Manufacturing of suspended ceilings: production technology. Independent organization of production of suspended ceilings

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In impeccable appearance and reliability suspended ceilings millions of Russians who have installed modern designs in their apartments, shops, offices. However, the installers still have a lot of work to do, because the quality of our housing is known to everyone, and the capital and redecorating- a procedure that no one, even owners of apartments in new buildings, could avoid. Modern finishing forever frees you from the need to tidy up the ceiling surface.

Who can install a suspended ceiling for you? It could be anyone - a familiar foreman, an installation crew. You can install a simple design even with your own hands - it is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. But in any case, nothing will happen without the participation of a local or all-Russian stretch ceiling factory.

The design of a modern stretch ceiling consists of a frame and a fabric stretched in it. The frame is made of aluminum or plastic profile, fixed along the perimeter of the walls. The installation procedure is simple and is much like constructing a frame for a hanging plasterboard or panel system.

With canvas everything is much more complicated. Most suspended ceilings are made on the basis of polyvinyl chloride film. As a rule, its width is one and a half meters. IN last years on Russian market Chinese-made PVC film up to five meters wide appeared. However, its range is small due to the fact that manufacturers have not yet learned how to pigment high-quality wide canvases. The bulk of the canvases are made by assembling using a HDTV machine from several cuts of material.

Most practical way fastening the canvas into a frame is called a harpoon. The tension of the material is achieved due to the fact that when room temperature canvas is 7% smaller base ceiling, and before installation it is heated to a temperature of +70C. During manufacturing, a harpoon is welded along the edges of the canvas, which fixes it in the grooves of the mounting molding. The cooled film is stretched, and the surface becomes absolutely flat.

Thus, the main event takes place at the stretch ceiling factory - the production of the canvas, ready for installation in the structure frame. Everything else is a matter of technique. It follows that the business of suspended ceilings can be divided into two interrelated areas - production and installation.

Who is a suspended ceiling dealer?

In every Russian city You can find a company that installs suspended ceilings. Typically this is the dealer large company. There are, however, also ordinary entrepreneurs who carry out installation orders ceiling structures. However, being a dealer is more reliable and promising due to the constant technical, information and consulting support from the company. It is of no small importance that cooperation is organized on a mutually beneficial basis. The dealer is always offered special prices for materials and components. His requests for the production of paintings are carried out in strict accordance with the contract. It is not at all necessary that the dealer and the company be located in the same city or region. An example is the Moscow stretch ceiling factory, which has been developing its dealer network for more than ten years. Its dealers work not only in Moscow and the region, but throughout Russia. Moreover, in many regional centers in neighboring countries, local entrepreneurs entered into agreements with the factory.

The essence of the dealer's work is as follows:

  • Having received the application, a measuring technologist is sent to the site. His responsibility is not only to draw up a drawing of the future stretch ceiling, but also to coordinate its design and offer the client a catalog for choosing the material of the canvas.
  • Drawing according to e-mail or personally sent to production. The canvas is manufactured there and sent via convenient delivery to the address specified by the dealer.
  • Having received the canvas, the installers arrive at the site on the day and time agreed upon with the customer and install the structure. It all ends with the signing of the Work Completion Certificate. After this, the dealer automatically assumes obligations for warranty service stretch ceiling.

As you can see, there is nothing particularly complicated. A dealer needs an office in which the constant presence of at least one manager is sufficient. The installation team consists of two people. The number of teams depends on the number of orders. The measurer can be either a separate staff unit, or a part-time installer. The team turns out to be small, but the business is proper organization is developing successfully.

Stretch ceiling factory

Own production of suspended ceilings is a serious business. If the dealer for fully equipped 30,000 rubles is enough for one installation team, but in order to start production at the factory, serious investments are needed.

