How to form rubber ficus. Formation of the crown of ficus benjamina

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Ficus rubber has long been successfully grown by amateurs in room conditions, but many questions usually arise regarding the formation of the crown of an indoor tree. The formation of ficus has its own subtleties and nuances, which should be remembered when starting pruning. This article is all about how to prune a ficus correctly.

A chaotically overgrown plant must be pruned.

Pruning of an indoor tree is performed when the trunk and crown are accidentally damaged (for example, when a plant falls) or when forming the height and shape of the crown. Is it worth it to trim a tree indoors? Of course, because in nature, rubber-bearing ficuses can reach a height of up to 40 meters and above. In indoor conditions, a fast-growing ficus specimen may rest against the ceiling, which will prevent further formation of the crown. In the first years, a large tree grows only upward, so pruning can stimulate the development of lateral branches. But pruning is not always necessary to form a ficus crown.

Shaping the crown without trimming

The upper shoots are cut off until the crown takes on a rounded shape.

Unusual shape: interesting

Young ficus trees can be formed into an extraordinary plant. To do this, several cuttings of the same age are planted in one container, which can be easily braided. Of course, cuttings from old branches are not suitable for this purpose, because the branches must have a certain flexibility so as not to break during weaving.

They remove from the trunks below large leaves– the trunks, which can easily grow together, will give the plant a special charm. When weaving, you can give it a braid a certain form- spectacular holes between the trunks, for which pieces of foam plastic, corks, stones or other materials are temporarily inserted into the braid. Once the shape of the holes is set, you can remove these inserts.

Ficuses braided into a braid spend a lot of effort creating the shape of the trunk, so they give very small increases in height. If you limit the growth of roots by planting the plant in a low bowl, you can maintain the intended shape of the ficus for a long time.

Crown formation by pruning

Using sharp scissors, you can cut off the top of the main trunk.

If you select classic version shaping the crown rubber ficus– pruning, it is important to correctly perform all the techniques for forming an indoor tree.

Trimming times vary:

  • Formative pruning can only be done during active growth tree, i.e. This operation is not performed in autumn and winter.
  • Sanitary pruning carried out as necessary when damage to the trunk or branches occurs on the plant.

To perform high-quality pruning, you need to prepare the following tools:

  • Garden secateurs.
  • Garden shears (large).
  • Small scissors with sharp blades.
  • Alcohol solution for instrument processing.
  • Garden varnish for treating cut areas.

How to trim a ficus yourself, what should you pay close attention to?

  • You should not start work without protecting your hands from the milky sap of ficus, which is very poisonous.
  • It is not recommended to radically trim the plant at one time, removing more than 30% of the crown.

The florist, at his own discretion, chooses the shape of the crown, guided by common sense, based on individual characteristics plants.

New shoots of ficus develop from apical or axillary buds, while the upper bud develops, the lateral ones are dormant. To stimulate the branching of the ficus crown, it is necessary to give impetus to the development of axillary buds, which is achieved by pinching the main trunk. The dominant bud can be removed in the spring, when the ficus enters a period of intensive growth.

Thin green branches can be pruned leaving a straight area, old branches covered with mature bark are cut at an angle of 45 degrees.

Pruning the top shoot is carried out above the bud, from which new shoots will subsequently develop.

Caring for the plant during the formation of the crown comes down to watering with warm, settled water; a month after the operation, it is worth carrying out the first feeding of the plant.

Photos of a correctly trimmed ficus are very pleasing - the plant begins to grow a dense crown and an extensive network of skeletal branches. In nature, rubber ficus trees begin to branch naturally at a height of 4 meters.

After pruning, the plant is constantly turned towards the light source so that the crown can form evenly.

You can form an indoor ficus without pruning; to do this, you need to correctly direct the growth of young shoots, fixing individual branches if necessary. This operation will avoid injury to the young plant and will also reduce the risk of infections in the area where the cut was made.

Young trees whose branches have not yet become completely lignified best tolerate the application of fixing devices. This method is usually used for young people indoor trees growing into one trunk.

It is worth starting to form the crown when the growth young tree will reach 0.7 m. After this, the apical part of the shoot is pinched or cut off. Very often, pinching does not give the desired effect - a replacement shoot begins to develop from the side bud, as a result of which the plant grows into one trunk (see photo).

