How to make a gas oven with your own hands. Homemade gas muffle furnace

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Heating a private building is one of the main tasks, which arises in front of people who want to live in a warm and comfortable room.

Until now, a very popular method is the use of a stove, a type of which depends on the size of the building, the preferences of the owners and other factors.

Heating in a private house

You can heat your home using:

  • Wood-burning stoves - peat, coal, and wood are used for heating;
  • Gas— runs on liquefied gas;
  • Cast iron structures - fuel is peat, firewood, coal, diesel fuel;
  • Finnish— only firewood is used;
  • Electrical.

Advantages of a gas oven

Gas oven in Lately it's not in vain that it becomes very popular way to heat a house, since it can also be connected to backbone network, and to a regular cylinder with gas. Design the most economical among all types of stoves.

The unit differs in such positive properties:

  • not dangerous for people's lives;
  • can be placed in houses made from any building materials ;
  • uses for work natural liquefied gas;
  • It has small size;
  • doesn't burn out in room oxygen;
  • different big efficiency;
  • simple in operation;
  • durability and the ability to work without interruption.

Device elements. Types of burners

The equipment in question must include such components:

  • brick or metal body;
  • chimney;
  • foundation.

The building contains three elements:

  1. Heating shield.
  2. Firebox.
  3. Gas burner, which is a replaceable element. It happens one-, two-stage and may have floating adjustment. If necessary, the burner can be replaced with a more or less powerful one.

Such furnaces operate in permanent or temporary mode, which is achieved through the presence of automation. The principle of operation of the units is quite simple: a burner is placed in the firebox, in which the gas combustion process takes place, the latter is discharged through the chimney.

Photo 1. Scheme internal structure gas oven. All main parts of the structure are signed.

In the case when it is planned to build a furnace on one's own, inside she lays out red brick. If used in the device additional types fuel, the brick must be fireproof.

Above the firebox is chimney, and below - blower, through which air enters the oven. It is without this part of the entire structure that the fuel will not burn.

The design of gas furnaces is designed in such a way that gases flowed through certain channels having maximum five smoke turns.

Attention! All channels must be located strictly in a vertical position, otherwise it will be prohibited to install the device in question in the house.

Deciding to install a gas stove in your home, the following features must be taken into account:

  • When choosing a device, first of all, pay attention to its power, because the temperature in your home depends only on this. What power the burner will have will be affected by the future heated area, the number of windows and doors in the house, as well as their condition, wall thickness and more.
  • By purchasing gas structure, you should first take care of enough good ventilation in the house. If there is none and it cannot be improved, then the installation of such a stove is strictly prohibited.

  • Consider complete set system you like. In some cases, it is equipped with adapters, which allows you to connect to several fuel sources.
  • The design in question is suitable only if the house has no more than two floors, otherwise the entire heating system will be ineffective.
  • For ease of use and additional control of the device, it is mounted a special sensor that determines the level of carbon dioxide. If there is any change in the air, the oven will turn off automatically.
  • If you buy finished metal oven, you need to inquire about the documents for the device, which indicate whether it is truly safe for use in a residential area.
  • Categorically forbidden install this type of stove in wooden houses, channels in which are located horizontally.

By purchasing gas stove, you need to take into account what it will be square heated room. It's easy to calculate. On 10 square meters living space should be 1 kW power burners (for reserve It’s better to add 15-20%). Thus, in a house whose size will be 100 square meters, need to install a stove power 12 kW.

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Types of stoves

If speak about heat capacity, then in this case the furnaces are divided into two categories:

  1. Heat-intensive have brick building, which accumulates heat in itself and then gradually releases it into the environment. Having already been turned off, the oven, depending on its size, may still continue heat the room for 4-12 hours.
  2. A non-heat-intensive design is made made of metal. She generates heat only when the gas combustion process occurs. After stopping the fuel supply, the device cools down very quickly. Advantages similar design are that she has small size and weight and can be installed even in small spaces.

Photo 2. Compact ceramic gas oven Elitech TP 4GI. A fuel tank is built into the back.

Furnaces in your own way appearance there are:

  1. round;
  2. oval;
  3. rectangular.

The appearance of the device only affects its combination with certain interior .

