How to design a children's room for a boy and a girl in an interesting and functional way. Room design for a boy and a girl - layout and zoning of a room for two children of different sexes Bedroom design for a girl and a boy combined

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The interior of a children's room designed to accommodate two children of different sexes is sometimes an impossible task for parents, especially in financially. The design and zoning of such rooms has many nuances, both from the point of view of ergonomics and from the point of view design solutions. How to properly plan and divide space for a boy and a girl - in our article.

Renovating a room for a boy and a girl must begin with preliminary planning and zoning, because both children need their own personal space. But it is better to maintain a single design style, dividing the room with color or another method of zoning - this is exactly what we will talk about.

At first glance, there are no advantages to the fact that a brother and sister will share the same room. Especially if they are of different ages. However, this is not quite true:

Firstly, none of them will be bored and, if necessary, each can turn to the other for help or advice.

Secondly, it is living together that strengthens the relationship between brothers and sisters.

Thirdly, children learn to respect the personal space of others, not to spoil other people's things, and to better maintain order and discipline.

Also, when decorating a room in different colors In these shades, children understand that they belong to a particular gender.

It should be noted that by placing children in one room, parents, in a sense, save space, especially if they share a two-room apartment with their children. Well, ideas for rooms for girls and boys will help you get out of this situation.

How to divide a room for a boy and a girl

If we are talking about a room with an area of ​​more than 18 square meters, then for separation you can erect full-fledged plasterboard partitions in order to allocate each child their own space, even if it is very small. Most often, parents allocate the largest and most spacious room in the apartment for children of different sexes - this is the only way to talk about some kind of separation. The erected partition will help not only divide the room into two living areas, but also serve as a support for the built-in wardrobe.

But if the room has an area smaller than the specified one, then every square meter counts and we are no longer talking about a major partition. Then a reasonable question arises: how to zone a room for a boy and a girl living together?

  • Open shelving and cabinets. They serve not only as a partition, but also as a place to store toys and books.
  • Drapes, curtains. Light and airy curtains will not overload the space, but will make it clear that the room has two purposes.
  • Screen. The advantage of this item is its mobility - if you remove the screen, you get a large, spacious room. The screen can be used, for example, in the evening, when one of the children is already getting ready for bed, and the second is still doing homework.
  • Different floor levels. For one of the children, you can arrange a space on the podium, and if available high ceilings- arrange an “attic”.
  • Partitions from wooden beams and bars. Modern solution is the use wooden beams to divide space. Such a partition allows light to pass through, but can be used as a support for a table or hanging shelves.

A modern approach to arranging the interior of a children's room for a girl and a boy will allow you to make the most of the entire space, using it both horizontally and vertically.

What zones should be provided in a room for two children - a girl and a boy together, and which ones should be separated?

The place near the window is considered the brightest and can be used to arrange a work area. If the children are both schoolchildren, then they will need two desks or one large one. Designers suggest using a window sill combined with work surface arranged along the window. On both sides of the window you can arrange racks or shelves where educational materials will be stored.

Sleeping places are usually located near the wall, away from sounds and drafts. In addition, children will need a place to play and create. If the guys attend some kind of club or section, then it will be necessary to provide a place for sports equipment, stationery and other tools to help children develop.

If you decide to make one common closet for storage, then it is better to place it at the entrance, and so that both children have free access to it.

Children's room for girls and boys: design

After the parents have decided on functional purpose each zone and divided the room into two equal parts, you can start choosing style direction. The task is complicated by the fact that not every style is suitable for a girl and not every style is suitable for a boy. For example, the characteristic “girly” style of Provence does not fit in with the masculine brutality necessary for a teenage boy. Well, a purely male loft is certainly not suitable for a preschool girl. So, what style should you choose to decorate a room for a girl and a boy together?

Modern or modern minimalism

The most perfect solution for a children's room where two children will live - a girl and a boy. Modern style involves the use of only a minimal set of furniture, the absence of unnecessary decor, and the presence of pieces of furniture that do not clutter up the space. Thanks to its versatility, the style is suitable for both toddlers and teenagers, as well as children of different ages. In minimalism they are mainly used light colors and shades that push boundaries and visually expand space.

Modern style also involves the use of transformable furniture that can be moved and quickly change its purpose. Another advantage modern style its cost-effectiveness - parents do not need to incur additional costs for decorative details.


Of course, classics in their classical sense (pardon the pun) require quite a large space, however, for two children it is more advisable to use modern classics with a minimum of decorative elements and stucco molding.

As designers say, “classics are always in fashion,” and this involves the use of natural materials and fabrics. And it is not at all necessary to have a rubber budget to arrange a beautiful classic bedroom for children.

A children's room in a classic style provides for minimal decor, for example, moldings on the ceiling, walls and furniture facades. It is not at all necessary to choose a central chandelier for lighting, although its presence characterizes the classic direction. You can supplement the lighting wall lamps, matching the style of the entire room. Light shades will create a relaxed and uncluttered space.