The method of bending the apical shoot, which is securely fixed, is often used. A replacement shoot develops from the lateral bud; as soon as it grows to 5 cm, the trunk is returned to its original state. The next operation is performed to stimulate the growth of lateral branches, for which a puncture is made with a darning needle to a depth of 1/3 of the trunk diameter. It is best to start at the top, gradually moving down the trunk, after the shoot grows at the site of the first puncture. The protruding juice is carefully removed with wet cotton wool or a rag. Ficus pruning work should be done in rubber gloves– the sap of the plant is extremely poisonous.

The ficus plant initially produces only one stem. But over time, the flower begins to awaken, grow, branch, and here your competent intervention will be needed. Ficus rubber can become an exquisite decoration for your home or office. The main thing is to know how to force the ficus to produce side shoots, how to pinch it so that the branched lush crown you need is formed. Study this side of the issue so that indoor flower Over time, it has turned into an original interior detail that will attract the eyes of your guests.

Before figuring out how to properly pinch a ficus, every gardener wants to make sure that such a procedure is necessary and find out what results it gives. At first house ficus It grows only upward and does not require crown formation. However, the older the plant becomes, the more important it is for you to master basic principles its trimmings.

If nothing is done in advance, your young green specimen will bush randomly. You cannot delay this rejuvenating procedure. Otherwise, the ficus will grow incorrectly, branch in the wrong direction, or will not give quite the density that you expected. Making a branched crown of a ficus is quite possible; to do this, you just need to learn how to properly pinch your houseplant.

Timing for the procedure

How to make a ficus branch and how complex is such a set of measures? The result will certainly satisfy you if you not only study the necessary principles of the procedure, but also determine what time of year it is best to carry it out. It is possible to get a branched crown from a ficus, but it is better to start pruning at spring period. With the onset of spring, the plant wakes up and all vital processes are activated. If you start pinching the flower at this favorable time, the pruning procedure will not be too stressful for the plant: all the “wounds” will heal instantly. In addition, it is in the spring that young buds form on the plant stem and side shoots develop.

That is why there is no more suitable time for the formation of a ficus crown than the spring period, or rather the end of winter - the beginning of spring. Remember, it is unforgivable to delay with this procedure. If you start pruning your home ficus in mid-spring, the result may not be of very good quality. The thing is that when sap flow is active, shortening the branches can awaken the flower and stimulate its growth as a whole, but the new side shoots will be too thin.

Pinching Instructions

How to pinch a ficus and how to learn to do it correctly? To produce lateral branches, begin the grafting procedure when the flower grows a little. Preparatory moments also have great value. For example, be sure to disinfect the knife you are going to use to trim branches. If desired, use alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. The sharper the knife, the easier it is to trim branches, and indoor ficus they are usually thick. Whatever pruning method you prefer, you first need to pay attention to the condition of the plant.

Let's say you like the height of your ficus, but its top shoot has grown too thin. In this case, take a knife and make a straight cut, simply removing the fragile shoot. But the first method is effective if we are dealing with a young indoor plant. When a similar procedure needs to be carried out with a mature home flower, it is worth resorting to a slightly different technique. Follow all the necessary steps step by step, and the result will be more than satisfactory. What exactly does the process of crown formation in an adult ficus consist of:

  • First, determine for yourself which point on the stem, in your opinion, should be the top. After this, make a cut at a distance of 8 cm from the sheet. It is desirable that it be oblique, and its upper point is located directly above the kidney;
  • For correct pinching ficus plant, you need to take a small cloth, moisten it in water and gently wipe the trunk from the milk that spreads along the stems after pruning. Under no circumstances should you wring it out or use it again - the material should definitely be thrown away. Some gardeners believe that it is recommended to lubricate the cut areas with prepared compounds, but ordinary water will actually be sufficient. With its help, you will stop the further secretion of plant juice, and the wounds of the ficus will soon heal;
  • what to do so that the ficus can be pinched and the side shoots become new uniform? It is very important to ensure proper care of the plant after the procedure is completed. If you complete all the steps correctly, you can continue pinching with the onset of next spring. This time you will encourage the side shoots to grow.

Every gardener can force a ficus to branch. Pinching will give the plant an incentive to actively grow and form new shoots. Over time, the flower will begin to bush if everything is done correctly and at the right time.

Further care

Beginner flower growers ask how to make the ficus bush actively.

After pinching the crown, it is very important to provide proper care for the plant.

First of all, it will be needed about a month after removing the branches. It also doesn’t hurt – this is another effective way to get side shoots to develop. For those whose home ficus has already acquired an impressive size, this need can be a real problem.

