How to use old asphalt. How and from what you can make real asphalt yourself

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The main components of this material are crushed stone, ordinary river sand, bitumen resin, as well as polymeric materials for laying on the surface. The last component is not always used, as it is expensive; it is used mainly in the construction of highways and highways. Despite the fact that all the components can be found in the shed, making a road surface at the dacha will be a little difficult. You should seriously prepare for this process

We need a container for mixing the “ingredients”, a fire (can be a fire) for 6-8 hours continuously, about 100 liters of water to cool the suspension, as well as one of the pastes to keep everything together. Its role can be played by resin or bitumen (preferred). Let's look at the manufacturing instructions step by step.

Step 1 Prepare the container.

The first step is to make a prototype of a concrete mixer, since “killing” is expensive and useful item it will be irrational. For our purposes, a metal barrel of oil or diesel fuel, in which a branded product is sold, is suitable. If you don’t have one, you can buy it for pennies (or borrow it for free) from any farmer or from the company itself that bottles oil into retail containers. They are often thrown into scrap metal as industrial waste. Close the lid and drill holes in the bottom center. We thread a metal rod (pipe, corner, square, etc.) and scald inverter welding so that there are no leaks anywhere. We weld an L-shaped twig to one of the edges, creating a “skewer”.

Step 2 Mix the components.

We pour crushed stone into our “concrete mixer”, add a little sand (2:1) and mix everything thoroughly. You cannot pick up wet building materials - they will immediately stick together, and it will be very difficult to pick them out from the metal walls.

Step 3 We heat the bitumen and polymer additives.

In a separate container (it is best to take a 15-liter bucket), we need to heat the bitumen to a boil; for better elasticity, you can add shampoo to it. It will burn out later, but it will be much more convenient to stir. We also add polymers and plasticizers there.

Step 4 Mix everything together.

You don’t need a lot of imagination here, just take and add boiling bitumen to a preheated barrel with crushed stone and sand. Important: do not mix if the barrel and all components are not warmed up - the bitumen will quickly cool down and mixing will be impossible. For convenience, you can first add 50 liters of water to a barrel and bring to a boil. After this, pour in bitumen and stir until the water evaporates.

The boiling point of water is 100 degrees, exactly what we need for bitumen to make it fluid and sticky. Remember not to overheat this material - it ignites at a temperature of 170 degrees, so watch the water. Just finished - pour it out!

Step 5 Pour into the holes.

The area in which you will pour asphalt must be thoroughly cleaned, preferably blown out with a compressor. After you pour in the hot mixture, you need to take a roller or any other tool (tamper) and compact the material. Be sure to wet the metal of the tool with water so that it does not stick to the bitumen during compaction.

If you follow the instructions, making asphalt at home will be safe, fast and even very interesting!

What is cold asphalt and what is its feature?

Quite recently, a rather interesting product came to the territory of Russia - polymer asphalt. Its peculiarity is that it can be laid at absolutely any temperature. Tests have shown excellent viscosity and adhesiveness even at -20C, which makes it possible to repair roads or make an entrance to a dacha even in winter.

It consists of fluid bitumen grade SG or MG 70/130, characterized by increased viscosity. It also contains special plasticizers and modifiers that act similarly to “cold welding”. Due to this, you can get excellent results even at subzero temperatures. The paths will have increased strength and will last much longer than regular asphalt. The technology has been implemented for more than 5 years in Russia, and now anyone can buy such material.

There is no point in looking for a method on how to make asphalt with your own hands, since cold technology implies a high-tech manufacturing process under pressure and is not available at home. Its cost is much higher than usual road surface, therefore rarely used in industry. But every summer resident can buy the required quantity to make paths in the garden or a small driveway for a car. You can buy it in a regular store. Installation does not require special knowledge: just pour the mixture into the right place and compact it with any in a convenient way, even car tires.

How to make new asphalt from old road surface

Another very popular method of improving a site without much capital investment is to use old road surfaces as the main raw material for making a new one. To do this, we need about 100 kg of old coating, which is thrown away during highway repairs, fresh bitumen, 10 kg of resin for elasticity and a concrete hardener. Let's look at what needs to be done step by step.

We make a concrete mixer using an oil barrel and a twig as described in the first section of the article.

Step 2 Grind the components.

Use a hammer to break up all the large pieces remaining from the old road. Check that the fraction of all components is fine, up to 40 mm. Add a little sand there and mix everything. We begin to heat the barrel with old asphalt and sand placed in it, fill it with 60-70 liters of water, bring it to a boil and “cook the soup”.

Step 3 Prepare the solution for addition.

Now is the time to take care of the liquid part. Since the old road surface already contains some bitumen, we will need 50% less of it. That is, we take about 10 kg of bitumen and 10 kg of resin per 100 kg of material, heat it to a boil. Then we pour it all into a heated barrel with other components, mix thoroughly with a metal rod.

Homemade asphalt from free components is ready. Now all that remains is to pour it into pre-cleaned holes or onto a site prepared for laying. Such material will serve you for many years and will be no worse than “branded” material.

Hot asphalt and step-by-step instructions for its production

The main components of this material are crushed stone, ordinary river sand, bitumen resin, as well as polymer materials for laying on the surface. The last component is not always used, as it is expensive; it is used mainly in the construction of highways and highways. Despite the fact that all the components can be found in the shed, making a road surface at the dacha will be a little difficult. You should seriously prepare for this process

We need a container for mixing the “ingredients”, a fire (can be a fire) for 6-8 hours continuously, about 100 liters of water to cool the suspension, as well as one of the pastes to keep everything together. Its role can be played by resin or bitumen (preferred). Let's look at the manufacturing instructions step by step.

Step 1 Prepare the container.

The first step is to make a prototype of a concrete mixer, since it would be irrational to “kill” an expensive and useful item. For our purposes, a metal barrel of oil or diesel fuel, in which a branded product is sold, is suitable. If you don’t have one, you can buy it for pennies (or borrow it for free) from any farmer or from the company itself that bottles oil into retail containers. They are often thrown into scrap metal as industrial waste. Close the lid and drill holes in the bottom center with an electric drill. We thread a metal rod (pipe, angle, square, etc.) and scald it using inverter welding so that there are no leaks anywhere. We weld an L-shaped twig to one of the edges, creating a “skewer”.

Step 2 Mix the ingredients.

We pour crushed stone into our “concrete mixer”, add a little sand (2:1) and mix everything thoroughly. You cannot pick up wet building materials - they will immediately stick together, and it will be very difficult to pick them out from the metal walls.

Step 3 Heat the bitumen and polymer additives.

In a separate container (it is best to take a 15-liter bucket), we need to heat the bitumen to a boil; for better elasticity, you can add shampoo to it. It will burn out later, but it will be much more convenient to stir. We also add polymers and plasticizers there.

Step 4 Mix everything together.

You don’t need a lot of imagination here, just take and add boiling bitumen to a preheated barrel with crushed stone and sand. Important: do not mix if the barrel and all components are not warmed up - the bitumen will quickly cool down and mixing will be impossible. For convenience, you can first add 50 liters of water to a barrel and bring to a boil. After this, pour in bitumen and stir until the water evaporates.

The boiling point of water is 100 degrees, exactly what we need for bitumen to make it fluid and sticky. Remember not to overheat this material - it ignites at a temperature of 170 degrees, so watch the water. Just finished - pour it out!

Step 5 Pour into the holes.

The area in which you will pour asphalt must be thoroughly cleaned, preferably blown out with a compressor. After you pour in the hot mixture, you need to take a roller or any other tool (tamper) and compact the material. Be sure to wet the metal of the tool with water so that it does not stick to the bitumen during compaction.

If you follow the instructions, making asphalt at home will be safe, fast and even very interesting!

What is cold asphalt and what is its feature?

Quite recently, a rather interesting product came to the territory of Russia - polymer asphalt. Its peculiarity is that it can be laid at absolutely any temperature. Tests have shown excellent viscosity and adhesiveness even at -20C, which makes it possible to repair roads or make an entrance to a dacha even in winter.

It consists of fluid bitumen grade SG or MG 70/130, characterized by increased viscosity. It also contains special plasticizers and modifiers that act similarly to “cold welding”. Due to this, you can get excellent results even at subzero temperatures. The paths will have increased strength and will last much longer than regular asphalt. The technology has been implemented for more than 5 years in Russia, and now anyone can buy such material.

