How to water indoor flowers correctly! How to choose the optimal watering scheme for indoor plants.

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There are two types of watering:

  • watering from above using a watering can, when water permeates under the influence of gravity earthen lump, gradually flowing down to the pan;
  • watering from below, when water through a hole in the pot under the action of capillary forces gradually fills the entire earthen lump.

Watering from above simulates the flow of water into the soil during precipitation. Water from the surface of the substrate seeps through it and moistens the earthen ball. With proper watering, water is added until it begins to flow into the drainage hole, while it should not stagnate on the surface of the soil substrate. The amount of water required for irrigation is 10% of the volume of soil in the pot, i.e. 0.5 l of water per 5 l of soil substrate. Water slowly. For watering, it is better to use a watering can with a long, thin spout.

When watering from below The pot is immersed 2/3 in water and kept for 30 minutes. After the surface of the soil in the pot becomes wet, it is removed from the water. Before putting the pot back in its original place, let the water drain.

Each of these irrigations has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Watering from above. Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages: Undesirable mineral salts are washed out, and dosed watering can be done.

Flaws: Fertilizers are quickly washed out (as a result, regular fertilizing is necessary), it is difficult and even impossible to completely saturate the soil lump in cases where the soil substrate is prepared incorrectly or the peat substrate is used and it is also overdried. If watering is not done with rainwater, then it is advisable to prevent water from getting on the leaves of the plant; It is especially undesirable for any water to enter and remain for a long time at the growth point of the plant (Saintpaulia, Gloxinia, etc.).

Watering from below. Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages: fertilizers are not washed away, the earthen ball of the plant is completely saturated.

Flaws: Harmful salts accumulate, soil acidity changes quickly (soil change is necessary), and there is no possibility of dosed watering of the plant.

What type of irrigation should I choose?

We choose depending on a number of factors:

  • species peculiarity of plant maintenance;
  • time of year outside the window;
  • temperature near the plant and its illumination;
  • size flower pot and the degree of development of the earthen coma by the roots of the plant;
  • whether the plant is “healthy” or not.

When is it best to use?

watering from below:

In spring / summer time when maximum water consumption by the plant occurs (within 24 hours from the moment of the previous watering the soil in the pot dries out). Cacti, succulents, orchids are an exception;

When you purchased a plant with overdried soil in a pot (after moistening the earthen ball, do not forget to check whether the roots of the plant are alive);

watering from above:

For cacti, succulents, desert plants - year-round (taking into account the requirements of the species);

IN winter time or if one of the above factors is violated;

If you are experienced, you can completely avoid watering from below.

Water is the main factor that is necessary for the nutrition and existence of all plant organisms. The soil mixture should be kept moderately moist at all times. It is not recommended to allow sudden transitions from a lack of moisture to its excess, especially during the flowering period. As water evaporates, temperature is regulated indoor plants, which protects them from overheating. Plants are able to obtain water through root system, and pour through. Therefore, it is very important to spray them periodically. In the evening - after watering, and in the early morning - before Sun rays They will start heating the apartment.


Flower plants need to be watered with water. room temperature. Before doing this, tap water must be set aside so that all undissolved salts in it settle.

When the soil dries out, plant leaves wither and dry out green, and the soil does not absorb water well. In this case, the plant needs to be watered in several stages, or the pot with the plant should be immersed in water for several hours.

Not only a lack of moisture is harmful to plants, but also an excess, which impedes the supply of oxygen to the root system. In this case, the soil turns sour, the roots rot, and the leaves turn yellow. To save such plants, they need to be taken out of the pot along with the soil and placed in another container until they dry out, after which the plant is planted again in the pot with good drainage. Most often this happens in winter with frequent watering of plants.

When watering plants, you need to consider what stage of development the plant is in (resting or growing), biological features of a given plant, dryness or humidity of the air, time of year and weather, as well as the quality of the soil and the size of the dishes. Therefore, watering the same plant must be done in different ways, taking into account weather conditions and time of year.

Rice. 29. Watering.

IN summer period Plants must be watered abundantly and daily. When it gets colder, in dim light or in cloudy weather, watering can be reduced, since in this case the evaporation of water by the leaves weakens.

Plants in small pots need to be watered twice a day in summer. In autumn winter period, when not high temperature indoors, plants need to be watered rarely. But if available central heating you need to additionally spray from a spray bottle.

If the soil is light and loose, it needs to be watered more often than heavy, loamy soil, in which moisture is retained for a long time.

During the dormant period of plants, watering is reduced to a minimum: tuberous begonias, achimenes, gloxinias, amaryllis are watered no more than twice a month.

Plants with a dense shell and succulent leaves need little watering, for example: aloe, agave, cacti, etc.

