles, bricks or boards painted black.

4.Optional: to make a safety barrier you can use polyurethane tubes or just plywood. Attach the barrier to one or more sides of the road.

* You can add other elements to the road: flags, animals, soldiers.

Ideas for a summer residence (photo). Vertical garden.

Original ideas for a do-it-yourself dacha (photo). Coffee table made from wooden pallets.

You will need:

2-3 wooden pallets

Small wheels for furniture

Nuts and bolts


L-shaped brackets

Paint and brush

A small block for the legs (if desired) and a saw.

Today, a garden is not only a place for growing different cultures and plants, this is, first of all, a real outlet for a city dweller, a cozy environment where you can enjoy nature and get away from the bustle and noise of the city. That's why original ideas more relevant than ever for the garden.

You can turn your garden into real fairy-tale magic with the help of beautiful flower beds, flower beds, mini-ponds and others landscape techniques. We offer you to look at some of the most popular and stunning options.


Interesting site design options can be created using wattle fence. Of course, he is unlikely to replace modern fencing, but it will definitely provide a fabulous atmosphere of Gogol and Pushkin times!

Wicker made from willow twigs is considered the highest quality. However, raspberry bushes also serve as excellent material for such a fence. By combining different rods, you can create an unusual range of colors and a relief pattern if you twist rods of different thicknesses.

For decoration and a special mood, the wattle fence can be decorated with cute clay pots.

Flower beds and flower beds

Flower beds are the first place gardeners begin to decorate their garden. When choosing plants, you must take into account individual characteristics each type. The first step is to highlight the soloist flowers, that is, the main plants in the flowerbed.

It is also good to use leaves in decoration. unusual shape and ornamental grasses. With them, the flower garden will look original, even at a time when the flowers have not yet bloomed.

It is important to maintain harmony - too much various colors and plants will look intrusive and create a feeling of chaos in the garden. The flowerbed should be holistic and concise.

Simply beautifully planted flowers are half the battle. Flowerbeds with decorations around them look much more interesting. This is a bright accent to complete the composition.

Water beds

Flowerbeds are a special pride for gardeners. A selection of flowers of different shades, petal shapes, stem heights, aroma, leaf density and flowering periods is only a small part of the design that a gardener uses when creating a flower bed.

New ideas for decoration can be realized with your own hands from scrap materials in the form of all kinds of structures. But not every gardener has original water beds made on their own. Meanwhile, creating such a masterpiece in the garden or at the dacha is not at all difficult.

The procedure for designing a water flower bed:

  • dig a hole no more than 50 cm deep;
  • lay brick around the perimeter of the flowerbed;
  • cover the bottom of the flowerbed plastic film and cover with sand in a layer of 5 cm;
  • Place plants planted in pots in the center: egg capsules, water lilies, nymphaeums;
  • the sand layer at the edges should be 10-15 centimeters thicker, and plants such as chastukha, water iris, and calligraphy are planted in the ground;
  • fill the flowerbed so that the leaves of the plants float on the water surface;
  • Can be used for additional decoration aquatic plants that do not require adhesion to the ground - pistia, duckweed, watercolor, bagel, azolla, eichornia.

If you fill at least half of the entire flowerbed area with plants, the living decor will delight you throughout the season. Additional decorations in the form of cute fairy-tale characters can be used to decorate foam areas around the flowerbed.

Garden paths

The garden paths you create will remain your pride for a long time. River pebbles and bricks can serve as available materials.

Laying out paths should begin with markings. At the dacha or garden plot, for sure, your favorite paths have already been trodden. They are best used for future markings. Try to lay out the path so that the surface is as flat as possible and the width is the same along the entire length.

After leveling, the marked path must be covered with crushed stone, the layer thickness of which is about 10 cm. Compact with a vibrator. Next, pour a special solution onto the prepared area and level it again. The pre-washed pebbles are pressed into the solution in a dense, pre-thought-out pattern. Finally, a brick border is laid.


Rutary – quite unusual way designing a garden plot using original driftwood and tree roots. It is also often called the garden of roots.

If desired, even small area you can create unique magic. Many of us have encountered the most bizarre forms of roots. When you see special specimens, your imagination immediately draws a vivid plot of a fairy tale. Folded with your own hands beautiful compositions from driftwood they create such a rutaria, at the sight of which it is simply impossible to take your eyes off.

Old furniture for decoration

Don't rush to throw it away old furniture– it can serve as a colorful decorative item in the country for many years to come. It is enough just to clear old paint and repaint.

Using car tires in garden decoration

One of the most common materials for garden decor are car tires. From durable and flexible rubber you can create veryaromatic flowerpots, figurines of various animals, a sandbox, children's swings, etc.

Decorations made from plastic bottles

Plastic is an inexpensive and easily accessible material. Experienced gardeners with creative imagination they know a lot of options for its use. Qualities such as flexibility, strength, and durability of plastic allow you to create a wide variety of sculptures, decorations for flower beds, borders, and others. interesting compositions from plastic bottles.

Figurines and feeders

A variety of figures give a special charm and atmosphere to the garden. To create them you can use the following Construction Materials like plaster, polymer clay etc. Design solutions depend on your imagination.

Cute bird feeders – great way attract birds to your site. They can be made from twigs, a plastic bottle or a tree trunk.

Unusual fence

The best aspect of making a garden plot unique is its fencing. Besides protective function, the fence is an eye-catching business card of the owners. Simple iron or wooden version– it’s banal. You can decorate the fence in different ways. Several striking examples are shown in the photo.

Children's Corner

When decorating and improving your dacha and garden, you shouldn’t forget about the littlest fidgets. They need to allocate their own territory for entertainment and exciting games.

Arrangement of a recreation area

Place to rest under open airrequired condition comfortable pastime at the dacha or in the garden. Here everything will depend on the desires and preferences of the owners. There are a lot of options: gazebos with comfortable furniture, wide swings (a great idea is to place a hanging structure in the shade under the trees), hammocks, or just a platform with comfortable chairs and a table.

DIY garden ideas: photos of striking examples

Whatever ideas you may have for decorating your dacha and garden, always remember that a dacha is, first and foremost, a place for relaxation, comfort and privacy. The environment here should be inspiring and pleasing to the eye. Therefore, it is important not to overdo it with creative design solutions - you need to know when to stop everything.


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