There is no point in looking for a method on how to make asphalt with your own hands, since cold technology implies a high-tech manufacturing process under pressure and is not available at home. Its cost is much higher than conventional road surfaces, so it is rarely used in industry. But every summer resident can buy the required quantity to make paths in the garden or a small driveway for a car. You can buy it in a regular store. Installation does not require special knowledge: you simply pour the mixture into the desired place and compact it in any convenient way, even with car tires.

How to make new asphalt from old road surface

Another very popular method of improving a site without much capital investment is to use old road surfaces as the main raw material for making a new one. To do this, we need about 100 kg of old coating, which is thrown away during highway repairs, fresh bitumen, 10 kg of resin for elasticity and a concrete hardener. Let's look at what needs to be done step by step.

we make a concrete mixer using electric drill, oil barrels and twigs as described in the first section of the article.

Step 2 Grind the components.

Use a hammer to break up all the large pieces remaining from the old road. Check that the fraction of all components is fine, up to 40 mm. Add a little sand there and mix everything. We begin to heat the barrel with old asphalt and sand placed in it, fill it with 60-70 liters of water, bring it to a boil and “cook the soup”.

Step 3 Prepare the solution for adding.

Now is the time to take care of the liquid part. Since the old road surface already contains some bitumen, we will need 50% less of it. That is, we take about 10 kg of bitumen and 10 kg of resin per 100 kg of material, heat it to a boil. Then we pour it all into a heated barrel with other components, mix thoroughly with a metal rod.

Homemade asphalt from free components is ready. Now all that remains is to pour it into pre-cleaned holes or onto a site prepared for laying. Such material will serve you for many years and will be no worse than “branded” material.

How and from what you can make real asphalt yourself. Technologies and recipes for making high-quality asphalt with your own hands. Asphalt.

It would be more expedient to pour a layer of sand (at least 5 cm) on top of the asphalt, fill it with water and start paving paving slabs.

In order to save money, today they often resort to restoring asphalt that has already been used. Let's take a closer look at how to use old asphalt and what you need for this.

Recycling of asphalt is possible only after regeneration, which is carried out at the plant. But this process is simple and allows you to carry out all the work yourself.

Having thoroughly compacted the soil at the site of future asphalt laying work, we build a cushion of sand and crushed stone, water it and compact the layer again. This completes the preparation of the foundation - now you need to acquire source material, which remains with you after dismantling the old coating, or simply buy old asphalt. You will also need several kilograms of bitumen and physical strength.

In order to melt the old asphalt, we load it into metal container together with the purchased bitumen and heat it. To do this, simply place the container over the fire. We constantly stir the composition until it melts to a homogeneous mass, after which we add a little more crushed stone and sand so that the mixture has a crumbly consistency. The recycled asphalt can then be laid over the surface of the previously formed base. To avoid the compound sticking to the surface of the paver, you can treat the sealing surface of the device with old oil.

That, in fact, is all you need to know about how to use old asphalt at home.

Recycling of asphalt at the plant, as mentioned above, is carried out using the regeneration method. In this case, when mixing the molten composition of old asphalt, new mineral fillers and plasticizers are sometimes added to it, in addition to standard bitumen.

Recycling of asphalt to improve the efficiency of recovery plants is best done after grinding. This method also significantly increases the accuracy of the batch recipe. But, in this case, you have to additionally deal with the adhesion of asphalt material to the working elements of the crushers.

The solution to this problem was thermal crushing in steam plants. In such units, during crushing, the material is heated to 80°C. But this is abroad, but in domestic production to regenerate old asphalt, in standard version, use conventional installations for mixing such compositions. An additional set of installations with equipment for storing, transporting and dosing the asphalt concrete mixture is also used.

How to make asphalt with your own hands

Asphalt is often used to improve the surrounding area. To make asphalt mass, use the advice and instructions from experts given in this article. They will help you perform all operations efficiently and obtain reliable building material for laying the roadway.

Components of asphalt mass and tools for their preparation

Depending on the technology that will be used to produce the asphalt mixture, you will need the following set of raw materials and tools:

  • natural mountain asphalt;
  • sand;
  • bitumen;
  • crushed stone;
  • water;
  • Bulgarian;
  • drill;
  • metallic profile;
  • mixing container.

Making asphalt using the hot method

Careful preparation and study of process technology will help set up the production of hot asphalt for the needs of private households. The composition of the asphalt mass includes bitumen resin, fine crushed stone, sand and artificial polymers. For their mixing and subsequent heat treatment, a fireproof container is used. Prepare fuel to maintain required temperature based on 8 hours of burning. 100 liters of water will be needed to cool the mixture.

Method of making hot asphalt:

  1. Select a working capacity.
  2. Mix dry sand and fine crushed stone.
  3. We heat the bitumen resin and polymers to a fluid mass.
  4. We add plasticizers to a heated container with sand and crushed stone.
  5. Stir until a homogeneous suspension is formed.
  6. We use asphalting for its intended purpose.

Advantages of cold asphalt

Cold asphalt is a modern building material that is used for quick repairs and improvement of roads. The high functionality of the suspension is determined by SG bitumen. The plasticizer of this brand is characterized by high viscosity and retains plasticity at low temperatures.

The production of cold asphalt is a complex high-tech process, which is impossible to recreate in the conditions of a private farm. But, thanks to the wide distribution of the material on the construction market, summer residents can purchase it ready-made. A mass of cold asphalt is laid on the site and compacted using available tools.

Asphalt from an old road surface

Pieces of destroyed road surfaces can be used as raw materials for the production of asphalt mass. Thanks to this technique, you can easily improve the area without the need for large investments.

Road reuse technology:

  1. Grind the pieces of canvas to a fraction of 0.4 cm in size.
  2. Add sand and water and bring the mixture to a temperature of 100 °C.
  3. For 100 kg of processed mass, prepare 10 kg of bitumen and resin, bring to a boil.
  4. Mix all the remaining ingredients.

Asphalt made from previously used components is a cheap building material for the construction and repair of pedestrian and highway roads. With careful preparation of raw materials and correct installation, the wear resistance of such a coating is no different from cold or hot asphalt.

Laying asphalt with your own hands: laying technology

Garden paths should not only be beautiful, but also reliable. Exist different materials for paving them, but many of them are expensive. Most economical option, presumably, the paths will be paved.

To understand how to lay asphalt with your own hands, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of this process.

Types of asphalt

According to the production method, asphalt is distinguished:

  • Natural. It is formed as a result of hypergenesis and oxidation of heavy oil fractions.
  • Artificial. It is obtained in a factory after mixing mineral powders, crushed stone, sand and bitumen.

Asphalt products are popular, so manufacturers are improving their composition and manufacturing methods. Thanks to this, new varieties of artificial raw materials appear.

Composition and application of hot asphalt

Consists of gravel, mineral powder, viscous bitumen and sand. During production, the components are mixed under high temperatures, and a homogeneous black mass is obtained.

It must be laid a few minutes after production, since when it cools, the level of adhesion to the surface deteriorates and a poor-quality coating is obtained.

Features of cold asphalt

It differs from other types in that it uses liquid bitumen rather than viscous one. When producing a resinous mass, components are added that slow down the hardening of bitumen.

Cast pavement composition

Contains the same components as in hot asphalt. However, the cast one contains twice as much mineral powder and bitumen. The distinctive features of the coating are its small thickness and relief. Performance characteristics are 2–3 times higher than those of other types.

Colored asphalt

It can be classified as cold and hot asphalt, since it is produced in the same way. The composition includes colored dyes and crushed stone, which is why the resinous mass got its name.

Asphalt crumbs

There are two ways to make it: crushing and milling old layers of asphalt. The quality of the crumb depends on the cutter and the composition of the processed mixture.

How to lay asphalt

Advantages and disadvantages of asphalt

The material is actively used to create country paths because it has many useful qualities:

  • durability;
  • tolerance of sudden temperature changes;
  • dense coating;
  • resistance to deformation;
  • waterproof.

There are also disadvantages that appear when using asphalt on a summer cottage:

  • on hot summer days it evaporates, and harmful substances enter the human body;
  • the coating is not suitable for decorating the area, as it does not fit well into garden styles;
  • if you do the styling incorrectly, then during severe frosts it will begin to deteriorate quickly.

Preparation for installation

Asphalt laying begins with preparation. It is performed in several stages.


