How to make a staircase to the attic with your own hands. Types of attic stairs and their differences Staircase in a house made of timber to the attic

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Subject to proper arrangement, ordinary attic space turns into a comfortable and perfect place for living attic room. To ensure safe and most convenient access to the attic floor, it is necessary to install a reliable staircase. You can handle the assembly and installation of the stairs if desired. on our own. Read the instructions and get started.

There are several main types of stairs suitable for providing access to the attic space.

The most compact and easy to manufacture option. Such steps are assembled and hidden behind a lid that covers the entrance to the under-roof room.

The design is based on a spring mechanism, allowing quick and easy special effort open the stairs - you just need to pull the hatch down, after which the flights will smoothly unfold. The last flight of stairs usually has to be laid out manually.

To lift the structure, it is best to install special automation - with it, using the stairs will simply be more convenient and easier.

Traditional and most common option. Such ladders are extremely reliable and easy to use. The steps of the stairs can be fixed on bowstrings, bolts and stringers.

Installation of a conventional single-flight staircase is performed at a certain angle. The specific slope value is selected individually, taking into account the height of the ceilings in the room. If the distance from floor to ceiling is large, the staircase will have a rather steep descent, which is not very convenient.

Using stairs of two and three flights, you can organize the most safe and convenient ascent to the attic. However, to accommodate such rotating structures you need quite a lot of space. Typically, such stairs are provided at the attic design stage.

The spiral staircase to the attic can be equipped exclusively with the use of winder steps. Similar design allows you to save significantly usable space, however, trapezoidal steps can hardly be called completely safe and very comfortable, especially for older people and small children.

A spiral staircase must be equipped with comfortable and stable railings.

Very beautiful and original design. Set up on a curved stringer. It is extremely difficult to independently calculate and assemble such a staircase without the proper skills.

However, provided that it is properly arranged, an involute staircase will be a wonderful addition to any interior.

Pay due attention to the design of the stairs to the attic. The optimal depth of steps is considered to be 30 cm. The most comfortable step between steps is about 15 cm. A staircase with such parameters can be climbed and descended comfortably and safely, resting the entire surface of the foot on the steps.

The most convenient width of the staircase is considered to be 80-100 cm. If the width of the staircase is more than 1.2 m, an additional central stringer must be included in the design.

One person of average build will feel comfortable even when using a ladder with a half-meter width.

Try to make the slope of the span no more than 45 degrees.

Current regulatory documentation requires that the staircase steps have a depth of 25-40 cm, and the riser height is 12-22 cm.

Try to design the staircase so that there is at least 200 cm of free space between each step and the ceiling. Even tall people will not experience discomfort on such stairs.

For the rest, be guided by your own preferences, not forgetting about personal comfort and, of course, safety.

What to make a staircase from?

For arrangement attic stairs A wide variety of materials are used. Their list includes:

  • glass;
  • concrete solution;
  • wood;
  • metal.

In practice, stairs are most often made of wood or a combination of materials. At this point, you must make a decision yourself, focusing on the interior design features, personal preferences and available budget.

Each material has both a number of strong qualities and certain disadvantages.

Eg, metal stairs with glass steps they look very impressive, but are quite expensive.

Wooden structures bring a certain sophistication and comfort to the interior, but require competent and regular maintenance.

All metal and concrete structures They can withstand even very heavy loads, but do not fit very well into the interior of residential premises and create large loads on the base (floor).

In general, when choosing a material for making stairs, be guided by your personal preferences.

Where to install the ladder?

Stairs to attic floor can be installed outdoors and indoors. Most convenient option– this, of course, is the internal placement of the stairs. In such a situation, you won’t have to go outside, which is especially valuable in bad weather.

However, in some situations there is a need for external staircase arrangement for isolation attic room. It is best to make an external staircase from metal. In such a situation, be sure to install reliable anti-burglary doors at the entrance to the attic to protect your property from attacks by intruders.

You can come up with original options registration street stairs. For example, quite often owners add a beautiful tower around the steps to the house. Such a solution adds its own flavor to the architecture of the site.

Select best option placement of the stairs to the attic, taking into account the above recommendations. If possible, try to give preference to the internal location of the structure.

