How to leave alone for another city. Moving to another city: how to survive in new conditions

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» Moving to a different city. Is it that scary? What should you know?

Moving to a different city. Is it that scary? What should you know?


Is the expression of our ancestors justified? Is moving to another city like a rush? All the bridges from past life? Do documents and everything acquired through backbreaking labor disappear irrevocably? Is your apartment or house turning into coals with no chance of recovery? Perhaps people are dying...

Stop. Moving and a fire have absolutely nothing in common. Changing your place of residence involves worries and troubles, but this fuss is rather pleasant. Ultimately, it leads to the desired result. You just have to be patient.

What challenges and advantages await those who change their place of residence? Let's figure it out.

Reason for moving

Are you tired of your city, want a new life, do you want to change your native village to a distant, but so desirable metropolis? Or are you hiding from Italian mafia- doesn't matter. The main thing is that you made up your mind.

No matter what they say about visitors, they say, they’ve come in large numbers here, Moscow is not rubber, Krasnodar is not happy to see you, Saratov - why the hell are you here, there are Moscow and Krasnodar... - constitutional law A citizen of the Russian Federation guarantees freedom of movement and choice of place of residence in his country at our discretion.
So, whatever the reason, moving to another city in Russia is your right.

What should you know when planning your move?

  • Extract and registration. When moving to another city for permanent place residence, it is necessary to sign out indicating the direction of departure of all family members.
    Be sure to check the permitted periods of free stay in the region where you are going. The fact is that everywhere has its own rules: in one region you can stay without registration for a month, in another - you will be fined if you do not register within a week!
  • Employment opportunity. Unless, of course, you inherited a bag of pirate gold from your second cousin in Zimbabwe, or at least three rubles in the center of Zlatoglavaya, you should take care of looking for work where you are going. Preferably by specialty. It doesn’t matter how large the amount of “stash” you have with you, and how pleasant the prices of the host region are. Money tends to run out, but you’ll be surprised, you always want to eat.

If the region as a whole is not generous with salaries and is flooded with unemployment, you should think a hundred times whether to choose this direction at all?

  • Which areas are considered disadvantaged? For what? And then, when choosing housing, do not buy in such an area, for example, a three-ruble rent with an amazing renovation for the price of a change house, to the delight of the former owners. As an option, you will not only get rid of it for a very long time, but you will also experience all the delights of this area for yourself and your family.

It is not advisable to choose and buy housing right away. Even based on proposals that are tempting, as it seems at first glance. Live for a couple of months in rented apartment. Take a closer look at the city and the people. To the accessibility of institutions by region and the quality of service - medicine, education, housing and communal services, law enforcement agencies... There is a chance that you will not be satisfied with the place where you have come. And in the case of rented housing, you can leave it at a convenient time. But if you find yourself in the same situation with your own real estate in hand, it will be much more difficult to do this.

  • Schools and kindergartens. When moving to another city, the availability and reputation of schools and child care institutions is no less important if you already have or are planning to have children. Their availability is also important. It's no secret that Lately It is very problematic to get a place in a kindergarten or a prestigious school without financial support.
  • Medical service. In general for the region and directly at the destination.

And remember - no official statistics! Only real data! It would be a good idea to sit on the forums of the chosen city, or even better, find people you know who live where you plan to move and can talk live about the current state of affairs.

Have you decided? Wonderful! Now for a bit of bureaucracy. There's nowhere without her.

Documents that should be collected when moving to another city:

