What to make walls for warm baseboards from. Do-it-yourself selection and installation of a warm water baseboard

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How to make a warm baseboard with your own hands? This question is very relevant today, since the attention of modern builders is increasingly turning to this innovative method space heating.

Warm baseboards in the house can serve as both the main and additional system heating in the house. They fit perfectly into the interior and often remain invisible to prying eyes. The width of such plinths is usually no more than three centimeters, and the height from the floor level is within 15-20 centimeters.

Install indoors warm baseboard with your own hands much simpler than, for example, heated floors. You won't need it for this concrete screed and others additional processes. At its core, a warm baseboard is a small heat convector capable of heating even very large premises over a short period of time. In appearance it is very similar to a regular baseboard. Metal is most often used to create it. Heating occurs in three ways: water, electric and infrared. The warm baseboard differs from conventional convectors, which were previously often installed under the window sill, in the heating method. If a convector heats a room using a convection flow, then a warm baseboard does this due to radiant energy, which has positive influence on the human body.

Heating a room using a warm baseboard has several significant advantages:

  • The rooms will be completely warmed up. They will not have cold corners and walls that can become damp even with optimal temperature air when operating conventional batteries.
  • A certain thermal curtain, which does not let cold air into the room. This is especially important at low temperatures outside, strong winds and if a fairly large part of the surfaces in the room are glazed.
  • This heating method will help save money on energy resources. This will be facilitated by the radiation component, which will help quickly heat the air when minimum cost energy.
  • In such a system there is no protruding unit or various unaesthetic details, so it fits harmoniously into any room without losing its aesthetics.

How to make a warm baseboard with your own hands?

Each owner of a private house who has chosen the “Warm baseboard” heating system for his home must decide whether he will install warm baseboard with your own hands step by step, or purchase a ready-made system and simply install it. The second option will save your time and effort, but the first is more profitable in financial terms. One more thing important decision Something that you need to think carefully about is the type of baseboard. The most popular are water and electric warm baseboards; lovers of everything new and unusual prefer to choose the infrared option.

The first thing you will need when installing a warm baseboard is a tube, the diameter of which should be at least 1.6 cm. This diameter can be a little larger, for example 2 cm. As for the material from which these tubes should be made, here Both aluminum and copper will do. The aluminum option is more affordable, but aluminum has very low thermal conductivity, so such a baseboard will heat the room more slowly. Copper pipes are more expensive, but this price is worth paying, then it will pay off thanks to high level thermal conductivity of this material.

to install warm baseboard with your own hands, you will also need a brass sheet approximately 3mm thick. You can use it instead aluminum sheet, or assemble a box from aluminum siding. If you find a large aluminum sheet, you can cut everything from it necessary details for a warm baseboard. When installing a warm baseboard, remember that you need it to heat the room, not the wall. Therefore, all sections of the wall to which it will be attached must be insulated using thick plywood or drywall.

The radiator fins, which you yourself will cut out from a brass sheet, will subsequently perform two functions. They will be the emitters and the supporting bracket. Therefore, they need to be cut in a U-shape. Later you will screw the box strip to them. The bottom of these ribs should be bent outward at a 90-degree angle. This way you will have a platform for attaching the bracket to the insulating layer.

Once you have the finished plate, you need to draw two axes along it - horizontally and vertically. For this you will need a measuring compass. From symmetrical horizontal line you need to step back another 4 cm in different directions and draw two more lines at these points. You need to do the same with the vertical line, but you need to retreat 4.5 cm. At those points where additional lines intersect, you need to drill holes for the pipes. The easiest way to drill them is with a drill whose diameter will be half a millimeter larger than the diameter of the pipes you have chosen. If your drill is a few millimeters larger, that's okay, it will work too.

Having drilled everything required holes, bend the plate in the form of the letter p. You need to make markings on its legs, since it is with them that it will be attached to the wall. Stepping back three centimeters from the sides of the plate, you need to draw two lines vertically. This is a mark for future bends needed to attach the system to the wall. The boundaries of the upper part of our “P” can be indicated by drawing two lines at a distance of 1.5 cm from the vertical line on its two sides.

If you do use a brass sheet to make a warm baseboard with your own hands, keep in mind that bending it is quite difficult. For this you will need a special vice. Holding the metal in a vise so that its top edge coincides with the fold line, lightly tap with a hammer along this line until its edges drop - this is the maximum, more right angle impossible to achieve at home. But such a bend will be quite enough to install a warm baseboard with your own hands without purchasing special materials for this.

