We make a forge with our own hands. DIY mini-forge: budget option Coal forge

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The forge is used to heat metal before forging, cement it and perform other procedures related to heat treatment. It makes it possible to set the temperature to 1100-1200 degrees. To use a standard forge, you must have special skills and knowledge and be able to select fuel. A gas forge, although it cannot be used for forging, for example, Damascus swords, is structurally quite simple. It can be made in thirty minutes from six fireclay bricks and steel scraps.


Here are the structural parts, the presence of which presupposes the construction of a forge:

  • table made of fire-resistant material;
  • hearth with grate;
  • air chamber;
  • air drainage;
  • supply air duct;
  • tent;
  • a hole through which long parts are fed;
  • umbrella;
  • chimney;
  • crucible (can be removed);
  • tempering container;
  • gas-air chamber.

Charcoal forge

How to make a blacksmith's forge? First of all, you need to understand the principle of its operation. The coal forge functions by burning carbon. When burned, carbon releases a large number of energy, which is used for heating.

Since carbon is a powerful reducing agent, it has long been used in the metallurgical field to smelt iron and other metals. Carbon takes away all the oxygen from the metal ore, leaving pure metal after smelting.

Carbon prevents the workpiece processed through the forge from oxidizing too quickly. Thanks to this, the part does not burn out. Blowing is carried out so that the fuel lacks air. If you keep the product in the furnace for too long, it will dry out and become brittle.

Gas horn

The design of the device becomes much simpler if purified monogas (propane, butane) is used as fuel. These gases contain carbon and hydrogen molecules (hydrogen is a good reducing agent; when interacting with air, it releases a lot of energy). The gas can be mixed with oxygen in the burner. Homemade gas forge done quite quickly. The main thing is to install the burner.

The situation is different if you use natural gas. It is a mixture of unsaturated/saturated hydrocarbons that require varying amounts of air to burn completely. It will not be possible to optimally regulate the oxygen supply.

In addition, natural gas contains sulfur, silicon and phosphorus molecules. Sulfur is " worst enemy» steel parts. It makes them unusable. To restore the workpieces, you will need to completely melt them down.

In view of this, natural gas can be used as a fuel only after purification from sulfur. The easiest way is to pass the fuel through naphthalene before feeding it into the burner, which will absorb all the sulfur molecules. A homemade forge operating on household gas is intended primarily for processing workpieces that will not be heavily loaded in the future.

Purpose of structural elements

In production, the table is usually lined with quartz brick, which is fire resistant. It can last for decades even in harsh conditions. A homemade forge for forging is lined with fireclay stove brick. It's cheaper and more accessible. It will also last a long time if used infrequently.

The firebox with grates, air chamber and supply pipe form the main part of the device - the tuyere. Drainage is designed for precise and quick regulation of airflow. A weakly heated product cannot be forged; it will simply break.

The tent, umbrella, chimney are designed to remove smoke, which is harmful to the human body, from the furnace. Quite a lot of it is formed.

The hardening vessel and the gas-air chamber are optional elements. The hardening container will come in handy if you forge parts from damask steel. they need thermal shock hardening.

The gas-air chamber is used to:

  • additionally dry and heat oxygen;
  • purify oxygen from foreign particles and condensate;
  • introduce special additives into the air for alloying.

The crucible is a heat-resistant cap that increases the maximum permissible temperature. It is installed when a do-it-yourself forging device is used to melt precious metals and non-ferrous alloys.

Making a forge

The easiest way to make a forge with your own hands is from fireclay bricks. The grate shelves are made from trimmed metal pipes, and the grate bars themselves are made of steel strips four to six millimeters thick. They must be tightened at an angle with a screw (to capture the blast flow). The fuel will be coal and coke. You can light the forge using a blowtorch. Don't forget to install an asbestos partition between the lamp and the forge. It is possible to use such a forge at home only outdoors, because an umbrella and a chimney are not provided.

You can also make a stationary forge with your own hands. To do this, you need to determine the dimensions of the table on which it will stand.

  1. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Lower right hand, bend it at the elbow joint.
  2. Have a partner measure the distance from the elbow to earth's surface. Add five to seven centimeters. This will be the height of the table.
  3. Take pliers in your right hand (preferably big size). A partner must measure the distance from the stomach to the ends of the tool’s jaws.
  4. Add 10 - 12 centimeters. This will be one half the length of the table diagonal.
  5. The length of the table side should be 0.7 from the diagonal.

