How to properly build a house from timber with your own. DIY timber house

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One of the most interesting, popular and widely used materials for the construction of private houses and cottages today is timber. The construction of a residential building from timber requires much more modest financial investments and time costs than building a house from more conventional materials. Moreover, in the case of timber, you can carry out all construction activities with your own hands.

Before starting any work, you need to draw up a plan for your future home. If you do not have design skills, entrust this work to some third-party organization or select suitable drawings from open sources.

Before you start designing, you need to install optimal sizes future building. When choosing the optimal dimensions, focus primarily on the available space, as well as your personal needs.

If you have small family and some free space, you can give preference to a small timber house measuring 3x4 m. Provided that it is properly arranged, even in such a small building there will be enough usable space. The lack of space can be compensated for by a terrace or attic space.

If there are no special problems with space, but you still don’t want to build a huge building, build a house measuring 5x4 m.

Standard sizes for summer and summer cottages timber houses are indicators at the level of 6x6 m, 6x8 m, etc. Such a house can already be made two-story without any fear.

For the rest, focus on the conditions of your specific situation. The larger your family, the larger the area the house should have. In most cases, everything is limited solely by the size of the plot and the available budget.

Buy timber whose cross-section best matches the dimensions of the future home. The thicker the timber, the less money you will have to spend on thermal insulation material and sound insulation.

Usually for construction load-bearing walls use timber 200x200 mm. For construction small house in a region with a mild climate, you can use material with a cross-section of 150x150 mm or even 100x100 mm.

During the process of assembling the walls, it is necessary to lay a sealant made of flax or jute between the rows. This seal allows you to get rid of all the cracks and additionally insulate the walls.

Before starting construction work, be sure to study the properties of the soil on your site. It is quite difficult to cope with such work on your own - it is better to immediately contact a specialist. Additionally, you need to find out the level of groundwater flow.

Select the length of the beam in accordance with the size of the house. The standard length of the elements is 600 cm. If the walls of your future home will be longer, try to find a company that can produce timber to your dimensions. This will require additional financial investments, however solid timber is superior to prefabricated elements in all respects.

The beam needs mandatory finishing water-repellent composition. Without such impregnation, the material will very soon begin to become moldy and rot, and as a result will be completely destroyed.

If insulation is necessary finished house Thermal insulation materials are best placed from the inside. Mineral wool heat insulators are excellent for insulation, with the obligatory laying of waterproofing material between the thermal insulation and the walls.

If possible, it is better not to do the external cladding of a timber house - such finishing will hide all the aesthetic beauty of the building material.

Pre-calculate the required amount of materials to avoid problems with selling excess timber or purchasing additional missing elements in the future.

First step. Determine the height of the house and calculate the perimeter of the walls of the building. Choose the height of the ceilings taking into account the thickness of the ceilings and floors. Calculate the area of ​​internal and external walls taking into account the thickness of the beam section.

Second step. Calculate the total number of beams. To do this, you need to divide the height of the house wall by the height of one element. This way you will know how many beams will be needed to build each wall. Calculate the length based on the length of the walls. Sum up the number of beams needed to build all the walls of the house.

Third step. Add to the calculated value a 5-15% margin for defects or unexpected damage during the construction process.

Initially, the walls of your house will have a height slightly higher than the design value. This increase will occur due to the use of an insulating gasket between the crowns. Over time, the wood will shrink, and the height of the walls will be restored to the design height.

Guide to building a house

Purchase the required amount of finished timber and begin construction. Start by preparing the site and laying out the foundation.


First step. Remove debris and all obstructive objects from the construction site. Mark the area using pegs driven into the ground and a rope stretched between them.

Second step. Dig a trench for the foundation. Log houses are traditionally built on strip foundations with a depth of up to 80-100 cm. Select the specific depth taking into account the conditions of your particular situation.

Third step. Fill the bottom of the trench with a layer of sand and gravel. Compact the backfill thoroughly. For better compaction, spill the backfill with water.

Fourth step. Attach the formwork to the walls of the trench.

Fifth step. Place reinforcing mesh on top of the backfill.

Sixth step. Fill the trench with concrete. Leave the foundation until it has fully gained strength (3-5 weeks).

In warm weather, the foundation will need to be watered for the first few days after pouring to prevent it from cracking. It is better to leave the formwork until the foundation has completely hardened. If necessary, it can be dismantled earlier, but not less than 10 days after the last moistening of the base.

First crown

First step. Coat the frozen foundation with molten bitumen and lay a layer of roofing felt on it for waterproofing.

Second step. Proceed with laying the first crown. Pre-soak everything wooden elements antiseptic. Traditionally, the first row of timber is laid using the “half-tree” method. To make such a connection, you need to saw off the lower part of one beam, and the upper part of the other.