The next stage of installing a warm baseboard is connecting the radiator brackets with plywood, which serves as wall insulation. They need to be connected using self-tapping screws. Copper pipes are inserted into the finished holes and the warm plinth is ready to be put into operation with your own hands. Working on creating such heating system, do not forget that drywall is a material that holds fasteners of any type very poorly. Therefore, even before you start installing the pipes, you need to place supports under all the brackets. Even suitable for this wooden slats. Each pipe must be secured every meter with clamps using dowels. It is not recommended to drive these dowels into plasterboard - it will be much more reliable to fix them in the wall or its cladding.

Next, the pipe circuit needs to be looped and connected to a water source, if you are creating do-it-yourself warm water baseboard. For this you will need fittings. If you can cut the pipes into the autonomous heating system yourself, great, if you are unsure of your abilities, better seek the help of a specialist. The most risky craftsmen use ordinary corrugated hoses for this. They are placed on the end of a copper tube and tightened with a clamp. This option is quite dangerous and unreliable, so if you decide to create a warm water baseboard with your own hands, it is better to do it reliably. Think about how your loved ones will cope with a breakdown of such a system if it happens in your absence. You should especially not take risks if there are small children in the house - they may not immediately understand the reason for the appearance of water in the room and damage their skin due to its high temperature.

Not only when installing a warm baseboard with your own hands, but also when performing any other stage of construction of your home, you should first of all think about the fact that all your actions are aimed at the comfort, safety and health of every person who will live in it. Therefore, even independent actions without the help of experienced specialists must be carried out in strict accordance with generally accepted standards and technologies.

Using the same hoses and fittings, you will not only connect your system to the heating, but also loop it. The ends of the copper pipes are connected so that water can flow from one pipe to the other, and then into the central system. Since you will most likely buy straight copper pipes, you will also want to bend them at home. To do this, they are usually filled with sand and bent around steel column, plugging the ends. This is quite difficult to do - pipes can tear or wrinkle, and water will not circulate well at kinks. Therefore, it is better not to waste time and effort on this losing exercise, but to use straight pipes and high-quality hoses for corners.

Do-it-yourself warm electric baseboard much more difficult to install than water. To do this, it is not enough to invest a heating element in copper tube. You also need to take care of insulation and waterproofing, and check whether the wiring in the house can withstand such an additional load. When installing a warm electric baseboard with your own hands, you need to be extremely careful, because any mistake can lead to a short circuit and even a fire. Each threaded connection in such a system must have a rubber gasket. Neither the radiator nor the copper pipes can touch the aluminum cladding. If you decide to install a warm electric baseboard in your home with your own hands, it is better to purchase everything finished parts factory-made and simply install them according to the instructions.

The general principle of creating warm baseboards unites all such systems. But each of them has its own nuances and features that should be taken into account when creating a warm water baseboard with your own hands. The specialists of the InnovaStroy company not only know how to make a warm baseboard with their own hands, but are also happy to share their knowledge with each new client. They are ready to create for you project of a private house or cottage the whole or that part of the project that you need in particular, including the installation diagram for warm baseboards.

The “Warm plinth” room heating system has been studied for a long time and is actively used by our architects when creating new buildings, if it suits the customers. Thus, not only is the result a new building equipped modern technologies heating, but also saves material resources, which is important for almost all members of modern society. It is best to buy ready-made systems for installing warm baseboards and install them using instructions. If this is a water-based type of skirting boards - ideal option is the Thermia system from Ukrainian manufacturers. Having purchased a ready-made system, you will know that every detail and every connection in it is made in strict accordance with the standards, and your family will live not only in warmth and comfort, but also in absolute safety.

Do-it-yourself warm water baseboard – is it real? How difficult is it to make such a heating system yourself? What do you need to assemble and install a warm water baseboard yourself?

Heating with a warm baseboard is relatively new technology, which is gaining popularity. It allows you to heat the room efficiently and evenly and does not require special costs for installation, does not interfere with the aesthetic appearance of the interior. The big advantage of such a heating system is that if you have some skills and a minimum of tools, you can make a warm water baseboard with your own hands.

What is a warm baseboard

Not everyone is familiar with this technology. Heating baseboards have only recently begun to appear on the market, but a positive trend is already being observed. The system is quite simple, but at the same time convenient and can provide a warm environment not only in residential premises, but also in offices, on the balcony, and attic. Basic distinctive features warm water baseboards are in atypical shapes. The design consists of several elements:

  1. Rear panel, which is fixed to the wall and is used to create thermal protection;
  2. Face plate (there are options with and without holes);
  3. Plugs located on the sides;
  4. A heating device used to heat the coolant (boiler, heat pump, central heating system);
  5. A heat exchange module consisting of two tubes - it is through them that water circulates.

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The design of a warm baseboard is not particularly complicated. Installation can be performed in any type of room. It is not at all necessary that the baseboard be around the entire perimeter. Sometimes it can be seen under the window, near the door. The most important thing is that the structure will perfectly cope with its immediate function anywhere.