It is advisable to place the tuyere air vent with a vacuum cleaner at the bottom. The drain flap must be able to slide out to the front.

It is recommended to install a solid grate with grooves that intersect and divide the slab into squares. Carbon deposits accumulate in them. If you drill holes, you will need to clean them with a steel rod after each forging.

Why shouldn’t you make a forge with your own hands using a grate made of planks? This is due to the fact that fuel burns differently. In the cracks between the shelf slats, oxygen will flow where it is easier for it to escape. In that area, the temperature will rise, the entire part will dry out, and its fragility will increase.

How to make a forge if there is no special grate? A good option– a tuyere in which the holes are located concentrically and have a radius of 4-5 millimeters. Similar design It gets dirty slowly and ensures uniform blowing.

Gas burners

The gas forge is ideal for artistic forging. There are models that are almost impossible to create without a category. Plus similar devices It is believed that they operate on any gas and have powerful supercharging.

Bicycle parts can be used to make a gas horn with your own hands. The only turning work you will need to do is turn the sprocket from the bicycle gearbox. This device can operate on propane, butane. However, it can only heat small brick furnaces that are closed. Under no circumstances should you light a burner with acetylene. The part will simply burn out and the device will explode.

Understanding how to make a gas forge is much easier than understanding, for example, electrical diagram. To make it, use the appropriate drawings and photos. Watch the DIY forge video and you will be able to create a device that is perfect for home use.


Portable forge design

This type of forge will be appropriate if there is a need to carry out rare repairs, V field conditions, transfer from one place to another and the like. In most cases, portable forges are made in collapsible version. The main disadvantage of this type of forge is its low productivity, as a result of which it cannot be used for forging large products, as well as when performing large-scale work.

Portable forges are most often made by hand, as a result of which they can be completely different designs. A portable forge in most cases represents metal table, which is lined with refractory bricks. The most important part of this type of forge is the tuyere. To maintain fuel combustion, forced air supply is used, it is performed using mechanical devices in the form of hand or foot bellows, as well as using a fan and the like.

Various fuels can be used as fuel for the forge: gas mixtures, liquid fuels and solid fuels. Liquid forms are of petroleum origin: tar, fuel oil, gasoline, kerosene, petroleum. Solid fuel can be in the form of peat, coal, coke, firewood and the like.

Possibility to make a forge yourself

In order to make a forge yourself at home, you can use various available materials and tools; this does not require special equipment. First of all, you should decide for what purpose you need a forge. From this you can find out the temperature to which the forge will have to heat the workpiece. As a result, knowing required temperature, you can select the required design, as well as the fuel on which it will operate.

The design of open models is more practical, but they have a certain drawback - they are not as economical as closed models. Therefore, it is worth thinking about what to choose. For an open forge it is best to use gas fuel, whereas for a closed rut, hard is best.

To create a closed forge using improvised means, you can use the following materials:

1. fire bricks;

2. hood;

3. injection burner;

It is necessary to form a cube from bricks with a cavity inside, as well as a hole. Cube-shaped brick structure should be carefully secured using reinforcement or a frame made of other strong material. The burner must be fixed in one of the side bricks by entering the hole. To create safety and comfort of work, the hood should be mounted at the top of the structure at a convenient distance.

To make a forge open type you should use the following materials:

1. frame made of steel or bricks;

2. grill (frying pan with holes);

3. source of air supply in the form of a bellows, vacuum cleaner or fan;

4. solid fuel.

Using the frame, a table is formed on which the mesh must be laid. Using the selected device, air is supplied from the corresponding hole under the mesh. To regulate the automatic air flow, it is recommended to install a tap. In the case of mechanical regulation, the flow will have to be regulated independently.

Fuel is placed on the grate. First, wood chips and larger firewood are placed, then coke is added. It is necessary to ignite the fuel and turn on the blower, the workpiece is placed on the coke. You can also pour a little coke on top of the heated iron. As a result, a small vault is created in the thickness with a high temperature inside it. Instead of coke, it is quite possible to use ordinary wood waste. You can also use various other devices inherent in industrial installations.

In blacksmithing, a forge is used to heat and preheat metal blanks before heat treatment. The operating temperature in this device rises to 1200 degrees. By design, the device can be stationary and mobile (that is, placed directly in a specially equipped forge or transported to a place convenient for work). For industry, equipment is equipped with various devices, for household use The forge is produced in its simplest form.

