How to properly replant an azalea. Is it necessary to replant an azalea after purchase: step-by-step instructions and care recommendations Which pot for an azalea

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If you've ever seen blooming azalea, then you will agree how wonderful it is to perceive. A blooming azalea brings the soft colors of summer into the home when many plants are dormant during this period.

Bloom early varieties azaleas last from December to January. Mid and late azaleas bloom from January to March. Late varieties bloom from February to April. But, unfortunately, the duration of azalea flowering is not long and the time comes when it sheds its beautiful flowers, and the question arises: how to care for the plant after it has bloomed? Let's discuss this issue.

First, you should collect dry flowers with stalks that have not yet fallen. Next, you need to carefully separate the dried leaves. Let's leave it at that for now. After some time, leaves will begin to appear on the new shoots, after which you need to pinch the top of the shoot.

Pinching is mechanical removal growth points of young shoots.

Pinching is very important for this plant; this method will increase the intensity of flowering. Azaleas should be pinched about 3 times a year, from May to the end of July. Young buds will appear at the tips of the shoots and your goal is to produce as many shoots as possible.

You should not let them grow too much; try to form a lush crown for your plant. Without pinching, the azalea will look like a bush, deprived of aesthetic appeal, and you will rarely see it bloom. Next comes pruning the azalea.

Azalea pruning

Pruning is very important for this plant. Azaleas should be trimmed in a timely manner, as this affects the intensity of flowering. An excessive amount of greenery on the shoots will interfere with the appearance of new buds. Azaleas should be pruned every spring after they finish blooming.

Use sharp knife or pruning shears. Disinfect them with alcohol. To begin with, you should cut off long shoots that exceed the average length of all shoots. Next, you need to trim off shoots that grow too thick.

Weak shoots that do not grow well can also be removed. The more shoots you cut, the more leafy they will become. The main thing is not to overdo it. After pruning, use rannet paste to disinfect the cut area. New leaves will appear within a couple of weeks.

Pruning makes it possible to form a crown; the most popular is a spherical crown with a bare trunk (this is how the azalea will resemble a small tree). After pruning, you should leave the plant alone until replanting.

P.s. if you have young plant, the crown should be formed with early age. The most difficult stage in the process of caring for a plant is replanting the plant after flowering.

Flower transplant

This stage is quite difficult. If you have seen at least once in your life root system azaleas, then you will understand what we mean. The process of replanting an azalea requires a lot of patience. The first and most important thing to remember is that you cannot replant the plant in winter, as there is a high chance of losing the plant.

After the azalea has finished blooming, you can start replanting or transshipping it. A good time for replanting it will be the time of growth of young branches.

First you need to select the soil. The soil mixture for the plant can be purchased at the store; its cost is approximately 30-50 rubles. If you have the opportunity and desire, you can prepare it at home, yourself. For this you will need: leaf, coniferous, heather and peat soil. It should be mixed based on calculations (1:2:1:1).

Fine grain river sand can be used as a baking powder. The resulting mixture should be well drained. If you are transplanting a flower for the first time, it is better to buy an earthen mixture in the store; it is not expensive. Next, let's proceed to choosing a pot.

There are no special requirements here; you can take clay, ceramic or plastic, at your discretion. The only thing worth noting is that if you had a wide pot, take the same one. The main thing is that it should be one size larger than the previous one. Go ahead.

To transplant an azalea we will need:

  1. A basin with clean warm water.
  2. Garden pruners or scissors.
  3. Priming.
  4. Drainage (expanded clay can be used).

At the bottom of the pot, pour a layer of drainage about 2 - 3 centimeters high. Next, carefully remove the flower from the pot. So you saw what kind of root system an azalea has! Then we immerse the plant in a basin of water for half an hour. After that we take it out. If not enough soil has separated from the roots, add more.

You should continue until no more than a third of the soil has been washed away. To speed up this long process, you can water the lump with a watering can. IN last time be sure to wash the ground clean water. If you are done with removing a third of the soil, take a close look at the root system. If there are rotten roots and other ailments, eliminate them.

After this, immerse the plant in the pot and carefully cover it with new soil. You should not fill the flower above the level that existed before replanting, otherwise you can fill up the root collar. If you think that your soil is still good, not affected by fungus, mold or other diseases, then simply reload.

