Making fiberglass products with your own hands. Liquid wood with your own hands - creating wood-plastic at home Manual molding method

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In this article we will tell you how you can make a popular building material called liquid wood with your own hands, and also describe all its advantages.

Any home craftsman knows that wood products are afraid negative impacts various operational factors, which reduces their service life. At the same time, the tree is loved by many people and professional builders. It is environmentally friendly, looks great, charges a person with positive energy, and has many other advantages.

Liquid wood product

For these reasons, experts have been trying to come up with a substitute for quite a long time. natural wood, which would be visually and physical properties was no different from wood, surpassing the latter in its quality and resistance to the influence of natural phenomena. The research was successful. The modern chemical industry has been able to create unique material– liquid artificial tree. It literally burst into construction markets around the world. Now such wood is sold under the abbreviation WPC (wood-polymer composite). The material we are interested in is made from the following components:

  1. Shredded wood base is essentially processing waste natural wood. A given composite may contain from 40 to 80% of them.
  2. Thermoplastic chemical polymers - polyvinyl chlorides, polypropylenes and so on. With their help, the wood base is assembled into a single composition.
  3. Additives called additives. These include colorants (color the material in the required shade), lubricators (increase resistance to moisture), biocides (protect products from mold and pests), modifiers (preserve the shape of the composite and ensure its high strength), foaming agents (allow you to reduce the weight of WPC ).

These components are mixed in certain proportions, heated strongly (until the composition becomes liquid), the mixture is polymerized, and then it is fed into special forms under high pressure and cool. The result of all these actions is a composition that has flexibility and excellent corrosion resistance, elasticity and impact resistance. And most importantly, WPC has a magical aroma of natural wood, as well as color and texture identical to real wood.

We hope that from our short review you understood how liquid wood is produced and figured out what it is. The described wood-polymer products are characterized by a number of operational benefits. We present the main ones below:

  • increased resistance to mechanical damage;
  • resistance to temperature changes (WPC products can be used both at +150°C and at -50°);
  • high moisture resistance;
  • ease self-processing and installation (for these purposes, a tool is used to work with natural wood);
  • long service life (minimum 25–30 years);
  • large selection of colors;
  • resistance to fungus;
  • ease of maintenance (the composite is easy to clean, it can be scraped, varnished, painted in any color).

Wood plastic decoration

An important advantage of wood-plastic is that it has a very affordable price. This is achieved through the use of recycled products (crushed plywood, sawdust, shavings) in the production of WPC. It is difficult to find shortcomings in the material we are considering, but they exist. What would we do without it? Wood-plastic has only two disadvantages. Firstly, when used in living rooms it is necessary to equip high-quality ventilation. Secondly, WPC is not recommended for use in cases where there is simultaneously and constantly high humidity and increased air temperature.

The special characteristics of a composite of wood and plastic make it possible to manufacture various construction products. This material is used for the production of external siding, smooth, hollow, corrugated and solid decking (in other words - decking boards). WPC is used to make chic balustrades, elaborate railings, secure fences, luxurious gazebos and many other structures. Wood-plastic will allow you to luxuriously arrange the interiors of your living space and make your own suburban area truly beautiful.

The cost of the described composite depends on what polymer is used for its manufacture. If a manufacturer makes WPC from polyethylene raw materials, the price finished products will be minimal. But it is worth noting that such products are not UV resistant. But polyvinyl chloride polymers give wood plastic high resistance to fire and UV rays, and also make it very durable. Products made from WPC (in particular, decking) are usually divided into seamless and with seams. The first ones are mounted without clamps, screws and other hardware. Such boards simply adhere to each other, forming a durable, continuous surface.

Wood plastic material

But to install products with seams, it is necessary to use plastic or metal fasteners (most often, clamps act as such). WPC slabs or boards can be hollow or solid. For arranging verandas of private houses, it is better to use products with voids. They are lightweight and very easy to work with on your own. Solid wood-plastic, which is able to withstand significant loads, is more suitable for installation in public places (embankments, summer restaurants and bars, ship decks), where there is a high traffic flow of people.

When choosing WPC boards, pay attention to the thickness of their walls (it should be at least 4–5 mm), the height of the stiffening ribs (the higher they are, the more reliable the products will be in operation) and their number (the more ribs, the stronger the result). design).

You should also choose the width of your composite panels and boards wisely. One point needs to be understood here. H The wider the products you buy, the easier it will be for you to work with them, because installing such boards will require significantly fewer fasteners . Several Yet useful tips for you. Check with the sellers what sawdust the WPC was made from. If the manufacturer used coniferous wood for these purposes, it is better to look for another material. Why? For the reason that coniferous-based composites are considered fire hazardous. And the strength characteristics of such products leave much to be desired. WPC based on recycling waste deciduous trees free from these disadvantages.