In summer, plants need to be watered in the evening, and in winter - in the morning.

Plants should be sprayed with lukewarm water in the morning and evening. This helps to humidify the air in the room and washes away dust from the leaves. It should be noted that plants with velvety or hairy leaves should not be sprayed. You need to learn the basic rule: at any time of the year, you need to water the plant so that the water passes right through to the pan. If the plant is watered in small portions, then only the top layer of soil is saturated with moisture, while the bottom layer remains dry. In this case, the young roots dry out, then rot, the plant withers and dies. An abundance of moisture is also not beneficial, since the leaves of such plants become stained and often rot during the dormant period.

The basic rule for caring for indoor flower plants is cleanliness. Plants covered with dust and dirt lose their attractiveness and develop poorly. It is on the leaves of unkempt plants that pests of indoor plants, as well as pathogenic fungi, most often settle. This is especially necessary when caring for plants such as palm trees, pandanus, philodendron, ficus, agave and other long-living species. The leaves of the plants need to be wiped with a dry cloth, then washed with a soft sponge on top and bottom. warm water. To keep your plants from getting various pests, it is sometimes useful to apply a soap solution to the surface of the sheet, and after a few hours, wash it off with warm water.

Pots covered with mold or dirt should be washed thoroughly. If there are dry or rotten leaves, they should be removed from the pots and the surface of the soil should be loosened with a wooden stick.

It happens that after an unfavorable period - illness, lack of moisture or microelements, the tips of the leaves of plants dry out. They should be trimmed without affecting the healthy part.

Rice. 30. Trimming faded leaf tips.

How often to water indoor plants?

Of course, the frequency of watering home flowers cannot be the same all the time, and depends on many reasons: the period of their development, the season, the specific type of plant, and even the volume of the pot in which it is planted.

Which plants need more watering:

  • planted in small dishes;
  • with a powerful developed root system;
  • plants with wide large leaves or a large volume of them;
  • during the period of growth;
  • if there are large drainage holes in the pot;
  • plants planted in ceramic stands;
  • dry in summer hot weather;
  • in rooms with dry air during the heating season.

Which plants need less watering:

  • planted in large pots;
  • with a small amount of leaves;
  • during the rest period;
  • with an underdeveloped root system;
  • plants damaged due to diseases, pests or replanting;
  • absence drainage system in a flower pot;
  • flowers with fleshy stems and leaves;
  • in summer in rainy or cloudy weather;
  • if the plant is planted in a pot made of plastic or metal (non-porous materials);
  • in a room with cold, damp air.

You should be very careful about seasonal watering of green pets. In the summer, which is usually the period of growth, flowers are watered quite often: once a day or even twice, especially in summer heat. With the onset of cold weather, watering becomes more moderate and gradually decreases. But from the moment the central heating is turned on, the plants are watered a little more often due to the dry air.

You need to be especially careful during the off-season, when the metabolism of flowers sharply decreases, which is why they cannot accept and give away moisture. Excessive amounts of moisture in the cold season can lead to physiological dryness, when the plant is unable to absorb water, despite its abundance.

With the arrival of spring, watering becomes more frequent. And again, they are slightly reduced in April during the period of cold weather and heating shutdowns.

Watering plants while you're away

You are going on vacation and don’t know how to provide indoor plants enough moisture while no one is home? There are several ways to solve this problem.

  • Use wool threads or braid as wicks through which water will flow into the pot. To do this, stick one end into the ground and lower the other into a vessel with water, which should be higher than the level of the pot.
  • Make a mini greenhouse. Pour any pebbles into a large transparent bag, place a pot with a plant on them, water it well and tie the bag on top.
  • Place the plants in a plastic container, first placing damp newspapers or napkins on the bottom. Also place damp paper between the pots. Instead of wet paper, you can simply pour a little water, but this method is not suitable for all plants.
  • Dig a few centimeters into the plant pot plastic bottle neck down, ensure it is stable. First, make small holes on both sides of the bottle, in the cork and at the bottom, and fill it with water. Water will flow into the ground drop by drop.

How to save a flooded plant?

If excess water has accumulated in the pot, this is no less dangerous for the plant than drought. However, even in this case, all is not lost. Tap the edge of the pot on a hard surface and remove the pot from the earthen ball. Usually the earthen ball is penetrated by roots and retains the shape of the pot. Remove damaged roots and wrap the earthen ball with a rag or old kitchen towel- it will absorb excess water from the earthen clod. You may need to change the towel several times.

Then wrap the earthen lump in blotting paper and leave it there until dry, but do not overdry. When the earthen ball is dry, plant the plant in a clean pot with fresh earthen mixture.

How to save a dried out plant?

