How to attach a block house - general information and methods of fixation. Block house: how to attach it outside and inside the building How to attach a block house to a wooden house

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It immediately becomes clear that this lumber is very difficult. The planks are quite massive, the front surface is rounded, longitudinal grooves are made on the back side, and a tenon and groove are cut out on the edges.

However, the intricate cross-section of the planks, imitating a rounded log, should not be intimidating. In fact, installing a block house is generally no more difficult than working with the same lining. As practice shows, home craftsmen can easily cope with this task. As for homeowners without the necessary skills, they quickly understand the technology and can properly monitor the actions of hired builders. Let's look at everything in order.

1. Material calibration.

We strongly recommend that you carefully go through the entire blockhouse before starting the sheathing. Our task is to identify in advance boards with defective locks, critical defects on the front surface, damage and contamination. It is also worth setting aside items that are too curved.

Almost all of the “substandard” can be used after cutting in the form of short parts, and it can also be used on walls that are least visible.

2. Acclimatization of the material.

The rule is simple: before installation, any lumber must be kept for a day or two in the conditions in which it will be used. For example, when covering the facade, a blockhouse from a heated garage should be taken outside under a canopy and freed from the packaging film.

3. Protective impregnation of materials.

It is highly advisable to protect all wooden elements of the house from pests. Good antiseptics help resist both fungi and insects. An even more effective class of impregnations is “fire-bioprotective”, which, among other things, significantly reduces the flammability of wood. Cladding a house with a block house will cause the price of work to increase slightly, but durability and safety will improve significantly. Each board should be treated separately, so the protective composition will get onto both the tenon and the groove of the product. Pirilax-Classic paint is best suited for this purpose. Please note that it makes sense to process not only the block house, but also the beams for the frame and the load-bearing wall.

4. Assembly of full-fledged scaffolding.

4. When working on the facade, take the time to create convenient scaffolding and scaffolding over the entire wall area. Ideally, it is better to cover two adjacent walls with scaffolding so that the interface of the planes can be properly designed. If you use grade 2 boards or TU timber as blanks, the scaffolding will be quite reliable, but inexpensive. We recommend an article on the rules for assembling scaffolding Construction of scaffolding from coniferous wood. When installing scaffolding near walls, leave 30 centimeters of free space to make installation convenient.

5. Diagnosis of the wall plane.

Even before the actual assembly of the frame, the wall must be hung. The task is to find deviations of the plane from the vertical and other irregularities. A plumb line is best suited for this. It is necessary to attach pins to the wall at the top and bottom, on which markings are made along a plumb line.

Nylon cords are usually used as beacons on the facade. They are fixed horizontally on pins so that the frame bars then barely touch the threads of their outer surface. Sometimes beacons are made after installing the two outer beams of the frame and fixed on the surface of the lumber.

It is important to immediately provide the necessary distance from the base so that insulation of the required thickness can be installed behind the racks (or between the racks).

7. Marking the location of frame elements on the wall.

Task: to designate the lines for placing the beams on which the blockhouse is then laid. To do this, it is best to use a chop cord.

8. Fixing the brackets.

In some cases, you can use a gypsum board suspension (this is a good option, if the frame is made of galvanized profiles for gypsum boards). But it is better to give preference to sliding corners. The spacing of the brackets is on average about 0.75-1 meters; they are attached to anchors (dowels and nails) or to self-tapping cap screws - if the load-bearing base is made of wood.

9. Aligning the frame posts.

Frame beams (usually I use lumber 50 mm thick and 50-75 mm wide) must stand vertically, since the block house must be fastened in a horizontal direction. First, the outer racks are fixed, and then the intermediate ones. On the facade, a distance of 500 to 800 mm is maintained between the beams; indoors, where thinner cladding material is used, the spacing of the racks is from 400 to 600 mm. The frame bars must be brought to the beacon threads and secured with self-tapping screws to the brackets. It is imperative to leave a gap of 10 centimeters or more between the lower end of the beam and the blind area/basement.