Features of a household forge

Because of high cost melting plants, not every user can buy such equipment special purpose. For household needs, it is not difficult to assemble a gas forge with your own hands. subject to the correct determination of the shape, power and design of the supercharging system. A simple household forge for artistic forging or casting of non-ferrous metal can be assembled from several fireclay bricks and sheet steel.

Making a forge at home for working with ferrous metal is not difficult. Make the simplest design possible from metal container, in the side of which it is necessary to make a hole for a gas burner. The fuel supply system can be assembled from a piece of pipe and coupling, for supporting structure Long bolts will fit under the container. The lining of a gas fireplace is carried out by filling a solution of alabaster or gypsum, sand and water.

The forge must be equipped protective casing, ceramic tube or suitable sized bottle. After lining and drilling a hole for the gas supply, the device is installed in convenient location, but at a distance from flammable materials. The advantages of the design include the ability to move the furnace and regulate the degree of heating of the workpiece, which is especially convenient when working with different forging materials.

Operating principle of the installation

Before you begin assembling the thermal unit, you need to understand the principles of operation of a homemade forge for forging metal to simplify the design of the furnace for home use. The operation of the device is based on the energy output when burning a mixture of carbon and oxygen, the percentage of metal released in molten form. During the smelting process, carbon stops the oxidation reaction of the metal; constant injection of gas into the fuel quickly increases the temperature in the forge.

The process of heating metal requires certain skills and specific knowledge. It is not enough to assemble a mini-forge with your own hands; you need to learn how to control the supply of oxygen to the fuel, the volume of which should be no more than 95%. If the workpiece overheats, carburization of the metal occurs, the steel becomes brittle, turning into cast iron.

While developing a drawing of the future forging device, Special attention should be given to the type of energetic substance influencing the design of the focus. The type of fuel for the forge is:

  • gas (butane, propane);
  • liquid (diesel oil, fuel oil);
  • solid (charcoal, coke);
  • mixed (gas-liquid).

Depending on the planned work and the size of the workpiece, a thermal furnace can have an open or closed hearth zone. The home handyman should remember that domestic gas can be used in a furnace only after preliminary purification from sulfur using the method of “driving” through liquid naphthalene. Products made from heated gas burner metal cannot be used as loaded parts.

The main requirement for ensuring the security of the master is the installation of a powerful forced ventilation system, even if a household soldering apparatus running on bottled gas is used to construct the forge. The device will allow you to manufacture decorative elements interior and exterior in own garage.

Making a stove from a blowtorch

Making a forge for forging with your own hands, blowtorch you need to install it in a recess, along the perimeter of which fireclay bricks with a grate are laid. When laying refractory bricks, it is necessary to maintain the distance between the enclosing elements in order to ensure the flow of air masses into the combustion chamber. The angle of the blocks relative to each other building material determined by the master.

Charcoal or coke is poured into a recess made of bricks on a grate, and a pipe is put on the blowtorch, which is fed under the grate. The blank for forging is placed in the gap between brickwork, the coal concentrate is ignited from below. To remove smoke, a probe, tent or chimney is installed above the grate.

Solid fuel device for forge

The simplest model of a solid fuel device for a private forge is an outdoor open stove, which does not require the installation of a ventilation system. The construction of the structure involves pouring reinforced concrete base, at the base of the structure it is necessary to lay wall brick. The table is installed at a convenient height, a hole is left in one wall for the blower.

The mountain pit is laid out of fireclay bricks supported on steel corners; in the middle part of the structure a cavity is left for the grate. A chimney or probe will help ensure sufficient draft in the fireplace; the air supply system is installed at the final stage construction work. Installing an electric fan in the chimney or installing blacksmith bellows will help increase the draft.

In a home forge, the tank for hardening parts and the gas-air chamber are not mandatory elements. They can be useful in cases where thermal or shock hardening is required when working with damask steel. In the gas-air chamber the following is carried out:

  • drying and heating oxygen;
  • filtering oxygen from condensate and foreign impurities;
  • mixing air with additives for alloying steel.

To melt precious metals and create an alloy of non-ferrous metals, it is necessary to make a crucible from a heat-resistant material. The device, made in the form of a cap, allows you to increase the operating temperature in the furnace without the risk of overheating the workpiece and the formation of soot.

