How to connect a chandelier, connecting a chandelier. Installation and connection of the chandelier

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After a long shopping trip, we finally chose it - a beauty that will hang in the center of our room in the most visible place. In the store, connected and sparkling, it was so magnificent, but bad luck, they sold it to us in a large box and in a completely disassembled state.

Although there is a huge variety various types chandeliers, but the principle of assembly and connection is almost the same. Of course, the types of parts from which it is assembled may differ, the number of arms may be different, the materials from which the parts are made may be different, but once you understand the essence of assembly and connection, there will be no difference which chandelier to assemble and attach to the ceiling.

For example, I will show step by step how I performed all the operations with a chandelier with five arms and shades, and I will describe how to connect the chandelier to two key switch. Connecting a chandelier to a single-key switch is easier, and in the course of the presentation I will touch on this issue. So let's get started:

We will divide the whole process into two stages:

Step 1. Let's unpack all the details. In the box from the factory, the entire lamp comes disassembled in blocks. Separate body, separate horns with sockets for light bulbs, lampshades, terminal blocks. All nodes have already been wired and connected, all that remains is to connect the nodes to each other.

Step 2. We disassemble the body to which the horns with light bulbs and shades are attached.

To do this, if you have one key switch and all the lights light up at the same time, simply unscrew the round decorative nut from the bottom and remove the cover (skip step 3, go straight to step 4).

If there is a two-key switch and you plan to turn on two light bulbs separately, three separately (with a five-arm lamp) or all existing lamps at the same time, you need to install another wire. From the manufacturer's factory, only two are turned on (phase and zero) and it is assumed that all lamps of the lamp are either on or off.

Step 3. We start the third wire. To do this, in addition to the lower decorative nut, we also unscrew the upper one and completely disassemble the body as in the photo below.

We need a central rod into which a two-core wire is inserted from the factory.

We take out the plastic sealing rings from the ends and the wire.

We install a three-core wire, or simply an additional wire of the same cross-section as the wires that were inserted into the rod, and secure them with plastic sealing rings at the ends.

Step 4. We fix all the chandelier arms to the body. We insert the horn into the body and tighten it with inside nut.

We perform a similar procedure with all the chandelier horns and get a picture like in the photo below.

Step 5. We assemble the housing in the reverse order of disassembly, only before tightening the top nut we place an upper decorative “plate” under it, which will cover the place where the chandelier is attached to the ceiling and the terminal block connecting our chandelier to the network, and the grounding wire. Then tighten the top nut. We do not install the lower housing cover with the decorative nut yet.

Step 6. We connect the wiring.

All about connection

When connected to a single rocker switch, the connection is very simple. We have two wires going to the chandelier - phase and neutral, and there are two wires in each horn. We connect all the blue wires of the horns (1,2,3,4,5) to the blue lead wire (6), which goes through the body. We connect all the brown wires of the horns (1,2,3,4,5) to the brown lead wire (7). Let's isolate these two connections separately. There is no blue (8) wire with a single key switch (this is precisely the additional wire that we inserted).

When connecting to a two-key switch, we divide the horns into groups. You can break it any way you want. Most the best option when the chandelier has an even number of arms. Then even horns are 1st group, odd horns are 2nd group. For example, a chandelier has 6 bulbs, then 1,3,5 bulbs are group 1, 2,4,6 bulbs are group 2. Everything will glow very beautifully and symmetrically.

Since I had an odd number of horns, I made 2 groups like this: 1,3 horn - 1 group, 2,4,5 horn - 2 group. Thus, I separately use one switch key to turn on light bulbs 1 and 3, and use the second switch key to turn on light bulbs 2, 4, and 5. When you turn on two keys, the lamps of the entire chandelier light up simultaneously.

The general principle of connection is this: in order for the light bulb to light up, a phase and a zero must match it (2 different wires). When connected to a two-key switch, we have 4 wires coming out of the ceiling: grounding (yellow-green wire), one wire (8) is “zero”, the other two (6,7) are “phases”. “Zero” (8 blue wire) always remains common and all “zero” wires of all horns are connected to it into one connection. To one “phase” (for example, wire 6) we connect the phase wires of the lamps of the first group. To the second phase (wire 7) we connect the phase wires of the lamps of the second group. “Phases” are interrupted by a switch, namely: one “phase” (wire 6) is turned off with one key, the second “phase” (wire 7) is turned off with a second button. The switch is off - there are no phases, the lamp does not light. We turn on one key - a phase appears on one wire (6) - the bulbs of the first group light up, turn on the second key - a phase appears on the second wire (7) - the bulbs of the second group light up.

Now separately for connecting each group.

2 wires come out of each horn different colors, in my case it is brown and blue, for you it can be any other colors. The main thing is to determine for yourself that first you work with wires of the same color, they will be “phase” (for example, brown, like mine), and then with wires of a different color it will be “zero” (blue, like mine).