High tech

Technological progress forces us to follow many rules, including in the interior design of a room for a girl and a boy. Although high-tech can be called cold and reserved due to the abundance of metal and glass, it will fit perfectly into the life of the younger generation. The technical equipment of the room will look especially organic - computers, laptops, modern LED lightening, built-in cinema. But this does not mean that parents will go broke buying equipment; one or two gadgets that catch the eye are enough.

As for the color for the high-tech style, in the case of a small room it is better to give preference to light shades - white, gray, milky with bright splashes.


Many may call loft too masculine style, brutal and cold. However, this is not quite true. The loft is multifaceted, so it can be safely used in the case of interior design for teenage boys and girls. Character traits loft:

  • open communications (in in this case the main thing is safety), in a nursery this can be ceiling beams, decorative ventilation duct, lamps without lampshades;
  • high ceilings and big windows no textiles. Of course, this point hardly applies to our apartments, but if such a possibility still exists, then it is better not to block the windows from natural light with heavy curtains;
  • open brickwork or concrete walls. The role of such decoration can easily be performed by plaster or gypsum brick.
  • industrial elements - metal lamps, headboard or nightstand with rivets;
  • deliberately rough furniture, as if made hastily from scrap old boards.

Themed interior for girls and boys

Many parents are afraid to decorate a room for two children of different sexes in a certain theme, arguing that children's tastes and hobbies change almost every day. An older child may no longer take several children's interior with butterflies or cars on the wallpaper. Well, if the children are also of different ages, then you can forget about the themed interior? Not at all: you just need to choose a topic that will be relevant for a child at any age.

These areas could be:

  • Lego style, where all interior elements are folded and unfolded according to the principle of a transformer constructor;
  • forest or zoo (safari, jungle, the main color scheme in this case will be green or yellow and their shades;
  • a medieval castle: in the girl’s half it can be something beautiful and magical, but in the boy’s half it can be knightly and more brutal;
  • marine theme, relevant for both kids and teenagers;
  • fairy tales and cartoon or comic book characters.

Having chosen a theme, determine with what details this theme will be revealed: photo wallpaper or a fresco on the wall, textiles on the windows and on the bed, decorative elements in the form of wall posters, paintings, clocks. Even the design of bookshelves and work chairs matters.
Create a room design for a boy and a girl together with your children, listen to their opinion, because they will have to live in this room for more than one year, and an imposed interior can suppress the child’s creativity.

Choosing a color for the nursery

When the question arises: how to make a room for a boy and a girl—two children of different sexes—you need to listen not only to architects and designers, but also to psychologists. Color content affects both the development of the child and the mood at a particular moment in time. According to experts, they are suitable for children's rooms following colors and their shades:

  • Yellow is truly sunny, lifts your mood and increases brain activity. The most neutral shade of all, suitable for both boys and girls.
  • Blue or blue. If there is too much of this color, the interior becomes too cold and depressing. Well, in measured quantities, shades of blue are calming. In a room for a girl and a boy, it can be used together with other shades and highlight the area for the boy.
  • Green. It is a well-known fact that green has a positive effect on vision and gives rest to the eyes. It is this that we associate with nature, which means it gives us a certain peace and tranquility. The interior for a boy and a girl can contain green shades in any of the zones.
  • Red and its shades. Quite aggressive, enhances brain activity and is more suitable for phlegmatic people. Well, in a nursery it should be used in small quantities, only to highlight some details.
  • Peach or pink. Quite gentle, positive colors. Ideal for decorating an area for a girl in a common room - in such a space she will feel comfortable and cozy.

Of course, when a room is decorated for a boy and a girl together, the interior contains at least two distinct colors - this is often how the space for children is divided. You don't need to be a design expert to understand that these shades should be combined with each other. The following color solutions and combinations are possible (for a boy’s and a girl’s space):

  • Blue + pink or peach;
  • Blue + yellow;
  • Green + yellow;
  • Green + pink;
  • Gray + pink;
  • Brown + cream;
  • Turquoise + beige.

Of course, this does not mean that the entire area for the child should be highlighted in one of the colors. It is more advisable to choose neutral and light shades for the background, while bright and contrasting tones are suitable for accents.

When choosing a room design for a boy or a girl together with your children, take into account their color preferences, because only in such an interior will they be pleased to stay and develop. It will be much easier to choose a color if the boy and girl like the same ones - in this case, you can designate personal areas only with different shades of the same color.


Of course, the most home furniture in a room for two children there are beds. They are the ones who are allocated the most “trump” place - where there are no drafts. Most often, beds are placed with the headboard or one side facing the wall. If the parents decided to use a two-tier structure, then most often it takes up space along the wall.

Bunk beds

How else can you put two beds in a room (you can find out from the article:) where children of different sexes live? The most optimal arrangement is tiered, when the entire height of the room is used.