Home gas forge

To make a simple home gas forge, you can use parts from an old bicycle. If on lathe grind the sprocket from the gearbox; the device can operate on butane or propane and heat closed furnaces of small volume. An important condition When using a portable design, it is prohibited to operate the burner with acetylene, since the high temperature of the flame can burn the former “star” and the stove will simply explode.

It is not difficult to assemble such a device, and homemade horn for forging is not much inferior to industrial ones, but is much cheaper. The main thing is to follow safety rules during manufacture and use.

Sometimes in the lives of people living “on earth” there are moments when you want to do something with your own hands, without putting it off. Someone is thinking about carpentry, someone is engaged in manufacturing decorative items, and someone literally lights up with forging. Moreover, real, i.e. - “hot”.

So, in this article:

  • What is the minimum set of tools and equipment needed for forging.
  • How to make an anvil from an old rail.
  • What can you use to construct a portable forge?

A basic set of tools needed for metal forging

The method of imparting plastic properties to metal by heating has been known to mankind since time immemorial. Unlike the so-called " cold forging”, in which the metal is not subjected to heating, during “hot” (and, as is considered, “real”) forging, the metal is heated in a forge.

The forge is an open-type furnace in which metal for subsequent forging is heated to high temperatures.

Due to its plasticity, heated metal can be given a wide variety of shapes, which is what masters of artistic forging use.

In addition to experience, which is accumulated over the years, forging requires the appropriate tool. These can be special pliers, mandrels, bending templates, etc., but the hammer and anvil remain the most important “assistants” of a blacksmith for many centuries.

Any person who is thinking about taking up blacksmithing is faced with the need to purchase the appropriate tools. A high-quality and heavy anvil weighing under 100 kg is not a cheap pleasure.

Vintik FORUMHOUSE Member

I bought my anvil by weight at a secondary metal shop. From work experience, I can say: what I couldn’t flatten on a rail, I managed to do on a real anvil.

Olger73 FORUMHOUSE Member

Vtorchermet may be a “gold mine,” but a lot depends on luck. Our price for a used anvil is approaching the cost of a new one. Although I managed to acquire a powerful vice and anvil weighing about 30 kg in this way. Her “face” is, however, dented, but it can be fixed.

So, what to do if you want to forge, but the family budget does not allow such expenses? Moreover, if it is unknown whether the business will be to your liking, or in a few months all the expensive equipment will begin to gather dust in the garage.

In this case, you should use experience FORUMHOUSE members and get a mini-forge made from materials that were at hand. Moreover, even with this “dacha” option, you can make a lot of different things that are needed on the farm, and which you cannot buy in a store or on the construction market.


There are few good blacksmiths and, as a rule, they are loaded with orders, and the farm often needs specific products, for example, a forged nail or some kind of “tricky” rivet. In order not to rack your brains with finding a specialist and ordering, and also to save money, it’s easier to do everything yourself. After all, you can’t just buy nails like the ones in the photo below.

Even entry-level forged products allow home handyman significantly expand the range of your work. Furniture looks especially beautiful with forged parts self made or antique decor in a country house.

How to make an anvil from an old rail

The experience of a portal user with a nickname is interesting DIMDIM. He tells you what can be achieved when making homemade products if you apply your ingenuity to the matter.


I decided to take up forging. I watched a lot of videos online and came to the conclusion that I could make the entire instrument myself. First of all, I need an anvil, a forge, and various accessories. To save money, I will make everything from what I have in my “bins”, i.e. from scrap materials.

The user learned from the Internet that most often homemade anvil made from railroad tracks.

Because there was no rail in the bins, DIMDIM To search for a “donor” I involved all my friends, relatives and acquaintances. Soon the search was crowned with success, and the user became the owner of an old but strong rail.

All that remains is to cut off everything unnecessary from the workpiece and give it the required form. Having uncovered the metal cutting machine, the user began to work.

According to DIMDIM, It took 4 hours to cut the rail, made of high-carbon heat-treated steel, into two parts and trim it, with regular stops of the cutting machine to allow it to cool.

Then came the turn of making the so-called. “horns” of the future anvil. Because The sawn-off part of the rail did not fit at the required angle on the cutting machine bed, so we had to disassemble the clamping device and connect the bed to an additional table.

The user had difficulty cutting the rail into a triangle, then the tedious work of giving the anvil “horn” the desired shape began.

The work was carried out alternately using an angle grinder, a cutting machine and various fasteners and pads.

This work took another 5 hours.


