How to clean a frying pan from greasy deposits. How to clean a frying pan from carbon deposits at home

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During operation, carbon deposits form on the pots. This happens when water boils away, porridge or soup runs out, or a dish gets burnt due to carelessness. Cleaning carbon deposits is different for each type of dishware; cleaning agents for this use improvised or special ones.

Tip: There is no need to put off cleaning any pan. Dried stains are more difficult to remove.

You can quickly remove carbon deposits on any type of dishes, including frying pans, in this way.

Capacity big size fill with water, add half a pack of baking soda and a jar of silicate glue.

The mixture is stirred and heated until boiling. It should look like a paste. Place the dirty dishes in and cook for at least 15 minutes. Rinse under running water with a sponge.

The product is universal for all types of dishes: pots, plates, bowls, mugs. For lightly soiled dishes, boiling for 5 minutes is sufficient.

Tip: to get rid of the unpleasant smell of burning in the apartment, you need to cover the pan with traces of burnt with a wet towel. The smell will not spread.

Cleaning enamel pans, products

Enameled cookware is beautiful and convenient, but, unfortunately, food burns in it, especially porridge. If you were wondering , you can use several methods.

  • Using vinegar

Pour vinegar onto the burnt areas and let sit for 2 hours. Vinegar can be replaced with a solution citric acid or fresh lemon juice.

Tip: using lemon will be more effective if you pour boiling water over it.

You can use the hot cleaning method using vinegar. Fill the pan with water and add vinegar. Place on moderate heat. After a few minutes, the carbon deposits will begin to separate. Remaining dirt is removed with a hard sponge and dish soap. Nagar also appears on kitchen stove. , you can find out here.

  • Using activated carbon. Crush a pack of activated carbon tablets and pour into a saucepan. The dry powder should lie on the dirt for 20 minutes, then pour warm water and stand for another 20 minutes. Wash with a sponge.
  • Using salt. Pour water to cover the dirt, add 3-4 tablespoons of salt and heat, stirring occasionally. Boil the saline solution in a saucepan. The carbon deposits and blackness should separate. All that remains is to pour out the water and rinse the dishes.

Advice: limescale on enamel and glass dishes, it is removed with a solution of salt, vinegar and water, which needs to be filled in the container and left for an hour.

Cleaning a stainless steel pan

Stainless steel pans require careful care. Metal surface interacts with chemicals, which may cause stains. Hard scourers and scrapers leave scratches, which spoils appearance dishes.

Advice: contact of stainless steel utensils with products containing chlorine and ammonia should be avoided. Cover the burnt area at the bottom of the pan with salt and leave it even a short time This is also not possible, as stains may appear.

Cleaning methods:

  • Boiling

The pan with soot should be boiled for 10 minutes in a solution of laundry soap and detergent, immersed in a large container. After this procedure, stains can be easily removed with a sponge with a small amount of detergent and soda. Wipe with light circular movements.

The second method of boiling is in a soda solution. A large saucepan is filled with water with the addition of soda at the rate of 3 tbsp per 1 liter of water. You can add detergent or vinegar to the water. Dirty dishes should be completely covered with the water solution. The water along with the dishes is heated and boiled for 10 minutes. Plaque is easily removed with a soft sponge.

  • Activated carbon. You will need black or white activated carbon powder. Powdered tablets are mixed with water to form a paste. The gruel is used to treat the dirt and leave for at least 20 minutes. The mixture and carbon deposits are removed with warm water and detergent. The product is used for cleaning pots from the outside and inside. Because it is completely safe for health. If you have a samovar in your home and use it from time to time, then it also needs cleaning. , you can find out here.
  • Toothpaste with ammonia. Old carbon stains are removed with a napkin on which a mixture of toothpaste and ammonia is applied. The cleaned surface is washed off cold water.

Tip: Stainless steel dishes should be wiped after washing to prevent water stains and deposits from forming. This should be done with point movements for absolute smoothness, and not in circular motions.

  • Sleeping coffee. Coffee grounds are an excellent cleaning agent. Place a small amount of grounds on a sponge and wipe the stainless steel utensils. All that remains is to rinse with cold water.
  • Baking soda. The sooted bottom is covered with a layer of soda, water is added until a paste-like state is obtained and left for several hours. Wipe with a sponge and rinse with water. For a medium saucepan you will need half a cup of baking soda.
  • Composition of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. In a small cup you need to mix 3 tbsp. baking soda and hydrogen peroxide until creamy. Using a toothbrush, apply to stains using rubbing movements. Apply to a dry surface. Leave for 15-20 minutes. Wipe off the mixture along with the carbon deposits with a hard sponge. The product is suitable for external and internal cleaning.

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“My sister gave me this cleaning product when she found out that I was going to clean the barbecue and wrought-iron gazebo at the dacha. I was delighted! I did not expect such an effect. I ordered the same for myself.

At home I cleaned the oven, microwave, refrigerator, ceramic tiles. The product allows you to get rid of even wine stains on carpets and upholstered furniture. I advise."

Burnt bottom with outside can be cleaned in a steam bath with the addition of vinegar. You will need a saucepan of a slightly larger diameter, which is filled with water and vinegar essence in equal parts.

The contents of the pan are brought to a boil, and the charred bottom is placed over the steam. Duration of steam treatment is 15 minutes. After that, moisten a soft cloth with vinegar, apply a mixture of soda and salt, and wipe the bottom.

The mixture on the napkin is quite aggressive, so it is better to protect your hands with gloves.

Tip: A slice of raw potato, which is used to rub the surface of the pan, will help to add shine to stainless cookware after cleaning. No less effective for adding shine and removing water stains is wiping with a cloth soaked in vinegar.