When soil mixture dries out so much that it becomes almost crispy, a curious phenomenon is observed - the soil mixture refuses to accept water. No matter how much water you pour, the soil becomes slightly damp only on the surface. This happens because very dry soil moves away from the walls of the pot and gaps form between the walls and the earthen lump. When you water dry soil from above, water flows through these cracks to the bottom and pours out into the pan through the drainage hole. The earthen lump will remain dry. Therefore, when the soil is too dry, watering it from above is useless. What to do?

Water the leaves and stems of the plant from the shower. Fill a basin or other container with water at room temperature and completely immerse the pot with the plant in it, carefully pressing the pot with a weight (stone or brick) so that it is completely immersed in water. Then add a few drops (no more!) of liquid to the water detergent- this will help reduce the water-repellent properties of overdried soil. After about an hour, remove the plant pot and allow excess water to drain. If the plant has revived (not all plants recover after drying out), it will soon become succulent again. Please note that even when the earthen ball reaches its original size, some distance will remain between it and the walls of the pot. Fill this gap with soil mixture.

Types of watering depending on plant requirements


Few types of flowers need such watering: azalea, cyperius, etc. With such watering, there is enough moisture in the soil a large number of.


Many people need abundant watering ornamental plants. The soil should be constantly moist, but without stagnant water. Such plants (oleander, ficus, lemon, begonia, ivy) are watered immediately after the soil has dried to a third of its surface. In this type of watering, flowers only need summer season.


This method of irrigation applies to bulbous plants with water-bearing tubers in the roots, with fleshy foliage and stems, and with a powerfully developed root system. Watering is not done immediately after drying the earthen ball, but after 2-3 days, so that the soil in the upper layers of the pot has time to dry. More often moderate watering used during the dormant period.


Plants may not be watered for days, weeks, or even months. During this time, the soil mixture in the pot has time to dry completely, but the water-storing organs allow it to survive the dryness. Plants are put into a dormant period with infrequent watering, most often in winter when the temperature drops significantly. This applies to flowers such as dracaena, cacti, clivia, syngonium, palm trees, and aglaonema.

Special strict system proper watering does not exist. Each individual plant needs its own individual regime.

1.How to water plants correctly.
a1) How can you recognize a plant that is thirsty?

When a plant no longer finds in the soil the water it needs to sustain life, it begins to use reserves.

Plants that have dense or large organs (trunk, bulb, rhizome, tuber, bark,
pseudobulbs, fleshy stems or leaves), tolerate drought, sometimes for several months, like cacti and succulents.

And plants with thin and fragile stems, with large, thin and flexible leaves quickly begin to experience the effects of drought.

When cells lose some of their fluid, they lose elasticity and tissues shrink or sag. This is the most main feature that the plant is thirsty. In most cases, it is enough to thoroughly wet the earthen ball for the plant to come back to life.

But remember that wilting weakens the plant and interferes with its normal development.
You must intervene in time, but do not flood the plant, but only give it what it needs.

A2) How often should I water the plants?

The need for water depends on the plant itself and the growing conditions (temperature, light, substrate).
If the temperature is not higher than 20C, then from April to September
water 2 times a week inclusive.
If the temperature is above 24C, water every 2-3 days.
From October to March, most plants are dormant and should not be watered.
more than once a week, with the exception of those blooming at this time.

On the veranda at temperatures below 15C, water no more than once every 10-15 days.
In very hot weather you will need to water a little every day,
to freshen the plants a little, but still try not to flood the substrate.

A3) What kind of water is best to water plants?

Problems during watering arise not only due to incorrect rhythm
adding water, but due to its quality. Substrates for indoor plants
(with the exception of soil for orchids) have the ability to retain water and

There is very little soil in the pot, so there is an excess of mineral elements (lime)
or harmful substances (chlorine in city tap water)
with regular watering, they will accumulate in the substrate and the plant will die.

It is best to water plants with rainwater,
collected in rural areas.
It is neutral and clean. Let the water sit for 24 hours.
Rainwater cannot be used in cities because it contains
contains harmful substances.
As a rule, tap water is used for irrigation.

It is not so bad in quality, but it contains two substances,
which plants do not like at all. These are lime and chlorine.
Most plants grown in the house are acidophilic, so with prolonged watering tap water their leaves begin to turn yellow (chlorosis develops).

It is enough to add a neutralizer or the juice of half a lemon to a 10-liter watering can to solve this problem.
Chlorine leaves the water naturally within a few hours.

Therefore, you can fill the watering can in the evening, and by the morning the water will not contain active chlorine. By the way, during this time the water for irrigation will warm up to room temperature, which is also very important.

A4) What plants can be watered with tap water?

