How to make a ceiling in an apartment with your own hands. Do-it-yourself ceiling repair in an apartment

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Sooner or later, a moment comes when the ceiling in a house or apartment loses its aesthetic appearance and requires repair. It must be remembered that appearance This element of the room directly affects the entire interior. Even if the walls are decorated with one of expensive materials, and the ceiling will look sloppy, the entire effect of the repair will be lost.

This is a completely feasible undertaking for any homeowner. The main thing is to choose a method that is feasible and corresponds to the level of work skills and financial capabilities of the owners. And in order to make this choice, you need to first consider the process of conducting preparatory work, and then – several options for transforming the ceiling surface.

However, first you need to prepare all the equipment necessary for the work.

Ceiling repair tools

Any of the ceilings will require some kind of surface repair. For plastering and puttying work, you need to prepare tools that will allow you to carry out all the processes quickly and accurately. You shouldn’t skimp on this and buy cheap, low-quality equipment, otherwise you can end up in a lot of trouble leveling the applied compounds.

To work you will need:

  • A falcon on which it will be convenient to hold the solution during the plastering process.
  • Trowel or plastering spatulas, for applying plaster and putty to surfaces.
  • Graters for grinding the applied and leveled mortar.
  • Scrapers for cleaning the ceiling and removing excess solution.
  • Rule for leveling the applied solution and monitoring the evenness of the surface.
  • Spatulas of different sizes for applying and distributing the solution.
  • A roller with a long handle for wetting the ceiling surface before cleaning and for priming.
  • Building level to control the evenness of the ceiling.
  • Brushes or brushes.

In addition to the above, you may also need other tools, depending on the choice of material for finishing the ceiling.

Preparatory activities

Preparing surfaces for repair and decoration is, of course, one of the least favorite processes in work, but absolutely necessary. The durability and aesthetics of the results in all other works depends on how well it is produced. Moreover, no matter what finishing material is chosen, preparation of the base must be carried out.

Preparatory work includes cleaning the surface, sealing cracks, seams and joints if they are found, and priming the ceiling.

Surface cleaning

It is imperative to remove the old coating from the surface of the ceiling if it has even small cracks or even in some places has begun to separate from the base and fall off. If this is not done, then all the work will go down the drain, and very soon the repair will have to be repeated.

  • If the ceiling has been plastered and whitewashed, then it is worth moistening it well and removing the whitewash with a spatula or a hard sponge. The plaster must be completely removed if it has become cracked during use or if voids have appeared underneath it.

In the case when the plaster is applied with high quality, and only in some areas peeling has appeared, then you can try to clean the base only in the damaged areas. When the peeled plaster is removed, you need to carefully examine the edges of the remaining coating. If it turns out that although it holds, there is even a very small gap between it and the base, then the cleaning area will have to be expanded.

  • If the ceiling was decorated with regular or liquid wallpaper, then they, like whitewash, are moistened and cleaned off with a spatula. Regular wallpaper needs to be given some time to get wet and peel off, then it will come off much easier. If they are glued well, then you will have to wet them several times, and without waiting for them to dry, start cleaning the ceiling.

  • If the ceiling was covered with polyurethane or polystyrene foam tiles, then its dismantling is carried out using a spatula. You need to remove all the material completely, without leaving even small pieces on the surface.

Sealing cracks

Cracks found on the ceiling and exposed inter-slab seams, as mentioned above, will have to be sealed, but simply covering them up will not bring high-quality results.

Under no circumstances should such cracks be left on the ceiling.
  • To begin with, the cracks must be cut and expanded as wide and deep as possible. This is usually done using a chisel and a hammer, a hammer drill, and in some cases, for example, at the direct junction of two slabs, you can also resort to a “grinder” with a stone circle installed. The extension is necessary in order to repair composition Once filled, the crack stayed in place well and it did not reappear through the new ceiling covering.

  • The crack, after it has expanded, must be thoroughly cleaned of dust and pieces of plaster - this process is carried out using a brush.
  • After this, the split crack must be treated, which will add adhesion to the surface when it is covered. plaster mortar. Priming is carried out with a brush along the entire length and depth of the crack.
  • Depending on the width and depth of the defect, it can be sealed with sealant, plaster mortar or even polyurethane foam.

— If the gap is filled with foam, then you need to wait until the foam expands and hardens, and then its excess is carefully cut off to the level of the ceiling surface.

— When sealing with putty, sealant or repair mortar based on cement or gypsum, if the crack is large, it is recommended to use a fiberglass mesh - it will become a kind of reinforcing “bridge” connecting two opposite sides of the crack, and will not allow this flaw to appear through new decorative coating.

The composition is applied to the surface of the crack with force, so that it penetrates to the full depth, always capturing the edges. The sickle strip is glued and smoothed onto the layer of mortar. It should be wider than the crack gap by approximately 10÷15 mm on each side of the defect.

Special attention- seams at the joints of floor slabs

How to seal the seams on the ceiling?

If, when removing the plaster, it was discovered that in the seams between the ceiling slabs the old concrete composition crumbles and falls out, then before you begin to repair the surface, you need to repair this flaw.

How to carry out the work correctly is in a special article on our portal.

Ceiling surface priming

The final stage in the preparatory work is treating the surface with a primer - this will be an antiseptic treatment and give the ceiling surface high adhesive qualities.

If traces of mold or fungal colonies are found on the ceiling, then before applying the primer, it is necessary to treat the affected area with a special antifungal agent.

“Treatment” of affected areas of walls and ceilings

After this treatment, the ceiling should dry well, and only then can you proceed to applying a primer. The primer is applied using a roller and distributed evenly over the surface of the ceiling. In places where it is impossible to handle with a roller (for example, in corners), they resort to a brush.