You can even “move” both children into the attic, under which you can arrange a work area or play area. This solution will especially appeal to parents who cannot allocate more than 10 square meters for two children.

Such furniture should always be safe: the sleeping place is equipped with special railings. Please note that there should be enough space up to the ceiling for the child to sit comfortably.

Transformable beds

A sofa bed, a chair-bed or a sleeping place hiding in a closet - such transformable furniture will always save space, but at the same time provide comfortable stay at night. Another furniture option is a bed that rolls out from under the podium. The sleeping place itself in such structures is quite spacious, and during the day it can be hidden, freeing up space for games.

A sofa bed or chair-bed will allow you to lie down and relax during the day without wasting time folding and unfolding transformable beds. But such models also take up more space.

Working space

Even if a girl and a boy living in the same room do not go to school yet, they still need a place for creativity, drawing, modeling and crafts. Moreover, it is unlikely that parents will want to make repairs in a couple of years. This means that it is necessary to provide a corner for arranging the workspace in advance.

If the children are already schoolchildren, then in addition to the desktop they will need a rack or cabinet for educational materials and office supplies. We have already said that it is more advisable to select the brightest place for studying - near the window.

You can create a spacious work area by using the surface of the window sill, combining it with a tabletop. And on both sides of the window you can make shelves or bookshelves.

Storage space

Storage space in a children's room for a boy and a girl is not only closets or closets for clothes and shoes. Parents need to consider where toys, board games and books, office supplies and study items will be placed.

If the children get along well with each other, then you can arrange for them one spacious wardrobe, divided into sections. In this case, each child is allocated half of the closet, and shelves and rods for clothes are built. Designers recommend taking a closer look at corner cabinet models that save space.

Toys can be stored in drawers under the bed or on the bottom shelves of a closet. But for the office and books you will have to arrange separate places, closer to the workplace. After all, while doing homework, the child should not be distracted by anything, which means that all important books and supplies should be at hand.


To keep your children's eyes healthy and create a cozy atmosphere, you will have to think through the lighting scheme at the planning stage. After all, the laying of electrical wires and switches depends on where and what kind of lamps will be located.

When there are two children living in a room, and even of different sexes, one central chandelier will clearly not be enough, so you will have to think about the placement of the following light sources:

  • main lighting - built-in ceiling or central;
  • directional light source for work and study;
  • night lights in personal areas that can be turned on if necessary.

When choosing a lighting design, you should take into account that in the children's room there should not be a sharp transition between light and shadow, and the light itself should not tire the eyes. Which means one more important aspect- choosing the right lamps. Modern LED bulbs with neutral light they do the job perfectly.

Depending on the chosen style for a children's room for two children of different sexes, you can also mount lighting for niches, furniture, and cornices.

Room for a girl and a boy together - interior photos

Of course, you can talk quite a lot about the topic of cohabitation of two children of different sexes, but, as they say, “it’s better to see once than to hear a hundred times” (or read), so we have prepared an impressive collection of photos of room interior ideas for a boy and a girl together. Perhaps the photos we saw will help many parents decorate a similar room in their apartment, creating a cozy and safe environment for their children.

The teenage period is characterized by complex upheavals in a person’s personality. Almost for the first time, he truly realizes his individuality and begins to demand more freedom. All parental attitudes are questioned and revised. In order not to resort to harsh parenting methods, parents are advised to act subtly. So, to symbolically expand the boundaries of his freedom, you can create an appropriate room design for a teenager. It is also possible to involve him himself in choosing the design style, however, one should be prepared for manifestations of youthful maximalism. Below we present a few recommendations that will help you find mutual language with your child - best room for a teenager.

Properly decorating a room for a teenager is the same concern, only in an indirect form. Not all children from 12 to 17 years old can independently determine their needs, and therefore still need parental help with this issue. And the most important thing that needs to be taken into account here is the secondary importance of the monetary aspect. The teenager will evaluate the final result completely differently. Therefore, regardless of what the layout of the other rooms looks like, the nursery should take into account his personal interests. It is better to direct the child’s self-expression in a creative direction than to subsequently allow unmotivated aggression to splash out. It is important to understand that the design of a room for teenagers can be based on interests, hobbies, abilities, and not just follow some generally accepted style. This room should become his personal space. Next, about the differences in design for boys and girls.

Choosing a nursery design for a teenage boy

It is strongly recommended to turn to his hobby and, if possible, make a themed room. This will help not only earn the teenager’s respect, but also have a beneficial effect on the development of his abilities. For example, a boy may have the following interests:

  • Computer games, virtual programs;
  • Art (music, cinema, painting);
  • Military affairs, weapons;
  • Applied, exact sciences (chemistry, geometry, geography);
  • Sport.

The last option is the most universal. Regardless of the chosen theme, you should provide a sports corner in the teenager’s room. It is important to determine what exactly interests your child. Usually it's in plain sight; guys rarely hide their hobbies.