If the water in your city is not too chalky, you can water indoor plants with it, with the exception of those who vitally need soft water: azaleas, gardenias, and most orchids.

For them, if possible, collect rainwater, use a lime neutralizer, or acidify tap water with 10 drops of vinegar per 1 liter of water. You can also dip in tap water bag with riding sour peat all night long.

A5)Can I use water softener?

If you have installed a water softener that demineralizes the water without adding any other substances (some salts are toxic to plants), you can use it for irrigation.

Do not use ion exchange systems.

Softened water does not provide plants with any mineral salts, so you will have to compensate for their deficiency with mineral fertilizers.

Never add water softener recommended for laundry to your watering water. It will kill your plants!

A6) How to water plants correctly?

When water gets into the substrate during watering, the plant does not attack it greedily in the first seconds. First, the substrate must be properly saturated with moisture, and only then the roots will begin their work.

It is very important not to forget about this feature, because, for example, the purely peat substrate that professionals use absorbs moisture very poorly if it dries completely.

As a result, when you water, the water passes through the substrate, but does not saturate it. And this is very annoying.

If you encounter a similar phenomenon, it means the plant was not watered well.
(this does not apply to orchids). You need to immerse the pot in water (if it floats,
this proves the extreme dryness of the substrate) for at least half an hour.

During this time, the peat will return to its spongy consistency and will be saturated with water.
It is best to water rarely, but abundantly, than often, but little by little.
The exception is containers with a water tank.

In this case there are no pots drainage holes, and the water remains at the level of the roots, gradually rising upward.
However, such containers, as we have already said, are not suitable for all plants.

A7) How to water orchids?

To water orchids, use boiled water.
It is tolerated by plants much better than tap water, which contains a lot of calcium. This water does not contain mineral salts, so it should be added liquid fertilizer for orchids.

It is diluted at the rate of 1 cap per 5 liters.
Keep water for irrigation in a transparent container, but away from sunlight.
When watering, try not to get into the flower cup.

A8) Should I water the substrate or immerse the pot in water?

Usually watered from above to accurately determine the amount of water applied.

Pour water into the pan if the leaves and neck of the plant are sensitive to rot (Saintpaulia, streptocarpus, cyclamen).

Dip the pot into a basin or sink with water if the earthen ball is dry or
The plant has too thick a bush, like ferns, for example.

A9) How to neutralize lime in tap water?

City tap water has a pH of 8, which indicates the presence of active lime. It is lime that leaves white marks on the leaves after several sprays. Lime also lingers in the substrate and increases its pH.

If you replant plants every year, then there is no problem.
But if you water orchids and acidophilic plants (gardenias, ferns),
which remain in the same substrate for 2-4 years, then they must
Use a ready-made lime neutralizer to soften the water.

A10) What plants are watered by immersing the pot in water?

This method should be used to water all plants,
which should not wet the leaves (the leaves are velvety,
assembled or transparent), for types forming rosettes
(except bromeliads), for tuberous plants and
plants with tender and fleshy stems,
and also for plants with very lush foliage (ferns).

The pot is immersed 2/3 or 3/4 in water for about half an hour.
To make sure that the earthen ball is properly wet, check
Do air bubbles escape if the pot is completely submerged in water?

Before putting the pot back in its original place, let the water drain for 15 minutes.
You won't have to drain the pan later.
Spraying as a method of watering is used mainly for epiphytic plants,
which grow by clinging to a piece of bark or fiber.

Seedlings and cuttings are watered in the same way so as not to disturb the surface of the substrate.

A11) What is the ideal water temperature for irrigation?

Can't water cold water.It causes stress at the root level.
Water at room temperature may be considered ideal. If possible,
fill the watering can the day before. At the same time, chlorine will evaporate from the water,
and this is only beneficial for the plants.

If you don't have time to let the water warm up naturally,
use a little warm water from tap (22-26C).

Be careful not to water with cold water in hot weather,
when you water your plants more often than usual.

If you draw water from a well, let it sit in the house, then water it.

A12) What needs to be done to prevent the plants from drying out during your absence?

If you are going away for 6-8 days, fill your kitchen sink with water and
place the end of the felt mat on which you placed
your potted plants.
Water them thoroughly so that the soil is wet.
And then with the help of capillaries
the plants will drink water on their own.

A13) Is it beneficial to expose plants to the rain?

Many indoor plants love warm, light rain,
which will wash the leaves and give them water. But you shouldn’t leave
in the rain, plants with velvety leaves, like Saintpaulia,
with transparent cacti, like caladium, and those plants,
in which spots quickly appear on the leaves (azaleas).