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This is not the first time I have been asked this question this spring.
I had a similar experience, so I’ll share how I stimulated my old ficus trees to perform this feat.
During the winter, many ficus trees lose their leaves due to the difficulties of wintering in an apartment. Dry air due to heating system, little light, and at the same time cold window sills - this is the main scourge for indoor plants that winter in the cold climate of our country.

But besides this, there is one more reason - the trunks below become exposed over time due to natural causes. The tree grows, the crown develops in the upper part, and at the bottom the trunk becomes bare. This happens to all trees in the wild.

So my ficus, having reached its maximum growth, as much as the room conditions and the size of the pot allowed it, exposed the trunks in the lower part. And the top of his head rested on the ceiling. It felt cramped on the windowsill, but you can’t put it on the floor either: it’s too dark, because I live in the Urals - we’ve had dark winters in recent years.

But I decided to try to improve the situation.

There are several ways to force a mature tree to grow young branches in the lower woody part of the trunk.

1. trimming the crown.
2. tilting the trunk to a horizontal position.
3. stimulation of dormant buds with an incision.

I didn’t have one trunk, but several plants growing in a pot at once.
I took the simplest route. I cut off the top of the trunks.

But in order for young shoots to come from the lowest tier, they usually cut the tree low - almost a quarter, or even a third of the trunk.
But since I didn’t want to shorten the ficus too much, I decided to use all three methods at once, but a little at a time.

That is, the tops of the heads were shortened by only 20 or 30 centimeters.

But she spread the trunks from the center to the sides with the help simple device. Any “wheel” that can be found in the house will do.
You can use this support for flowers.

Thus, all individual trunks received enough light and at the same time a more horizontal tilt.

But I didn’t stop there.
I lightly scratched the bark at the bottom of the trunk above the dormant buds in the places where I wanted branches.
And I regularly sprayed these places with water with a drop of biostimulant - Epin.

I also put the ficus on the balcony - where it had light. This important condition- carry out all these activities in the spring, when active sap flow and a lot of light begin.

Of course, here we must also take into account such risks as direct Sun rays. Need or glass balcony, or cut when the ficus has gradually become accustomed to street conditions.

And then new branches began to appear!
Both at the top and at the very bottom.

I left only those that grew outward rather than inside the crown.

And those that grew strictly horizontally were bent and tied to the main trunk to correct their position.

There were also those who grew completely downward. Their growth was also corrected.

Soon my ficus became “fluffy” again. And after standing on the balcony in the summer, it acquired thick, bright green foliage.


Pruning helps good growth And abundant flowering plants, it is necessary to obtain a beautiful crown or shape of plants, to produce standard or bushy specimens.

Pruning is done in three cases:

If you want to rejuvenate the plant
- if they want to form a plant
- sanitary pruning

The best time for pruning is spring. Pruning is done after a dormant period. The cut is made above the outward-facing leaf, otherwise new shoots will grow inward. The cut should be made a few millimeters above the bud and go away from it, slightly obliquely.

Sanitary pruning. All yellowed, shriveled shoots and leaves that have lost their decorative properties must be cut off. Weakened old shoots often turn out to be easy prey for fungi and bacteria, a shelter and breeding ground for insect pests. In addition, an unhealthy looking shoot may not indicate old age, but rather illness or pest infestation. If it is not removed in time, the disease will spread to healthy parts of the plant, which once again proves the need for sanitary pruning. The basic rule is to remove all unhealthy or aged parts of the plant. You need to cut the shoot down to the healthy tissue (or, if the shoot starts underground, remove it to the very base).

Anti-aging pruning. It is especially suitable for those plants that may develop long shoots that eventually lose leaves or become bare from high temperature or dry air in winter. When rejuvenating pruning, shoots are removed almost to the very base. But at the same time, you need to ensure that 2-3 live buds remain on the “stumps”. It's okay if you remove up to 90% of the shoot length. After all, the more intense the pruning, the more active the subsequent growth of the remaining shoots. If you are sorry to part with all the shoots at once, you can rejuvenate the plant in stages, first cutting off half of the shoots, and when they grow up, trim the rest short. Anti-aging pruning is best done shortly before or at the very beginning of the growth period. Do not forget to feed the plant after rejuvenating pruning, because the plant will have to grow at a faster rate than usual. After rejuvenating pruning, many strong, healthy shoots grow. Therefore, sometimes such pruning is carried out in order to obtain many high-quality cuttings.

