How to calculate the dimensions of a door frame. What should be the opening for installing an interior door?

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It is not limited to just a beautiful spring view. In order not to overpay about half the cost for a non-standard product, they equip doorway standard sizes.

If you initially equip the wall with a standard size doorway, in the future there will be no problems with choosing a new block. It is important to note that domestic and foreign standards differ. The difference is small, but it is better to decide on the model in advance so as not to reduce or expand the entrance to the room.

The size of the opening is always larger than the dimensions of the sash. The calculations take into account the thickness of the box, which according to the standard varies from 15 to 40 mm. For each room, a typical door block size is used:

  • For combined bathroom, as well as separate baths And toilet arrange an entrance 1.9–2 m high, 550 or 600 mm wide. The depth ranges from 50 to 70 mm.
  • For kitchens the optimal dimension of the canvas is 2 * 0.7 m. The passage is made 70 mm deep.
  • IN bedroom a block of 2*0.8 m is suitable. The depth is set in the range of 70–200 mm.
  • IN hall often installed double-leaf structures with an increased width of up to 1.2 m. Two doors with a width of 600 mm are installed. It is possible to have one fixed half - 400 mm and a working main blade - 800 mm.

When arranging a passage in an interior partition, it is necessary to take into account that its size and even depth will change after leveling the walls with plaster or drywall.


The most popular widths of a single-leaf door are 60, 70, 80 cm. Less popular are widths of 40, 55, 90 cm. However, such dimensions also correspond to the standard and are sometimes in demand.

For sliding systems according to the domestic standard there are minimum as well as maximum restrictions. The width of the canvas varies from 60 to 120 cm.

For each standard door The width of the opening is calculated taking into account the thickness of the box. Additionally, the gaps necessary for the free opening of the sash are taken into account, as well as correct installation door frame. For example, if a canvas of 80 cm is selected, then the width of the passage will be 88.6 cm.


The common domestic standard for door height is 2 m. Doors with a height of 1.9 m and 1.8 m are less commonly made, they are less in demand.

The height of the doorway is calculated in the same way, taking into account the gaps. However, they also provide for the presence of a threshold. For example, for a two-meter sash with a frame thickness of 3 cm, the opening height should be 278 cm. If there is no threshold, one thickness is removed - 3 cm. The indicator is reduced to 248 cm.

The standard height is 2 m. Sometimes the manufacturer increases the parameter to 2.5 m. When calculating the height of the opening for, they similarly provide for a technological gap between the ends of the leaf, as well as the upper and lower edges of the doorway. Additionally, the thickness of the elements is taken into account sliding system, acting as a frame.

Sliding door opening dimensions


Most everyone standard boxes Available in a thickness of 7.5 cm. The value is determined by the parameters interior partitions. If the door frame is installed in a thick wall, additionally used. It is more difficult to solve the problem with a thin partition. To prevent the box from protruding from the wall, you will have to cut the frame or remove part of it with a plane.

Passage thickness measurements are carried out at least three points. If the wall goes obliquely and is thicker than the box, additionally use. The plank is sawed with a wedge. The platbands on all sides should be pressed tightly against the wall, regardless of flaws.

Non-standard dimensions

For foreign-made doors, the domestic standard for the height and width of the doorway does not match. More often, blocks are 2 m high, plus or minus from 10 to 15 cm. Width is from 60 to 90 cm.

French standards differ from domestic ones by reducing the size of the door by 1 cm. If we compare two doors with a width of 90 cm, then the parameter for the imported door leaf is 89 cm.

A non-standard opening size is often typical for private houses built according to an independently developed project. Modern designers they like to use doorways up to the ceiling. They increase space and make it possible to create unique design premises. Such options are less common inside new buildings with a modern layout.

Under non-standard sizes opening interior door have to order individually door block. There are companies that provide a similar service, but the cost of the product will be increased by 30 percent.

