Study of the basic psychological characteristics of an employee and their use in managing an organization. Typology of employee behavior in an organization

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We are all different. But there is a child in each of us. A child who needs to play. Therefore, study your subordinates, formulate rules, distribute roles. And start the game. A game called "Work".

How to turn work into a game and employees into successful players? Start by defining what your company is like. What game are your employees playing? How are their roles distributed? And what do you, as a leader, understand by the word “game”?

Having surveyed 100 executives of Russian companies, I received the following answers: 36% perceive the game as a struggle, for 18% of respondents the game is a war, for 16% it is a competition.

For 15% of managers, this word is associated with sports, for 7% it is a lottery, 5% identify the game with theater. And only 3% of respondents understand the word “game” as an opportunity to win, that is, to achieve a goal, a result.

Dream Team

How to assemble a winning team of your employees? To do this, you need to follow several principles.

Do you often talk to your subordinates? But you can understand a person only by listening and hearing what he says. Watch sports team coaches. You will see that they often communicate with each player individually. At the same time, they know its strengths and weaknesses.

To achieve the set goal and obtain results, it is important that the employee understands the purpose of the game/work, knows how to do it and has the opportunity to realize his competencies. And the main thing is that he wants to play/work.

This is where the internal motivation of the employee lies. Why should an employee want to complete a given task? If he does not have a personal goal that he can achieve by implementing the project, then the task will not be completed 100%.

Are you satisfied with less than 100%? If not, then help each employee find this personal motivation. And then it will truly be a game aimed at winning.

How to inspire employees to fulfill conditions efficient work? Real coaches know this answer. Those who know how to guide become champions.

The manager’s task is to create conditions so that employees perform their functional duties as efficiently as possible...

After all, a leader is, first of all, someone who knows where to go. He sees the goal and leads everyone else to it. He must be able to teach, and here it is important to understand that a mentor is not the one who teaches, but the one from whom they learn.

The manager must provide his subordinates with all the necessary resources. And, of course, a good manager knows how to motivate subordinates and create true commitment.

Learn to inspire big goals. By the way, they are harder to miss!

It is important for the manager, as the true heart of the team, a true leader, to receive recognition of his professional qualities from the team and gain full trust. Then the team is doomed to success.

To maintain a clear rhythm of work, you must be able to combine different styles guidelines depending on specific situations. However, you need to understand that authoritarianism does not create an atmosphere of recognition and trust.

It is important to be able to explain, participate in work on an equal footing, and delegate competently. Everything is like in a real game.

Purpose of the game

What if you imagine that in your organization employees not only work, but play? They play to win.

Agree, this is a game with the consequences of your choices and management decisions. It is very important to understand how to motivate players, how to inspire them to win, to get a decent result? How can a manager become a real coach of his team, taking into account the psychological characteristics of each player? The personnel of any organization consists of employees of different experience, length of service, status, qualifications, age, gender, each of them has their own motives for work.

The manager’s task is to create conditions so that all these people fulfill their functional responsibilities as efficiently as possible, that is, they know their role in the game and, most importantly, understand its rules. In any game there is: the opportunity to win and the risk of losing; participants; start/end; goal/results; The most important thing is that any game has rules/conditions.

Do these parameters exist in your interactions in the company? What do employees know about them?

What is the use of rules? First, following the rules increases the chances of achieving the goal (that is, winning!). And winning in in this case useful to all participants in the game. The rules provide equal opportunities for all players and guarantee their safety. In addition, familiarization and acceptance of the conditions promote conscious participation, and at the end of the game they allow you to evaluate the result.

Create the rules of the game

We propose the following algorithm for creating game rules:

  • We create an atmosphere of trust. The manager might propose an experiment called “If we were playing big game, then what would each of you like to win? How does each employee see their end result? During the week. Month. Year. What is our total gain?
  • How many participants are there in the game? Who are the main players? Who can be replaced? By whom? What is the players' total contribution to winnings? In terms of time and resources. Is everything enough for the overall win? Do we have all the necessary resources for this? What needs to be improved, changed, stopped, implemented in the team to win 100%? What can be done easier? What, perhaps, are we doing that is unnecessary? It is important to be able to work to reduce unnecessary efforts, rebuild, give up what has ceased to work or has become ineffective. What are the risks and ways to avoid them?
  • We announce a specific goal and results. Does everyone understand the answer to the question: “What is the best outcome for us?”
  • We determine the format of the final result using 4 questions:
  • What do we want?
  • What are the most best ways achieve this?
  • What is this for? Why is this important to each of us?
  • How will we understand that we have achieved results?
  • We determine where we are now in relation to what we want on a scale from 1 to 10, if 10 is the result we are striving for.
  • We determine a specific period when we need the result.
  • What will change in our company (division/department) when we achieve this?
  • What is within the control zone of each participant (unit/department), and what is influenced by others? We define relationships.
  • What are the first steps you need to take to start moving towards your goal? We determine deadlines and those responsible for execution. Moreover, it is better not to appoint those responsible, but to identify them using the question: “Who can become responsible for this?”
  • We create rules. Let your employees come up with them themselves and say what is important for them to follow during the game.

For example, in my practice, there is a case where company employees jointly created 10 commandments in relation to each other, taking into account both incentives for completing tasks ahead of schedule and penalties for irresponsibility. Inspire your employees to create truly valuable and important rules of the overall game or invite a team coach.


People reveal their true strategies when they play. There is a little child inside each of us. Watch children play. They very quickly distribute roles and discover areas of responsibility.

Among them there are always those who take the initiative, those who strive to control everything and criticize if something goes wrong.

There are those who support and smooth out all conflicts, and there are also little analysts who think and analyze how to improve conditions. They are the ones who create an atmosphere of order.

Everything's a head

These are the 4 main psychological types of employees found in any company. And the leader himself belongs to one of them.

Initiators know how to create close relationships and quickly navigate frequently changing conditions. They love noisy and even pompous events.

They avoid detailed analysis and do not collect sufficient information.

Initiators simply generate ideas and can jump from one to another. Look into the office of each employee, look at his workplace, paying attention to the details. The atmosphere in the initiator’s office will definitely show what he is interested in and what is important to him.

Such people value activity, openness, and a sense of humor. Therefore, focus not on the content, but on the form of your communication. It is the enthusiasm and imagination of the initiators that act as the driving force in projects. Remember that they need support and a clear plan of action.

If among your employees there are people who are sentimental, disorganized, noisy, fickle and seeking recognition, then these are the initiators. Believe me, they have a lot of enthusiasm, infectious inspiration, and energy. Let them show it.


This employee values ​​time, brevity, and clarity. His motto is the correct completion of tasks within a strictly established time frame. The speed and frequency of decision-making creates the impression of effective immediate response in any situation.

Goal-oriented people like to take charge, but also resent and resist opposition, while wanting to control all areas. These people strive to control the situation and take initiative in communication both as a team and with each person individually.

As a rule, they have enormous willpower and endurance, and are ready to compete with others when the issue concerns them own ideas and approaches. In organizing work, these people are able to accept any challenge and will get bored if the pace of work seems very slow to them.

