How OSB is attached to a frame wall. Using OSB boards for interior decoration of a house

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Main area OSB applications slabs are the arrangement of the structural elements of a building: roof, floor, walls. At the same time, the installation of OSB boards has some features, knowledge of which will help make the cladding high-quality and durable. Before you begin installation, you need to decide on the choice of hardware that will play a major role in fixing the OSB.

Nails and screws used

There are many types of nails that are used depending on the location of the slab and its weight:

  • finishing: used where camouflage is desired and the likelihood of pulling out is minimized. Often used in conjunction with glue.
  • round without a cap: needed for laying floors, during installation frame structures and when fastening slabs with tongue and groove connections
  • with a cap: used where there is no need for camouflage;

There are also special nails that have a ring or screw type. Such hardware holds the nailed slab better, but is difficult to pull out.

It is best to fasten the panels using screws designed for working with wood - the reliability of fastening increases dramatically. In this case, it is possible to use a much smaller number of screws compared to the number of nails. If necessary, the screw can be easily removed by switching the screwdriver to reverse.

Roof finishing

Before installation, you must make sure that the sheathing is parallel or rafter legs. The surface must be leveled, and failure to comply with this requirement leads to the impossibility of a reliable tongue-to-groove connection.

If the slabs prepared for installation are exposed to rain, they must be dried before installation.

Before installation, make sure that attic space has adequate ventilation ( total area ventilation holes must be at least 1/150 of the entire horizontal area).

The largest part of the operating load should fall on the long axis of the slab. The short ends must be joined on the roof supports. The long sides are joined on auxiliary supports, the connection method is tongue-and-groove or H-shaped brackets.

If the edges of the slabs are smooth (i.e. there is no tongue and groove), then an expansion gap of 3 millimeters should be left. This will allow the material to change dimensions during temperature changes without compromising the quality of the coating.

The slab must lie on at least 2 supports (the connection should be on them). Below is shown the dependence of the distance between the sheathing elements on the thickness of the OSB (for roofs with a slope of no more than 14 degrees):

  • 1m: slab thickness from 18 mm;
  • 0.8 meters: thickness from 15 mm;
  • 0.6 meters: thickness from 12 mm.

When laying the slab next to the chimney, it is necessary to comply with the standards established by SNiP. High quality mount OSB slabs to the rafters are possible using ring nails from 4.5 to 7.5 cm long, or spiral nails 5.1 cm long. The distance to the edge of the slab cannot be less than 10 mm.

Installation of OSB on walls

Installation can be done in two ways: horizontally or vertically.

When going around the windows, doorways It is necessary to leave a gap of approximately 3 mm.

If the distance between the wall supports is 40-60 cm, it is recommended to cover the walls with OSB slabs 1.2 cm thick. If thermal insulation is necessary, it should be arranged before attaching the slabs. As a heat-insulating material, preference should be given to mineral wool.

To fasten the slabs, two-inch spiral nails (51 mm) or ring nails with a length of 4.5 to 7.5 cm are used. They must be driven in every 30 cm into the intermediate supports. At the joints of the slabs, nails are driven in every 15 cm. At the edge, nails should be driven in increments of 10 cm (no closer than 1 cm from the edge).

Dilatation gaps should also be left:

  • between the top edge of the slab and the crown beam: 1 cm;
  • between the bottom edge of the slab and foundation wall: 1cm;
  • between slabs that do not have a tongue-and-groove connection: 0.3 cm.

Laying on the floor

Before laying the material, it is necessary to do waterproofing (if the floor is on the first floor).

OSB boards should be connected on joists. If there are no grooves or ridges, maintain the same gap of 3 millimeters. If you plan to install a floating floor, then leave a gap of 1.2 cm between the wall and the edge of the slab.

Must be laid perpendicular to the joists. The long edges of the slabs must be connected to each other by means of a groove and a tongue, and in their absence - with H-shaped brackets. It is advisable that the connection rest on an auxiliary support. The short sides of the slab must be connected with joists. The dependence of the thickness of the slab on the distance between the lags is shown below:

  • from 1.5 to 1.8 cm: the distance between the logs is no more than 40 cm;
  • from 1.8 to 2.2 cm: no more than 50 cm;
  • from 2.2 cm: distance – 60 cm.