Formative pruning. This is the most difficult type of pruning, giving the plant the required form. Formative pruning - creative process, which requires careful observation of the plant. The highest achievement of the art of formative pruning is 6onsai and the creation of living sculptures from plants. At home, it is useful to form tall and highly branched plants, which without this procedure give a thickened and unsightly crown, for example ficus, citrus, laurel, hibiscus, roses, fuchsia, etc. When formative pruning, it is important to choose right direction growth of future shoots. If you want to grow a horizontal branch, then the topmost bud left on it should be turned down or towards the outer part of the crown. If you plan vertical growth, then select a bud directed upward or to the center of the crown and make a cut slightly above it. Manuals often recommend using wire to give branches the right direction growth. Keep in mind that plants are very willful creatures. Changing the direction of growth of branches using wire is quite difficult. But there are also those who willingly change their shape. Thus, from small-leaved ficuses it is possible to obtain “sculptures” of any given shape using wire frames. And one more note: the younger the branch, the easier it is to change its direction with the help of a wire. Shoots that have not yet become lignified or semi-lignified are best suited for shaping with wire.

Formation of a standard tree. To form a standard tree, take a strong rooted cutting that grows vertically upward. Remove side shoots until the plant reaches your desired height. When this height is reached, cut off the top of the plant. Wait until 5 - 6 side shoots develop, which will be the top of the standard tree. Their tops are pinched several times. Remove all leaves at the base of the stem. The result will be a standard plant with a well-developed crown.
Dimensions of a standard tree.
Tabletop standard tree: 30 - 45 cm.
Low standard tree: 45 - 80 cm.
Standard standard tree: 80 - 105 cm.

Bush formation. In a young plant, at a height of 6 - 7 cm, pinch off the top of the main shoot. After reaching a height of 10 - 12 cm, side shoots are also pinched. When is it formed beautiful bush, you need to periodically pluck out or cut out shoots directed inward, preferably at the very beginning of their appearance.
Arc formation. Hanging and climbing plants form long shoots that can be sent along a wire arc. To do this, an arched support is carefully inserted into the pot. The shoots are distributed along the wire and loosely tied in some places.
Formation of a pyramid. Some plants can be used to form a beautiful pyramid. Plants such as fuchsia, ivy, and pelargonium grow well upward; you can make a screw support for them.

Pinching. In order for cuttings or young plants to branch well and not stretch upward, you need to slow down their growth in height by pinching off the tops of the shoots. The plant is usually pinched above the first pair of leaves.

Winter pruning. Potted plants that are kept in a dark basement in winter need to be trimmed properly in the fall and all remaining leaves removed. Remember: root system should not dry out.

Ficus can be formed into a beautiful bonsai-style tree, a ball or a lush bush. A large assortment varieties and various trimmings they don't allow it capricious plant use in different styles.

About how to prune ficus correctly, as well as necessary care after the procedure, we will tell you in the article.

Ficus is one of the most flexible indoor plants. Among the representatives of this mulberry family there are about 1,000 various types. Only a few of this variety are grown at home or in greenhouses:

Lat. Ficus (photo)

Ficus rubber or Ficus elastica. Under natural conditions of existence in tropical rainforests, these evergreen trees grow to a height of about 25 meters.

In indoor conditions, only a few specimens reach more than one and a half meters. Branch bark Brown. Leaves in at a young age he has them twisted into a tube. Then they unfold into large dark green, leathery, shiny leaves up to 20 cm in length.

You can grow a large specimen if you place it in a bright place. The plant should be fully illuminated by sunlight for three hours a day. Watering is needed abundantly, but not frequently. The elastic should dry out a little before the next watering.

Ficus lyreformes. Homeland of this beautiful plant- West Africa. The tropical forests of the southern continent determined the nature of this ficus. When cultivated indoors, the flower does not grow small. It needs a lot of space.

It is better to grow this beauty in a greenhouse, winter garden or at warm balcony. The main condition for growing this type of ficus is good lighting. Direct sunlight should not fall on the leaves of the plant. At midday it is better to shade it from the active sun. This could be a light organza curtain on the balcony windows.

Ficus dwarf, Ficus ivy or Ficus pumila. Many varieties have been bred with green or variegated leaves. This little ficus is completely different from its giant brothers.

