How to deal with midges in flower pots. Getting rid of midges in flowers

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Indoor flowers - what could be better for decorating the interior of a room?! They create comfort and purify the air. But sometimes the beauty is spoiled by malicious pests called sciarids, small house flies or, as they are also called, fungus gnats. We’ll look at how to get rid of them below in our article.

Sciarids or soil mosquitoes - causes of appearance

There is not enough greenery and flowers in apartments, so city residents try to surround themselves. Filling pots with soil and planting flowers in them is not enough.

You should follow the rules for caring for indoor plants:

  • water according to the season and type of plant;
  • loosen regularly;
  • remove rotten areas;
  • provide adequate drainage;
  • select lighting that suits the plant;
  • clean, wash and dry pots and trays in a timely manner.

If you ignore one or more rules of care for indoor plants pests may appear. One of which is sciarid.
This insect has many folk names, For example, G fish gnat, midge, housefly, black fly, soil mosquito. She received her nicknames due to her appearance, similar to a small fly, and the squeaking sound that she creates like a mosquito when flying.

Adult sciarids are small flies with an elongated black body, 3-4 mm long; young ones, 1-2 mm in size, are gray. They have a pair of full wings and a pair of reduced ones. The wings are transparent, shimmering with the reflection of a gasoline stain.

They swarm around the plant and crawl through the soil, but do not harm the greenery.
The female lays large quantities of whitish translucent eggs in the ground. Larvae hatch from them.

The larvae are colorless worms 4-5 mm long with a black head and live in the top layer of soil. Worms eat rotting parts of the plant located in the substrate and look for particles of humus in the soil. If there is a lack of food, they can spread to young plants or new succulent shoots and cause visible harm to the plant; seedlings and the first shoots of sprouted seeds are most vulnerable.

Infection with sciarids can occur in different ways:

  • with contaminated soil purchased in a store;
  • with an acquired infected plant;
  • flies can fly in from the street;
  • adult insects can enter through the ventilation.

It is very easy to determine that house flies are infested. Midges multiply very quickly and begin to fly in large numbers near plants. In addition to midges, other signs of the presence of pests appear: plants become sick, develop poorly, do not bloom and may die.

Factors promoting the reproduction of sciarids

  • Abundant watering
  • Lack of expanded clay drainage layer at the bottom of the pot
  • Lack of drainage holes in the pot
  • Using tea leaves as a top dressing
  • Pots covered with moss and limescale
  • Water remaining in the pan for a long time

Measures to combat the fungus gnat

There are many folk ways fighting houseflies . For example, the use of garlic, soap, potassium permanganate, tobacco dust, electric fumigator. But they all turn out to be useless in the war against the sciarid.
It is necessary to use chemicals in combination with sticky traps.

  • The insecticide “Grom-2” has proven itself to be the most effective.

These are beige round granules with a sharp, unpleasant chemical odor, located in a thick plastic bag.

The granules must be buried in the ground in several places to a depth of 1.5-2 cm. If the presence of fresh soil allows, then remove upper layer soil and sprinkled with insecticide. It is scattered in a layer into one granule, so it is very economical.

Then a fresh layer of soil is laid out on the treated land to the previous level.

  • You can use other drugs in an apartment, for example, Fitoverm, Pochin, Bazudin.
  • If seedlings are grown for open ground and during transplantation a fungus gnat is detected, then preparations not intended for indoor plants should be used. For example, “Decis”, “Karbofos”, “Inta-vir”, “Aktara”, “Mukhoed”, “Kinmiks”, “Aktellik”, “Agravertin”, also known as “Akarin”.
  • Application also shown sticky traps, such as the Yellow Sticky Trap.

The trap consists of a thick yellow sheet that can be cut in half and a metal stand.

The leaf is released from protective film and is inserted into the stand, then the stand is stuck into the ground.

If the plant is tall, then the adhesive plate is suspended on a rope or fishing line and placed on the plant itself; for this there are holes in the plate.
The yellow color attracts midges, they sit on the leaf and stick.