Choosing a teenage room for a girl

A similar method works here. First you need to listen to the opinion of the girl herself before turning to experienced designer. Even the coolest of them cannot know for sure what will be best for her.

The modern arsenal of professional interior designers includes many more options than just pink wallpaper or ruffles on curtains. For example, important element decor can be achieved by the correct furniture layout. It’s good that manufacturers offer it on the market widest choice, corresponding to all kinds of hobbies of the child.

Since a girl should a priori have a lot of outfits, she will need original products that allow her to carefully store her clothes. The minimum set may look like this:

  • Wardrobe for dresses, outerwear;
  • Shelves under the bed for storing shoes;
  • Dresser for underwear;
  • Dressing table.

Despite the abundance of clothes and other women's accessories, it is still not worth it to unnecessarily clutter the space of the room.

Choosing a nursery design for two teenagers

Enough difficult task, because it is necessary to maintain balance, a certain balance. It is necessary to ensure that teenagers do not interfere with each other, but at the same time maintain a strong connection.

If space allows, this effect can be achieved by combining functional areas:

  • A bunk bed is considered a classic, allowing you to combine a sleeping area;
  • Long desk can become a work area for both;
  • It’s easier than ever to manage a closet where fair division can be provided;
  • A common recreation area, the same music corner or punching bag.

One conclusion can be drawn here: it is extremely undesirable to create a situation where one of them may feel deprived.

Parity must be maintained in everything, especially if the children are twins.

Toys are toys, but the same furniture set will have to be divided equally. Even if we are talking about the design of a teenage boy’s room. The only discount will be that the room can be decorated with one theme. Of course, taking into account the opinions and tastes of each teenager. An exemplary example is the theme of football. The guys may love rival teams, but the ball and common tournaments bring them together. But that's if you're lucky, because guys can get carried away different types sports

If children are of different sexes, then zoning is indispensable. To avoid rigid division, the design of a room for two teenagers can be combined with one common style. But before moving on to the design style, we should briefly introduce age accents.

Interior accent depending on age

12-13 years old

The child is just beginning to realize his own individuality, but it is likely that he has already developed some kind of hobby. In this case, you can’t hesitate; you need to reflect this as fully as possible in the rooms for a teenager.

Maybe someday he will say a loud thank you to his parents at an awards ceremony if his creative passion develops into something more. It's incredibly cool when a person starts doing what he loves with something like this. early age. Therefore, the sooner this is noticed, the more serious the results will be.

14-15 years old

Since the guys have most likely already decided on the topic of hobbies or hobbies, it is now the idols’ turn. They instinctively look for a role model. Based on his behavior model, they can behave in the same way with their friends.

By the age of 15, children are often members of teenage “gangs,” communities of interests, so it is advisable to provide for the possibility of friendly gatherings. To do this, you can design a teenager’s room soft poufs or colored pillows, which take up much less space than chairs.

16-17 years old

At this age, a teenager could already achieve certain results. He feels like an independent person and can evaluate his achievements from the outside. Best advice for parents it will be to let go of the reins and let him choose the style himself. Show more trust.

Room decoration styles for teenagers

Classic style

It is considered one of the most successful decisions if the teenager is a girl. Within the framework of this style, the economic abilities of the future keeper of the hearth can be well demonstrated. True, parents should know that in addition to maintaining symmetry, this decor requires the presence of expensive fabrics and other luxury items.


It is a kind of opposite of the classics, it involves a violation of symmetry in favor of certain geometric shapes. The non-standard layout and functionality of the room create the design of a modern room for a teenage boy. The dynamic effect, visible expressiveness, daring style are clear evidence of this. The emotional component of such an interior allows a young man to be in harmony with his “wave”, his own worldview. The child’s hobby will not matter; it can be easily adapted to the design.

American style

Distinctive features of the style are:

  • functional combination of zones;
  • impressive dimensions of the furniture set;
  • use or imitation of expensive materials;
  • spot lighting.

We can conclude that this style has some similarities with the classics. To use it you need enough light space. Suitable for both teenagers.


Contains some element of education, when a teenager, from childhood, learns to appreciate what he has and does not litter his personal space with unnecessary objects. In addition, cleaning such a room seems extremely easy and quick. Which looks like an undeniable advantage with a guy.

This also guarantees additional safety, since the fewer corners and protruding parts, the lower the risk of injury. For a concert of a musical group or a performance by a favorite team may well provoke a child to act recklessly.

High tech

The previous style is considered the forerunner of high-tech, which positions itself as the fruit of the work of science fiction writers. This includes space motifs, popular science themes, and the construction of starships. Smooth texture, functionality metal products, the use of cool shades - everything should set the teenager up to conquer new heights, model the technologies of his future. There should also be no problems with cleaning the nursery.

High tech - perfect interior boy's room.