Water is most often used as a coolant in warm baseboards, but sometimes antifreeze, propylene glycol or ethylene glycol solutions are pumped into them. This option makes sense if heating is installed in a private house that does not need to be heated constantly, for example, in a country house.

Warm water baseboard has a number of positive qualities:

  • Compactness (unlike the vast majority of other devices);
  • Heating is carried out evenly over the entire area of ​​the room;
  • Easy installation;
  • The air does not dry out;
  • High efficiency.

Thanks to this technology, everything is heated - the floor, walls, ceiling. Accordingly, the likelihood of fungus and mold appearing is eliminated. The plinth harmonizes perfectly with any floor covering.

Finally, there is a wide range on the market, particularly in terms of colors, sizes and shapes. You can purchase a design in the shade that will look best in a particular room.

Making warm water baseboard

There are many options on the market finished products, but some people prefer to do everything themselves. This approach is not always rational, since you will have to buy specific materials and consumables.

Aluminum profiles for wall mounting and external trim are easy to find, as are radiator mounts. But with the latter there may be problems. Often copper radiators for warm baseboards are sold as spare parts and their price does not allow for savings. In this case, a homemade warm baseboard will not be much cheaper than a factory one.

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Instead of a radiator, you can use an ordinary copper pipe, then you will either have to supply coolant with a high temperature, or slow down its circulation so that it has time to release required quantity heat.

To thermally insulate the wall behind the radiator, it is advisable to use thermal insulation with a metallized coating. For greater efficiency, it is better to install it with foil towards the radiator.

If possible, you can buy radiators without threaded connections, and during installation weld them into a single system. But this may cause problems with connecting to the coolant line.

The process of installing a ready-made warm water baseboard or a homemade one is not fundamentally different. In essence, you assemble a “constructor” from several parts.

Installing a warm water baseboard with your own hands

After purchasing all necessary materials, you need to take care of the installation of the structure. Some people turn to experts on principle because they are simply not confident in their abilities and are used to trusting specialists in everything.

But, in fact, there is nothing difficult in carrying out the installation yourself, without having any experience in carrying out such work. The tools you will need are a hammer, wire cutters, adjustable wrenches, and a drill. Now you can begin installing the warm baseboard. The entire work algorithm is divided into several stages:

  1. Pipe measurement and installation. The length required from the distribution device to the node connecting to the first structure is cut off. Pipes should not be closer to the floor than 5 centimeters. Protective pipe must be located on top. Experts do not recommend withdrawing from corners.
  2. Installation aluminum profile. It is fixed using self-adhesive tape; even a schoolchild can cope with this task.
  3. Radiator mounts are installed. Everything is also done quite simply. The step between the fixing elements must be more than 0.4 meters. Next, after identifying the connection points, the clips are attached. Using a drill, holes are created for the dowels, after which the clips are fixed.
  4. Copper pipes are connected to plastic ones. To do this, they resort to the usual methods using bushings, gaskets and nuts. It is recommended to remove the brass plates at the joints. They are dismantled using wire cutters, but then they will not interfere with fixing the radiator in the clip. It is recommended to loop the last design.
  5. Now you need to put an aluminum housing on each section. It is advisable to provide for internal sides covers reliable insulation. Installation of the covers themselves is carried out taking into account the type of baseboard. There are models when you just need to snap them into place, sometimes the method of fastening with screws is used.

The popularity of baseboard heating is gradually growing. It is characterized by extreme compactness and is not striking when compared with classic heating systems. Let's see how to make a warm baseboard with your own hands and what you need for it. Some sources state that the system will have maximum efficiency only if it is assembled by a specialist. But in reality this is far from the case. The main thing is to have a set of tools and straight hands.

What is baseboard heating?

It is possible to install baseboard heating yourself - there is nothing complicated about it. But before we give information on installation work, it is necessary to understand what a warm baseboard is and how it works. We will also talk about the types of baseboard heating equipment.

The warm baseboard, which we will make with our own hands, is a modern heating equipment with minimum sizes. Already from the name alone it is clear that it is intended for installation in the baseboard area. Compact radiators are used here, reminiscent in appearance of baseboards, only of a larger size.

The very principle of operation of baseboard heating is interesting. It is convective, that is, the most ordinary natural convection works here. And the equipment itself is a compact convector heater. These heaters work as follows:

A huge advantage of warm baseboards is that they warm up not only the air in the room, but also its walls.

  • Skirting convectors heat the air inside them, causing it to rise upward;
  • Climbing along the walls to the ceiling, warm air displaces colder air masses from there;
  • The cold and denser air that goes down is sucked into the convectors and heated up to go up again.

After some time, the room becomes noticeably warmer, because air circulation covers the entire volume.