It is not as painful and is more favorably tolerated by the flower. If you are replanting for the first time, then it is better to do a transshipment; when you have enough experience, study the nature of your plant, and replant.

Having finished replanting, you should water the azalea with zircon to build up the roots. Place the plant in a warm place, avoiding direct sunlight.

You can start watering only on day 3, adding zircon. If the flower is developing well, you can return to your normal flower watering schedule. An overloaded or transplanted plant cannot be watered with fertilizers for about two months.

So, we learned how to care for a flower after flowering. From now on, all your efforts will not be in vain.

Video: Azalea care after flowering

Capricious, but so beautiful and sincerely loved by everyone, the azalea is already for a long time wins the hearts of lovers indoor plants in our country. Our climate and air humidity are not typical for her, which explains the need for special and enhanced care. As a reward for this, the azalea blooms incredibly beautifully, creating a pleasant atmosphere in the room and giving it a festive and elegant look. There are many tips for caring for her and it is difficult to collect them in one full material, therefore it is advisable to dwell separately on each issue and analyze them separately. In this article we will provide key tips on how to properly replant an azalea.

A young plant that is not yet three years old is replanted no more than once a year. Violating this regime and reducing the interval is only possible if the root system has grown too large, or if the roots begin to rot. For older plants, more frequent transshipments are already allowed, twice a year, but, again, only when necessary.

The best period for replanting an azalea is spring; it is then that the bush is pruned, and these two procedures are combined. Later the period begins active growth and at this time it is not recommended to disturb the plant, unless there is a desire to lose it.

Transplanting azaleas after purchase

Most plants are recommended to be planted immediately new soil after purchase, because enterprises do not use for transportation and sale those substrates in which plants grow well long time. However, replanting an azalea at home after purchase is carried out only after it has been adapted to new environment. It is difficult to say specifically how long this will take; you should focus on the condition of the plant. You can often notice that a beautiful and lush plant that was standing in a store, after being placed in an apartment, slightly drops its leaves and loses its color. These are not alarming signals, this is her reaction to the move, stress. After some time, her condition will return to normal. Worry if time is running, but this does not happen, perhaps the conditions are not suitable for her or she is suffering from an illness.

When the beauty has already become accustomed to her new home and is feeling well, you can decide to select a new pot and re-transfer it. It is strongly recommended to buy ready-made soil; azalea is demanding on the soil and even the slightest violation of the proportions when preparing it yourself can have disastrous consequences for it.

Replanting azaleas after flowering

Often an azalea is bought with flowers, or rather, thanks to these flowers, it is bought, and many of its owners wonder whether it is possible to replant a blooming azalea. We do not recommend doing this for two reasons. Firstly, for replanting, all flowers need to be cut off and then the owner himself deprives himself of the main decoration of the flowerpots. Secondly, if you do not trim the flowers and simply transplant the flower-covered plant into new soil and pot, it will begin to lay seeds, which will extremely deplete the azalea and all that will remain of its beauty is its name.

It is best to wait until the plant has flowered, cut off all the dry buds and begin the procedure, or rather, preparing the procedure. Preparation includes pruning and soil preparation. Although we do not recommend doing this, we will tell you how to prepare the soil for replanting an azalea with your own hands. For this, acidic and loose heather soil or a mixture of pine needles and peat are used, to which trichodermine is attached, designed to protect the plant from fungi and rot. Often difficult to find clean soil, which is suitable for azaleas, so when choosing a future indoor favorite in the store, you should also ask for a package of special soil mixture “For azaleas”. Ready-made soils are not expensive and greatly simplify the entire procedure.

The pots for the plant are wide, plastic or clay, and slightly larger than the previous ones; the azalea’s root system grows well. Drainage must be poured onto the bottom of the container to avoid water stagnation and root rotting, and its layer must be thick enough, and a layer of pine bark, which can increase the acidity of the soil.

The plant, trimmed and deprived of inflorescences, is extremely carefully removed from the pot, trying to minimally affect the roots. The earthen lump will be tightly entwined with them and it will resemble a sponge, but the root must be carefully examined. The root particles may be dead and need to be carefully trimmed, after which it is soaked in zircon and a growth stimulator. Proper pruning of the root system has a very good effect on the future condition of the plant and activates its growth.