They put their own interests above others and thereby cause hostility in others.

Goal-oriented people are determined and energetic in achieving results, so others often accept their leadership naturally.

It is important for a leader to know that this type of person needs responsibility for results and an understanding of leadership. Just put them in charge.

And even the most arrogant, narcissistic, callous and at first glance

insensitive people can immediately become efficient, thoughtful, skillful, knowledgeable and organized.


Emotional puts emphasis not on facts, but on the emotional component. Congratulations, you are guaranteed a psychologically comfortable environment and a friendly team.

Emotional puts emphasis not on facts, but on the emotional component. If your subordinate is like that, congratulations, you are guaranteed a psychologically comfortable environment and a friendly team...

But this does not guarantee that the company’s state of affairs is as harmonious.

Emotional people have little interest in planning and goal setting.

They need structure and a precise description of the tasks to be completed. These types of people can be more effective if you let them defend their ideas.

They are ready to cooperate, are very sensitive to the relations of their superiors, and instantly create warm relationships with the team.

Emotional people may seem unprincipled to you, not ready to take a clear position, too compliant, and lacking motivation.

However, they are the ones who create comfort in the team - close, warm and long-term relationships. Such workers do not compete, do not impose themselves on others, do not insist on their point of view, so it is easy to work with them.


Analysts can appear boring, tedious, withdrawn, uncommunicative, and indecisive. But they are the ones who create an atmosphere of order, organization and thoughtfulness of actions.

You should know that they are ready to express their point of view only after they are convinced that there are sufficient grounds. They are very afraid of making a mistake and avoid it at all costs.

Analysts are characterized by a desire to collect as many facts and opinions as possible before taking action.

They continue to doubt and collect business information even after a decision has already been made, and can get bogged down in analysis. They are more inclined towards concepts than feelings, so they are mainly in a problem-solving state.

At their workplace there are no extra leaves, photographs, insignia or gifts from colleagues. Minimalism reigns there, the effect of an “empty workplace”, where there is no room for anything superfluous or unnecessary.

In a work environment, most analysts look for an orderly and methodical approach to a task. For them, creating an atmosphere of play is very useful; they learn to be less serious, relax and enjoy their work.

Game of work

If it is important to you that your employees achieve the most in your game best result, then you should know the value orientations of people who have achieved the highest mastery:

  • Dissimilarity from people in your circle. How many companies claim gaming as their job?
  • Courage to be yourself. Do employees often express their opinions openly at meetings?
  • Some childishness. You will find that many of your employees will enjoy “playing fair and by the rules” instead of “working and waiting for Friday.”
  • Interest motivation instead of achievement motivation. The good news is that people are not at all obsessed with material motivation.
  • The emotions of laughter and good humor produce more results than the emotions of anger, criticism, denial and a poorly developed sense of humor.

So the choice is yours! Modern companies simply have an innovative need to create new rules. The rules of a real and fair game, aimed only at winning.

Olga Plisetskaya - executive and team coach, business trainer

To effectively organize work, a good manager must study the work of each of his subordinates, determine his technical competence and potential capabilities.

The study of employees in the process of work, when they have already been selected, is carried out using specially organized research methods (biographical method, questionnaires, expert assessments, test methods, business games, etc.), and in the process of routine observation and study of employee behavior in everyday work activities.

When assessing the basic psychological characteristics of employees, it is important to determine the interests and motives that motivate a person to work. When determining the orientation of a person, one should proceed, first of all, from a set of interests as the most important psychological property that characterizes a person. Interest manifests itself in a person’s tendency to engage in activities primarily related to the subject of interest, in the constant experience of pleasant feelings evoked by this subject, in the desire for constant conversations about it and about matters related to it. Interest is expressed in the greatest concentration of attention on the subject of interest, in constant thoughts about what is closely related to it.

Interest, being an individual personality trait, manifests itself in all spheres of the human psyche - in attention, in feelings, in aspirations, in thoughts and in human activities. It largely determines many character traits and the development of abilities. By studying the interests of your employees, you can determine ways to influence a person.

People's interests differ, first of all, their content, i.e. subject (in a broad sense) or area of ​​reality to which these interests are directed. Interests are assessed according to their social significance: some as positive, high, noble, others as negative, petty (and even base). A person’s individuality is characterized not only by the presence of public interests, but also by their relationship with personal ones. The most spiritually rich person is the one who has public interest stand above personal ones or coincide with them.

Another property of interests is their latitude, which in no way excludes the presence of one, main, central interest as the main life core that unites all other interests. The breadth of interests indicates a versatile personality, which means a more developed, socially adapted, aspiring person. The lack of interests or their narrowness may indicate limited development or a sluggish life position; however, drawing unambiguous conclusions based on such data is biased.

People's interests are also characterized by their stability, i.e. degree of constancy and strength. Strong interest motivates a person to be active, helps to overcome all sorts of obstacles, and strengthens will and character. Strong and sustained interest in professional activity, skill and perfection is often the basis of the general orientation of the worker, constitutes the main content of his life, determines the formation of all aspects of his psyche. Understanding this focus and the factors influencing it helps determine the employee's aspirations. Instability in interests is mainly found in people who are fickle or who are searching for themselves. It is worth taking a closer look at such employees.

From motives motivating a person to work, the predominant ones should be those that cause him satisfaction from the process of work itself and its results, and not the degree of remuneration or the social position he occupies. If an employee, starting to certain work, is guided only by earnings and does not find attractiveness in the functions he performs, the quality of work related to the powers delegated to him will be low due to indifference to the final results, and sometimes outright avoidance of work.

In this regard, it is necessary to establish:

The qualifications and goals of the employee;

The presence of character traits that allow cooperation with him in this regard;

The stability of his output, age, desire to satisfy spiritual needs;

The possibility of him using his creative powers in this particular work, the degree of its content and attractiveness;

Social and psychological atmosphere and ergonomic working conditions, their impact on the transfer of authority to a given employee;

The employee’s interest in prospects for growth and advanced training, the availability and possibility of creating conditions for this.

Non-financial motivation at work is important aspect. It resonates with the employee’s interest. If you use this knowledge about employees correctly, you can maintain their motivation to work in non-financial ways.

When assessing the personality of an employee, it is also necessary to determine such characteristic feature personality as a degree of development attention and attentiveness. Attention is the focus of consciousness on a specific object. The objects of attention can be any object or phenomenon of the external world, work activity, ideas and thoughts. Attention is often viewed as a mental process. However, it cannot be called a process in the same sense of the word as sensation, perception, memory and thinking. This is everyone's special side mental processes which provides focus on what is most important to us at the moment. If during the work process an employee’s attention is directed to other areas of his life, this can reduce his productivity. However, attention varies, and requiring employees to fully concentrate on work will also be wrong.

There are two types of attention: involuntary And arbitrary. Involuntary is attention directed to a given object without conscious intention or effort. In this case, the most characteristic properties of objects or phenomena that involuntarily attract attention are the strength of the stimulus, the movement of the object, the suddenness of its appearance, contrast and size. In people's lives and, in particular, in the activities of a leader, involuntary attention usually plays a positive role, providing a timely response to unexpected events.