Reference. Internal stove design no way not related to her external view.

Placement of a gas heating device

A gas stove can only be installed in those houses in which the air ducts are correctly installed in advance. They must be strictly vertical.

Attention! Never install a structure close to the wall. The acceptable indicator is minimum 50 centimeters.

As grounds It is prohibited to use wood or linoleum. It must be smooth, hard and non-flammable. In addition, depending on the size of the oven, the base must exceed it at least 10-15 cm on each side.

The placement of the device in the house is influenced by its power:

  • Installation in progress in the kitchen, if this indicator no more than 60 kW.
  • In case of excess power ( more than 60 kW) installation is acceptable in a separate room or annex.

Not allowed placement of such stoves in houses, the height of the walls does not reach two meters.

Connection rules

Connect the structures in question only specialists can, because they will do everything quickly and reliably. If you decide to carry out the installation yourself, you should adhere to certain advice and recommendations.

  1. Select well accessible and ventilated place in the house, taking into account the location of the chimney.
  2. Measure at least 50 cm from the walls and make it durable, non-flammable base, which will be on each side more bottom area ovens approximately by 10-15 cm.
  3. If you plan to build a brick building, you need protect the walls with heat-resistant material.
  4. Using pipes from of stainless steel, connect the chimney with a stove.

Reference! The pipes must be pushed into each other at a minimum by 5 cm.

  1. Connect installed structure with gas pipe special hose, tightening the connections tightly.
  2. Before connecting to the chimney, install there is a stainless pipe inside it.
  3. Smoke exhaust placed strictly vertically.

Important! Acceptable tilt angle chimney is equal 30 degrees.

  1. If the outer part of the chimney is not inside the brick well, then it must be wrap with insulation, and on top cover with a stainless steel sheet.
  2. Number of turns there must be a chimney within 3.
  3. Using brackets, attach the pipe to the wall without allowing sagging.
  4. Connect using a tee pipe with stove.

Many owners summer cottages And country houses often encounter problems in the heating system of their seasonal homes. For such buildings it is recommended to use brick kilns. But such a heating design has a number of serious disadvantages. It is enough to quickly heat a residential building in which people do not live permanently. not an easy task. Gas ovensAlternative option heating country house and dachas.

Design Features

Such devices are practically no different in design from gas-fired boilers.

The main feature is the method of operation. The gas furnace is not connected to pipelines. This convenient system heating a house or cottage, allowing you to quickly warm up the premises. The coolant liquid will not be able to freeze in it.

The devices operate on mains or bottled gas. The design of the stove has a body, a firebox, a burner, a heating panel, and automation (fuel supply shut-off system).

An appliance designed to operate with liquefied gas can be used for heating small house(one- or two-story). Gas-fired stoves are not suitable for heating large areas (more than 60 m2).

Similar heating structures can operate in continuous or temporary mode.

This device is one of the most important elements similar heating system. Burners used in gas furnaces have different fuel consumption. To heat a small house or cottage, you can use a device that consumes no more than 4 m3/h.

The burner is a replaceable element. It can be purchased and installed separately. A part of the required power is selected and installed in the existing furnace. In this case, you need to pay attention to ensure that the sizes match threaded connection burner and fuel supply source to the heating device. The dimensions of the mounting window for this element are 40-55 cm.

All gas stoves for heating homes must have certificates confirming their compliance state standard safety and quality. If there is no such documentation, then it is better not to purchase such a product.

Walls fuel cell heated by combustion of fuel. Air, to support the combustion process, is supplied through the ash pan.

At the top of the heating device there is a chimney (combustion products exit through it), it is connected to the firebox.


A gas stove used to heat a country house or cottage is efficient heating system. Due to the characteristics of the fuel material used and the nuances of operation, they have gained wide popularity. Their undoubted advantages include the following:

  • durability, reliability (in fact, there is nothing to break in such a heating device, guarantee period their operation life is 12 years, but in fact a gas stove will last much longer);
  • environmental safety (devices using gas for heating will not harm humans and environment, unlike solid fuel boilers, they do not emit toxins during operation and can be used at any time of the day or year);
  • Efficiency at a high level;
  • ergonomics (gas consumption is 133 g/h; in areas with mains gas, this value is even lower);
  • space saving (unlike firewood, gas does not need a separate storage room, it does not need to be delivered, you can fill the cylinder at any gas station);
  • ease of operation (furnaces are connected to the main pipeline or to a regular gas cylinder and provide comfortable conditions for accommodation).