Instead of vinegar, wipe the dishes with lemon juice. Squeeze a teaspoon of lemon juice into a glass of warm water. Wet a napkin or sponge and wipe. Then rinse with warm water.

Cleaning an aluminum pan from carbon deposits, products

Aluminum cookware retains its position in the kitchen, despite its beautiful and modern “competitors”. And the explanation for this is wear resistance and high thermal conductivity. In order not to spoil the dishes, you need to properly care for them, taking into account the properties of aluminum.

  • You cannot wash dishes when they are hot; hot aluminum warps from water.
  • Do not use products containing acid or alkali for cleaning.
  • Abrasive powders and scouring pads scratch the surface of aluminum. It is also forbidden to pick the bottom and walls sharp knife and clean sandpaper.
  • Use liquid or cream detergents.
  • Drying aluminum cookware with a towel or moisture-absorbing microfiber cloth after each wash will help prevent white water stains from appearing.

The choice of cleaning method depends on the degree of contamination.

  • Soaking. Simple and effective method, the effect of which can be enhanced by heating. IN hot water Adhered food remains can be easily removed with a sponge.
  • Table salt. Cleaning with salt quickly removes even tough stains.
  • Soda solution. Fill a dirty bowl with the baking soda solution, place over moderate heat and bring to a boil. Dried food remains soften and are easy to remove. After which you just need to rinse with water.
  • Heavily soiled pots can be cleaned using “grandmother’s” method. Water is heated in a large basin or saucepan, to which silicate glue and soda ash are added. For 10 liters of water you will need 100 g of glue and 100 g of soda. The components are dissolved in water and the dishes are immersed. You need to cook for half an hour after boiling. After the pan has cooled, wash it with a sponge as usual.
  • There is another equally effective solution. It is prepared from 100 g of silicate glue, shavings from a piece of laundry soap and warm water. The dishes are boiled in a similar way.

Tip: It is not recommended to use aluminum pans every day. Dishes quickly wear out and lose their attractive appearance. When cooking, you need to monitor the strength of the flame. High heat warps the bottom and the pan loses stability.

  • You can clean the walls of aluminum pans with a mixture of toothpaste and chalk powder or tooth powder and a small amount of fine river sand. It is important to ensure that there are no coarse abrasive particles that scratch the surface. If necessary, the composition is slightly moistened.
  • Get rid of scale and burnt food with a solution of laundry soap with the addition of ammonia. Grind the soap, dissolve it in water and add a tablespoon ammonia. Fill the pan with the solution and boil for 15 minutes.
  • An easy way to get rid of burnt porridge at the bottom is to boil the onion in a small amount of water in a saucepan. Other methods can be found here.
  • The combination of three components: soda, salt and citric acid in large quantities water will get rid of burnt marks on the bottom. The solution is boiled for 20 minutes. Take 1 teaspoon of all ingredients.
  • Stationery silicate glue will help save a heavily “greasy” pan. The glue is dissolved in water into which the pan is immersed. Boil for 20 minutes. To enhance the cleaning effect, add baking soda. If only the inner surface is damaged, then the solution is poured into the middle and also boiled. A solution of silicate glue not only removes carbon deposits, but also adds shine.
  • The dense crust of soot is covered generously with tooth powder overnight. In the morning, use a wooden spatula to clean the surface and wash it with detergent.

How to eliminate darkening on aluminum cookware?

With all the advantages, there is also a drawback - aluminum cookware darkens during use.

  • A solution of citric or acetic acid, milk cheese, canning brine, or the famous Coca-Cola drink will help restore the original shine. Either of these liquids is filled into the pan and boiled for 10 minutes. Then wash with detergent and sponge.
  • Cream of tartar helps a lot. It settles at the bottom of wine bottles or barrels. You can use wine vinegar. A few spoons of the product are dissolved in hot water and left for 1 hour. Heating slowly until boiling will speed up the process. The outer side is wiped with the contents of the pan with a soft sponge. After cooling, it is enough to rinse the dishes and wipe them dry.

Rub the darkened areas with a mixture of cream of tartar and warm water. You can also smooth out minor scratches on the walls.

Tip: wash aluminum cookware in dishwasher Not recommended. Detergents can ruin the metal, and hot water will leave dark stains.

  • Remove dark spots on aluminum pan With outside a proven remedy will help. 4 tablespoons are diluted in a liter of water. vinegar essence, moisten a sponge with the resulting solution and wipe until the stains disappear, rinse and dry with a towel.
  • You can easily remove dark stains from a pan using half an apple, which is used to wipe the dark spots.

Modern chemicals to combat carbon deposits

Of course, home remedies and “grandmother’s” recipes cannot always cope with carbon deposits on dishes. And sometimes there are no necessary means at hand in the house, but there are household chemicals. Chemicals will clean pans of dirt even better.

  • External carbon deposits on stainless steel and enamel pans will eliminate Schumannite. The product is applied to the contaminated surface and left for 40-60 minutes. Wash off with plenty of water.
  • Black greasy deposits from aluminum cookware will be removed by “Mole” for cleaning pipes. The dishes are placed in a basin and filled with the product overnight.
  • Special cleaning products for ovens, microwaves, and hobs will remove grease and carbon deposits from dishes: “Bagi Shumanit”, “Amway”, “Master Cleaner”, “Mr. Muscle”, gel “Satita”, “Chister”. The product should be applied to the area, left for 30 minutes and rubbed with a sponge on the contaminated area.
  • Care products hobs made of stainless steel are also suitable for pans. To remove burnt marks, heat the pan slightly and spray the product on, leaving for 15 minutes. The dirt is removed with a sponge and the dishes are washed.
  • You can add a sparkling shine to your stainless pan using glass cleaner. A small amount of the drug is sprayed onto a soft cloth and the pan is wiped.