It has rounded leaves and is a ground cover or hanging plant. Mini ficus can play the role of a soloist in a flowerpot or ground cover plant in a tub with larger neighbors. loves water and light.

Ficus carica. This plant is also known as fig tree, fig tree, fig tree. The species began to be grown as indoor plant recently. It turned out that keeping such exotic things in the house is not difficult. In summer, figs need to be provided with more warmth and light.

Ficus cuttings (photo)

In winter, you need to place the pot in the coolest place in the room. The plant is deciduous and in winter it does not need light at all.

It loves loose soil, abundant watering, fertilizing and spraying. But all this needs to be done in the summer. IN winter time figs need rest.

Ficus willow. A fast-growing plant with narrow leaves capable of good care move other indoor flowers. Its dimensions must be taken into account when purchasing for non- large rooms.

This type of ficus is quite unpretentious and can tolerate irregular watering, dry air, and stagnant water. But you shouldn’t abuse these qualities.

Ficus bengal or banyan tree. It was this type of plant that laid the foundation. This was due to the remarkable quality of the plant to form aerial roots.

In tropical forests, thickets of such ficus trees serve as a refuge for animals. They make entire tents. Its leaves are velvety. The young tree is quite decorative. Over time, it loses integrity. Individual shoots and aerial roots require supports for development and growth.

Ficus benjamina. This is a plant for large rooms and winter gardens. With good care and correct formation crown, it quickly grows into a tree. Ficus does not like low temperatures. The lowest limit for it is 17 °C. Frequent watering has a bad effect on the condition of the roots. We will tell you further how to trim ficus benjamina at home.

Each type of ficus in its arsenal also has various varieties. This plant can appear in various forms from a huge tree to a baby or a vine.

There's another one interesting variety of the described plant - ficus curly. The leaves of such a tree can curl both evenly and asymmetrically. If the foliage has uniform curves, then the color is also uniform, rich and dark green. The leaves are shiny and have a glossy sheen.

The main feature of caring for this species is good lighting, but without direct sunlight. Also, it is better to immediately choose a place for such a pet and disturb it as little as possible. The crop may begin to shed its leaves if the tree is moved.

Correct watering is important in care, as well as bathing and spraying on hot summer days. How to trim such a ficus? The rules are not particularly different from those that apply to other varieties. But, it is better to trim the branches of a curly plant regularly.

Types of pruning

Is it possible to prune ficus? All types of ficus respond well to pruning. It must be done with a clean, sharp instrument. To do this, it is wiped with an alcohol solution before and after trimming.

How to prune ficus correctly? Green stems are cut horizontally, and rough wooden stems are cut at an angle of 45°. Whenever pruning, do not leave long stumps. This can lead to infection at the cut site. Aesthetically, such pruning does not decorate the plant. How to trim a ficus so that it is fluffy, curly and beautiful?

Bansaya from ficus (photo)

Pruning is used for various purposes:

Correction of the crown shape. This procedure is carried out in March. Branches that have stretched over the winter are cut back to their previous level. The shape of the plant is put in order. For these works, manicure scissors or special miniature scissors for trimming the thin ends of branches are more suitable.

To create a bonsai style composition. In some types of ficus aboveground part not so decorative. But the roots! Such plants are grown only for this dramatic picture. With age, the roots become very thick and bizarrely curved if they are placed above ground level when planting.

In this case, the ficus trunk is cut short, leaving a small stump. New branches quickly grow from it. Such exotic plants effective and undemanding. Thick roots can go without water for a long time. Minimal foliage does not require good lighting.

Sanitary pruning. This type of pruning can be done throughout the season, cutting out dead, broken or weak branches.

Plant formation. Ficus can be grown as a tree, in standard form, or as a bush with several shoots. All these shapes are achieved by pruning.

Some experimentation enthusiasts plant two to four plants at once in one spacious pot. If you plant ficus elastica in this way, then at a certain height these plants can be intertwined. allows you to do this without damaging the plant.

New sprouts after pruning (photo)

As they grow, they are adjusted to remain in this position. There are clamps for this. They can be purchased in bonsai departments. After some time, the intertwined trunks form a beautiful picture.

The standard form of the plant is also created by pruning. The lush crown in the shape of a ball is formed in three tiers. It is good to use ficus Benjamin or Elastica for such experiments.

Making a standard from an adult tree is not a pleasant task. A lot of effort and energy can be wasted.

Best used for growing young plant. His height is early age limited to one central shoot. All other laterals are removed. The crown should begin at a distance of about 50 cm from the soil surface.