But all types with large leaves(ficus, monstera, shefflera, croton)
and the ferns will only rejoice in the rain. But do not forget that the rain should not
be strong, with gusts of wind, and the temperature is below 15C. Cold shower
There is no point in organizing it at the beginning of spring.

In cities and industrial areas, plants should not be watered
rainwater and placing them in the rain may cause burns on the leaves.

A14) When watering, some of the water seeps into the pan.
Should I leave some water there?

In no case!

There should be no water in the pan, because in this case the substrate
remains wet all the time and the roots can suffocate.
Brown spots will appear on the leaves. But if water appears
in the pan after watering, this good sign: earthen lump
soaked deep, drainage in the pot is good.

Pour the water out of the tray about half an hour after watering.
The exception to the rule is water-loving plants,
for example, cyperus and scirpus, which grow in nature
in the swamp. But they won’t like the eternally wet earthen lump. So don’t
overdo it!

A15)Which plants need abundant watering?

Some plants cannot tolerate a lack of water; they wither or dry out.
as soon as the substrate dries out. If the leaves droop, the plant often
it's hard to get back to normal.

This applies to adiantum, azalea, brovallia, calathea, calceolaria,
bluebell, crossandra, cyclamen, cyperus papyrus, darlingtonia,
lyonea, episcia, exacum, ficus dwarf, fittonia, hemigraphis,
nepenthes, nephrolepis, nertera, pellea, pellionia, pilea, sarracenia, selaginella, scirpus, spathiphyllum,
primrose, etc.

These plants must be grown in a substrate
good water retention
(add lowland peat).If temperatures rise
above 18C, the substrate must remain moist at all times,
but not wet.

A16) Which plants do not need to be watered often?

How usually indoor plants Water on average 1-2 times a week
during the growth period. Still, some species prefer less frequent watering.
These are most cacti and succulents and all plants with dense
hard leaves or forming a hard, thick trunk.

Many of these plants will survive if you "forget"
water them for 2 weeks.
Cacti and succulents will survive 3 weeks without water.
Their development stops
in drought conditions. And with regular watering, their growth accelerates
and becomes more noticeable.

It all depends on the air temperature in the room. Cactus, for example,
will live without water all winter if it stands on the veranda or
in a greenhouse at a temperature of 5-8C. He can do without water and
during extreme heat, but if you water it
Once a week at a temperature of 20-23C
and every 3 days at an even higher temperature, you
you will notice how quickly it begins to grow.

A17) What to do if the plant is flooded?

Place the pot in the sink and let the soil dry naturally.
If this is not possible, pour the water out of the pan as soon as it is full.

Keep the plant at 18C, do not create drafts.

And no bright light!

You should water it next time the earthen ball is dry
to the touch 4-5 cm deep or will easily move away from the walls of the pot.

If you have flooded the plant so much that the pot smells of mold,
and the leaves have drooped or brown spots have appeared along the edges of the leaves,
try changing the substrate.

Remove the plant from the pot, squeeze the soil ball to squeeze out the water,
and remove as much wet substrate as possible.

Transplant the plant into a new substrate, slightly damp. Do not water the plant
at least 15 days. If the plant has dense foliage, the leaves are hard and dense
or it's a succulent, don't water it for a month.

A18) How to water plants suspended from the ceiling?

Contrary to popular belief, plants suspended from the ceiling
do not water as usual. Water is poured into the tray.
Do not wet the leaves or soil. Check that
within an hour the plant had absorbed all the water. Squeeze off excess with a sponge.
This is especially important in winter.

A19) How do you know if a plant is thirsty?

The pot will give you the first signal. It becomes lighter,
makes an “empty” sound if it is made of clay. The substrate moves away from the walls of the pot,
it is lighter than the moist substrate, dry to the touch on top and in depth.
The plant's foliage may droop.
This happens with balsam and spathiphyllum.

Sometimes the leaves turn brown and dry out at the ends,
become papery. Flowers and flower buds may fall off.
But these symptoms can also appear with excess water.

Always check the condition of the substrate with your fingertips.
With a lack of water, the leaves and stems of succulents fade and shrink,
but they do not become soft. To check whether the plant wants to drink or not,
do the "bamboo" test. Take a thin
bamboo stick and stick it into the substrate until the very bottom of the pot.
Leave for a minute, then remove.

A20) How to “revive” a plant that lacks water?

To properly saturate the entire earthen lump with water, it is best to
Immerse the pot in a bowl of soft water at room temperature.
When air bubbles stop appearing on the surface,
the substrate is completely wet. Place the pot in the sink,
so that excess water flows out naturally.

Then return the plant to a place where there should be no drafts or bright light.
If soil is stuck to the stick or there are stains on it, there is no need to water it.
If the substrate has not reached its previous volume, replace it.
Then water regularly, but do not let the water stagnate in the pan!