  1. Identification documents for those moving - passports, birth certificates, marriage/divorce/adoption certificates, maternity capital, bank accounts, etc. personal information.
  2. Certificates of income for the last three years (2NDFL according to new form) and accrual of sick leave (about average earnings). Order at work.
  3. Help for the employment center (since 2015 new sample!) issued at work. Don't avoid this point. This is just one piece of paper that may help you find a job or pass free education in the central zone of the receiving area.
  4. Certificates stating that you and all members of your family are not/or are registered with drug treatment, tuberculosis and psychoneurological dispensaries. These certificates will be needed when applying for a job or for calculating benefits. They can be ordered. But it takes a long time to wait for it to be made and sent, but having it on hand is an advantage.
  5. Pay all taxes on property, transport, close your individual entrepreneur, ID - on the spot. If the time for notifications has not arrived, go to the inspectorate in person and take the extracts on purpose.
  6. Moving involves changing your phone number and SIM card. Be sure to turn off mobile banking and all personal notifications from your number. After some time, the unused number is given to the next user. Yes, yes, imagine, along with bonuses: password mailings and the ability to use funds on a connected bank card!
  7. Persons liable for military service must deregister and obtain an extract from the local military registration and enlistment office.
  8. Be sure to pick up your medical cards from all clinics and medical institutions. And from schools/kindergartens, if you are planning to move to another city with a child.
  9. Characteristics from school, intermediate/final performance assessments, letters of recommendation– must also be on hand.
  10. If you are moving with animals:
  • Cats and dogs must be vaccinated against rabies no later than one month in advance. The local veterinary clinic will issue a general certificate for the animal before departure. It is valid for three days!
  • You must also have a passport for your pet. Even if your Tuzik or Fluff is a fifth-generation nobleman, he needs the document for access control on the plane/train. The required vaccinations, health status, weight, nickname and photograph will be indicated there.
  • When purchasing plane/train tickets, you will need to declare that you will have an animal with you. And be sure to confirm a place for him later.
  • To travel on public transport, your tailed friend needs to purchase a carrier. Dimensions and permissible weight of the structure - check with the help desk of the carrier company - everyone has different requirements and rules. Some companies allow certain sizes of carriers to be carried in the cabin. This needs to be clarified. Animals are charged as excess baggage.
  • If you are moving from the far north, you are entitled to reimbursement of all expenses associated with moving to your destination. Please check the payment procedure and rules at your workplace (if you are working) or at the social security office (if you are retired or unemployed).
  • The end or the beginning?

    Perhaps the main nuances associated with moving to another city are listed. All that remains is to pack your bags, call a taxi back and cry a nostalgic tear while passing familiar places of your small homeland on the way to the station.

    No matter how much you strive to leave, no matter how much you dream about this day, get ready for the fact that it will be hard to say goodbye. A piece of you will remain here forever - in memories, in a special atmosphere, in people.

    There is nothing scary or difficult about moving and changing your place of residence. The main thing is that the decision to leave is not associated with an attempt to escape from oneself. After all, as we know, alas, this is impossible.

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    Select the city you want to move to. As a rule, residents of small towns move to megacities, and residents large city gravitate towards small settlements. Think carefully about your choice, because the first time in a new place will be very difficult. It is preferable to choose a city where your acquaintances, friends or relatives live who can support you in difficult situation.

    A good chance to move to another city is to receive a job offer. Discuss in advance all the conditions that the employer offers you. Some companies provide company apartments and rooms or pay for a rented apartment.

    If you are graduating from school or a secondary specialized educational institution, try to enroll in a university located in another city. Call admissions committee university and find out the specifics of admission, whether dormitories are provided to non-resident students. All the necessary information can also be found on the Internet on the official websites of the institutes.

    Solve your real estate issue. Find an apartment or room where you will live in another city. Decide whether you will sell real estate in your native locality and buy from another. Remember that the cost of an apartment in a metropolis is several orders of magnitude higher than in a small city city, so it would be more advisable to buy housing in a residential area of ​​the city or in city. Be prepared for the fact that you will need to take out a loan for the missing amount, so it is better to first get a job that will bring a stable high income, and then take out a loan for housing and sell real estate in your home country city.

    Start transporting things. To do this, you can hire a heavy-duty vehicle that will fit all your belongings and furniture, or order a cargo container for transportation by plane or train.

    Register at your new place of residence, register with the local department of the military commissariat (if you are a citizen liable for military service). Change the documents indicating the place of permanent registration (TIN, medical insurance, etc.).

    Video on the topic

    People start thinking about moving for various reasons. Some people are tired of their old life and want a change of scenery, while others are hungry for new adventures. One way or another, this decision is sometimes not easy, uncertainty and fears arise regarding unfamiliar city and a new place of residence. However, if you still want to leave, make up your mind and don’t waste time on doubts.

    How to decide to move?