Voluntary attention is consciously directed to a specific object, and this requires volitional efforts and diligence. It is voluntary attention that plays the main role in any activity. The main properties of attention are concentration, stability, volume, distribution and switching.

Concentration, or concentration attention is the degree of tension a person has when perceiving an object or performing an action. High concentration improves the quality of perception. However, too much focus on one action makes it difficult to perform other actions or leads to fatigue.

Sustainability of attention- this is maintaining the necessary concentration on a given object or action for a certain time. With passive observation of a stationary object, full stability of attention is maintained for no more than 5-10 seconds, with active observation - up to 20 minutes, and if it is possible to periodically be distracted for a few seconds - for a number of hours. To maintain long-term stability of attention, its correct organization and the importance of not only those moments when you need to concentrate, but also those when it can be weakened are important.

Attention span They call the number of objects that can be perceived by our consciousness at the same time. Practice has established that this number usually ranges from 4 to 6. The concept of “object” is determined by human experience. A means of increasing the volume of attention is to develop the ability to perceive objects as a whole, that is, to see a group of objects as one whole.

Under distribution of attention understand the simultaneous focus of attention on two or more objects or actions. Doing two at once various actions is possible only when one of them is well learned and performed automatically.

Switching attention- this is a conscious and meaningful movement of attention from one object to another. It makes it possible to perceive those objects that cannot be grasped simultaneously.

It is important to note that in each person each of the properties of attention is represented to varying degrees. Some people can concentrate well, others can switch attention from one object to another, and others can distribute it over several objects. If you know these characteristics of employees and trust them with the corresponding responsibilities, you can save the employee’s effort to complete the job.

In accordance with the development of the presented qualities of attention, we can distinguish Various types of people - attentive, inattentive And scattered:

The first category of people is characterized by focus, organization, increased stability, the desire to achieve certain conscious goals, i.e., the predominance of voluntary and post-voluntary attention;

The second category (inattentive) is characterized by superficiality in judgments and conclusions, a limited supply of knowledge, lack of will, inability to concentrate on a particular activity or thought;

It should be noted that a decrease in the level of attention is observed with severe fatigue, oxygen starvation, motion sickness, a painful condition, decreased interest in performing a task, as well as with monotonous or very simple work. Experiments have shown that if operators are given the task of pressing a button in response to the appearance of monotonous signals, their vigilance decreases (gaps appear) within the first half hour. As the task becomes more complex, the same operators remain vigilant for six hours. The latter circumstances matter for proper organization work .

When evaluating employees, it is important to take a very careful approach to assessing a person's character. Character traits- this is a certain style of behavior that has developed under the influence of life influences and upbringing, which expresses a person’s attitude to the world around him, to other people, to himself and to his business. We can say that character is a personality perceived by others, a mental physiognomy, “the stamp of a person,” as they said in ancient times.

The manager needs to study and form an opinion regarding the character traits of the subordinate in order to use his merits to improve labor efficiency and purposeful activities. It should be borne in mind that the formed character is the brightest side of individuality. How a person behaves in various life situations largely depends on it. Knowing the character of a person, we can foresee how he will act in any circumstances and what he is capable of.

At the same time, character is the most changeable personality trait compared to others. If temperament is closely related to the innate characteristics of the nervous system, then character, although it depends to some extent on them, is determined primarily by upbringing. If temperament in itself cannot be bad or good, then in relation to character it is quite legitimate to say that it is “good”, “bad” or “difficult”. Temperament is determined natural properties, and the person himself and his environment are responsible for character.

Character is closely related to all aspects of the mental and social life. Its features may be individual characteristics of the perception of cognitive processes (for example, observation, criticality of mind, perseverance), temperament (balance, sociability, etc.), acuity of feelings, firmness of beliefs, range of needs and interests. Most important among them have peculiarities of will. This side of the psyche is directly expressed in actions and deeds. Mental properties of a person that make up character and which make it possible with a certain probability to predict a person’s behavior when certain conditions, are called character traits. Courage, honesty, initiative, conscientiousness, cowardice are examples of various character traits.

In most cases, character determines a person’s behavior, both in life and in work. Moreover, a person can express himself differently in different jobs. Character combines various traits, and the manifestation of any of them depends on the totality various factors, which are difficult to identify. However, a manager can try to change the working conditions, and therefore some of the factors, and look at changes in the manifestation of character.

It is necessary to approach the work of determining character traits consciously and be purposeful, taking into account that a significant part of managers approach this spontaneously and intuitively. As a result, their knowledge of the character traits of their subordinates, as well as other personal qualities of the employee, is sometimes not at a high level and can lead to all sorts of misunderstandings in relationships with colleagues, as well as serve as a source of a number of misconceptions. In practice, this manifests itself in the form of resentment, distrust or suspicion, an increased sense of indignation, irritation due to the supposedly increased demands of the manager, lack of interest in the work, depression, and the perception of work as a painful, endless process. Moreover, this is not always clearly visible or clearly recognized. Most often, these relationships are veiled, especially at the initial stage of a manager’s activity. But still they exist and negatively affect the naturalness of the labor process, the entire praxeological activity of man.

It should be noted that each person in individual cases can show courage, perseverance, truthfulness, and frankness. But these individual manifestations are not yet traits of his character. To say that such and such a person is truthful, frank, these qualities must be his property and invariably manifest themselves under appropriate circumstances. If a person’s actions depend not so much on himself, but on external circumstances, then in this case they speak of the person’s lack of character. People without strong convictions can never have a strong character. However, worldview and conviction create only the basis, desire, and tendencies towards the development of certain character traits. These tendencies can turn into character traits only if a person consciously works on self-education of positive ones and elimination negative traits, constantly and steadily act accordingly. The only way to make yourself disciplined is to act disciplined always and everywhere; To become polite, you must constantly behave politely. Courage is formed in the process of courageous actions, and it becomes a character trait when such actions cease to be random in a person’s life and turn into a habitual way of action for him.

As you know, character is formed, as a rule, by the age of 23-24, but there is no character that does not change over time. At the same time, the behavior of persons who are the most authoritative and referent for the character is important in the formation or change of character. this person. Often the character traits a person needs are consciously cultivated within himself. A manager or a businessman is often a role model for subordinates if he successfully carries out his activities. Thus, the leader, through his behavior, can influence the behavior of the subordinate. And this imposes certain moral obligations on leaders. To an even greater, sometimes decisive degree, the formation of character depends on the public opinion of the team, the relationships within it, integrity and sensitivity, exactingness and fairness, and adherence to moral standards.

It is important for any manager who wants to manage effectively to fairly evaluate the results of assistance from subordinates, guide their aspirations, develop their individual characteristics, and support them in difficult times. This will make them allies and assistants and will make it easier for the manager to organize work activities, and the employees themselves will be able to demonstrate their abilities and hard work to the maximum.