Preventive measures against the appearance of flower flies or sciarids

To protect indoor plants from emerging sciarids, you need to:

  1. reduce watering;
  2. remove the top layer of soil to a depth of at least 2 cm;
  3. use chemical insecticides every 2 weeks at least 3 times in a row;
  4. replace the top layer of soil with soil that does not contain humus, dries quickly and drains well, for example, with river sand;
  5. place special sticky traps for midges or regular sticky fly tape;
  6. if all measures have been taken and this does not lead to the desired result, completely remove the old soil and replace it with new soil, remove all rotten areas from the leaves and roots.

Video on how to remove sciarids or soil midges

Getting rid of the soil mosquito or sciarid is not easy, but by applying the knowledge gained in practice, you can protect your indoor plants from its appearance.

Decorative indoor flowers are no less susceptible to pest attacks than plants that live outside. Especially often you have to deal with white midges, which literally fill the pots and scatter on the leaves. These insects not only cause damage directly to plants, but also create some discomfort for people. It is not recommended to start the problem, as this can lead to unpleasant consequences. Therefore, flower growers need to understand the reasons for the appearance of such pests and know how to get rid of white midges in indoor flowers.

Why do midges appear in pots?

The most common reason for the appearance of midges and other pests is too high humidity. White midges love a moist environment and do not feel comfortable on dry soil. Therefore, moderate watering can be called the main preventive measure to prevent the attack of winged pests.

It should be noted that the problem only arises if watering rules are regularly violated. If you pour too much water into the pot once, then it is unlikely that midges will appear on the leaves of the flower the next day. They start in the soil only when it is constantly waterlogged and the liquid stagnates. In such conditions, pests feel very good, actively reproduce and strive to capture new territories.

Properly arranged drainage helps to get rid of excess moisture - it activates the removal of excess water from the pot. Loosening the soil can be a useful preventative measure, but in this case care must be taken not to damage the roots of the plant.

But it also happens that white midges occupy pots with moderately moist soil. In such cases, the reason for their appearance is the poor quality of the soil - it was probably previously used for planting indoor plants and was infected with pest larvae that cannot be seen with the naked eye.

Pest control with improvised means

Now that the reason for the appearance of pests is clear, we can move on to consider the question of how to get rid of white midges in indoor flowers. Experienced flower growers It is recommended to start the fight by using proven means that can be found in every home. For example, ordinary sticky lena, which is placed near the plant. But this approach is only effective in combination with other methods of influence that eliminate the very cause of the pest attack. In this case, Velcro helps to quickly get rid of the most stubborn insects that do not want to leave their home even after changing watering conditions.

One-time watering helps to expel uninvited guests by special means. Most often, a very weak concentration of potassium permanganate solution is used - the water should be only slightly colored. An alternative remedy is soapy water, which is thoroughly poured onto the soil until liquid appears in the tray of the pot.

Very effective method– adding wood ash to the soil. Swamp midges do not tolerate the components included in its composition and leave the treated area almost immediately. IN in this case there is also an additional plus, because ash is also a good organic fertilizer.

There is another way to get rid of white midges in indoor flowers. Garlic cloves are laid out on the surface of the ground, cut into several pieces for greater effect. It is believed that the odor they emit forces pests to leave the occupied area. The same result is observed when using fresh orange peels.

Radical measures

If the methods described above for influencing midges do not give the expected result, you will most likely have to resort to more radical measures and use special chemicals. The most famous, proven drug in this category over the years is dichlorvos. White midges and other pests die almost instantly, but the problem is that if used incorrectly, the plants themselves can be harmed. And inhaling a large amount of dichlorvos vapor will not add health to a person. Therefore, when processing plants, it is necessary to exercise extreme caution, and before starting work, be sure to read the instructions on the packaging of the product. Among modern manufacturers of dichlorvos, brands such as Raptor and Raid have won the trust of experienced amateur flower growers.

Another chemical method get rid of white midges in indoor plants - soil treatment disinfectant solutions. The most famous on this list are Agravertin, Aktara, Bazudin, Fitoverm and Karbofos. Each of the listed drugs has its own characteristics, so before use you should carefully study the instructions, and be sure to carry out processing in accordance with the instructions. rubber gloves and a respirator. After chemical disinfection of the soil, you cannot water the flower for three days.