The connection occurs as follows:

- “phase” (brown) wires of the first group (horns 1 and 3) are connected to any of the supply “phase” wires, for example with wire (6). The connection produces three wires. We isolate the connection point.

- “phase” (the remaining three brown wires) wires of the second group (horns 2,4 and 5) are connected to the second supply “phase” wire (7). The connection produces four wires. We isolate the connection point.

Then, all unconnected “zero” wires of blue color(there are 5 of them from each horn) we connect to the supply “zero” blue wire No. 8 (the additional one we inserted). This connection of one and five wires performs the “zero” function in our chandelier. We isolate the connection point. The connection produces six wires.

Let's move on to the next step.

Step 7. We finally assemble the lamp body. Carefully place the wires in the housing, close the bottom cover and tighten the bottom decorative nut.

The chandelier is assembled. All decorative elements, we are not putting the lampshades and light bulbs back in place yet.

We mount the chandelier on the ceiling and connect it to the mains voltage

So we come to the question of how to hang a chandelier. I have come across two types of chandeliers: with a mounting strip that is mounted to the ceiling and the entire structure of the chandelier is attached to it, and chandeliers that can simply be hung on a hook hammered into the ceiling.

With the last case everything is clear and I will not consider it. But my chandelier was attached precisely to the mounting plate. This is the mounting option that we will consider.

Step 1. We try on the chandelier to the place where it will be attached. The fit of the “plate” covering the attachment point and the connection of the wires must be tight to the ceiling. I was a little bothered by the hook on which the previous lamp hung. I had to bend it to the ceiling. If you have the same situation, do not cut it off completely, fashion changes, and the next chandelier may have a different mount, and it will be useful again.

Step 2. We mark the fastening of the mounting strip and attach it to the ceiling.

To do this, we attach the strip to the ceiling so that it does not interfere with the wiring connection and use a pencil to mark the attachment points. We drill holes, hammer dowels into them and fasten the plank to the ceiling with screws.

Step 3. We connect the electrical wiring.

Attention: carry out all work with the voltage turned off (turn off the input circuit breakers and check that there is no voltage in the network) .

When connecting to a single key switch (remember that in this case two wires (“phase” and “zero”) stick out from the ceiling) or three wires, the third is grounding, it may or may not be depending on the time of construction of your house, in Soviet times it was done very rarely). We simply connect 2 wires of the chandelier (“phase” and “zero”) (the third is yellow-green, ground, do not touch) with two wires (“phase” and “zero”) of the network (those on the ceiling) through the terminal block. If the connection is made by twisting the wires, carefully isolate the twisted areas. It doesn’t matter which chandelier wire you connect to which network wire, connect the main ground to ground.

When connecting to a two-key switch, you need to connect two phase wires (wires 6,7), the 1st and 2nd groups of the chandelier, to the “phase” wires of the network, and the “zero” wire of the chandelier (8) to the “zero” wire networks." The main thing is not to confuse “zeros” and “phases”.

To do everything correctly, you need to decide on the wires sticking out of the ceiling. I repeat once again, basically, with two key switches, three wires are brought out to the connection point of the lamp - one neutral and two phase. In modern buildings, four wires are output - one “neutral”, two “phase” and one ground wire (it is always yellow color with a green stripe).

To determine the “phase” wires and the “zero” wire, we will use a probe (phase indicator) - a device for determining the phase in a network, popularly called a “phase meter” that looks like a screwdriver. The device is very easy to use: apply voltage to the network and turn on two switch keys, touch the exposed wire with a screwdriver, holding the indicator with your finger from the top end. If there is a phase on the wire inside the handle, the indicator will light up. Trying all the wires one by one, we determine two phase wires.

Attention: for carrying out further work don't forget to turn off the power supply .

We connect one “phase” wire of the network with one phase wire of the chandelier, the second “phase” wire of the network with the “phase” wire of the chandelier, the “neutral” wire of the network with the “zero” wire of the chandelier. If there is a grounding wire, connect it to the grounding wire of the chandelier.

Step 4. Using decorative nuts, we attach the chandelier to the mounting strip.

Step 5. We install all the decorative elements of the lamp in place, hang the shades and screw in the light bulbs.

Now our beauty is ready to shine in all its splendor.

In the next article I plan to write about switches.

That's all for me, I look forward to your feedback and comments. I will try to answer all questions. See you soon.

Sincerely, Ponomarev Vladislav.

Nowadays there is huge selection all kinds of lighting fixtures, installed on the ceiling. But, nevertheless, many continue to install chandeliers in their homes and other premises as a familiar classic element. We will look at how to hang a chandelier from the ceiling correctly, and what should be avoided when performing this type of work, in this article.