  • First of all, we need industrial premises for workshops, warehouses, offices.
  • The main tool in the workshop is a two-station HDTV machine. It is on it that the fabric is made and the harpoon edging is welded. You can buy an imported or domestic machine, new or used. On average, it costs approximately 350,000 rubles. The machine must be equipped air compressor, and this is about 15,000 more. Approximately the same amount will go towards the purchase and connection power cable, automation.
  • In the workshop, in warehouses and in the office, you need furniture, shelves, racks, tables for packaging, office equipment and a thousand other little things.
  • To start own production suspended ceilings are needed at least minimum required vinyl fabric of various textures and colors, fabric material, plastic and aluminum profile, harpoon, inserts. Naturally, you can’t do without packaging material. The minimum set for the first time will cost at least 100,000 rubles.
  • The factory produces canvas not only for dealers, but also for its own needs. Therefore, there must be installers on staff equipped to fulfill orders. A set of tools for one team costs 30,000 rubles.

At first glance it may seem that creating your own

The production of suspended ceilings is one of the most promising and profitable types business. How to organize production? What to look for when choosing a room?

What costs are expected when purchasing equipment and materials? How much profit can you expect? The article provides answers to these and a number of other questions.
When finishing ceilings, many people prefer reliable and proven tension structures.

At the same time, the demand for these products is only growing every year. So why not organize the production of suspended ceilings? Moreover, in this type of business everything is simple.

Production Features

The process of manufacturing suspended ceilings includes several main activities - measurement, design planning, production itself, installation of the finished ceiling structure.

I would like to immediately note that the production of ceilings and films are different processes.

Those companies that manufacture the base are the usual suppliers of raw materials for ceiling manufacturers.

Popularity tensile structures due to a whole range of positive qualities:

  • they can last at least ten years. During this period, you can forget about the need for repair work;
  • stretch ceilings are not afraid of floods from neighbors. The material simply bends under the weight of the liquid and does not fall directly into the apartment. All that is needed to solve the problem is to remove lighting elements and carefully drain the water. If everything is done correctly, the ceiling returns to its original appearance;
  • installation of a stretch ceiling is carried out as quickly as possible and does not require special preparation. There is no need to level the surface, putty, remove whitewash, and so on. Installation can be carried out even after complete renovation of the room;
  • The product has the highest quality material, to which household dust almost does not stick. But if desired, the suspended ceiling can always be washed with a damp cloth;
  • Tensile structures are universal and have a wide range, which allows you to select suitable products based on texture and color palette.

Do you need a business plan for the production of suspended ceilings?

Very briefly and 100% true - needed. Necessarily! And you can create a real, working business plan for organizing such a business quite inexpensively. How? Be sure to look and purchase an offer from our partners:

Features of business organization

To start a business producing suspended ceilings, you need two things - to become individual entrepreneur and give preference to a simplified form of paying taxes (for the first time this is enough).

You can, of course, arrange entity, but more taxes can make this type of business illiquid. On the other hand, an LLC organization can protect against the loss of all property in the event of failure.

During the registration process you must select the following OKVED codes– 52.61 (work in the field retail on orders), 52.46.7 (retail work with building materials) and 25.354 (production of plastic products used in the construction industry).

There is no need for a license, but it is better to conclude a cooperation agreement with manufacturers of suspended ceilings. Moreover, it is advisable to request quality certificates for the goods provided.

Stretch ceilings made in France

Market Features

It is necessary to understand that the business of producing suspended ceilings is already very common in our country, so you need to be prepared for serious competition.

You must be better than competitors, offer better service, the best prices and possibly a number of related services. Keep in mind that most buyers do not look at the brand - they care about quality and affordability in terms of price.

On the other hand, too low level prices may scare off buyers. The philosophy here is simple" low price- low quality". It is better to leave the cost of ceilings unchanged, and, for example, make the service (screwing in lamps, taking measurements, and so on) free.

It is advisable to start a business using the most popular films - glossy and matte. In this case, the colors should be very different. Over time, you can move on to more complex options with applying images, creating original designs and so on.