First, markings are made and the thickness of the crushed stone cushion with asphalt coating is determined.

It is necessary to understand exactly what thickness will need to be laid.

When resurfacing the yard, it is enough to pour 10–20 cm of sand and lay a 5–7 cm layer of asphalt. When asphalting the driveway of a private house, a more durable coating is made. The thickness of the crushed stone cushion should not be less than 40 cm. The asphalt should be laid in two layers with a total thickness of 15–20 cm.

Land works

Before excavation work is carried out, the area is checked for the presence of vegetation with large roots, which needs to be removed.

In the place where the asphalt will be laid, remove it with a shovel upper layer land. When carrying out larger-scale work, it will not be possible to do it manually and you will have to use special equipment. Excess soil is removed so that during rains it does not wash onto the road. At the end of the process, prepared land plot compacted with a roller.

Preparing the base

After completion of the excavation work, crushed stone is poured into several layers onto the compacted plot of land. First you need to pour larger stones, and then put smaller ones. Each layer of crushed stone has its own purpose:

  • a small stone helps to evenly distribute the asphalt layer;
  • medium promotes uniform load distribution;
  • the large one acts as drainage.

Large crushed stone is necessary for laying asphalt

When laying crushed stone, a slight slope is made towards the ground or drainage basins to allow water to drain.

The base laid with crushed stone is compacted with a roller. It should roll over the surface about five times. When paving a large yard, it is recommended to use a roller with a weight of about 3-4 tons and a built-in vibration function. This will allow for a high-quality compaction of the surface. Sometimes special equipment cannot reach some places and a vibrating plate is used instead.


After creating a crushed stone base, you can begin laying. For this purpose, material of different grain sizes is used. It is difficult to prepare a high-quality resinous mixture at home, so it is better to purchase it. The advantages of using a factory mixture include:

  • saving time in production;
  • use of quality material.

To lay asphalt in your yard, you need to use a fine-grain material. It is laid in one layer 5–7 cm thick.

When creating an access road, the material is laid in several layers. Fine asphalt is placed below, and coarse asphalt is placed on top. The coating is compacted with a roller and filled with bitumen to better connect the layers.

Laying over old coating

To figure out how to properly lay asphalt on an old surface, you need to familiarize yourself with some nuances.

The process of preparing the area changes slightly if the work is carried out on an asphalt surface. In this case there is no need to carry out earthworks and it is enough to repair the old coating. It is completely cleared of debris and dirt, after which the damage on the surface is filled with bitumen and a new asphalt layer is laid.

Coating repair

Over time, paved paths deteriorate. The reasons for this may be different:

  • frozen water in cracks;
  • surface deformation under the influence of high temperature;
  • heavy loads on asphalt.

You can also use instead of asphalt concrete screed or paving slabs.

Laying asphalt with your own hands is not an easy job, which is difficult to cope with without preparation. During asphalting, you must comply with all technological nuances, on which the strength and durability of the coating depends.

Related video: How to lay asphalt

Rubber asphalt: do-it-yourself laying technology

Rubber crumb coating is suitable for pedestrian paths, sports and children's playgrounds. The material does not deteriorate under the influence of precipitation, is durable, and does not lose its original appearance throughout its entire service life. Rubber asphalt is so versatile that you can do it yourself original coating for home.

Description of material

What is rubber asphalt? A special set of elements that allows you to independently prepare a working mixture for further installation of the coating. The basis of the finished mass is colored rubber crumb, which prevents the ingress of water. Laying is carried out on concrete, wood, asphalt. The mounted platform does not collapse and remains hard. The material is used to perform:

  • Coverings of pedestrian paths.
  • Arrangement of stairs, ramps and the area around the house.
  • Installation of sports grounds.

Rubber asphalt in bags can be purchased at construction stores. For example, similar products are produced in Naberezhnye Chelny, packaging weighing 8.1 kg. The package contents are:

Material consumption - up to 2 m2 with a coating thickness of 5 millimeters. Surface drying time is at least 24 hours at a temperature of 20 degrees and a humidity of 65 percent. The material is suitable for making soft surfaces for the home.


Liquid rubber asphalt creates a seamless and elastic surface with a roughness that prevents slipping. Advantages of the material:

  • Does not contain dry powder dyes.
  • Has good wear resistance and moisture resistance.
  • Surface does not require frequent repairs.
  • High level durability.
  • Not required for installation optional equipment and special skills.
  • Ready-made asphalt has an attractive appearance and a variety of colors.
  • Environmentally safe and does not cause allergies.

The material allows you to implement bold design solutions.

Laying technology

The technology for laying rubber asphalt is similar to the installation of self-leveling polymer floors. To perform the work you need weather:

  • The air temperature is not lower than +5 degrees.
  • Lack of climatic precipitation.

The working mixture is mounted on the prepared base.

The asphalt base is made at least 5 centimeters thick, and installation rubber coating produced in 3 days.

The concrete platform is made up to 10 centimeters thick. If large loads are envisaged, reinforcement is performed. We should not forget about the construction of unloading seams. Laying of the working mass is possible after 28 days.

The prepared base is primed.

Sequence of work

It is not difficult to install rubber asphalt with your own hands, the main thing is to follow the sequence and technology. The process consists of the following operations:

  • Site preparation. Rubber crumb asphalt is mounted on a solid base: concrete, wood, asphalt. concrete surface needs to be sanded. For better adhesion, the base should be cleaned of dirt and dust.
  • Primer coating. Before laying the rubber material, the site is treated with a primer. To do this, the contents of the packaging bag are mixed with turpentine or white spirit in a 1:1 ratio. The primer is evenly applied to the surface with a roller or brush.
  • The working mixture is prepared in a bag. The contents of the large PU are poured into a mixing bag and mixed thoroughly.
  • Application of rubber mass. To do this you will need a grater and a roller. The resulting mixture is evenly distributed over the entire area. Compact the coating by tapping and pressing. The surface must dry for 24 hours.

The resulting result will please the owners of the house for a long time.

How is asphalt made? - Interesting articles

The first road surfaces appeared during the Hittite Kingdom, Assyria, the Achaemenid Empire and further in the Roman Empire. By order of the emperors and kings, the cities were connected by roads made of polished stone and bricks. This greatly influenced trade and the ability to move their own troops, thereby strengthening the economy and enhancing the security of the country. But with the advent of severe road transport, the stone roads became unusable and gradually collapsed under the influence of the wheels. For this reason, stones began to be replaced with more stable asphalt surfaces made from petrochemical products.

As a result, today you can see high-quality, sustainable roads that do not require constant maintenance. And every time you step on the road or drive a car, you ask yourself the question: how is asphalt made?

Interesting fact: in ancient Greece and Babylon, oil clots were used as building material. It was added to cement to increase the strength and impact resistance of future walls.

What is asphalt made from?

For the production of asphalt, granite or volcanic crushed stone is purchased, minerals, bitumen and sand. After arriving at the plant, they are loaded into special drying apparatus. The operator feeds sand and crushed stone separately into the rotating drum via a conveyor belt. At the end of the installation there is a gas or diesel burner, which heats the walls of the drum, thereby drying the components of the future asphalt inside. For drying they can also use an installation with electrically heated. Once the process is complete, the crushed stone and sand are sent to a drum machine called a “Screech” for cleaning.

During cleaning, the components pass through grates and filters and are screened out from debris, foreign inclusions, large and small stones. After processing, they are loaded into bunkers, where they are stored until next stage. Using a computer remote control and electric dampers, it is possible to measure the required amount of ingredients for the production of different types of asphalt.

Bitumen preparation

Bitumen is produced at specialized factories, and is delivered ready-made for asphalt production. It is placed in huge boiler tanks with electrical heating, where it is gradually heated to a temperature of 110 - 120°C. Before production, it is transferred to another boiler, where it is melted to an operating temperature of 150°C. Bitumen is the result of petrochemical production, therefore safety precautions are strictly observed when heating it. At a temperature of 150 - 160°C it can ignite and lead to a long fire.

Asphalt production

The prepared components enter special bunkers, from which they enter the mixing apparatus via a conveyor belt. Due to its specific properties, bitumen is delivered separately via pipeline. Sometimes, to maintain temperature, the pipeline is equipped with an insulating coating or a heating system.

Some types of asphalt have a cellulose stabilizing additive added to increase their strength. All toxic fumes are removed by the ventilation system with installed filters cleaning polluted air. All production control occurs remotely from a computerized control panel.