For fastening, the same types of nails are used that are required for OSB wall cladding and roof installation. On intermediate supports, nails are driven in increments of 30 cm, in places where the plates join - in increments of 15 cm.

To increase the rigidity of the entire coating and give it a holistic look, the slabs can be glued to the joists. It would also be a good idea to glue the tongue-and-groove joint.

It is necessary to use only synthetic glue (compositions based on water based are ineffective due to the presence of paraffin in the structure of the slab).

OSB finish

After fixing it will be needed. The most common method is putty. This method allows you to seal all the cracks at the joints to prevent moisture penetration. Plus, quality work will help prepare the slabs for possible further finishing (for example, varnishing or painting).

To obtain an aesthetically attractive look, it is better to use slabs that have been specially polished by the manufacturer. In this case, you will have to spend less time and material on future finishing.

Before carrying out work, you should go over the slab with finely notched sandpaper, and then cover the surface with a primer (it should not be water-based). Next, you need to choose what to putty on OSB. It is better if the composition you choose is colorless. To do this, use one of the types of putty:

  • gypsum based;
  • acrylic;
  • latex.

After completing this stage, you can think about how to finish the OSB walls. For example, this could be varnishing. The slab should be varnished in 3-4 steps, allowing each layer to completely dry. Varnishing will add shine to the surface and provide reliable protection from moisture penetration.

Another finishing method is painting. Use paint that does not contain water. Afterwards, it can even be laminated or finished with a special film.

Most home finishing methods are available after the walls have been covered. OSB boards oh in compliance with the technologies and recommendations of the manufacturer.

OSB or OSB (oriented strand board) is relatively new construction material, which has become a successful alternative to plywood and chipboard. The role of OSB is great in frame construction, when insulating standard houses. Especially often, OSB is used to form and level floor surfaces. Today we’ll talk about how to do this correctly.

Types of OSB boards and their characteristics

OSB is a board consisting of several layers of wood chips pressed and glued with waterproof resins. Its gluing is carried out in 3 layers. In the outer layers, the chips are laid along the length of the panel, and inside - perpendicularly. This arrangement gives OSB strength and allows fasteners to be firmly held.

Used in construction the following types OSB:

  • OSB-2 – panels with low moisture resistance. They are used only for interior works in dry rooms.
  • OSB-3 – universal material. Withstands high humidity both indoors and outdoors. A large margin of safety allows it to be widely used in construction.
  • OSB-4 is the most durable and moisture-resistant board. They are used to form load-bearing structures in conditions of high humidity.

For construction and leveling of floors, OSB-3 sheets are usually used, which can easily withstand the load from furniture, equipment, and people’s movement.

When leveling small floor defects, it is enough to use OSB boards 10 mm thick. Surfaces with significant bumps and potholes will require 10-15 mm of material. If you are going to create a floor on logs, then the thickness of the OSB boards used should be at least 15-25 mm.

For laying subfloors under finishing coat widely used wood boards, such as plywood and OSB. Let's compare these two materials in the following article: .

OSB boards are used as a flat and solid foundation under various modern coverings - parquet, tiles, linoleum, laminate, carpet. The main functions of oriented strand boards are:

  • Creating a floor surface. OSB is a popular material for creating subfloors on joists. In this case, the flooring of the slabs can be carried out both on the upper side of the joists and on the lower side.
  • Leveling the surface. Installing OSB on a wooden or concrete floor will help create a completely flat surface suitable for laying finishing coatings.
  • Thermal insulation of the floor. OSB board consists of 90% natural wood chips, which have high thermal insulation properties. Accordingly, an OSB floor does not allow heat to escape and retains it in the room.
  • Noise insulation. The multilayer dense OSB structure reliably absorbs any type of noise.

Let's look at a few popular technologies laying OSB on different substrates.

Installation of OSB boards on a concrete floor (cement screed)

Let's start with the simplest situation - leveling a concrete base with OSB slabs. The work is carried out according to this scheme.