The article will tell you how to get rid of midges and larvae that appear in flower pots.

Many people grow flowers - this is an interesting and useful activity, both for the soul and for the home. Plants decorate the room and contribute to the production of oxygen necessary for adults and children. Any flowers are susceptible negative influences the surrounding world: unfavourable conditions, insufficient or excessive care, animals (cats, for example, which dig the ground and chew leaves), insects.

It is not uncommon for plants to be affected by midges and these insects are the cause improper care from the human side. Some who don’t like to tinker with flowers too much will simply throw out the pot, but “uninvited guests” can be easily removed if you know the methods and secret traps for such midges. Thus, the plant will remain completely unharmed.

In addition to midges, a plant can suffer from a host of diseases, and the appearance of midges is not the problem itself, but only its consequence. Insects appear in pots that are over-filled with water. Increased dampness and abundance of moisture attract midges. Damage to the plant can be caused by larvae laid by midges directly into the ground.

IMPORTANT: “You should sound the alarm when you notice at least one midge on the soil surface.”

What can cause midges to appear:

  • You initially chose a poor quality flower and bad soil. Open window often serves as a “bait” to lure midges into the room.
  • You water the flowers too often and too much and the soil “rots,” which makes it attractive to midges.

You can fight such midges with any homemade or special means. There are several varieties of midges, which determines their lifespan. Some species live no more than 10-14 days, others up to 3 months. Life expectancy can also be affected by the time of year; in the heat, midges live shorter, but reproduce more often and more abundantly.

"House" midges in flowers and plants

Types of midges in indoor flowers: how are they different?

Types of flower midges:

  • White midges. The most common type of insect found in potted plants. They can be found both on wet soil and on the root part (foot).
  • Porody. Very small insects, no more than 1 mm in length. Distinctive feature flies - a light white or yellowish color, and also the fact that they “vigorously” jump on the leaves. They start in pots when the moisture has not evaporated enough (mainly in the cool season).
  • Sciarides. Small black flies, they mainly fly over plants, annoying them. These insects are harmless to humans, but can spread throughout the house, getting into food and drink. However, sciarid larvae can harm flowers and you may notice such consequences as yellowing and curling of leaves, some become “crumpled”, and the soil is filled with translucent worms. As a rule, such black midges are a consequence of watering flowers with tea leaves or organic matter.

What flowers do midges “love”:

  • Those with fairly “soft” leaves
  • Plants with "dense" greenery
  • Springtails

Where can you find midges most often, on what flowers:

  • Orchids (all types)
  • Begonias
  • Fuchsia
  • Azaleas
  • Decembrist
  • Violets

IMPORTANT: Midges “do not like” flowers such as aloe, as well as plants with strong, rich mint and tobacco aromas.

How to water and treat flowers against midges at home: chemicals

When choosing a chemical to combat midges, it is important to give preference to what is safe for others.

Suitable products (names):

  • Inta-vir – safe product for home use
  • Fitoverm – a product that is safe for humans and fights against all types of insects in flowers.
  • Aktara – modern high effective remedy to combat midges in flowers.
  • Fufanon – disinfectant for soil in flower pots and pest control.
  • Agravertine – means for destroying midges and their larvae
  • Thunder-2 – a powerful and effective means to combat midges and larvae.
  • Fly eater – a means to combat midges and flies that harm plants.
  • Aktellik– the drug is toxic and is not allowed to be used at home.
  • Bona Forte- a product that acts instantly on insects and kills midges in plants.

INTERESTING: Treating the soil with dichlorvos is considered the simplest but most effective means of controlling insects found in the soil of domestic plants.

How to remove midges from flower pots in an apartment or house using folk remedies: recipes, tips

What home remedies can help:

  • A weak solution of tar soap. The only caveat is that the solution must be of low concentration. Thus, a slight disinfection of the soil will occur, which will not harm the plant.
  • Wood ash or tobacco ash. She should sprinkle (cover) the top layer of soil in the flower pot. Insects are very sensitive to “harsh” and strong odors.
  • cloves of garlic and orange peels. They also have powerful aromatic properties that can repel insects.