A direct descendant of the industrial style, loft is the most practical option for decorating a children's room. This is due to the absence of the need to adhere to a single layout: the use of different-sized furniture, unusual accessories and improvisation with the color of the finish are allowed. For restless guys, this style allows them to express their reckless nature to the fullest. Parents can only be reminded of a sense of proportion, and also that this design will require a large space.

Sea style

White and blue color scheme, wooden crafts, metal fittings - everything should be reminiscent of the sea. You can design the curtains as sails, and the flooring as a deck. Perfect option for dreamy teenagers who have been in love with geography and its overseas travels since childhood.


Allowed only if available creativity The child has. Because without an unusual view of things, a specific imagination, it will be difficult to justify the visible bad taste or the presence of an acidic color. There are practically no rules. More precisely, there is one thing: breaking all the rules.


It is more suitable for those who began to grow up early, try to restore order and pragmatically assess the future. Perfectionists are found equally among boys and girls. For example, female representatives can rationally approach the issue of storage, and later this will come back to haunt the daughter becoming the chief accountant. The boy will appreciate the spaciousness of the room with an asymmetrical design.

Features of finishing a teenage room


There are no hard and fast rules here, since the child has already grown up and cute animals on the walls are no longer relevant. You should focus exclusively on the teenager’s personality. There is no need to insist on practical beige if he is growing creative. Conversely, acidic tones can become a source of nervous tension in a calm child. A compromise could be one bright wall with the rest of a neutral color. Guys are recommended a dull, muted, matte color for the cladding. Girls are more likely to wear delicate, vanilla tones.


When choosing the texture of wallpaper, you should take into account the future placement of children's favorite posters on it. Therefore, a large ornament will irritate the child; it is better to use simple tones. It is ideal when an artist grows up and is able to paint the walls on his own. And it doesn’t matter what, with a pencil or through graffiti. Parents can be recommended bright photo wallpapers with the right theme.


There are no fundamental points here, except for the design in a high-tech style (where it is possible to organize a starry sky). Regular whitewash, drywall or stretch ceiling have the same chances. You can focus on the height of the room and lighting features.


Likewise, it will depend on the style. Either it’s a deck (marine theme), or just parquet, if it’s classic. Or maybe finishing with ceramic tiles, if it’s high-tech. For athletes the best option there will be carpet. My only wish is that the flooring be heated.


The younger generation needs a lot of natural light. Artificial lighting it is advisable to make it pointwise, for each functional area. Thus, they will further delimit the space. For girls, the option with beautiful chandelier with floral motifs.

Furniture and decor

Integral attributes of the decor can be various awards, favorite posters, homemade products young designers, musical instruments.

There are many requirements for children's furniture. Firstly, there should not be a lot of it, a minimum set. It should not clutter up the space and limit the teenager’s movements. Secondly, maximum functionality of all products. If the style does not involve dark wood, then it is better to stick to light shades natural wood. Any accessories.

The bed must be comfortable and ergonomic, perhaps with orthopedic mattress because the child is still growing. For girls, a bed on a podium with drawers for clothes is suitable. It is better not to use transforming sofas at all.

What's the result?

A thoughtful approach to decorating a nursery involves paying attention to the interests of the teenager himself. Therefore, there are no ironclad design requirements. There are some wishes: more space, light, less furniture, unnecessary details. It is also advisable that positive colors be used, even if the child belongs to the Goth subculture. The main requirement for small furniture is its functionality. As for the finishing, everything will depend on the style you choose together.

Arranging a room for children is not only a very responsible and important task, but also enjoyable. After all, we use all our imagination in order to create the ideal children's room for our child. Children's room for boys and girls 30 best ideas for both boys and little princesses.

Before decorating a children's room, you should roughly imagine the location of the main things: a bed, a desk or computer desk, a closet or cabinet, play area. We advise you to immediately draw up a diagram of such an important room, examples of children's room plans for boys and girls:

With the arrival of a baby at home, parents are often faced with the task of how to decorate the baby’s room? What furniture and decoration to choose? What colors are best to decorate everything in? So that, on the one hand, it is bright and beautiful, and on the other hand, practical and convenient. Children's room for a boy and a girl 30 original ideas in the photo below.

When choosing color solutions, it is quite possible to consider the following bright colors like yellow or orange, green and pink, as well as their possible combinations and combinations. Bright room children's room for girls photo below.

Now let's look at examples of bright children's rooms for a boy photo:

The main thing is not to overdo it with brightness and abundance. Generally, there are two main techniques: use two contrasting colors in a warm or cool tone, or different shades of the same color. Ikea, as always, will help with arranging the nursery and selecting a room specifically for your child.

Ikea children's room is perfect room for your child.

If preference is given to contrasting colors, then it is best to choose one of them as the main one and use it when decorating the walls and floor of the children's room. It must be remembered that the floor should be slightly darker than the walls. And the other, secondary one, is better used as bright accents. For example, window curtains and decorative pillows or a bright blanket on the sofa or bed. Photos of a children's room for girls in red colors are presented below.