Sweep away debris from the concrete base and remove dust with a vacuum cleaner. The surface must be absolutely clean to ensure adhesion mounting adhesive. The base is coated with a primer. This also promotes better adhesion of the glue to the base. In addition, the primer creates a dense film on the surface, which does not allow the screed to “dust” during use.

OSB is laid out on the surface, if necessary, trimming is done with a jigsaw or circular saw. On the wrong side OSB side Apply rubber-based parquet adhesive using a notched trowel to ensure uniform application. Glue the sheets to the concrete base.

Additionally, OSB is fixed with driven dowels. To guarantee retention, dowels are driven in around the perimeter every 20-30 cm. If the floor is flat and installation is carried out in a dry living room, then it is enough to secure the dowels in the corners of each slab (subject to the mandatory use of high-quality glue!).

When laying, expansion joints 3 mm thick are left between the slabs. Along the perimeter of the room, between the OSB and the wall, the seam should be 12 mm. These gaps are necessary to compensate for temperature and humidity expansion (swelling) of the OSB during operation.

On last stage work, the OSB base is cleaned of dust and debris. The joints between the wall and the slabs are filled polyurethane foam. Its drying time is 3-4 hours. Excess dry foam that protrudes beyond the surface is cut off with a sharp knife.

Installation of OSB boards on plank flooring

Laying OSB on old wooden floor helps to level the surface and prepare it for installation of the finishing coating. Installation is carried out as follows:

  1. To begin with, using a level or a rule, determine the localization of irregularities (bulges, depressions) of the boardwalk.
  2. Boards that “walk” or rise too high above the general level are pulled to the joists with dowels, recessing them into the material. In some cases, to eliminate creaking and unsteadiness of the boards, the floor has to be rebuilt and the joists replaced (repaired).
  3. Remove paint deposits from the flooring, erase swellings and protrusions with a sander or emery cloth.
  4. OSB boards are laid out on the floor, with the seams of each next row offset. There should be no cross-shaped joints! Expansion gaps are provided (between the plates - 3 mm, along the perimeter of the walls - 12 mm).
  5. Holes are drilled in the slabs. Their diameter should match the thread diameter of the wood screws that were chosen to fix the OSB to the floor. Holes are drilled along the perimeter of the slabs every 20-30 cm, and countersinking is performed for the screw heads.
  6. Use wood screws to attach the OSB to the floor. The recommended length of screws is at least 45 mm.
  7. If you want to make the floor more durable, install a second layer of OSB. The seams of the overlying and underlying layers should be laid with an offset of 20-30 cm.
  8. Deformation gaps near the walls are filled with polyurethane foam, which is cut off after drying.

This completes the process.

Laying OSB on joists on a concrete base

If there is a concrete base (for example, a floor slab), installing joists and covering them with OSB sheets allows you to create a flat floor without the use of wet leveling screeds. And also incorporate insulating, moisture- and noise-insulating materials into the structure.

Let's consider the technology of creating an OSB floor on logs on an existing concrete base. Lags ( wooden blocks) are fixed to the concrete floor using dowels or anchors.

The wider the distance between the logs, the thicker the OSB boards used. If the pitch is 40 mm, then minimum thickness OSB - 15-18 mm, if the pitch is 50 cm - thickness 18-22 mm, if 60 cm - 22 mm or more.

Thanks to the lags between the OSB and concrete floor space is created. It can be put to good use by placing insulating material. For example, the floors of the first floors are often cold, so a thermal insulator can be laid between the joists: mineral wool, polystyrene foam, EPS, etc. If there is a wet basement under the ceiling, the floor structure is supplemented vapor barrier films or membranes.

OSB boards are laid across the joists. The seams between adjacent slabs (widthwise) should run strictly in the middle of the log. During installation, it is recommended to leave expansion gaps (3 mm between the slabs, 12 mm between the OSB and the wall)

The sheets are fixed to the joists with self-tapping screws or nails (spiral, ring). Spacing of fasteners: along the perimeter of the sheets – 15 mm, on intermediate (additional) supports – 30 mm. Nails (or self-tapping screws) fixing the boards around the perimeter are placed at a distance of at least 1 cm from the edge (so that the OSB does not crack). Fastening elements are selected so that their length is 2.5 times greater than the thickness of the plates used.