The treated and soaked bush is placed in a pot and covered with loose soil, after which it is placed in a well-lit place, but protected from direct sunlight. It is important to protect it from drafts and heating devices that dry and overheat the air.

Caring for azaleas after transplantation

Azaleas after transplantation are carried out on the fifth or sixth day and for this, warm filtered or at least settled water is used. Watering should be careful and moderate. In the first month and a half, the azalea will not show signs of active growth and may not have a very “happy” appearance, which is explained by its acclimatization, adaptation and restoration of the pruned root system. However, if watering, air temperature and humidity are maintained at the required levels, the grateful plant will quickly recover and begin to grow.

If this does not happen, it is worth reviewing the conditions of maintenance, especially watering, making sure that water does not accumulate in the pan and that the air humidity is not too low. The soil is checked to see if it is loose enough to soak up water and allow air to reach the roots. Restoration that takes too long may indicate root rot.

Transplanting azaleas at home - necessary measure for successful flower growth. Changing the substrate and updating the pot after flowering will help renew the plant, give it strength and lay the foundation for further education buds. Since azalea is known for its capricious temperament, you need to know how to replant it correctly - the slightest mistake will lead to disastrous consequences.

Some flower growers advise replanting the azalea as soon as it comes into home conditions after purchase. However, such an event is a rather risky undertaking, since the plant may die. It is better to wait a little, waiting until the azalea in the transport pot gets used to the new habitat and adapts to it.

Under no circumstances should you replant an azalea while it is budding and flowering, as the bush may shed its flower buds. Exceptions to the rule: suspected disease, flooded soil, the appearance of mold and traces of salinity on the ground. To prevent the plant from dying, it is better to quickly change the substrate in the pot, removing all or most of the buds.

From transplant to winter time it is better to refuse, since during this period all life processes are inhibited, and the azalea itself is in a dormant stage. It is better to wait until spring - with the onset of warmth, the flower will grow and respond well to a change in “place of residence.”

Preparatory stage

To successfully transplant an azalea at home, you need to worry about a suitable pot in advance, and also prepare a substrate.

Selecting a container for transplantation

For azaleas, it is preferable to use small containers in which the root system will feel as comfortable as possible. It is best to choose a pot whose diameter exceeds the diameter of the previous one by only a couple of centimeters. In it, the roots will not only develop faster, but also the risk of flooding the earthen coma will be minimal.

It is better to choose a pot with low edges, but at the same time wide. Since the azalea's root system develops horizontally, such a container will provide suitable conditions for root growth.

The material of the pot can be anything: either plastic or ceramic will do. However, it is best to give preference to naturalness - in a ceramic container the azalea will be able to “breathe”. Required drainage holes at the bottom, which will ensure rapid removal of excess moisture.

Substrate preparation

Azalea is a lover of soil with high acidity, so compiling soil mixture With the necessary characteristics need to pay enough attention. The resulting substrate must be sufficiently loose and allow air to pass well to the roots.

It is best to prepare the soil for planting azaleas at home yourself, using the following components:

  • Special soil for azaleas or rhododendrons;
  • Crushed tree bark, pre-steamed;
  • Fresh (needs to dry a little) or dry sphagnum moss;
  • Fine sand and perlite;
  • A small amount of charcoal and vermiculite.

You can also obtain a high-quality substrate using other schemes by mixing:

  • 2 parts coniferous land, 1 part peat and 1 part sand.
  • 2 parts pine needles, 3 parts high peat, 1 part leaf soil and 1 part sand.

The prepared substrate must be disinfected by spilling it with a special preparation (Fitosporin and its analogues) or by frying the mixture in the oven. You can also steam the soil over boiling water - to do this, place it in a colander, secure it over a saucepan and, after boiling, leave for half an hour, stirring occasionally. Undisinfected soil may become contaminated various pests, fungi, which after planting the azalea will quickly spread to the plant. That is why it is better to worry about the cleanliness of the substrate in advance, so as not to treat the bush later.