Gas ovens are not without their drawbacks. The equipment itself and its installation are by no means cheap. Natural gas, although the most inexpensive fuel, its cost in our country is systematically increasing.

Gas-fired stoves are quite difficult to install and connect. In the event of even the smallest mistake, you can encounter huge problems in using such devices (they either will not do what they are intended for, or will begin to pose a danger to the life and health of residents).

Nuances of installation and use

When installing gas equipment at home or in the country, it is necessary to take into account a number of requirements for it.

Often, to heat a private home, not one, but two devices are connected to the chimney. If two gas units are connected, then they are located at different levels in relation to each other. The distance between them must be at least 0.5 m. A cut must be made in the chimney if heating devices After all, it was decided to mount it on the same level.

This design can be in the shape of a cylinder, oval, or in some cases even a square. But in the latter option, you may encounter the problem of poor-quality traction.

The gas furnace pipe must have the same or smaller cross-section as the chimney duct. If several heating devices are connected, the cross-section is determined using special calculations. It is taken into account that the units can operate simultaneously.

The chimney pipe must be protected from excess condensate. To do this, a stainless steel structure is mounted inside it. The chimney must be installed strictly vertically. There should be no ledges.


It is required to maintain a certain distance between the wall and the oven: it must be at least 5 m.

The heating device must be placed on a non-flammable solid base, the dimensions of which must exceed the parameters of the stove by 10 cm on each side.

Absolutely forbidden

You cannot create a chimney from materials that have a porous structure. It is also prohibited to route the pipe through rooms with poor ventilation.

Criterias of choice

When purchasing a gas stove for heating a country house, cottage, bathhouse, garage, you need to pay attention to the following:

  • the size of the unit, its compliance with the parameters of the structure that it will have to heat;
  • Availability automatic system turning off the fuel supply, thermostat and gas fuse (the last two will require a small overpayment, but during operation of the gas stove they will save money);
  • the ability to operate a gas burner on main and liquefied gas;
  • equipment certification.


Gas ovens Russian production(“Teplodar”, “Rus”, “Troika”, “Termofor”) have good feedback. They are of high quality and are presented on the domestic market in a wide range. They have a nice design, a steel firebox, a door made of metal or heat-resistant glass. Such units are distinguished by high performance, simplicity and unpretentiousness in use. Some models are equipped with special valves that allow you to regulate the temperature.

Gas stove for heating a dacha or a private home - profitable and practical option. If you wish, you can assemble it yourself, but if you make a mistake, such a device can lead to a leak of fuel material and an explosion. Therefore, compliance with safety precautions is very important.

Today, gas heaters are a big competitor to older wood-burning stoves. Gas-powered stoves, unlike previous versions, are much simpler and cheaper, and after heating the room there is no debris, soot, etc. They warm up quickly, independently maintaining desired temperature, which is important for steam rooms.

Cost-effectiveness is the main advantage. The heating box and chimney ducts are almost not dirty, which is also the positive side these structures. Rules
The installations are strict, but they ensure complete safety of using the stove for 25 years. The only disadvantage of such structures is the need for a gas pipeline running next to the bathhouse.


A gas stove consists of a housing, a fuse, which is necessary to stop the gas supply in case of extinguishing, a sealed gas chamber, a thermostat and a chimney. Gas baths do not need to be warmed up periodically, so they can be turned off immediately after
use. The principle of operation of the stove is simple - gas is mixed with air before entering the firebox. Gas is supplied to the burner using special gas pipes.


Eat different variants gas stoves that are suitable for heating a bath. The best option for public bath- brick oven with gas burner, having positive reviews. A simpler option is a metal stove lined with stone or brick. Gas boilers are heating or heating. Heating stoves are usually used for baths; they can differ from each other in the method of heating water, as well as in the type of burner.