How to fasten OSB boards to joists in an ordinary city apartment, watch the video:

Creating a subfloor from OSB on joists

Laying OSB on wooden joiststhe simplest way get a durable and reliable subfloor. This technology is especially appropriate with existing columnar, pile, pile-screw foundation. Work order:

  1. Logs are installed on the foundation. The log pitch must correspond to the thickness of the OSB boards used (than more step, the greater the thickness).
  2. Perform rough rolling of the floor. To do this, retaining bars are nailed along the joists, and OSB boards are laid and secured on them. The surface facing the ground is covered with waterproofing preparations, for example, bitumen mastic.
  3. A layer of vapor barrier is laid on top of the OSB.
  4. Stacked thermal insulation material, for example, polystyrene foam, boards mineral wool, ecowool, etc.
  5. Cover the insulation with another layer of OSB. Fastening is carried out in the same way as with OSB laying on logs on the existing concrete base (the technology is described in the previous paragraph).

At this point the work process is considered completed.

Processing OSB for different finishing coatings

A strong, hard and smooth surface makes OSB a universal base for everything. modern views finishing floor coverings. How to cover an OSB floor? Here are some popular solutions:

  • Varnish or paint. In this case, OSB boards will act as finishing floors, which only require decorative finishing paint and varnish materials. No additional training OSB sheets do not require, just clean them from dust and apply 2-3 layers of varnish (paint).
  • Roll materials - linoleum and carpet. When laying roll materials it is necessary to ensure that the joints between the OSB boards are located flush with the rest of the surface. It is advisable to remove all irregularities using sanding paper. Compensation gaps should be filled with elastic sealant.
  • Tile(ceramic, vinyl, quartz vinyl, rubber, etc.). In order for the tile to be held on the OSB base, it is necessary to ensure its immobility. To do this, logs are placed more often than required by the thickness of the sheets. The pitch between the fastening elements is also reduced. The tiles are glued to OSB using a special adhesive suitable for the wooden surface and the tiles used.
  • Laminate– a finishing coating that is fixed in a “floating” way, without rigidly fastening the lamellas. This coating is quite rigid, so there is no need to prepare OSB for it. Minor irregularities that may exist at the joints of the plates are leveled out by the substrate.

What exactly to choose is up to you.

Using OSB allows you to inexpensively and quickly level an existing wood or concrete floor. And if necessary, create it from scratch on logs. An OSB surface will not require expensive finishing, additional leveling, or coating with moisture-resistant compounds. This is an excellent choice for those who want to create a high-quality floor with minimal effort.

In construction and renovation, various materials are often used to cover walls and ceilings. sheet materials. One of these materials is oriented particle board(OSB), also sold under the English name OSB (Oriented Strand Board).

OSB: what is it and how to use it

OSB is made from wood chips and large shavings, gluing them at high temperatures with synthetic resins.

The slab consists of several layers, usually 3-4, with different orientations of the chips.

In the outer layers, the chips are located along the long side of the sheet, in the inner layers - across. According to its characteristics, OSB is close to plywood, but costs less.

Benefits and Features

A distinctive feature of OSB is its high strength due to the cross arrangement of wood fibers. The strength of the boards is superior to MDF, chipboard and wood, slightly inferior to plywood. The boards show high resistance to chemicals. Some manufacturers use special impregnations in the production of slabs - fire retardants, which reduce the flammability of the material. OSB boards are easy to process; to work with them you will need ordinary woodworking tools.

How OSB boards are calculated

There are mainly 2 standard sizes of slabs: 2440*1220 mm (American standard) and 2500*1250 mm (European). There are OSB in other sizes, but they are much less common and are produced mainly to order.