How to attach a chandelier with your own hands

Ceiling lighting

Chandelier is not the only type lighting equipment, which can be used in a suspended ceiling. In addition to it, you can find all kinds of soffits, spots, spotlights, LED strips And so on.

However, rich appearance The chandelier is an integral part of the classic, familiar interior. It complements the room, making its appearance more harmonious and complete.


In this article we will look at:

  • Which chandeliers are suitable for suspended ceilings(cm. );
  • What types of fasteners exist;
  • How to fix a chandelier on a suspended ceiling.

So after reading, you can make it yours with skillful hands. Let's get started...

How to choose a chandelier for a stretch ceiling?

We hang it ourselves: how to attach it yourself

The choice of chandeliers for suspended ceilings must be made according to the following parameters:

  • The base of plate-type chandeliers should not be made of metal, since the body heats up during operation. Which, by the way, should not be allowed for suspended ceilings, regardless of what material they are made of, PVC or fabric. Or we advise you to use energy-efficient lamps (not incandescent lamps) that do not cause strong heating;
  • To avoid the appearance of dark spots on the ceiling, choose chandeliers with shades pointing down or slightly to the side;
  • Its sockets must support the use of energy-saving lamps;
  • It should not be too complex in design.

The types of fasteners you will come into contact with are as follows:

What kind of chandelier and how to screw it on yourself

  • Mounting hook. The most reliable type of fastening at all times. It can be anchored, with through fastening through the floor ceiling, with fastening for fixation in hollow concrete channels of the ceiling, or with a hook welded to the plate and fixed to the ceiling;

  • Usually comes complete and has either mounting studs or side holes with threads and a screw clamp. Designed for chandeliers with low weight;

  • Mounting plate "Cross". Comes included. Designed for large chandeliers shaped like a circle, oval, rectangle or square;

  • Mounting plate “I-beam”. Used for fastening quite large chandeliers and comes with them.

Mounting methods (briefly)

A chandelier can be hung from the ceiling using one of the methods presented in the table:

Chandelier mounting method Peculiarities

In this case, the bracket or bar is attached to two screws, with the distance between them adjusted, which are then tightened with nuts. In this case:
  • On a concrete ceiling, the bracket is fixed with two dowels.
  • On wood - with wood screws.
  • On plasterboard - with self-tapping screws supporting profile or directly to concrete base ceiling.

It's old and enough reliable way. If the chandelier weighs no more than 4 kg, you can use a regular metal hook with a thread.

Tip: Do not attach the hook to plasterboard ceiling, he won't stand it.

It attaches and works like a straight bracket, but has a larger number of structural attachment points.

Allows you to use it for heavier chandeliers that are adjacent to the ceiling.

Used to attach heavy chandeliers at several points. Mounting strips have curved shape, which ensures free exit of wires.


Let's look at how to install each type of fastening structure on a base ceiling.


There are many methods, we will name old and proven methods:

  • Option 1:

To secure anchor hook It is necessary to drill a hole in the concrete to the diameter of the anchor itself. Next, the anchor is hammered into the hole, and then the screw hook or nut is tightened to wedge the anchor in the ceiling.

Depending on the chandelier, the diameter of the anchor is selected. Their sizes vary from 6 mm to 14 mm - these are the most popular options.

  • Option 2:
  1. If you are building your own house and have already planned what and where you will have it, then there is another option for mounting the chandelier. Drilling in the place of the proposed chandelier through hole. Then two square metal plates are cut out from 2-3 mm steel and a hole is drilled in them in the center along the diameter of the hook shank;
  2. One plate is applied to the ceiling, and the second is placed on the floor top floor. Take a hook with a solid thread, screw one nut until it stops (it will prevent the bottom plate from sliding onto the hook), and screw the second onto the shank, tightening the plates on the ceiling. This fixation will be very reliable.
  • Option 3:

The next type of fastener can be made as follows. Insert an 8-10 mm wire rod into a pre-made hole with a diameter of 30-50 mm in the ceiling channel.

The hook can be made from the same 6-8 mm wire rod, make a hook at one end, and a 14-16 mm ring at the other. Then insert the hook ring into the hole and thread the anchor rod through the ring.

  • Option 4:
  1. There is also an option similar to the previous one. For these purposes, we only need one plate, a hook with a shank and a solid thread on it, and two nuts. On the plate, drill holes diagonally for fasteners with a diameter of 8 mm;
  2. Screw one nut to the end of the thread, insert the plate and press it with the second nut until it stops. Cut off the rest of the shank flush with the nut. Make a recess in the base ceiling so that the nut is hidden and the plate fits tightly to the ceiling;
  3. Mark the place for its fastening. It is better to fasten using anchor studs with a diameter of 6 mm with a nut. This design can also be used for mounting on wooden surface, securing it with wood screws.
  • Option 5:

If the slabs have voids inside, then you can buy a regular wedging hook. Its installation will not be difficult.