DIY wooden stationary staircase

The simplest option for self-construction is a single-flight staircase, the design of which is based on stringers. This design is convenient and practical. She doesn't require much free space and settles down on his own without any difficulty. It is the order of assembly of such a structure that will be discussed further.

Set for work

  1. Glued laminated timber (preferably made of pine or other durable wood) for arranging stringers.
  2. Board for decorating steps. Use elements at least 4-5 cm thick. You can also buy steps in finished form. Do what is most convenient for you.
  3. Boards for making risers. Optimal thickness elements - 2 cm. In most cases (if the load on the stairs is not too large), the use of these structural components can be abandoned.
  4. Fastening elements.
  5. Railings to choose from.
  6. Balusters.

The manual in question provides instructions for making a staircase with embedded treads.

Start preparing the stringer. To do this, make markings on the original beam. The product must be divided into triangles. The hypotenuse of each such triangle will serve as the edge of the beam, one of the legs will be responsible for the depth of the step, and the second for the height of the riser.

Cut out the triangles using a suitable tool. The easiest and fastest way to do this is with a circular saw.

Mill the edges of the products. The optimal chamfer size is 2-5 mm.

To make marking work more convenient, you can pre-make a triangle template of the required size.

Proceed to install the stringer in the designated place. The top edge of the product should be adjacent to the end interfloor covering. The result will be a reliable and sustainable system.

Select the fixation method in accordance with the design features of the staircase, the thickness of the beams and other significant parameters.

The optimal option for fixing the stringer to the beam located above is using plunging. It is also possible to fasten the stringer by going under the surface of the site and without directly cutting into the beam.

The plunge-in technique is the most reliable and widespread. To make such a connection, make a cut of a suitable size in the support beam and insert the edge of the stringer into it. The created gash should not be too large, because any depressions lead to a decrease in the strength and reliability of the structure.

Instead of cutting in, you can use options with bolts or angles. However, such installation options are only suitable for lightweight staircase structures.

The stringer must be secured as rigidly and reliably as possible so that the risk of shifting is completely eliminated. To attach the lower end of the stringer, you can use two methods.

In accordance with the first method, it is necessary to make a corner cutout at the bottom of the element for load-bearing beam. A groove of the appropriate size is prepared directly in the beam. As a result, all you have to do is insert the stringer cutout into the groove prepared in the support beam and fix the element using the corners or tighten it with vertical pins.

In accordance with the second method, a cutout is created directly in the support beam, after which a bottom corner stair stringer. This type of fixation is reliable, but the support beam in such a situation must have a fairly large cross-section.

If you plan to make a staircase of two flights, first determine the dimensions of the site. The platform must be fixed before attaching the stringers. To do this, provide stable and reliable mortgages in the walls. If it is impossible to attach the platform to the wall, use vertical support posts.

It is best to use screws and glue to connect treads and risers. The nails will weaken over time.

The fixing elements are placed hidden. You can also use corners and strips to fasten the structure. In addition, quite reliable and very durable option connection is installation using wooden dowels.

If the staircase is made of hard wood, it is recommended that the fastening pins be made of soft wood, and vice versa. Otherwise, the fasteners will split the base material.

Attach the steps so that their edges extend beyond the borders of the riser by 2-4 cm.

Secure all planned steps.

Finally, all you have to do is install the railings and balusters, and then process everything wooden elements designs antiseptic. It would be a good idea to coat the wood with a fire retardant. Also, the material can be subjected to such treatments even before final assembly stairs. Do what is most convenient for you.

If desired, you can cover the stairs paint and varnish composition or decorate it with something else finishing material of your choice.

Good luck!

The attic is a room in which you can not only store things, but also live. To get to the attic floor, you must have a staircase. Many people use ladders. But, if the room is used as additional room for living, then you should think about a reliable and safe staircase. It can be made of wood or metal. The designs of attic stairs are different.

Any home owner tries to use the entire living area correctly. Many people think about saving space, especially if the house itself is small. An attic staircase should not only be comfortable, but also safe.

There are houses with a bathhouse on the ground floor and a residential floor on the second. The attic staircase, in this case, can lead directly to the bathhouse, that is, down, and then back to the residential attic floor. It's convenient and practical.

The staircase should not create a large shadow. When designing stairs, it is necessary to take into account the safety of the structure.