Warm baseboards differ from ordinary radiators in that the warm air coming out of them seems to stick to the walls, gradually heating them. After some time, they will stop feeling cold. Separately, it should be noted that the air near the floors will be almost as warm as in the middle of the room - thanks to this, users will not have the feeling of cold feet.

If you are going to make a warm baseboard with your own hands, you will save money in the family budget. There is nothing complicated here, and installation does not require any special or expensive tools. And the efficiency from self-installation It won't hurt one bit. But you will have extremely compact and almost invisible heating at your disposal.


In this review we will tell you how to make a warm baseboard with your own hands. But before that, you need to decide what equipment will be used to heat the premises. Baseboard heating can be water or electric, and the choice of one system or another depends on the availability of certain energy sources. Water systems are powered by boilers of any modification, and electric systems need a reliable power supply.

Water warm skirting boards

Installing water-heated baseboards with your own hands is a complex process. The system should be not only effective, but also airtight so as not to flood the floors and neighbors (if there are any). Water baseboard heaters are small-sized convectors. The basis for their production are non-ferrous metals - copper and aluminum. The pipes running inside are made of copper, and the radiators are made of aluminum.

A combination of non-ferrous metals provides the equipment with maximum efficiency and heat transfer. By the way, to increase power, water convectors are made of two rows - they are thicker, but more powerful.

When installing warm baseboards with your own hands, you need to mark the contours - one or two contours for each room, depending on its area. The maximum recommended length of each circuit is 15 meters. Accordingly, if the perimeter is larger, it is recommended to divide it into two contours. Convectors in separate directions are connected in series.

To ensure uniform heating, a distribution manifold is installed in the system. Each circuit is powered by separate pipe with a tap - if anything happens, the coolant supply can be turned off without affecting other circuits. This feature can be useful in case of emergency situations.

When installing a warm water baseboard with your own hands, you should remember that the operation of this equipment is centralized systems heating is dangerous - convectors may not withstand water hammer or high pressure, which will lead to their destruction. In order to protect the heating from damage, an intermediate heat exchanger is installed in the system. As a result, an independent heating circuit is formed in an apartment with central heating, taking heat from the heating plant.

Electric heated skirting boards

Making an electric warm baseboard with your own hands is much easier than installing water radiators. The whole point is that This equipment is powered from the mains and does not require a coolant supply. Electric baseboard convectors are similar in design to water appliances, but instead of copper pipes, heating elements are located here. They are the sources of heat.

Skirting electric convectors can be equipped with built-in thermostats. But the easiest way to control each circuit is with a remote thermostat. If necessary, consumers will be able to implement the system remote control via GSM networks or the Internet.

Advantages and disadvantages

Now you know that warm baseboards can be water and electric. Let's now look at the pros and cons of baseboard heating, and then move on to the DIY installation process. Let's start with the positive features:

  • Compactness is the most important advantage of a warm baseboard. The miniature dimensions of water and electric baseboard convectors make it possible to make the heating system almost invisible;
  • Uniform heating - unlike traditional convector heating, warm baseboards heat rooms more evenly. Air temperature nearby flooring about the same as in the middle of the room;
  • Possibility of heating rooms for any purpose - warm baseboards are installed in children's rooms, living rooms, kitchens, office premises, as well as on covered balconies and loggias;
  • Possibility of heating rooms with panoramic windows– baseboard heating will prevent cold air from entering the room and will combat the formation of condensation.

In addition, warm skirting boards can work together with any other heating devices, for example, with wall convectors.

Key disadvantages:

When planning the installation of baseboard heating, make sure that the furniture does not interfere with the movement of air flow.

  • When installing warm baseboards with your own hands, you should think about the arrangement of furniture. The thing is that by blocking the baseboard area with a high cabinet, this area will lose its effectiveness;
  • Baseboard heating is incompatible with built-in furniture– it covers the installation area;
  • High energy consumption is true for electric heated baseboards. Tariffs for electricity are very high, so monthly expenses will be very impressive.

But the compactness and efficiency of baseboard heating more than covers all its shortcomings. Let's now see how to install a warm baseboard with your own hands.

DIY installation work

We have come to the most important section, which will tell you how to make heating from warm baseboards with your own hands. First, let's look at water equipment.

Installation of water-based heated skirting boards

To install a warm water baseboard with your own hands, we will need:

  • Manifold with taps;
  • Metallo plastic pipes;
  • Water baseboard convectors with decorative covers and plugs;
  • Thermal insulation;
  • Set of tools;
  • Metal or plastic adapters.

The first step is to install a heating manifold and connect the pipes feeding your baseboard heating to it.

First you need to install the collector and connect it to the heating system. The system itself can be powered by any type of boiler - gas, solid fuel, liquid, electric or universal. Remember that the recommended system pressure is 3 atm.