On initial stage It is important to create a reputation for yourself as a reliable companion. An excellent and inexpensive choice - suspended ceilings Russian production. To do this, it is necessary to timely fulfill your obligations to construction companies and construction crews.

Wherein joint activities It is advisable to conduct only by concluding a cooperation agreement. At the initial stage, than more options sales, the better.

Stretch ceilings made in Belgium

Choosing premises for a workshop for the production of suspended ceilings

One of the most important points– selection of premises. There should be enough space both for the production of ceilings and for accommodating service personnel (offices). In principle, one room is enough, which can be divided into several zones.

In the office part, work will be carried out with customers, the material and shape of the product will be selected, calculation work will be carried out, and so on.

It is best if the premises are located in a place of high human activity, for example, near a supermarket or market. You don’t need any huge areas to organize an office - 10-20 square meters is enough.

As for the production itself, it is more demanding on space. Here you will already need about 60-70 square meters of area, three-phase voltage 380 Volts, good organized ventilation, heating and so on.

Optimal temperature regime throughout the year should remain at 15-25 degrees Celsius.

Stretch ceilings made in Germany

Materials and equipment for the production of suspended ceilings

Another very important task is choosing a supplier. This is where you need to carefully study all existing offers and choose the best option in terms of quality and price.

Before making a decision, you need to evaluate your future buyer, his profit, and think over the product range. The decision must be made taking into account all factors.

The most popular products on the market are products from a number of European companies in Germany, Belgium and France. As for Russian film, the domestic buyer does not trust it, just like stretch ceilings from China.

But these are stereotypes. Today there are many companies, both in the Middle Kingdom and in the Russian Federation, that produce high-quality products taking into account all European requirements.

Our company provides services for the production, installation and maintenance of ceiling systems. The production of suspended ceilings is a fairly high-tech process. That is why our specialists were trained at leading factories in Europe.

We have put the production of both canvases and components for their installation on stream, which allows us to achieve required quality and compliance with technology. We use materials that are appropriate European standards and having the appropriate certificates.

Our company offers you not only plain canvases, but also the possibility of applying any design. For this we use special solvent inks. They are odorless, durable and do not fade when exposed to sunlight.

Production with a pattern is carried out using photo printing or UV printing. Both methods are environmentally friendly. All Consumables have quality and safety certificates.

By purchasing suspended ceilings from the manufacturer, you receive not only a guarantee of quality, but also a durable product. We are responsible for all products and value the opinion of each client. Modern technologies and equipment allow us to satisfy even the most complex requests, creating canvases at prices starting from 300 rubles per linear meter. Close location production areas to the client allows you to reduce the lead time for orders to 1 day.

By contacting our company, you will receive a free consultation about the types of canvases and the possibilities of applying a design. Also, a surveyor will come to you at the optimal time for you, absolutely free of charge. The canvas will be produced in accordance with the sizes and colors you require. We will also provide a full range of installation services, including installation of lamps for both simple and multi-level ceiling systems.

Nowadays, many are deeply convinced that suspended ceilings were invented quite recently, in modern society. In fact, the production of suspended ceilings dates back to the times of Ancient Hellas. Then wide, large panels made of silk were pulled over the frames. This is what laid the foundation for modern stretch ceilings. This type of ceiling began to gain popularity in the late 90s, although modern technologies its production appeared back in the 60s. So that you can expand your horizons and know what your house is made of, we have prepared an article about the manufacture of suspended ceilings, in which you can not only read important information, but also look at thematic photos.

At a time when suspended ceilings were just beginning to gain popularity, their cost was very high and only wealthy people could afford installation. But over time, the situation has changed, and today almost everyone can easily order repairs using this technology. Although the cost of suspended ceilings is on average higher than other types, this is fully compensated by the durability of the material, its design differences and undemanding conditions.

Types of suspended ceilings

Before we look at the production of suspended ceilings, it is important to find out what categories they are divided into.

There are two most common types of canvas:

  • PVC film;
  • textile.

Depending on the type of fabric, there are two types of ceilings: film and fabric (seamless). For each type, materials are produced differently.