The flat design of the staircase will take a large number of area, but it is the most convenient for use. A steep staircase is less convenient than other types of structures. It's difficult to climb.

Types of attic stairs:

  • Marching;
  • Screw.

Marching stairs are the most convenient and safe. Their design is simple and practical. It is possible to independently design and build such a staircase leading to the attic floor. For their construction, stringers, two supporting bowstrings, and bolts are used. To save space, use stairs with two flights. Between them there are landing or winder steps. These types of stairs are used if there is not much free space in the house. Single-flight structures take up more space than double-flight ones. But, under them you can build utility room or a closet to use up the remaining space.

Spiral staircases are rarely used as attic staircases. They are difficult for independent design and construction. You can purchase a compact spiral staircase in a specialized store or have it made to order. The staircase will be ready, the owner only needs to assemble it using the instructions.

Wooden stairs to the attic in a private house: types of spans

Increase living space possible due to the attic floor. This room can be used as a guest room, bedroom, or playroom. When arranging the attic floor, it is necessary to pay Special attention on how it will be climbed. The wood is ideal for making stairs. It is possible to make your own staircase to the attic using a minimum amount of equipment, tools and materials.

Hard and durable wood species are suitable for making stairs: pine, oak, yew, larch, ash.

It is important to correctly determine the area for the staircase structure in order to conveniently organize the living space.

Types of wooden staircases:

  • Straight;
  • Single-flight (with 1-2 turns of 90 degrees);
  • Double-flight (with a rotation of 90 and 180 degrees);
  • Screw (with support column);
  • Circular (shaft in the middle).

Straight stairs without turns are installed at a certain angle. The width of the steps is 30 centimeters, and the depth of the steps is at least 27 centimeters.

Stairs with turns take up much more space than straight ones. Can be done required height or the width of the steps. The width of the passage can be 50-100 centimeters. If there is no winder platform, winder steps are installed. They are usually trapezoidal in shape.

Convenient do-it-yourself staircase to the attic: stages of work

To make a staircase yourself, you need to determine its position and type of construction. Based on the area of ​​the house, choose the position of the stairs. If the house has a small amount of free space, you should choose simple designs stairs It can be a straight line without turns, or a staircase with two flights. Such options are optimal, convenient and practical, as they take up a small amount of space. If the area of ​​the house allows, then you can build a staircase with turns or a spiral one.

Screw structures are the most complex, so you need enough knowledge and practice to make such a staircase with your own hands.

Stages of work:

  • Determine the location for the future staircase;
  • Create a sketch;
  • Make calculations and draw up drawings;
  • Prepare necessary materials and tools;
  • Make staircase elements;
  • Install the stairs.

To make a staircase, you need to make calculations and make a drawing. First you need to determine the lifting height, the width of the stairs, its steepness and the size of the hatch.

It is necessary to accurately determine the width of the tread. This parameter affects the entire staircase design.

The staircase leading to the attic should not only be beautiful, but also safe. Handrails and guardrails must be used. These elements ensure safety and comfort during operation of the stairs.

How to make a staircase to the attic: we make the necessary calculations

A compact attic staircase can be used in a private wooden house, built on a dacha. Convenient staircase may lead to the attic. It can be not only wooden, but also metal. For example, a metal folding ladder from the manufacturer Farko is not only compact, but also safe.

In order to make an attic ladder, you need to calculate its dimensions. If it is built spiral staircase, you need to take care of its compactness.

Main dimensions:

  • The width of the step must be at least 300 mm;
  • Riser height from 150 mm;
  • March width 800-1000 mm;
  • The slope of the stairs should be from 20 to 45 degrees.

Based on these standards, you can correctly calculate the dimensions for the stairs being built.

It is worth considering the size of the opening in the attic. The width of the staircase itself depends on the size of the openings. If the opening is not provided for during construction, then it is worth making one the right size or build an external staircase leading to the attic.

Wooden external staircase to the attic: pros and cons

The location of the stairs plays a big role. It can be located in the living room and lead to the attic floor. Or lead from the first floor to the attic.

If you have limited space in your home, you can use an outside staircase to access the attic.

Positive features of an external staircase:

  • Saving space inside the house;
  • Possibility to go to top floor from the street.