The ratio of crown and trunk height of 1:1 is optimal from an aesthetic point of view. It stays firmly on the feet and proportionality plays into the hands of any style. In each specific case, the gardener chooses his own type of plant. It depends on the type of ficus and on the pot in which it lives.

The ficus bush can also be given almost any shape. The main thing is not to rush. Heavy pruning will not work good results. Everything must be in moderation, otherwise the plant will weaken.

Rejuvenating or restorative pruning. As a result poor care or force majeure in the form of unforeseen frosts, the plant may suffer, dry out or freeze.

But don't give up. Ficus recovers quickly provided correct pruning and subsequent resuscitation. The plant is completely pruned. Only one stump remains.
Due to its powerful roots, with good care, it quickly produces shoots.

Place of trimming (photo)

Getting a lush crown. Ficus benjamina develops a denser crown with regular pruning or pinching of the tips of the shoots. The buds below the cutting point should be towards the outside of the plant. After the procedure, side shoots will grow from them.

Reduction in leaf size. To make the whole plant proportional, sometimes the top is pinched or all the leaves are removed. After this procedure, smaller leaves grow. Such a decisive action is only necessary if the plant is fully confident of recovery and good care subsequently.

Not all types of ficus begin to branch after pruning the central shoot. Even after pruning, rubber ficus leaves only one shoot left. Having decided on the type of pruning that is required for the flower, you need to choose the right time of year for this.

Trimming time and tools

Performing formative pruning during the dormant period will weaken the plant. If there is insufficient light after pruning, the shape of the ficus may become one-sided. This deficiency is quite difficult to eliminate.

That is why it is necessary to observe the time frame within which the ficus can be pruned:

Ficus, which is ready for pruning (photo)

Formative pruning is carried out only during the period of active growth. This period begins indoors at the end of February and ends at last days July.

Sanitary pruning can be carried out throughout the year. Sometimes, in some types of ficus, the opportunity to see weak and diseased branches among the lush crown appears only after the leaves have been shed. Dry branches must be cut out.

For pruning you need:

  • Secateurs
  • Gardening scissors
  • Miniature garden shears
  • Garden var
  • Alcohol solution

Before pruning, all tools should be checked for sharpness of blades. Sharpen if necessary. Then they are treated with an alcohol solution.

After pruning, the cut area should be covered with garden varnish to prevent germs and pests from getting on it.

When pruning, the gardener should be guided by plant safety measures and a sense of his own intuition. By combining these qualities, you can subsequently obtain excellent results.

We would like to note that all tools that were used to trim the described plant must be disinfected at the end of the procedures. If the tree shows signs of disease and sanitation is carried out, it is necessary to re-disinfect after removing all affected shoots before moving on to healthy branches.

In addition to alcohol, you can also use a strong solution of manganese or bleach. If the plant looks lethargic or has recently experienced a pest attack or disease, you should not correct the shape of the crown. At such a time, you can only do remedial pruning if necessary.

Caring for the plant after pruning

Depending on the type of pruning, it may vary.

If the plant is grown as a single stem, then after its formation begins, watering should be reduced slightly so that the water gradually reaches the entire height and the side shoots do not tend to grow.

When rejuvenating pruning or to restore a lost plant, watering should be plentiful and regular along with weekly fertilization.

When carrying out formative pruning during the period of active development, watering should fill the plant with strength. Therefore, once a week, water-soluble microfertilizer for indoor flowers should be present in the water for irrigation.

The next, second in a week, watering is done with clean, warm, settled water. room temperature. But it must be combined with foliar feeding drug HB-101.

Loosening the soil is an essential step in plant care. An alternative is to mulch the soil with moss or pebbles. They also serve as decoration for the entire composition.

We would like to note that shoots cannot be removed if there is another disease-affected flower next to the plant chosen for work. Even if it has dried leaves or a limp appearance, this may indicate an infection.

The fact is that after formation, any plant is vulnerable for some time, therefore, it is important to provide it comfortable conditions recovery.

After the procedure, the plant needs a gentle regime. It is important that the crown is not exposed to direct sunlight. You can even put the tree in a slightly shaded place for a week.

Although after such work the flower needs to regain its strength, it cannot be fertilized in the next 3-4 weeks. This will only harm the plant. Also, for the first time after pruning, you should not apply products with a large amount of nitrogen. It is better to choose fertilizers with a predominance of potassium.


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