An effective manager should instill in his subordinates:

Entrepreneurship and realism, praxeological maturity and moral stability;

The ability to concentrate, receive a strong impression, stabilize it, clearly and accurately reproduce it and use it in one’s activities; integrity;

The ability to manage a team, strengthen and develop abilities to rationally organize one’s own work and the work of others, to lead subordinates, discipline and hard work;

Endurance and tolerance to individual characteristics the characters of employees, provided that they do not affect the overall results of work; determination;

The ability to reveal shortcomings, develop criticism and self-criticism, intolerance to various deviations and weaknesses that adversely affect the results of work;

Mutual respect, objectivity of performance evaluation criteria, impartiality;

Politeness, friendliness, tact, humanity, honesty, conscientiousness;

Ability to support advanced, progressive .

Having mastered this skill, the manager will be able to objectively determine the achievements and capabilities of everyone, provide assistance, give advice, and, if necessary, impose penalties or reward for certain actions or misdeeds. He will be able to establish the measure or degree of the employee’s reaction to certain influences, which will help to achieve specific results when transferring part of the powers, and, consequently, compensating for certain responsibilities.

Taking into account the individuality of style, character and attitude to work, guided by the rule of exceptions, initial stage You should achieve from your subordinate the results that you expect from him, making every effort to ensure that he is fully aware of all the responsibility for the powers entrusted to him. Transferring part of their powers to subordinates obliges the latter to achieve certain results in their work. You should guide the activities of your subordinates, developing in them a sense of pride in the results of their work. Show them that you are doing one common thing, that the results of their work, their achievements will become integral part your overall results, successes and achievements.

Thus, an effective manager must learn to identify the individual characteristics, style and approach to work of each of his subordinates, and not treat them as representatives of a homogeneous mass. This can be achieved by studying and analyzing personal contacts, correct and fair assessment of the results of their work, which will make it possible to study the impact of the transfer of powers on subordinates, and to implement appropriate personnel policies - selection and reshuffling of personnel.

Conclusion from the second chapter

To summarize, it should be said that the study of employees is carried out both by specially organized research methods (biographical method, questionnaires, expert assessments, test methods, business games, etc.), and in the process of ordinary observation and study of employee behavior in everyday work activities . The main characteristics that influence the behavior of an employee in an organization are character, interests, motives, attention and concentration, and abilities. Character is the most voluminous characteristic to study, since it reflects the entire life and social experience of an employee. All this data helps the manager more effectively build the process of organizing work, optimize it, and take into account individual parameters employee to increase his productivity at work.

A developed employee must be energetic, be able to manage his emotions, be ready to openly express his opinion, have the ability to change his point of view under the influence of arguments and not force, carry out his professional duties conscientiously and skillfully, and strive to increase his level of professional competence.

The following list of personal qualities of a good employee is described in the book by L.D. Stolyarenko, which was proposed by Professor of the University of Tokyo K. Ishikawa. Among them, he included a desire for cooperation, a sense of responsibility, a desire to work, good health, sociability, a spirit of competition, and job satisfaction.

An interesting classification of employees in his work “Managerial Anthropology” was proposed by the Russian scientist V. M. Shepel:

Table 2. Types of employees

Types of employees

Distinctive features


Sociable employees who actively support social causes


Gravitating towards personal responsibility and independence


Employees imitating other people's mannerisms and avoiding complications


Employees who are characterized by vanity, touchiness, and a desire to be the center of attention


Weak-willed employees who do not show initiative


Employees with an obnoxious character

Any manager or employee has probably had to deal with so-called “difficult employees.” In the book "Communication with difficult people" R. Bramson identifies several types of such people.

Table 3. Types of “difficult” employees

Employee type

Distinctive features


The speaker is rude and unceremonious, taunts others and becomes irritated if they do not listen to him. As a rule, his aggressiveness hides the fear of revealing his incompetence.


A person who is obsessed with some idea and accuses others (someone in particular or the whole world as a whole) of all sins, but does nothing himself to solve the problem

"Angry Child"

A person belonging to this type is not angry by nature, but an explosion of emotions reflects his desire to take control of the situation. For example, a boss may lose his temper when he feels that his subordinates have lost respect for him


A person who wants something immediately, even if it is not necessary

Keeps everything to himself, doesn’t talk about his grievances, and then takes it out on someone

"Secret Avenger"

A person who causes trouble through some kind of fraud, believing that someone has done wrong, and he restores justice

"False altruist"

Ostensibly doing you good, but deep down regretting it, which can manifest itself in the form of sabotage, demands for compensation, etc.

Of course, such characteristics are an abstraction, since only one character trait is recorded in each type. Such employees are usually poorly managed, but there is no need to try to change such people or fire them, the new ones will most likely be the same.

To avoid making mistakes, it is useful to know what type of character the person you are working with or meeting is. Having quickly and accurately determined the psychological type of your partner, you no longer run the risk of accidentally offending him, and having realized that he is unreliable, you will have time to take action and beware of saying too much. In Table 4, the types of employee characters described in the training manual by L.D. Stolyarenko.

Table 4. Employee character types

Such people need to be courted for a long time before making any decision. When you first meet, never ask them to answer “yes” or “no” to a specific proposal. It is better to meet with such people several times, so that some time passes between meetings, rather than pulling an answer from them right away

A person who likes to decide everything on the fly

Such a person must certainly make a decision by the end of the meeting. If you intend to continue dealing with him, but would like to avoid making a final decision now, take some specific step, for example, say: “I’ll call you on Monday.”


This is someone who, under the guise of attention and concern for you, fishes out some information, but does not give anything in return, and even if he gives out some information, it often turns out to be false or irrelevant


Caring about the success of your neighbor, often even to the detriment of yourself. If you can recognize and welcome such a person in any business situation, you can benefit yourself. How to recognize a mentor? The first sign is the words “but I’ll teach you”, “I’ll give you a hint”, or the fact that the person is using his connections for you.

You will have to patiently listen to stories about all the victories and achievements of the Braggart both on the personal front and in the professional field. It’s better to let him brag to his heart’s content, and then get down to work.


He definitely needs to tell you everything that happened to him the day before. Listen to him, show sympathy, support, do not judge him, but do not lose your vigilance: after all, in a conversation with others, he may outline some of your personal or professional details.

His purpose and attachment is work, you will probably have to listen to him work “like hell.” Be empathetic about this and express your admiration for their dedication. They are usually afraid of communication with people and free time; work is a hidden form of protection

A man with hidden plans

Such a person invites you to a business meeting under some pretext, pursuing goals other than the agenda. If you notice this, switch the conversation from the hidden topic to the previously stated one and make sure that the motive for the meeting does not change

Homegrown psychologist

He needs to continuously analyze everything you say or do. He needs to play along - “How insightful you are!” or “How subtle you look at things!”


This is a person who has achieved something that other participants in the conversation have not achieved and now feels the need to tell this story to everyone and teach others something, so listen and perhaps you will learn something useful

He always lives with his own and other people's troubles. If you are cheerful and cheerful when communicating with such a subject, this can lead him into a real rage.


You have to be especially careful with him. Avoid saying anything that he might misinterpret, lest he think you approve of his behavior. Neutralize the situation and do not be distracted from work issues.