Third step. Lay out the bottom crown. Adjust the bars as carefully as possible.

At the same stage, prepare wooden dowels. Using these elements you will connect the rows of timber. It is advisable to make dowels from the same type of wood that was used for the manufacture of the main building elements. Make holes for the dowels in advance. Optimal step between fasteners – 1.2-1.5 m.

Form the first row of walls and proceed to further work.


Continue laying the walls in even horizontal rows. Carry out the insertion directly into the lower crown using the “ dovetail" Place floor beams in increments of no more than 40 cm, otherwise the floor will sag.

The walls are laid out according to an extremely simple principle: you lay the beams, connect them together in the corners using the “root tenon” method, connect the top row to the underlying row using dowels. Drive the dowels about a third of the depth of the beam of the bottom row, i.e. With the help of one dowel you can connect 2-3 rows at once. Be sure to lay insulation between the rows. You can use jute or moss.

Check each row with a building level. Use a sledgehammer to level the rows.

Lay out the walls of the house at the required height using the same pattern. All rows laid above the lower crown are arranged according to the same principle.

There is no need to secure the top two crowns. You will remove them before you begin installing the roof and installing the ceiling beams.

Start arranging the roof. If you are planning to do residential attic space, for ceiling beams, use a beam measuring 15x20 cm. Fix the beams themselves in increments of about 1-1.1 m.

Start building the frame roofing structure. The frame includes the following elements:

Install the Mauerlat, rafters and other listed elements. Attach sheathing boards to the rafters. For lathing, use boards about 150 mm wide and 15-20 mm thick. Continuous sheathing is characterized by the greatest reliability. For the rest, focus on the features of your situation, taking into account the angle of inclination of the slope, type and weight finishing coating etc.

Finally, all that remains is to lay the final roofing covering with the preliminary installation of steam, heat and moisture insulation layers.

After this, you can, if necessary, insulate the house and perform finishing work. Laying communications, installing doors and window designs, lighting, furniture and other aspects - all this is at your discretion.

In the case of timber chamber drying, finishing can begin almost immediately after completion construction work. When using another material, you will have to wait until the wood shrinks. This requires at least 6 months.

Log house built in accordance with all building codes and recommendations, will serve you well for many decades. Follow the instructions, and very soon you will be able to enjoy comfortable living in a reliable home built with your own hands.

Good luck!

Video - DIY timber house

Many land owners, when choosing a suitable building material for the construction of a residential building, come to the conclusion that it is more profitable to build a house from timber with their own hands. A residential building made of wood is considered the most environmentally friendly, and today this material is increasingly used for the construction of residential buildings. Ready-made offers construction companies not available to everyone due to their high cost. However, having studied the features of the construction of such buildings, you can gradually begin to build a house from timber on your own.

List of advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of a house made of timber:

  1. Environmental friendliness. Timber as a material for building a house is the most environmentally friendly of all existing ones.
  2. Comfortable temperature and humidity in the rooms.
  3. Good sound insulation.
  4. Saving money due to the fact that there is no need to build a deep foundation, and all construction work can be done independently.
  5. Possibility to quickly build a residential building.
  6. Attractive appearance.

List of disadvantages of timber buildings:

  1. Risk of cracking of the building material.
  2. When using undried wood, the shrinkage process of the house takes a longer period.
  3. Wood can serve as a medium for fungal growths.
  4. This building material is susceptible to rotting.
  5. Laminated timber is not breathable.
  6. Wood is a flammable building material.

How to calculate the size of a residential building

Before you undertake to build a house from timber, you need to start drawing up general plan and drawings of the future structure. You can design a visual layout yourself or order this service from representatives special organizations. You can also choose finished drawing from any open source.

The first stage of design, before building a house from timber, is determining the dimensions of the future building. The dimensions of the building should be calculated based on the available space and the needs of the residents. If the free area for construction is small, but it is necessary to install quality house made of timber for housing several people, you can consider the option of a small-sized residential building. If you carefully think through and organize usable space, even in small house everyone will be comfortable.

When we build a residential building from timber, additional space can be created by arranging a terrace or attic space.

The average size of a residential building made from this building material is 5x4 m, of course, if the territory allows. The size 6x8 m is considered universal for residential buildings for country purposes. These dimensions make it possible to build a second floor.

Despite the fact that most often the area of ​​a house is calculated in accordance with the number of residents and the size of the plot, you usually have to focus on the available budget.

How to prepare a project yourself

Before you make drawings of a construction project and use them to correctly build a residential building, you need to determine the following characteristics of the site:

  • relief;
  • soil type;
  • groundwater level.

Only after determining these parameters can you begin to draw up a diagram.