It is better to choose furniture in neutral shades, preferably from natural materials. It is always worthwhile to learn about ecology in furniture materials, wallpaper and paints. Ikea children's always use only environmentally friendly and high-quality materials. Photos of a children's room for a boy are presented below.

When choosing a color scheme for the interior of a children's room, you should remember the depressing effect on the child's psyche of a large number of surfaces painted white or black. Prolonged exposure to the color purple can also make your baby tired.

Also, designers do not recommend being guided by obvious gender characteristics when choosing a color scheme for decorating a child’s room. That is, a boy’s room should not be decorated purely in shades of blue, and a girl’s room should not be decorated in shades of blue. Pink colour. Children's room for a boy in non-standard color solutions are presented below.

If a children's room is being decorated for a child who has already grown up enough, it would also be useful to ask his opinion about the color design. After all, your child is already a completely independent and more or less formed personality with his own needs and desires. Including flowers. Listen to them.

It is advisable not to overload the children's room with an abundance of decor. Some kind of unusual lamp and several paintings or photographs on the wall. Various applications, paintings or photo wallpapers have become popular lately. Children's room for boys and girls, original ideas with photo wallpaper. Let's look at a photo of a children's room for girls; these rooms were furnished with their own hands by creative parents.

If the children's room has a monotonous interior, then you can decorate the walls or arrange it new furniture. Also, no one has canceled the ability to change individual old products, including furniture, yourself.

Indeed, a cheerful cartoon wall or, for example, a multi-colored table decorates the space well and at the same time diverts the need for repairs to late date. You just need to consult with the little one about the future style of furniture. Difficult? Nothing like that: choose colors together with your child, guided by appearance favorite cartoon characters, etc. Then we begin to “do-it-yourself.” By the way, you can also create and decorate furniture with children. Weekends are the best time for such a completely useful family affair. Cheerful and non-standard room A do-it-yourself nursery for a boy is shown in the photo.

Emphasis on naturalness and safety

Before painting finished furniture or materials from which we will assemble the product(s), we will make sure that our “base” will not pose a threat to its owner.

If the product does not emit an unpleasant odor, if it does not creak and if there are no sharp points protruding from it in the form of nails and various mechanisms, then you can begin the design. Otherwise, it is better to replace the furniture with new one. New – not necessarily purchased from finished form in a store or market. The fact is that you can assemble the product yourself to save money during a crisis. True, in this case you need to have tools and materials. That is, we won’t limit ourselves to stickers and paints alone.

You still have to choose between plastic, wood, particle board(abbr. chipboard) and glass. Cross out the last two materials immediately. Plastic has already proven its safety, and wood in general is an absolutely natural material. And it is not at all necessary to focus on oak furniture: pine is a wonderful and most affordable species.

Difficulties may arise with assembling plastic elements: the structure cracks when cutting and drilling, so the material must first be melted. Only then, at low speeds, can you work with a power tool - drill, screwdriver, etc. By the way, it is better to drill holes first with small diameter drills, then with medium and large ones (if necessary).

Purchase or assembly

It is clear that it is better and more profitable to decorate finished goods, even if they are worn out. So, you don’t have to collect anything, you don’t have to tinker with tools and spend money to purchase them.

Well, to paint or not to paint ready table and the seat is a personal matter for everyone. However, do not forget that the products will be used by a child. Therefore, try to at least think about convenience: adjust the model in height, evaluate the convenience of the tabletop, determine what is better to finish or purchase - a chair or a stool?

We emphasize that the design of the chair itself is complex, because it includes a backrest for convenience. A stool is just a set of planks and bars that need to be correctly connected to each other using screws. By the way, you also need to be able to tighten the screws: the heads should not protrude outward. Even better is to use wooden choppers instead of screws. Photo children's room for girls original furniture Let's look at the photos and videos now.

Let's start painting

Is the furniture ready? Well, then let's paint (we hope you have already checked the fasteners for strength and made sure there are no sharp ends or burrs on the surface). We remind you that Ikea children's provides a wide range of furniture for children's rooms.

The paint must be safe, i.e. water-based. This composition dries quickly (an hour and a half) and does not emit an unpleasant odor. All you have to do is choose a special one water-based paint with a memo “for furniture” and, as they say, the trick is in the bag.

As for the color palette, let it be multi-colored (preferably with a predominance of green and yellow flowers). For convenience, the product can be disassembled to paint each part separately. You can also use cartoon stickers (they are often used to disguise screw caps). You can also make a sketch and cut out stencils, through which you can create suitable ornaments on the finished background. Children's room for a boy photo:

A nursery is a place where a child spends a significant part of his life. And this room should not only be comfortable, have all the necessary furniture and equipment, but also competently decorated. What surrounds a child can have a great influence on the formation of his character and tastes.