To calculate the quantity, the easiest way is to draw a wall plan on checkered paper, taking the size of the box to be 250 for slabs European standard or 300 mm - for American. Then draw OSB boards on the plan and count their number. It is better to arrange the sheets in a checkerboard pattern. In this case, you need to take into account how the surface will be finished in the future.

If you plan to cover, for example, with siding on the street or gypsum board indoors, joining with non-factory cuts is allowed, but if painting is planned, try to join the slabs with factory cuts. It is advisable to reduce the number of joints to a minimum. For example, it is better to sew up a fragment of a wall measuring 2.4 m by 1.2 m in one sheet, rather than in 3 pieces of 0.8 * 1.2 m, because it is quite difficult to make a perfectly straight cut, and even a slight deviation from straightness creates a gap. To the received amount of OSB you need to add several sheets as a reserve in case of defects or errors during cutting.

An easier way is to divide the surface area by the leaf area. In this case, “in reserve” it is necessary to take at least 20% of the quantity. Round the resulting number up.

What kind of OSB boards are there for external walls?

OSB is made in 4 types:

  • OSB-1 - used only in dry rooms for cladding.
  • OSB-2 – used as a construction material in dry rooms.
  • OSB-3 – can be used both indoors and outdoors. Allowed for use in conditions with high humidity. Strength allows the use of OSB-3 as a structural material.
  • The most common class is OSB-4 - more durable and moisture resistant than OSB-3.

For cladding external walls, only classes 3 and 4 can be used.

Installation from outside: lathing

External wall cladding can be carried out in several cases:

  • In order to level out existing walls, hide defects (cracks, crumbling plaster, etc.) and simply as cladding.
  • In frame construction - to protect the insulation from wind and precipitation, and also as an element of the supporting system.
  • When insulating walls - to protect the insulation from atmospheric phenomena.

In all 3 cases, OSB sheets are attached to the sheathing. The sheathing is made from wooden lumber different sections, depending on the task. Unplaned softwood timber is most often used. natural humidity section 50*50 or 40*50 mm. OSB can be attached to a metal frame.

When insulating, the sheathing is performed in steps that are a multiple of the width of the insulation minus 20 mm, without insulation - the step is chosen so that the joints of the sheets fall on the beam; several additional racks are added between the joints with a distance between them of at least 600 mm.

When covering walls, use a moisture-proof film, following the recommendations of its manufacturer, in particular, the distance between the membrane and the OSB.

How to attach panels to the wall

OSB boards are usually attached to the wall through the sheathing using wood screws when using bars in the frame, or metal screws when attached to a metal profile frame. The length of the screw should be 25-45 mm.

It is allowed to mount OSB directly to the wall. To do this, holes are drilled in a sheet cut to size, the sheet is installed in place, the wall is drilled in the designated places with a hammer drill, dowels are inserted and screws are tightened. When attached to wooden base The hardware is screwed in without pre-drilling.

Fasten the screws in one selected direction, for example, from left to right, from bottom to top, otherwise the OSB sheet may bend.

How to decorate the outside beautifully from osb

OSB has a rather interesting texture, which leaves many finishing options. At the same time, you need to remember that OSB consists of 90% wood, so the material is subject to the same dangers as wood. Fungus and mold may appear on the slabs; to a small extent they are susceptible to rotting; the resin may be destroyed under the influence of sun rays, the ends of the panels absorb moisture.

OSB boards are treated with wood compounds for outdoor use. The composition must provide UV protection. To preserve color and texture, the surface is coated with colorless varnish and antiseptic impregnations, to give woody shades - with decorative antiseptics, for painting in various colorsfacade paints for wood.

To obtain a smooth surface, OSB walls are plastered and puttied. Before applying plaster, the surface of the slab must be protected from moisture with special primers or glassine, then fixed plaster mesh and plastering. Can be applied decorative plaster or painting.

Also, OSB walls can be covered with any type of siding or facade panels, block house, clapboard, etc.

OSB material for interior work

OSB is used indoors for cladding walls, ceilings, for constructing subfloors, as a structural material in the manufacture of built-in furniture, to create decorative elements, boxes, technological cabinets. IN frame housing construction interior lining OSB walls increase the strength of the structure.