It is recommended to apply two to three layers of primer - then it will be well absorbed and create pl enka, which will be an excellent basis for applying a leveling plaster coating.

Finishing work

Once the surface has been repaired and primed before applying decorative covering, it must be leveled, otherwise all flaws will appear through the finishing layers.

The ceiling surface can be leveled different ways- using “wet” plaster (putty), or dry method - sheets of drywall.

"Wet" plaster

Plaster mixtures for “wet” ceiling leveling are made on different bases. Which one is more suitable for a particular case? To do this, you need to think about how this or that mixture will behave during application and during operation. Some characteristics can be found in the proposed table:

Main characteristics of various types of plaster

PropertiesPlaster mixtures
mineral acrylic silicate silicone
Main substancecementacrylic resinliquid glasssilicone resin
Vapor permeabilityhighlowhighhigh
Water absorptionhighlowaveragelow
Exposure to contaminationaveragehighlowvery low
Type of pigmentinorganicinorganic, organicinorganicinorganic, organic
UV resistancehighlowhighhigh
Microbiological resistanceaveragelowhighhigh
Abrasion resistancelowhighhighhigh
Ozone resistancehighlowhighhigh

Leveling the ceiling with plaster (putty) is considered the most traditional way, but this method is quite complicated for an unprepared person, and you need to get used to it so that the work goes quickly. You can conduct training in small individual areas - this will give you the opportunity to understand. Will such an operation be possible on the entire surface of the ceiling?

If everything goes well, you can dilute the required amount plaster mixture and get to work.

How to plaster a ceiling?

The entire process is described in detail in the portal article, which can be accessed via the recommended link.

After plastering, the final stage of leveling the surface using putty mixtures occurs. This process is carried out in order to make the ceiling perfectly smooth.

How to level a ceiling using putty?

To such a state it is necessary to refine the ceiling for painting or wallpapering. To study the process in detail, you can refer to the corresponding portal article. :

Leveling the ceiling with plasterboard

If you are not sure that traditional “wet” plastering will be successful, then you can use “dry” technology to level the ceiling - leveling the surface with sheets of plasterboard. This approach is also good because it makes it possible not only to make the ceiling even, but also to insulate or soundproof his.

In the case where the base of the ceiling is sufficiently flat, without large differences and easy to screw in fasteners, then sheets of drywall can be mounted directly on its surface. But in this case, insulation and sound insulation are excluded.

Therefore, the most often chosen method is to attach drywall to a specially prepared frame made of a galvanized metal profile - this way it is quite possible to level even the most crooked ceiling. In addition, between this suspended ceiling and the base, you can lay thermal insulation material, which will insulate the room from the noise of the upper apartment or insulate the premises of a private house.

The frame lowers below the surface of the base by a maximum of 100 ÷ 150 mm, but if the ceilings are low, then the metal sheathing can be lowered only 50 ÷ 70 mm.

The work is carried out in the following sequence:

  • First, the surface is marked, and the lines along which the guides will be fixed are designated. The most convenient way to mark is using blue-dyed twine. Points are measured on both sides of the room, between which the string is stretched, then it is pulled back, grasping approximately its middle and released. Thus, a broken colored, absolutely even strip remains on the ceiling.

Perpendicular lines are drawn in the same way. On the ceiling you get a large cage, usually 600x600 mm in size. The outermost elements of the sheathing should be located at a distance of 50 ÷ 70 mm from the walls.

  • Next, in the middle of the two parallel sides of each square, metal hangers are fixed, to which the metal profiles will be screwed.

The hangers are nailed to the concrete ceiling using two dowels into pre-drilled holes.

  • The guides are attached at the required level to the hangers using self-tapping screws. In this case, the horizontalness of the installed profile must be carefully controlled. During the installation process, the correct mutual placement of adjacent profiles at the same height is also checked - a building level is also used for this.
  • The next step is to install jumpers along the marked sides of the square. Segments of the required length are cut from the profile. They are fastened to the longitudinal guides with special elements - “crabs”, which will unite the entire sheathing into a single structure with a precisely calibrated lower level.

Interface between the guide and jumpers using a “crab”

At the end of the installation of the frame, the ceiling should look something like this.

  • Next, sheets of plasterboard are screwed onto the sheathing with self-tapping screws. The fasteners are placed in increments of 200 mm, so that the self-tapping screw is no closer than 10 ÷ 15 mm from the edge of the sheet. The heads of the self-tapping screws should be buried 1 ÷ 1.5 mm in the thickness of the material

Installation large sheets Drywall must be made by at least two people, as they are quite heavy and can break when climbing to a height. One constantly supports the sheet, and the second screws in the screws using a screwdriver.

If there is no assistant, then you will have to cut the plasterboard slabs into small fragments that will cover each square of the sheathing separately. In this case, the work may take longer, since you will have to process a large number of joining seams.

When installing cut pieces of drywall along its edges, the chamfer must be removed - this is necessary for high-quality sealing of the seams.

  • After completing the installation of drywall, all seams between the slabs must be sealed.

The process is carried out, as a rule, with a primary (starting) putty mixture using a sickle mesh (usual, which is embedded in a freshly applied layer of putty, or has its own adhesive base).

In addition, you need to cover all the holes with the heads of the screws, otherwise they may appear as rust through the decorative finish.

After drying, the ceiling is carefully sanded, primed, and then it can be painted or covered with wallpaper.