Having made the blanks, I started assembling the anvil and tried to connect all the parts together. Because the rail was crooked and the parts could not be connected. My friend and user of the Movik portal helped me out.

FORUMHOUSE member suggested DIMDIM assemble an anvil on a frame, which was used as a steel counterweight from an elevator. As the author of the idea, Movik welded all the parts into a single structure.

The next stage is the production of a square hole in the “tail” of the anvil, which is necessary for fastening various devices - mandrels, staples, bending forks and cones, the shank of which has the same cross-section as the “receiving” hole.

At self-production Anvil craftsmen make a “square” in different ways. The hole is burned with a welding machine, drilled and then finished with a file. The user simplified his task - taking a grinder, he cut a groove in the rail, and then welded a corner made from a T-shaped guide from an elevator to the end.

IN assembled form the anvil took on the following form.

The user also made a set of attachments for the anvil.

Homemade portable forge

A forge is necessary for heating metal workpieces. The fuel most often used is charcoal or coal. In order to reach high temperatures, air is supplied to the forge. To make the simplest open portable forge a “hearth” is needed, or, as it is also called, a “fire nest”, as well as a base and device for forced submission air.


To understand how to make a forge, I started studying the Internet again. The search turned up a bunch of ideas for making a homemade forge. As I understand it, everything comes into play. Most often, forges are made from auto parts from the chassis, sets of pipes, fittings and electric fans.

Besides, forges they make from what is “under their feet.”

Often used as a boost construction hair dryers(heat guns).

Having roughly decided on the design of the forge, the user again reached into the “bins” and dug out an adapter with steel pipe on a cast iron one, which was used as a barbecue.

Device dimensions:

  • diameter – 35 cm;
  • height – 35 cm.

Inside, the adapter looks like a pipe with a shelf. Bye DIMDIM I was thinking about what to insert into the pipe to make a real “horn nest”, I came again Movik and brought a brake disc from an SUV that fit the pipe perfectly.

Next came the components that are used to install the water supply system. This is a two-inch tee, a coupling and a piece of pipe cut from behind the barn. All the “wealth” was docked, and Movik cooked.

At this stage, the homemade blacksmith's forge began to look like a finished object.

All that remains is to attach the ash pan. A bracket from a heated towel rail was used for this role, which was welded to the pipe in the form of a valve.

If you are one of those people who melts metal in your hands and you dream of having your own forge, then you need a forge. We invite you to use our example, and you can make a forge for yourself with your own hands, which will help you master the art of blacksmithing.

Carpentry or carpentry is, of course, good. Wood processing is traditional for Rus'. But we want to talk about metal. More precisely, about metal forging. What do you need to start forging? The first is a blacksmith's forge.

You might be surprised, but the forge is the easiest thing to organize a forge.

The task of the forge is to heat a piece of metal to a temperature that will allow it to be crushed without destruction.

The forge is, of course, fire. You can burn gas, liquid fuel, fuel oil or crude oil, coal and firewood. Only the firewood produces little heat until it turns into coal. Firewood can only be considered as a raw material for obtaining charcoal, but charcoal is an excellent fuel for a forge. Perhaps the best, but also the most expensive, although also the most accessible. Charcoal for grills and barbecues is sold in any supermarket. So we’ll stick to the coal option.

If we talk about a coal-fired forge, then there are two options: with side blast and with bottom blast. Side blowing is ideal for charcoal, and is also the easiest to implement. The simplest option- a hole in the ground where air is supplied through a pipe. You can also line the forge out of brick and cover it with earth.

With the help of such a forge, novice blacksmiths try their hand. A hose is inserted into the pipe and connected to the blowing hole of the vacuum cleaner.

The disadvantage of this forge is that you have to work while squatting, and this is not very comfortable. However, you can put together a box required height, fill it with earth and make a forge in it. But since we are going this route, it is worth doing something more thorough. There is one more point. A side blowing forge is not very suitable for coal, while a forge with bottom blast, through a grate, is more universal in this regard. That is, a forge with bottom blast can work on both charcoal and stone. But the design will be more complicated.

We will need:

  • steel sheet five millimeters thick, about 100x100 cm;
  • sheet steel 2 mm thick;
  • corner 30x30;
  • six fireclay bricks ШБ-8;
  • angle grinder, popularly called “grinder”;
  • cleaning wheel;
  • cutting wheels for cutting steel and stone;
  • welding machine and electrodes;
  • two wing screws (eye nut).