Work progress

Sheathing OSB walls consists of the following steps:


To cover OSB walls you will need:

  • Hacksaw, Circular Saw or a jigsaw for cutting material.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Level.
  • Marking tool (tape measure, square, pencil).
  • Perforator for covering brick walls.
  • Chisel.

Interior finishing options

The unusual structure of OSB allows you to create quite attractive interior. The slabs can be used without finishing, but it is better to coat them with varnish to improve their performance properties. OSB can be painted with wood paints or treated with decorative wood impregnations. To obtain a smooth surface, the panels need to be puttied with wood putty, after which they can be painted or covered with wallpaper.

How to properly make lathing for osb

When installing sheathing from bars, first attach the beam around the perimeter, then install vertical racks with a pitch of 406 mm with a sheet width of 1220 mm and 416 mm with a sheet width of 1250. If it is necessary to join sheets in height, a horizontal block is attached at the junction.

The bars are attached to the wall in 2 ways:

  1. Directly through the block. When attaching to concrete, brick, cinder block and aerated concrete walls, holes are drilled in the blocks along the diameter of the dowel in increments of 300-400 mm, the block is placed against the wall, holes are drilled in the wall using a hammer drill through the prepared holes, dowels are inserted and screws are tightened or anchors are used. It is more convenient to first secure the block along the edges, after which you can not hold it and calmly fasten it at the remaining designated points. When attached to wooden walls The block is attached with self-tapping screws without drilling holes. It is better to use “white” or “yellow” self-tapping screws, because If the “blacks” use too much force, the cap breaks off and it is very difficult to remove such a self-tapping screw. To adjust the frame vertically, wood linings are used.
  2. On galvanized corners or U-shaped fastening profiles. In this case, first mark the position of the bars, install the fastening elements according to this marking, then attach the beam with self-tapping screws.

When using a metal profile for the frame, a guide profile is attached around the perimeter, and a rack profile is attached to the plane. The profile is fastened to the wall using special hangers.

Racks and guides on the walls must be strictly vertical!

Is frame sheathing with OSB sheathing inside required?

OSB boards can be mounted directly on the wall, but it is better to use lathing. This will allow you to correct the slope or curvature of the wall, lay mineral wool to improve heat and sound insulation. The sheathing also creates air cushion, due to which the space between the wall and the OSB board is ventilated.

Installation of OSB boards

OSB is fastened with the long side vertical to reduce the number of horizontal joints. When attaching the first sheet, you should control its level position, otherwise gaps may appear in the corners of the walls. Otherwise, the fastening rules are the same as for outdoor work.

What should be the thickness

OSB comes in different thicknesses: 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 18, 22, 25 mm.
Sheets with a thickness of 6 and 8 mm are used for cladding ceilings and structures that are not subject to mechanical load. OSB boards 6 mm thick can be used for curved surfaces with a large radius of curvature.

Slabs with a thickness of 9-12 mm are the main cladding material for cladding walls and ceilings both outside and inside premises, for continuous sheathing under the roof.

Material with a thickness of 18 mm or more is used for the manufacture of furniture, load-bearing structures and subfloors.

Work examples

Attic lined with OSB

Built-in OSB shelving

Relaxation corner made of OSB

Putty on OSB

Operation of OSB finishing: features

Walls made of OSB boards do not require any special care; it is enough to follow the rules common to wooden surfaces, for example, avoid prolonged exposure to moisture.

OSB is a modern high-tech material, with correct installation able to last for many years.

Useful video

OSB - oriented strand board. The material is relatively new, but is already actively used in construction and decoration.

finishing with OSB slabs Photo

Pros and cons of OSB boards

As advantages This material has the following features:

There are also some negative points, but there are much fewer of them:

  • some manufacturers do not comply with environmental requirements, which leads to increased release of harmful substances;
  • the material has low moisture permeability and vapor permeability, so rooms with such finishing require good ventilation.

OSB board. Video

Process of finishing with OSB boards

Often, rough cladding of walls with OSB boards is required. This choice of material is explained by the fact that the significant dimensions of the sheets make it possible to reduce the number of joints. When installing OSB boards on a wall, a number of details must be taken into account.