Production of panels from PVC film

Do not confuse the manufacture of a stretch ceiling with the manufacture of panels for it. These two concepts are fundamentally different, since a suspended ceiling includes the entire range of work on its assembly and installation. Although in ordinary speech we use the concept of “making suspended ceilings,” sometimes some people confuse this with making panels for them, so be more careful when using such expressions. The equipment for the manufacture of suspended ceilings and their panels is completely different and cannot be compatible.

First let's talk about the place of production PVC films. It is produced at chemical industry enterprises in the most different countries. Since the manufacturing technology is relatively simple, it was also mastered in Russia. It is worth noting that the quality of the material is not inferior to European. This was mainly due to the purchase of imported equipment rather than domestic ones. Often buyers choose materials from Germany, France and China, because they differ greatly in their quality in better side. But when choosing Chinese products, you need to make sure that the material was manufactured in production, and not in artisanal conditions. The quality of the purchased material will depend on this.

Now let’s turn our attention to making suspended ceilings with our own hands. Yes, you can make the main part of the stretch ceiling yourself if you have necessary materials. Mounting necessary elements, you are performing the final part of making the ceilings. We will look at it in more detail to better understand how the first stages of production take place.

So, let's look at 5 steps for making suspended ceilings:

  1. After determining the ceiling height, a fastening profile (baguette) is installed on the base covering.
  2. Then take a canvas cut specifically to the size of your room. A fastening must be welded to it along the perimeter, due to which the canvas will be held in place. There are different types of fastening. By the way, for a perfectly flat surface, the size of the canvas should be smaller sizes rooms by 10%.
  3. The canvas is heated using a heat gun, after which it becomes elastic and pliable.
  4. Gently stretching it until the desired shape, we fix the canvas in a baguette.
  5. After performing these operations, you need to give time for the canvas to cool. This process will even out its surface and make it perfect.

And indeed, The final stage The production of a stretch ceiling - its installation - seems so simple that you might think that there are no complex operations in the work, and it can be done with your own hands. But we still recommend turning to professionals who already have experience in installation. similar designs, since without the ability to properly handle the equipment, you can harm both yourself and your own home.

Perhaps one of the most important and difficult elements of making a stretch ceiling is cutting the fabric to fit the size of the room. European manufacturers They produce rolls of canvas with a width of no more than 2.7 m. Obviously, for most projects this width will be completely inappropriate. Therefore, manufacturers of suspended ceilings purchase cutting equipment and perform this work to order.

For effective and proper operation several required objects are required:

  • spacious workshop, the area of ​​which is more than one hundred square meters. m.;
  • special table for cutting;
  • welding machine.

In this production, the film is welded using current high frequency(HDTV). This also requires special machine. Before this, the film is cut according to the specified dimensions.

Undoubtedly seamless ceilings are much superior to those types that were made by welding. But high-quality equipment can correct this drawback and make a tailored ceiling indistinguishable from a seamless one. To do this, you need to make sure that the production uses the most modern equipment. Cheap machines will produce low quality material that will not have all the advantages of a stretch ceiling and will only spoil appearance rooms.

Welding a stretch ceiling, watch the video:

Manufacturing of fabric panels

There shouldn't be any problems with fabric panels. They are produced in wide rolls, the width of which reaches 5 meters. All the work in the first stage of making ceilings consists of cutting out the canvas of the required size. If you decide to do this yourself, it is better to take a small supply of sizes in case of an error.

As we saw in the article, the most difficult process is the production of film panels, while fabric panels do not require high costs time and money. But the choice is yours, so we hope that you will take into account the information you have read.

In order to produce high-quality suspended ceilings, as in the photo, their production requires a spacious modern workshop with good lighting, which provides the necessary temperature conditions and ventilation. The equipment must be operated by well-trained personnel.