Interior doors do not have standard width and height. Dimensions depend on the installation location of the unit. Typically, high and wide doorways are installed for the living room or kitchen. For a bedroom or bathroom, the entrance is made smaller - from 55 to 60 cm.

Arched doorways

Arch sizes interior openings depends on architectural features building. The width of the arch can be selected individually, and the height is limited by the ceiling. If the distance from the floor to the floor slabs is 2.5 m, then the arch is made with a maximum height of 2.2 m. For high ceilings An arched structure with a height of 2.6 m is suitable for 3.2 m.

Many manufacturers do not indicate the dimensions of finished arches. IN technical documentation more often the permissible interval is prescribed. An example is an arch with a maximum height of up to 2.4 m, a thickness of up to 18.5 cm, and the width range varies from 79 to 150 cm.

How to measure the opening in the wall for an interior door?

To calculate the doorway, take the dimensions of the entire block, taking into account the gaps. A free space of 1 cm is left between the ends of the walls and the three elements of the bow. The gap is needed for free entry, as well as leveling it. The threshold is installed tightly on the floor.

When calculating doorways, additionally provide free space around the entire perimeter between the ends of the door leaf and the inner plane of the frame elements. The gap is needed for the sash to open freely.

An example of calculating the width of an opening for a door of 80 cm with a frame thickness of 40 mm looks like that:

  • Sum up two 10 mm gaps between the wall and the frame.
  • Sum up two gaps of 4 and 2 mm between the ends of the sash and the inner surface of the frame elements. A smaller distance of 2 mm is left on the hinge side.
  • A sash width of 800 mm is added to the finished result, as well as two thicknesses of frame elements. In the example given, it is 2*40 mm.

The summation result showed that the width of the passage is: 10+10+4+2+800+40+40=906 mm.

Opening dimensions for swing door

Calculating the size of a doorway for interior doors in height is carried out in a similar way, only the presence or absence of a threshold is taken into account. At the top, the free space between the wall and the box element is 10 mm. The gap between the ends of the canvas and the inside of the box is: top – 3 mm, bottom – 5 mm. Now to calculate the height of the passage, all that remains is to sum up all the values. If it is missing, then one thickness of the onion is not added.

Taking measurements of a previously used wall passage

If the purpose of the repair is to replace the old unit, the following steps are performed to measure the doorway:

  • remove the old canvas along with the frame;
  • clean the ends of the walls from mortar and other debris;
  • evaluate the strength of the masonry;
  • if necessary, the passage is strengthened;
  • measurement is carried out in maximum and minimum gaps;
  • At least two points are measured near the corners to avoid skew.

The measurement results are transferred to the drawing. If it is not possible to accurately calculate the size to ensure the evenness of the box, take the minimum values, increased by 1 cm of the technological seam.

At independent execution calculations and measurements of the opening for the door, a diagram sketched on a piece of paper will not be superfluous. A sketch with dimensions will help you determine the design more accurately.

When renovating, it is necessary to pay due attention to the installation of interior doors. Of course, there are certain standard dimensions, but in order not to have to destroy the wall or change the already chosen canvas, it is necessary to study all the nuances. In this matter, it is important to correctly calculate the dimensions of the opening, know the standard and features different types designs. On modern market You can find domestic and foreign products, it is important to remember that GOSTs are different.

GOST sheet size indicators

Options door leaf must be taken into account when calculating the opening. Doors and frames have standard sizes approved by the state.
GOST table of interior paintings:

Type of room Width cmHeight cmDepth of opening cmkitchen702007Bathroom, bath55-60190-2005-7room802007-20Living room (double door 120 (two leaves)2007-20

If previously carried out renovation work, the walls were leveled or dismantled, the depth may not correspond to the above data.

The market offers big choice doors and components from domestic and foreign manufacturers. Most often, products have a height of 200 cm, a width of 60, 70, 80 cm (less often 190 by 60, 70.80 cm). Thickness door frame starts from 15 mm and up to 45 mm. Knowing the standards and dimensions of the doorway, you can choose the best option. There are situations when ignoring the parameters ends with the expansion of the opening or the return of the newly purchased canvas.