Advice: chemicals cleaning may not be suitable for all types of surfaces. You need to carefully read the instructions on the label so as not to damage the dishes.

It is better to use chemicals for cleaning the external walls and bottom, and for internal cleaning use food products. The “chemistry” should be washed off more thoroughly under running water.

After cleaning, pans made of any material should be filled with water and boiled twice. This will help avoid getting caught chemicals for food.

Every housewife is faced with the fact that over the years her kitchen utensils lose their external beauty, which is hidden under a layer of soot. Even with careful care, darkening of the outside of the walls of the pans remains inevitable, which upsets many who are not used to parting with their favorite kitchen items. And this article will be useful precisely to such housewives who want to know how to clean a frying pan from carbon deposits at home.

The layer of oil and fat that is deposited on the outside of the pan, called soot, sticks to the surface when exposed to high temperature. Therefore, without knowing the specifics of how to remove it, it will not be possible to restore the beautiful appearance of kitchen utensils.

Not surprisingly, the pan gets dirty the fastest. Every housewife uses this item several times during the day. Stewing and frying immediately make themselves felt upon completion of cooking, even if the scrupulous housewife uses special dishwashing detergents. You can find out below what to do in such situations and how to wash the frying pan from carbon deposits.

Conventional detergents will not help in the fight against carbon deposits on the walls of the frying pan. In such cases, "heavy artillery" should be used. These are chemicals and preparations that contain special carbon cleaning agents. They can be applied to cast iron and the outer walls of Teflon pans. But it is better not to try to clean aluminum utensils with chemicals. If you apply harsh chemicals to such metal, it can be damaged, which can affect cooking if the interior has been treated.

Basically, such products are applied in the same way according to the instructions, despite the fact that their manufacturers may be different.

The chemical composition, which is designed to clean the layer of burnt fat on the walls of kitchen utensils, should be applied for several hours.

During this time, the cleaning composition should penetrate deep into the thick layer of oil and dissolve it. As a rule, such products are presented in the form of a gel or spray containing acid. Therefore, when using such compositions, you should be especially careful, avoiding contact with skin and eyes.

Sometimes at home, housewives come to the aid of chemical agents that have a different area of ​​action. For example, some housewives with experience have gotten used to using compositions that are aimed at cleaning toilets. Among the components contained in such products, there are stronger substances that are extremely dangerous for the skin, but at the same time quickly cope with “sore” areas and soot. The main thing is that after using these products on utensils intended for cooking, thoroughly wash the surface. At the same time, do not forget about safety precautions, and before cleaning the frying pan from carbon deposits, wear protective gloves.

Using “folk methods”

There are also more humane ways to clean a frying pan from carbon deposits using primitive means at home. Similar methods are no less effective. Moreover, by resorting to one of these, you can reduce the impact of the remaining chemicals on the body.

Clean utensils with salt

This “grandmother’s” method is considered the most accessible. Housewives use it, as a rule, on stainless steel frying pans that have lost their presentation.

To this kitchen item shines again, you need to take about 0.5 cups of table salt and scatter it in an even layer along the bottom of the container. After a few hours, carbon deposits can be easily removed under running water.

Soda will help

By You can use regular baking soda to remove a layer of burnt fat from an aluminum frying pan. This product, unlike chemical ones, will deal with carbon deposits on this metal quite gently and quickly. You just need to pour a small amount of powder onto a washcloth or piece of cloth and rub the “problem” areas of the utensil. The result will not be long in coming, the dishes will become clean and will not be damaged.

Sand "bath"

This method will tell you how to clean cast iron frying pan from carbon deposits on the outer walls. To experiment with this method, you will need regular sand. We fill cast iron utensils with it, which we then place on low heat. On average, 2.5-3 hours are enough to heat sand. If you need to clean an old frying pan, it may take much longer.

At the end of the procedure, the sand is removed from the dishes, and the container itself is tapped wooden hammer. As a result, you will be able to get rid of a layer of fat without much effort. However, be prepared for the fact that while heating the sand, a not very pleasant smell will spread throughout the kitchen.


Previously, housewives used this method at home quite often, as it is effective. To clean the outside of a cast iron frying pan, you will need:

  • large basin or pan;
  • a bar of laundry soap;
  • 250 gr. soda ash;
  • 100 ml silicate glue;
  • water.

At the beginning of the procedure, place it on the stove in a basin and pour water into it. Turn on medium heat, and while the water is heating up, grate the soap. Then place the resulting shavings in warm water, pour in soda and pour out the glue. The mixture should be brought to a boil, stirring constantly. When the water becomes hot, you need to reduce the heat and place the frying pan. It will take from 30 minutes to 2 hours to boil, depending on the degree of contamination. Having taken out the utensils after the specified time, you will notice that the layer of fat has almost completely dissolved. Remaining carbon deposits can be removed with steel wool, rinsing the dishes under running clean water.

Extreme Cleaning

To clean kitchen utensils from carbon deposits, many housewives resort to more drastic methods. For example, a blowtorch will be effective in combating burnt layers of oil and fat. However, having decided to use this option for cleaning a frying pan, you should know that it is not suitable for ceramic tableware and devices with Teflon coating. In general, a blowtorch is great if you need to clean an old frying pan that grandma got from you.

To use a blowtorch to remove carbon deposits from the outer walls of utensils, it is better to go outside.