The forge consists of a table with a forge nest. Below, under the furnace nest, there is an ash chamber into which air is supplied. The table is made from steel sheet five millimeters thick. The size of the table is arbitrary, but it is more convenient when you can freely place working pliers, a poker and a scoop on it so that they are at hand. We cut a strip 125 mm wide from a five-millimeter sheet; we will need it later, and from the remaining piece we make a table.

Scheme of a forge with a forge nest

Cut out in the middle square hole under the future forge nest. You need to decide on the size of the nest. A large nest will require a lot of coal. A small one will not allow heating large workpieces. The depth of the nest to the grate also matters. Without going into details, let's say that a depth of ten centimeters will be optimal, regardless of the size of the nest in plan.

To prevent the metal from burning through, it must be lined (covered) with fireclay bricks. We use ShB-8 brick. Its dimensions are 250x124x65 mm. These dimensions will determine the size of the forge nest - 12.5 cm at the grate, 25 at the top, 10 cm deep. Considering the thickness of the brick, the size of the hole in the table will be 38x38 cm.

From the cut piece we cut out a square with a side of 25 cm. In the center of the square we cut out a square hole with a side of 12 cm. We also need four plates in the shape of an isosceles trapezoid with base lengths of 38 and 25 cm, a height of 12.5 cm. So the previously cut strip came in handy . Now you need to cook it all.

From two millimeter steel we roll square pipe with a side of 12 and a length of 20-25 cm. This will be an ash receptacle. In the middle of one of the walls we make a hole for the air duct. We weld a pipe into the hole. We use a piece of ordinary water pipe 40.

The ash receptacle from below is closed with a lid. We do it with thumbscrews.

The table is ready. All that remains is to place it on the base or weld the legs from the corner to it. You can make the base from foam concrete blocks.

Pay attention to the opening. An air duct will pass through it.

Using a grinder with a stone cutting disc, we cut out the lining from the brick. Be sure to use a respirator and safety glasses. And follow safety precautions when working with angle grinders.

You can connect a vacuum cleaner and try to light the forge.

First we lay the wood chips and finely chopped firewood. We set them on fire with a weak blow, and when the wood burns well, add coal. Now you can increase the blowing.

The vacuum cleaner can be connected not directly to the air duct of the forge, but through a homemade air supply regulator. This device allows you to regulate the amount of air supplied to the forge, that is, reduce or increase the blast.

Typically, a damper is installed to regulate the air supply into the duct. But blocking the flow increases the load on the vacuum cleaner motor. An old vacuum cleaner is usually used, and in order not to overload it, an air supply regulator is built. The air flow is not blocked, but is diverted into another duct. For this purpose, a box with three pipes was made. Two opposite each other - the entrance from the pump and the exit to the furnace. The third pipe, on the top wall, is where excess air is discharged. The third pipe is shifted relative to the first two by the diameter of the holes.

Inside is a plate curved at a right angle, half the length of the box. The plate can be moved from one extreme position to another using a wire rod. As far as the air supply hole into the forge is blocked, the discharge hole will open to the same extent.

The box is closed with a lid with a hole for traction.

We now have a working forge suitable for use under open air. To protect from rain, you need a canopy, which must be non-flammable. And the forge needs an umbrella and a pipe to collect and remove smoke.

We make the umbrella from sheet iron two millimeters thick. Firstly, such an umbrella will last longer, and secondly, thinner iron can be welded manually arc welding more difficult.

For an umbrella to be as effective as possible, the slope of its walls must be at least sixty degrees to the horizon. The umbrella should be positioned above the fireplace so that an imaginary beam directed from the point closest to the edge of the fireplace, inclined outward at an angle of sixty degrees to the plane of the table, falls inside the umbrella. This means that the higher the umbrella is above the fireplace, the larger it should be. On the other hand, the lower the umbrella is above the table, the more inconvenient it is to work. Here you need to proceed from the available material and your anthropometric data.

The umbrella is supported by angle steel posts. We place a pipe on top of the umbrella, which we also weld from a two-piece steel sheet. The pipe must be covered with a spark arrestor, which is made from metal mesh.

If you direct the air discharged from the throttle through the air duct (it will go water pipe 1 inch) to the beginning chimney, then you get an ejector that increases the efficiency of flue gas removal.

That's all. Your forge is ready. Forge to your health, forge like us, forge better than us!


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