Keep a close eye on this person. He always needs to control the situation, he is able to impose his will on everyone, tries to manipulate any phrase, any situation. Maintain a calm and friendly tone, because you have penetrated his simple tactics

To successfully interact with people, it is important to know what the personality type of the person you are meeting or working with is. By quickly and accurately determining the psychological type, you no longer risk accidentally offending a person and can find a path to productive cooperation.

Personality is a unique set of biological and social properties of a person, the most important of which are the social components that manifest themselves in human social activities.

Important components of personality structure are:

    orientation, including various personality traits - needs, interests, ideological and practical installations etc.;

    opportunities, i.e. abilities that determine success in its activities; abilities - predisposition, inclination and ability to perform any actions. The basis of abilities is giftedness. It is important for the management system to promptly identify and use the abilities of employees, as well as create conditions for their development;

    character - a set of mental characteristics, personality traits;

    the ability to carry out self-regulation in practical activities.

Character is the result of a person’s interaction with the world, a set of relatively stable acquired qualities that express a person’s attitude towards himself, other people, things, society and are manifested in stable, habitual forms of behavior.

The following main types of character accentuation (strengthening of traits) are distinguished:

1. Hyperactive. The person is very energetic, independent, strives for leadership, risk, and adventure. He does not respond to comments, there is no self-criticism. It is necessary to be cautious about his unfounded optimism and overestimation of his capabilities. Traits that are attractive to interlocutors: energy, thirst for activity, initiative, a sense of new things, optimism.

The people around him do not like him: frivolity, a tendency to immoral acts, a frivolous attitude towards the responsibilities assigned to him, irritability in the circle of close people. Conflict is possible during monotonous work, loneliness, under conditions of strict discipline, constant moralizing. This causes that person to become angry. Such a person performs well in work that requires constant communication. He is characterized by frequent changes of profession and place of work.

2. Dysthymic (dysthymic). This type of person is constantly in a low mood, sad, withdrawn, taciturn, and pessimistic. They are burdened by noisy societies and do not get along closely with their colleagues. They rarely enter into conflicts; more often they are a passive party in them. They greatly value those people who are friends with them and tend to obey them. People around them like seriousness, high morality, conscientiousness and justice in these people. But such traits as passivity, pessimism, sadness, and slowness of thinking repel others from getting to know and befriend them.

Conflicts occur in situations that require vigorous activity. For these people, a change in their usual lifestyle has a negative impact. They do well in work that does not require a wide range of communication. Under unfavorable conditions they show a tendency to neurotic depression. This accentuation occurs more often in people of melancholic temperament.

3. Cycloid (cyclothymic). The accentuation of character is manifested in cyclically changing periods of rise and fall of mood. During periods of rising mood, people manifest themselves as people with hyperthymic accentuation, and during periods of declining mood - with dysthymic accentuation. During a recession, they perceive troubles more acutely. These frequent changes states of mind tire a person, make his behavior unpredictable, contradictory, prone to changing profession, place of work, interests. This type of character is found in persons of choleric temperament.

4. Emotive (emotionality). This person is overly sensitive, vulnerable and deeply worries about the slightest troubles. He is overly sensitive to comments and failures, so he is often in a sad mood. He prefers a narrow circle of friends and relatives who would understand him perfectly.

He rarely enters into conflicts and plays a passive role in them. He does not splash out his grievances, but keeps them to himself. Those around him like his altruism, compassion, pity, and expression of joy over other people's successes. He is very efficient and has a high sense of duty. He perceives conflicts tragically. Injustice, rudeness, and being surrounded by rude people are contraindicated for him.

5. Demonstrative (demonstrativeness). This person strives to be the center of attention and achieves his goals at any cost: tears, fainting, scandals, illnesses, boasting, outfits, unusual hobbies, lies. He easily forgets about his unseemly deeds. He has a high adaptability to people.

This type of person is attractive to others due to his courtesy, perseverance, focus, acting talent, ability to captivate others, as well as his originality. But he has traits that push people away from him and contribute to conflict: selfishness, unbridled morals, deceit, boastfulness, a tendency to intrigue, shirking from work. A conflict with such a person occurs when his interests are infringed, his merits are underestimated, or he is toppled from his pedestal. These situations cause him to have hysterical reactions. Such a person is oppressed by a closed circle of communication and monotonous work. He can prove himself in working with constantly changing short-term contacts.

6. Excitable (excitability). These people have increased irritability, lack of restraint, gloominess, boringness, but flattery, helpfulness (as a disguise), a tendency to rudeness and obscene language or silence, slowness in conversation. They actively and often conflict, do not avoid quarrels with their superiors, are difficult to get along with in the team, and are despotic and cruel in the family. Outside of fits of anger, these people are conscientious, careful and show love to children.

Those around them do not like their irritability, short temper, inadequate outbursts of anger and rage with assault, cruelty, and weakened control over desire. These people have a good influence physical work, athletic sports. They need to develop self-control and self-control. Due to their quarrelsome nature, they often change jobs.

7. Stuck (stuck). People with this type of accentuation get stuck on their feelings and thoughts. They cannot forget grievances and “settle scores” with their offenders. They have official and everyday intractability and a tendency to protracted squabbles. In a conflict, they are most often an active party and clearly define for themselves a circle of enemies and friends. They show a love of power - “the boring nature of a moral teacher.”

The interlocutors like their desire to achieve high performance in any business, the manifestation of high demands on themselves, a thirst for justice, integrity, strong, stable views. But at the same time, people of this type have traits that repel others from them: resentment, suspicion, vindictiveness, ambition, arrogance, jealousy, a sense of justice inflated to the point of fanaticism. Conflict is possible when pride is hurt, unfair resentment, or an obstacle to achieving ambitious goals. These people perform well in work that gives them a sense of independence and the opportunity to express themselves.

8. Pedantic (pedantic). These people are characterized by tediousness in the form of “experiencing” details; at work, they are capable of tormenting visitors with formal requirements, and exhausting their household with excessive neatness.

They are attractive to others because of their conscientiousness, accuracy, seriousness, and reliability in business and in feelings. But such people also have repulsive traits: formalism, pettiness, boringness, the desire to shift important decisions to others. Conflicts are possible in a situation of personal responsibility for an important matter, when their merits are underestimated. For these people, professions that are not associated with great responsibility, paper work, are preferred. They are not inclined to change jobs.

9. Anxious (anxiety). People of this type of accentuation are characterized by low mood, timidity, and self-doubt. They constantly fear for themselves and their loved ones, experience failure for a long time and doubt the correctness of their actions. They rarely enter into conflicts and play a passive role. Conflicts are possible in situations of fear, threat, punishment, ridicule, and unfair accusations.

People around them like their friendliness, self-criticism and diligence. But timidity and suspiciousness due to defenselessness sometimes serve as a target for jokes and are often scapegoats. Such people cannot be leaders or make responsible decisions, since they are characterized by endless worry and weighing.