It is advisable that the place where you plan to carry out the procedure is remote from chemicals and foreign flammable objects. After processing the dishes is completed, the remaining carbon deposits should be removed with a wire brush. After this, the container must be thoroughly rinsed under running water.

Cleaning with a dishwasher

Happy owners of dishwashers can use another method to clean a frying pan from carbon deposits. The point is that in these household devices There is a mode for removing a layer of stuck-on fat. Just place the kitchen utensils in the machine, turn on the mode and wait until the machine automatically cleans the dishes.

However, there are some nuances when using household appliances there are also similar ones. For example, it is not recommended for cleaning carbon deposits on ceramic frying pans turn on modes with sudden temperature changes. Also, do not experiment with coarse abrasives on this utensil.

Oil and fat can create a thick layer of carbon deposits that remains on the outside of kitchen utensils, and frying pans are especially prone to this problem. Today we’ll talk about how to clean a frying pan from black carbon deposits with your own hands using homemade products. There are many methods that will help remove even very serious stains. Even in a few minutes, you can return your kitchen utensils to their original appearance.

  • Laundry soap
  • Liquid products
  • Sprays
  • Foam cleaning
  • Activated carbon
  • Gels and creams
  • Mechanical cleaning
  • Cleaning with office glue
  • Removing plaque from outside
  • Useful tips

How to clean a frying pan: methods

Laundry soap

Here we will describe a simple option on how to clean a frying pan from carbon deposits at home, using a soap solution. To prepare the product, it is enough to take only half a bar of soap. It is grated on a coarse grater and then placed on the surface of the frying pan. The grated soap is poured with water and then the fire is lit. Leave the device on the stove for thirty minutes, after which the pan is rinsed with water.

Liquid products

You can find many on sale good funds, which quickly eliminate this problem. Such compositions as Comet, Mister Muscle, and Shumanite have proven themselves to be excellent. Such chemical compounds are used if you need to learn how to clean a frying pan from carbon deposits, as well as grease and deposits, using products at home. The gel is applied to the surface of plaque or soot, and then left for a while so that the composition dissolves the burnt fat.

Important! It is worth considering that you can only work with such products while wearing gloves. It is also important to thoroughly remove the gel from the surface of the kitchen appliance.


Spray formulations act in exactly the same way as gel formulations. chemical substances, but at the same time it will be easier to apply them. Sprayer is easy to apply required amount chemical onto the surface of an object. All you have to do is wait a little time and rinse the pan in the usual way. Today, sprays from the Fairy company are very popular, and Mister Muscle is also popular.

Foam cleaning

This cleaning of pots and pans from carbon deposits is done with a simple folk cleaning agent. The active substances in the composition help to dissolve carbon deposits in a few minutes, as well as break down even very dense and old fat. It is worth paying attention to the fairly popular Amway Dish Drops; it quickly and easily copes with its task. It is enough to pour a little water into a bottle and then add the concentrated composition there. Carry out the dilution process strictly according to the instructions. Whisk the water and solution into a foam, and then apply the foam to the resulting soot. Wash off the product after fifteen minutes.

If necessary, the exposure time is increased.

Activated carbon

Ceramic and Teflon appliances cannot be cleaned in this way, as their coating may be damaged, but aluminum and cast iron appliances will be perfectly cleaned of all excess. To begin with, the bottom of the dish is slightly moistened, and then several crushed charcoal tablets are poured there. The number of tablets will depend on how large the container is selected. Leave the dishes in this form for one hour, and then rub the bottom with the hard side of the sponge.

When the cleaning process is completed, you can wash the frying pan as usual. We have considered very effective option, how to clean the outside of a frying pan from carbon deposits with your own hands using charcoal at home. It is worth considering that scratches may remain on the aluminum surface.

Gels and creams

Chemical products today are often used by housewives to remove dirt from different surfaces, so frying pans were no exception. Gels and creams greatly simplify the care of kitchen utensils, and also quickly solve the problem of how to clean a frying pan from black deposits and soot at home in an hour.

The products are universal, so they are used for all types of coating, but for cast iron utensils it is better to take more effective formulations. Almost all gels and creams do not contain abrasive substances, which means that they will not scratch the Teflon coating. But for aluminum it is better not to use such gels.

Mechanical cleaning

If you want to find effective method How to easily clean a cast iron frying pan from many years of carbon deposits, here it is worth using a mechanical method. This method has been used for several centuries in a row, but it is unlikely to be suitable for an apartment. If possible, the frying pan must be heated very well in the oven. A gas burner is used for the apartment.

When the frozen fat warms up, it can be easily removed with a knife. You should not manipulate indoors, it’s better to go outside, or open the windows wide. This way you can update your old cast iron frying pan.

Important! The plastic and wooden parts of the frying pan must be unscrewed.

Cleaning with office glue

There is a simple method for cleaning a frying pan with your own hands, using office glue. To do this, you need half a glass of this glue and a bar of laundry soap. In addition to the composition, it is worth using soda ash, half a glass is enough. This composition is dissolved in ten liters of water. The dishes are placed in such a solution and then boiled until the carbon deposits begin to come off on their own. After cooking, the frying pan is rinsed and then wiped with a cloth.

How to clean a ceramic frying pan

Many housewives prefer to use cookware that has a ceramic coating, as it is safer for cooking. But here the question arises: how to clean a frying pan from carbon deposits and grease with your own hands, using the compositions at home. Although the coating has a lot of advantages, fat can still stick to it, so it is worth knowing the methods for cleaning such a coating.