When purchasing canvas from a foreign company, you need to carefully study the dimensions because their standard is somewhat different.

Doorway measurement formula

If you need to make an opening, but the issue with the door has not yet been resolved, you need to take into account the following points in advance:

  • Dimensions of the canvas: height and width, thickness.
  • Door frame dimensions: width and thickness.
  • Width of platbands.

Calculation example:

  • Tight

Height (H) – 200 cm

Width (W d) –70 cm

  • Box

Thickness (T k) – 3 cm

  • Installation gap (Mz) -1 cm

Door block (BD) – 2 cm

  • Threshold height (in p) – 2 cm

Formula for calculating the width of a doorway:

W dv +2*T k+Mz+2*Bd = 70+2*3+1+2*2=81 cm

Formula for calculating the height of the opening:

V dv + V p +2*T k= 200+2+2*3=208

Conclusion: for a door leaf 200 by 70, a doorway of 208 by 81 is required.

Opening depth: standard 7.5 cm, so manufacturers make door frames to fit this size. If the canvas has already been purchased: you will have to make a box individually, or wider - use an extension. Therefore, it is better to carry out calculations in advance.

Algorithm for measuring the size of a doorway

To correctly measure the size of the opening, you must follow the following sequence of actions:

  • Measure the height from the floor to the top (if the opening is not level, you need to measure in the narrowing area), to the middle of the casing.
  • Width – from the middle of the left to the middle of the right casing (taking into account the narrowing).
  • Depth is measured at the top, middle and bottom (to find the widest measurement).

A positive result depends on the accuracy of the measurements.

Standard doorway calculation table:

Width cm Height cm Room view Standard
62 — 65 195 — 197 Toilet, bath 55*190
67 – 70 195 — 197 Toilet, bath 60*190
67 — 70 205 — 207 Toilet, bath 60*200
77 – 80 205 — 207 Kitchen 70*200
87 – 90 205 — 207 Room 80*200
97 – 100 205 — 207 Room 90*200
127 — 130 205 — 207 Living room (double doors) 2*60*200

Parameters of the frame and door leaf

The dimensions of the interior door frame must correspond to the dimensions of the door leaf, taking into account the gaps.

The frame should be proportional to the thickness of the wall. If it remains free place use extensions that cover the gaps.

Extensions are racks around the perimeter of the frame to expand the door frame.

The main element remains the doors themselves. The standard is determined based on the following parameters:

  • Interior door leaf height: 190-200 cm. Sometimes necessary individual approach. When making calculations, it is necessary to take into account the gap between the base and the floor so that the canvas opens and closes freely.
  • The width depends on the room.
  • Thickness varies (depending on the manufacturer’s requirements), standard is 4.5.

Features of double doors

For the living room a good decision The interior design will include the installation of double-leaf interior doors. Attention, when calculating the dimensions, double the values.

As for GOST: the standard is a width from 120 to 150 cm. This range allows you to get a convenient, complete and functional design. Thickness – 4.5 cm.

Details about measurement and installation:

If the opening does not correspond to the specified size and cannot be expanded, the following is necessary:

  • One leaf is in a fixed position and is used as needed.
  • The width of this leaf is 1/2 or 1/3 of the width of a standard interior door.
  • The second is a full-fledged door.

Both options have a big advantage in functionality: they improve maneuverability: it’s easy to bring in and take out furniture.

As for the height: if the opening is larger than the specified standards (size: 200-210 cm), a special fixed bar is attached at the top.

Maximum canvas dimensions

The widest standard doors are 90 cm. Only a limited number of manufacturers produce products of such dimensions. In new buildings, such parameters for the interior door frame are not used, because the design looks ridiculous or cumbersome. Still, these sizes are found:

  • In the "Stalin"
  • In offices.

The most popular material for interior dimensional (and not only) canvases: MDF.