External stairs are made of wood, metal, concrete, stone. Optimal material- tree. It is resistant to the external environment if its surface has been treated and varnished. But there is a small drawback: in winter you will have to clean such stairs often. Wooden attic stairs are often used in the country. Typically, a room is used not for living, but for storing things. This ladder can be used as needed. If its design is attached, it can be stored indoors. This type of ladder is used to access the attic, but is not the safest.

An external staircase is convenient because if a person lives on the attic floor and comes home late, he will not disturb others with his arrival.

If you live in a five-story cottage, then an external staircase will be your salvation. Several neighbors can live in one house. In order not to climb inside the house every time and not disturb the neighbors, you can attach your own stairs.

This staircase is susceptible to precipitation, which can accumulate on it. This problem can be solved by constructing a protective canopy.

Sliding staircase to the attic floor in a multi-storey building

In some multi-storey buildings There are attics that can be used by residents. You can make an exit to the attic from own apartment. Initially, you need to decide on the location of the stairs. If the layout of the apartment does not allow installing a permanent staircase, in this case you can use a sliding one. It can be used if necessary. The installation of such stairs allows you to save space in the apartment. The manufacturer "Fakro" offers big choice sliding stairs along with a hatch.

Before you buy sliding staircase, necessary:

  • Make a calculation;
  • View ready-made samples on the manufacturer’s (store) website;
  • Select design future design;
  • Order the product in the required sizes.

Sliding stairs not only save space, but also do not disturb the interior of the apartment. Stairs of this design are compact, safe and durable.

Due to this staircase design, it is possible to easily and without leaving your own apartment to penetrate from the fifth floor to the attic. You can store things and furniture on it that are not currently in use, or arrange a separate room.

Compact staircase to the attic: attic structures

Many people use folding attic ladders to save space in their home or cottage. Stairs from the manufacturer "Fakro" have reliable design. They are made using a specific design, quality wood and metal. Their design is convenient to use.

Models with a hatch have a door that closes tightly and is insulated. The door closes securely, so cold air will not flow from the attic into the house.

How to make a staircase to the attic with your own hands (video)

The attic staircase should be safe and comfortable. Then you should pay attention to its design. First of all, you need to calculate correct sizes and determine its location in the house. The comfort of people who will use the attic floor depends on the position of the staircase. Therefore, the convenience of the residents of the house depends on the design of the staircase and where it will be installed.

The presence of an attic in the house makes it easy to equip a comfortable and functional room for any needs without the need to add additional floors or rooms. An important element This room is a staircase, because it is thanks to it that you can quickly and safely get to the attic floor.

What a staircase to the attic should be like, what to look for when choosing a design and material, and whether it is possible to make attic stairs with your own hands - we will look in more detail in our article.

Types of attic stairs

According to the type of installation, the staircase to the attic, photo below, can be:

  • Internal - a universal type of attic stairs, which is located inside the building. It can take up quite a lot of space, so it is important to carefully choose its design if the room area is small.
  • External - located on the outside of the building, such a rise to the attic floor is an integral part of the facade. Thanks to this type, the attic will have a separate entrance from the street. It is better to design the external staircase to the attic during the construction stage of the house.

Construction of attic stairs

The standard single-flight is a straight structure located at an angle, the magnitude of which depends on the height of the ceiling. Optimal angle the rise should be 30-45 degrees, so such an attic staircase should not be installed if the floor height is more than 2.5 m - the steps will be too steep and inconvenient, and the structure will take up a lot of space. In addition, this type requires a long opening in the ceiling, which will reduce usable area attics.

In the photo - a straight attic staircase

Double-flight - an option suitable for spacious rooms, since it requires the allocation of space for it, designed for a turntable. Suitable for any ceiling height, saves convenient sizes steps. The rotation can be either 90 degrees or 180, and to save space it is better to install such an attic staircase in the corner.

One of the options for the location of the attic staircase

With winder steps - instead of a turntable, trapezoidal steps are installed, which are laid with the narrow side into a smaller turning radius. For convenience, the width of the middle step should be at least 0.3 m. This design will take less space than a rotary one, but will provide a comfortable climb to the attic.