Materials for making stoves

Homemade gas furnaces are built from stone, brick, or a metal structure is welded. Stone and brick structures take longer to heat up, but retain heat for a long time. Metal stoves heat up very quickly, but cool down just as quickly. Some of the simplest and most compact gas furnaces are metal ones. By covering such a structure with brick, you can ensure that it retains heat longer.

Water heating options

Stoves can be with a built-in tank for collecting water or with a remote option. The built-in tank is more economical scheme, since water heating occurs from gas combustion. This option makes it possible not to clutter the bathhouse. In systems with a remote tank, two elements are connected by pipes, through which hot water flows.

DIY sauna gas stove

In most cases, the stove is placed near the wall, since it must heat the steam room and at the same time maintain normal temperature V next room. In order to For safety reasons, when building a stove according to this scheme, you should not use the material left over after building the bathhouse.

To work you will need:

  • Red brick;
  • clay;
  • sand;
  • galvanized sheets;
  • fittings;
  • grate;
  • ash door;
  • two fireboxes;
  • metal, asbestos and gas pipes.

The construction of the furnace begins with the construction of the foundation, so first of all you need to dig a pit, which will be 10-15 cm below the floor level. The bottom of the pit must be filled with sand and compacted well. Next, a layer of crushed stone is laid out and a reinforced frame is installed. After this, concrete is poured, which, after setting, is covered with several layers of tar.

After the foundation has been erected, you can proceed to the construction of walls. First you need to build protective wall, which can protect against possible fire. For the construction of walls, red brick and sand-clay mortar are used. The first row of bricks is laid on the foundation, where a bitumen pad is previously placed. Before laying, the brick is moistened with water and laid on the mortar.

The next row should be laid out so that the bricks overlap the joint of the two bricks below. In order to see the overall picture, many builders advise laying out several rows of dry floors without mortar. At the stage of laying the third row, you need to install the blower door. In the fourth row there is a well for ash and installation of grates. In the sixth row, the installation of the blower door should be completed, and in the seventh row, the placement of the grate and firebox door should be completed.

In the eighth row you need to place a partition where the chimney begins. Next, the brick is laid without changes until the 14th row. In the front wall, after laying the 14th row, you need to prepare an opening for installing a container in which the water will be heated. The fifteenth row is constructed from brick halves located at a certain angle. The remaining three walls are built using the same principle. Installed from the 21st row chimney, it is selected for the modification of the furnace. The smoke exhaust pipe must rise above the ridge by at least 0.5 m. Upon completion construction work The stove can be plastered. Next you need to install automation. It is best to seek help from specialists with this issue.

A gas stove for a garage is one of the methods of heating a box, which has its advantages and disadvantages. When choosing, you need to know the positive and negative aspects of the equipment and best models convectors or heat guns. The design of some units is simple, so home craftsmen can make a stove with their own hands.


First of all, let's look at the pros and cons of using gas-powered stoves in the garage.

Advantages and disadvantages

Main advantages:

  • almost instant heating of the garage;
  • the equipment is mobile and compact, it can be moved around the box, installing it in the right place;
  • not affected by power outages.

Among the disadvantages are:

  • when using natural gas, a lot of approvals and inspections of gas equipment and pipe connections to the garage will be required. A high price project documentation will make you think about the feasibility of this method of heating the box;
  • devices powered by liquefied, bottled gas are explosive;
  • thermal energy does not accumulate, so it will be necessary to equip the surfaces with protective screens with reflective surfaces. In this case warm air, being reflected, will go down and heat the box, and not heat the floor slab;
  • When using open combustion stoves, there is a high risk of headaches and throat diseases. Fire burns oxygen and makes the air dry. Therefore, it will be necessary to carry out the system forced ventilation and install a humidifier.

Modern gas furnaces are designed with disadvantages in mind. Catalytic-type gas furnaces do not burn fuel during operation. For the best and responsible choice, you will need knowledge of the types of garage heating devices.

Example of a gas heater for a garage


These devices are divided into:

Criterias of choice

It is important to choose a gas stove for a garage taking into account the main characteristics. Let's look at them in more detail.


This characteristic will allow you to save not only on the purchase of the optimal stove option, but also during operation. A powerful stove will heat the room faster, but gas consumption will also be higher. A low-power stove will not be able to heat the room. Therefore, it is important to know even approximately the required power of the equipment to heat your garage.