Interesting fact: the first paved road appeared in the 1830s in England. Then it was first used for the sidewalks of the Royal Bridge in Paris.

All components are mixed while rotating in a heated drum. Under influence rotational movements and high temperature, complete mixing of asphalt occurs until the required properties and consistency are obtained.

Completion of production

The finished product enters a container, where a small part of it is selected for test control. Samples are tested for strength under pressure from a press and its composition is examined. After passing the quality control department, the hot asphalt is sent for road construction using special trucks.

The finished asphalt will delight everyone who drives or walks on it. Its hard and shock-absorbing surface will keep more than one pair of legs and wheels intact.

The asphalt concrete road surface of the highway is subject to constant mechanical loads from.

In addition, it is influenced by weather conditions and soil-hydrological factors.

Domestic stress and strain road surface caused by these impacts, accumulate, which leads to the appearance of defects and destruction of the top layer of road pavement in the form of cracks and potholes.

To ensure that the quality of the road surface meets road safety requirements (Article 12 Federal Law dated December 10, 1995, No. 196-FZ, as amended on July 26, 2017 “On Road Safety”), are carried out by road construction organizations work to remove worn and damaged layers asphalt concrete pavement (ACP) and replacing them with new layers.

The volumes of old ABPs removed annually in every major city of the Russian Federation amount to tens of thousands of tons, and in general for Russian roads there is an annual increase in more than a million tons dismantled asphalt concrete.

Modern technologies for processing old asphalt concrete are resource-saving in nature, since the regenerated coating is successfully used in the process of creating a new ABP.

Regeneration of dismantled ABP is aimed at restoring and improving the technical and operational characteristics of asphalt concrete material for the purpose of its reuse for paving highways or other road surfaces. repair work.

After the expiration of the service life of the road surface in its composition up to 90% of useful mass is retained asphalt concrete material suitable for further use.

To make the methods of processing used asphalt more understandable, let’s take a closer look at the structure of the road pavement and the properties of the main elements that make it up.

Road pavements with ABP are the most common designs for highways of all categories.

Above is diagram of the so-called “road pie”- multi-layer road pavement with a mandatory asphalt concrete coating of at least 15 cm thickness.

GOST 9128-2013“Asphalt concrete mixtures...” defines the composition of asphalt concrete mixtures (clause 3.1) as rationally selected mixtures of crushed stone, gravel, sand and mineral powder with bitumen, mixed in a heated state. In this case, asphalt concrete is usually called (clause 3.2) an asphalt concrete mixture (hereinafter referred to as ABS) in a compacted state after rolling with rollers.

It is necessary to distinguish between concepts asphalt and asphalt concrete used in road construction practice:

  1. Asphalt is astringent organic matter natural or artificial origin with different bitumen contents in its composition(from 13% to 75%). It is a mixture of bitumen with sand and gravel. Real natural asphalt consists of heavy petroleum fractions and is hardly distinguishable from ordinary resin, which is why the ancient Greeks called it mountain resin.
  2. Asphalt concrete – the result of technological mixing of bitumen with inert materials– crushed stone, gravel and sand, which significantly increase the strength characteristics of the asphalt concrete mixture. In other words, asphalt concrete is a modified version of traditional asphalt road surface.

As part of the ABP, bitumen makes up only 4.5-6.0%, the rest is crushed stone, gravel and sand.

This gave grounds half a century ago, based on extensive research in the USA, USSR, European countries and China, to adopt concept of 100% suitability road asphalt concrete pavement for recycling and reuse.

Modern technologies for the regeneration and recycling of asphalt concrete pavements represent the processing of ABP worn out during operation, bringing its technical indicators and physical and chemical characteristics to the required level.

The use of dismantled old asphalt concrete makes it possible to do this with minimal consumption of new binding materials and inert fillers.

Removal of used material

The starting point for recycling old asphalt concrete is the dismantling of the asphalt concrete sheet.

It is carried out taking into account the condition of the canvas layer, type of coating and a number of other factors.

Asphalt pavement removed by layer-by-layer removal of material worn-out road surface, and either dismantle it throughout the entire thickness of the road surface, or remove only the material from local damaged areas.

On small areas still use manual methods opening and removing asphalt using tools such as:

  • impact-impact pneumatic tools;
  • cutting installations;
  • crowbars;
  • picko;
  • sledgehammers;
  • pickaxes.

On large areas It is no longer possible to remove the ABP without specialized equipment. Teams with jackhammers and shovels have been replaced by mini excavators with hydraulic hammers.

Serious competition traditional ways removal of the roadway represent modern road milling cutters, equipped with rotating milling drums to cut through old asphalt concrete to the required depth.

The width of the cut strip on the road when removing the coating depends on the width of the drum and varies from 350 mm to 2200 mm.

Steel drum teeth cut off the required layer of asphalt concrete and cut shallow grooves into the pavement base to improve adhesion of the remaining base material to the new layer of asphalt mixture or reclaimed asphalt concrete.

Milling layers The road surface is performed in two different ways:

  • hot milling, carried out under conditions of preheating of the ABP;
  • cold milling, in which work begins without heating.

Each milling method has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Hot milling

This method for removing ABP was introduced before cold milling began to be used.

Using mobile infrared burners operating on gas (propane-butane mixture) or kerosene, asphalt heats up and softens.

This helps reduce the amount of force that needs to be expended to destroy the dismantled coating.

Disadvantages hot milling are the following circumstances:

  • high cost of used fuel resources;
  • the risk of equipment fire and the risk of burns for personnel;
  • destroyed asphalt material sticks together, making reuse inconvenient;
  • When stored in stacks at an asphalt-processing plant warehouse, pieces of milled asphalt cake in hot weather, which forces them to be sprinkled with sand or mineral powder.

When choosing hot milling, the priority motive is speed of repair work, since the heated ABP is cut quickly and with minimal effort.

Summarizing the above, it can be noted that hot way- expensive, but fast.

Cold way

Cold milling requires more effort and is more time-consuming because the road surface layer is removed in its natural solid state.

Benefits of this technique are the following factors:

  • the invariability of the pavement structure, which makes it possible to use the removed material as part of the prepared asphalt concrete mixture;
  • when stored in stacks, pieces of milled asphalt concrete do not cake;
  • economical milling process.

Asphalt concrete scrap and granulate

Dismantling an old ABP results in the formation of pieces of asphalt concrete of various sizes, called asphalt concrete scrap.

Such waste - scrap - contains the main components of asphalt and asphalt concrete pavement - crushed stone, sand and bitumen residues.

The thickness of the removed layers ranges from 5 to 15 cm.

Piece sizes asphalt are not standardized, however, in the practice of separating asphalt blocks It is customary to divide into three conditional groups:

  • small waste, the size of which does not exceed 20 cm;
  • medium scrap with element sizes 15-40 cm;
  • large blocks measuring more than half a meter.

Asphalt scrap, being in the status of a secondary resource, is an excellent repair and construction material. The following qualities are considered to be the advantages of asphalt scrap:

  • resistance to mechanical static and dynamic loads;
  • resistance to atmospheric moisture and chemically active substances;
  • resistance to sudden temperature changes;
  • possibility of further grinding by crushing with a jackhammer;
  • low cost.

The average volumetric weight of asphalt scrap is 1800-2200 kg per 1 m3, while for asphalt concrete this parameter is slightly higher - from 2000 to 2450 kg or, accordingly, 2-2.45 tons per 1 m3.

Depending on the crushing method pieces of old asphalt concrete get asphalt concrete granulate(hereinafter referred to as ABG) and asphalt baby which are in wide demand. The average density of ABG is from 2100 to 2200 kg/cub.m.

Standard STO NOSTROY 2.25.35-2011 “Highways. Construction of road pavement bases” defines ABG as crushed old asphalt concrete (clause 3.2), which can be used in the manufacture of road pavements and coatings.

Due to the growing demand for ABG in road repair work GOST R 55052-2012 has been implemented“Granulates of old asphalt concrete. Technical specifications”, regulating the requirements for this material by analogy with European standard for asphalt concrete granulate EN 1310808.

This will raise the bar for the use of ABG as a high-quality material for road pavement.

On the Russian market building materials scrap asphalt concrete price varies between 100-300 rubles / cubic meter. m, while secondary ABG is offered at a price 500-1500 rub. per ton.