The slabs are secured in such a way that joint was located in the middle. A gap of approximately four millimeters is left between adjacent elements, which will compensate for the expansion of the material.

The OSB sheet hides the bottom harness frame structure. Upper harness is also hidden, and the top side of the slab is aligned with the edge of the trim. In the case of a two-story building, it would be useful to install OSB slabs on the wall so that they overlap the racks of both the lower and upper floors. This will make the structure more rigid.

It is better to design a window opening in a building with two floors as a whole sheet, i.e. cut a hole in it for the window. As a result, the joints are transferred to adjacent racks.

To make rough cladding with OSB boards more convenient and reliable, it is worth creating additional jumpers in the frame. They can be located both horizontally and vertically.

For fastening, self-tapping screws or spiral nails are used, having a length of five centimeters and a diameter of four and a half millimeters. These two mounting options can be easily combined.

Basic rules for OSB fastening:

finishing of walls with OSB slabs. Photo

It is also possible to decorate the walls internally with OSB boards. Since they are quite rigid, it becomes possible to smooth out unevenness. Drywall more flexible material and often repeats such irregularities.

OSB for internal partitions

Popular option interior decoration walls with OSB slabs is complemented by the arrangement interior walls and partitions made of this material. Since it is durable and easy to install, there are many possibilities for transforming the space.

You can attach the sheets to a wooden frame or on metal profile like drywall. But OSB differs in this case from drywall, since it does not deform under its own weight. This weight is very small, so it does not exert a significant load on the frame. Due to the strength and density of the slabs, cracks or pushing through of fasteners can be avoided during installation.

How to finish OSB walls?

The structure of oriented strand panels is distinctly wooden, which makes them especially decorative. The surface of such walls can be finished with a variety of materials.

The peculiarity of OSB panels is that they are impregnated with wax, paraffin or some kind of resin. The result is smooth surface. The difficulty of finishing is that finishing material Difficult to connect to such a slippery surface. In addition, impregnating substances are able to reach the surface through the finishing layer. It will help you avoid such troubles primer layer. After the primer has dried, you can continue finishing with the selected material.

How to finish an OSB floor?

To finish an OSB floor, you can use varnish, paint or any floor covering.


The OSB surface should be as smooth as possible. If there is roughness, it should be sanded. An unpolished slab will not be easy to use and will quickly lose its aesthetics. After the leveling process, the floor surface is cleaned of dust and dirt, degreased and primed.

Sanding is not necessary if laminated OSB sheets were used for flooring.

The varnish is applied in stages, in several layers. Can be used colorless transparent compositions or having a color tint.

Disadvantage varnished coating is its sensitivity to synthetic detergents. For cleaning you will need to use special compounds. In addition, scratches often appear on such a surface.

Painting OSB floors

Paint is one of the most budget options OSB floor finishing. Often for such purposes it is chosen Oil paint, creating a reliable and environmentally friendly coating, permeable to steam and air.

First, the surface of the slabs is puttied, which makes it possible to hide unevenness. After applying the putty, sanding is performed to obtain a smooth surface.

The next step is to apply a primer, which ensures a more even application of the paint. The paint is applied directly with a roller in two layers. In order not to make a mistake with the shade and to check the interaction of the paint with the base, it is first applied to a small area.

Laying decorative coverings on OSB floors

The third option for finishing an OSB floor is laying flooring. This could be parquet or laminate, linoleum, tiles or other finishing options. The base needs to be prepared. To do this, all expansion joints are filled with sealant and sanded.

If only one sufficiently thick OSB board is used as the base, then the logs are laid at a distance of thirty or forty centimeters.

A more rational option for creating a base for coating is to use relatively thin sheets, about a centimeter thick. They are placed in two layers, the top perpendicular to the bottom. Gluing with parquet glue or fixing the sheets with self-tapping screws will help to avoid horizontal displacements.