You can calculate this characteristic yourself. To do this, you will need to determine the volume of the entire room and the cubic capacity of the gate. Multiply these values ​​by the coefficients for the materials from which the garage itself and the gate are made. The resulting result will be the approximate power of the heating unit.


This characteristic affects the longevity of your stove. When purchasing, you will need to familiarize yourself with the thickness and grade of steel of the body and firebox. When using structural steel, the thickness of the firebox sheet should be from 6 mm. It is better if heat-resistant steel or alloys were used in heat guns or convectors for the production of the body and grilles.

Alloy steels with a high content of chromium, silicon, molybdenum - best option for the production of parts exposed to high temperatures. Another option for a material that is not exposed to aggressive environments is stainless steel.

Winter summer

If the use of heaters is planned to be short-term and during the warm season, there is no point in buying expensive, powerful equipment. Small heat guns or convectors will help here, or homemade stove, burning gas in a closed chamber.

For winter and low temperatures you will need to purchase powerful gun or several infrared heaters and install them throughout the room. At that time important factor is the efficiency of technology.


In this matter one should not go to extremes. You can’t try to save money and buy low-quality Chinese equipment for pennies and throw it away through a short time. But you shouldn’t buy an expensive, powerful heat gun from leading manufacturers for heating not large garage during short visits.

It is much more important to select equipment based on price and quality ratio. This is the only way to purchase good, productive gas-powered equipment for your box.

Other factors

Other factors include:

  • level environmental safety. The equipment should not harm consumers by releasing toxic substances when heating low-quality materials. Therefore, when purchasing, be sure to check the quality certificate;
  • quality of garage stoves. Here you can determine who made the technique simply. Run your hand along the edges of the metal and if you find burrs, it means that your stove was not made in production. Pay attention to the quality of the paint coating, it will immediately show the experience and qualifications of the manufacturers;
  • Pay attention not to the brand, but to the characteristics of the heaters. You will have to overpay for the name of an advertised company, although even the BOSCH brand is produced in 300 countries around the world. Before going to the store, go to forums on the Internet, here you can get reasoned and truthful advice.

Best models

Model Characteristics Price
Gas heat gun MASTER BLP 33 M Most suitable for heating a large box. Heater power 18 to 33 kW.

Provides an air flow of 1000 m 3 for 60 minutes.

Resistant to power surges. Manual flame ignition system. At normal conditions operation gas consumption from 2.4 kg per hour. The minimum pressure of suitable gas is from 0.75 Bar. Gun weight 9 kg

Average price from 15,700 rubles
Convector for heating a large garage. Model "Alpine Air NGS 50 F"
Average power 4.9 kW.

Gas consumption during operation for an hour is from 0.5 m 3, the chimney outlet diameter is 80 mm. Weight 31 kg.

Dimensions – length 220 mm, width 600 mm, height 630 mm.

Intended for wall mount. Closed chamber gas combustion.

Comes with built-in fan and coaxial pipe.

Gas infrared heater"BALLU BIGH-3" Maximum power 3 kW.

Powered by propane - butane.

The flame ignition system is manual.

In 60 minutes of operation, 200 mg of fuel is consumed.

Incoming gas pressure – 30 Bar

Weight 2 kg

Ceramic gas oven "NEOCLIMA UK-20".
Maximum power 4 kW.

Minimum thermal power 1.5 kW.

Powered by propane - butane.

In 60 minutes of operation, up to 0.3 kg of gas is consumed.

Weight 400 g.

Gas convector, model “Alpine air NGS-20”.
Wall mounted.

Maximum power 2 kW.

Mechanical control with manual ignition.

Room area 22 m2.

Weight 22 kg.


The most simple designs You can do it yourself from scrap materials.

Do-it-yourself gas stove for the garage

A gas furnace for a garage is manufactured in several stages.

Before starting work, we will prepare necessary tools and materials.