In cases where light veins or areas are clearly visible on composite panels (boards, slabs), the operational reliability of the products will be low. Most likely, the manufacturer used wood flour of low quality, and, moreover, poorly ground. Such panels, as a rule, have low water resistance. They cannot be used outdoors. The insufficient quality of the WPC is also indicated by the presence of a non-uniform color on its surface (stains, clearly visible shade transitions).

Now comes the fun part. If you wish, you can easily make a worthy analogue of WPC with your own hands at home. Homemade wood-plastic is made from sawdust and ordinary PVA glue and is used for restoration parquet board, repair of laminate flooring, restoration of other wooden coverings. It can also be used for the manufacture of rough flooring in gazebos and auxiliary premises.

Composite material made from sawdust and glue

WPC is made by hand according to the following scheme:

  1. Grind sawdust in a coffee grinder or hand-held kitchen mill until it becomes dusty.
  2. Add PVA glue to the crushed sawdust (proportions - 30 to 70%) and mix these components until you get a mixture with the consistency of a paste.
  3. Pour dye into the prepared composition (it is recommended to use additives used for ordinary water-based paint). Mix everything again.

So you have made homemade wood-plastic! Feel free to fill holes in the holes with this mixture. wooden floors. After the WPC has hardened, the restored area will only need to be sanded using fine-grain sandpaper. The composition, made with your own hands, can also be used for arranging new floors. Collect and make homemade WPC in required quantities and fill the formwork structure with it. Thickness homemade boards V in this case should be at least 5 cm. Go for it!

Unfortunately, plastic, known to all of us and so widespread throughout the world, contains substances harmful to human health. Moreover, petroleum products are used in its production. However, until recently there was virtually no alternative to this cheap material. Certainly, new construction materials appear constantly. This plywood, wood chips and fibreboards. There are also new products in the concrete industry, metallurgy, and glass industry. However, in terms of cost and, therefore, availability, they are still far from plastic.

At the beginning of the new millennium, scientists managed to create a fundamentally new structural material, which in the coming decades can almost completely replace the usual plastic. This thermoplastic wood-polymer composite(DPKT or DPK), and in common people - “liquid tree”. Its production uses primary (secondary) raw materials PP, PE or PVC plus wood additives (wood flour, other plant fibers) and auxiliary additives. The effect exceeded all expectations. Newest material not only environmentally friendly (sulfur content reduced by 90%), but also, combining best properties wood and plastic, kept the cost relatively low.

According to experts, the annual growth of WPC sales in the world is about 20%. So what is this miracle that architects, designers and production workers have been waiting for so long? Let's try to figure it out.

Application and processing

Due to its properties, wood-polymer composite is excellently used in a wide variety of fields. The materials are characterized by homogeneity and smoothness of the surface, plasticity, resistance to atmospheric and biological influences, and service life even in harsh conditions. street conditions reaches 50 years.

All this allows the use of WPC in the production of various architectural and building materials: skirting boards, lining, window sills, profiles, decorative elements, as well as fillers.

They make ready-to-use products from WPC: laminate, floor coverings, furniture sheets, furniture, cable boxes, multi-chamber window profiles and even decking - a profile for the manufacture of berths and piers.

The physical and mechanical properties of the wood-polymer composite provide ample opportunities to process it. Material does not lose its shape and strength, taking in up to 4% moisture. Lightweight, hollow things can be made from it. It is mounted using nails and screws, as well as special latches.

And also, WPC can be veneered with veneer, laminated with films and sheet plastics, painted with any paints and varnishes, to obtain various decorative effects, adding pigments to the composition, etc.

Products obtained from WPC are easily machining. They are easily sawed, drilled, cut, glued, welded to each other, bent (after preheating with a burner), and if flour from soft wood or cellulose-containing waste is added to the material, this also gives the product increased plasticity.

Finally, WPC, in addition to the aesthetics that gives it appearance, is also pleasant to the senses, having a light woody scent.

Production technology

A number of components are used to make a wood-polymer composite. First of all, this is, of course, crushed wood or cellulose-containing raw materials. That is, it can be not only wood, but also corn, rice, soybeans, straw, paper, sawdust, etc. The second main component of WPC is synthetic binders. These include: polyethylene, PVC propylene, etc. The remaining components are additional additives, the composition of which varies depending on the purpose of the future product. The most common include: dyes, pigments, antioxidants, shockproof modifiers, light and heat stabilizers, fire retardants and antiseptics for protection against fire and rotting, hydrophobic additives for resistance to dampness, foaming agents to reduce the density of WPC.