The fact is that all these factors have a direct impact on the characteristics of the future structure, in particular, the type of foundation being built depends on them.

If you do not plan to build basement, good option will be the construction of a columnar type foundation - it is suitable even for heaving soil. Since every house project involves the construction of a building certain size, the amount of building materials used must be calculated in advance. To visualize the future construction on the site, decide on the area local area and the placement of the house relative to its boundaries, the house plan should be correlated with the cadastral plan of the site.

Errors when creating a project

If you are using step by step guide and designing a house yourself, without experience, you should avoid the following mistakes:

  1. Lack of rationality when drawing up internal layout.
  2. Poor and inconvenient location of windows and door openings.
  3. Inaccurately calculated characteristics of the operational and technical plan.

Calculation of required materials

The estimate must be drawn up in advance. This will allow you to buy as much building material as is required to build a house, and not buy it again additionally. Or vice versa - after assembling a house from timber, sometimes you have to sell excess material. To avoid such difficulties, the volume of required raw materials should be calculated in advance. The first step is to calculate the building materials needed to build a house from timber, namely, to erect walls.

The height of the ceilings is taken into account along with the thickness of the ceilings and flooring. When counting walls from the inside and external sides the thickness of the timber section is taken into account. Next, calculate the total amount of timber. For this, the height of the wall wooden house must be divided by the height of one unit of building material. The result will indicate the number of rows of beams required to construct each wall. When calculating the total length of the beam, take into account the length of the walls. The resulting number of timber boards is summed up.

Construction technology of wooden houses

The construction of a timber house can be carried out by stage-by-stage assembly ready-made kit, purchased at manufacturing plant. These kits are accompanied by step-by-step plan carrying out installation work. Each beam is fixed in a specific place using ties - galvanized metal pins.

It is important to know how to properly build a house from timber and in what sequence to perform operations. Phased construction residential structure is as follows:

  1. Laying the foundation.
  2. Rechecking geometric calculations.
  3. Laying waterproofing.
  4. Installation of the lower level - laying the first row.
  5. Cross-shaped fastening of wood at a longitudinal intersection.
  6. Assembling the remaining timber boards with insulating material laid between them.
  7. Installation of floors between floors.
  8. Installation of ceilings in the form of beams.
  9. Installation rafter system, taking into account the 2% shrinkage of laminated veneer lumber.
  10. Laying roofing material.
  11. Insulation of floors.
  12. Insulation of walls.
  13. Installation of partitions.
  14. Carrying out engineering communications.
  15. Wooden flooring on the terrace.
  16. Window installation.
  17. Door installation.

All about foundation types

The foundation for a private house can be one of the existing varieties:

  • columnar design;
  • tape type;
  • plate manufacturing technology.

A columnar foundation for building houses is considered the least difficult to install; it can be built quickly. The disadvantage of this design is the separate placement of the pillars. During construction pile foundation, unlike the columnar one, the piles are connected using a reinforced concrete slab. The strip-type foundation is represented by several subtypes of structures, each of which has different functionality. A foundation that has the same cross section, designed for the construction of large residential buildings. If the log house is small and light, such that one can build it alone, you can use a shallow foundation - more affordable in cost, but no less reliable. As slab foundation lay a reinforced concrete slab. This foundation for building a house made of timber can be made from a large amount of concrete and reinforcement.

Wall construction stage

In order to assemble the walls, you need to prepare all the building materials at the construction site. At the corners, lumber boards can be connected either with or without a protrusion.

Connecting the first crown and attaching the board to the foundation. To connect the initial crown of a private house, the timber is cut down lengthwise and crosswise using circular saw. Place the first crown on board linings. To distribute the load on the foundation more evenly, floor beams should be placed on wood pads. Backing boards and construction timber It is recommended to treat with an antiseptic.

How to lay the second and subsequent crowns. The corner connection of timber boards is carried out with root tenons. If the beam is shorter than the length of the wall, it must be spliced. The second crown is laid on the first one, observing the corner joints and, if necessary, splicing the length of the boards.

How to connect lumber boards and use dowels. Before you begin to connect the crowns on the blocks of a house under construction from a simple beam, you need to make markings for installing dowels. Square dowels are considered the most reliable type of connection that does not interfere with shrinkage.

How can you lengthen a beam? You can lengthen the beam in the following ways:

  • docking;
  • use of root thorns;
  • half a tree;
  • dovetail technique.

How to caulk a timber house during shrinkage. While the shrinkage process is taking place, the following materials can be used for caulking a residential building:

  • jute fabric;
  • tow;
  • flax wool

How to lay the floor correctly

Insulation material, which also serves as sound insulation, is laid between two layers of the floor structure. The subfloor is created using edged boards.