Recycling and regeneration

In the world practice of road construction work on the reconstruction of highways, they are successfully used regeneration methods and recycling of used road pavement materials, allowing save on the purchase of new building materials.

Quite often, information sources on this topic incorrectly interpret the concepts of regeneration and recycling of asphalt concrete, mixing together the end results of completely different technological concepts.

Let us clarify the features of these processes associated with their names. The term regeneration is taken from the Latin language - “regeneratio” means “rebirth, restoration”.

In relation to the reconstruction of highway pavements regeneration means restoration of their technical and operational qualities:

  • continuity,
  • passability,
  • accident and safety rates, etc.

And for the ABP itself – restoration of physical and mechanical properties and quality indicators.

Among these properties:

  • roughness;
  • wear resistance;
  • shear resistance;
  • crack resistance.

Experts call reuse of old BBP material English word"recycling" meaning recycling– reuse, return to circulation, refurbishment/recycling for useful use.

Recycling of an old pavement can be carried out without regenerating its properties, for example, in the case of using scrap asphalt granulate to strengthen roadsides, there is no need to restore the plasticity required by the asphalt concrete mixture when it is reused in the road surface.

Algorithm for recycling ABP

For the technical implementation of recycling old asphalt concrete for the purpose of its use as the top layer of road surfaces the following work is being carried out:

  1. Removing the damaged layer coatings by hot or cold milling.
  2. Manufacturing ABG by crushing the layer removed by milling to the size of crushed stone fractions.
  3. Heating of granulate in a special oven without an open flame to restore the astringent and plastic properties of old bitumen in the composition of removed asphalt concrete.
  4. Adding a portion of fresh bitumen to adjust the binder and plastic properties of the asphalt concrete mixture in accordance with the recipe.

When carrying out work on recycling old asphalt, the following requirements must be met to ensure the quality of the new asphalt concrete pavement:

  1. For a new asphalt concrete mixture obtained through the recycling process, preliminary design required its composition, which determines the formulation of the new asphalt concrete mixture, the grain composition of the inert components, the viscosity of bitumen and its content in old asphalt concrete, the processing technology and type of mixing plant, the amount of old asphalt concrete in the composition of the regenerated mixture.
  2. When heating granulate in ovens, it is necessary to observe temperature conditions , preventing the onset of evaporation of light fractions from the composition of the binder and its burnout, which can occur when the flash point of bitumen is exceeded (180-220 degrees C for viscous and 45-110 degrees C for liquid bitumen).

Quantitative indicators for the content of granules and additives in new asphalt concrete must be determined by laboratory methods in accordance with GOST, TU and other regulatory documents.

Methods for recycling waste asphalt concrete

By venue technological recycling measures differentiate two ways to recycle removed road construction material:

  • regeneration of old asphalt concrete in stationary conditions at an asphalt concrete plant (ACP), which involves preliminary dismantling of the road surface and sending scrap asphalt to the asphalt concrete plant for processing;
  • ABP recycling directly at the site of canvas reconstruction, which involves re-laying the pavement using special road equipment - remixers, recyclers, asphalt heaters, etc.

Depending on the heating application asphalt concrete during its processing recycling technology subdivide into two large groups:

  1. Hot recycling, which cannot do without heating the old asphalt concrete material to the softening temperature of the old bitumen binder. Heating is used at the stage of dismantling the asphalt concrete, in the process of restoring the plastic properties of old bitumen and when mixing granulate with fresh components in the production of asphalt concrete mixture for laying instead of the removed sheet.
  2. Cold processing methods ( cold recycling), during the implementation of which there is no thermal impact on the old material and on the components of the fresh mixture.

The realities of road repair practice are such that most often used combined options named techniques.

For example, hot processing of asphalt concrete was not so long ago identified with work in stationary factory conditions in an area with a developed production infrastructure (warehouses, transport routes for the delivery of scrap asphalt and the removal of prepared asphalt concrete mixtures, containers with bitumen, etc.).

With the advent of mobile asphalt plants, asphalt processing is carried out directly on the road being repaired, ensuring the implementation of all the necessary technological operations inherent in hot recycling.

Cold milling, used in the cold recycling methods of mobile plants, has successfully “migrated” to the technological flows used in stationary asphalt plants.

Instead of warming up in mixers, crushed pieces of ABP or granulate from road milling mixed with emulsion additives or foamed concrete, after which they are considered suitable for installation.

As an alternative traditional technology restoration of ABP according to the formula “milling and re-asphalting” are hot and cold regeneration techniques at road work sites.

The first of them uses the regeneration of asphalt concrete at a stationary or mobile type asphalt plant, and the second involves loosening the coating material, processing it on site, improving its properties and laying road pavement into the surface.

The work involves a set of thermal profiling equipment, consisting of an asphalt heater, a hot recycler, also called a thermal profiler, and smooth rollers.

Operating principles of asphalt concrete plants

Technological flow asphalt concrete processing at the asphalt concrete plant comprises the following stages:

Hot processing at the asphalt plant has the following advantages:

  • the ability to constantly monitor the quality of components of the old BPS;
  • regulation of the mixture recipe taking into account the composition of the granulate used;
  • the ability to use up to 80% of old material without reducing the recipe properties of fresh asphalt concrete mixture.

Among the shortcomings hot processing in stationary conditions, the following factors are noted:

  • high costs of transporting dismantled coating;
  • high energy intensity of drying and heating the components of the asphalt concrete mixture;
  • the presence of carcinogenic hydrocarbons and mineral dust in smoke emissions.

Features of hot and cold methods at the work site

Hot way, also called thermal profiling of asphalt, is carried out directly at the repair site road surface.

For all technologies thermal profiling is characterized by the following operations:

  • heating the top layer of the ABP;
  • loosening the heated layer;
  • mixing the loosened components;
  • re-installation.

Depending on the specific hot recycling technology, operations for adding bitumen, introducing plasticizers or fresh asphalt concrete mixture, etc. can be used at various stages of the process.

Technologies for hot processing of asphalt concrete on site have the following advantages:

  • high physical and mechanical properties of regenerated asphalt concrete;
  • ease of application of technology;
  • minimal wear of the cutting tool;
  • maintaining the existing coating geometry;
  • the ability to work in one lane without interfering with traffic in another lane;
  • reduction in the cost of repair and installation work;
  • increasing the service life of the coating;
  • reducing the time required for repair work by almost half.

The disadvantages of the “hot” method include:

  • environmental problems - when heated, vapors of old bitumen evaporate;
  • deterioration of the plasticity of bitumen when the heat treatment temperature is exceeded;
  • difficulties in organizing work, since the entire machine complex used in the work must be in “combat” readiness.

Cold recycling work carried out on site, are performed in the following sequence:

Of the advantages cold recycling on site note:

  • low energy consumption;
  • environmentally friendly technology;
  • maintaining the integrity of the soil, the absence of its deformations;
  • high-quality coating regeneration.

The disadvantages of this technique are as follows:

  • high cost of equipment (emulsifiers, etc.);
  • the need for clear organization preparatory work and constant monitoring of the technical condition of the equipment used.

Video on the topic

Video about the benefits of road repair work carried out on site and in small volumes, using special equipment for infrared heating and regeneration of used asphalt:


The use of resource-saving technologies using regenerated old asphalt concrete materials makes it possible to create an adequate replacement for a certain part of the components of the asphalt concrete mixture in compliance with the basic requirements for the quality of road surfaces.

At the same time, it is significant costs are reduced for the purchase of bitumen, energy resources and materials are saved.

In contact with

Today we will talk about how to make or produce high-quality asphalt at home with your own hands.

We will also consider methods, proportions and technologies self-made asphalt made from bitumen, sand, crushed stone and old asphalt. Let's learn how to properly lay homemade asphalt on a personal plot

First of all, let's look at what classic industrial asphalt is made of?
Asphalt concrete is made from crushed stone, sand (to better fill small holes that crushed stone cannot fill), mineral filler (sandstone, limestone and others are used for better enveloping) and bitumen (a kind of binding material, “glue”). The recipe may also include gravel. Each component in the production of asphalt concrete is necessary for better compaction of the asphalt surface.

Types of asphalt

Asphalt concrete, depending on its components, can be sand (sand+bitumen), crushed stone (crushed stone+sand+bitumen+mineral powder) and gravel (gravel+crushed stone+bitumen+mineral powder). Only the correct proportion of these components can result in high-quality asphalt.