Prices for drywall and sheet materials

Drywall and sheet materials

Video: leveling the ceiling with plasterboard

Painting the ceiling

Today it is not as popular as before, since a large number of other modern materials are produced for its decoration. However, many owners prefer traditional methods of tidying up surfaces.

Before painting, the ceiling must be well primed and only after it has dried can you begin painting.

They can be glued at the joints of walls and ceilings after painting the surfaces. However, if they are already glued, then it is worth closing them masking tape and paint the joint between them and the ceiling, as well as a distance of approximately 100 ÷ 150 mm, using a brush. The main surface of the ceiling is coated with paint using a roller.

It will be more convenient to work if the roller is attached to a long rod - the paint can be applied to the ceiling while standing on the floor. At this distance, it will be clearly visible whether the coloring composition lies evenly on the surface.

After completing the application of the first layer of paint, you need to let the ceiling dry, since only on a dry surface can you see the quality of the coating. If necessary, another one is applied on top of the first layer, in the same way as the first.

For a ceiling plastered with “wet” plaster, enamel or Oil paint, and for drywall surfaces, water-based paints are better suited.

How to paint a ceiling?

What specific composition is best to use for - you can find out from the portal article, completely devoted to this topic.

Ceiling cladding with plastic panels

Some apartment owners prefer to cover the ceiling with plastic panels. They can be attached directly to the ceiling if it is lined with plywood or boards, but the same lathing that is mounted for plasterboard, made from galvanized metal profiles or from wooden blocks fixed to the ceiling surface or on hangers, is also suitable for them.

  • If the panels will be installed on a wooden sheathing, then it is more convenient to fasten them using special mounting clamps with small nails or staples.

  • On metal profiles plastic lining You will have to screw it with short screws with wide heads.

  • In order for the cladding to look neat, an end (starting) strip is screwed or stapled along the entire perimeter of the ceiling, at the same level.

When it is secured, the installation of plastic panels begins, which are installed in its groove.

  • The first panel should be installed as level as possible, with the side and end sides inserted into the starting strips. The tenons on the panels are driven into the grooves of the already installed elements tightly and all the way, and if the first panel is installed with a bevel, then all the others will follow its direction.

It is very important to position the first panel correctly
  • You can also encounter a certain problem when installing the last panel of lining, since it needs to be installed in the groove of the previous panel and placed in end strip from three sides. It is recommended to first align the panel with the already installed one, and then slide it into the end strip.
Prices for PVC panels

PVC panels

Video: how to properly cover a ceiling with plastic panels


On the ceiling - not as easy as it seems at first glance, since this process is not very convenient to carry out, but it is necessary to maintain the evenness of the stripes. If you have no experience in wallpapering, it is recommended to choose one type of material in which there is no need to combine the pattern, because such wallpaper is much more difficult to glue.

If you have purchased exactly as much material as is needed for the ceiling surface, and there is no stock, you can practice on the remnants of old wallpaper or purchase it for getting practice roll the cheapest ones and then try gluing one or two strips to the ceiling. Such training will help you gain a little experience and not spoil more expensive material.

  • When starting work, you need to close all windows and doors so that there are no drafts in the room, otherwise the wallpaper will end up on the floor the next day.
  • It is better to stick wallpaper V two people, since glue-impregnated canvases are quite heavy and can simply tear under their own weight. In this case, the craftsmen stand one after another, the first is the leader, engaged in gluing and leveling, and the second supports the side of the canvas that has not yet been glued. Both move backwards on often installed stools or a specially constructed platform.

In case you couldn’t find an assistant, there is a proven method that will help you do the job yourself.

A round rolling pin with a length equal to the width of the wallpaper roll can help with this - as a rule, it is 500 ÷ 600 mm. If there is none, you will have to turn it out of a block or find, for example, a shovel handle, cutting it to the right size. As a last resort, an old roll of wallpaper can be used, which needs to be wrapped with tape.

  • You need to start working by soaking the glue, according to the instructions indicated on the package.
  • While the glue is soaking, the length of the room is measured and cut required quantity canvases When taking measurements, you need to take into account some nuances:

— the wallpaper will be glued end to end;

- first and last page should extend onto the wall along its entire length and width by 100 mm;

- the remaining sheets of wallpaper need to be measured 200 mm more than the length of the room, since they should also be 100 mm on the walls on each side;

- if you have chosen wallpaper that requires matching according to the pattern, this must be taken into account when cutting strips, calculating the step of the pattern.

  • Wallpaper is glued to a primed and dry surface.
  • On the first sheet to be glued, which will be coated Firstly, the corner is cut so that the canvas can freely bend and rest one side on the wall along its entire length, and its ends fall down two opposite walls by 100 mm.
  • Then the cut sheet and two more sheets are laid out alternately on the table and coated well with glue. Having coated the sheet, it is folded like an accordion, with the pattern facing outwards, without pressing at the corners. The folds should be approximately 500 ÷ 600 mm.
  • While the glue is soaking the paper, using a roller on a rod, you need to apply a layer of glue to the ceiling and walls to stick one sheet. The joints and corners must be coated with a brush.
  • Then they hang the folded canvas on a rolling pin and rise with it to the ceiling, holding an accordion with their left hand.
  • They start gluing the canvas from the wall, gluing it to 100 mm, press it well in the corner, start gluing and straightening it on the ceiling and the wall parallel to it. All this work will have to be done alone right hand, since the left one will be occupied by a rolling pin with an accordion made of wallpaper.
  • On the ceiling, the canvas must be carefully leveled, trying to squeeze out all the glue and air from under it. It's best to do this the so-called "herringbone"- in the middle, along a section of the canvas, a strip is carefully drawn with a soft cloth, and glue is removed from it to the sides.