    It is very difficult to leave everything and go to live in another city. You will have to leave all your acquaintances and friends, quit your job and say goodbye to your old home. In this case, you cannot hesitate and put off making a decision until later. After all, the longer you hesitate, the more difficult it will be for you to decide to move.

    Nothing in life comes so easy; obstacles will always appear in front of you. And you can always find excuses, but if you think like this, all this will last for years, and you will never get anywhere.

    Make a decision, quit your job and say goodbye to your family and friends. Collect everything you need and hit the road towards a new life.

    How to find housing?

    For some people, the search for a new home lasts several months. But when you have just arrived in a new city, you only have a few hours at your disposal. Otherwise, you will have to spend the night in a hotel, which will cost you much more.

    The easiest way would be to rent a room. Advertisements can be found in newspapers or on boards on the street. If good option If you don’t find it, go to the nearest Internet center or library and look for advertisements on the Internet.

    Along the way, don’t be afraid to ask passers-by for directions. Do not hesitate to clarify the details, this way you will save time and will not be late for a meeting with the owner of the apartment.

    If you don't like to take risks, find an apartment before moving. In this case, deal with this issue as early as possible. Place ads online, try to find an option without intermediaries, because renting housing through an agency will cost more.

    Try to find housing through friends. Perhaps some of them have connections.

    What to eat for the first days?

    As a rule, when people move to another city, they try to save money. Keep in mind that homemade food requires less financial costs than semi-finished products.

    Job search

    After moving, you need to find a job as quickly as possible so as not to be left without money. To begin with, you can agree to any job that suits you, the distance from your home and the schedule. Then you can start looking for a job in your specialty.

    If possible, look for a job before moving. Agree with the employer in advance and set a date for the interview.

    Before moving to another city, find out more about it. Great importance may have climate, degree of infrastructure development, number of inhabitants.

    Get ready slowly so as not to forget anything; prepare the things you will need in advance. Consider shipping options for your items. Agree with or, if there is no need to carry half of the apartment with you, take a comfortable suitcase, preferably on wheels.

    Moving to another city, albeit drastic, but easy way let go of the past and start new life. Let's look at how to move correctly and what to consider when changing your place of residence.

    Why do people move to other cities

      Favorable ecology and beautiful nature. Families with small children want their children to grow up healthy and active, so they often move from noisy and dirty cities to eco-villages. The same reason often motivates older people, in particular those whose life and work took place in environmentally unfavorable regions. For example, I am very lucky with nature. Here are steppes, forests with springs, and famous resorts of the Caucasus Mineralnye Vody. Trips to the mountains and the sea for local residents are not grandiose plans, but a pleasant routine.

      Prospects and living conditions. Big cities offer a lot of opportunities for career development. In addition, their road and social infrastructure is more developed.

      Forced relocation. Associated with a variety of reasons, for example, a long business trip, military service or some life circumstances that force you to sell your home and buy real estate in another place where prices are lower.

      Taking care of children. Often the reason for moving to another city is the desire of parents to provide for their children. better conditions life. Young people want to settle in the capital or other large cities, because there are many prospects and opportunities here, best universities countries and less problems with the child's enrollment in school or kindergarten.

      Changes in family composition. You celebrated your wedding, children appeared, and it turned out that your previous apartment has become too cramped. Or vice versa - the children grew up and started their own families, and now it’s hard to look after big house, it makes more sense to move into an apartment.

      Availability of free money. Free funds can be invested in real estate by choosing a good or even prestigious area for this, it all depends on the allocated amount. Perhaps this is maternity capital or personal savings, and they need to be invested in housing as quickly as possible.

    Now that the motivation for moving to another city is more clear, let’s figure out what difficulties a person who has set this goal faces.

    Problems that arise when moving

    There are five main fears that haunt a person who decides to move to another city or region.

      Deterioration of health. Climate change can affect your well-being both positively and negatively. For example, a forced move to the North can result in frequent colds. Moving from the regions Far North going south to coastal cities is fraught with problems with blood pressure and the cardiovascular system. To ensure that when moving to another city the body does not present “surprises” in the form of exacerbation of diseases or inflammations, you should consult with your doctor before leaving, take tests to once again check the condition of all the main systems, and if there are any problems, take action. After moving, you can find a clinic that offers wellness adaptation programs. This is especially true for the regions of the Far North and Far East.