Also, asphalt laying can be hot or warm. But the difference in degrees is not that big. During hot laying, the temperature of the asphalt mixture ranges from 130 to 170°C; during cold laying, it should not be lower than 80°C. Cold styling asphalt concrete is used for local (pothole) repair

Production of asphalt in a factory

The production of asphalt concrete takes place in several stages. First, the quality of the source material (crushed stone, bitumen and mineral additives) is controlled. After this, the process of processing inert materials begins. As already mentioned, the production of a standard asphalt mixture is made from crushed stone, sand, mineral material and bitumen.

To begin with, the sand is sifted, and the crushed stone is separated into different size fractions (from 5 to 20 mm) using a screen. Next, in accordance with the recipe, they enter a special drum for drying. Inside the drum is supported heat in order to completely remove water from the mixture during the manufacturing process, since it impairs the strength of the future asphalt concrete. In addition to the fact that sand and crushed stone (possibly adding screenings) are dried in the bunker at a temperature of about one hundred and sixty degrees, they are mixed together. Simultaneously with the drying of solid materials, the bitumen in the tanks is heated to the same one hundred and sixty degrees. During the heating process, it is very important to observe desired temperature, the binder material must not be too liquid or too hard.

At the next stage of production after heating, all components of asphalt concrete (crushed stone, sand, mineral additives and bitumen) are mixed. The material is mixed with special blades in a separate hopper.

Mixing is necessary for better enveloping, adhesion of bitumen with grains of crushed stone and sand; mineral additives also improve the quality of asphalt concrete (filling unnecessary voids into which water can get and destroy the road). At some factories asphalt mixture during mixing, it is passed through a series of sieves, thus the asphalt is divided into the required number of portions with a uniform distribution of asphalt concrete components.

For asphalt, it is very important to maintain the proportion during production, since the quality of the future road depends on this. After all, asphalt can melt in summer and crack in winter precisely because of incorrect selection of components and installation temperature.

After thorough mixing, the hot asphalt enters a storage bin (where the temperature is also maintained at a high temperature).

Recipe for making asphalt at home:

Take old compacted asphalt and crumble it into pieces measuring 5x5x5cm. Add bitumen crushed into the same 5x5x5cm pieces. Proportions 3:1.

Place a barrel or deep trough on a fire, pour bitumen into it first, then asphalt, and cook so that the fire produces more fire rather than coal. You can also add used oil or old roofing felt.

And cook, stir periodically with a wooden stick until the whole mass becomes liquid. Moreover, it is better not to remove the stick; you must always keep one end in the barrel. The finished asphalt becomes liquid and is divided into a more liquid fraction, which floats to the top, and all the pebbles sink down.

You need to pour asphalt from a barrel into a bucket in the following way: tilt it, the upper edge rests on the substituted bucket, and begin to scoop out the contents, raking heavy fractions from the bottom with a shovel.
To pour asphalt into the next bucket, you must first mix the entire mass in the barrel, otherwise all the light fraction will pour out first. And it contains a lot of bitumen, but it contains few mineral additives.
Take this into account when pouring, otherwise you will not achieve the desired effect.

While you are pouring, keep the barrel of asphalt on the fire all the time; it is better to place its bottom on the coals so that the mass is very hot all the time. Once you pour the asphalt into the bucket, be sure to read the molten asphalt from the walls of the barrel; then it will not cool down and accumulate on the wall.

Please note that old asphalt will boil down by more than 2 times. And if you have a standard 200's liter barrel, then you need to fill it halfway, and then stirring and tilting it will not be so difficult. Even such a barrel will take 4-6 hours to cook. It will require 15 buckets: 12 of asphalt, 3 of bitumen.

When you pour asphalt, level it wooden board and immediately throw small crushed stone on top before everything has time to thicken. If there is some asphalt left in the bucket, you can put it on the fire next to the barrel and melt it next time.
And after cooking, be sure to clean the bottom of the barrel from slag that burns to the walls and bottom.

Another way to make your own asphalt with your own hands:

For 12 buckets of old compacted asphalt, crushed into pieces ranging in size from 5x5x5cm to 10x10x5cm, add 3 buckets of bitumen, crushed into pieces no larger than 5x5x5cm.

First pour bitumen into the barrel, then asphalt. To cook so that the fire produces more flames rather than coals, you can use waste oil, old roofing material from the roof, especially if rotten wood is used as firewood.
When it becomes more or less liquid, periodically stir with a wooden stick for uniform heating, keep the end of the stick in the barrel where the asphalt is being cooked, without removing it.
It is convenient to cook on a slope by placing bricks under the barrel, one brick on the hill side, and two supports with two bricks on top of each other on the slope side.
When cooked, the molten asphalt becomes liquid, easily stirred with a wooden stick or shovel, and is divided into a more liquid fraction at the top and with pebbles at the bottom.
To pour asphalt into a bucket, pairs of bricks are removed from the side of the slope and placed in two rows on either side of the intended slope of the barrel so that the barrel does not roll to the sides.
Then the barrel is tilted and placed along the slope, resting its upper edge on a substituted bucket, and the contents are poured into the bucket, helping with a shovel, scooping up heavier fractions from the bottom.

Before pouring, the asphalt in the barrel is mixed each time. Anyway, the lighter fraction is poured first, containing more bitumen and less mineral additives, which must be taken into account when pouring.
Having filled the bucket, hold it so that it does not tip over the slope, and return the barrel to a vertical position so that its bottom lies on the coals from the fire and the contents continue to heat up while the filling process takes place. After returning the barrel
In a vertical position, you need to scrape the melted asphalt from the wall to the bottom with a wooden plank so that it does not cool on the wall.
You can dig a hole for a bucket and fill it with bricks, in this case, at the beginning of pouring, the bucket is placed on the bricks at the same level with the ground, and during subsequent pours, the bricks are gradually removed from the hole so that the bucket sinks deeper
and the barrel, leaning on the edge of the bucket, tilted lower each time until the bucket was buried to its full height and the barrel lay completely on the ground.
If, from the beginning of cooking, you place a bucket filled with asphalt and bitumen next to the barrel on the fire, then you can additionally weld two more buckets of cast asphalt while the asphalt in the barrel is being cooked.

Old asphalt is boiled down by more than half. A 200-liter barrel should be filled no more than halfway (15 six-liter buckets - 12 asphalt and 3 bitumen), otherwise it will be difficult to mix and turn a full barrel. This barrel is brewed for 4 to 6 hours.
When pouring, the asphalt is leveled with a wooden stick or board, and fine crushed stone is immediately thrown onto the poured area while the asphalt is still liquid. The asphalt, which thickened in the bucket and remained in it, is left for the next cooking, to be placed in the same bucket next to the barrel on the fire and melted.
Cast asphalt melts much easier than compressed asphalt. The barrel and bucket must be cleaned every time after cooking by beating off the slag that burns to the walls and bottom, otherwise the cooking time next time will increase quite significantly. Speaking about asphalt, I would immediately like to say that this building material has more disadvantages than advantages in relation to a summer cottage. Asphalt pavement has only a few main advantages - low cost, high strength, simple creation technology and versatility. Often asphalt is chosen only because it has the lowest price compared to other paving materials. garden paths, such as paving slabs, paving stones, decking, natural stone, etc.

The disadvantages of asphalt are very significant factors that affect not only landscape design garden plot. Among the most significant disadvantages are:

1. In hot weather, asphalt evaporates and exposes the human body to harmful substances. In addition, the unpleasant smell itself will not allow you to have a rich rest in the garden, which is what we need.

2. Asphalt coating has practically no decorative ability, so it is not only not suitable for decorating a site, but on the contrary, it will worsen the situation. Asphalt paths practically do not fit into garden styles, which is also very bad. The only exception is colored asphalt, to which various pigments are added, so that the coating can be not only the usual gray color, but also green, pink, blue, etc.

3. If laid poorly, asphalt quickly collapses winter period: water gets into the cracks, freezes, and when it freezes, it destroys the coating.

4. During the heat, the asphalt melts.

As you can see, the disadvantages of asphalt pavement are more significant than the advantages, but despite this, it is recommended to build asphalt paths at functional nodes of the garden: for example, between the garage and the utility block. It is strictly forbidden to build asphalt paths near recreation areas, due to the harmfulness of asphalt.
How to lay asphalt with your own hands?