Features of the production of suspended ceilings

Mass production and installation of suspended ceilings dates back to the second half of the 20th century. This is how a new industry emerged, providing services in the field of decoration and renovation of premises. From a technological point of view, the manufacturing process is quite complex; it requires expensive equipment for the production of suspended ceilings, since the thickness of the PVC film is from 0.15 to 0.35 millimeters, while the weight of one “square” of material reaches from 180 to 320 grams.

Polyvinyl chloride fabric can withstand enormous loads. So square meter film is capable of holding 100 liters of war, which is similar to the weight of a person. Vinyl stretches easily, quickly returns to its original shape, and this material is impact-resistant. But PVC film has a significant drawback - it can be damaged by piercing and cutting objects.

Tension fabric production technology

The production of film for suspended ceilings is a chemical process: polyvinyl chloride granules are mixed with UV and heat stabilizers. After this, various additives, a pigment substance and a plasticizer are added. Then the composition is heated until a homogeneous mass is formed, which is rolled into a film sheet.

If the technology for the production of suspended ceilings is not followed, the PVC film develops a characteristic characteristic, the flammability of the material increases, and the shrinkage properties decrease. True, the properties of the film coating are affected not only by its chemical composition, but also the equipment on which it is manufactured. The machine for the production of suspended ceilings (PVC films) is called a calender.

Polyvinyl chloride in a liquid state passes through the first pair of such machines, thus forming the width and thickness of the material being manufactured. The next two pairs are responsible for the structure and texture of the product, and in addition regulate the observance of uniformity PVC thickness films.

In order for the output to be high-quality suspended ceilings, the production must be set up to produce the product of the same name - in in this case films. To roll it, it is necessary to adjust the rolls in a certain mode. With frequent repurposing, such adjustments will need to be made constantly, and this will certainly lead to a loss of quality and accelerated wear of the equipment. If only products of the same name are produced, then customization is carried out as necessary.

There is another significant point that significantly affects the quality of polyvinyl chloride film - the training process of the heated mass - it involves the removal of large particles that can reduce the strength and smoothness of the material.

Often, when stretch ceilings are made, manufacturers ignore this technological stage due to increased costs, which ultimately affects the quality of the product.

Welding of sheets

A machine for the production of suspended ceilings is required to weld

There are several reasons why pieces of material need to be welded:

  • If suspended ceiling to be installed in a large room;
  • when it is necessary to connect two vinyl sheets different color;
  • for welding to the harpoon fastening panel.

If all stages of room design: production - film - suspended ceiling are carried out in compliance with the technology, it is practically impossible to tear the material welded into a single sheet at the seam.

Russian-made stretch ceilings High Quality have a barely noticeable seam. Therefore, than better equipment for, the more impressive the end result will be.

When consumers choose fabric stretch ceilings, manufacturers make the welding point almost invisible, unlike glossy canvases, for which the seam becomes a serious problem. It also interferes with photo printing, so when printing images, the joint is made with a groove inward.

To make suspended ceilings with photo printing, you need to have special equipment - large-format color printers, and it is quite expensive. The printer will allow you to apply your favorite drawing or even a photo of your loved one.

Sequence of manufacturing suspended ceilings

In recent years, Russian manufacturers of suspended ceilings have been providing customers with wide choose products. At the stage of placing an order, the consumer chooses the color and texture of the canvas, then a measurement of the room is taken, the accuracy of which determines the final result, especially for two-color structures or ceilings with photo printing. If cutting is done incorrectly, deformation of lines and images cannot be avoided.

In terms of variety and quality, stretch ceilings produced in Russia are significantly inferior to European brands, but despite this circumstance, they are in great demand and the main reason for their popularity is affordable price. IN Lately you can find good domestic ones stretch fabrics, although the film is slightly thicker than the imported material. They are much cheaper than suspended ceilings made in Germany, France or Italy.

The next step production of the canvas is its cutting, while its dimensions are determined using a special computer program, since it should be 10% -15% less than the actual ceiling surface area. If necessary, the film is welded on, after which a harpoon mount is welded to it around the perimeter.


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