Wood particle volume in the material can range from 30 to 70%, and their size is from 0.7 to 1.5 mm. Fine fractions are used in the production of finished profiles that do not require additional processing surfaces. Medium ones are suitable for painting or finishing with veneer. Rough - for technical purposes.

Volume of synthetic binders x also varies and can range from 2 to 55%. This again depends on the purpose of the future product. As for additional additives, their volume in the material does not exceed 15%.

By the way, not so long ago German developers managed to produce "liquid tree" perfect quality . Specialists from the Fraunhofer Institute created it from lignin. This material is obtained from wood. DPK called Arboform is a completely non-toxic product. Moreover, if an ordinary wood-polymer composite can be processed 3-4 times, then this one can be processed up to 10 times. Why are we doing this? The fact is that in China the WPC production industry is growing like nowhere else in the world. And, if in Europe and the USA the created materials undergo a series of tests, then in the Middle Kingdom they do not bother themselves with this and supply the market, including the international one, with a product of not the best quality.

Now about equipment for the production of WPC. Its standard composition includes: a twin-screw extruder, a molding die, a calibration and cooling table, a pulling device, a length cutting device, a width division (if necessary) and a stacker. The entire line is compact, and its control is usually fully automated. Some models also include: a mill (raw material grinder), a raw material autoloader, and a mixer.

Manufacturers of such lines and modules are mainly Chinese companies. The leaders among them are WPC, Zhangjiagang City Boxin Machinery, etc. The quality of the equipment is of a decent level, especially since the main components for them are produced by European machine-building plants.

Materials based on several components, which determines their operational and technological characteristics. Composites are based on a matrix based on metal, polymer or ceramic. Additional reinforcement is performed with fillers in the form of fibers, whiskers and various particles.

Are composites the future?

Plasticity, strength, wide scope of application - this is what distinguishes modern composite materials. What is this from a production point of view? These materials consist of a metallic or non-metallic base. To strengthen the material, flakes of greater strength are used. Among them we can highlight plastic, which is reinforced with boron, carbon, glass fibers, or aluminum, reinforced with steel or beryllium threads. If you combine the contents of the components, you can obtain composites of different strength, elasticity, and resistance to abrasives.

Main types

The classification of composites is based on their matrix, which can be metallic or non-metallic. Materials with a metal matrix based on aluminum, magnesium, nickel and their alloys gain additional strength due to fibrous materials or refractory particles that do not dissolve in the base metal.

Composites with a non-metallic matrix are based on polymers, carbon or ceramics. Among the polymer matrices, the most popular are epoxy, polyamide and phenol-formaldehyde. The shape of the composition is given by the matrix, which acts as a kind of binder. Fibers, strands, threads, and multilayer fabrics are used to strengthen materials.

Manufacturing composite materials is carried out on the basis of the following technological methods:

  • impregnation of reinforcing fibers with matrix material;
  • molding reinforcement tapes and matrix in a mold;
  • cold pressing of components with further sintering;
  • electrochemical coating of fibers and further pressing;
  • deposition of the matrix by plasma spraying and subsequent compression.

What hardener?

Composite materials have found application in many areas of industry. We have already said what it is. based on several components that are necessarily strengthened special fibers or crystals. The strength of the composites themselves depends on the strength and elasticity of the fibers. Depending on the type of reinforcement, all composites can be divided:

  • on fiberglass;
  • carbon fiber composites with carbon fibers;
  • boron fibers;
  • organofibers.

Reinforcing materials can be laid in two, three, four or more threads; the more there are, the stronger and more reliable the composite materials will be in operation.

Wood composites

Wood composite is worth mentioning separately. It is obtained through a combination of raw materials different types, with wood being the main component. Each wood-polymer composite consists of three elements:

  • particles of crushed wood;
  • thermoplastic polymer (PVC, polyethylene, polypropylene);
  • complex chemical additives in the form of modifiers - up to 5% of them in the composition of the material.

The most popular type of wood composites is composite board. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it combines the properties of both wood and polymers, which significantly expands the scope of its application. Thus, the board is distinguished by its density (its indicator is influenced by the base resin and the density of wood particles), and good bending resistance. At the same time, the material is environmentally friendly and retains the texture, color and aroma of natural wood. The use of composite boards is absolutely safe. Due to polymer additives, the composite board acquires high level wear resistance and moisture resistance. It can be used for finishing terraces, garden paths, even if they have a heavy load.