      Lack of friends and relatives. A person is social, so in a new place of residence it is important for him to find an environment in which he would be comfortable to be. Currently, many residential complexes are being built, in which people of various social classes are moving in. Often there is a situation where people live on the same site, but do not know anything about each other. How can this situation be corrected? Try to make acquaintance first in in social networks. If you have already moved, you can try to find a job in positions such as: journalist, teacher, Social worker, photographer, videographer. They interact with people most often, which allows them to quickly make acquaintances. If you have a dog, you can easily find friends among dog breeders. Another example - sign up for courses, find activities in the city that suit your interests, or start traveling.

      Loss of property. A problem that worries, as a rule, women. On the one hand, it’s a pity to throw things away, on the other hand, packing everything, including old dinnerware, Soviet-era carpets, hand-painted paintings, etc., is quite expensive, since you have to order large vans. Some transport companies do not guarantee the safety of property. Fragile items often break during transportation and lose their original appearance. In order not to overshadow your move to another city with property damage, you must follow the rules for packing items of various functions.

      • We put clothes in bags and sign each of them;
      • easily breakable dishes, interior items are laid out in cardboard boxes, having previously wrapped each item in a rag, special wrapping paper, or, in extreme cases, newspaper;
      • so as not to break household appliances, we place it in polystyrene foam or bubble wrap, depending on the size of the equipment;
      • the sofa, bed, cabinets and other bulky furniture are disassembled into small parts and elements to make it easier to transport them.
    1. Changes in living conditions. After purchasing a home, you may feel that an old house or the apartment was more dear. The lack of comfort and “at home” feeling is accompanied by anxiety and reluctance to spend free time Houses. Really, new house or the apartment is difficult to call family, even if this is your first home. However, there is good news: the frustration associated with moving to permanent residence can be easily treated with time.

    Experienced designers construction companies, came to the conclusion that creating comfort in new apartment possible without high expenses. To achieve maximum comfort, you must:

      Maintain cleanliness. Daily wet cleaning will create the effect of freshness in the room and will not take much time.

      Pay attention to interior details. Patterned curtains, original beautiful dishes, bright pillows, warm blankets and photos lift your spirits and create the warmth of a home.

      Hang paintings, photo collages, and wallpaper. Let the children smile at you from the walls, and let the huge landscapes, so fashionable in the last couple of years, brighten up an unremarkable wall.

      Ventilate the premises. Unpleasant odors First of all, they repel guests and create unpleasant associations with the property and its owners. In addition to the fact that you need to open the windows every day, you can purchase or make various fragrances with your own hands, for example, sachets with dried herbs and citrus peels, incense sticks and aroma stones, diffusers and candles.

    A responsible and serious approach to the issue of moving to another city will help you avoid most of the problems listed above. Additional information on issues of livability of human settlements can be obtained from the results of research by thematic agencies and authoritative portals.

    For example, the Domofond portal conducts an annual analysis, where users vote for the most comfortable Russian cities. Below are the results of the 2017 study.

    Also, the results of the All-Russian competition approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on the level of improvement are posted on the Internet in free access. When determining the most comfortable city in Russia, the Ministry of Construction takes into account all the latest results of the administration’s work municipalities. So, in 2016, Stavropol became the most comfortable city.

    In addition to data from various reviews and research on the topic of relocation, it is necessary to obtain informal information from residents of a given locality.

    What points should you pay attention to when moving to another city?


    • ecology;

      operation of public transport;

      sports and leisure infrastructure;

      educational establishments;

      wage levels and cost of living;

      quality of medical care.

    It is almost impossible to find out accurate information on many aspects of life in a locality, however, you can register on the forums of the city where you plan to move. Residents will share with you the main necessary information. Although people’s opinions are subjective, after communication it will be more clear whether it is worth moving to a specific chosen city or whether it is better to postpone this idea.

    The decision has been made, and you even have an idea in which region or district you want to settle. Now is the time to act.

    Preparing to move to another city

    To smooth out negative points moving to another city, you need to prepare in advance for a change of residence.