How to insulate walls and floors

Materials for insulating walls and floors can be:

  • sawdust;
  • mineral wool;
  • penofol;
  • Styrofoam.

If timber with a section of 150x150 mm is used in the construction of a house, additional insulation flooring may not be produced.

Carrying out roofing work

The roof frame must consist of the following elements:

  • a pediment made of timber boards, which serves as the end part of the structure;
  • rafters - the main part of the roof structure;
  • Mauerlat timber support;
  • strut;
  • rack.

What is interior decoration and how to build a staircase correctly

The list of installation works for interior decoration includes installation of floors and finishing of walls. To build an interfloor wooden staircase from scratch yourself, you will need to carry out the following installation work:

  1. Mounting stringers.
  2. Cutting openings to accommodate steps.
  3. Installing the bowstring.
  4. Fastening risers.
  5. Installation of steps.
  6. Installation of railings.

Despite the presence of shortcomings, many prefer to build a residential building from timber. However, even professional builders Before building a house, they draw up a visual plan of its structure, and when implementing this plan, you must follow the step-by-step instructions for carrying out installation work. You can find it in specialized construction manuals.

If you carefully approach the study of theory, you will learn how to build a durable house from timber with your own hands.

The main advantages of this construction equipment are considered to be relatively low cost, the ability to independently carry out all stages of construction, and also the fact that construction can be completed in a short time.

You can master the art of building a wooden house yourself. The material chosen is, as a rule, timber: glued or profiled. It differs in the manufacturing method, but the construction technology is almost the same for each of them. Wood allows you to save on hiring workers, since 3 people can build a house from timber with their own hands. You don’t need heavy equipment for this; you just need to prepare a concrete mixer, a concrete pump, a winch, a chainsaw and small tools.

What will the house be like?

Timber is used in low-rise private construction for the construction of houses no higher than 3 floors. The operational properties of the material, the favorable internal microclimate, and the beautiful design contribute to the choice of this particular material for building a house. Timber is different from log rectangular shape, and this is its advantage, since it allows you to immediately obtain a flat surface. Its benefits are obvious: it is easy to make interior and exterior cladding, and you can hang any interior details on the walls. Also, the use of timber eliminates cold bridges due to the precise fit of the wooden elements.

Wood allows you to create an exclusive design project for any structure: a small dacha, one-story house, luxury cottage. It may include balconies with beautiful railings, cozy terraces, verandas. A multi-pitched roof decorates a building more than other types of roofing, especially if it has a large total area. The house project must be ordered from a professional organization. This will guarantee that the soil properties are taken into account, correct calculation materials, compliance with construction technology.

It all starts with the foundation

A house made of timber has sufficient weight, so it requires a strong, reliable foundation. If you plan to make a basement or cellar under the house, choose strip foundation. If the soil is wet, muddy, loose - the right decision will be the application screw piles. A small house can be built on a solid slab foundation. In this case concrete base serves simultaneously as the subfloor of the first floor.

A pile-grillage foundation is constructed in the same way as a strip foundation, but with concrete piles installed in trenches. Used on loose soils with high level freezing. The strip foundation is the most popular: it can withstand heavy loads, can be erected without the use of machinery, and the work technology is easy to implement. This type of foundation is suitable for all private houses, so its design is discussed further.

First, markings are made exactly along the perimeter of the future house. Indicate the location of carriers interior walls. According to the markings, trenches are dug, the width of which is 10 cm greater than the width of the walls. For the basement, you need to dig a pit of the appropriate size, for the cellar, a hole. The depth of the trenches should be greater than the freezing level of the soil, but not less than 60 cm. A sand cushion of sand (10 cm) and gravel (10 cm) is poured into the bottom of the trenches, and the layers are leveled. The sand should be moistened and compacted to ensure sufficient density. The pillow is flooded thin layer concrete (5 cm).

Formwork, reinforcement, concreting

For removable formwork, take a 25 mm board and knock it down in the form of panels. They must rise above the level of the trench by at least 40 cm (the external height of the foundation of the house, which is indicated in the project). Shifting of the formwork is prevented by installing spacers between the inner walls and support boards from the outside.

Reinforcement is carried out with 10 mm rods in 2 layers. The frame is laid first along, then across; the intersection points are secured with tying wire. It is important that the rods do not touch the formwork. The gap should be 5 cm. Concrete mortar can be made in two ways:

  • ratio of M400 cement and sand 1:3;
  • the ratio of M400 cement, sand and special additives is 1:4:4.

Concrete at a construction site can be mixed in a concrete mixer and poured into trenches using a special concrete pump. It is important to prevent the formation of air bubbles in the foundation before it hardens, so you need to use a cement vibrator. The uncured surface is moistened with water to prevent the foundation from hardening too quickly. At this stage, the construction of a house made of timber with your own hands is suspended for 20-30 days. This time is required for the foundation to completely harden and be able to bear the main load.