Oriented strand board or OSB is an indispensable attribute of any modern construction. The material is used for both exterior and interior decoration; it can play the role of a load-bearing or connecting element, for example, in a roofing pie, or maybe independent decision, say, in the role of interior partitions or ceilings.

What screws to use to fix OSB depends on the design features of the structure and location direct installation particle boards.

The versatility of OSB is truly unmatched. It is used with equal success at any stages and cycles of construction.

In order to consider everything possible options OSB fastenings slabs, it will be convenient to divide their installation into several main groups:

  • roofing;
  • wall;
  • floor.

Methods of fastening OSB for roofing work

Installing OSB boards as one of the layers of the roofing pie requires increased attention to the strength characteristics of both the material itself and the fasteners used in the work.

Considering the significant wind and snow loads on the roof plane, as well as the fact that roofing structures are not a static, rigid structure, experts recommend paying attention to the following points:

  • when laying OSB on the roof, priority should be given to special “ruff” or ring nails;
  • phosphated self-tapping screws used in OSB installation are more fragile and have less strength when the structure moves;
  • the final choice of which screws to attach the OSB to the frame is up to the craftsmen and depends on the climatic conditions in the construction area;
  • length of nails or self-tapping screws used in roofing work, is calculated using a simple formula: OSB sheet thickness + minimum 40-45 mm for the fastener entry into the frame;
  • that is, if OSB sizes of 9 mm, 12 mm, 15 mm are considered standard, then, therefore, the length of the screw will be in the range of 50-75 mm;
  • The fastening map looks like this: along the rafters, the pitch of the screws is 300 mm, at the joints of the slabs - 150 mm, along the eaves or ridge cut - 100 mm and the distance from the edge of the sheet is at least 10 mm.

Conclusion! When installing OSB on the roof, preference should be given to special nails, due to their greater shear strength!

Vertical or wall method of OSB installation

What screws are used to secure OSB in case of wall mounting? The question has an unambiguous and very specific answer. If recommended standard thickness, used for vertical installation OSB sheets is equal to 12 mm, then accordingly, adding to this value the minimum 45-50 mm self-tapping screw bodies in a rack or frame required by the rules, we get the answer -50-70 mm.

The fastening map is the same as the roofing one: in the middle of the sheet, the fasteners go in increments of 300 mm, at the joints of the plates the increment is reduced to 150 mm, the sides adjacent to the ceiling or floor are fastened at 100 mm intervals. The standard distance from the edge is 10 mm.

The choice of the shape of screws for vertical installation is determined by the need to hide the head flush with the plane of the wall. That is why self-tapping screws with a disc-shaped head are used on the facades and external planes of buildings, which, when tightened, not only sits in the pocket, but also does not split the wood, preserving appearance walls.

Self-tapping screws wall installation can be replaced with spiral or ring-cut nails. Their length is determined by multiplying the OSB thickness by a factor of 2.5. In our case, this is: 2.5 * 12 mm = 30 mm. This is the minimum allowed length.

Installation of OSB sheets in a horizontal plane: floor/ceiling

There is no need to dwell in detail on the choice of self-tapping screws for installing OSB on the ceiling. The pattern, number and size of self-tapping screws used for these purposes repeats the above examples exactly.

The choice of self-tapping screws and fastener pattern for floor installation of OSB are determined by the base on which the material is laid.

If it is a beam or slatted frame, then phosphated self-tapping screws with a body length of at least 50 mm and countersunk head– an ideal choice.

When laying osb For a rough, solid floor, galvanized self-tapping screws with double threads are suitable. Determination procedure optimal length indicated above.

If you read the article carefully, you have already noticed that regardless of where the OSB is installed, the fastener map remains the same. Accordingly, the number of screws required for the job will generally be the same.

Average consumption of self-tapping screws at installation of OSB is about 30 pcs. per m². Accordingly, for installation standard sheet you will need about 75-100 pcs. self-tapping screws

Now you know which screws to use to fasten OSB for high-quality and durable use of the boards in combination with other construction and finishing materials.

Advice! When buying, do not chase low prices and check the quality of the screws. There are enough cases of marriage. And there are no trifles at a construction site!


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