A21) The substrate of a newly purchased plant constantly dries out. What should I do?

The substrate in which this plant was grown is, without a doubt,
consists of high-moor peat, which dries very quickly and is difficult
soak again with water. If this is a flowering plant, wait until the end of flowering
and transplant it into a better quality substrate that drains water well.

In the meantime, water the plant as much as necessary.

And do not let the water stagnate in the pan.
If this is a plant with decorative
leaves, immediately transplant it into another substrate,
for example, with granules that retain water
.After removing the plant from the pot, remove most of the old substrate,
being careful not to damage the roots.

A22) How to water cacti and succulents?

During the growing period, water every 6-10 days depending on the temperature
air and no more than once every 15-20 days in winter. If the temperature is low,
don't water at all. Palm of the championship among persistently
drought-resistant plants belong to pronounced
succulents, such as lithops,
which can even survive in a pot for about a year without a single drop of water.

Among the least demanding in terms of watering indoor
let's call plants:
agave, aloe, aporocactus, aspidistra, astrophytum, bocarnea, cereus,
Ceropegia, Chamecereus, Cleistocactus, Crassula, Cycad, Echeveria,
Echinocactus, Echinocereus, Espostoa, Euphorbia, Ferocactus, Gymnocalycium,
hoya, jatropha, lithops, mammillaria, notocactus, prickly pear,
pachyphytum, pachypodium, parody, rebutia, sansevieria, sedum, yucca, etc.

Some plants are herbaceous in appearance - asparagus and
chlorophytum - tolerate drought well because they have
onion-shaped water tanks.

A23) Do cacti need to be watered in winter?
It all depends on where you spend the winter. If they are in the room
at temperatures above 15C, then they need to be watered approximately every 15 days, h
so that the substrate does not dry out at all.

Wait for the substrate to dry on top and water.
If cacti spend the winter in a room or on a veranda at 7-12C,
It is useless to water them during the period of vegetative dormancy.

Intervene only if the stems become wrinkled.
But don't forget the difference between people from desert areas and
inhabitants of tropical forests.

Schlumberger, for example, should not water too much,
but every week. They also require a more fibrous substrate.

A24) How to water citrus fruits?

During the growth period, citrus fruits require abundant but infrequent watering.
During the time between two waterings, the substrate should dry out
2-3 cm deep. Use whenever possible
rainwater to avoid even the slightest risk of chlorosis,
or add a special composition to regular tap water,
neutralizing lime.

After every third watering, it is a good idea to add liquid fertilizer.
Only well-soaked soil should be fertilized.

A25) How to water tree-like plants?

At normal temperature(18-22C in the house) plants,
forming a solid trunk, as well as species with dense leaves
watered on average once a week during
growth and every 10-15 days during the period of vegetative dormancy (winter).
Water should fall on the surface of the earthen clod.

A26) How to water herbaceous plants?

Stemless plants, plants that form rosettes or a bush of flexible and
thin stems, as well as all plants that resemble grass, are watered on average
2 times a week during the growth period and 1 time a week in winter.
It is best to immerse the pot in water.

A27) How to water plants of the bromeliad family?

Water pineapple, echmea, guzmania, etc. with lime-free water on average
Once a week throughout the year. During the growth period, leave water
in the center of a leafy rosette.

A28) Is it necessary to spray flowering plants? If yes, how often?

Spraying with soft and warm water increases air humidity and
prevents red spider mites from multiplying.
Species whose homeland is tropical rainforests (orchids, philodendrons, codiums, bromeliads),
like daily

Do not spray flowers or leaves that are susceptible to rot, for example:
velvety forms (Saintpaulia), assembled (Streptocarpus, Peperomia)
or transparent (caladium).

Among other species in your collection, be sure to ask what variety it belongs to and find information about the features home care- including about how to water properly new "green pet".

Below you will find practical recommendations that will help you properly water most popular types of houseplants. We will consider such issues as choosing dishes for watering flowers, what kind of water to water flowers, frequency of watering, signs of lack of moisture, watering methods, how to water orchids and other indoor plants during your vacation.


watering can with a long spout. Practical equipment - the long spout can be easily directed through the thick crown, under lower leaves or directly under the root rosette, so as not to drip water onto the delicate leaves of the flower. Very convenient equipment for watering plants in phytowalls or phytomodules (vertical gardening);

flask. Special device with an elongated tip and a spherical water container. Such equipment can be a great help when you need to leave for a long time. It is enough to fill the container with water and stick the nose of the flask into the soil, which will gradually become saturated with moisture as it dries;

sprayer for spraying.
By spraying with water from a spray bottle, you can provide additional moisture through the upper parts of the plant. This method will help you preserve the decorative qualities of the plant. summer heat or during heating season when the humidity level in the room is very low;

tray with water. Great way additional moisture of the soil in the pot if the air in the room is too dry. It is advisable to place the flower pot not directly in water, but on wet expanded clay or on pebbles in a tray.