It must be remembered that when gluing the first strip, the main thing is to properly straighten the part that is on the ceiling and on the walls along the width of the canvas, and the section that is on the side wall can be trimmed later.

To make a bend on the walls of the required size, it is recommended to beat out even strips on them in advance - it will be easier to navigate along them.

  • The next strips are glued end-to-end with the previous strip. The edges need to be carefully “pulled” towards each other, smoothed using soft fabric their surface, immediately removing any excess glue that appears. It is necessary to ensure that there are no air bubbles left under the wallpaper. To remove them, you can walk over each of the canvases with a rubber roller attached to a rod.
  • After pasting the entire surface, windows and doors cannot be opened until the wallpaper is completely dry.

It must be said that in addition to the usual wallpaper in Lately so-called liquid wallpaper is often purchased or made independently, which can hide some small flaws in the ceiling. Working with them is pleasant and simple, so anyone, even a novice master, can apply them to walls and ceilings with a little practice. They cannot damage the surface, since they can easily be removed with a spatula and even put back into use.

“Liquid” wallpaper looks very cool on the ceiling

Have you already heard about liquid wallpaper?

If readers are interested in this option, then you can learn a lot of interesting information about how you can independently make and stick them on any surface from a special article on the portal.

Covering the ceiling with light plastic tiles

Another option for decorating the ceiling is to install polyurethane or polystyrene foam tiles on it. Various types of this finishing material are produced, so you can easily select tiles based on the relief pattern and color to suit any interior style.

Unlike wallpaper, it is not at all difficult to install alone, since it is very light in weight. For better adhesion, the ceiling before its sticker, as with the installation of other decorative coatings, is also treated with a primer.

  • To ensure that the tiles are glued neatly, markings are made on the ceiling. It may be different, but if you plan to hang a chandelier in the room, then it should become a “reference point” for determining the location of the tiles.
  • Whatever method of arrangement is chosen, two lines perpendicular to each other are drawn on the surface of the ceiling, intersecting at the point where the chandelier will be hung. Based on the lines, it will be easy to install according to any tile arrangement.

  • Installation of tiles always starts from the point of intersection of the lines. Holes of the required size are cut out in each of the four tiles for the chandelier. When combining them on the ceiling, a square or circle is formed, in the center of which the chandelier will hang.
  • Next, the tiles are attached strictly along the beaten lines, and the next rows will be aligned with the first, already glued tiles.
  • To glue tiles, an alcohol-based polymer adhesive is usually used, which is applied pointwise to the edges of the tiles. Glue points should be located at a distance of 100 ÷ 150 mm from each other.

  • Next, the tile is pressed to the surface and held for one to two minutes - this should be enough for it to be securely held on the ceiling surface. If individual elements starts to lag behind in some places, you should hold them a little longer.

  • The final stage, which will give the ceiling a finished look, is the installation of ceiling skirting boards. They are glued at the junction of the ceiling and wall or only on the ceiling. When purchasing this element, you need to immediately decide how the plinth will be installed, since it has different profiles, depending on how and where it will be glued.
Video: visual lesson on stickers plastic tiles on the ceiling

There are many other ways to decorate the ceiling surface. However, if you plan to carry out this process alone, then you need to choose exactly the technology that the homeowner can handle. Any task will become feasible if you set the goal to successfully complete it, and also carry out all the work slowly, based on the instructions received.

The first thing you notice when entering a room is the ceiling. Its aesthetics determines the general opinion about the room as a whole. A reliable ceiling surface deserves more attention than you think. The step-by-step stages of ceiling repair will help you put the coating in order. By doing the work yourself, you can save a lot of money.

Experience and practice are important at every stage; if you have not encountered this before, we strongly recommend that you contact specialists. The final cost of the project depends on the volume and complexity of the ceiling. Highly qualified specialists will help you develop a project, squeeze it into a design and implement everything in a short time.

The first step is choosing the ceiling material. On modern market big choice materials, it is difficult to choose the best option, each is good in its own way. From these considerations, we will touch on each.

The most popular are:

  • Whitewash;
  • Dye;
  • Wallpaper;
  • Plastic panels (MDF);
  • Ceiling tiles;
  • Suspended structure;
  • Tree;
  • Rack surface;
  • Armstrong;
  • Tension fabric.


Clean up old surface should be done to the fullest extent; if repairs are being carried out in a new building, proceed to the next step.

Old facing covering is completely removed. Old whitewash and the plaster is first soaked using a roller. The roller is moistened with warm water and tried to be squeezed into the surface. The dried roller is wetted again, repeating the procedure. Start scraping the wet surface with a spatula until concrete base. Large rooms soak in sections to prevent drying out.

If the surface has been coated with oil-based or water-based paint, it will be difficult to remove using a simple method. The mechanical method is labor-intensive and takes a lot of effort, so buy a remover. The stripper is a chemical solution that corrodes the surface. After saturating the ceiling with the washing solution, it should be left to sit for 12 hours. Now start removing the old paint.

In old panel houses, decorative panels are used. Regular scraping will help remove the panel. Remove remaining stains immediately so that they do not appear on the new coating.

Repairing cracks

All cracks and seams must be eliminated, otherwise it will all affect the new surface. First, each crack is cut. The cutting process involves widening and breaking the furrow. As an assistant, you can use a hammer drill, a chisel, or even a grinder. Breaking it down will allow the crack to be better secured, preventing it from spreading further.

Each crack is well cleaned of dust and debris. Be sure to treat the inside with a primer, this will improve the adhesion of the future solution to the surface. The size of the defect matters!