This bar has standard sizes provided by the chandelier manufacturer. All these strips have the same characteristics: on the sides there are screw clamps for the chandelier, and on the main part, attached to the base, there are holes for fastening.

To install the strip, use wooden beam. Its location should be approximately 3-5 mm closer to the ceiling than the level of the stretch ceiling

Mounting plate "Cross"

To attach this structure, it is necessary to provide a supporting platform. It can be made from plywood with a thickness of 16-20 mm. In terms of its dimensions, it should be slightly wider than the blades of the cross. A hole with a diameter of 50 mm is drilled in the center for the cable outlet.

Advice! For attachment to base ceiling use straight hangers that are attached to the platform with 16-mm wood screws or 9-mm self-tapping screws on top so that there is no possibility of damaging the ceiling surface. Attach the structure to the ceiling using concrete anchor dowels or wood screws to a wooden surface.

Mounting plate "I-beam"

The fastening method for this type of plank is the same as for the cross-shaped one. The only difference is in the way it is attached to the base of the platform. How to install a chandelier on a suspended ceiling - the video we selected for you in this article.

What you need to know first when working with pendant lighting fixtures

Let's start by listing small but very important nuances.

Practice is a stubborn thing

Let’s make a reservation right away: you can hang a chandelier from the ceiling in many ways, but practice shows that in some cases neglect elementary rules may lead to disastrous results such as the lighting fixture falling to the floor. At the very beginning, let's look at how not to hang a chandelier.

Why are we bringing this up now? The fact is that knowing what not to do can completely influence the entire progress of certain construction works.

Small negligence - big problems

So as not to overload you unnecessary information Let's give a small example:

  1. There is a hook installed on the ceiling, and visual and contact inspection showed its sufficient reliability.
  2. You installed a massive chandelier on it and until a certain time, it did not cause you any trouble.

But life situations there are different ones, there was a fire in the room, and the “specialists” secured the hook in the ceiling with plastic dowels. If in the normal state the fastening of the hook was quite reliable, after the impact high temperature The plastic dowels simply melted.

Installing and connecting lighting fixtures is the final stage of renovation in a room. A chandelier is a central piece of lighting that can still be found in almost any room. How to hang a chandelier on the ceiling and do it correctly?

Safety precautions

Electrical installation work is dangerous, because exposed cables can cause harm to health. It is important to eliminate all hazards before starting work. Rules:

  1. Work should be carried out during the day, when there is enough natural light.
  2. Prepare necessary tools so as not to be distracted while searching for them.
  3. Before installation, turn off the power to the cables you are going to work with.
  4. On the cables that come from the ceiling, check the voltage with a neon indicator. If the light on it does not light, then everything is in order, you are allowed to start connecting.
  5. It is optimal to connect cables using terminal blocks.
  6. Grounding is required.
  7. After the purchase new chandelier you need to disassemble it and make sure that all the screws in the socket and on the terminal blocks are well tightened. Bad contacts will always burn out.
Terminal blocks for chandeliers - convenient option connections

Important! You should not buy cheap Chinese chandeliers; as practice shows, they most often fail. This lighting element will not be used for a year or two, so it is better to find and buy a quality product. The cost of this will be higher.

Tools and materials

Before the beginning self-installation you need to prepare the tools you need:

  • Power tool: drill or hammer drill. Depending on the type of surface, choose a drill for concrete, wood, or metal.
  • Stepladder/table/chair. Moreover, it is undesirable to create a “pyramid”.
  • A screwdriver or screwdriver, preferably a cordless one, is more convenient to work with.
  • Indicator screwdriver.
  • Pliers with insulated handles.
  • Wire cutters.

The process requires materials, depending on the chosen installation method:

  1. Self-tapping screws with dowels, if fastening is carried out to concrete surface. On wood - if to wood.
  2. Fastening element: a hook or anchor is used.
  3. Connecting blocks. Sometimes they come included, but with expensive devices. If you don't have them, you need to purchase them.

General installation procedure

There are many options for how to secure a chandelier, but they differ only in the installation of the fastening element (hook, strip). General procedure installation of any chandelier:

  • Installation of fasteners for a chandelier.
  • Connecting the wires, you first need to ring them to determine the phase and zero. As we remember, we are working with de-energized people. It is convenient if during the fastening process there is an assistant nearby who can hold the chandelier so that it does not fall. If there is no assistant, then the chandelier can be hung at a convenient distance from the ceiling using a strong rope.
  • Next, the wires are connected. It is convenient to use pads for this. IN individual products There are special couplings, here you just need to insert the cables that come from the ceiling and tighten the bolts on the coupling.
  • If couplings and blocks are not used, then twisting is carried out and the joints must be insulated. In this case, you can use HERE ( heat-shrink tubing) or electrical tape.
  • The last stage is hanging the chandelier and checking its functionality.