10. Installation of insulating materials.

It is advisable to buy insulation in the form of slabs, high density, which will ensure the stability of its original shape throughout its service life or polystyrene foam for concrete base. They are attached either to the base behind the frame (which is preferable) with special fasteners - a disc-shaped dowel (fungus), or they are pushed apart between the racks frame structure. To protect insulated walls from moisture and wind, the entire pie from the outside must be covered with a construction film - for this there are special facade canvases, with the principle membrane tissue. When creating a ventilated facade, spacer strips with a thickness of about 30-40 mm are screwed onto the subsystem racks on top.

11. Correct orientation and fixation of the first plank.

The first cladding element must be positioned strictly horizontally; for this you should use a magnetic level (or laser level) - which will help you find the two extreme control points. It is most convenient to start installing a blockhouse from the bottom of the wall, but sometimes craftsmen prefer to start from the roof/ceiling down - so that in the upper, clearly visible part of the tiled plane, all the planks are without longitudinal trimming. It is very important to secure the sheathing with the groove down and the tenon up. This technology for laying a block house allows you to avoid rainwater from getting into the locks of the false walls.

12. Installation of the remaining planks.

There are several ways to perform fastening, but the price of finishing a block house will not change much. Most often, nails are driven through a tenon so that the head of the fastener overlaps the groove of the next plank. You can also use “finishing” nails here. Another option is to fasten the block house to the wall using clamps, which are indispensable if the frame is made of metal. You can work the old fashioned way: drill countersunk front side and drive the fasteners through the body, and then mask the hardware with wooden plugs.

Block house is a popular material used for finishing walls and facades of various buildings. Technology of internal and exterior finishing has no significant differences. Traditionally, a block house is made of wood, but there are more budget analogues from other materials. However, if you have an affordable budget, it is recommended to give preference to wooden panels - they are environmentally friendly, durable and the most beautiful. You can handle the installation of a block house with your own hands without any problems.

Before starting work, you have to buy a block house. When choosing a material, study it carefully external condition. Typically, the slats are packaged in polyethylene at the factory. If possible, such packaging should be opened.

Boards with the following defects will not suit you:

  • rotten bitches;
  • cracks;
  • plaque of rot and mold;
  • bluish spots.

The size of the pitch should not exceed 8 mm in width and 2-3 mm in depth.

Be sure to pay attention to the placement of annual rings. It is better that they adjoin each other as closely as possible - such an arrangement indicates high density and, in general, good quality wood

What do you need for work?

Installation of a block house does not require any highly specialized accessories. Self-tapping screws are used in most cases to fasten panels. An indispensable assistant An electric drill will do the trick.

Also, clamps are often used to secure the house block. For the manufacture of these products, galvanized iron is used, which makes the fasteners as resistant to corrosion as possible. The clamp has the form of a flat plate with a tongue and pre-prepared cuts for mounting screws. The tongue will hold the block house panel. The height of this fastener element should be at least 6-7 mm.

Other than that equal conditions Preference should be given to clamps rather than self-tapping screws. Clips allow you to fix the panels without the risk of cracks, deformations and other defects. In addition, the use of clamps allows installation with almost invisible joints, which makes appearance cladding is much more aesthetically pleasing.

For 10 m2 of sheathing you will need about 200 clamps. This expense should not alarm you - fasteners are sold at a very affordable price. In addition, using clips instead of screws will allow you to significantly reduce the time spent on installation work.

During the cladding process, it often becomes necessary to cut panels into smaller pieces. It will help you with this electric saw. If the amount of work to be done is small, you can do without a saw, using an ordinary hacksaw with small teeth to cut the sheathing elements.

It is permissible to use and circular saw, however in in this case cutting disc shouldn't have carbide tipped, which can disrupt the evenness and cleanliness of the cut.

Pre-purchase insulation. Mineral wool and other insulation materials based on it have good heat and sound insulation properties.

If possible, you should refrain from using polystyrene foam - this material does not combine very well with wood due to its low vapor permeability and, among other things, supports combustion.

Select the timber for assembling the sheathing taking into account the dimensions of the insulation boards.

Buy vapor and waterproofing materials. Vapor barrier will protect the insulation from condensation, and waterproofing will protect it from external atmospheric moisture. For vapor barrier, you can use membrane material, perforated film or ordinary glassine. Polyethylene film does an excellent job of solving wall waterproofing issues.

Preparatory stage

Before starting work, all wooden elements must be impregnated with high-quality antiseptic. It is also recommended to treat the materials with a fire retardant. Thanks to this treatment, the wood will become much more resistant to mold and fire.