In the photo: equipment for irrigation


rain, river, pond water. Some gardeners prefer to water indoor plants with melt and rain water. Flowers respond well to watering with soft water from natural sources. natural sources. But it is necessary to disinfect the water, add a few pieces charcoal;

tap water.
Most residents of megacities water their flowers with tap water. But it is important to remember that chlorinated tap water with slightly soluble calcium salts is very hard. Be sure to let this water sit for at least 24 hours (or better yet, several days) before watering the flowers, and pour out the residue from the very bottom. Water your plants with water at room temperature or lukewarm.

- in the photo: signs of lack and excess of water


❂ most indoor plants like regular and even watering to keep the substrate in a moderately moist state. If a period of abundant soil moisture abruptly gives way to a period of insufficient moisture, the flower begins to wither and may die;

❂ in winter, the growth and development processes of many indoor plants slow down (or stop altogether). Requirement for water with dissolved nutrients is significantly reduced and the plant needs to be watered much less frequently (or not at all). And in spring-summer period, with increasing duration solar lighting and an increase in temperature, the frequency of watering increases to 1-3 times a week;

❂ plants with large and wide leaves are watered more often (ficus benjamin and rubber, anthurium Andre, spathiphyllum, house begonia, gloxinia sinningia, gardenia jasmine, gerbera, balsam, schefflera, dieffenbachia). Bulbous species it is necessary to water moderately and less frequently, since waterlogging can lead to rotting of the root system (hippeastrum, clivia, amaryllis, calla zantedeschia, oxalis oxalis, hyacinths, eucharis Amazon lily). Most species potted orchids(phalaenopsis, dendrobium nobile) are watered no more than once a week in winter and no more than twice a week in summer. Eat indoor views that easily tolerate long breaks between waterings (succulent species - money tree crassula, aloe vera or agave, triangular euphorbia, zygocactus decembrist, as well as species such as Kalanchoe Blossfeld, chlorophytum, "mother-in-law's tongue" or sansevieria);

❂ ceramic (clay) pots have a good porous structure, circulation and evaporation of moisture occurs more actively. And here plastic pots retain water well in the substrate. Therefore, it is necessary to water a flower placed in a ceramic pot more often than in a plastic one.

- in the photo: rare, moderate and abundant watering


❀ top watering. To water a flower from above, it is advisable to use a special container with a long spout (watering can, flask). It is advisable to point the spout closer to the stem so that water does not fall on the leaves. If the plant has a developed leaf rosette, try to direct the stream of water under it so that the water does not stagnate. Water the plant evenly, in small portions, so that the water does not stagnate on the top layer of soil. Pour out any water that flows into the pan. This is a universal way to water indoor species. The disadvantage of this method is that they wash out quickly. useful material silt of the substrate. Therefore, do not forget to feed the plants on time.

❀ bottom watering. Some types of decorative foliage plants lose their attractiveness if drops of water fall on the leaves (yellowish or black spots appear, the leaf blade is deformed). Therefore, the tray is filled with water for irrigation. Within 30-40 minutes, the substrate is moistened to the top layer and all excess water from the pan must be drained. The disadvantage of this method is that mineral salts are not washed out; on the contrary, they remain in the soil for a long time. If a lime crust appears on the surface of the soil, carefully remove it along with top layer by adding fresh substrate.

❀ immersion of the pot in water. Very good method moisture, allowing the soil to be completely saturated with water. Place the flower pot in a container of water so that water does not flow into the substrate through the edges of the pot. Water will quickly saturate all layers of the substrate through the drainage holes. Then place the pot on a wire rack to allow any excess water to drain freely. It is not advisable to use this method of moistening during the flowering period of the plant, when moving the pot can cause the buds and petals to fall off.

- tables with factors influencing the abundance and frequency of watering


√ vacation up to two weeks.

We moisten the soil abundantly by immersing each pot in water;

☛ plants with small fleshy leaves, those in a dormant period, those in a cool room with high humidity, grown in plastic or glassware;

☛ if tap water contains too much lime, then it is advisable to pass it through a special filter in order to use soft water for irrigation;

☛ never use cold water for irrigation, as this can lead to the gradual death of peripheral roots and the appearance of viral and fungal diseases;

☛ the most perfect time for watering most indoor species - early morning (at sunrise);

☛ on hot summer days and during heating, it is necessary to spray the plants with a spray bottle. You can place a container of water next to the plants to further humidify the air.