Mounting methods

Exist different ways installation, the choice of one or the other depends on the ceiling material (plasterboard, concrete, wood), the weight of the chandelier and the fastening elements present in its design.

For lighter ones, installation using a hook is suitable. If the weight is more than 5 kg, then anchors will be required. In some cases, the chandelier should be fixed using a strip. The simplest option is to install chandeliers directly to the ceiling, without intermediate fasteners.

Fixation using a hook

In fact, you can hang any chandelier on the ceiling this way, you just need to choose the right hook.

Installing a hook for mounting a chandelier


  1. For light devices (up to 5 kg) - a simple metal hook with thread. If the ceiling is concrete, then you need a plastic dowel of a suitable size.
  2. For heavy ones (over 5 kg) – anchor bolt diameter from 10 sq. mm and spacers that will prevent the chandelier fixed to the ceiling from being pulled out.

Important! This method is suitable for all chandeliers that have a decorative bowl - it hides the mounting elements.

The procedure for installing a chandelier on a hook to a concrete ceiling:

  • Make a hole of the required diameter.
  • Hammer in the plastic dowel.
  • Screw in the fastening hook.
  • Connect the cables and cover the wiring elements with a decorative glass.

If installation is carried out on a wooden ceiling, it is still simpler - the hook is screwed into the wood. If it is very hard, then you should first drill a hole, its diameter is smaller than the diameter of the hook.

Important! The decorative hollow bowl (plate, cup holder) moves freely in height, and upon completion of hanging it is easily fixed in the upper position.

Mounting with bracket or strip

If the design of the device does not provide a loop for hanging on a hook, the previous option will not work. You need to use a bracket or bar. This option is a little more complicated, but still accessible to anyone. home handyman.

Replacing a hook with a bar

The chandelier always comes with a strip or bracket. 2 screws should be inserted into this element and secured. Before tightening the nuts, set the required distance. It is determined based on the placement of holes on the chandelier plate. The screws will then be closed with decorative fastening nuts. Attach the bar itself to the ceiling using self-tapping screws, and tightly.

Sequence of installation on the strip

After this, all that remains is to place the chandelier in its rightful place and secure it with those very decorative nuts.

Important! The designs of chandeliers for the first and second mounting options are very different. But if previously there was a chandelier hanging on a hook in the room, it will not be difficult to mount a model with a strip in that same place, and vice versa.

Simplified mounting option

If the chandelier is light, no heavier than 3 kg, and small in size, then it can be simply attached to the ceiling, without any intermediate hardware. Such products are distinguished by the fact that at the base there is a metal plate, most often round with mounting holes. The process is simple:

  1. Place the plate on the ceiling and mark the holes with a pencil.
  2. Drill in the right places.
  3. Place the plate on the ceiling and fasten it with self-tapping screws.
  4. Secure the lampshade.

Similar simple chandeliers They generally have only one lampshade for 1 lamp; they are used for small rooms. Often hung in the kitchen, bathroom, hallway.

Chandelier with mounting to the ceiling

Custom chandelier

Chandeliers with remote control are available on the market and are gaining popularity. Similar devices make it possible to control the light intensity. Other models feature an air ionization system and fans. You shouldn’t think that installing such devices will be a problem, you just need to take certain points into account:

  • When choosing, pay attention to the installation and connection methods. If, after examining the device, you find any wires other than standard ones, you should check with the seller about their purpose and connection diagram.
  • If you really liked the chandelier, but self-installation turned out to be too complicated, you can always resort to the services of an electrician.

We fix chandeliers in difficult situations

These options are suitable for hanging chandeliers, provided that the ceiling is fairly flat: concrete or wood. But modern ceilings can be different: tension, plasterboard. And sometimes other difficulties arise in the process, you need to know how to find a way out of such situations. The main point is to have the necessary tools and materials in your arsenal.

First challenge: low ceiling

In this case, difficulties arise even at the search stage suitable model. The easiest way is to purchase a ceiling chandelier and mount it on a double cross-shaped strip. But if such a model does not suit the style, you can find a way out.

Matching Chandelier for low ceilings

Even a chandelier with a rod can be mounted, but a hook will not be used. This will make it possible to save up to 15 cm in height. Procedure:

  1. Cut the standard complete strip so that after lifting decorative cap she was completely hidden under it.
  2. Remove all fragile elements from the device, if possible remove the rod.
  3. Remove the wires from the terminal block.
  4. Behind the thread, along the rod, drill 3 holes. Each, with a diameter of 4–5 mm. They all must be covered with a cap.
  5. Stretch fishing line through the holes, screw it to the wires and wrap it tightly with tape.
  6. Having installed the rod in place, carefully move the wires along it, tightening the fishing line. This must be done until the wires appear from the holes.
  7. All that remains is to connect the wires to the terminal block.
  8. After these steps, the rod will be placed between the two complete nuts; all that remains is to fix the bar and connect the wires.