What else to do:

  • Completely replace the soil
  • Changing the top layer of soil
  • Reduce watering
  • Complete drying of the soil
  • Loosen the top layer of soil
  • Setting traps and sticky tape near pots

Matches, potassium permanganate, garlic against midges in indoor flowers: recipes for use

Traps and products made with my own hands, will help you get rid of midges in flower pots.

What you can use:

A horde of midges in indoor flowers will horrify every housewife. There is a desire to get rid of all the plants. The insect will not spoil the green cover, but its larvae feed on the roots and disrupt the integrity of the root system of indoor pets.

If you do not apply an effective remedy in time and do not get rid of the midges, the plant will soon become lethargic and die. An insect not only spoils appearance, but also threatens the health of the green pet. We urgently need to do something and get the pest out.

How to get rid of midges in indoor flowers

A modern apartment cannot be perceived without indoor flowers. For a plant to grow well, it needs care. Often there are flocks of midges in flower pots.

The reason may be one of the following:
1. Insects appeared in conditions of rotting organic remains.
2. Excess liquid in indoor flowers.
3. Mosquitoes that appeared and took root in indoor flowers. Even one mosquito in humid conditions will cause harm.

You can get rid of small midges by completely draining the soil, which prevents the reproduction and destruction of the larvae. Dryness is the best preventative measure so that the flies do not start up.

There are white and black midges in indoor flowers, what should I do?

The insect is visible in flower pots with the naked eye. More often a white pest appears - springtail or pond. Flies are mainly turned on in early spring or in winter, when the process of evaporation of moisture from the soil surface is slowed down. You can get rid of uninvited guests in your home flowers by eliminating the reason for their appearance.
The white springtail, which started at the foot of pets or on flooded soil, can be seen in the photo.

Its size is from 0.2 to 1 mm. Color varies from white to yellow-brown. The insect is active and jumps a lot on the green surface of the leaves. The larva causes damage by eating roots and young shoots. It begins to make the soil dense. Small ponds love begonias and ficuses with soft leaves.

In addition to white midges, black ones appear - sciarids. They annoyingly circle around indoor flowers. Black sciarid will not cause physical harm to humans, but it does cause discomfort. Within a few days, the apartment will be filled with black midges, which get into food and drinks. Insects fly everywhere and will make living in the house difficult. Black midges can be found on violets and ficus trees.

A large mass of larvae that have appeared in the ground will damage root system in indoor flowers, the soil will become compacted and will not allow air to pass through. It can be seen that translucent small worms up to 5 mm with a black dot in the front have appeared in the ground.

You can get rid of midges while preserving the plant using folk and modern means. You can withdraw using available means. Chemicals It is recommended to use only if safe folk remedies have not helped.
When an insect actively begins to reproduce and lay many larvae in the ground, it is impossible to remove it by draining the soil and using chemicals. If you knock on the pot or shake it, a white swarm of midges begins to fly. It can be seen that there are larvae on the surface.

You can get rid of midges by replanting the plant in compliance with certain rules:
1. Clean the roots of the green friend from old soil and wash with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Remove rotten shoots from house flowers.
2. Place the plant in water. This is only allowed for a few hours.
3. old land freeze in any available conditions(put it outside or in freezer) for several hours until it appears white coating. If possible, plant the plant in new soil.
4. Rinse the pot well under running water, after which you can pour boiling water over it to prevent insects from appearing again.
5. Monitors soil moisture in indoor plants so as not to cause reappearance. Prevent pests. The insect will definitely start in the damp soil and ruin the plant, and the apartment will be filled with midges.