In order to lay asphalt at your dacha with your own hands, you need to carefully prepare the area, know the technology of laying asphalt, and have at least a homemade manual asphalt roller.

You should immediately draw your attention to the fact that it is very difficult to make asphalt yourself, because... it is necessary to heat the bitumen, mix it with crushed stone and additives and know the correct proportions. Since asphalt is not expensive, it is best to order ready mixture at a road repair company. In this case, you will not lose a lot of money, but the asphalt will be delivered to you directly to the installation site hot, all that remains is to quickly level it, compact it and roll it.

Preparing the area for asphalting with your own hands

First of all, we mark the boundaries of the future asphalt path. At this point, it is necessary to remove a layer of soil (at least 30 cm, it all depends on the purpose of the path) and make sure that no tree roots pass near the future path, otherwise they will soon begin to destroy the asphalt. If there are roots, cut them out with an axe. After this, we install curbs along the entire perimeter of the path, which will be the boundaries.

The role of the curb is not only to prevent the asphalt from spreading, but also decorative function. To install borders, we dig a small, level trench and plant them on cement mortar into this trench. To create an even border, we stretch the rope from the beginning to the end of the sides of the path and guide ourselves along this rope. Bricks can be used as a border, laid not only on the side edges, but also at an angle.

Next, we begin to create a cushion under the asphalt. We thoroughly compact the bottom of the trench for the path, fill it with the first layer of crushed stone (10-15 cm thick, coarse fraction) and compact it again. On this layer we pour another layer of crushed stone, but only of a finer fraction, the layer thickness is no more than 10 cm. Well, last layer– sandy, about 5-10 cm. As soon as the pillow is created, fill it with water and, using a roller, carefully roll it out.

To prevent water from collecting on the asphalt path, make a small drain in advance: build the path at an inclination of 1-2 degrees and surround it with drainage that directs the flow of water into the soil.

Self-installation new asphalt

As we said earlier, it is more advisable to order asphalt from the factory. After the asphalt is delivered to your site, you must immediately proceed to laying it, because the solution hardens quickly.

First of all, we spread the asphalt with a shovel over the entire area of ​​the path, making an even filling. Next, using a motor mop, we level the asphalt along the entire path, adding asphalt into the holes and leveling the bumps. It should be noted that minimum thickness The asphalt surface must be at least 5 cm to ensure the strength of the garden path, so this requirement must be observed.

As mentioned earlier, asphalt hardens quickly, so to create a path it is better to invite several assistants to make the process faster.

As soon as part of the path is planned, we take a hand roller and begin to roll this section, while the rest plan the path further.

Mandatory requirement: before rolling the path, lubricate the roller with diesel fuel so that the asphalt does not stick to it and the path is perfectly level. You can also lubricate shovels with diesel fuel to make it easier to throw asphalt onto the path.

When working with the roller, you must move slowly, making only straight-line movements (reverse movements are prohibited). During rolling, seams will form at the joints between the lines; in order to remove them, it is necessary to roll across the seams.

Never leave the roller on the path after work.

For high-quality rolling, the roller must protrude beyond the border of the track by at least 10 cm.

If the weight of the roller is not enough to roll the track well, then you can ask one of the assistants to stand on the frame of the roller, then the weight will increase.

Laying asphalt on an old surface on a personal plot

If you decide to lay asphalt not on soil, but on old asphalt pavement or concrete screeds, then the process of preparing the area will change. Instead of a cushion of crushed stone and sand, you just need to repair the old coating. To do this, you need to rid the surface of dirt and various debris; if there are small cracks, they need to be widened manually so that in the future they are tightly clogged with asphalt.

After this, it is necessary to pour molten bitumen along the entire perimeter of the future garden path and, using a motor mop, spread the bitumen into strips of 50 cm (no less). Along the entire length of the path, it is necessary to make transverse bitumen strips in increments of half a meter, and then we create an asphalt path with our own hands using the technology indicated above.

How to repair an asphalt path yourself?

Even if you have laid the asphalt with high quality with your own hands, the path will still sooner or later begin to collapse. The most often destructive factors are:

· Asphalt began to melt in hot weather

· Water got into the cracks in winter and when it thawed, it destroyed the coating

· Heavy equipment for which this path is not designed has driven onto the asphalt path

To repair asphalt pavement with your own hands, it is recommended to use cold asphalt, which can be laid even at low temperatures (minus).

How to cover broken asphalt?

If the asphalt path has completely collapsed and is not suitable for repair, then this situation must be corrected. There are two ways to fix a broken asphalt driveway:

1. Remove the asphalt and re-pave it

2. Lay paving slabs on top of the asphalt or pour a concrete screed

As for the first method, all construction companies involved in road repairs must remove the broken asphalt, re-create a cushion of crushed stone and sand, and roll out a new asphalt surface. For an inconspicuous garden path, this process will be difficult and not economically profitable.

It would be more expedient to pour a layer of sand (at least 5 cm) on top of the asphalt, fill it with water and begin paving the paving slabs.

In order to save money, today they often resort to restoring asphalt that has already been used. Let's take a closer look at how to use old asphalt and what you need for this.

Recycling of asphalt is possible only after regeneration, which is carried out at the plant. But this process is simple and allows you to carry out all the work yourself.

Having thoroughly compacted the soil at the site of future asphalt laying work, we build a cushion of sand and crushed stone, water it and compact the layer again. At this point, the preparation of the base is completed - now you need to acquire the starting material that remains with you after dismantling the old coating, or simply buy old asphalt. You will also need several kilograms of bitumen and physical strength.

In order to melt old asphalt, we load it into a metal container along with purchased bitumen and heat it. To do this, simply place the container over the fire. We constantly stir the composition until it melts to a homogeneous mass, after which we add a little more crushed stone and sand so that the mixture has a crumbly consistency. The recycled asphalt can then be laid over the surface of the previously formed base. To avoid the compound sticking to the surface of the paver, you can treat the sealing surface of the device with old oil.

That, in fact, is all you need to know about how to use old asphalt at home.

Recycling of asphalt at the plant, as mentioned above, is carried out using the regeneration method. In this case, when mixing the molten composition of old asphalt, new mineral fillers and plasticizers are sometimes added to it, in addition to standard bitumen.

Recycling of asphalt to improve the efficiency of recovery plants is best done after grinding. This method also significantly increases the accuracy of the batch recipe. But, in this case, you have to additionally deal with the adhesion of asphalt material to the working elements of the crushers.

The solution to this problem was thermal crushing in steam plants. In such units, during crushing, the material is heated to 80°C. But this is abroad, and in domestic production, to regenerate old asphalt, as a standard, they use conventional installations for mixing such compositions. An additional set of installations with equipment for storing, transporting and dosing the asphalt concrete mixture is also used.

Historians claim that the first mention of something similar to asphalt concrete appeared in the 6th century BC in Babylon. But the technologies of those times were unreliable, plus unnecessarily expensive, as a result, such roads were forgotten until the twentieth century. The construction of asphalt concrete pavements in Russia began in 1928 and to this day it is predominant.

What it is

This composition is used everywhere, from laying federal highways to arranging city squares and garden paths in private construction.

According to GOST and SNiP, the design of asphalt concrete pavement can be different.

But the general composition of the mixture has remained unchanged for more than 100 years:

  • First of all, bitumen is included as a binder..
  • Sand and large mineral fillers must be present to one degree or another..
  • The list is completed by various mineral or synthetic additives.

At the time when the composition was developed, natural bitumen was used, but since there is little of it in nature, an artificial analogue was synthesized based on petroleum products, which is still successfully used by road workers around the world.

Quarry sand is taken, as for coarse filler, along with various types of sand, crushed rocks and some crystallized slags are widely used.

Natural mineral or synthetic additives are used to increase certain beneficial properties of the coating. In particular, frost resistance, road adhesion level, viscosity coefficient and much more increase.

What formulations are produced

The range of presented types is quite wide, depending on the percentage of components, as well as what additives were used, experts divide asphalt into the following varieties.

  1. Sand compounds are used to arrange sidewalks, garden paths or the interior space of city courtyards.
  2. Fine-grained compounds cover city streets with medium and high traffic intensity.
  3. Coarse-grained asphalt is used as a base layer in multi-layer laying technology.
  4. Polymer-bitumen coatings are used for the installation of bridges, large parking lots or road junctions. They have increased strength and durability.
  5. Crushed stone-mastic types of asphalt are considered the strongest; they are used to lay federal highways and expressways with increased traffic load.
  6. For stadiums, running or bike paths, as well as other sports facilities, there is a rubber-bitumen coating.