You can cleanse with alcohol, it helps remove dark spots. You don’t need a brush here, just soak a cotton pad in alcohol and wipe it off with it. problem areas. The stains will disappear instantly. This option helps remove light stains. When more persistent carbon deposits have formed, a stronger product can deal with it.

Pour water into the bottom, then add citric acid and leave the liquid to boil for fifteen minutes. After this, the carbon deposits can be easily removed with a sponge. If the housewife is faced with the question of how to clean frying pans from a thick layer of carbon deposits on her own using home remedies, then the described methods will help to cope with the problem.

Advice! You should not use compounds that contain abrasives for the cleaning process. Small particles will scratch the surface and deteriorate the condition of the dishes.

How to clean a cast iron frying pan from years of carbon deposits

The simplest method for cleaning a cast-iron frying pan from many years of carbon deposits is to simply heat the dishes at high temperature. This can be done at gas stove or in the oven. It is enough to fry all the sides of the pan over the burner, and then lightly clean the dirt with a knife. Burnt particles of fat will easily come off, and the kitchen appliance will become clean again. If you wish, you can use it for greater efficiency grinder or gas burner.

Advice! Such methods are more suitable for the street than for the kitchen.

You can also boil the dishes in a large amount of a special solution. It is prepared from silicate glue, laundry soap and soda ash. These components are added to a bucket of water; for this amount it is worth taking half a kilogram of soda, one hundred grams of soap and one hundred milliliters of glue.

A bucket or other container is placed on the fire, and then the contaminated pans are placed there. Boil the composition over low heat for at least half an hour, and then remove the equipment. As a result, all the carbon deposits will remain in the solution, and the kitchen utensils will become perfectly clean; all that remains is to lightly rub them.

How to clean an aluminum pan

For those who are looking for ways to clean an aluminum frying pan from carbon deposits with their own hands, special compounds at home, it is worth considering the information below. This material is very delicate, for this reason, during the cooking process, aluminum quickly becomes covered with a layer of soot. Removing it is not difficult, but it will require some effort. It is worth considering that using a knife or sandpaper for cleaning is strictly prohibited. Also, do not use abrasive compounds or brushes for cleaning, so as not to damage the coating. There are only two methods left here - boiling and burning.

If it is necessary to boil away carbon deposits, then use the same solution as for a cast iron frying pan. But if there are no ingredients, then you can simply use a soda solution; it shows no less effective results. In addition, if the frying pan has been used for several years in a row and has never been cleaned, then boiling will remain the only option. Here the process can last from two to four hours. Once all the dirt remains in the solution, you can remove the pans and wash them with detergent.

Removing plaque from outside

We have already talked about how to clean a Teflon-coated frying pan yourself. by simple means from soot and grease. Now it’s worth taking a closer look at ways to remove contaminants from the outside. The most simple method is incandescent, it is enough to heat over the fire those places that are heavily soiled, and then scrape them off with a knife.

You can also use for these purposes grinding machine, with its help, carbon deposits will be easily and quickly removed. By using electric drill, also carry out the cleaning process. To do this, put an attachment with sandpaper on the tip. With a little time and effort, you can not only remove carbon deposits, but also polish old kitchen utensils.

How to prevent carbon deposits

It is not at all necessary to look for methods on how to wash a frying pan with a non-stick coating from carbon deposits yourself, if you first take care of the condition of the kitchen utensils. There are a few useful tips, which will help avoid contamination on the surface of the frying pan.

1. After each cooking, the dishes are washed not only from the inside, but also from the outside. If necessary, the outer side is cleaned with a brush and abrasives. This approach will prevent the formation of more serious plaque, which will be difficult to remove later.

2. Also, do not heat the dishes above 250 degrees, in this case destruction may occur non-stick coating. This subsequently leads to food burning to the bottom, and it is quite difficult to remove it.

3. When cooking food on a Teflon coating, you should not use metal spoons and spatulas, they scratch the surface of the pan, damaging the non-stick layer. Fat will penetrate into small cracks, this will lead not only to contamination, but also to an unpleasant odor.

It is strictly prohibited to clean aluminum products with sandpaper. This not only spoils the appearance of kitchen utensils, but is also harmful to health. The fact is that during processing, the metal begins to oxidize, and substances enter the body along with food.

Any abrasive compounds are strictly prohibited for cleaning Teflon, ceramic and aluminum coatings. Small particles destroy the coating, making it unusable. You should not wash your pans in the dishwasher too often, as it can also damage the coating.

Burnt, old stains release toxins when heated and enter the food with cooked food, poisoning the body. This is why it is so important to clean off soot and old stains from the pan.

You can quickly and easily remove thick layers of carbon deposits and grease at home using folk remedies that you always have in your kitchen. You need to pay attention to what material the dishes are made of: not all cleaning products are suitable for delicate surfaces.

Cleaning the outside of dishes is much more difficult on the inside. Cooking over an open fire causes organic residues to dry out on the walls of the cookware. The inconvenient location of the cleaning plane complicates the task. There are several ways to successfully clean the bottom and outer walls of a frying pan.

To wash the outside of the frying pan, you need to prepare a large, capacious metal basin or bucket. When using aggressive cleaning agents, it is recommended to remove the removable elements of the frying pan and lid (handles, holders) before the procedure.

Open flame

Fire promotes melting of fat and helps dry out carbon deposits, so old stains resulting from many years of using the frying pan are much easier to remove. To use this method, it is better to turn on the burner and go outside or in the kitchen to provide air access and a draft. By heating the surface from the outside, melting the fat, the fire helps to reject soot, which will fall off in pieces.

Mechanical cleaning method

Wire brush by hand without additional funds removing old stains is problematic.