You can make such an attic staircase yourself

Screw - the most economical option of all, since it takes up the least space. Capable of transforming and making original any interior. Consists of winder steps attached to the central axis ( support pillar). But at the same time, spiral attic stairs are very inconvenient, since you can easily trip on them. In addition, it is worth taking care of installing reliable railings and installing additional lighting for the ascent to the attic.

How to correctly position the stairs to the attic without losing useful space

Folding - the simplest and inexpensive option attic ladder, but it is better to install it if the attic is not used constantly, for example, in the country. It is a compact design of several sections, which, when folded, are easily stored in the ceiling hatch. Such attic stairs are easy to install, do not require planning and are convenient to use, do not take up space, are durable and reliable.

Small folding attic staircase

Which material is better?

The attic staircase is a full-fledged part of the interior, and in the case street installation- an important architectural element. When choosing the material and design of the stairs to the attic, you should focus on the interior of the room.

Wooden attic stairs, photo below, can be of any design, shape and color, they are very easy to fit into the interior. In addition, wood is durable and durable material, which can give the room additional comfort. But wood needs timely processing special compounds, capable of extending its service life.

Important: The surface of the steps should not be too smooth, since varnished or polished, they cannot ensure safe ascent or descent from the attic.

Metal attic stairs will highlight the unique design of the room. They are durable and reliable and look very original. They can be painted any way suitable shade or order chrome ones - it all depends on the design of the attic and the whole house. Attic metal stairs are suitable for any house: brick, wood, stone.

How to make a spiral staircase to the attic

Stone - solid and reliable structures for climbing to the attic floor. But it is better to install them in brick houses, since visually they are heavy and can overload the interior. It is best to install such a ladder outside. It can be plastered and painted to match the color of the facade.

How to build an attic staircase with your own hands

You can buy a ready-made staircase to the attic, but there is a risk that it will not fit into the inner dimensions Houses. Manufacturing according to individual order– the solution is very expensive and takes a long time to manufacture. Therefore, the easiest way is to make a staircase to the attic with your own hands.

Important: It is better to use wood for construction coniferous species: larch, cedar, pine. From deciduous trees it is better to choose oak, beech or ash. The lumber must be well-dried, smooth and free of knots - this will ensure the strength and stability of the future structure.

Layout of the stairs to the attic

The construction of a staircase to the attic begins with determining the location of its installation: for a residential attic floor, it is better to make the exit from the hallway or living room, and for a temporary one, from the veranda or street. The easiest way is to construct a staircase to the attic using stringers (wooden or metal beams, located along the wall).

Basic concepts for calculation

A string should be stretched along the wall, connecting the top point of the attic subfloor and the beginning of the stairs on the first floor. After this, you should calculate the number of steps. It is advisable to first draw up drawings with a work plan and be guided by them during installation.

The dimensions of the tread and riser will depend on the angle of inclination. In this case, the maximum height of the step should not exceed 20 cm (at 45 degrees) and be less than 12 cm (at 30 degrees). The depth of the step should be between 30-38 cm. Optimal width the span is about 100-120 cm.

Angles are marked on the stringer based on the number and position of steps. At the top of the board, you should leave a spike measuring 50-100 mm, depending on the cross-section of the beam, designed to secure the hatch to the attic. A groove is hollowed out in the ceiling under the tenon using a chisel.

After this, the board should be grabbed to the wall and the calculated number of steps should be drawn (lines should be drawn strictly according to the level). In this case, the first board from the bottom is drawn taking into account the thickness of the tread board.

Then the board can be removed and teeth cut into it. The second board is cut according to the pattern of the first. For wide stairs, it is better to prepare three beams.


First, the base of the staircase is installed, which should be secured with a block. The stringers are screwed to it with self-tapping screws; with the upper tenons they should fit into the prepared grooves coated with wood glue. The strength of the structure will be given by strengthening the structure metal corners and threaded rods (connect stringers in 3-4 places). After this, the first beam is screwed to the wall.

The lower step is mounted first; it can be secured with self-tapping screws, which need to be recessed and closed with wooden plugs. After this, the riser is installed.

Important: All joints must be coated with wood glue.

The tread is screwed with reverse side. This way the stringers are sewn up to the top. External line The steps are sheathed with boards or plywood.