Materials and tools

In addition to a set of metalworking tools and metal scissors, you will need to prepare:

Manufacturing instructions

A fine sieve must be prepared according to the size of the future oven:

  • after that, mark a circle on a sheet of metal, placing a sieve on it. On the sheet, in the form of a scan, along the edge of the circle you need to mark the sides. To do this, mark out a rectangle so that the length is enough to encircle the sieve and the round bottom of the future stove;
  • cut out the reamer using metal scissors. Try to cut carefully so that there are no large protrusions or irregularities;
  • We place the burner in the back and mark the mounting points. Drill holes and fix the burner;
  • Having made a small flange, we connect and fasten all the parts together with rivets. A drilled plate is fastened with rivets on top of the sieve, on which a netting mesh is riveted with small steel plates;
  • using a riveter, 2 legs of the required length are attached;
  • We screw the hose from the gas cylinder to the burner valve and turn on the gas. After checking the tightness of the connection points, you can make the first start-up of a DIY gas furnace for the garage.

Installation Rules

If a pipe with natural gas is used, the process of approval and acceptance of the work performed will be delayed. You will need to make a forced ventilation system in the room, install a large stove on a separate foundation, slightly recessed into the floor. Let's add to this the purchase of a gas meter and constant visits from a technician with inspections and payment for them.

But the basic dimensions for installing fire-hazardous equipment in rooms with flammable surfaces are the same for all types and types of stoves. Size to the floor made of flammable materials from 140 mm, to an unprotected wall made of wood from 700 mm. Distance to ceiling from 1000 mm. In the garage, you will need to make ventilation cavities in the walls and possibly install a chimney when using a large gas furnace or boiler.

When installing wall-mounted equipment, secure it only to capital walls, mounting on thin partitions is strictly prohibited. The stove or convectors must be installed in safe places and not interfere with free passage and access to heaters.

The oiled floor under the stove will need to be insulated sheet of DSP or metal.

Features of operation

It is important before using gas stoves in the garage to make sure that the ventilation is working properly and that there is no gas pollution in the room. The valve on the gas cylinder or on the stove must be closed after each switching off of the equipment, even if it is equipped with its own shut-off valves.

Therefore, having opened the gas, we light the burner flame. If a cannon is used, the fan is turned on before the fire is lit. A reducer must be installed on the cylinder, which protects it from backlash and regulates the gas pressure.

Otherwise, the operation of a gas furnace is similar to other types of furnaces. The main thing is to be responsible and careful about the maintenance and care of equipment and your garage will always be warm.

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IN last years for heating bath buildings operated on suburban areas, gas ovens are increasingly being used. A do-it-yourself gas stove for a sauna is most often made of metal. This oven has a number of advantages. You can see some of them below:

  • The efficiency of gas units, which distinguishes them favorably from wood and electric heating systems.
  • Virtually waste-free combustion of fuel, which does not require systematic cleaning of the chimney.
  • Lightweight gas-fired heating devices that do not require a special foundation.
  • Ease of maintenance of such structures.
  • Long service life (at least 25 years).

The main difference between gas stoves and other heating devices is the type of fuel used in them, as well as the mechanism of its combustion in the combustion chamber. In this regard, when operating such furnaces Special attention attention should be paid to observing the rules for the safe handling of mixtures entering the furnace firebox through centralized gas supply channels or from a gas cylinder.

Design and principle of operation

The basis of the design of gas furnaces is a rigid frame, which is usually made of either brick or metal. When choosing a material, we advise you to pay attention to the fact that brick gas stoves require more time for their kindling, but they retain the heat accumulated in them longer. And metal structures heat up quite easily, but after such heating they cool down very quickly.

Inside the frame there is a combustion chamber with a burner, directly above which there is a heater with stones placed in it, which are heated by hot air rising from the place of combustion of the gas mixture. Note that the heater is made in the form of a deep metal tray with sides that prevent splashing water from getting to the place where the fuel is burned.

The operating principle of the central heating unit of gas furnaces is very simple. The gas entering the furnace is mixed with air in a special chamber located directly in front of the burner, after which the resulting mixture is supplied through a thin tube to the combustion site and ignited from an external igniter (from a match or twisted paper lit with it, for example). The flow of air to the place of combustion of the mixture is ensured by means of a small and partially blocked hole, called a blower, mounted in the lower part of the housing.