      Nuances of choosing a region and city. When moving from the Far North or Far East, you must remember that a dramatic change in climate can have an impact Negative influence to your health. Therefore, it is worth choosing more. Young people can cope with moving easily if there are no serious health problems, but this is not always the case for older people. In any case, both need to consult with their doctor and follow his recommendations during the move.

      Expenses. You can calculate the cost of transporting things using an online calculator, for example this one. With its help, you will understand how expensive it will be to pack everything you need, including furniture, personal and small items that you hate to throw away and want to take with you.

      Job. Before you move, check the job market situation. It will be easier for freelancers who can work from any city. For the rest, it wouldn’t hurt to read the forums on the availability of jobs and level wages. You can also look through notice boards for the sale of commercial premises if you want to open your own business in a new city.

      Hobbies and additional education. When everyday issues fade into the background, a feeling of loneliness makes you think about looking for a new environment. To do this, you can, firstly, enroll in courses or enroll in a second higher education. As an alternative, you can get a dog, and there will definitely be people on your walk with whom you will have at least one common theme. If you are raising children, school and kindergarten will make it easy to make acquaintances with parents whose children study in the same educational institution as your child.

    Your own property is the most important thing when moving. However, you should not make hasty decisions. It’s better to live in hostels and hotels for several days in search of suitable option, if the housing issue could not be resolved in advance.

    Resolving the issue of purchasing or renting housing

    If you are moving to resort town or “millionaire”, the cost of housing will be appropriate. Lucky are those families who have a good supply of financial resources or are moving from a large city to a city of the same size.

    If having your own roof over your head is important to you, and the prospect of long-term rental does not inspire confidence, pay attention to cities with the most affordable prices square meter housing.

    You can find out the average prices for apartments and houses on sites such as: Avito, Rosrielt, Domofond, Cyan, etc.

    We also suggest downloading and familiarizing yourself with the data from the Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated July 4, 2018. “On the standard cost of one square meter total area residential premises in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the 3rd quarter of 2018."

    I would like to dwell separately on the issue of transporting things. After all, proper packaging will save a lot of money and nerves.

    Collecting things

    When moving to a new city, it is important to collect all the necessary things and deliver them intact and safe. Collecting things will not be a problem if you pack them correctly.

    They can use:

      carton boxes;

    • bubble polyethylene;

    If you use the services transport companies, you can save yourself from all this hassle by paying for the services of the masters. Some companies organizing apartment moving, in addition to packing things, they offer assembly and installation of furniture and household appliances.

    The following tips will help you pack quickly and easily :

      sort things correctly: collect fragile items separately, separate sharp ones, do not place them next to food household chemicals;

      documents, medications, bank cards and cash should be kept with you;

      label the boxes with a marker to remember what is already packed;

      Do not take absolutely all things with you, especially those that are no longer in working order, they will only add weight and you will pay extra money.

      Don't doubt your decision. Don't be alarmed by the lack of confidence and sense of control - it's natural when it comes to moving to another city. Whatever happens, you need to perceive the move as a life experience or a quest that you and your family need to go through.

      Prepare the soil. If you don’t have any relatives in a foreign city, psychologists advise finding friends on social networks or on the forums of city portals before moving. This will serve as a kind of emotional support.

      Improve your health. Do cardio, yoga, and walk a lot. Physical exercise help cope with stress much more effectively than medications.

      Pay off your debts. Before leaving, make sure to pay off all debts. Be sure that you have no tax debts, utility bills or traffic police fines. Also remember, perhaps you borrowed money from neighbors or relatives - then it’s time to give it back. This way, you will make the move easier on yourself from a moral point of view.

      Be open to change. Whatever the situation and whatever the desire to leave for another city, you should not “burn all bridges.” Don’t rule out the possibility that life may not work out in a new place, so let relatives and friends wait for you at home and be happy to welcome you back.

    So, to another city - a chance to start life from scratch. Ahead: a sea of ​​opportunities and a new environment. If the motivation for changing your place of residence was the desire for change, and not some problem, you should not burn all your bridges. Organize a farewell party and get started new stage life path.