If the width of the attic staircase is more than 120 cm, then the installation of handrails is not necessary, otherwise vertical racks They are bolted to the stringers, and the railings are attached to them. Optimal height the railing of the stairs to the attic is about 85 cm.

You can learn more about how to make a staircase to the attic in the video:

They have also come to an end. All that remains is to build the stairs to the attic floor. But which one to choose? How to place, inside or outside? How many flights should a staircase to the attic have? In this article we will try to answer all these questions, and also tell you how to build a staircase with your own hands.

Designs and installation locations of stairs to the attic floor

Stairs for attic floors vary in type of structure and location of their installation. And your choice should be based on the needs of residents, area and technical specifications the entire building. Next, we will look at the most popular designs of those used for attic floors.

Types of staircase designs for the attic floor

The screw one is the smallest in terms of the area it occupies than all those structures that will be described below. If you have only 1-1.5 m2 at your disposal, then the screw design will be your salvation.

Attic staircase designs: from the simplest to the most elaborate

The picture below shows a classic one marching design. It is easier to calculate and install than the others, but, as you can see, it takes up a fair amount of space. This can be corrected by increasing the angle of inclination of the flight, but in this case it will not be very convenient to climb to the floor.

The easiest way to install a single-flight staircase to the attic with your own hands is

Classic double-flight systems are straight, l- and u-shaped. The first type for attics in private homes is rarely used, but the other two are very common.

If there is not much space in the house, then two-flight attic stairs will do.

At the top you can see the layout of the marches, and in the photo below there are examples ready-made structures. In the space under the stairs to the attic floor, you can either install a heating system, as in the photo, or make a storage room.

Attic stairs: photos of classic two-flight structures

It is also worth mentioning the method of connecting marches. The most familiar option for us is turning areas. However, instead of platforms, so-called winder steps are often made; you can see them on the left side of the photo.

Arrangement of stairs to the attic: winder steps and a turning platform

Another type of attic stairs is folding, attic. Such structures are used more often if there is an attic on the second floor. When the ladder is not needed, it is completely retracted into the hatch in the attic ceiling.

Folding, compact stairs to the attic floor

Installation of stairs to the attic floor inside and outside the building

Climbing to the floor from the street is a good option, if two families live in one house. Both floors turn out to be isolated from each other, no one disturbs anyone: there are two entrances to the house, internal and external.

External staircase to the attic: separate entrance to the second floor

The staircase to the attic from the veranda also makes it possible to use different entrances to the living quarters, but there is no need to go outside, as happens when the staircase is external.

In the photo there is a staircase to the attic floor located on the veranda

Installing stairs inside the house is a more common option. If the building is permanently used by one family, then, of course, it would be logical to choose this type of installation.

Internal staircase to the attic. Photo of the simplest design for climbing to the second floor

How to make and install a staircase to the attic floor

Stairs can be made from almost any material, but wooden ones are perhaps the most common. They will suit almost any attic interior, especially considering how popular wood paneling is today. Let's see how this is done using the example of a straight single-flight staircase.

Calculating the parameters of a flight of stairs

  • Floor height. We measure the difference between the finished floor levels of the first floor and the attic. Let it be 250 cm.
  • Number and height of steps. We divide the lifting height by the recommended height of the risers - 18 cm. This means: 250:18 = 13.88 pieces. There should be no fractional numbers, round to 14. Now we calculate the height of the steps: 250:14 = 17.85 cm. We got 14 steps with risers of 17.85 cm.
  • Total march length. Let's take the width of the steps to be 27 cm. We calculate: 14x27 = 405 cm.

Layout of the stairs to the attic. Start of calculations

Based on these calculations, we make a drawing and put down all the dimensions. Now we measure the distance from one attic floor to the other, in the drawing we mark the edge of the second floor. From it we measure the distance to the steps flight of stairs, according to GOST it should not be less than 185 cm. If this distance is less, we reduce the length of the march by reducing the number of steps and giving them greater height.

Table for determination optimal sizes steps

Stringers and treads

For stringers we need the following formula: height 2 + length 2 √22.65 = stringer length. That is: 4.05 2 +2.50 2 √22.65=4.75m. The width of the stringers is calculated so that it is twice as large as the size of the risers. In our case it is 17.85x2 = 35.7 cm. More is possible, less is not possible.