The consumption of materials and the cost of the building depend on the method of assembling a house from timber. You can reduce them if you select frame method construction, however, this article discusses the classic masonry of a house made of timber. The types of wood most suitable for self-construction are easy to process and at the same time inexpensive: larch, pine, spruce.

The first crown is laid on a double layer roll insulation, laid on the foundation. It is placed alternately with bitumen, heated to a liquid state. Thus, the following layers are obtained:

  • bitumen,
  • roofing felt,
  • bitumen,
  • roofing felt

The width of the insulation exceeds the width of the foundation by 30 cm. Next, work with the timber begins. It is important that each part is pre-treated with an antiseptic. It will protect the tree from rotting and damage by insect pests. Fire retardant compounds are also used to protect wood from burning. Impregnating each log separately is more effective than impregnating the entire building, since in the second case there will be untreated areas at the junction of the beams.

The very first board, the backing board, is rigidly attached to the foundation through a layer of waterproofing. A low tide is fixed to it, which will protect the frame from precipitation by draining water. There are 2 ways to lay the first crown:

  • on the backing board,
  • on the cross rails.

The second option provides additional clearance, and therefore ventilation. Slats 10 mm thick are attached across the foundation to the backing board in increments of 30 cm. The length of the slats is equal to the width of the board. It is important here to constantly check the horizontal placement of elements. It is better to use a laser level, or an oil-drop level. The quality of the entire structure depends on the competent, unhurried assembly of the first crown. A 150x150 mm beam is used for it.

Features of connecting beams

Profiled and laminated timber have a 4-corner profile, and for the construction of houses they use section sizes of 140x140 mm and 90x140 mm. The front side can be convex or flat (for profiled timber; for laminated timber it is always flat). On the top and bottom side timber, a tongue-and-groove connection is made in the factory. It allows you to connect the elements together as tightly and rigidly as possible. Each new row is laid on a layer of jute inter-crown insulation. The crowns are connected to each other by vertically hammering the dowel in increments of 1 m, to a depth of 30 cm.

More information about insulation

Jute insulation eliminates the formation of cold bridges in winter. This prevents facade condensation, mold growth in the wood structure, and significantly increases the service life of the building. Intercrown insulation It is better to buy it in the form of a tape of suitable width. Secure it with a construction stapler.

It should be noted that the use of tow or flax does not prevent the appearance of microscopic gaps in the log house, since it is impossible to ensure uniformity of the layer. Tape insulation does not have these disadvantages; it has the same thickness and high-quality non-woven fabric, connected by a needle-punched method.

How to lengthen a beam?

The length of the walls of the house often exceeds the length of the timber, and in this case it is necessary to properly connect the joints. The assembly is carried out in a dressing, that is, the vertical seam of each next row is shifted relative to the previous one. To securely connect the joints, cut half a tree along the beam. After connection, rigidity is ensured by driving in the dowels. The reliability of the connection can be increased if the joint is located on the partition.

Window and door openings are arranged by laying shorter timber. In these places, only solid material is used. 2 dowels are hammered into the crowns near the openings. The second method involves cutting out openings in the finished log house. In this case, the dowels should be located outside the opening, but close to its edge. Sawing begins with markings using a plumb line and level. The work is done with a chainsaw.

Roofing a house made of timber

The beautiful roof consists of several slopes, and the presence of an attic with several windows makes it original. If you don’t have the skills, you can arrange it yourself gable roof is a practical, efficient, aesthetic type of roofing. For the Mauerlat, choose a 150x150 mm beam and attach it to the crown of the wall using staples, dowels, and anchor bolts.

The rafters rest on the mauerlat. It should be noted that in this place it is customary to make a triangular cut for a stronger engagement of both elements. In wooden houses that experience significant shrinkage, a notch is not made, since displacement can deform the structure. The best way attach the rafters and provide the ability to move - use steel mount"sled". It consists of 2 elements that allow the rafters to change their angle due to shrinkage of the house.

The rafter system consists of durable timber and is a frame. It defines the shape of the roof and consists of duplicate elements. The angle of inclination, pitch, length, thickness of the rafters are indicated in the project. As a rule, they take timber with a width of 150-180 mm and a thickness of 50 mm. The system elements are connected to each other by tongue-and-groove fastenings and steel plates. Raising the rafters to a given angle is carried out using special elements - rafter legs, which are higher, the more the beams rise up.

The installed rafter system is covered with a vapor barrier layer, and a counter-lattice and sheathing are mounted on top. The first is assembled from slats 2 cm thick, stuffing them onto insulating material along the rafters. The sheathing is nailed across the rafters; the pitch of the beams depends on the choice roofing material. If tiles are laid, a continuous sheathing is required; for corrugated sheets and slates, it is nailed in increments of 30 cm.