A proven method that has stood the test of time is to use a stiff brush as an attachment to a drill, grinder, or other electrical device, which will help ensure high friction between the bristles and the pan.

At mechanical cleaning the carbon deposits come off in small pieces, so you should take care of safety in advance: wear safety glasses and thick gloves.

Universal cleaning suspension

Cast iron or metal utensils It is permissible to clean with almost any aggressive method, but with delicate dishes and special coatings you need to be more careful. Modern tableware is different original design and a specific coating, so it is recommended to use solutions and suspensions.

When cleaning modern dishes, give preference to special solutions and suspensions available in household components.

Components required for the solution:

  • a bucket of water;
  • 500 grams of baking soda;
  • laundry soap, one bar is enough for 72%;
  • 2 packs of silicate glue.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Heat water in a bucket on the stove, add finely ground laundry soap, then soda ash and silicate glue.
  2. Mix the composition thoroughly. Wait until the soap is completely dissolved.
  3. Place a frying pan into the hot solution. If the frying pan has removable parts, they should be removed before cleaning.
  4. Boil the solution with the frying pan in a bucket for about 15 minutes.
  5. After the time has passed, turn off the stove and close the bucket with a lid. To deeply dissolve and soften complex stains, leave the dishes to be cleaned in the solution for several hours or even overnight.

Such procedures make it possible to soften old stains so much that they can be easily removed with a sharp knife blade.

After any cleaning method to remove the cleaning composition from the dishes and then cook food on a clean surface, it is recommended to boil it in clean water within 30 minutes.

Cleaning the interior surface depending on the coating material

Cleaning the inside of the pan should not affect the quality of the surface, otherwise the food will burn. Therefore, dishwashing products should be selected depending on the material from which it is made.

When using aggressive products to clean a frying pan, take care to be safe: rubber gloves will help protect the skin on your hands, and a well-ventilated area will help dispel harmful toxic fumes and smoke.

Aluminum frying pan

Delicate surface, which is dangerous to clean with metal brushes. The use of alkalis and acids can cause stains and damage the finish.


Heating a frying pan to the residual temperature is not always possible at home. Sufficient air circulation must be ensured.

You can heat it on the stove for 2 hours or calcinate fine-grained sand for 2-3 hours.

Soda and silicate glue solution

You will need spacious dishes: an iron utility bucket or a large basin. The pan should be completely submerged in the container.

Grate a bar of laundry soap. Dissolve half a kilogram of soda ash and 100 grams of silicate glue in boiling water. place a frying pan in the solution and boil it for 30 minutes. Wash off with a soft sponge.

Teflon coating

Teflon is wary of powdery agents and abrasive substances, and therefore requires the use of more gentle devices.

Soda Ash

After cooling, the dissolved carbon deposits are removed from the surface with a soft sponge.

Ammonia and boric acid

Dissolve one teaspoon of ammonia in a glass of water and boric acid. Rub the resulting mixture into the pan and leave for some time for the composition to act.

After time, wipe and rinse with warm water.

Laundry soap and soda

Grate a 200-gram bar of soap, add 4 tablespoons of soda, dissolve the ingredients in water, and fill the frying pan with the solution. Boil the solution for an hour, leave until it cools completely.

Scrub with a soft brush and rinse with warm water.

Silicate glue

Original and effective way cleaning the pan with glue. Mix two tubes of silicate glue, 100 grams of dishwashing liquid, 200 grams of soda ash in 2 liters of water. Boil the resulting solution in a frying pan for about an hour. Wait until it cools down completely.

After the time has passed, drain the solution and wash the pan with a soft sponge and dishwashing liquid.


To dissolve old dried stains and remove burns, it is convenient to use toothpaste.

It must be applied to the pan and left for a while. Wipe off the pan with a soft sponge.


The product will help deal with stains that have appeared recently.

Wipe the surface of the pan with alcohol, rinse with a soft sponge and liquid soap.

Sour apple

The acidic environment of apple juice will help remove new fresh stains. Cut the apple in half and score the inside to release more juice. Rub the inside of the pan with the apple halves. Leave to act in an acidic environment for some time, then remove dirt with a soft sponge and dishwashing liquid.

Cast iron cookware

By putting off cleaning a cast-iron frying pan, over time you can get so much carbon on the bottom and walls of the pan that it will crack in layers on the surface and break off into small pieces.

Regular high-quality cleaning of such dishes will prevent the appearance of complex, difficult-to-remove stains.


Pour a liter of water into a cast iron frying pan and dilute a glass of vinegar in it. Bring the resulting solution to a boil and turn off. The room should be well ventilated. Leave for 24 hours.

After these procedures, you can wash off the carbon deposits with a stiff-bristled brush or steel wool with liquid dishwashing soap.


Clean sand has long been used to clean the inside of dishes from grease and carbon deposits.

First you need to provide access fresh air to the kitchen. Heat dry, cleaned sand in a frying pan until hot and keep it on low heat for about 3 hours.


You can clean cast iron cookware using heat. blowtorch. Sequencing:

  • place the brick on a small edge;
  • place the frying pan bottom up on the brick;
  • burn the bottom with a burner until it smokes (this should take at least 15 minutes);
  • Remove any remaining soot with a wire brush.

Ceramic coating

Due to their striking appearance, ceramic-coated frying pans are very popular.

However, dishes with such a coating are not cheap and require special delicate care.

Soap solution

The method is convenient for softening old stains and does not require the purchase of additional products.

Boiling a solution with grated laundry or liquid soap in a frying pan will help remove carbon deposits.