❶ You can water orchids only with warm, settled, soft water. It is advisable to water rare collectible and whimsical indoor orchid species with diluted distilled water. Mix settled water of medium hardness with distilled water in a 1:1 ratio. Mix too hard water with distilled water in a 1:2 ratio;

❷ if the orchid does not have bulbs, then water it after the substrate has completely dried and the lower leaves begin to lose turgor and wrinkle. If the orchid has bulbs, then water the flower after the bulbs begin to wrinkle a little;

❸ during flowering, most popular domestic varieties (phalaenopsis, dendrobium nobile) are watered very moderately 2-3 times a week. Make sure that water never stagnate in the pot around the roots and flows freely from the drainage holes;

The best way watering an orchid in the summer - soaking the pot in warm, settled water for 10-15 minutes. Be sure to ensure that the water has completely drained out of the holes in the bottom of the pot after soaking;

❺ how often to water an orchid at home. Complete drying of the soil is much safer for the root system than overwatering. Most species can be watered with frequency, which is determined as follows: as soon as the substrate is completely dry, the next day in the morning you can water the flower moderately. But do not forget that the frequency of watering also depends on the following factors: the type of orchid, the growing season or dormant period, humidity and temperature in the room, soil composition, pot (volume, what material it is made of).


How to properly moisten the soil in a pot (for example indoor begonia) .

Watering indoor plants is very important and is an integral part of caring for house plants. How to water indoor plants, how much moisture the flower has, is determined by the vegetative characteristics of the plant.

Everything that surrounds a houseplant plays a big role for the flower. This:

  1. Air
  2. Temperature at which a flower develops normally
  3. Soil moisture at room temperature
  4. Lighting for plants
  5. Soil looseness
  6. What size are flower pots and such.

When watering, it is advisable to distribute the water evenly over the entire surface of the soil in order to provide the indoor plant with sufficient moisture. It is advisable to water indoor flowers without sudden temperature changes and strong drying of the soil.

Over-watering and improper care of your home flower when watering will lead to the death of the indoor plant.

The main feature in watering is the need of the plant itself. Each type of houseplant has its own characteristics and water needs. So, for example, for bulbous plants excess moisture is like death. These plants are watered so that a stream of water flows down the walls of the flower pot and does not fall on the bulb itself. But, the best option Watering remains when the bulbous houseplant is watered from the tray, and not the top soil with the planted flower. As a result improper care, and watering home flowers is the very main part general care behind the plant, the plant slows down its growth, the process of rotting begins and such a flower dies.

What plants are called house plants

House plants include all indoor flowers, as well as mini trees, which also belong to the flower varieties.

The water requirement of flowers depends on specific features flower, from the species and family to which it belongs. So, for example, flowers with lush foliage require watering more often than those with a powerful root system.

The hotter the room, the higher the temperature, the more evaporation and the greater the need for water. Lack of moisture leads to death in the same way as its excess. Therefore, before watering your homemade greens, you need to study the specific water needs.

After watering, the soil needs to be given a rest. Excessive waterlogging contributes to the development of diseases. Rot and mold are the main dangers resulting from excessive moisture.

In addition, one should take into account the fact that very wet soil becomes compacted, which means its ability to transmit oxygen is lost, which is also the reason for the death of home plantings.

How to determine whether or not to water a plant

There are several ways to determine the need for watering

  • You need to stick your finger 2-3 centimeters deep into the soil and pull it out. If there is still moisture on the tip of your finger, then you can hold off on watering. If your finger is dry, it’s time to water
  • The second way to determine soil moisture is to use a special device, a soil moisture indicator. It is used when it is necessary to determine soil moisture in large containers.

Methods of watering indoor plants

There are two methods of watering flowers, the use of which depends on the characteristics of the plant itself:

  1. The first method of watering is watering from above;
  2. The second way to supply water is by watering from below.

The top method is a method in which water is supplied using a watering can or jug, when water is supplied on top of the ground.

Watering indoor plants from below means that water is supplied directly to the container tray and enters the soil by absorption by the root system through the provided hole at the bottom of the container.

Watering indoor plants in winter

In the winter season, the flowers are half asleep. The air temperature is lower than in summer, which means less water evaporates. Therefore, in the winter season there is no need to overuse watering.
On hot summer days, at high temperatures, the time comes for growth and flowering. All this taken together suggests that for good growth, healthy appearance more moisture is required, which means more water and frequent watering.

How to properly water indoor plants

There are several mandatory points that play important role in flower viability.

Watering indoor plants depends very much on the specific plant, so it is better to first study its characteristics. You can do this on our website using the search.

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