The metal construction of a gas furnace has the following advantages:

  • Despite the small thickness of the body walls and the limited number of stones in the heater, such a stove warms up very quickly and can be ready for use in a very short time.
  • Metal stoves are quite compact and can be installed in small-sized bathhouse buildings without the use of a foundation.
  • Such designs do not require high costs time and availability required material and tools are manufactured in the shortest possible time.

Note! In homemade gas furnaces, it is advisable to use a burner of the simplest (atmospheric) type, which does not require liner for its operation. electrical supply and the use of special automation. You will need to purchase such a burner in advance in order to correctly select the dimensions of the combustion chamber of the future furnace for it.

The water tank in such structures can be located either above the heater or inside the chimney pipe. In this case, to heat the water, the thermal energy of the heated air exhausted through the chimney, as well as the heat generated by the heated stones, is used. Most often in metal structures the chimney is laid directly through a tank of water, heated by contact with the walls of the hot exhaust pipe. This design makes it possible to make the unit quite light and compact, not requiring significant space for its placement.

In some furnace designs, water is heated by contact of the tank with the body of the combustion chamber; in this case, it is hung on the rear or side wall of the structure frame.

Manufacturing procedure

Before assembling a metal gas furnace, you will need to prepare the following purchased parts and available materials (blanks):

  • atmospheric gas burner;
  • a used cylinder previously used for gas welding;
  • a metal door blank, hung on a technical opening that provides access to the combustion chamber;
  • an old brake disc from a heavy truck that can be used as a pad for steam stones.

In addition, you will need gas pipes 50 mm in diameter, intended for supplying gas and air to the combustion chamber, as well as a section of 100 mm pipe required for arranging the chimney.

And finally, you will need to prepare a small sketch indicating the dimensions of the main prefabricated components of the structure (hull, stone tray, chimney pipe, etc.).

Case manufacturing

The manufacture of the furnace body is organized in accordance with the previously drawn up sketch and is carried out in the following sequence:

  • first of all, using a grinder, an old gas cylinder is molded, cut to the size indicated in the sketch;
  • then two small holes are cut in the resulting workpiece, used for supplying air and gas;
  • after this, three cutting edges are prepared round blanks according to the size of the circumference of the cylinder, used as partitions that form separate working areas of the stove (firebox, water tank and heater);

The structure is assembled using any of the types available to you manual welding. After welding the body of the future stove with sections for the firebox, you should carefully clean the seams using the same grinder.

During assembly, one should not forget that a guide for the chimney pipe must be welded into the section allocated for the water tank, which is used at the same time as an additional heating source.

Design of channels for fuel intake and combustion products exit

To organize the air supply to the furnace firebox, you will need a previously prepared Ø50 mm pipe, on the combustion part of which about 10 holes of small diameter (about 5 mm) are first made. Next, a hole of a slightly larger diameter is prepared in the lower part of the cylinder body, into which a pipe with holes is then welded. During installation, you need to make sure that its outer end (without holes) protrudes about 20 cm from the cylinder body.

The joint of the pipe with the body is carefully scalded along the entire welding contour, after which it will be possible to proceed to the design of a small flap (improvised door), installed at the entrance of the pipe and used to regulate the flow of air into it.

The pipe used to supply gas to the burner of the combustion system is installed in a similar way. In this case, to connect to a gas main or to a cylinder, you will need a special adapter that ensures coordination of two mating channels, the joint of which must be sealed with sealant.

On next stage Assembling the stove, it will be necessary to securely fix the chimney pipe in the upper part of the channel formed directly in the water tank (it can simply be welded to the base of the partition used as the tank lid). (Don't forget to prepare a small sectoral hole in the tank lid, which is necessary for pouring liquid into it).

At the final stage of the work, you will need to prepare a window of the appropriate size and then attach a special door to it, through which access to the gas burner will be provided.

When installing the stove, special attention should be paid to the part of the structure directly adjacent to the wall or partition of the bathhouse building in order to protect them from excessive heat and fires. To do this, between the adjacent planes you will need to lay a special gasket made of fire-resistant material (from asbestos fabric, for example) or a layer of expanded clay. If necessary, you can use a special reflective screen made of stainless steel for these purposes.


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