Before you buy interior doors, you need to know the answers to three questions

1. What size door leaf is needed (width and height)?

2. Are extensions needed and what width?

3. What should be the opening side of the doors?

Finding out the answers to these questions for each doorway is quite simple. All features of the measurement and determination method are described and shown below. required sizes doors and accessories for them.

What size of canvas should you choose for your doorway?

There are no standard doorways. To determine the width and height of the door leaf you need, you need to take measurements of the doorways in which you plan to install the doors.

How to determine the width of the door leaf?

To determine the required width of the canvas, we determine the width of the doorway. To do this, we measure the opening in three places - at the top, bottom and in the middle. Lowest value will be the width of your doorway.

If you still have old doors in the doorway, then everything is much simpler. We measure the width and height of the old door leaf.

As a result, the width of the leaf should be narrower than the doorway by 80 - 100 mm for doors with a simple (non-telescopic) door frame, and by 100 -120 mm for doors with a telescopic frame.

But since the standard dimensions of the width of the door panels are multiples of 100 mm (600, 700, 800, 900), then with a certain width of the doorway, a narrowing or widening of the opening will be required. See the table below for more details.

Table for selecting the width of the leaf according to the width of the doorway

Opening width (mm)

Blade width (mm)

Work may be required



opening expansion



narrowing of the opening



opening expansion



opening expansion




narrowing of the opening



opening expansion



narrowing of the opening



opening expansion



narrowing of the opening



opening expansion



narrowing of the opening

It is possible not to narrow or widen the opening, but to order doors of non-standard width specifically for your opening. But such an order cannot be made from all factories. For example, a door factory like Zodchiy makes doors of non-standard width, multiples of 5 mm, in 2-3 weeks.

How to determine the height of the door leaf?

The height of the opening is measured in the same way as the width of the opening. Measurements are taken in three places and the smallest value is selected.

The standard height of the canvas is 2 meters. For a standard canvas, the opening height should be 2060-2100 mm.

If the height of the doorway is below 2060 mm, then you will need to either file the door leaf or order a smaller height.

If the height of the doorway is higher than 2100 mm, then it will be necessary either to narrow the opening, or you will need to order doors that are not standard height.

Not all manufacturers produce doors of non-standard height, and those that do increase the cost of doors by 30-50%. For example, doors from the Princip, Vladimir Doors, and Verda factories are not manufactured in non-standard sizes.

How to determine which side the doors open?

If you have chosen asymmetrical doors (that is, if the doors are visually divided in the middle by a vertical line, then the right half will differ from the left) or doors into which fittings are embedded at the factory (for example, doors from the Mario Rioli factory), then you must definitely decide on door opening side - left opening or right.

The opening side of the door leaf is determined as follows.

1. Stand on the side of the doorway into which the doors will open.

2. Open the doors toward you and see which side the door hinges are on.

3. If the door hinges are on the right, then it is a right-hand door, if on the left, then it is a left-hand door.

If you are still not sure of the size of the door leaf you need, then it would be safer to call a measurer - a door specialist.

In addition to the size of the canvas, you also need to find out whether additional extensions are needed for your doorway.

What components and in what quantities are required for the doors?

To install a door in a doorway, you need a door frame. To hide the gap between the door frame and the wall, you need platbands. If the wall thickness is more than 70 mm (greater than the thickness of the box), additional extensions - box extenders - will be required.

Telescopic and simple components

Telescopic components are those in which the platbands are “L”-shaped and are attached to the door frame and extensions by inserting the ridge of the platband into the groove of the frame or extension.

How many door frame sticks are required?

To install a single-leaf swing interior door without a threshold, 2.5 door frame sticks are required. If you plan to install the door with a threshold, then you will need 3 sticks - this is half a stick on top and half a stick on the bottom because The threshold of an interior door is part of the door frame. On our website the default is required quantity stick boxes for doors without thresholds.

Read more in the material about the door frame

How many platbands are required?