In the case of using budget imitations of a block house made of plastic, vinyl or metal, perform preliminary protective treatment no need.

First step. Attach the selected one to the walls vapor barrier material. Fasten with a 10-15 cm overlap, horizontally. For fixation, it is most convenient to use a construction stapler and staples.

Second step. Attach sheathing bars over the waterproofing. It is recommended to make the lathing horizontal. To fix the beam to wooden base you can use nails or screws. If the wall is made of bricks or blocks, fix the bars using frame dowels. In this case, you will have to pre-drill holes in the wall to place the fasteners.

Select the beam fastening step according to the width of the insulation slabs.

Third step. Place thermal insulation material in the cells of the sheathing.

Fourth step. Lay a waterproofing film over the insulation and attach it to the sheathing using construction stapler with staples.

Fifth step. Attach another layer of sheathing, this time vertical, to the main frame. You will attach the house block panels to it. Install the second sheathing with a mandatory level check.

Panel installation

Proceed to covering the surface of the block house using the pre-installed sheathing.

Start installing panels with bottom corner. The block house can only be mounted horizontally. Some home craftsmen choose vertical method placement of panels, but it has many disadvantages.

Fix the panels using clamps. Attach the clamps to the sheathing using self-tapping screws and insert the first sheathing panel into the fastener tabs, placing it with the groove down.

Slide the groove of the next panel onto the tenon below the installed trim piece. Continue working in the same manner until you have tiled the entire wall.

If you decide to give preference to self-tapping screws and abandon clamps, begin installation by first preparing recesses for placing self-tapping screws at the bottom and top of the board. Place the fasteners in increments of a little more than 40 cm. Screw the self-tapping screw into the tenon at an angle of about 45 degrees.

After fixing the main part of the trim, you will need to disguise the screws to make the trim look as beautiful and attractive as possible.

You can hide the metal heads of self-tapping screws in one of the following ways:

  • using the remains of the block house panels. Make plugs from the scraps according to the size of the holes and secure the plugs in the recesses using ordinary PVA glue. Sand any rough spots with sandpaper;
  • using ready-made plugs. Sold in specialized stores. You can easily match the caps to the color of the main coating. To attach the plugs, use PVA glue;
  • using wooden "paste". To make it, use PVA glue and sawdust. You need to get a fairly thick mixture. Fill the existing holes with the finished mixture, let the composition dry, and then sand the surface. The method is simple and least expensive, however, the attachment points may slightly differ in color from the main wood.

How to design corners?

Finishing the corners when covering a block house causes the most difficulty for beginners. To complete this stage of work, you can buy “boats” for decoration. internal corners and special elements for finishing external corners.

The finished plinth will fit tightly to the block house only at the top point, as a result of which large unclosed gaps will remain in the sheathing, which is a huge drawback and generally unacceptable.

It is much more expedient and easier to use planed timber with a section of 5x5 cm to finish the corners. It should be secured before the sheathing begins. As a result, you will be able to attach the house block boards to the timber, and the finish will look as aesthetically pleasing as possible. The method is suitable for finishing external and internal corners. If desired, you can round the outer part of the block to an oval shape.

Cashing installation

Also, novice craftsmen have difficulties when framing doors and window openings. To decorate these building elements, special boards are used, known as platbands.

The main task of the platbands is to hide the cracks and block the path of the cold street air, sediment and various debris.

If you wish, you can buy decorative trims with various carved patterns and ornaments - at this point, be guided by your own preferences. Platbands can have semicircular, figured and regular flat shape. Choose according to your taste.

In accordance with the installation method, cashing elements are classified into telescopic and overhead products. U telescopic platbands There are special protrusions that need to be inserted into the slots of the window or door frame.

The cash invoice is simply attached to the surface using nails and screws.

In general, when choosing platbands, be guided by your personal preferences, the design features of the house and the site as a whole.

Thus, the installation of a block house can be done with your own hands without any problems. Having understood the main features of the work, you will cope with the finishing no worse than a professional master and will be able, at the same time, to save significant cash. Follow the instructions and everything will definitely work out.

Good luck!

Video - DIY block house installation

Block house is a fairly well-known material that imitates the finishing of the wall surface using logs. It can be used for both interior works, and for finishing the facade of the house. Not many consumers know how to attach a block house themselves.