We continue to install warm baseboards with our own hands - now we need to calculate the power of the radiators based on the area of ​​the room. As an example, let's take a room of 12 square meters. m. (4x3 m) with one window. To heat it we need 1.2 kW of thermal energy. The length of the perimeter, minus the 90 cm wide doorway, will be 13.1 meters. In total we will need 13 linear meters baseboard heaters with a power of 100 W per 1 meter.

If necessary, you can purchase more powerful radiators and equip not all the walls with skirting boards, but only some of them. This approach is useful if there are large cabinets and built-in furniture in the rooms.

The next stage of installing a warm baseboard with your own hands is pipe routing. They are laid along the subfloors, reaching the beginning of each contour. Each circuit has two pipes - one supplies coolant, and the other takes it away. Here we will need adapters for connecting to radiators. After this, we proceed to installing baseboard heaters.

When installing warm baseboards with your own hands, do not forget about good thermal insulation - it is placed between the walls and radiators. Next, we screw the base to which the heat exchanger made of non-ferrous metals will be attached. After this, we proceed to connecting the system - we fix the heat exchangers, connect them with straight or angled adapters, tightening the connecting nuts well to prevent leaks.

After you finish installing the contours of warm baseboards with your own hands, it’s time to check the system for leaks. The simplest option is to supply water under pressure, filling the entire system and shutting it off. Now we check all connections, making sure there are no leaks. If everything is normal, you can start the heating system and check that it is in working order.

On last stage We cover the radiators we installed ourselves with decorative covers (face profiles). The gaps between them and the end sections are closed with special plugs - here everything depends on the design of the selected radiators.

Now you know that there is nothing difficult in installing warm baseboards with your own hands - you just need to ensure the tightness of all connections. If water is leaking somewhere, arm yourself wrench and tighten the connecting nuts. Please note that hot coolant is usually supplied to the upper pipe and leaves through the lower pipe.

Installation of electric heated skirting boards

Electric baseboard heaters are installed in much the same way as their water counterparts. Only they work not due to hot coolant, but from electrical network. Instead of a collector, a distribution electrical panel is installed in the system. In him it is necessary to provide a separate circuit breaker for each circuit. We will have one circuit (direction) for each room.

Electric warm baseboards are connected in the same way as regular electrical sockets.

Instead of pipes we lay electric wires– do not forget to make sure that they are suitable in cross-section, otherwise they may not withstand the load. To ensure integrity connecting wires and extend their service life, we recommend laying them in flexible plastic pipes (when laying along subfloor). You can also route cables along the walls, securing them with mounting brackets.

To control the temperature, we recommend installing one thermostat for each room - separate adjustment will allow you to turn off an unnecessary circuit and save on energy consumption. All this can be easily installed and configured with your own hands, without the help of qualified specialists.

  • We lay thermal insulation;
  • We screw the bases with heat exchangers;
  • We make electrical connections;
  • We cover the equipment with decorative protective panels;
  • We connect the circuits to the thermostats and to the distribution board.

Once again we inspect all electrical circuits, make sure that all connections are correct and that there are no protruding or uninsulated conductors. After this, we turn on the machines in the switchboard and check the operation of the system.

Electric heated baseboards are much easier to install yourself than water ones. There are no pipes or leaks, but working with electricity requires no less care. remember, that installation work must be carried out with the system de-energized - connect it only after a final check. Never reach into connected electric convectors with bare hands, as this may result in an electric shock.


Everyone knows the common heating methods: underfloor heating and installing radiators. However, there is another unusual option - a warm water baseboard. This option cannot yet be called very widespread, but nevertheless it is worth taking into account, because it combines the advantages of two types of heating at once: both and underfloor heating. Warm baseboards are now used to heat both administrative and office buildings, and residential buildings and apartments.

  • Plintusnoe
    • In general, a water baseboard consists of the following elements:
  • Advantages of baseboard heating
  • Manufacturers of water skirting boards
  • Water or electric baseboard?
  • Installing a water baseboard

Baseboard heating

Despite the fact that in our country what a warm baseboard is became known not so long ago, in Europe premises have been heated using this method for several decades. This technology is very simple, but at the same time quite convenient. The basis is metal (most often copper) pipes, which are also the heating element. The pipes are installed in the same place where the baseboard usually runs, that is, along the perimeter of the room. Then they are covered with a metal box made of plates with a corrugated surface. Due to this design, the box acts as a heat exchanger, thereby increasing the efficiency of the structure.

In general, a water baseboard consists of the following elements:

  • front panel with holes that provide air flow ( standard size: width - 3-4 cm, height - 15-20 cm);
  • rear panel - facilitates installation of the structure and protects the wall from constant exposure to high temperatures;
  • , performing the heating function (standard dimensions - 1 m x 0.4 m x 1.6 m);
  • rotating side plugs;
  • a heat exchange module consisting of two tubes through which water circulates.