If an attic is planned, the roof is insulated from the inside with mineral wool slabs laid between the rafters. The cladding material used is lining or plasterboard. Wooden house shrinks within 1-2 years. During this period, you can live in it, but the walls cannot be finished with facing materials.

With my own hands. This question is relevant, because wooden buildings are very warm, in addition, they are completely environmentally friendly and look very unusual.

How to choose quality material

Compliance with all construction technologies does not at all guarantee that the house will be strong and durable. As one of the most important requirements for getting reliable construction The use of quality material is advocated. Most often, coniferous wood is used to build a wooden house. This is due to the fact that such material meets sanitary and hygienic standards. In addition, it is more resistant to rotting processes than others; cracks do not appear on it (provided correct operation), and it is easy to process, as well as to mount, which is explained by its low weight.

Before you build a house from timber with your own hands, you need to select a material that has undergone a high-quality drying process. This will make the shrinkage less significant. After all, it not only makes the original height of the building smaller, but is also accompanied by the formation of grooves between the logs, which then have to be filled.

In addition, to build a house, you can choose solid or profiled timber (the latter, by the way, only requires assembly on the site of the work). After completing the process, you will receive a building that is resistant to deformation. External weather influences are not dangerous for profiled timber, since the logs fit as tightly as possible. After shrinkage, the walls of the house will not have to be caulked, which makes operation more pleasant.

Characteristics of solid timber

Before we begin directly discussing the question “how to build a house from timber with your own hands” (photos of finished buildings, by the way, you can see in the article), let’s say a few words about such an option as solid timber. It looks, of course, not as attractive as a profiled one, but it also has a lot of advantages. Among the main ones we can highlight the affordable cost. But before purchasing, you need to pay attention to the quality of the material, since it has natural moisture and can be affected by fungus. In order for the building to retain heat, it will have to be insulated during the construction stage; moreover, the process should be repeated after shrinkage.

Construction of the foundation

Before you build a house from timber with your own hands, you need to build a foundation. An excellent base would be a ribbon structure. Initially, marking is made. The territory is cleared and removed from it upper layer soil, the thickness of which is approximately 7-10 cm. Next, you can dig a trench 1.5 m wide, while its depth should be 2.5 m. Now you can install the formwork. It should contain reinforcement made of steel rods Ø1.5 cm, their length is limited to 2-2.5 m.

If a private developer is faced with the question of how to build a house from timber with his own hands, then he should know that the foundation must be of the highest quality. It cannot be made as such unless a bedding is placed at the bottom of the trench, which should consist of hydrogenous material and have a thickness of 30-50 cm. The next stage is pouring concrete. It is preferable to order the solution from the factory or rent a concrete mixer. A prerequisite for the formation of the foundation is the filling of the next layer before the previous one is covered with a crust. The base is left in the poured state for up to five days. It is recommended to cover the foundation with waterproofing before building the walls; for this, rolled roofing felt, which is laid on bitumen mastic, is suitable.


You should know what work needs to be done at the stage of wall construction even before you build a house from timber with your own hands. Photos of such buildings are presented in the article, so you have visual material. To do this, you can purchase timber with a section of 200x200 or 150x150 mm. First you have to choose one of the cutting methods. For example, walls can be assembled into a paw. To cut using this technology, you have to place a couple of logs opposite each other on the foundation. After that, another pair is folded perpendicularly, so as to form a square. On next stage A “nest” should be formed in each log for fastening. It should be shaped like a trapezoid. It is necessary to install the next log in the resulting recess, and make the same “nest” in it. It is necessary to carry out such work until the walls reach the design height.

Alternative cutting options

If you are still thinking about how to build a house from timber with your own hands, you can learn more about this in this article.

So, another cutting option is called “dovetail”. It is similar to the previous one. But the "nest" in in this case it should not have a perpendicular appearance, it must be done at an angle, which will allow each subsequent log to be laid in the recess of the previous one. In order to cut “into the bowl”, you have to use a tool called a “dash”. It resembles a compass and is used to make correct markings. A “bowl” is made in each log from below. At the next stage, it is necessary to place the next log so that the “bowl” on top of the installed beam follows the contours of the lower one. This cutting technology allows for excellent stability. designs

Before you build a house made of timber with your own hands with a basement, you need to lay the foundation. Suitable for this, for example, strip base. After the foundation has been erected, you can proceed to the construction of the walls; they can be assembled using the “half-tree” cutting method. This technology requires making small holes for the keys. It is recommended to place them in places that are located near the junction of the corners. When choosing the length of the veneer, you must take into account that it should be enough for more than one crown. You can use a more popular version of this technology, which requires folding and installing dowels into the joints of logs. This will improve the reliability of the corners.