How to replant an azalea at home

Before direct transplantation, it is necessary to treat the azalea root system in several stages:

  1. After earthen lump pulled out of the pot, the remnants of the old substrate must be carefully removed, being careful not to damage the roots. Then the plant is placed in settled water room temperature to remove all soil from the root system.
  2. After cleansing, the root system must be carefully examined - all suspicious shoots are removed, and all healthy ones are slightly pruned for renewal.
  3. After pruning, the bush is immersed in a solution of root growth stimulator with “Zircon” (increases the plant’s immunity and reduces stress from replanting), prepared according to the instructions on the package.

All tools that will be used to trim azalea roots must be sterilized. To do this, the blades are wiped with alcohol or pierced over a fire.

Azalea transplantation at home is carried out as follows:

  • A layer of drainage approximately 3 cm thick is placed at the bottom of the new pot;
  • The top of the drainage is covered with pine bark, which will help increase the acidity of the soil;
  • The bark needs to be covered thin layer prepared soil, sprinkling it with the drug “Trichodermin” (to prevent fungal diseases and rot);
  • The azalea needs to be removed from the stimulant solution and given excess moisture drain;
  • Then the plant is placed in the center of the pot, and its roots are evenly sprinkled with fresh soil;
  • All voids in the pot need to be filled, then the soil must be lightly compacted;
  • It is necessary to ensure that the root collar of the azalea is not buried in the ground;
  • The substrate is lightly watered with the solution in which the azalea was soaked before transplantation.

Caring for azaleas after transplantation

For successful acclimatization after azalea transplantation, you need to provide high-quality and constant care. Immediately after the procedure itself, it is recommended to place the bush in a place with sufficient light. However, direct Sun rays should not fall on the plant, so a south window is not the best option.

It is not advisable to place azalea near radiators, convectors and other heating devices, and also leave the bush in drafts. It is better to avoid watering in the first days after transplantation - it is recommended to moisten the soil after 3-4 days. It is better to use settled, thawed or rainwater, filtered is also suitable.

Since during acclimatization (lasts up to 2 months) the azalea’s condition is unstable, you can help it cope with stress with the help of Zircon. It must be periodically added to water for irrigation, diluting according to the instructions indicated on the package.

Azalea is a garden and indoor plant. Belongs to the genus Rhododendron. In winter, the flower blooms profusely, so it is in great demand among gardeners.

We discovered culture in the end. XVIII–beg. XIX century in England. Then the Dutch botanist Jacob Breinius discovered the plant. He brought it home, but the flower died without taking root. After a while, the scientist Conners repeated his attempt to grow an azalea, but was unsuccessful. In the beginning. In the 19th century, Captain Welbank brought a flower from India, and it took root. With the help of breeders, today the flower industry market has collected many varieties and species of plants that amaze with their beauty.

In its natural environment, the culture grows in China, North America, Japan, southeast Asia. Only two types of flowers are grown in pots: Japanese ( frost-resistant variety, can be planted in the ground after flowering) and Indian (characterized by small leaves and is often grown in room conditions).

The adaptation period for azaleas after the store

For a plant to grow well, it needs to get used to new conditions. To do this, the gardener inspects the soil for the presence of mold. If there is a disease, the flower is treated with anti-fungal drugs. Next, the azalea is accustomed to a different habitat.

Quarantine condition

Having brought home a crop, which, by the way, is finicky to grow, you cannot add it to existing pets in the house. Even if an azalea looks beautiful, this does not mean that the plant is healthy and is not in danger. To do this, the flower is placed in a separate room, creating a quarantine for at least two weeks. If after a while no problems arise, the plant is placed with the rest of the green mass.

Do I need to replant an azalea?

Changing the soil and flowerpot is necessary if necessary. A three-year-old crop is replanted once a year. If the plant is older, the procedure is done 2 times a year. The flower is replanted when the roots grow profusely or the soil rots. Immediately after purchase, it is better not to disturb the flower for as long as possible. First there must be an adaptation period.

When to replant an azalea

Usually the flower is replanted in the spring. Pre-cleaning aboveground part- remove dry branches and leaves. During transplantation, you must not damage the roots; if possible, completely replace the old substrate with a new one.

Choosing a pot and substrate

For flowers, give preference to deep and wide flowerpots. Speaking about the material of the pots, clay and plastic containers are suitable for azaleas.

Caring for indoor azaleas after purchase

Growing a plant at home requires certain skills. It is not always possible to “defeat” a flower. The culture is capricious and finicky. Quite often, after acquisition, the plant drops flowers. To achieve repeated flowering, the gardener needs to try.