Marking the slots on the stringers is done using a carpenter's angle. If you don’t have one, we’ll make a homemade one from plywood and a couple of slats. We number the steps. We purchase boards for stringers with a reserve; if the required length is 4.75 m, we take 5 m.

Marking of stringers: a) height of risers; b) width of steps

We carried out all calculations without taking into account the boards of the steps. We measure their thickness and trim the lower part of the stringers exactly that way. Now about the width of the treads. To their width we must take into account the thickness of the riser. According to the diagram below, this is: b+d=e, where b is the width of the tread, d is the thickness of the riser. This is a calculation without an overhang; if you plan to do it, then add its width to “b”. The diagram shows both options, with and without an overhang.

DIY attic stairs: tread width with and without overhang

Important: The stringers must perfectly match each other. Otherwise, we will not be able to assemble the ladder. After both stringers have been cut, put them together and check how identical they are.

Platform beam

Its width is equal to the width of the future staircase (90 cm) + two thicknesses of the stringer + 14 cm at the edges. The last figure varies depending on the parameters of the staircase. So: 90+10+14=114cm is our platform beam. You will need 2 of them in total.

In the figure you see ways to attach stringers to a platform beam: with and without a notch. You can choose the method that suits you best. On the right side of the picture there are two options for the design of the frieze step: ordinary and pushed into the platform. Cut it out required quantity steps, then sand all the parts.

How to make a staircase to the attic: attaching stringers to the landing beam and installing a frieze step

Stepping back 7 cm from the edges, we make cuts in the platform beams equal in width to the thickness of the stringers. In the latter, we also make cuts, if the method of fastening you choose involves them. Now we attach the platform beams to the floors. This can be done using anchors. The figure shows the mounting methods for the upper and lower floors.

Construction of stairs to the attic: attaching landing beams to the first and second floors

Assembling the stairs to the attic floor

We place stringers in the grooves and fasten them to the platform beams with dowels or pins. We attach the stringer adjacent to the wall to it with anchors, if the material of the wall itself allows. Now we attach the steps and risers. You can choose any method from those presented in the figure.

Methods for attaching steps and risers

Now all that remains is to secure the balusters. We do this at the top with screws, obliquely, at the bottom with dowels. You can choose any shape of balusters and steps that suits the attic design.

The attic floor saves both money and Construction Materials, and location. Cold attic can be turned into useful space. You need to insulate the room, do the finishing, and you can build a staircase. Let's find out what options there are for such constructions, how to do it correctly so that the work is successful.

So, there are several types of stairs for the attic. The design layout depends on the type and size of the room. Important to do correct calculations so that the staircase is durable, comfortable, and reliable. A staircase of any shape is suitable for this purpose. Most often they make ordinary marching structures, the simplest ones. They also make various spiral staircases. They are beautiful and save space in the house.

How to choose right place location of the future structure? The choice depends on the room above. If it is heated, then the staircase can be made in the living room or in the hallway.

If the room is cold, the attic is summer, it is better to make a staircase on the veranda, or even on the street. The main thing in choosing a place is that the slope is forty-five degrees. Then the design will be convenient. If there is a lot of space, you can make a staircase with two flights. If space is limited, we will make a spiral staircase.

If there is only the opportunity to build a steep staircase with one flight, then we will make winder steps. They are more comfortable. The attic staircase should be comfortable and safe. It should also be placed so as not to steal a lot of space from the ground floor. It is also worth considering the height of the floor. Let's look at how to make a spiral staircase, because it is the best space saver. Let's take wood for materials. And let's decide on our design. The features of the staircase are such that there is a supporting octagonal post, as well as flat handrails. The steps go around the rack.

Such a staircase can be located in one of the corners of the room, taking up very little space. If it is the only way up, then the opening needs to be made a little wider.

Otherwise, it will be difficult to lift objects such as furniture when necessary. Having chosen the location and shape of the opening, we begin to calculate the diameter of the structure. We measure the height, find the lower level of the structure, and determine the direction of the spiral of our future staircase. We choose the height of the risers and decide on the number of steps. Installation is carried out from below. All parts are fastened with special pins.