Features of wall assembly

What else is needed to practically resolve the question: “How to build a house from timber with your own hands?” Projects! You can take as a basis those presented in the article. It will be easiest to assemble walls from profiled timber. The crowns can be fastened together using dowels. They will prevent the log from twisting. You can make such a fastening element using wood or steel. The latter option will last much longer, as it is more durable. They are installed through two crowns, and then through one. Why is a hole made in the log, the diameter of which is 3 cm. The step between the dowels should be at least 1.5 m.

A compactor should be laid between the rows. At points where external walls meet, it is recommended to use the so-called “warm corner” lock. To form it, a tenon is made in one log and a groove in the other. Both elements must exactly match each other in terms of parameters. This allows for a rigid structure.

Installation of partitions

Partitions should be embedded into the structure main walls. In order to line them up, you need to use a beam whose cross-section is 100x150 mm. The formation of partitions should be done only after the construction of the log house. If you have chosen a house project consisting of two floors, then the first floor must have at least one partition. She will act as a support.

Working on the floor

Before you build a house from timber with your own hands, you need to step by step understand the processes to be performed. For example, it is recommended to assemble the floor using thermal insulators. The floor structure should be double, this will guarantee the preservation of heat in the rooms even in cold weather. Initially, the rough ceiling is installed. For this it is recommended to use edged board. Usually the material is hemmed from the bottom. But it is worth considering that this technology does not guarantee receiving reliable design, and the boards may come off. In order to eliminate this phenomenon, it is necessary to connect the boards together. At the next stage, the cranial beam comes into play, which is fixed to the lags. Insulation is laid between two layers of flooring.

Construction of ceiling and roof

If you are thinking about how to build a house from timber with your own hands, the ceiling, or rather, the method of arranging it, should be thought out to the smallest detail. It is also important what material will be used as roofing. This could be roofing felt or metal tiles. But initially it is necessary to install ceiling beams and rafters, which is done after the walls are erected. The logs should extend somewhat beyond the wall, about 50 cm. It is recommended to use timber with a cross-section of 150x100 mm as the material for them. Its installation is carried out on the edge in increments of 100 cm.

Then you can proceed to installing the boards that will form the basis of the rafter system. The fastening must be rigid. Now you can lay the gables, which are formed from 150x150 mm timber. Do not forget about waterproofing, which must be installed before the ceiling screed is installed. For a log house, it is best to use poured or rolled waterproofing.

Formation of openings

If you are thinking about how to build a house from timber with your own hands, the instructions will not hurt you. You can find it in this article. It is also important to know how the joint is produced. It is recommended to make openings after complete completion of construction, then the work will be simplified compared to marking and cutting openings during the laying of walls. We should not forget about the pigtail: this is due to the fact that this process will allow the structure to be left intact. Among other things, this manipulation has another advantage, which is to prevent the lateral rims from moving during shrinkage.

Completion of the construction process

So, you already know almost everything about how to build a house from timber with your own hands. We've covered where to start, now we'll discuss how to finish. One of the advantages of a wooden house is that its walls do not require finishing. This applies to both the internal and external surfaces. Moreover, in the first year after completion of construction this cannot be done at all, as the house will shrink. The only thing to do with the log is to cover it protective equipment, which will not allow the wood to rot and burn. Of course, it will not be possible to make walls completely fireproof, but if treated with appropriate compounds, the wood will not ignite so quickly when directly exposed to flame.

Tools and materials

Finally, let's pay attention to one more thing important point, without which there is no way to solve the question of how to build a house from timber with your own hands. Tools (and you need a lot of them) will be needed by any craftsman - both beginner and professional. So, you need to prepare the following minimum set:

  • electric or chainsaw;
  • hacksaws with large and small teeth;
  • drills of different diameters;
  • hammers;
  • level;
  • nail puller;
  • several tape measures;
  • jointer for processing, etc.

After completion of the work, you can immediately move into the house, which is highly appreciated by consumers. And if you choose unique project, then your home will look very interesting.

– planed timber (inexpensive, easy to use, has standard parameters; but, at the same time, it always requires careful drying, does not have a perfectly flat surface and geometrically accurate same sizes);

– profiled timber (has its own tongue-and-groove fastening system or wavy “comb”; but for perfect styling It is better to buy this type of timber with a reserve - this will make it more likely that fastenings from different batches will fit together);

– laminated veneer lumber (ideal for building a house without construction experience; due to its low shrinkage, working with it allows you to simultaneously perform other construction tasks; but when purchasing this raw material, you need to monitor its quality, density and uniformity of the lamellas).