Features of installation work

All Finishing work with panels they are carried out quite quickly. Attaching a block house is simple and can be done even by a person who does not have the skill similar works. Installation of finishing material is made easier by the fact that all panels are made of the same type and have same size. Moreover, all block house panels have the same tongue-and-groove fastening. But still, when performing work, you may encounter certain difficulties.

Before attaching the house block, each structural element must be well dried and kept in the room where the work will be carried out. This is necessary so that the material adapts to the humidity level of the room. After this, it is necessary to treat the material with an antiseptic solution.

After preliminary preparation When the material is ready, it is necessary to prepare the sheathing on which the panels will be fastened. The sheathing is made of wooden beams, which must be fixed to the wall. Using lathing, you can level the vertical level and insulate the wall.

When installing the panels, it is necessary to position them so that the tenon part is at the top. This arrangement of fasteners will prevent water and moisture from entering the joints.

When performing installation, you need to leave a small space (technological gaps) between the panels of the block house and the wall. The size of this gap should be 10-15 mm. A similar gap needs to be made at the top and bottom of the wall. Moreover, a temperature gap must be left between the lamellas (panels), the value of which should be 1-2 mm. This will help avoid destruction of the finishing material during large differences temperatures

In the case when the facade of the house is being finished, the lamellas are installed horizontally. This will simulate the appearance wooden log house. In interior spaces, finishing material can be installed vertically. This will give the room an unusual look.

Mounting options

Work on installing the finishing material can begin either from the bottom or from the top. This is not of fundamental importance. Fixing the slats can be done in the following ways:

  • fastening with nails;
  • fastening with self-tapping screws;
  • fastening with a tongue-and-groove connection.

Installation of boards using the first 2 methods is performed only when there are no tenon joints. From time to time, metal clamps can be used as fastening elements. But they can only be used on boards that are thin and are used mainly for interior work.

The choice of one or another type of sheathing fastening should be determined only by its thickness. If this value is less than 20 mm, then use clamps or nails. In other cases, it is necessary to use self-tapping screws.

In this case, it is necessary to give preference only to those fasteners that have anti-corrosion treatment. The best material It will be galvanized steel.

If a tongue-and-groove type locking connection is used, then the attachment point will be closed as follows installed element. In order to fix the slats to the sheathing, it is better to use self-tapping screws. In this case, each self-tapping screw must be installed at an angle in the place where the connection with the next lamella will occur. This will completely hide all fasteners.

To make it easier to perform facing works, small tricks are used. For example, when used as clamps, installation should begin from the top. This will allow the work to be completed much faster and with better quality.

If a lock connection is used, then you need to use a rubber mallet or a wooden mallet. This will make it easier to “drive” the tenon into the groove part of the product.

If you apply similar methods fasteners, then there will be no problems in how to properly fasten the block house.

Well-installed house siding will for a long time bring joy to its residents.

Finishing the facade of the house or cladding interior walls require a material that will not only protect building structure from destruction, but will also decorate the building. Many fit these parameters finishing materials, different in shape, size, performance properties.

In private one-story construction for facade arrangement, preference is often given to wooden, metal or vinyl panels block house. This article will discuss what a block house is and how to install it.

Block house is quality material for cladding facades and walls inside the building. In shape it resembles a rounded log, sawn into two equal halves.

The quality of processing is much higher than that of ordinary wooden logs. For device interior partitions panels are used that simulate a full-fledged construction timber. Covering a house with a sidehouse means getting a complete imitation wooden building in the old Russian style.


Block house panels are made of wood, metal or plastic (PVC).


Widely used in decoration country houses and cottages. Wooden block house creates a complete imitation of a log structure. Main indicator– quality of wood. There are top-class panels without knots and cracks from the best varieties wood They are distinguished by their high cost.

You can choose more cheap option from wood of a lower class. Then there will be chips, cracks, and knots on the surface. The quality of processing is noticeably lower.

A wooden block house is an environmentally friendly and safe material for the human body that can be used to decorate any facade. Installation of elements must be carried out with extreme caution, as the wood may crack. Wooden facade must be treated with an antiseptic to inhibit decay processes, as well as maintain a satisfactory appearance.