10. Exalted (exaltation). People with this type of accentuation have a very changeable mood, talkativeness, and increased distractibility to external events. Their emotions are clearly expressed and are reflected in falling in love.

Traits such as altruism, a sense of compassion, artistic taste, artistic talent, brightness of feelings and affection for friends are liked by interlocutors. But excessive impressionability, pathos, alarmism, and susceptibility to despair are not their best traits. Failures and sad events are perceived tragically and have a tendency to neurotic depression.

11. Introverted. People of this type of accentuation are characterized by low sociability and isolation. They are aloof from everyone and enter into communication with other people out of necessity; most often they are immersed in themselves and their thoughts. They are characterized by increased vulnerability, but they do not tell anything about themselves and do not share their experiences. They even treat their close people coldly and reservedly. Their behavior and logic are often not understood by others.

These people love solitude and prefer to be in solitude than in noisy company. They rarely enter into conflicts, only when trying to invade their inner world. They present high requirements to their future spouse and are busy searching for their ideal. They have strong emotional coldness and weak attachment to close people. People around them like them for their restraint, sedateness, thoughtfulness of actions, strong convictions and adherence to principles. But stubbornly defending one’s unrealistic interests, views and having one’s own point of view, which is sharply different from the opinion of the majority, pushes people away from them. Loneliness, intrusiveness, unceremoniousness and rudeness of others increase isolation.

12. Conformal (conformity). People of this type are highly sociable, talkative to the point of talkativeness. Usually they do not have their own opinion and are very dependent, they strive to be like everyone else and not stand out “from the crowd.”

These people are disorganized and prefer to obey; when communicating with friends and in the family, they cede leadership to others. Those around these people like their willingness to listen to the confession of another, their diligence. But at the same time, these people are subject to the influence of others. They do not think about their actions and have a great passion for entertainment. Conflicts are possible in situations of forced loneliness and lack of control. These people are easily adaptable to new job and do a great job with their job responsibilities when tasks and rules of behavior are clearly defined.

The internal characteristics of the individual, through which external social influences are refracted in a specific way, are diverse. These are also individual peculiarities:

    motivation of leading desires and interests;

    value orientations, beliefs, ideals, life goals, scenarios;

    self-esteem, anxiety, neuroticism;

    personality typology.

The most significant typologies:

    typology of temperaments (typological features of the nervous system);

    constitutional typology (asthenics, athletes, picnics);

    personality typology depending on the style of information interaction with the environment:

    extroverts - introverts;

    thinking - emotional type;

    sensing - intuitive type;

    perceiving (irrational) - decisive (rational) type and their relationships (16 psychosociotypes).

It is necessary to take into account, firstly, that belonging to one or another type is determined by genetic predisposition, secondly, that there are no “pure” psychotypes, and thirdly, there is a direct connection between the temperament and business qualities of a particular individual.

Temperament is caused by the innate dynamic properties of the nervous system, which determine the speed of response, the degree of emotional excitability, and the characteristics of the individual’s adaptation to the world.

The dominant instinct corresponds to a certain temperament, a certain body constitution, and certain properties of the nervous system. There are four types of temperament: choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholic.

People choleric temperament - active, purposeful, emotionally passionate, courageous, uncompromising. Their instinct of self-preservation is weakened and the instincts of dominance, preservation of dignity and research dominate. Their physique is lean, wiry, and hardy. Cholerics have an unbalanced nervous system, are fussy, restless, and are characterized by harshness, straightforwardness, and stubbornness. Therefore, they are recklessly hasty in words and actions, conflictually unrestrained, with swings in mood and performance. Such a worker is not suitable for routine work and work that requires patience, such as long business negotiations. His capabilities as a leader are limited; a phlegmatic deputy is desirable.

People sanguine temperaments are quick, easy to switch, sociable, optimistic, compromising and flexible. They are dominated by the instinct of freedom, they are focused on risk, pace, quick results, and freedom of action. However, when they start something with passion, they rarely complete it and are unstable in their likes and dislikes. Average build and average height. A strong, balanced, mobile nervous system ensures quick and deliberate reactions, constantly good mood, excellent adaptability to people, changing social situations, variability of interests, feelings, views. Sanguine is ideal for working with people, including as a leader.

People phlegmatic temperamentally slow, withdrawn, patient, peaceful, stable. They are dominated by the altruistic instinct and instincts of self-preservation and procreation. They are consistent and thorough in their actions, stable in their likes and dislikes, and indifferent to praise. In terms of physique, they are broad-shouldered, broad-chested, and of medium or small height. They have a strong, balanced, inert nervous system that ensures a balanced mood, constancy of feelings, affections, interests, views, endurance, resistance to long-term adversity, and slowness. A phlegmatic person is indispensable when working with documentation.

Main feature melancholic- This is a heightened sensitivity to the surrounding world. People of melancholic temperament are prone to heightened experiences, thoughts, increased sensitivity and fatigue, immersed in their world of experiences and thoughts, possessing high intellectual, creative, and sometimes artistic abilities. In terms of physique, they are often asthenic - fragile, graceful, with a flat chest, narrow shoulders, elongated and thin limbs. They have a weak nervous system, which in tense stressful situations often leads a person to a state of confusion, slowness of thinking, deterioration in performance, and stupor. A melancholic person is shy, suspicious, touchy, does not believe in his own strength, and is prone to suspicion.

Depending on the temperament a person is initially predisposed to the dominance of certain emotions: some are initially prone to interest, joy, surprise (sanguine temperament), others to anger, disgust, hostility (choleric temperament), and others to sadness (melancholic).

Temperaments, as innate coping styles, are inextricably linked to human instincts. Instincts are fixed in genetic code a program of adaptation, self-preservation and procreation, attitude towards oneself and others. Animals also have instincts as a genetic adaptation program, but human instincts are a qualitatively different adaptation program than animals. The instinct of self-preservation and the instinct of procreation are basic; they ensure the physical survival of man and the human species. Specific human instincts - the research instinct and the instinct of freedom - provide the primary specialization of a person, and the instincts of dominance and preservation of dignity ensure self-affirmation and self-preservation of a person in the psychosocial aspect. The altruistic instinct socializes the adaptive essence of all other instincts. Usually in a person one or more instincts dominate, and the rest are less expressed.

By dominance of one or another instinct, seven types of people can be distinguished.

Egophilic type - self-preservation dominates, with early childhood a tendency towards increased caution, a tendency towards suspiciousness, intolerance to pain, anxiety towards everything unknown, self-centeredness. The egophilic type may be one of the reasons for the formation of such a variant of a “difficult character”, which is characterized by excessive selfishness, suspicion, suspiciousness, hysteria, and cowardice.

Genophilic type - the instinct of procreation dominates, already in childhood the interests of this type of people are fixed on the family, in adulthood their credo is “the interests of the family above all”, “my home is my fortress”, for the sake of children and family they are ready to sacrifice themselves.

Altruistic type - the instinct of altruism dominates; since childhood, kindness, caring for loved ones, the ability to give the last to others, even what he himself needs, are manifested. Selfless people who have devoted their lives to significant interests, protecting the weak, helping the sick and disabled are altruistic people.