General tips for building a house from timber yourself.

1. The “gold standard” for timber is a section of 100x150 or 150x150 mm.

2. Tree annual rings should be located evenly along the entire length of the beam, preferably in its center.

3. Conifers trees are the undisputed leaders among suppliers of raw materials for future beams.

4. All bars used must be the same in length, width, bends, thickness, and so on.

First, we make drawings of the future house, take measurements on the ground and make the corresponding calculations. You can sketch out a project for a house made of timber yourself or contact specialists. After creating the project, we determine the amount of material required, purchase it and can begin direct work above the house.

Before choosing what type of foundation you will lay under the foundation of your house, you will need to answer questions such as:

– what structural features can affect the foundation?

– what type of soil predominates on your site and how far from the surface is groundwater?

It will also be necessary to take into account a number of desirable recommendations for arranging the foundation:

– if piles are involved in the work process, then it is also recommended to use a grillage so that there are no gaps between the ground and the house;

– the lower crown should be located above the ground at a distance of at least 50 cm;

– if reinforcement is used for the construction of the foundation, then its knitting in places of strong bends is permissible only with the help of metal fasteners manually, but it is better not to use welding in this case - this can destroy the very structure of the material.

More popular foundation options for a house made of timber are strip, shallow and pile. Belt is good for buildings with cellars and basements, shallow - for sandy soil, pile - for loose and all other types of soil.

The first crown is usually laid on additional boards to avoid possible moisture getting on the timber. These boards are impregnated with antiseptics and act as a kind of connecting link between the foundation and lower crown. You can also lay waterproofing underneath them - this will provide adequate protection from moisture from the surface of the earth.

Also, the first crown can be placed on the cross slats, immediately leaving small gaps between them for proper ventilation of the base. Because of this, this option is considered more rational.

An important point is that when laying the crowns, you should constantly monitor the correct height of the structure, and using a building level, monitor the evenness of the laying of the timber and the entire surface as a whole.

The crowns are fastened together with special dowels, grooves or ridges, and corner connections made in half a beam/in a bowl/paw/warm corner (optional). In addition, construction logs are cut into the first or second crown for laying the future floor. A sealant (for example, jute) must be laid between all crowns.

At the same time, while laying the crowns, all seams and joints must be sealed, and the walls must be impregnated with fire-retardant solutions.

To create openings, you can try the following option - in the places of the planned doors and windows, the beams can be laid out shorter at the distance from each other that your window or future door will fit into. When using this technology, dowels must be mounted on both sides of the opening.

If this method seems too labor-intensive to you, then another option would be to cut out suitable holes in the solid wall structure made of timber, but in this case you will be left with excess building material, which could initially be used to greater advantage. Although, on the other hand, the use of this method will make it possible to more accurately calculate the parameters of windows and doors, since cutting can be done at the stage of the timber completely drying and acquiring its final appearance after shrinkage.

Floors in houses made of timber are usually made in the same way as in any wooden building- in the form of flooring on logs or special beams that serve as floors. We lay rough and finished floors with additional thermal insulation and insulation. Flooring remains at the discretion and imagination of the owner, and the ceiling is done at the finish line, in the venue complex finishing works– it can be covered with siding, clapboard, and so on, or you can leave hanging beams and additional ceilings as decoration.

We are working on the roof.

If you don’t overthink it, then you probably won’t find a better option than an ordinary gable roof. This type of roof requires rigid fastening of the rafters and the installation of additional frame gables. The roof itself can also be made of wood - it is assembled from bars on the ground, then lifted up and secured in the form of a single beam. A sheathing is mounted on top of such a rafter system, onto which the direct material for constructing the roof is attached - tiles, slate, ondulin, metal tiles.

During the final drying of the timber from which the house is built, the formation of cracks in the structure is almost inevitable, through which valuable heat will be lost. In this regard, it is better to caulk all seams, joints and intended weak spots using jute.

Painting the walls of a house made of timber will also be useful - in addition to external beauty, varnishes and paints will protect the wood from UV rays and precipitation. Before painting, of course, it would be a good idea to sand the entire surface of the walls.

But as for such popular finishing options as the use of siding, sandwich panels and the like, then it is undoubtedly worth thinking about - timber houses for the most part they are good on their own (see photo) and do not require additional decoration. The maximum that is allowed here is the use of varnishes and paints. However, this aspect of the issue always remains at the discretion of the owner of such a structure.

The minimum set of tools that should be at your fingertips:

– ax and hammer;

– nails, self-tapping screws, screws, dowels;

– jute or other thermal insulation material;

- electric screwdriver;

– hammer drill;

– building level and tape measure;

– electric drill and electric saw.

To see what else will be useful to learn about building a house from timber, watch the video.


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