As a standard, by default, a single-leaf swing door kit includes 5 sticks of platbands - these are 2.5 sticks on one side and 2.5 sticks on the other side. There are cases when platbands are installed only on one side, and on the other side the slopes are decorated with plaster, tiles, etc. Platbands on one side are most often installed in a bathroom or when the opening is in a thick wall.

Read more in the material about platbands.

Are extras needed?

An extension is an expansion element of the door frame, which is required if the wall thickness is more than 70 mm. To determine the thickness of the wall, you need to measure the thickness of the wall in three places on each side of the doorway.

If the wall thickness is from 70 to 90 mm, then extensions are definitely needed for a simple non-telescopic box.

If the wall thickness is more than 90 mm, then additional additions are definitely needed.

How wide are the extensions needed?

Extensions from almost all manufacturers have a standard width - 100 mm, 150 mm, 200 mm. The width of the door frame is usually 70 mm. But the thickness of the wall is different everywhere and therefore it is almost always necessary to cut the extensions along. Thus, if the wall thickness is from 70 to 170 mm, then additional additions of 100, etc. will be required. See the table below for more details.

Table for selecting the width of extensions

Wall thickness

Extension width


no extras needed

no extras needed

70 - 80 mm (90 mm)

no extras needed

How many dobor sticks do you need?

If the wall thickness is more than 110 mm, then the number of extension sticks is equal to the number of box sticks

If the wall thickness is less than 110 mm, then the number of additions depends on the number of doors. When installed by a master, the extensions will be sawn lengthwise and from one extension you will get two. Therefore, for example, for two openings, the wall thickness of which is 100 mm, you will need one set of extensions - that’s 2.5 sticks.

A sliding wardrobe is an extremely convenient and practical piece of furniture. Taking up almost no useful space in the room, it has considerable capacity, and external design It is quite capable of decorating any interior room. The demand for such products is consistently high, and many owners are attempting to build a wardrobe on their own.

I must say that there is every reason for this - they are on sale special kits profiles that allow, with certain skills and special care in work, to make such a cabinet with your own hands. The work will be successful if all measurements and necessary calculations are carefully taken. One of the key parameters is the width of the sliding wardrobe doors. It depends on several initial values ​​- all this is taken into account by the calculator we offer for calculating the width of the wardrobe door leaf.

Prices for sliding wardrobes

inexpensive wardrobe

The corresponding explanations for the calculation are in the text section below the calculator.

Sections of the article:

Carrying out in a house or apartment overhaul in most cases it ends with the installation of new interior doors. However, it is at this stage that the greatest difficulties often arise. The reason for this is the dimensions of the doorway, which often have a lot of errors in the form of curvature of the walls and non-compliance with GOST for the dimensions of interior doors. Therefore, to successfully complete the replacement door designs It is worth familiarizing yourself with the GOST recommendations and permissible changes in the dimensions of openings.

Standard dimensions

To determine the appropriate dimensions of a doorway, it is quite important to distinguish them by functionality. The size of the opening leading to technological rooms such as bathrooms may have slightly smaller dimensions than for conventional interior doors.

Typical sizes of interior doors.
  • Height;
  • Width.

The thickness or depth of the passage largely depends on the material of the walls and construction conditions, and therefore are not significant indicators.


The doorway height for bathrooms can be from 1.9 to 2 m. The same applies to the bathroom. Kitchen passages in most cases have a height of 2 m. For other rooms, the norm is 2 - 2.1 m. According to calculations, this is enough to comfortably move people with an average height of 1.7 m.

However, passages with a height of 2.2 - 2.3 m are often found. Such dimensions are explained by the relationship with the height of the ceilings. In most apartments where the distance from floor to ceiling is no more than 2.6 - 2.8 m, the best option is the standard size of 2.1 m.

The main condition justifying an increase in the standard height of doorways is the need to move large pieces of furniture.


According to GOST, the standard width of a doorway intended for installing an interior door, when using single-leaf structures, has an average size of 0.7 to 0.8 m. Such parameters are justified by average statistical data on the dimensions of an adult.