Making asphalt at home

The production of road surfaces is considered to be difficult and inaccessible. But, nevertheless, there are enthusiasts who are ready to experiment. Of course, such compounds are not designed for federal highways, but at the dacha it is quite possible to prepare such asphalt with your own hands.

Advice: from experience, we can say that a mixture prepared in a homemade way is, of course, suitable for arranging, but more often it is used for repairing potholes on an already finished surface.

Classic recipe

To prepare, we need regular river or quarry sand, bitumen resin or bitumen and fine crushed stone. Equipment you will need is a metal barrel and a bucket.

It is better to cook asphalt over a fire, since using gas is unsafe and expensive.

  • Initially, add crushed stone and sand in a 2:1 ratio and mix well. All this should be filled with water and hung over the fire.
  • At the same time we prepare the bitumen base. To do this, take a metal bucket and heat the bitumen in it until it boils. You can add synthetic polymers as a plasticizer, but it’s cheaper to use shampoo or any detergent.
  • When the resin has warmed up and the water in the barrel with crushed stone has also boiled, they need to be combined. Water is needed to ensure that the crushed stone and sand do not heat up above 100ºС. Next, this broth must be stirred, maintaining a boil until all the water has boiled away. While the solution is hot, it can be poured.

Important: be careful, bitumen melts at 80 ºС, and boils at 100 - 120 ºС.
But already at 170 ºС bitumen can ignite.
Actually, to prevent such a fire, we use water.

Using old road surfaces

Dismantling asphalt pavements and bases can provide good material for preparing new asphalt.

The technology is partly similar to the previous version, but with some amendments.

  • The dismantling of the asphalt concrete pavement itself is carried out old-fashioned method, using a sledgehammer and other percussion instruments. Only the top layer of asphalt bound with bitumen is used; the road cushion can be left untouched.
  • The old road surface is broken into pieces with a fraction of no more than 40 mm. For 100 kg of old asphalt, take 10 kg of bitumen.
  • After this, the crushed substance must be poured with water and boiled in a barrel until melted. The technology then repeats the option described above. The heated bitumen combines with the molten asphalt and the water evaporates.

Cold asphalt

The two methods described above are well suited for economical repair of damaged asphalt in the yard or near the yard. If you need to cover a large area, we recommend using cold asphalt.

On the market of our country this coating appeared about 5 years ago. The principle of operation here is similar to the well-known cold welding. Modified bitumen is used for the binder, so it can be laid even at sub-zero temperatures. Instructions are included on the packaging.

The only disadvantage of this material is its significant price. But, as you know, asphalt is shipped hot from the factory and must also be laid hot. Therefore, for remote locations, cold polymer asphalt is the only alternative.

Important: when repairing road surfaces, the problem is the quality of the joint in the asphalt concrete pavement.
Cold polymer-based asphalt completely solves this problem, since it reliably adheres to any bitumen-based composition.

Rules for laying coatings

The construction of asphalt concrete pavements is a responsible matter and it is not so important whether you lay it yourself or hire professionals. Laying and acceptance of asphalt concrete pavement is carried out in accordance with SNiP 2.07.01-89, as well as a number of GOSTs.

Only a specialist can understand these documents, so we have outlined the main provisions of these norms and rules in a more understandable language.

Preparatory stage

Any work begins with markings. You need to clearly decide where the asphalt will be laid. Where will the curb be installed and what will it be like? It is also very important to ensure that the drainage and drainage system is fully installed and drainage systems are installed in advance.

All work on the installation of underground communications must be completely completed by this time. If you are developing a parking lot or driveway to an office, it is better to find out in advance where city communications are located, since, if necessary, municipal services will tear down your coverage and may also impose a fine.

It was mentioned above about the varieties and purpose existing species asphalt. So, at the preparation stage, you need to choose what kind of material you are going to lay.

Important: the estimate for installing an asphalt concrete pavement should contain not only data on the cost of the material and the amount of work.
It will be useful to include transportation costs in it, as well as leave a column for unforeseen expenses, such as permission to carry out work from the relevant official or service.

If a pedestrian path or platform with occasional passage of passenger cars is being laid, then the crushed stone-gravel cushion can be made up to 15 cm thick. The thickness of the asphalt concrete pavement will be in the range of 4 - 5 cm.

If you are equipping a gas station or any access roads along which, with a high degree of probability, heavy-duty equipment will periodically pass, then in this case the thickness of the gravel cushion will be about 25 - 35 cm. Plus the asphalt itself is laid in at least 2 layers.

After marking, the construction of the so-called trough or foundation pit for the road begins. In urban areas or in private construction, as a rule, roads and sites are built at approximately the same level, so the soil must be selected to cover the entire thickness of the “road pie”. Federal highways are being developed using a slightly different technology, but we will not dwell on it.

When the soil has been selected, the entire site must be well compacted, this is done with a roller or vibrating plate. Pay attention to the presence of trees nearby; the roots can tear up the asphalt over time, so, if possible, it is better to remove them immediately. Although the price of the work will be slightly increased, we recommend covering the soil with geotextiles so that vegetation does not break through the covering.

Important: at this stage, curbs are installed; they act as a kind of formwork for the “road cake”.
If when laying paving slabs the curb is made below the road level, then here it is the other way around.
In this regard, it is necessary to immediately plan drains for water drainage.

Now you can start filling the crushed stone cushion. For pedestrian paths with a cushion thickness of 10–15 cm, 1 layer of crushed stone with a fraction of 30–40 mm is sufficient. More powerful bases are laid in several layers.

The bottom layer serves for drainage in case of rising groundwater; it is filled with coarse crushed stone with a fraction of 40 - 70 mm. The next layer with a fraction of 20 - 40 mm will be responsible for uniform distribution of the load on the base of the road.

The final layer of filling is made of fine gravel with a fraction of 5 - 20 mm. It will also be responsible for distributing the load, but in addition it will turn the pillow into a dense, monolithic structure.

All laid layers must be compacted tightly. For serious surfaces, road rollers weighing from 2 to 10 tons are used. Each ball of filling is compacted separately, the roller must go over it at least 5 times, plus modern road rollers have a vibrating press function, which increases efficiency several times. During the compaction process, the surface should be regularly watered.

Advice: during the compaction process, you must immediately take into account the angle of inclination of the road; on average, it is about 1º per 1 linear meter.
To do this, you should periodically check the markings or data of the level.

Laying asphalt

After completing the compaction of the cushion, you can proceed directly to laying the asphalt. As mentioned earlier, for sidewalks and adjacent areas, it is enough to lay a fine-grained compound in a layer of up to 50 mm. Heavy road rollers are also not required; you can get by with a light roller or vibrating plate.

According to SNiP, this type of coating is not recommended for laying in recreation areas.

More serious objects are paved in 2 layers. In this case, the bottom layer is laid with coarse-grained asphalt at a level of 40 - 50 mm. A fine-grained composition is almost immediately applied to it, which in most cases is the finishing compound.

Currently, technologies have been developed according to which a reinforcing mesh of polymer materials. As a result, the durability and strength of such a road increases significantly. This technology is used when laying federal highways and roads with increased load.

Important: restoration of asphalt concrete pavement is most often done only with hot bitumen.
Although according to GOST, thermal profiling of asphalt concrete pavements must be carried out.
This procedure involves preheating the road surface to a depth of 2–5 cm.

The mixture must be delivered to the site hot; as a rule, it is brought by dump trucks with a carrying capacity of 7 - 20 tons. After that, the asphalt is manually or mechanically distributed evenly along the road plane, observing the slope. On average, 1 ton of asphalt is consumed per 10 m² of road surface with a thickness of 40 mm.

The construction of asphalt concrete pavements is a weather-dependent process. In the cold season, that is, at temperatures below +5 ºС, it is generally not recommended to carry out work. Plus, during rain or wet weather, the quality of installation is significantly reduced, as the composition becomes moisturized and cools faster.


We have outlined the general basic principles of high-quality asphalt laying, but science does not stand still and technologies are being supplemented and improved. In the video in this article you can look at the process of laying asphalt in more detail.


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