How to get rid of midges in indoor flowers using folk remedies

Insects in flower pots will not go away on their own. An effective and affordable remedy will help you get rid of midges:

  • You can remove it by watering the plant with a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate.
  • When larvae appear, you need to make a solution based on laundry soap and water and pour it over the soil. The white solution will not only help remove midges, but will also fertilize the green pet.
  • Chop the garlic, add boiling water and leave for a couple of hours. The insect will be frightened by several cut cloves of garlic in a flower or on the surface of the ground.
  • 4 matches stuck into the ground with their heads down will help get rid of midges. After dissolving the sulfur, replace them with new ones. The method is the simplest and most effective. The apartment does not suffer from foreign odors.
  • Lightly add orange peels or cloves. Why? The insect does not like strong odors. It will disappear if sharp and persistent odors appear.

Modern methods of fighting

How to get rid of midges in indoor flowers modern methods- a question asked by a beginning florist. The chemical industry will tell you what to do when flower pots get infested small insect. A consultant will help you choose a product trading floor. Specialized stores have a wide range of products to quickly destroy midges: “Grom-2”, “Inta-vir”, “Bazudin”, “Aktaru”, “Fitoverm”.

Today, gentle drugs have appeared, so finding an effective remedy is not difficult. Before use, you must study the instructions and strictly follow them. Treat the soil where insects have infested. After etching, the entire apartment is ventilated.

A high dosage will not only help get rid of midges, but will also kill the plant. Misuse may cause harm to the residents of the house, and not remove the pest.

To prevent any insect from appearing in indoor flowers in the future, it is necessary to monitor the soil moisture, loosen its surface and water the plant moderately in accordance with the time of year. It is necessary to control so that pests do not infest.

In dry conditions and good drainage Acidification of the soil and white deposits on its surface are excluded. It is easier to follow prevention than to fight. Get rid of small midges Can by various means, safe for house plants and others.

Any owner is interested in ensuring that his favorite plants remain beautiful and healthy all year round. If you notice that the lush green leaves have withered and thinned out, perhaps pests are to blame. Today we will figure out how to get rid of midges in indoor flowers in order to revive indoor flower and prevent his death.

Varieties of midges on indoor plants

If there are midges in indoor flowers, this fact can be easily detected with the naked eye. Flies vary in size and shade. By external signs they can be classified and a peremptory war can begin.

  • White midges on indoor flowers settle on soil that is swampy from frequent watering, often along the edges of the pot. These include springtails and fools. The size of the body does not exceed 1 mm, and the shade varies from brown to white-yellow. The midge lives in the ground and on leaves. She is active most of the time, jumping from leaf to leaf, over the entire area of ​​the ground. The main danger comes from the larvae, as they lead to the death of the root system. The risk of infection is high in late autumn and early spring. It is at this time of year that water after watering does not have time to evaporate, causing acidification of the soil.

  • Black sciarid midges living on flowers. Size up to 3 mm. Developed individuals are harmless to humans and the flower, but the larvae harm the roots and soil. As a result of their impact, the ground becomes trampled, and air movement becomes difficult. The larvae look like translucent worms with a black dot on their head. They live in fertilized and moist soil.

Reasons for the appearance of annoying midges on plants

Midges appear in indoor flowers for several reasons:

  • The soil used may already contain insect larvae.
  • A new plant can bring pests into your home. From infected individuals, “neighbors” can move to other neighbors. Therefore, after purchasing, be sure to quarantine the plant and treat it with insecticides.
  • They state that the midges are infested because there was a overwatering. Waterlogged or acidified soil - favorable place for the reproduction of not only flies, but also fungus.
  • When using contaminated organic matter as a top dressing, or using it in excess of the dosage.
  • If many pots are piled on one shelf, this prevents free air circulation, and midges appear in the flowers.
  • Open area. Pests can enter the habitat from the outside: on clothing, through a window, and even a mosquito net.
  • High temperature and high humidity significantly accelerate the reproduction of insects.

How to remove midges from flowers

Methods of control directly depend on the degree of spread of the scourge. If there are no larvae and a couple of adults, make do with improvised methods, and a large number of stopped by special means of the chemical industry.

Folk recipes for pests on indoor flowers

Proven folk remedies will help you effectively fight a small number of midges.