Temperature, humidity and lighting

Comfortable temperature for azalea is 10-15C. In other words, cool. IN winter period on which the plant blooms necessary conditions easy to provide. An excellent choice would be a window sill insulated from batteries.

For rhododendron, the most crucial period is the formation of buds. At this time, the temperature should be at 6-8C. To achieve required temperature Sometimes they even manage to put azaleas in the refrigerator. I would like to highlight that this method helps restore a weakened plant. During flowering, the temperature rises to 12-15C.

Like most indoor plants, rhododendron loves rich, diffused light.

The next important factor for a flower is high humidity air. At home, this rule is difficult to follow, so the plant is constantly sprayed with a spray bottle. Do not allow large drops of water to fall on the flower. Otherwise it will become stained.

How to water an azalea

When growing a plant, watering plays a role important role. The main thing is to maintain the correct balance of substrate moisture. The soil in the flowerpot should always be moist. It is unacceptable to overdry the soil, otherwise the flower will shed its leaves and flowers.

When watering the crop, use soft water. You can take snow or rain. Azalea reacts well to water mixed with lemon or apple cider vinegar (just add a few drops to the water).

Feeding and fertilizer

If you want to fertilize the crop, which is done only during the flowering period, it is best to buy prepared mixtures in specialized stores. Fertilizers are applied according to instructions. The most known drugs considered: Epin, Zircon, Ecogel-anti-stress, Ferovit, NV-101, Fitosporin-M.

Rules for caring for azaleas after flowering

Plants usually rest after flowering. Many gardeners believe that at this time you can relax, but this is a misconception.

After flowering, the azalea needs to be trimmed, replanted, a crown formed, and pinched. First of all, all dried leaves, buds, and flowers are removed from the plant. The crop is replanted after flowering, from the moment young branches grow. If you have little experience, it is recommended to do the transshipment first, so as not to disturb the root system of the flower. The peculiarity of the procedure is to wash away the soil from the roots. You cannot wash the roots too much, so as not to remove all the beneficial microorganisms from them.

Formation of "Bonsai" from azalea

In home floriculture, it is popular to grow bonsai trees without side shoots. Creating a crown for a flower in the form small tree with a thick trunk and fluffy top will require a lot of effort. This form is not inherent in nature for the plant. Let us remind you that bonsai is also made from Crassula. In other words, from varieties with miniature flowers and leaves.

To make a rhododendron bonsai, you need to form a crown from the first year of the flower’s life. The plant must be young. This will take more than one year. The number of trimmings will be required at least five.

The first pruning involves selecting the main massive shoot from which the trunk of the future bonsai will be formed. The side branches are cut off completely. For the first 12 months, the top is not cut off. Thus, the azalea grows upward quickly. Important point Stage 1 - formation of the stem, growing its length. To ensure that the main shoot is straight, it is attached to a support, constantly turning different sides towards the light. When the rhododendron melts required height, the top is cut off. Then all efforts are directed towards creating the top. It can be pyramidal, round, elongated.

How to propagate azalea at home

Having learned all the rules and nuances for caring for azaleas, you need to practice your skills in propagating the plant. The crop is propagated by cuttings, seeds, grafting, and dividing the bush. The seed method is usually used by professional gardeners to propagate new varieties. All other methods are available to inexperienced gardeners.

The most common method of propagating azaleas indoors is cuttings. In spring, a cutting of 5-8 cm is cut from a flower. The cut is treated with a drug that stimulates root growth. For rooting, a peat mixture and coniferous substrate are used. The pagon is planted vertically to a depth of 2 cm. It is covered with a transparent container and cellophane on top to create greenhouse effect. The sprout is grown at a temperature of 25C, constantly moistening the soil.

Grafting a flower is carried out by selecting a side shoot with a bud and a pair of leaves on it. An incision is made under the kidney. The cuttings are pressed to the ground and pinned with a staple. Soil is poured on top. After the shoot takes root, it is carefully separated from the bush and replanted.

When choosing a method of propagating rhododendron by dividing the bush, take big flower and carefully, without damaging the root system, it is divided into small parts. Each part is planted in a separate pot. A new azalea requires the same care as an adult flower.