It is good if it is possible to arrange for each child in a family with two children his own room in accordance with his tastes, needs, desires, age and gender. But if this is not possible, then you will have to try and create, within one, often not so large room, a design that will suit two people with their own characters and passions.

How to decorate a nursery

An important rule in arranging a nursery for two or three children of different sexes is nothing superfluous. Often parents send to the children's room those pieces of furniture that are no longer really needed in the rest of the apartment, thinking that they can still serve the children. But you shouldn't do that. Children spend a considerable part of their lives in the nursery, and it should be comfortable and attractively decorated. If a child has a warehouse of unnecessary things in his room, then how can he be taught to maintain order?

Room zoning

There are two main ways to decorate a children's room for a boy and a girl:

  • Divide the room into zones for each child;
  • Decorate the entire room in a neutral design and color scheme.

For children of different sexes, the first option is better. Even if they are twins or have an age difference of 1-2 years, i.e. They grow up at about the same time, but all the same, the tastes and desires of children of different sexes only begin to differ more over time.

How can you create zoning in a children's room for children of different sexes?

  1. An entire partition, for example, made of plasterboard.
  2. Living partition from a bookcase with flowers or large aquarium for fish or turtles. This option is suitable for older children who will knock over the flowers and not break the glass.
  3. Similarly for older children - stained glass windows, glass blocks, a partition on a rail.
  4. Multi-level arrangement.
  5. A room can be divided not only by some massive furniture structure or partition, but also by portable screens and curtains. All this creates personal space for children, but if necessary, it can be removed at any time.

Although each child should have their own sleeping area and study area, the play space can be made common, naturally, without forgetting that children of different sexes will still need different toys.

Sleeping area in the nursery

Even for small children who get along with each other, you should not arrange one sleeping place for two or place the beds very close to each other. Each child should have a small personal space that belongs to him and only him. If the room has a common sleeping area, then the beds in it should be placed either on different levels, or separated by a small partition or some piece of furniture - a shelving unit, a bedside table.

They are a good way to save space on beds on podiums that have built-in drawers for toys, things, books, etc.

But bunk beds can be a constant source of contention - children will argue about who sleeps upstairs, and a child sleeping downstairs may feel discriminated against. Therefore, it is worth discussing this issue with them in advance, and if they still cannot agree with each other, then choose another option for a sleeping place. In addition, bunk beds are absolutely not suitable for children under 5 years old - the risk of injury is too great.

Loft beds and bunk beds are not recommended if the room has low ceilings. The child should be able to, if not stand up on the bed to his full height, then at least sit there comfortably without hitting the ceiling. If the room has problems with ventilation, then a high sleeping place will also not be the best idea - the child sleeping there will be stuffy and hot.

Another solution that allows you to save room space well is a sofa bed or chair bed. At night it is a comfortable and large sleeping place, and during the day, in assembled form, it takes up minimal space. But when choosing such furniture, you need to make sure that the folding and unfolding mechanism is convenient and simple enough so that children can handle it on their own, and also do not injure themselves in any way.

Furniture selection

The nursery space must accommodate a large number of things, and as children grow older there are only more of them. Therefore, every meter of the room should be used rationally, choosing compact furniture with many drawers, shelves, hooks, etc.

It is important that the child not only has his own sleeping place, but also other personal pieces of furniture. To prevent children from getting confused, it is worth buying them furniture in different colors. It doesn’t have to be the classic pink shades for girls and blue for boys, but still different. Tiered arrangement of furniture will help to significantly save precious space in the apartment. For example, this could be two beds above each other, a bed located above a closet, etc.

For children of kindergarten age, you can equip a common big table with comfortable chairs. Starting school workplace should already be separate. If the room has a large window that provides a lot of light, then this work area can be located opposite it, setting up a separate table for each child or dividing the common tabletop with a partition. At the same time, children should not be able to directly look at each other’s monitors and notebooks.

As children grow up, they begin to feel embarrassed about the childishness in the design of their room. But few people want to do a major overhaul and change all the furniture in a children's room for a girl and a boy every few years - this requires time, effort and a lot of money, which can be spent on something more useful. Therefore, thinking about the design of a room for children is worth a little growth, purchasing more adult furniture that children can use comfortably even in adolescence, and give it childish look removable elements - stickers, toys, garlands, etc.

Selection of colors

It is advisable that the colors of the girl’s and boy’s areas of the room are not too contrasting and are in harmony with each other. It is not at all necessary, although, of course, it is possible, to decorate a children's room for children of different sexes in a banal combination of pink and blue.

It can be made in the children’s favorite colors, or you can choose something neutral that will suit both of them - shades of beige, green, yellow. These colors create an atmosphere of warmth and coziness in the room, and the guys will feel comfortable. Thematic design can also be gender-neutral - a fairy-tale castle, where a girl will be a princess and a boy will be a knight, a zoo, a circus, a jungle, a ship or a desert island - all this is perfect for both boys and girls.