Important! To avoid flickering of the light, it is better not to “twist” the cables. It is worth resorting to soldering and insulating with ordinary electrical tape.

Second difficulty: plasterboard ceiling

This is the most common difficulty, because leveling the ceiling with plasterboard is quite easy, but installing a chandelier is more difficult. This material it is not designed to withstand the load (including the ceiling, it is thinner than the wall) even from a light chandelier, so it is never attached directly to the sheet.

When attaching sheets of drywall to suspended ceiling, you need to mark the places where the profiles pass, because it is in them that it is most reliable to mount any device. Another option is to attach a block to the ceiling at the installation site. It should be of such thickness as to cover the distance between the sheet and the rough ceiling; of course, this place must be marked.

If this is not done, then you will have to make a hole in the sheet in such a way as to get to the rough material: concrete or wooden ceiling. The installation activities mentioned above are already taking place there.

Third difficulty: suspended ceiling

Not always during installation tension fabric the owners want to use spotlights, which can be easily installed into such surfaces using a special device. As for the chandelier, it is better to think about the fact that it will be installed even before installing the canvas, since a special platform made of plywood and metal plates must be placed under it. To do this, you need to decide on the location, size of fasteners, and type of installation.

Sectional installation of a chandelier to a suspended ceiling

Important! It is impossible to attach a chandelier to an already stretched canvas. An attempt to puncture will result in the panel (PVC or woven) coming apart and having to be replaced; it cannot be repaired. The hole can no longer be patched.

If the bar is fixed, then the chandelier can be hung on it in any way. In this case, it is necessary to plan the gap taking into account the fact that the canvas will “walk”. But it’s still better not to experiment with this yourself and resort to the services of suspended ceiling specialists. This will definitely be cheaper in price than ordering a new canvas and installing it accordingly.

Why a chandelier?

When installing and arranging lighting for residential premises, the consumer's first priority is always the uniformity of lighting. This is why LED strips and neon light tubes have become so popular today - their light is not concentrated at one point, does not hurt the eyes and eliminates the occurrence of shadowed areas.

But with all this, the well-known chandeliers, located on the ceiling in the center of the room, have not lost their position. On the contrary: the variety of shapes and designs of modern chandeliers is simply amazing. A chandelier can be an element of the interior, personifying the owners’ desire for chic and external gloss. A chandelier can logically complete the design of a room in the hi-tech style; it can brightly fit into the interior of a children's room or create a cozy atmosphere in the living room.

And, in the end, necessity general lighting no one has yet canceled the premises, and a more successful and beautiful solution to this issue than a chandelier has not yet been invented.

However, the installation of chandeliers has a number of specific features, which we will try to talk about.

How to install a chandelier?

The most popular way to install a chandelier today remains hook. The chandelier hook is attached to the ceiling (real ceiling), for example, using an anchor or plastic dowels. It is unacceptable to mount the hook directly on a plasterboard ceiling: it may not support the weight of a massive chandelier. The same applies to a stretch ceiling, in which there is a hole for the cable outlet and the end of the hook. The location of the hole is pre-reinforced using an adhesive plastic ring.

Chandeliers designed for installation on a hook, contain structural element, which can be conventionally called a “glass”. The position of the glass on the central tube of the chandelier is adjustable in height so that the glass can hide the hole in the ceiling and the terminal connections of the cable cores. Instead of a tube, by the way, there may be a chain, a cable, or even a electrical cord, if its insulation is reinforced and the weight of the chandelier is not very large (typical for single-lamp chandeliers).

When both switch keys are turned on, there should be two “phases” and one “zero” that does not respond by flickering the indicator light. You should not forget only about basic electrical safety measures and take on this matter with the utmost caution.

The tested wires must be marked, and then you can move on to the wires coming from the chandelier. If you have no doubts about them and, for example, the manufacturer even attached a circuit diagram, then, as they say, you don’t have to bother. But if there are doubts, then it is better to dispel them. To do this, we connect the suspected wires in pairs and alternately to a two-wire cord with a plug, which we plug into the outlet. The lamps, of course, must be in their place.

Our task is to find two pairs that will light up two different series lamps, and which will have one common wire. We confidently call this common wire neutral, and the remaining two - phase wires.

For a chandelier controlled by a single-key switch, everything is much simpler. The phase and neutral conductors in it are easy to notice, and changing their places does not change anything at all. The main thing is not to make a mistake with the neutral protective conductor (if there is one) and place it on the body of the chandelier.

Some chandeliers, containing a large number of lamps have only two terminals for connection, that is, they are formally designed to be turned on only using a single-key switch. If the wire connections in such a chandelier are accessible for inspection, then it can be converted into a two-key switch. Then you need to disconnect the phase wires of one of the groups of lamps from the common line and bring them out separately.