Small minor cracks can be sealed with sealant or foam. The foamed gap must be given time to expand, only after that the excess is cut off. Large cracks are sealed using a sickle mesh. The mesh acts as a second primer layer, figuratively of course.

Any composition is applied with force, pressing it inward. Serpyanka must be glued to the sealed areas, and its width covers the holes by 1-2 centimeters on each side.


The cleaned surface can be coated with a primer. The primer has both adhesive and antiseptic properties. Areas affected by fungus are pre-treated with antifungal components. After applying antifungal mixtures, allow the coating to dry. The primer is applied to a dry wall with a roller; if it is difficult to get under the roller, use a brush.

The soil composition is covered in 2-3 layers, with a 3-4 hour break between each layer. A multi-layer primer cake forms a film that will help preserve the outer layer for as long as possible.


The prepared surface must be leveled before finishing, otherwise the facing coating may become distorted. One of the ways to make the surface even is: wet plaster or plasterboard sheets.

Wet plaster

This type of plaster is used exclusively for leveling. There are mineral, acrylic, silicate and silicone mixtures. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it doesn’t hurt to look at the properties to choose the right one.

Mineral mixture

Mixture mineral plaster included in the environmental class pure materials. Its composition consists of pure and safe components - slaked lime, Portland cement, natural stone, modifiers.


  • Strength;
  • Resistance to temperature changes;
  • Moisture resistant;
  • Breathes;
  • Does not burn;
  • Easy to care for.


  • Poor palette of shades;
  • Sometimes cracks appear (this happens when the rules are not followed).

Acrylic composition

Acrylic is the main component of this composition. Polymer resins give the component an attractive appearance and elasticity. The modifier allows you to achieve the desired properties. Dyes are added in doses at production, color uniformity is guaranteed. The heterogeneity of stone fractions does not guarantee uniform consumption of material.


  • Mechanical stability;
  • Moisture resistant;
  • Does not crack;
  • Does not burn;
  • Increased heat and sound insulation;
  • Easy to care for.


  • Not breathing;
  • Fades when exposed to the sun.

Silicone + silicate plaster

The main component is silicone resin mixed with natural fillers.


  • Does not fade;
  • Not exposed to temperature changes;
  • Vapor permeable;
  • Contains antiseptics;
  • Doesn't crack.


  • Price;
  • Application experience required.

Leveling the surface with wet putty is considered in the classic way, but requires skill.


Drywall sheets are used to level highly skewed surfaces. Except perfect ceiling, get increased heat and sound insulation characteristics. Smooth wooden surfaces will allow you to fasten sheets without erecting a fastening structure.

A specially constructed frame is assembled from a galvanized profile, and by laying additional thermal insulation mats, the characteristics will increase. The maximum height of the frame reaches 15 centimeters, and for low rooms 5-7 cm.

The frame is attached in the following sequence:

  • Surface marking;
  • In the middle of the two sides (width, length), a profile is attached, dividing the premises into 4 squares;
  • The hangers are fastened onto which the remaining profiles will be mounted;
  • The guides are attached using self-tapping screws;
  • Mount the mounting jumpers;
  • Sew on the missing frame parts;
  • Install electrical wiring;
  • Sheathed with sheets of plasterboard.

It is better to attach full-size sheets together. The sheet has large dimensions, and it is difficult to keep track of the entire area; it can break at a height. After covering the frame with sheets, glue all seams with sickle tape and putty on top with a layer of putty. The final stage of putty is applied in compliance with the surface level. After drying, the plasterboard sheets are sanded, primed and proceed to finishing.


Finishing is not limited preparatory processes, it's time to move on to the finishing part. The stages of ceiling repair also involve painting or finishing with other materials. Paint is used less and less finishing material for the ceiling. For changing paint and varnish material new traditional surfaces have arrived.

Before painting, the ceiling should be prepared - coated with primer solutions in 2-3 layers. Once dry, proceed. To work you will need a roller on a long rod and a brush. The first coat of paint is called a test coat; the appearance after applying the primary coat does not in any way affect the final appearance. For painting, water-based or acrylic paint is used, which is applied according to special technique at least 3 layers.

Stripe of plastic panels

Modern plastic panels have reached their peak, with a wide variety of structural appearances. The panels can be mounted directly to the ceiling, or you can use a frame made of wood or a metal profile. Fastening panels to wooden frame produced with special staples and nails. The plastic is convenient to attach to metal profile using short screws.

For a neat finish, use starting bar, it is nailed around the perimeter and hides the edges of the panels. Be careful when installing the first panel; its distortion will cause a defect in the entire structure. Attaching the last panel will be difficult; to avoid an awkward moment, first insert the panel into the panel, and then slide it into the trim.


Wallpapering a ceiling is more difficult than you might imagine. The inconvenience of the process, combined with the alignment of each strip along the entire length, makes you want to give up everything. Choosing this type finishing without experience - hand-delivered judgment. To simplify things, you can choose wallpaper without a pattern.

In order not to transfer expensive canvases, buy a roll of cheap wallpaper and practice, transfer the experience gained to the final version.

  • Begin pasting indoors;
  • Glue only together, standing one after another;
  • It is more convenient to glue one by one using a rolling pin;
  • Start your work by preparing the glue;
  • Wallpaper is glued to a primed, dry surface;
  • The glue is applied to the wallpaper and the ceiling;
  • Each strip is glued end to end to the previous one.

Ceiling tiles

Still popular ceiling tiles. The tiles are made from polyurethane or expanded polystyrene. There is a wide variety of types of patterns and shapes of tile panels, allowing you to choose them to suit any interior.

Covering the ceiling with tiles is easier than with wallpaper, but there are some tricks. Before gluing, be sure to treat the surface with a primer.