Currently, there is a variety of warm baseboards (electric.) They differ from warm water baseboards only in the type of heating element.

Due to the fact that the baseboard is installed around the perimeter of the entire room, the heat gradually rises, and then the entire room is evenly heated. As a result, this technology does not cause temperature changes.
Because a heating element hidden under the front panel, it is not noticeable, which distinguishes it from massive ones. As you can see in the photo, the warm baseboard looks very neat; it can be additionally decorated so that it better matches the overall style of the room.
The system is effective, but at the same time quite simple to install. Having minimal skills, you can carry out installation without involving professionals.

Advantages of baseboard heating

It is not difficult to explain the popularity of water baseboards in the USA and Europe if you familiarize yourself with all the advantages of such a heating system. The advantages of the system are:

  • Saving usable area in the apartment. The plinth does not take up much space, which can be invaluable for the inhabitants of small rooms.
  • Install a water-heated baseboard doing it yourself is not particularly difficult - it allows you to save money, since there is no need to pay for the work of the craftsmen.
  • Good room heating.
  • High efficiency rate.
  • Efficiency.
  • If there is a need for repairs, access to the internal components is extremely simple: you need to remove the front panel.
  • The appearance of the skirting board can be easily changed according to style requirements.
  • Skirting boards are available in different colors.
  • Pairs well with a variety of floor coverings.
  • The plinth consists of separate modules, each of which can be easily replaced or upgraded if necessary.
  • If you install a thermostat, then the heating will be maintained at the same level.
  • Aesthetic appearance, you won’t have to look for ways to hide batteries.
  • Heating occurs from different sides, and not from one.
  • Compactness.

Heating using a water baseboard is the best option if you need a high-quality heating system that is compact and efficient, but at the same time easy to install.

Of no small importance is the fact that a warm baseboard is one of the few heating methods that is ideal for “non-standard” rooms (with high ceiling, arched entrance, plenty of window openings). Even in such rooms, the air warms up quickly and evenly.

A warm water baseboard can be used as an independent heating system, or can be combined with a more traditional one. For example, radiators or heated floors are often installed in residential premises, and water skirting boards are installed on loggias, closed verandas, in closets, utility rooms and other rooms that are not used so often. A warm baseboard prevents the appearance of fungi and mold, as not only the air in the room heats up, but also the walls. At the same time, the air does not become excessively “dry”, the temperature is maintained at the optimal level.
This allows you to avoid possible restrictions when planning heating in apartment buildings.

Manufacturers of water skirting boards

There are now a lot of manufacturers of warm baseboards, but when purchasing you should always choose only products from the most famous and reputable companies. Since water-based warm baseboards are not yet a common heating method, manufacturers’ brands may not be well-known. However, you need to know the most famous ones so as not to make a mistake in your choice:

  • Mr. Tektrum (Russia);
  • Thermia (Ukraine);
  • Best Board (Austria).

The Best Board company produces lines of electric and water-heated baseboards, with the latter being the most widespread. The company's products are distinguished by their quality and practicality. Such skirting boards are very quickly assembled and disassembled, take up minimal space, and are very convenient to use. Front panels are available in different styles and colors. The cost of the structures is considerable - one section (usually 1 m long) costs at least $100.

Slightly inferior to Best Board in popularity domestic manufacturer Mr. Tektrum. This manufacturer focuses on budget buyers, so the prices for warm water skirting boards from Mr. Tektrum is significantly lower than its European counterparts. The cost of the design was reduced through the use of cheaper materials and components. What is especially pleasing is that if this affects the quality of the structure, it is insignificant.

Tectrum water skirting boards are produced in Vinnitsa and in the same way as Mr. Tektrum are aimed at average buyers. Skirting boards are of good quality and work well both in houses and apartments, but one section costs 5 times less than from an Austrian manufacturer.

Water or electric baseboard?

Currently, skirting boards are only available with water or electric, which makes choosing a design easier. The main criterion can only be the characteristics and conditions of the room.

So, it is not always possible to install a warm water baseboard. The design of such heating requires a heating boiler, which will “bring” the water to the desired temperature and send it into the pipes. In this case, the temperature of the heating circuit should always be approximately the same level.

For this reason, electricity may seem like a better option. It is already in the house and does not require the installation of additional structural components. Skirting boards with an electric heating element raise the temperature in the room faster than water ones. Electric baseboards are easier to install - just run the heating cable from the mains (voltage - 220 W), secure it and cover it with the front panel. All that remains is to connect it to the distribution unit, and the warm baseboard will start working. But in any case, installation requires skills in working with electricity.

But at the same time, electricity tariffs are rising almost every year, and in the end heating will cost much more. Moreover, in use water heating safer than electricity and easier to regulate temperature regime premises.