To connect the wires of the chandelier and lighting lines, it is best to use. You can use screw clamps, for example ZVI, if only the flexible ends coming from the chandelier are pre-tinned. If there is enough space for installation, then you can get by with ordinary ones. However, it is better to use the same extra space to preserve the length of the cores. Such a reserve will certainly not be superfluous.

In a separate line, we can mention chandeliers with compact halogen lamps, which may include an electronic step-down transformer. Such chandeliers do not need any terminal blocks - transformer terminals are enough for them. Moreover, some of these chandeliers have the ability to control a transformer with. This means that even for stepwise activation of the chandelier, a single-key switch will be quite sufficient - after all, all control will take place via a wireless line.

Alexander Molokov

A chandelier, a popular ceiling lamp, is found in every home, and more than one. Therefore, from time to time everyone needs to install and connect a chandelier. Of course, it is not at all difficult to invite an electrician to do this work for you for a certain amount. But you can learn how to connect a chandelier yourself; it doesn’t require any special abilities. A positive attitude, basic knowledge of electrical engineering and adherence to basic safety rules will allow even an inexperienced person to be able to connect a chandelier on their own.

Required tools and equipment:

  1. Pliers.
  2. Screwdriver.
  3. Voltage indicator.
  4. Marker.
  5. A stepladder or other stable device of sufficient height.
  6. Terminal clamps.

How to connect a chandelier - identifying wires

Before starting work, you must read the chandelier’s instruction manual, which indicates the main technical specifications, and there is also a diagram and order of connecting the wires.

For convenience, the wires differ in color:

  • the “neutral” wire should be blue;
  • ground wire – yellow or yellow-green;
  • "phase" wire - usually red, brown, black or another color other than blue, yellow and green.

You should also inspect the place where the chandelier is hung. In apartments, the ceiling usually already has a special hook for hanging. You need to pay attention to the number of wires coming out of the ceiling: two or three. The presence of three wires (unless, of course, one of them is a ground wire) allows you to connect the chandelier in sections for application different levels illumination The presence of two wires deprives you of this opportunity; it is only possible to turn on all the lamps in the chandelier at the same time.

Modern home wiring is typically done using color-coded wires. The color distribution is similar to the above.

If you have old wiring and all the wires are the same color, then use a voltage indicator to identify the phase wires on the ceiling and mark them with a marker.

Connecting a chandelier to a single switch

The easiest way to connect a chandelier. The wires of the home electrical wiring and the wires of the lamp are connected in pairs to each other.

  1. Connect the neutral wire of the chandelier with the neutral wire from distribution box.
  2. The phase wire from the distribution box must first be connected to the switch and routed under its button. Connect it to the phase wire of the chandelier.

When connecting wires, the most reliable and safe option is to use screw terminals. However, in practice, twisted connections are often isolated with special caps. We strongly do not recommend using it for insulation. PVC tapes, over time, due to its drying out, the quality of the insulation can deteriorate significantly, which can cause short circuit and is fraught with unpleasant consequences.

Connecting a chandelier to a double switch

This connection method is used when connecting a three-arm chandelier or ceiling lamp having more than three lamps. This type Chandeliers allow you to regulate the level of illumination in the room and, moreover, allow you to save on energy bills. If you want to install a chandelier of this particular modification, when purchasing, pay attention to the number of wires coming out of it: there must be at least two phase wires, not counting the ground and neutral wires.

Your home electrical wiring should also be done accordingly: three wires from a double switch are connected to the chandelier mounting point. One of the wires is a neutral wire, the other two are phase wires passing through different keys in the switch.

The connection diagram for a chandelier with a double switch allows you to step by step adjust the level of illumination in the room.

Execution sequence:

  1. Divide the wires from the chandelier lamps into two sections.
  2. From each section, connect one twist to the neutral wire.
  3. Connect the two remaining twists separately to the phase wires.

As a result, with this connection you will get three different lighting modes.

Connection diagram for two or three chandeliers from a single switch

In room large area often several chandeliers or a large number of halogen lamps are installed, LED lamps, which are turned on all at the same time by one single switch. Also, sometimes it becomes necessary to install a switch so that it can turn on the lighting in several rooms simultaneously. In this case it applies parallel connection chandeliers, like several shades in one chandelier.

If the number of wires in the chandelier and on the ceiling do not match

It may turn out that the chandelier you purchased has three wires, but there are only two wires on the ceiling where the chandelier is mounted, and the switch, accordingly, is single. Or vice versa. The algorithm for connecting a three-arm chandelier to a single switch looks like this:

  1. Connect the neutral wire of the chandelier to the neutral wire on the ceiling.
  2. In the terminal block of the chandelier, install a jumper between the phase wires or clamp them in one terminal and connect them to the phase wire on the ceiling.