Production Features

Wood composites have a special structure due to the combination of polymer base with wood. Among materials of this type we can note chipboards of different densities, oriented chipboards and wood-polymer composites. Production of composite materials of this type is carried out in several stages:

  1. Wood is crushed. Crushers are used for this. After crushing, the wood is sifted and divided into fractions. If the moisture content of the raw material is above 15%, it must be dried.
  2. The main components are dosed and mixed in certain proportions.
  3. The finished product is pressed and formatted to obtain a marketable appearance.

Main characteristics

We have described the most popular polymer composite materials. What it is is now clear. Thanks to the layered structure, it is possible to reinforce each layer with parallel continuous fibers. It is worth mentioning separately the characteristics of modern composites, which differ:

  • high value of temporary resistance and endurance limit;
  • high level of elasticity;
  • strength, which is achieved by reinforcing layers;
  • Due to rigid reinforcing fibers, composites are highly resistant to tensile stress.

Metal-based composites are characterized by high strength and heat resistance, while they are practically inelastic. Due to the structure of the fibers, the speed of propagation of cracks, which sometimes appear in the matrix, is reduced.

Polymer materials

Polymer composites are presented in a variety of options, which opens up great opportunities for their use in different areas, ranging from dentistry to the production of aviation equipment. Composites based on polymers are filled with different substances.

The most promising areas of use can be considered construction, oil and gas industry, production of automobile and railway transport. It is these industries that account for about 60% of the volume of use of polymer composite materials.

Thanks to high stability polymer composites to corrosion, a smooth and dense surface of products obtained by molding, increases the reliability and durability of the final product.

Let's consider popular types


Glass fibers formed from molten inorganic glass are used to reinforce these composite materials. The matrix is ​​based on thermoactive synthetic resins and thermoplastic polymers, which are distinguished by high strength, low thermal conductivity, and high electrical insulating properties. Initially, they were used in the production of antenna radomes in the form of dome-shaped structures. IN modern world fiberglass plastics are widely used in construction industry, shipbuilding, production of household equipment and sports items, radio electronics.

In most cases, fiberglass is produced on the basis of spraying. This method is especially effective in small- and medium-scale production, for example, hulls of boats, boats, cabins for road transport, railway cars. Spraying technology is convenient and economical, since there is no need to cut the glass material.

Carbon fiber reinforced plastics

The properties of polymer-based composite materials make it possible to use them in a wide variety of fields. They use carbon fibers as a filler, obtained from synthetic and natural fibers based on cellulose and pitches. The fiber is thermally processed in several stages. Compared to fiberglass plastics, carbon fibers have a lower density and a higher density while being light and strong. Due to their unique performance properties, carbon fiber reinforced plastics are used in mechanical and rocket engineering, the production of space and medical equipment, bicycles and sports equipment.


These are multicomponent materials based on boron fibers introduced into a thermosetting polymer matrix. The fibers themselves are represented by monofilaments, strands, which are braided with an auxiliary glass thread. The high hardness of the threads ensures the strength and resistance of the material to aggressive factors, but at the same time, boron plastics are fragile, which complicates processing. Boron fibers are expensive, so the scope of boron plastics is limited mainly to the aviation and space industries.


In these composites, the fillers are mainly synthetic fibers- ropes, threads, fabrics, paper. Among the special properties of these polymers are low density, lightness compared to glass and carbon fiber plastics, high tensile strength and high resistance to impacts and dynamic loads. This composite material is widely used in such areas as mechanical engineering, shipbuilding, automobile construction, in the production of space technology, and chemical engineering.

What is the effectiveness?

Due to their unique composition, composite materials can be used in a variety of fields:

  • in aviation in the production of aircraft parts and engines;
  • space technology for the production of power structures of devices that are subject to heating;
  • automotive industry to create lightweight bodies, frames, panels, bumpers;
  • mining industry in the production of drilling tools;
  • civil engineering for the creation of bridge spans, elements of prefabricated structures in high-rise buildings.

The use of composites makes it possible to increase the power of engines and power plants, while reducing the weight of machinery and equipment.

What are the prospects?

According to representatives of the Russian industry, composite materials belong to a new generation of materials. It is planned that by 2020 the volume of domestic production of products in the composite industry will increase. Pilot projects aimed at developing new generation composite materials are already being implemented across the country.

The use of composites is advisable in a variety of fields, but it is most effective in industries related to high technology. For example, today no one aircraft are not created without the use of composites, and some of them use about 60% polymer composites.

Thanks to the possibility of combining various reinforcing elements and matrices, it is possible to obtain a composition with a certain set of characteristics. And this, in turn, makes it possible to use these materials in a variety of fields.

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