Installing a water baseboard

In order to install a warm baseboard with your own hands, you need to prepare the following tools:

  • adjustable wrenches;
  • plastic scissors;
  • pliers;
  • hammer;
  • hammer drill or drill;
  • wire cutters.

Before installing a warm baseboard, you need to measure the distance from the section to the collector connection. Use scissors to cut the plastic pipe the right size with a small margin. Place it so that the pipe outlet is 6 cm above the floor level, there should be at least 15 cm left to the corner. The pipe should be laid in the floor or in the wall, whichever is more convenient.

Glue the baseboard installations around the perimeter of the room using glue or self-adhesive tape. Installation of profiles must be started from the corner. Cut the profile and install it in any convenient way: with silicone, double-sided tape or screw it to the wall (floor).

Then you need to install the holders. To do this, you need to drill a hole 15 cm from the edge of the profile, and for the remaining clips - every 40 cm.

Then convectors are installed. Cut the plastic pipe to the required length, trying to ensure that it fits well with the section and that no kinks appear. Place a sleeve, nuts and a rubber gasket on the copper pipes. Install the support sleeve into the plastic pipe, twist it and tighten it with an adjustable wrench of the required size.

Place the radiator against the wall. If brass fins remain, remove them with wire cutters. Using an adapter, connect to the next section. Fit the skirting board bodies so that there are no gaps, but you need to deviate 1 mm from the corners so that you can then install decorative elements. Place the radiator against the wall again and remove excess elements.

The structure is installed and assembled in exactly the same way on other sections. You need to collect, moving from one corner to another. For the section located in the corner of the room, you need to use special corner plastic pipes. The last section needs to be looped. This can be done using a special corrugated stainless steel sleeve.

At the final stage, decorative elements are installed - plugs, corner joints. The system must be connected to the collector and the water supply must be turned on. Next, you need to observe whether water is leaking somewhere. This usually happens at junctions. If this does not solve the problem, you need to turn off the water for a while and disassemble the structure. Possibly damaged sealing rubber, it needs to be replaced.


The history of the emergence and improvement of home heating designs goes back centuries. Today there are many ways to create comfortable temperature inside residential premises.

These are central heating radiators, mobile electric heaters, air heaters, heated floors and much more. Among all this variety, you should pay attention to such heating devices as electric warm baseboard and warm water baseboard. In this article we will try to convey to the reader the concept of what a warm baseboard is.

The principle of operation of warm baseboards

The essence of the very idea of ​​heating with warm baseboards is that the heating system is located around the perimeter of the room near the floor. The heated air in the convector slowly rises along the walls. Due to this, the entire volume of the room is heated.

This warm baseboard system, equipped with a thermostat with a temperature sensor, maintains a constant air temperature inside the room, does not form condensation on the window frames, and prevents the appearance of dampness and mold on the walls.

Heat from convectors will not affect furniture

Warm baseboards practically do not take up much space. Despite the high power ratings, you can safely place furniture and other interior items near the convectors. The surface of convectors does not heat up to dangerous levels of temperature that cause burns.

The retail chain offers two types of warm baseboard systems for sale. These are electric baseboards and warm water baseboards. Let's look at each heater.

Electric warm baseboard

How to make a warm baseboard with your own hands, powered by electricity? Having skills in working with electrical engineering, you can assemble an electric warm baseboard completely independently.

The heater consists of two horizontally located copper tubes. Passes through the top tube power cable, coated with silicone insulation. A tubular electric heater is threaded into the lower copper tube. The entire system is controlled through an air temperature sensor by a thermoregulation unit.

The heating element is a regular heating element

When the temperature inside the room drops or increases, the heating elements periodically turn on and off, thereby ensuring a constant temperature regime.

Purchase a set of warm baseboards based on calculating the length of the heaters, rotation angles and other related elements. The heating element itself is a tubular electric heater (TEH) enclosed in a copper shell.

In its turn copper pipe threaded through a housing made of ribbed heat reflectors (radiator). Electric heating modules are produced in several sizes. Depending on the length of the electric heater, its power changes, as can be seen from the table:

Heating element length
1 700 140
2 1000 200
3 1500 300
4 2500 500

From heating elements of different lengths, installation of a warm baseboard is possible in any area, of any configuration.

Installation of electric skirting board

Install the heating element 3 cm from the wall

Only a person with extensive experience can assemble your floor electric heater manually. electrical work. Calculating the dimensions of heating elements, making radiator nozzles, installing connecting cables is a very complex and responsible job. Therefore, it is easier to buy ready-made heating elements for warm baseboards.

When a heating set of baseboards has already been purchased, preparatory work begins.

Knowing that a heated baseboard should not heat the walls, but the air, the fastenings are made in such a way that the heating electrical elements were at a distance of at least 30 mm from the walls. The plinth should be 140 mm high.