In this case, the permissible width of passages for bathrooms and toilets can be from 0.55 to 0.6 m. Use double doors for living rooms and bedrooms, it allows an increase in the width of the doorway to 1.2 m.

Non-standard dimensions

Currently, non-standard dimensions of doorways are much more common than those prescribed in GOST. This trend is driven by the desire to bring more functionality and convenience to the home, as well as highlight the individuality of the created interior style.

Most often, the width of the doorway in living rooms can be redesigned. In this case, the parameters are increased by more than 1.5 times. So, in an effort to add a feeling of large space, often instead of the usual single-leaf swing door of 0.7 m, the opening dimensions are increased to 1.6 m and a double-leaf door is installed.

Due to the presence of large furniture and sufficient dimensions of the rooms, as well as if you wish to give the room visual extension space, the opening for the interior door can be expanded and measure up to 1 m. In this case, both a wide swing door and sliding door systems with one or two leaves can be used.

However, there are often cases of redevelopment of interior passages by reducing their width. Such actions are also acceptable. But with any changes in the existing passages between rooms towards their narrowing, it is necessary to rely on the requirements of evacuation and fire safety. The main condition for meeting these requirements is the unhindered movement of people in emergency situations.

Arched doorways

TO certain species doorways can be attributed to arches. This gradation is due to the peculiarities of their designs. In the absence of the door leaf itself, the width and height of the openings can expand significantly. The main condition for redevelopment is changing walls that are not load-bearing structures.

However, even for arches there are some engineering limitations that directly depend on the type of arch structure.

Types of structures

Arches are conventionally divided according to their shape into the following types:

  • Rectangular;
  • Classic;
  • Ellipsoidal;
  • Round;
  • Semi-arches;
  • Eastern;
  • Asymmetrical.

The size of the opening of a rectangular arch in most cases is almost identical to the dimensions of the passage under a standard interior door in height and averages 2 -2.1 m. The classic design implies a fairly large radius of curvature of the arch, therefore the passage in the wall in height most often reaches 2. 2 - 2.3 m. In this case, the width in most cases does not change and is the standard 0.8 m.

Despite the somewhat narrower curvature of the ellipsoidal arch, the parameters of the doorway for its installation change significantly. Thus, the width is about 1 m, while the height of the passage can reach almost to the ceiling and have a maximum permissible value 2.5 m. Such drastic changes are necessary, since with standard dimensions a passage of such a shape will have an absurd appearance.

Round structures, like ellipsoidal ones, require significant changes to the walls. The minimum width for such an arched opening is 0.9 m, and the height, due to the large radius, also approaches the maximum technologically permitted value of 2.5 m.

Semi-arch and opening oriental type in most cases do not require changing the passage width when standard values 80 cm. But asymmetrical structures can have maximum permissible width and height parameters.

Features of calculating the dimensions of a doorway

When selecting doors, it is very important to correctly calculate the dimensions of the opening. In this way, the installation of the structure can be significantly simplified. The precisely selected height and width of the product allows you to avoid reworking the opening for the interior door.

It is important to remember that when making calculations in newly constructed buildings, possible shrinkage must be taken into account. The timing of such processes directly depends on the materials from which the walls are made. Amenable to the greatest changes wooden buildings. At the same time, ordinary glued beams can be reduced by up to 2 cm for each meter of height. Logs settle up to 15 cm per 1 m.

Installation various types door designs can significantly affect the width of the passage. Sliding compartment door requires a margin of about 10 cm in width. The rotary door, due to the complexity of the mechanism, also requires an additional niche that reduces the width of the opening to accommodate fasteners.

Finishing work carried out in rooms can also significantly affect the size of the doorway. Thus, laying simple, non-insulated linoleum takes about 1 cm of height. Laminate reduces this figure by 2 cm. If tiles or porcelain stoneware slabs are laid on the floor, the height of the doorway will decrease by 3 - 5 cm. Laying a heated floor can take up an additional 7 - 10 cm.


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