    To decide to move, you need to find out as much as possible about your new place of residence in advance. It is worth asking how things are with medical care, public transport, schools, kindergartens. How in demand is the profession you have, and is there a need for such employees among local companies? It is also better to monitor prices for public utilities. You can find out answers to all your questions remotely by communicating with residents of the city of interest on the Internet. The easiest option is to find a group on social networks. In such communities, urban problems are usually discussed; they include real users who can tell a lot about their locality.

    Another option to learn more about the city is to come there for a while. Settle into a rented apartment and independently explore everything that interests you. This option has many advantages. Living in an apartment, you can understand the advantages and disadvantages of the chosen area. And when moving, everything is important. Is there a walking distance the necessary infrastructure, how convenient it is to get to the city center, whether there is a construction site or a noisy highway nearby. It is better to find out all this in advance, so that when moving to the city for a long time, you can immediately settle in the most comfortable place.

    It is also better to take care of your new place of work before moving. Send your resume to all suitable companies in advance and go for interviews. If the new place of residence is located far from the previous one, you can schedule several interviews on one day. Then you won’t have to travel long distances many times.

    What will help you decide to move?

    Preparation done in advance will help you decide to move sooner. There will be confidence that in the new place there will be a place to live and a way to earn money. Perhaps, while communicating on the forums, even new acquaintances will appear with whom you can meet, go to the cinema, fitness club, etc. Of course, old friends and beloved relatives will be far away, but that's okay. You can always call them, chat on Skype, or come visit them on vacation.

    There are several other components that will help you decide to move. Firstly, a clear confidence that the new place will be better and more comfortable. And it can be provided preliminary preparation. Secondly, financial aspect. Very often, people decide to move precisely because the salaries in the new place are more attractive. Thirdly, a new city means new impressions, emotions, sensations. This is an experiment that will help make life brighter and richer.

    Moving to a new location always creates a lot of hassle, especially if you have to move to another city. Although these are pleasant chores that are associated with changes in life, it is better to think through everything in advance and take care of all the necessary things that you need to take with you. And, of course, about all the documents that may be needed. It is also important to believe that everything will work out, then there will be no problems with the move.

    What documents are needed when moving to another city?

    The list of required documents when moving can be quite wide. It all depends on whether the person plans to get a job in a new place, whether he has children, whether he receives a pension or benefits. In any case, you need to have three main documents with you:

    1. citizen's passport Russian Federation;
    2. SNILS;
    3. medical policy.

    List of additional documents that may be useful:

    • employment history;
    • all documents about the education received;
    • married couple you need to take your marriage certificate with you;
    • men will need a military ID;
    • if you have minor children, be sure to take with you all birth certificates, medical policies and SNILS for each child;
    • drivers, even if they are temporarily not driving a car, may need a license at any time;

    It is important that there are no errors in all these documents. If there are any typos that you have been wanting to correct in your documents for a long time, do it before moving. Also take your medical card or a copy of it with you if you plan to register at a new clinic.

    You may also need some certificates: for example, about no criminal record. If you have a loan, take it all bank documents, contracts and checks.

    In many Russian cities, there is a tense situation with the waiting list for kindergartens, this is especially true junior groups. Therefore, it can be quite difficult to arrange a child. If your child is already attending kindergarten, we recommend taking the following steps:

    • Go to the education department of the district or city you moved to. There you need to ask for a ticket to a local kindergarten. Take with you your passport, child’s birth certificate and a certificate from the kindergarten where you previously took your children. A big plus will be the availability of documents that allow you to enroll your child in preschool without a queue (for example, if you are a single mother). You must submit an application to the department, in which you must indicate the reason for the transfer to a new kindergarten. If there is free space in the specified area, then you will be given a voucher; most likely, it will also indicate the validity period of the voucher. If there are no places, the department must issue a certificate confirming that the child is included in the queue. To complete this entire procedure, you may be required to have a local residence permit or temporary registration.
    • You also need to expel the child from the previous kindergarten. To do this, you will have to write an application addressed to the head of the kindergarten, which also indicates the reasons for transfer to another place.
    • Now find a place for your child closer to the new home. Write an application addressed to the head of the kindergarten you have chosen; In it, indicate that the transfer is due to your move. Please attach to the application the voucher issued by the department, your passport, the child’s birth certificate, his medical card, as well as documents from the previous preschool institution, if any. If there is space in the kindergarten, the head will issue an order to enroll the child. It contains basic information about training: terms, fees, responsibilities and rights of the parties.