The electric heater is installed in several stages:

  1. Installing installation box at a height of 4 - 6 cm from the floor. Connect the power wires to the junction box.
  2. A switch with a thermostat is mounted on the wall at a convenient height.
  3. A protective tape 3 mm thick is glued to the walls along the entire height of the plinth.
  4. Markings are applied to the walls for fastenings for heated baseboards.
  5. Drill holes for dowels in the places where fasteners are to be installed.
  6. Through technological holes in the brackets screw the screws into the dowel.
  7. The thermal heating module is hung on the installed brackets.
  8. Connect modules electrical wires parallel.
  9. A residual current device (RCD) is connected to the system.
  10. Connect the air temperature sensor.
  11. The electric baseboard is turned on for control. If a malfunction is detected, correct it immediately.
  12. Install the plinth covering.

The plinth lining is made of enameled metal panels or plastic. The cladding should not reach the floor surface by 20 - 30 mm. There are horizontal slots on the top of the panels. This design ensures constant movement air masses down up. In addition to its function as an air duct, the plinth lining plays a protective role against accidental mechanical influences.

Work related to supplying electricity to the baseboard, connecting to an electric meter, and installing a thermoregulation system is best entrusted to a specialist.

Installation of a warm baseboard ensures complete electrical safety. The places where the wires connect to the module contacts are covered heat shrink tubing. The tubes protect the contact surface from moisture. For more information about installing warm baseboards, watch this video:

Despite protection from moisture, experts warn that electric heaters should not be installed in rooms with high humidity.

Water warm baseboard

Most often, such systems are installed in private homes.

Particular comfort in residential premises can be created by assembled warm water baseboard with your own hands. If we look at the water plinth from a constructive point of view, we will see compact modules “stretched” in length.

Private households or public institutions are most suitable for installing baseboard water heating systems. The necessary conditions for installation of warm baseboards – this is the presence gas boiler and central water supply.

In some cases, boilers operating on solid and liquid fuels are used. You will also need reserve capacity ( water tower) to replenish the water level in the heating system.

Skirting convectors with water coolant are installed around the perimeter of the room. The modular liquid electric heater can be of various lengths. In the corners of the room, the modules are connected with special corner elements, thereby filling the completely heated perimeter of the room. Thanks to this placement of baseboards, the room is heated more evenly than when heating with conventional water radiators.

If you decide to install a liquid heating baseboard system connected to central heating, you will have to obtain permission to install this equipment from the appropriate utility companies.

Otherwise, you may be fined and forced to dismantle the heaters.

Water converter design

Pipe with hot water connected to a gas boiler

The design of the plinth is quite simple. The upper pipe, as a rule, exits the gas boiler system, passes through the entire perimeter of the heated area and passes into the lower return pipe. The lower pipe returns the cooled coolant to the gas boiler.

The pipelines are mounted in the housings of finned heat transferrs. Due to the ribbed structure, the heat transfer surface increases many times over, which significantly contributes to the active circulation of heated air masses.

To install a warm water heating baseboard yourself, you must have sufficient experience in installing plumbing equipment. When we talk below about the features of installing a warm water baseboard, we are addressing precisely such people. This will help when choosing a particular home heating system.

The principle of operation of water skirting boards

The principle of heating a room with a liquid converter baseboard is no different from heating with other devices.

Cold air enters through the lower groove of the baseboard body.

Passing through the heat exchanger, the hot air slowly rises, spreading evenly throughout the entire volume of the room.

According to the laws of physics, cooled air masses sink down, thereby displacing heated air upward. Continuous circulation of the medium evenly heats the entire room.

Installation of baseboard water heating system

In construction supermarkets you can always purchase the ready-made water heating system for baseboards you need. Even with little experience plumbing work, you can easily make a warm baseboard with your own hands. For more information about heating with warm baseboards, watch this video:

After appropriately marking the mounting points for the brackets and installing them, the liquid modules themselves are installed (see installation of electric baseboards above). Unlike electric heaters, installation of liquid modules requires careful monitoring of the tightness of pipeline connections.

It is better to entrust the installation of the baseboard heating system to specialists.

Testing of installed skirting boards

Air molecules are much smaller than water molecules. Practice shows that checking the density of connections is more effective by creating high pressure compressed air inside pipelines.

Using a compressor, an air pressure of about 5-6ar is created in the heated floor pipes. All connections are covered with a soap solution.

Bubbles will appear in areas where leakage occurs. Leaks in connections are eliminated and the entire system is retested for leaks.

Covering skirting boards

The structure of water baseboard boxes is no different from the lining of electrical modules. The boxes are usually made of thin-sheet enameled iron.

Manufacturers, meeting the wishes of consumers, make skirting board bodies of various colors. The assortment is mainly dominated by enclosures white or with a surface imitating valuable wood, natural stone or genuine leather.


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