With this connection scheme, it will no longer be possible to regulate the light level.

In the opposite situation, when there are three wires in the home electrical wiring (two phase and one neutral) and double switch, and there are only two wires in the chandelier, the connection is made in the following sequence:

  1. Using a voltage indicator, you need to determine the neutral wire and connect it to any of the wires on the chandelier.
  2. Clamp the other two wires (phase) into one terminal, or install a jumper.

ATTENTION: In such a situation, you should definitely check all three wires with an indicator so as not to accidentally short-circuit the network if the third wire is not phase, but neutral. This, unfortunately, also happens.

How to convert a chandelier designed for a single switch into a double switch

If your chandelier is designed for a single switch, that is, only two wires come out of the base of the chandelier, and there are several lamps, and your electrical wiring allows it, you can try to convert the chandelier to a double switch. The process is labor-intensive, but the result is worth it.

In a chandelier of this design, all wiring from the lamps (shades) comes into one combination of phase and neutral wires. You need to find this place and divide the lampshades into two sections, each of which will be turned on by the corresponding switch key.

After we have found the connection point, do the following:

  1. The neutral wires remain connected to each other and do not need to be touched.
  2. We divide the phase wires into two groups of wires instead of one. The division scheme is at your discretion, depending on the number of shades and your personal preferences.
  3. Connect the common (neutral) wire with the neutral wire coming from the junction box.
  4. To connect the phase wires from the resulting sections of the lampshades of the sections, you need to run another additional wire from the chandelier to the place where the chandelier is connected to the electrical wiring from the double switch.

Thus, it is quite easy to transform an ordinary chandelier into a three-mode one.

The most common mistakes in connecting a chandelier

Errors during installation and connection occur not only among novice electricians; even among experienced specialists, it often happens that the chandelier does not shine at all as it should. These mistakes are typical and banal.

Incorrect connection of double switch

This is the most common mistake, which consists in connecting the incoming phase wire to one of the output contacts of the switch. With such a connection scheme, the chandelier cannot function normally, since one section of the lamps turns on only if voltage is applied to the other section. That is, if the incoming phase is connected to the left contact of the switch, when the left key is pressed, the phase enters the distribution box through the lower input contact and turns on one section of the lamps. The next time you press the right key, another section is turned on. But when you open the left key, all sections are turned off.

When the left key is pressed, it is impossible to turn on the right key.

The reason for the dependence of the right key on the left is that initially the phase entered through the input contact of the left key switch, and the left key, when turned off, breaks the phase in both sections at once.

To eliminate this error, you should swap the connections of the incoming and outgoing phases of the switch.

Instead of a phase wire, a neutral wire passes through the switch

According to the rules of electrical installations, there is a procedure for connecting a switch that closes and opens the circuit by breaking the phase. How does it look on the diagram? The neutral wire, bypassing the switch, is laid from the distribution box directly to the neutral wire of the ceiling lamp. The phase wire from the junction box passes through the switch key, which breaks the circuit.

However, in practice, sometimes an incorrect connection occurs: it is not the phase wire that passes through the switch, but the neutral wire. That is, when the switch key is turned off, the electrical wiring remains energized, despite the fact that the lighting is not on. This is fraught with the possibility of defeat electric shock when replacing a lamp, if you accidentally touch the exposed parts of the chandelier lampshade, or if the insulation of the wire is broken.

Therefore, if possible, it is advisable to eliminate such a connection error.

This violation of the connection diagram can be detected using a voltage indicator, which, when the switch is in the “off” state, shows the presence of a phase on the ceiling wires.

Incorrect connection diagram for the neutral wire of the chandelier

This error is the reason that only part of the light bulbs in the chandelier turn on normally, the rest either shine weakly or do not turn on at all. As previously discussed, if there are three wires, the phase wires are each connected to a separate section of light bulbs, while the neutral wire is common to all light bulbs, which are all connected to it in parallel. If you mix up the wires and connect the interconnected light bulbs, say, of the first section to zero instead of the phase, and connect all the light bulbs of both sections to the phase (instead of zero), then when you press the first key in the first section, the light bulbs will turn on, since they go there at the same time both zero and phase. When you press the second key in the second section, the light bulbs will not light, since both incoming wires will be phase, and in order for the light bulb to shine, a phase with zero must be supplied to it at the same time.

Compliance with safety rules when connecting a chandelier

Working with live parts always involves a certain amount of risk. Connecting a chandelier to a home is no exception, and the work is done at height. To protect yourself and others during electrical installation work, must be observed following rules security:

  1. Carefully study the instructions for connecting the chandelier.
  2. The power tools used in the work must be in good working order, especially with regard to the insulating parts of the tools.
  3. Equipment for climbing to heights - stepladders and other devices - check for reliability and stability of the structure.
  4. Before starting work, stop the power supply by turning off the circuit breakers in the electrical panel.


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