    Our lawyers know The answer to your question

    or by phone:

    The law allows the child to be transferred to another kindergarten. However, today the translation procedure is not strictly regulated, so previous step by step actions may not work. It all depends on the rules that exist in each individual educational institution.

    If your child does not yet go to kindergarten, but is standing in line, when moving, unfortunately, the line does not remain the same. You will have to contact the education department again at your new location.

    Things are much easier with school than with kindergarten. You need to act practically according to the same scheme as when transferring to a preschool institution. You can go to the education department, where they will tell you educational institutions that have free places. Or you can immediately go to the school you like with a written application and documents. You will have to apply for expulsion from your previous school. In return, you will be given a personal file of the child, as well as documents on academic performance and characteristics. All this will be useful for completing the translation.

    You may also be required to have a residence permit or temporary registration. But in this case, you are not required to have local registration, since according to the Constitution, your child has the right to education, and the basic general education is mandatory.

    Transfer can be made at any time school year. This is stated in the order of the Ministry of Education and Science.

    If you are still denied enrollment for unknown reasons, file a complaint with the administration or department of education. In addition, our online lawyer is ready to advise you promptly and free of charge on this issue.

    Pension transfer

    Before transferring your pension to another city, think about whether it would be more convenient for you to issue a power of attorney for someone close to you. This option is preferable if you plan to return after some time. But if your choice is final, then you should do the following:

    • Write an application to the Pension Fund to deregister your personal pension file. This can be done either at the place of previous registration or in a new city. But in the second case, the resolution of the issue will be delayed. The case will be transferred at the request of your new territorial Pension Fund Unfortunately, such requests are not made for a day or two. Everything will be resolved much faster if you contact the authorities at the previous address.
    • When your pension file is received by the territorial branch of the Pension Fund, your pension will be recalculated. It is possible that the sizes will decrease or increase slightly. After receiving the case, the decision on payment to the Pension Fund is made within 10 days.

    There are other options that will suit you. For example, if you previously received a pension at the post office, ask that it be transferred to a bank account opened by you or your authorized representative.

    If you are going abroad, you may also need to arrange a transfer at the Central Bank rate. To do this, you need to write an application to the Pension Fund for transferring your pension abroad and submit a document confirming that you will permanently reside outside the Russian Federation. You may also need a certificate confirming the date of departure abroad. Transfers are made only to those countries with which Russia has signed pension agreements.

    The transfer system is designed in such a way that the pensioner will need to confirm the fact that he is alive as of December 31 of each year. If the payment is made taking into account whether the person is working or not, you will also need to confirm annually, through diplomatic departments or consulates, that you are not engaged in paid work.

    Deadlines for registration and temporary registration when moving

    According to the decree of the Russian government of July 17, 1995, a person can live in the city for up to 90 days without registration. After this period, you must go to the FMS department and register.

    To do this, you need a passport and documents that confirm your right to live in the city at a specific address: a housing or rental agreement. Perhaps the owner of the apartment, your relatives or friends will register you. You will also need an application for registration at your place of residence. It is worth noting that registration deadlines are determined by mutual agreement.

    However, if a woman throughout her entire pregnancy has not decided which antenatal clinic is more suitable for her, and has been seen in several at once, then not a single LCD will issue her a birth certificate.

    Although there are also cases when women refuse to register with the housing complex. A birth certificate for such pregnant women is still provided and is issued in the maternity hospital in which the woman gave birth to the child. However, such a certificate will not be complete. Standard certificates contain two coupons, one of which is intended for examination in a residential complex, and the other for childbirth.

    Replacing the TIN when moving to another city

    Tax authorities A taxpayer identification number is issued to a citizen of the Russian Federation only once. Therefore, there is no need to change your TIN when moving to another city. Although you will have to file your personal income tax return at your place of residence. The tax authorities will independently register you after you contact the Federal Migration Service with an application for registration in a new place. The tax authorities will send you a registration notification by registered mail.


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