Research type - the instinct of research, increased curiosity, the desire to get to the essence of everything, endless questions and dissatisfaction with superficial answers dominate, they read a lot, do experiments.

Dominant type - instinct of dominance manifests itself as the ability to organize work, set a goal and show the will to achieve it, the ability to understand people and lead them, efficiency, priority of status needs (careerism), increased need to control others, a tendency to take into account the needs of the entire team when neglect of the interests of one specific person. Leaders, executives, politicians, organizers, but also the “difficult characters” of tyrants and tyrants grow on the basis of this type.

Libertophilic type - the instinct of freedom dominates, the tendency to protest against any restriction of his freedom grows with it. Striving for independence, stubbornness, tolerance to pain, hardship, predisposition to risk, intolerance of routine, bureaucracy. The instincts of self-preservation and procreation are suppressed.

Dignitophilous type - the instinct of preserving dignity dominates, intolerant of any form of humiliation. Such a person is ready to sacrifice his life, his freedom, his career, his professional interests, and his family in the name of preserving honor and dignity.

When one instinct dominates, the tendencies of personality development are also one-sided.

The psychosociotype can quite significantly influence the state, behavior, level of activity or destructiveness of employees. A personality’s psychotype is an innate mental structure that determines a specific type of information exchange between the individual and the environment, which determines the specificity of the behavioral response in interpersonal and social relations, the specifics of the manifestation of socio-psychological well-being.

Typological profiles will help you not only understand your strengths and weaknesses, but also cope with those who constantly create additional difficulties at work.

The employee needs to know what preferences people who surround him. Studying a typological portrait will help him penetrate to the very essence of the problem and find a path to peaceful discussion and successful resolution conflict.

There are four main preferences:

    the first has to do with where a person draws his energy from - from the outside world (extroverted) or within himself (introverted);

    the second is related to how a person collects information about the world - verbatim and sequentially (sensory-sensing) or more arbitrarily (intuitive);

    the third relates to how a person makes decisions - objectively and impartially (thinking-logical) or subjectively and interpersonally (emotionally feeling);

    the fourth has to do with lifestyle - whether a person prefers to be decisive and methodical (decisive, rational) or compliant and spontaneous (perceptive, irrational).

If a person is energized by people and activities and feels drained by being alone for too long, if he tends to talk first and think later, and if he is sociable and active, then this is most likely extrovert.

If a person keeps his observations and thoughts to himself, and lively discussions tire him, if he prefers to listen more than to talk, if a person is uncommunicative and after talking with his interlocutor wants to be left alone with himself and his thoughts, then he probably belongs to introverts.

There are usually more extroverts than introverts.

Both types of behavior are completely normal if you understand their nature.

Extroverts and introverts find energy and strength in their own ways. Extroverts are as we see them, they splash out their thoughts and feelings; and in the case of an introvert, what we see reflects only part of their character. Introverts do not begin to open up immediately, but only if they trust others or in exceptional circumstances.

Information about the world around us is collected in two main ways:

    if a person prefers specific information and, when collecting it, relies only on what can be seen, heard, touched, smelled, focuses attention on facts and details, then he is a sensory type;

    if a person collects information in an arbitrary way, looks for his own meaning in it, relies on intuition, looks for indirect meaning and relationships between various phenomena, then he probably belongs to intuitive type.

It must be remembered that those who belong to sensory like, they take everything literally: they need specific information. Those of the intuitive type, on the contrary, can find a hundred ways to answer a question, none of which will be sufficient for a person of the sensory type.

People related to intuitive categories, when making decisions, rely on their inner voice, their own intuition, regardless of how others act in similar situations. For sensory people, on the contrary, the experience of others and common sense are the criterion for making decisions. Fantasy is alien to them.

People rational-decisive types create structural certainty that is regulated, planned and subject to control. They are decisive, think things through and are able to make decisions with minimal stress. Decision-type people tend to make a decision instead of using (considering) new information, even if this information should inevitably change their decision.

People related to irrational perceiver type, they try to be flexible, spontaneous, adapt to a variety of situations. Making a decision and committing to it makes them anxious about how to solve a particular problem or even what to do today. Perceiving types tend to accumulate information instead of rushing to a conclusion (evaluation) on any issue.

The information that a person receives, being a sensory or intuitive type, leads to some kind of decision or action.

If, when making a decision, a person prefers to be logical, analytical, impartial and objective until he comes to a conclusion, then he belongs to thinking, logical type.

If a person relies on his subjective attitude to information, on a subjective assessment of an event, taking into account how this decision will affect others, on interpersonal relationships, then he gravitates towards emotional-feeling type.

Various moral and psychological qualities determine a certain type of behavior of each employee when communicating and different attitudes towards himself on the part of other employees.

Taking this into account, the production team can highlight:

    collectivists- people actively participating in team events;

    individualists- those who gravitate towards independent actions;

    claimants- people who are active, independent and persistent in achieving goals, but are vain;

    imitators- individuals who have poor independent thinking, a desire to adapt to emerging conditions due to fear of any complications for themselves;

    passive- those who have a low level of volitional preparation, they are socially inert;

    isolated- workers who alienate people with their wrong actions or statements.

To successfully interact with the organizational environment, an employee must know what type of character the person he meets or works with is. Having quickly and accurately determined the psychological type of a partner, he no longer runs the risk of accidentally offending him, and having realized that the partner is unreliable, he will have time to take action and beware of saying too much.

Through qualitative analysis, the most typical psychological profiles of performers:

    creative type of performer, independent, competent, searching;

    above standard - focused, interested, organized;

    regulated (most common);


    “transforming” the instructions of the leader;

    low motivated;

    evasive type of performer;

    difficult-to-manage subordinates.

This article will tell you how employees differ by type of motivation, will tell you why to divide sales managers into five types, and will explain why it is dangerous to equally reward and deprive all subordinates.

You cannot choose one type of motivation for all employees. Some are ready to work more to get a bonus, while for others the main thing is to have a rest on schedule. I recently attended a training session, after which I changed the company’s motivation system. Employee productivity has increased. The essence of the method: sales managers can be divided into five types and certain incentives can be selected for each (drawing). I'll tell you more.

Type 1. “State Employee”

People of this type work from 9:00 to 18:00, after work they go to the gym or go for a walk with their family. They are looking for an office close to home because they value convenience. Such workers will be satisfied with a low but stable wage. The main thing is that it is regularly indexed. They do not leave their comfort zone and work for 20 years in one organization. “State employees” are rarely noticed, but when they go on vacation or quit, work usually stops.

How to find out at an interview. When applying for a job, encourage the candidate to ask questions. The “state employee” will ask whether the company often stays late in the evenings, whether the office is going to move, and whether they will give him a clear job description.

How to recognize in a team.“State employees” do not like to stay after work, go to corporate events, or go on business trips. He follows instructions and doesn't stand out from the crowd. The main requirements of this type of sales manager are equality, stability and reliability.

What type of motivation to use. Main motivator - free time. If a person receives a day off or permission to leave work early for exceeding the plan, this is a better incentive than money.