Melamine sponge

Successfully helps to cope with the undamaged ceramic coating of a frying pan.

It is necessary to wet the sponge in warm water, without crushing it, and scrub away old carbon stains.

Stainless steel

Chromium in steel helps create a protective film that protects against rust and difficult-to-clean stains.

However, it is important to wash it thoroughly regularly after each time you cook in a steel pan.

Baking soda

You need to wash the pan thoroughly. Dilute half a glass of baking soda with a small amount of water to create a cleaning paste. Spread this paste on the pan and leave for several hours to soften tough stains.

After time has passed, wipe the surface dry, removing the soda, and wash.


Pour enough water to cover all stains. Boil. Add salt and leave for several hours to soften the dirt.

Adding salt to cold water has a negative effect on the condition of the metal.

After two hours, clean the surface with a soft sponge. If dried stains are present, repeat the procedure. It is not advisable to remove them by scraping them; the surface may be damaged, which will lead to more food sticking during cooking.

Activated carbon

The proposed remedy can be found in every home medicine cabinet. Charcoal helps remove burnt milk stains.

Add crushed activated carbon to a small amount of water. Leave for 10–15 minutes. Wash the pan thoroughly.

Acidic environment

Vinegar or lemon juice successfully softens the oldest, burnt stains. Soak the pan in vinegar and leave for 10–15 minutes, then wash off with liquid soap.

Using lemon juice Add a tablespoon of juice to a glass of water and soak the dishes in it.

Stationery glue with baking soda

If the method using soda does not give the desired result, it can be used together with office glue.

Pour water into a basin or metal bucket of sufficient capacity, add the indicated components in the following proportion: for 5 liters of water, half a pack of soda and 100 ml of glue. To get more high results can add liquid soap, and preferably grated laundry soap.

Place the dishes in a bucket with the resulting solution and boil for 15–20 minutes. After the specified time has passed, turn off the stove and allow the dishes to cool in the solution. Wash the pan as usual.

Coffee grounds

A stainless steel frying pan can be cleaned with ground coffee beans. The remaining coffee grounds and grounds are poured onto a dishwashing sponge and the pan is wiped. This method helps get rid of unpleasant odor. After cleaning, the pan should be rinsed with warm water.


The material from which the frying pan is made determines the method of cleaning, removing old stains, and many years of burnt-on layers of fat. Usage various methods Cleaning a frying pan helps to cope with the most difficult deposits without damaging the surface and without putting much effort into it.

Timely washing of dishes will help you avoid difficult-to-clean stains on the pan. If carbon deposits have still formed, pour the pan hot water for a while to soften the dirt, then rinse with a stiff kitchen brush.

A frying pan after frying, a saucepan with “running” broth, plastic containers for packing food for a picnic or lunch - if not properly cared for, all these kitchen aids develop a difficult-to-clean residue that spoils both the appearance and functionality of the dishes. But there are several proven ways to wash a frying pan from old fat, a saucepan from drips, and return plastic to its original color. We'll talk about them today.

The main secret of proper care is simple to the point of banality - dishes need to be washed immediately after use. Hot water, a sponge and a fat dissolving agent are the three pillars that keep our pans and pots perfectly clean. Even if you don’t want to wash immediately after a delicious meal, just soak the dishes in warm water with a small addition of detergent to prevent grease from drying to the walls.

If you wash the frying pan every time after use, soot will not appear.

On a note! After washing, do not forget to dry the frying pan or pan with a dry towel - this will help avoid corrosion, streaks and stains.

But how to clean plastic dishes, the same lunch boxes or thermal containers that we use for picnics, snacks on the road or at work? After all, they are designed for conditions where there is no access to the usual kitchen devices. The answer is simple: immediately after use, remove any remaining food and grease by rinsing the container with cold water or wiping with a paper towel. And, of course, don’t forget to wash it thoroughly with a cleaning product when you get to the kitchen. Otherwise, a yellow coating of ingrained fat will appear on the plastic, and you will have to work hard to return the original color.

Soot on frying pans is formed from the combustion of fat and soot

Note! Fight with not yet old fat You can use vinegar, mustard powder, citric acid and salt. These products clean and degrease surfaces well.

Methods for removing old fat and carbon deposits

If you do not wash off oil splashes that get on the walls of pots and pans in time, over time they will burn over the fire and the walls of the dishes will become covered with black soot. Here a soft sponge will not help - you will have to use other means, kitchen and even construction equipment.

Mechanical cleaning

You can deal with the problem mechanically, using a knife, a metal or hard synthetic scraper and hot water. The same dishwashing liquid or cleaning abrasive powders will help speed up the process.
Cast iron, aluminum, steel

dishes without plastic or wooden parts You can preheat it in the oven at a temperature of 200-250 degrees or over an open fire. When the fat deposits are burned, all that remains is to clean the surface of their remains (of course, after it has completely cooled).

The most radical and quick way, wash the dishes from old grease, which has already turned into multi-layered carbon deposits - cleaning using a drill or grinder with a special wire brush attachment. True, this method is effective only for “grandmother’s” frying pans and pots made of thick-walled cast iron - modern thin and light cookware is too easy to damage. But no chemistry!

Important! Frying pans with ceramic or Teflon coating can only be cleaned with an abrasive method from the outside, so as not to damage the non-stick layer. But aluminum cookware generally does not like mechanical intervention, except for incandescence.


In any store household chemicals There is a whole arsenal of special tools with which you can easily solve the problem of how to wash a frying pan from grease at home, for example, Schumanit, Master Cleaner, Dr. Beckmann. Just remember to carefully study the label - it contains recommendations for use and types of surfaces for which this product is suitable (or strictly contraindicated). chemical composition.