Difficulties in growing azaleas

Like many other indoor plants, growing a flower can be accompanied by a number of difficulties. All of them appear due to insufficient lighting, incorrect temperature and watering, incorrectly selected substrate or fertilizing. The main azalea diseases are tracked by the following characteristics:

Read again about the rules for growing the crop and caring for it at home, and your beautiful azalea will delight you with its flowering for many years.

Pests of indoor flowers

Azalea is a frequent unexpected guest. It appears when there is a lack of moist air and watering. A cobweb forms on the stems of the plant, the buds wither and fall off. They fight the “enemy” with a soap solution and rinsing the flower under a warm shower.

Caring for azaleas at home requires special skills and abilities. In order for a flower to grow well after purchase, you need to own complete information for growing crops. This will require the gardener’s constant attention and observation of the flower.

Transplantation and aftercare are among the most labor-intensive procedures. Once it comes to this, every gardener faces a difficult test that can ruin the plant. Transplanting an azalea at home is a labor-intensive procedure - both for the flower and for the gardener. Our goal is to tell you how to do this correctly. The article will discuss the following questions: when is it better to replant a plant, how to choose a pot and soil, how to care for the plant.

It is best to replant an azalea after flowering - in the spring. It is not advisable to test a flower during flowering and budding. Otherwise, the plant may shed leaves, flowers and buds, and it will be very difficult to remove it from this state.

Choosing a new container and soil

The soil and pot play an important role in replanting. The features of the root system and their microflora, which help the plant to fully nourish itself, should be taken into account when choosing a container and soil. The substrate should have a pH of 4.5–5.5 - this is exactly the acidity of the soil that rhododendrons require. Soil for azaleas can be purchased at specialized stores or made yourself.

What do you need for a homemade composition? You will need 1 part peat and 2 parts rotted pine needles. Or an equal amount of peat, humus, sand, turf and leaf soil and 5 parts of coniferous soil. Or you can do this: 1 part sand, 1 part dried and crushed sphagnum moss, 2 parts rotted pine needles. Select new pot for azalea, based on the size of the old one, but only 5 cm higher, wide and shallow. You can choose either a flowerpot or any other pot that suits the parameters.

Step-by-step instruction

The first layer should be drainage drying, approximately 3 cm, in the form of broken shards. Sprinkle pine bark on top, which will increase the acidity of the soil, and then sprinkle with prepared soil. Can add special means to prevent the development of fungus and rot. Remove all unnecessary things: dry branches, buds, etc.

The azalea, together with the formed earthen lump of roots, is dipped into boiled or filtered water with special biostimulants for plants. This will not remove all the earth, but it will cleanse it of excess salts. In order for the transshipment to be successful, for better absorption of moisture, it is necessary to make 0.5 cm cuts in the coma of earth on top, bottom and sides - this will allow the plant to be saturated necessary elements to settle down in a new land.

Having gotten rid of a certain amount of soil, the plant is ready for replanting. After allowing the water to drain, the plant is placed in the center of the selected pot, and then the roots are sprinkled with an even amount of soil. We compact it a little. We replant so that the root collar does not go deep into the ground.

If the bush is too large, it is divided. To do this, you need to cut the earthen ball into several parts. The bushes are placed in separate pots.

Further care

Home care involves helping to restore the plant. The plant should be placed in a warm, bright place, protected from direct exposure to the sun and drafts. Water with the same water in which the plant settled. Water again after 4 days. The plant should be kept in such a place protected from the sun for approximately 12 days. A flower that is weak after replanting can be treated again with biostimulants. You can also look for other means for these purposes.

Transplanting an azalea after purchase has some differences from a regular azalea transplant. It is better not to replant a purchased azalea immediately. Let the plant adapt for some time. You also need to pay attention to the fact that azaleas are often sold in bloom.

As was written earlier, they cannot be replanted during this period. But if or if the pot becomes too small, as an exception, you can transplant it into new soil and pot. This is done carefully to slightly clean the earthen lump around the root. Care is the same as stated earlier. A well and correctly transplanted plant will bloom for a long time and delight the gardener.

Now you know how to replant an azalea at home.

Video “Transplanting azaleas”

From this video you will learn how to properly replant an azalea.


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