  • To ensure that the tile sits beautifully, first apply the markings with a pencil or marker;
  • No matter which layout method you choose, first divide the room into 4 equal rectangles;
  • Installation of any method starts from the center of the room;
  • Use only polymer construction adhesive;
  • Glue dots are applied at a distance of 15 centimeters;
  • To be sure, press the tile for at least 60 seconds;
  • The last step is gluing the baseboards.

Many apartment owners decide to do the renovations themselves. This, of course, requires a lot of effort, but the savings are more than noticeable. Most of the funds are spent on construction materials and tools. If the work is done on your own, then no one needs to pay for it.

However, you should take into account the fact that not all of your dreams about a new apartment interior can be realized without using the services of professionals. Some materials sold in construction stores require specific skills, work experience and certain dexterity. If you are not sure about own strength and are doing repairs for the first time, it is better to use “proven methods” that are easy even for a beginner in such a difficult field as repairs.

In this article we will look at types of ceiling decoration with your own hands. Some are suitable for absolutely everyone; only people who already have experience in finishing work should pay attention to others.

DIY ceiling made of plastic panels

The main advantage of this method is that you will not need to prepare the ceiling for finishing. No lengthy leveling, puttying, plaster or primer is required. You can even leave the wallpaper on the ceiling if it doesn't come off.

In order to secure the plastic, you need to make a frame to which the panels will be attached. The cost of plastic is low, the speed of installing panels depends on your skills. The first 2-3 panels may require more time, but you will install the next ones very quickly. Great option according to the ratio of time spent and the price of materials.

Another advantage of plastic panels is moisture resistance. That is why ceilings in bathrooms, utility rooms and toilets are usually lined with plastic. Wide choose colors and textures are also an advantage of this method.

The only (doubtful) disadvantage of this method is that plastic is considered not environmentally friendly material. But different people have different opinions on this matter.

Bottom line: you can make a ceiling from plastic panels with your own hands not only quickly, but also inexpensively.

DIY plastic ceiling - video

DIY ceiling decoration with wallpaper

Wallpaper has long been used not only for wall decoration. Depending on what wallpaper you choose, renovations can be quite cheap or quite expensive.

The obvious disadvantage of this method is the need for preparatory work. You will need to remove the previous ceiling covering (if any), then level the ceiling, putty it, prime it and only then proceed to wallpapering.

When calculating funds, do not forget to include plaster, putty and primer in the estimate. Also, the preparatory stage will take time, because each layer must dry.

Perfect smooth ceilings you can rarely find them, and it’s not easy to make them like this without experience. If you stick even the most beautiful wallpaper on uneven ceiling, then they will not look very good, since joints, gaps and bends of the ceiling will become noticeable.

The advantages of this method include the relatively fast and easy installation, a huge assortment and quick replacement if necessary (if the wallpaper fades, it can be replaced with others without repeating the preparatory stage).

Bottom line: it is best to use wallpaper to decorate the ceiling with your own hands if there are no defects on the surface. Fast way, suitable for any budget.

How to glue wallpaper on the ceiling - video

DIY plasterboard ceiling

If the ceiling in your apartment is far from ideal, then finishing with plasterboard is perfect solution. First, you will need to mount a frame to which the drywall will be attached. This construction material- one of the most popular on the market, since it is easy to work with even for beginners, and more experienced apartment owners can create real works of art from plasterboard. Multi-tiered plasterboard ceilings will help to visually highlight a certain area of ​​the room or simply decorate your ceiling.

We do not recommend that you use multilayer structures in small rooms and in rooms with low ceilings. To visually enlarge the room, use “concave” ceilings. And ovals and radii will help to give a large room coziness.

Another advantage of this material is that it can be used in damp rooms (exclusively moisture resistant drywall): bathrooms, toilets, storage rooms.

The only obvious drawback is the need for additional work after installation. You will need to thoroughly putty the entire surface to hide the joints.

Bottom line: an inexpensive but labor-intensive way to decorate the ceiling with your own hands.

There is also a finishing option such as suspended ceilings. However, the process of installing a stretch ceiling is quite labor-intensive and requires certain skills. Therefore, you are unlikely to be able to install a suspended ceiling yourself. It is better to contact a specialized company that carries out both tailoring and installation of suspended ceilings. For residents of the south of Russia, we recommend buying suspended ceilings in Rostov from the RostovPotolok company, since it has established itself as a team of professionals in its field and has been on the market since 2006.

How to make a plasterboard ceiling - video

DIY ceiling painting

This option has been used in apartment decoration for many years and does not lose its relevance. The main advantage of this method is its durability and reliability. You don’t need to be afraid of a “flood” caused by your neighbors above; a painted ceiling can easily cope with such a misfortune.

However, painting the ceiling requires the most serious preparatory stage. If you want your ceiling to look great, then it should not only be perfectly flat, but also perfectly smooth.

To do this you will have to remove existing coverage, cover the ceiling with putty and carefully bring it to perfect smoothness using sandpaper(or a special mesh). This is a difficult job that requires not only time, but also accuracy. If you “remove the excess” in some place, then you will have to putty the ceiling again. It will be very difficult for a non-professional to achieve an ideal ceiling.

The advantages of painting the ceiling yourself is that you are not limited in the choice of colors and textures. There are paints with different effects: matte, glossy, pearlescent, fluorescent (glow in the dark). You can even find paint that creates the effect of suspended ceilings.

Result: great way finishing the ceiling with your own hands, if you have a ready-made, flat surface. Otherwise, repairs will require a lot of time, effort and money.