The central support is made of a board about thirty millimeters thick. The octahedrons need to be glued together for it. The stand should come out level. The base of the rack is a sheet of steel, to which a metal pipe is attached. We fix the stand to the floor. Now we install the steps. They rest on octagons on one side, and on consoles on the second side. We also make the handrail in a spiral shape. Job is done.

Design of stairs to the attic

An attic space can be very useful. You can make any room in this room. There you can arrange a bedroom, a nursery, or a study. You can make a very comfortable room if you implement various design solutions. It is also important to take care of the stairs. It must be safe, first of all. You can also apply some design ideas, decorating it.

The attic staircase should be a durable, high-quality structure. It should also be aesthetically attractive. The design can be very different. Fantasy can work at its best.

Let's first think about what types of stairs there are for the attic. The choice depends on how often this room will be used. If this country house, will do simple staircase. If the room itself has a sense of solidity, you can choose a more interesting option.

So, there are several types of stairs. There is a screw, folding, attic staircase. And there is a design with one or several flights. Most effective option, this is a spiral staircase. It allows you to implement many stylish ideas. The design depends on the overall style of the building, and on personal preferences.

A lot also depends on the materials. There are wooden and metal stairs. And there are also designs made of glass, which allows you to especially distinguish yourself in style. Those who love the classics prefer wooden options stairs But metal also allows you to make a sophisticated and unusually elegant design. Therefore, you can combine these two materials by combining them. You can decorate a wooden staircase with forged parts. This will be a delightful way to decorate your home. The stone staircase also looks very beautiful.

Well, you can calculate the sizes. Do not forget to take into account the angle of inclination, as well as the width of the steps. This is important for comfortable use of the stairs. Sometimes it is difficult to find the line between practicality and aesthetics. But it needs to be done. Since the most important thing is the safety of the users of the future design. The interior of the staircase can give the whole house an atmosphere of comfort and warmth.

Every private house has an attic. But for easy access to it, you need a reliable ladder. If the structure is made inside, it will be more comfortable and cozy, especially in the cold months. But it happens that the house has already been renovated, everything is in its place, and you don’t want to clutter up the space, especially if there is already not enough of it. Therefore, sometimes the stairs are made on the street. Let's talk about this staircase.

There are several types of outdoor attic stairs. We need to decide on it. Some types can only be installed in a spacious yard, while others are suitable for narrower spaces. The type of staircase also depends on the chosen material. There are stairs with electric drive. They extend vertically, which makes them very convenient. But making such a staircase is not easy. You need an electric drive, the ability to work with metal, and the ceiling height must be appropriate.

Another type is the accordion ladder. You can often see such designs in stores. The elements are connected and work like scissors. When the staircase is assembled, it attracts almost no attention. This design is simpler. Another type of staircase is a marching structure. It takes up enough space. Marches can be prefabricated or integral. They can be straight or curved. There may be one march, or maybe three platforms. They can be metal or made of wood. They are easy to make. It is this type of staircase that we will now consider in more detail.

It is important to follow safety precautions; this is the most important point in all work. The ladder must be made strong and also stable. Therefore, you need to think about it for her good material. There must be reliable railings. It is better to make the opening as wide as possible. It will need to be insulated. Also, the ladder must be load-resistant so that you can lift things and heavy objects along it.

The dimensions and characteristics of the staircase depend on the material.

Most available material, this is a tree. You don't need any special skills to make such a staircase. To prevent the wood from rotting over time, you just need to treat it by special means, and it will last. These products will help the material become resistant to fire and precipitation. What can you say about metal? This is the most popular material for outdoor stairs to the attic. It is very reliable and durable, can withstand heavy loads, and does not deform. But you need skills to make such a structure. Therefore, let's look at how to make a wooden staircase.

We create a drawing on which we indicate everything necessary calculations. We purchase materials for the construction. We choose wood so that it is not wet or overdried. Also, there should be no cracks or deformations on it. To make steps, we will need boards, and we will also need timber for stringers. We apply markings to the timber. We cut out the teeth and install the steps.

Assembly is easy. We fix our steps.

Glass spiral staircase

design and dimensions of the stairs to the attic in a private house - photo, attic houses outside and inside: external staircase to the attic - entrance from the street, interiors of designer attic rooms - photo gallery



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