How to interact. Give such employees clear instructions and avoid situations where they are required to make their own decisions.

Whom to appoint.“State employees” are suited to work with a clear schedule and a clear description of the work process. In our company, this is, for example, the position of cashier. The schedule is two to two, work close to home. The employee clearly understands how to conduct cash transactions, what can and cannot be done.

At the training, they gave an example of a “state employee” salesperson. When they offered a bonus for exceeding the plan, the manager fulfilled it, but did not exceed it. When did they promise an additional day off for every 100 thousand rubles? above the plan, the employee exceeded it four times.

Forget now: five phrases that kill motivation

The motivation of employees is supported by a detailed “debriefing” without evaluations, questions with the word “why”, an attitude towards work as a common interesting matter, and attention to the emotions of employees. Destroy - five catchphrases that lead to failure.

Type 2. “Moneyman”

For the second type of employee, money is the meaning of life. “Denezhnik” is ready to work 24 hours a day and go on long business trips for an increase in salary. Such an employee will leave for another company if they pay 10% more.

How to find out at an interview.“Money Man” dresses expensively, but not flashily. He speaks slowly - he thinks, calculates. He asks how overtime is paid, what bonuses you can count on. When asked what interests him in his work, he will answer: “Salary, bonuses.” He will present the achievements in the previous place, which the “money guy” is proud of, in amounts or percentages.

How to recognize in a team. Such an employee strives to achieve financial results and is ready to find a way out. difficult situations for a monetary reward.

What type of motivation is suitable for such employees? For the money guy, material motivation works. He will complete the task if the overtime is compensated financially.

How to interact. The “money man” should not be controlled, but supervised. If you do not point out a mistake, but suggest how to earn more, this will motivate the employee.

Whom to appoint.“Money men” are sales managers or financial directors. In our company, employees with this type of motivation are those who receive a percentage of the profit.

Type 3. “Status”

“Statusnik” strives to be better than others and works with an eye on other people’s opinions.

How to find out at an interview. The “status holder” demonstrates success and self-sufficiency, even if this is not the case. He prefers clothes from well-known brands, is neat, and drives an expensive car.

How to recognize in a team. At the workplace, diplomas always hang behind the back of the status holder. A secretary is on duty in the reception area of ​​such a manager; visitors enter the office only by appointment.

How to motivate. Recognize the superiority of the “status holder” over other employees. Praise such an employee only publicly. Certificates, a board of honor, a separate office are the methods of stimulation that will work. If you want to motivate a “status holder” for 5 thousand rubles. per month, provide separate parking. In such a situation, the “state employee” will remain indifferent, the “money employee” will ask to give money, and the “status employee” will exceed the tasks.

How to interact. This type of sales manager does not like control. Their work should not be checked frequently.

Whom to appoint.“Status people” look respectable and know how to present themselves. Assign such an employee to a position where it is important to instill confidence in opponents: the head of a representative office - to conclude contracts, a financier - to quickly approve bank loans, an investment manager - to attract sponsors. An ordinary salesperson can be made a senior manager or work group leader - this will help improve performance. In trade, a “status holder” can be a store director.

For example, in our company the head of the department could not cope with the work in full. I addressed him in the presence of other employees: I praised him and said that the company was counting on his experience, knowledge and that only he would be able to complete the task. The person had no choice: failure meant publicly admitting defeat. The employee developed and implemented a system that increased the company's turnover by 5%.

How to determine the type of motivation of managers

Most easy way determine employee motivation - use the technique of American psychologist David McClelland. The scientist claims that any person at work is controlled by three motives: power, achievement, involvement. To varying degrees, all three motives are inherent in each person, but only one of them dominates. The leading motive reflects what a person wants to get by working in a company.

You will find descriptions of the qualities and behavior of employees with different motives and a list of positions for which they should be hired.

To determine the leading motive of an employee or job candidate, conduct a quick survey. Ask the person you want to test 10 questions from this table. Ask questions in the suggested sequence.

Learn the key to the quick survey. In the key you will find phrases and characteristics of the employee or candidate that will reveal his motive. Mark the phrases that you hear from the person, and after the survey, count how many marks are next to each motive. The motive against which you have checked the most boxes is the leading one.

"KD" based on materials from the magazine "HR Director"

Type 4. “Resultant”

Type 4 sales managers strive to solve complex problems. The main thing is the result. As soon as it is achieved, the “resultant” loses interest.

How to find out at an interview. When applying for a job, the candidate will tell you about implemented projects- how he achieved the result. The “resultant” does not speak in general phrases, but explains everything step by step. He will “digitize” achievements like a “money man,” but he will not express the result in money.

How to recognize in a team. This type of employee works late and answers emails on weekends. He loves order in everything, is not afraid of unregulated work and values ​​autonomy.

How to motivate. To prevent the “resultant” from getting bored and leaving the company, set new goals for him and trust him to work on interesting projects.

How to interact. The “resulter” works best in conjunction with the “moneymaker”. The first one does everything efficiently, but is not always financially profitable. The second one will be able to finalize and monetize any project.

Control by the manager for the “resultant” is acceptable at reporting points. If you track every step, you will confuse the employee on the way to the goal and reduce his motivation.

Whom to appoint.“Resulters” - heads of departments, project managers. In our company, such an employee was transferred from one project to another. At first he was negative, but after a month he was happy. The fact is that the person perceived the removal from work as a punishment. The feeling of injustice haunted the employee until he adapted to the new place and became close to it.

Type 5. “Romantic”

“Romantics” stand for peace, civilization, and ecology. They generate ideas that they don’t have time to deal with. In their field, such employees are productive, but dangerous if there is no one to stop their imagination.

How to find out at an interview.“Romantics” always have a lot of ideas, unfinished projects or businesses in various fields. They love to learn, but do not improve in one area.

How to recognize in a team. The “romantic” has many ideas to solve any problem. It offers new directions of activity or non-standard approaches, but he himself does not finish the job.

How to motivate.“Romance” is frightened by criticism of his ideas, but motivated by support. Sometimes words of approval are enough to make a person believe in success.

How to interact.“Romantic” sets the direction of movement. He is of little interest to the result. It is important that such an employee is surrounded by other types of sales managers. The “result person” will help implement ideas, the “money guy” will help monetize them, the “status guy” will go to meetings, and the “state employee” will carry out regulated work.

Whom to appoint.“Romantics” - designers, copywriters, PR managers. Often - directors and owners of companies. Danger awaits managers of this type if they hire the same “romantics.” No one will stop them, they will support the erroneous idea, and the person will believe in it even more. In this case, there is a high risk of wasting energy and money. In our company, the “romantics” are me and the father, and we select people who will contradict us with reason.


We have changed the company's recruitment system. Now our HR managers determine the type of employee during the interview. We take these indicators into account when we move workers within the organization. For example, we transfer “money people” to the sales department, put “state employees” behind the cash register, appoint “result people” to management positions, and entrust “status people” to conduct negotiations. A targeted type of motivation for managers over four months helped reduce by 20% the number of conflict situations and cases of employee dismissal at their own request.


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