How to paint a ceiling with your own hands - video

If you do your own ceiling repairs in an apartment, it’s interesting to do it, you should try to move away from the boring whitewash and paint, white boring wallpaper or old-fashioned polystyrene tiles. You can always pick up interesting ideas and try to implement them in practice, especially since no one and nothing limits your imagination except the budget and time planned for renovating the apartment.

What you can do with your own hands, technologies for repairing apartment ceilings

The problem of repairing the ceiling in an apartment with your own hands is not only financial expenses and limited time allocated for conducting repair work. This is, first of all, our ability to do something or repair something with our own hands, and they are far from ideal. Few ordinary apartment owners not associated with professional activity for the repair and improvement of residential premises, able to assemble complex multi-level ceilings or build a combination of tension and frame structures.

Choose a few of the most interesting ideas You can easily repair ceilings in an apartment with your own hands, interiors and design solutions There is an almost unlimited number; it’s another thing to try to put them into practice on your own.

For creative delights and your own ceiling design options, you can use the most simple and available methods repair:

  • Painting the ceiling surface with modern paints, creating a composition from several complex figures and color solutions;
  • Wallpapering the ceiling, including with graphics and photographs;
  • Decorating the ceiling space with overhead decor.

If you have experience working with drywall, then you can assemble the simplest options two-level ceilings with lighting elements. Despite the simplified design, the results of repairing the ceiling in an apartment with your own hands (photos) can make a strong impression on guests and owners.

Of course, the most difficult stage is the choice of style and general composition of what should appear in the ceiling space, methods and methods of implementing the idea. You have to think through and plan the repair of the ceiling in the apartment with your own hands step by step, down to each technological operation separately.

In order to achieve High Quality repair, first of all you will need to carry out very competent rough preparation of the ceiling surface.

Preparing to repair the apartment ceiling

Stages of rough preparation for different options Repairing and finishing the ceiling in an apartment in many cases are very similar in the materials used and technological techniques. Conditionally preparatory activities can be divided into two main types:

  • Leveling and grinding the surface of the ceiling slab in the apartment in order to improve the quality of the base for the future decorative coating;
  • Hanging installation frame system for fastening false ceiling cladding. The result is a perfectly flat surface, but the height of the apartment is reduced by 8-10%.

There is another, third option for repairing the ceiling space of an apartment, this is laying decorative panels on wooden sheathing. Traditionally, such solutions are used for kitchens, balconies, loggias, baths and toilets, those rooms where functionality and practicality decorative finishing the ceiling is of primary importance.

Preparing apartment ceilings by leveling with plaster mixture

For small rooms, For example, studio apartment It is not practical to use a suspension system. This renovation option is not particularly popular, since even a slight reduction in ceiling height has an extremely negative effect on the overall perception of space.

If apartment owners do not want to lose room height, then the most in a suitable way rough repairs The surface will be leveled with gypsum plaster.

The preparation technology is practically no different from plastering walls:

Since the gypsum mass on the ceiling surface is retained noticeably worse than on vertical walls, rough repairs are carried out in several thin layers, no more than 5-12 mm thick. For the last layer, fine-grained finishing and superfinishing mixtures are used.

After the gypsum mass has completely dried, preparation of the ceiling for repair is completed by grinding the surface plaster mesh with emery grain. As a result, the apartment acquires a ceiling surface whose quality is almost as good as plasterboard.

On the ceiling canvas in the apartment you can glue everything, from wallpaper to tiles and heavy gypsum stucco. One of the options for rough ceiling repair in an apartment with your own hands is shown in the video

Rough ceiling repair with plasterboard sheets

For the most complex repair options, rough preparation of the ceiling based on a suspended rack system and sheet plasterboard. The main advantage of this scheme is to obtain an absolutely flat surface with an underlayer of pressed paper, onto which the most complex decorative options made of plastic and polymer film can easily be glued.

The basis of the rough ceiling is a frame made of galvanized thin-sheet profile, assembled on the ceiling using dowels and self-tapping screws. Metal profiled slats are initially attached along the perimeter of the walls of the room, after which the plane is covered with sheathing made of a U-shaped profile.

Sheets of plasterboard are attached to the assembled frame with self-tapping screws, after which the joints between the laid slabs are puttied and sanded with mesh. If you start repairing the ceiling on suspension system, then it would be right to at least try to make a two-level version with your own hands.

The easiest way is to make side boxes above the windows and above the entrance to the room. Typically, a box-shaped “appendage” is used as a screen behind which curtains or horizontal blinds are hidden.

Assembling the boxes during the renovation process is no more difficult than installing the ceiling itself; you only need to install two additional rows of hangers for each pencil case, which are sheathed with strips of plasterboard, just like the entire ceiling field.

So that after repairs decorative ceilings apartments do not show through the joint lines and black fastener heads, the plasterboard surface is primed acrylic paint in the color of the future decoration of the room.

Options for repairing and finishing apartment ceilings

After the rough repair of the apartment ceilings is completed, you can move on to the most important stage - choosing a method for applying a decorative coating. In the simplest case, you can simply paint the ceiling with acrylic paints, dividing the room into several color zones. Such solutions are very popular for modern small apartments– studios, children's rooms and small rooms with large window openings.

How to repair a ceiling with wallpaper and applied decor

The most traditional and simplest method of repairing ceilings involves covering the leveled and sanded ceiling base with ordinary textured wallpaper.

Today, instead of roses on paper or vinyl silk-screen printing, more modern materials based on plant fiber are used for the ceiling. Such repairs have one very important advantage - the fabric or wallpaper covering hides surface defects very well and dampens the noise in the apartment.