Imitation wooden beam from bent metal profile. It can only be used to decorate facades; it is not intended for cladding interior spaces. A metal block house is often used to construct facades covered with insulation.

The cost of the material is much lower than wood. The metal block house is very durable. It protects the facade from all types of destruction. Does not deform from moisture, belongs to the class of fire-resistant materials.

Installing a metal block house is much easier to do with your own hands than installing wooden cladding.

Upon closer inspection, the façade of a metal block house looks worse than a wooden one. The sheets quickly heat up in the sun, increasing the temperature inside the building.


They are used when you need to get a facade similar to wood, but for less money. The PVC block house has a duller color. The panels do not need to be further impregnated with antiseptic. They can be used to cover dilapidated and damaged facades. They are not destroyed by moisture and ultraviolet rays. PVC block houses are easy and quick to install and are not afraid of open fire. What distinguishes them is huge selection colors.

The panels are installed not just end-to-end, but taking into account deformation gaps. This can be difficult for inexperienced installers. Seasonal temperature changes can lead to damage to the integrity of the PVC panel sheathing.

Installation of block house

All types of panels are mounted on wooden or metal carcass. There are differences in the method of attachment. Wooden elements snap into a special lock, it is almost impossible to make a mistake.

Between metal and PVC panels it is necessary to leave a deformation gap. With its help, temperature changes in the size of the facade are leveled. To increase the energy efficiency of the building, a layer of mineral insulation can be inserted between the wall and the cladding.

In addition to the block house panels themselves, many additional elements and frame parts are used to construct the facade:

  1. Lathing. The supporting frame consists of metal profile CD 27x54 or wooden beam with a section of 50x50, 60x60 mm. To attach the profile to the wall, I will use U-shaped hangers.
  2. Corner panels. Used to obtain neat joints ordinary block house panels on internal and external corners building. Used to complement metal and vinyl facades.
  3. Slopes, ebbs. The ebbs are made of galvanized steel. The size is selected individually for each window. Often sills are installed together with plastic or wooden window structures.
  4. Door frames. Close the gap between the door frame and the wall. Platbands are selected for a specific door. Can be wooden, metal, plastic.
  5. Insulation. For covering wooden or brick house outside the block house can be used
  6. Vapor barriers. Film based is used. One or two coats are required. It releases steam in one direction without allowing water to return
  7. Fasteners. To attach the hangers to the wall, you need a 40-60 mm self-tapping dowel. The profile is connected to the hangers using metal screws with a 25-40 mm drill.

The panels are attached to the sheathing in three ways:

  • On nails - for panels with a thickness of no more than 20 mm. The nail is driven into the ridge or body of the element.
  • Self-tapping screws are the most common mounting option. Only galvanized screws are used. If you use conventional ones, then smudges will appear on the facade due to corrosion of fasteners.

Clamps are clamps for fixing block house panels at the bottom or top. The clamps are attached to the profile using self-tapping screws.

How to calculate the consumption of a house block and additional elements

The number of block houses is calculated based on the surface area for finishing. To simplify the calculation methodology, you can not subtract from total area windows and doors. Then you don’t need to add 10% for cutting the material.

The frame is calculated based on the height of the facade. The standard profile installation pitch is 500-600 mm. The vertical installation pitch of U-shaped hangers is 600-1000 mm. For each suspension you need to lay 3-4 self-tapping dowels. To connect the profile to the suspension you need 2-3 metal screws.

Additional elements are considered linear meters or ready-made units.

Preparing tools for work

To avoid delays and downtime during the installation of block house panels, you must carefully prepare the tools:

  1. Laser level, building level, measuring tape, plumb line, mason's string, marker or chalk.
  2. Grinder with metal discs, hacksaw, jigsaw, metal scissors.
  3. Hammer, screwdriver, screwdriver, mallet with rubber knob.

For a specific block house made of metal, wood or plastic, not all tools from the list may be needed. This is a combined list for all three options.

Preparing the outside of the house for paneling with a block house

Preparation starts with visual inspection. If the house is made of wood, then special attention should be paid to lower crowns. What condition are they in, is there any fungus?

Stone houses are inspected for cracks in brickwork and their character. If the cracks are through and cross several rows of masonry, then there are problems in the foundation. brick wall can be treated with an antiseptic.