  • First of all, change the top layer of soil in pots of indoor flowers and dry the rest of the soil. The eggs cannot tolerate dryness and should die after such treatment. The method is effective, however, if the infection occurred only from above.
  • Potassium permanganate perfectly disinfects and kills uninvited guests. Dilute it to a pinkish tint and water the soil generously. After visible drying, you can repeat the procedure from the beginning.
  • Small midges cannot tolerate wood ash. Sprinkle ashes on the ground. This method will not only kill midges, but will also wonderfully fertilize the plant.
  • Soapy water. Dissolve 50 g household. soap in 200 ml of boiling water. After cooling, wet the sponge and apply it to the stems and leaves of the greenery.
  • The tobacco infusion will destroy the adults. Pour 50 g of tobacco into a liter of water. Leave for 2 days, strain, add another liter of water, and spray the solution on the plant.
  • The simplest way to get rid of flies is ordinary matches. Take them and stick them with the sulfur heads downwards, and lightly water them. Melting sulfur will kill both midges and unborn individuals.
  • The garlic solution smells terribly, repelling pests. Pour three chopped garlic cloves with a liter of water. Rub the resulting mixture onto the leaves and water the soil in the pot.
  • Dig the chopped zest of a fresh but slightly dried orange into the ground. Citrus fruits act in such a way that pests will no longer lay eggs in the pot.
  • Place dill sprigs over the surface.
  • Hanging adhesive tape in the area of ​​infestation will help get rid of flying individuals.

Chemical preparations for flies on house plants

If you quickly remove midges folk remedies failed, it’s worth connecting the “heavy artillery”. Special chemicals are usually sold in flower shops and where they sell goods for the garden.

The most popular drugs:

  • Flycatcher and Thunder 2. Granules and powder are easy to use. It is enough just to scatter them over the entire surface area of ​​the pot, strictly following the dosage from the instructions. Afterwards, lightly water the soil. The granules will dissolve, thereby killing insects. If desired, the manipulation is repeated after 3-4 days; in theory, one treatment is enough.
  • Dichlorvos Neo, Raid, Raptor. These are universal preparations for all kinds of pests. Just spray the plant and the top soil layer. We recommend carrying out the treatment in a well-ventilated area or in the yard.

  • Chalk "Mashenka" gets rid of not only cockroaches, but also midge larvae. To treat indoor flowers, crumble it into a flowerpot as finely as possible.
  • Insecticides “Fitoverm”, “Inta-vir”, “Bazudin”, “Aktellik”. Solutions of these products should be used to water indoor flowers against midges. Used against whiteflies and black midges.
  • “Aktara” - water the soil and treat the foliage.
  • Tanrek retains its harmful effect on pests for 3 months after treatment.
  • "Mospilan", "Intavir", "Ambush", "Fury", Pirimifos-methyl. For an affordable price of 50 rubles you get effective remedy to save a green corner.

Important! Any remedy for midges on flowers can behave differently if you do not follow the instructions for use and strict dosage.

Effective prevention measures

To prevent pests from growing in beautiful flowerpots, you should follow simple preventive measures:

  • Be sure to disinfect the soil for planting with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Heat the soil from the garden or vegetable garden in the oven or keep it in a water bath.
  • Inspect the purchased flowerpots, wash them, and at first keep them away from other pots.
  • Regularly ventilate the room where the green corner is located.
  • Water only as needed. Do not add water if the top soil is still damp. As a rule, plants require increased watering in spring and summer.
  • When replanting, place a layer of drainage in the form of expanded clay, crushed brick or polystyrene foam on the bottom of the flowerpot, and drainage holes so that the water does not stagnate inside.
  • For fertilizing, use only ready-made fertilizers.
  • Try to loosen the soil as often as possible to enrich it with air. This will allow air to circulate properly and the soil will not rot.

If you follow these rules for caring for your green corner, the risk of pests is significantly reduced.

Now you have learned how to deal with midges in flowerpots. Can be used as folk recipes, and preparations from the chemical industry. The best way is to prevent infection by following simple rules for caring for greens. Have you ever had to deal with pests? Write about your experience in the comments below.

Video: 10 ways to get rid of midges in flowerpots


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