Well-chosen furniture will help you rationally use the small space of the nursery. But visually you can make it a little larger with the help of a cooler color scheme and a horizontal pattern in the design of the walls. Vertical elements on the walls will help to visually raise the ceiling higher. Although mirrors also help create the illusion of a spacious room, you should not overuse them in the nursery for safety reasons. This very safety in the children's room needs to be given special attention. Several children in one room are several times greater risk of injury. Therefore, it is recommended to choose furniture with rounded shapes, provide existing corners with rubber pads, and do not use fragile materials.

For the floor, it is better to use light beige shades of laminate, linoleum or parquet. Colors that are atypical for the surface underfoot, such as blue, pink, purple, etc. should not be used. The human brain is accustomed to the fact that the earth has shades of brown, if it is covered with grass, then green, if with snow, then white; and coatings like asphalt and paving slabs are mostly neutral shades - black, gray, red-brown. And other colors can cause discomfort.

Selection of lighting

Kids play wherever they want to play. Therefore, they should have uniformly good lighting throughout the room. For older children, space is organized more consciously, for study, relaxation, games, etc. has its place. And in each zone the lighting mode should be optimal. For the work desk - a bright light on the left, for the play area a calm, even light from above, for a sleeping place - a dim night light that the child can reach at night if he needs to go out somewhere or is simply uncomfortable sleeping in the dark. One chandelier in the middle of the ceiling will clearly not be enough; local lighting of some parts of the room is necessary. It is important that the light used by one child does not interfere with another. Those. , for example, a lamp on a brother’s desk should not illuminate his sister’s bed, preventing her from sleeping while his brother is studying.


In general, there are a great many options for decorating a children's room for children of different sexes, and choosing the right one for each specific situation will not be difficult. Naturally, if the children are not too small and can already clearly express their opinions and wishes, then in this matter their words should be listened to. You also need to give them the opportunity to add individuality to the design of the room - pick up small interior details like figurines, vases, clocks, offer to decorate their part of the room with posters of their favorite stars or stickers with movie and cartoon characters.


In children's interior design there are three basic techniques for dividing into zones:

1. Parallel zoning. Each resident of the room is allocated a place for sleeping, studying, leisure, and storing personal belongings. The space is divided into two “complete” parts using a partition or color.

IN narrow room with a door opposite the window, a sleeping and working place for everyone can be located along the right and left walls. You can make a common closet for storing children's clothes, shoes, and general items.

2. Zoning diagonally. Stylish solution for zoning a square spacious room. The space is divided using interior items, colors, accessories, carpets. This division of the nursery in contrasting shades looks very modern.

3. Organization of common areas . The most popular and ergonomic way of zoning a room with an area of ​​10-15 square meters. meters. Can be placed in a nursery bunk bed for sleeping and a desk, for textbooks, personal belongings for each child. The sports corner can also be shared.

Where to study and where to sleep?

There are several universal techniques that need to be taken into account when zoning and choosing an interior. The nursery should have at least three zones:

1. Educational. A modern teenager spends most of his time studying. A growing person spends a lot of time doing homework. The learning area includes working, writing or computer desk, chair, modules for storing things, textbooks. The choice of children's furniture depends on the age, height of teenagers, interests and the number of things.

Today, manufacturers offer many design solutions for organizing learning space in a children's room.

This modular systems with built-in table, cabinets, shelves, drawers. That is, work zone– part of a composition of modules.

Another variant - separate place for classes. “Classics” – table, chair, rack, shelves. For a more rational filling of a small-sized children's room, they are ideal transforming systems. For example, we move the bed and pull out the table.

Our children spend a lot of time at the computer. When creating a children's learning space, you should consider lighting options. Pay special attention to the selection of table and chair height, think about how to adjust these interior items to suit a growing person.

2. Sleeping area. For a room in which two teenage children live, bunk beds are relevant.

Keep in mind that your baby is growing and needs to be comfortable. The space above the second tier should be enough for the child to sit on the bed without touching the ceiling with his head.

If a person is calm and balanced, then the presence of red, orange, yellow shades will have an encouraging, stimulating effect on him.

3 more secrets to creating the perfect nursery

  • In the design project of any children's room there should be a place to reflect the interests of children and their achievements. These can be shelves for drawings and crafts, awards, frames with drawings on the walls, mini-stands.
  • Interior stickers, photo wallpapers, and drawings will help highlight the individuality of each child in the room. Children will be happy if they are involved in the creation of such compositions.

  • If the room is small, be sure to use the area above head level for storing things. The market now offers huge selection modular systems with spacious drawers.

When deciding on the layout, always remember that children will live in this space, not you. When creating a design project for a children's room for two teenagers, taking into account fashion trends and designer advice, first of all rely on the needs and wishes of the children.

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