Grease remover for stubborn carbon deposits

To clean a frying pan or pan, just apply the product to problem areas, rub a little with a soft sponge, wait the specified time, and then rinse thoroughly with warm water. If the multi-year fat layer is too thick and firmly ingrained, you can leave the frying pan or saucepan with the applied product for a couple of hours or overnight, just wrap it in an airtight plastic bag to avoid breathing fumes. True, it is better to conduct such experiments on the same cast iron or thick-walled steel dishes without painting.

With the help of chemistry, fat quickly dissolves and is easily removed

Important! All chemicals are aggressive to the skin, so be sure to protect your hands with rubber gloves before working. It is advisable to work in a ventilated area, and ideally in a respirator.

Traditional recipes for fighting old fat

Not all surfaces can be cleaned with aggressive chemicals or mechanical action (the most capricious are ceramic and Teflon). But there are also more gentle remedies that you can prepare yourself. In addition, the ingredients for most of them can be found at home, which means you can save money.

Laundry soap

One of the best and time-tested ways to wash a frying pan from grease from the inside has been inherited by modern housewives from Soviet times. To prepare such a home remedy, you will need 72 percent laundry soap and water.

To clean the inside of the frying pan, we proceed in stages:

  1. Grind half a bar of soap on a grater.
  2. Pour the shavings into a frying pan and fill with water.
  3. After the soap solution boils, turn the heat to low and leave for 25-30 minutes.
  4. Then turn off the heating, close the dish with a lid and let it cool.
  5. Drain the cold solution and wash the walls of the pan under hot water using a regular sponge.

How to clean a frying pan with laundry soap

The same laundry soap can also be used to remove multi-layer carbon deposits from the smoked sides of the outside of the dishes. To enhance the anti-fat effect, in addition to a bar of soap, you will also need a tube of silicate glue and soda ash. All ingredients dissolve in hot water. The main thing is to choose a container that will fit the entire frying pan or saucepan.

Preparing a solution of soap, soda and glue

After boiling, the solution with the dishes should be kept on low heat for 10-15 minutes. Then cover the pan with the soaking pan and let stand for 1-2 hours so that the carbon deposits soften thoroughly. After such a “bath”, it can be easily removed with the hard side of a washcloth or a dull knife.

Note! This product can be used for Teflon and ceramic cookware - it does not damage the coating. But do not forget to turn on the hood and open the window when working - solutions based on laundry soap have a very unpleasant odor.

Vinegar and citric acid

Using these products, you can not only clean a pot or frying pan from grease, but also remove yellowed deposits from plastic containers. You will need a liter of water and a small container. After boiling, add half a glass of table vinegar and a tablespoon of citric acid to the water. Soak the greasy dishes in a hot solution and leave for 45-60 minutes. After this, even old fat can be easily scraped off with a hard washcloth.
Places where grease is strongly ingrained can be sprinkled with baking soda and vinegar. As a result of the reaction, foam is formed, which will help remove carbon deposits.

Vinegar effectively fights fat deposits

Note! This product cannot be used on aluminum cookware, and on Teflon and ceramic cookware - only to clean the outer walls (if they are uncoated).

Soda and salt

These products will surely be found in the kitchen of any housewife. With their help you can not only cook delicious dishes, and also clean the dishes efficiently. One of the most inexpensive ways to clean the outside of a pan from grease is to use salt and soda as an abrasive powder. They remove small dirt, thin grease and carbon deposits well; you just need to rub the damp walls with small granules, let them sit for a couple of minutes and rinse under warm water.

Salt and soda act as an abrasive powder

Salt or baking soda can also be used to clean the inside of dishes, but you need to be careful on coated pans. Simply sprinkle the powder onto the walls moistened with water and gently wipe with a soft sponge without pressing. And after a couple of minutes, when the granules dissolve, wash in the usual way.

On a note! Salt cannot cope with complex layers, but soda can do it. You just need to use not ordinary food grade, which works more like an abrasive, but calcined one. It is dissolved in warm water, where dirty dishes are soaked for a couple of hours.

How to restore dishes after cleaning

Many people have probably noticed that food sticks to frying pans that have been thoroughly washed free of grease during the first frying. The reason is that when cleaning, a layer of oily film that protects from burning is also washed off. Therefore, before delighting your household with culinary masterpieces prepared on updated utensils, this protection should be restored.

We offer 2 simple methods to choose from:

  • Pour coarse salt into the bottom of the pan and heat over medium heat for 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Then remove the granules (they can be reused). Wait for the dishes to cool, rinse and put back on the fire, but without any filler. When the frying pan is well heated, grease the bottom with vegetable oil using a silicone brush and leave to cool. For a better non-stick effect, it is recommended to repeat the procedure three times, removing the previous oil layer with paper napkins and heating the pan again.

Cleaning a frying pan with salt

  • For restoring cast iron and steel frying pans without wooden handles and other flammable elements, you can use the oven. To do this, the dishes, already cleared of carbon deposits, are heated for 40 minutes at a temperature of 120 degrees. Then take it out, coat it with any vegetable oil and put it back in the oven, raising the temperature to 230-250 degrees. After an hour, take out the pan, cool it and grease it again with oil.

Oiling a frying pan

On a note! Oil treatment will not only restore the non-stick layer, but also protect the cookware from rust.

Video: how to clean a frying pan from old fat and carbon deposits

Now you know how to clean a frying pan from old grease and how to return your kitchen utensils to their original shine. But if none of traditional ways didn’t help, perhaps you should seek help from a cleaning specialist or... buy new dishes.


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