It is necessary to remove all hanging elements from the facade and install wiring for external lighting.

Installation of sheathing

Block house is produced in special panels equipped with spikes and grooves, so finish the walls ... Available in a variety of colors and easy to use installation. Possess light weight, so there is no significant load on foundation of the house. However, these panels are...

The modern construction industry offers a lot of options exterior finishing Houses. This different kinds siding, tiles, artificial stone, sandwich panels and so on. IN Lately Finishing with such material as block house is becoming more and more popular. It has many advantages.

In this article, the site will tell you what kind of material this is and how to properly attach a block house.

Types of block house

Block house is a view facing material, which imitates a log frame of a tree. He can be:

  • wooden;
  • vinyl;
  • metal.

Wooden – environmentally friendly and natural material. The disadvantage is the fact that it is susceptible to rotting and fungal attack. However, this problem can be solved by processing with special means.

Vinyl is durable. It looks aesthetically pleasing, is easy to care for, and is practically indistinguishable from wood.

Metal is made of galvanized steel, which is coated polymer composition. Its advantage is its relatively low cost.

Installation procedure

In order for the cladding of the house to last as long as possible, you first need to carefully prepare the walls. Here are a few important advice that need to be taken into account during preparatory work:

  • If the walls are wooden, then you need to treat them with an antiseptic solution to protect them from fungus and mold;
  • You should take care of waterproofing. To do this, a special film is fixed to the walls. Special attention pay attention to the seams, because moisture can get through them. It is advisable to glue them with tape;
  • The sheathing is nailed onto this base. It can be made of wooden beams or metal profiles;
  • Insulation of the building. For this purpose they usually use mineral wool. A windproof film is attached on top of it, which will additionally protect the building;
  • Direct paneling of the house.

Before installing the panels, you need to select fasteners for the block house. There are three ways to attach this material:

  • fastening using a clamp;
  • fastening with self-tapping screw;
  • fastening with a galvanized nail.

Let's look at each of these options:

  • The block house clamp is a special metal plate coated with chrome. This makes it resistant to wet environments. This plate must be inserted into the groove, after which it is connected to the sheathing with a self-tapping screw. At correct execution This operation makes the connection almost invisible. This method is best suited for fastening wood sheathing.
  • Fastening with a self-tapping screw is somewhat more complicated. To ensure that the panel tenon into which the self-tapping screw will be screwed does not crack, it must be pre-drilled. And then hit the screw exactly into this hole. This makes this method of fastening difficult, especially for a non-professional.
  • To secure the house block with a nail, it is driven into the panel tenon at an angle of 45 degrees. As mentioned above, the tenon can crack, so you need to drill a hole in it. It is better to “drown” the nail head a little.

The choice of fastening method for the huas block depends on the material from which the casing is made. After you decide on the type of siding, you can think about what to attach the block house to.

We install a wooden block house

You need to start installing such material from the bottom. In this case, the spike is directed upward. This will protect it from moisture. If not only the facade is being finished, but the entire house, then installation must be done on all walls at the same time. After finishing the covering they are attached additional elements– baseboards, corners.

For finishing external walls, it is better to choose wider panels. The choice of wood will depend on preferences and budget. There are both budget house blocks made of pine and more expensive ones made of valuable wood available for sale.

After installation wood panels you need to let the structure stand for a while to finally accept it the required form. Only after this is it worth covering the walls with varnish or stain. If you do this immediately after installation, unpainted stripes may appear on the walls, as the material will shrink over time.

Wall covering protective compounds you will have to repeat it periodically, because wood is a capricious material. In case you choose vinyl or metal siding, this procedure can be avoided.

We install vinyl and metal block houses

Galvanized nails or self-tapping screws are used to secure vinyl or metal sheathing. Holes are pre-drilled for fastening. Such material only needs to be fastened perpendicularly, otherwise it will affect the quality of the cladding. During installation, it is necessary to leave a small distance between the screw head and the panel, since this type of house block expands or contracts depending on the ambient temperature.

Despite the apparent simplicity and ease of installation, PaneliGid advises turning to professionals. They will tell you which sheathing material will be best in your case, tell you how the block house is attached, and install it efficiently in the shortest possible time.

Block house installation video

The block house can be secured correctly the first time. To do this, check out the video.


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