At the same time, during the renovation process it is not necessary to copy the laying of panels on the walls of the apartment; you can invent and lay out original pattern as in the photo.

A sheet of bamboo fibers is laid simultaneously on the wall and on the ceiling; such solutions are already recognized by designers as a standard for apartments with attic layouts.

Ceilings with decor in the form of large volumetric flowers or a field of dandelions look very unusual. Of course, repairs of this level require a serious investment of time and effort, but the implementation of such an idea is quite affordable for the average person.

Ceiling repair using graphics

One of the most effective ways ceiling design during renovation of an apartment involves the use of graphic images. For example, in the simplest case, drawings can be applied to a ceiling surface painted with acrylic paint with your own hands, using a stencil or marking template.

Graphics of any type, applied to the ceilings of an apartment by the hand of a professional, greatly enliven and imbue the interior with emotions. It can be simply the outlines of animal figures, stylization of parts of plants, buildings, or simply geometric shapes, the main thing is that the drawing is done at a professional level.

During the renovation process, the selected design for the ceiling is printed on a wide-format printer, cut into sectors and glued to the ceiling of the apartment.

Maximum saturation of the apartment’s interior is provided by full-fledged photo images. Usually, before renovating an apartment, owners choose photo wallpaper for the ceiling of a certain direction. This could be nature, fantastic scenes, just an image of the sky, or even individual details from your own photo archive.

Options for plasterboard ceilings for apartments

It cannot be said that ceiling repair using plasterboard cladding is the simplest and most affordable of all available options. Despite the refined assembly technology, the finishing of the ceiling space hanging panels remains one of the most time-consuming and costly of all available options. But often it is simply impossible to repair ceilings in an apartment in any other way, for example, if the floor slabs are laid with a slope that gives a difference in height of 5 to 10 cm.

If you happen to use plasterboard ceilings in an apartment, it’s worth trying to make them as impressive as possible.

Combined use of plasterboard box ceilings and photo wallpaper. The box located around the perimeter of the room is perceived as a picture frame, and the central sector is filled with a drawing or photo wallpaper.

This could be a projection of the starry sky or images of branches and treetops, creating the impression of open space in the apartment.

During the renovation process, the ceiling can be divided by straight lines diverging in a cross, this creates the illusion of a transparent roof, window or skylight.

A major renovation of an apartment gives you the opportunity to try out a lot of options for images on photo wallpaper, from sea pebbles, a chamomile field and water whirlpools to 3D images of butterflies, birds, fish and animals.

Ceiling repair on plasterboard allows you to use a very interesting technique - an image floating in the center of the ceiling space, usually flowers or a composition of flowers.

The floral panel is cut from thick plasterboard and hung in the center of the ceiling on hidden hangers. A cut-out photo wallpaper is pasted onto the panel. flower composition. Such solutions go very well with the bright interior of the room, especially if the base is made in light colors and colors.

Classic methods of finishing an apartment ceiling

The goal of renovation is not always to create an ultra-modern bright interior apartments. Often, owners give preference to more conservative forms, for example, the ceiling during renovation can be decorated with stucco and friezes.

Stucco molding around the central chandelier or lamps in the apartment allows you to enliven the space around the light source, especially if the chandelier is multi-armed with curved shades, and the ceiling surface is simply painted in White color or covered with white wallpaper.

Repairs with full-size stucco are much more complicated than ordinary painting or wallpapering the ceiling of a room. Will need to spend significant amount time and effort to apply markings and correctly glue stamped foam parts.

It makes sense to repair the ceiling space for full finishing with friezes in the case when the entire interior of the room is decorated in classic style, with lots of lacquered wood and heavy patterned wallpaper typical of the Victorian era.

2.1 Whitewash or painting

Whitewashing the ceiling has hardly been used lately, as it requires annual renewal. But if there is a lack of budget, a major overhaul of the ceiling can be carried out by whitewashing:

  • The created surface will be more durable if you add a little PVA glue to the solution.
  • Before applying lime, the surface must be moistened.

When painting the ceiling, you need to use high-quality waterproof paint. Paint can be applied using a spray gun or roller in at least two layers. The layers must be perpendicular to each other. Last layer should be done in the direction of the window.

2.2 Wallpaper

When working with wallpaper, the following rules must be observed:

  • The stripes should be marked a little longer than the length of the ceiling, and the excess should be cut off after sticking.
  • The strips are glued parallel to the wall with the window. You need to start pasting from the window.
  • For pasting it is better to use waterproof and washable wallpaper.
  • During the work and until the wallpaper is completely dry, drafts are not allowed in the room.

2.3 Expanded polystyrene tiles

If you have a small budget for repairs, you can cover the ceiling with polystyrene foam or foam tiles. When gluing, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • Before starting work, it is necessary to determine the center of the room and stick the central tile there.
  • The remaining tiles must be adjusted to it, focusing on the chosen direction.

    Tiles can be glued, aligning them either parallel to the walls or diagonally in the room. In the latter case, you can hide small deviations of the walls of the room from an even rectangle.

2.4 Hanging ceiling

If plastic panels are intended to cover the ceiling, then they are attached one by one to the mounted frame with self-tapping screws.

Self-tapping screws are screwed into the thin edge of the panel located next to the end groove, which will be hidden by the next module.

The modules are connected to each other using tongues and grooves. Along the perimeter of the room, the panels are tucked into a special corner that hides their cuts and edges.

Installing a plasterboard ceiling is a rather complex process that should be the subject of a separate article.

2.5 Tensioner ceiling

Stretch ceiling It is difficult to secure it with your own hands, so it is better to entrust the work to professionals with special tools.


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