How to choose a good vacuum cleaner for cleaning a pond: classification and comparison of units. Determining the place of the reservoir in the garden layout

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Sewerage maintenance in a private house falls entirely on the shoulders of the owner. This is one of the significant disadvantages of living in country cottage or at the dacha. When filling a septic tank, you need to decide what and how to pump out the sewer in a private house, who to entrust this type of work with, how much it costs to pump out the sewer (sewage service) and what are the consequences of the procedure.

How often do you need to pump out your sewer?

The frequency of work is affected by:

  • volume of receiving container ( cesspool, septic tank);
  • volume of incoming Wastewater;
  • intensity of use of plumbing fixtures;
  • number of users;
  • composition of household waste.

It is these factors that determine how many times a year cleaning work will need to be performed.

There are two key ways to solve the problem under consideration and many varieties, in particular:

  1. Involvement of specialized equipment (vacuum cleaner services).
  2. Do-it-yourself sewer pumping.

It does not matter who will do the work, compliance with environmental and safety standards is mandatory.

Pumping out sewerage using special equipment

For those who do not know the name of the machine that pumps out sewage, it is a sewer machine (vacuum sludge sucker) sewage machine, sludge sucker. In the old days, vacuum cleaners were called gold diggers.

The machine collects and removes liquid household waste. Specialized equipment for pumping sewers has several varieties, which in turn can be divided into types:

  • silt suckers;
  • vacuum;
  • combined.

The sewage pumping machine is equipped with special equipment: a pumping hose, a pump and a sealed receiving tank with a volume of 5-7 cubic meters. This volume is enough to deal with the problem at one time. As a rule, the average volume of a cesspool or septic tank in a private house varies in the range of 3-5 cubic meters.

Depending on the equipment used, pumping can be carried out different ways. Among the popular ones:

  • suction cleaning. In terms of result/cost ratio, this is the most popular and most cheap way sewage pumping;
  • hydrodynamic cleaning. The next stage in the development of suction pumps, its feature is a three-stage work: pumping out the drain, filling the receiving tank with water and cleaning the walls, pumping out the waste again;
  • vacuum cleaning. Done by using vacuum pump for pumping out sewerage.

Mechanical sewer pumping - pros and cons


  • cleaning efficiency;
  • high speed of septic tank maintenance. Depending on the method used, the machine runs for 15-30 minutes;
  • relative noiselessness of operation;
  • no need to do any work yourself;
  • possibility to order Additional services(disinfection sewer system, cleaning pipes, liquefying bottom sludge, etc.);
  • disposal of pumped out sewage.


  • high price;
  • the need to arrange an access road to the receiver. This is usually thought through at the design stage of the sewer system;
  • presence of odor (except for vacuum pumping).

DIY sewer pumping

Cleaning manually used when:

  • the volume of extracted wastewater is insignificant;
  • the purpose of pumping is only to extract active sediment;
  • mechanical cleaning if available autonomous sewerage;
  • it is not possible to organize access to the sewerage system for special equipment;
  • financial restrictions (no funds for vacuum cleaner services).

The general requirement when performing self-pumping is to take care of waste disposal in advance. Usually, a sealed container is used for this, often a sewage pumping barrel (plastic, rarely metal), with the help of which wastewater is transported to the place of its disposal.

Methods for self-pumping sewerage

There are two options:

Manual sewer pumping

The work is carried out with the mandatory use of protective equipment, and several people need to be involved (for safety reasons). Pumping occurs without a pump. The liquid component of the wastewater is removed with a bucket, the silty component with the help of a bucket and shovel. Also, mechanically deposits on the walls of the receiving container are eliminated.

The choice in favor of this method is usually made at the dacha, where sewage disposal is unavailable or too expensive.

The disadvantages include: extremely unpleasant work, the presence of odors, the possibility of polluting the surrounding area of ​​the site, the duration of the procedure. As reviews indicate, few people have the patience to complete the procedure in full, which is why the frequency of its implementation increases.

Pumping out sewerage using a sump pump

Enough high price the purchase pays for itself in one pumping. And you don’t need any skills to operate the pump.

Advice. Effective removal bottom sludge will be helped by a technique such as mixing the wastewater with improvised means.

Pump for pumping out sewerage at home

To ensure that the pump does not fail during operation, you need to choose it wisely; in particular, you need to know that pumps can be divided into types according to the installation method:

  • outer. This type of equipment is installed on the edge sewer well, a hose is lowered into the well to pump out the sewerage. There are limitations to using an external pump: it is not resistant to aggressive environments and is not equipped with a grinder. Therefore, it is permissible to use it only for cleaning wastewater that does not contain solid parts (feces or garbage);
  • semi-submersible. It is lowered into the well in such a way that contact with its contents is excluded. It is distinguished from the outside only by a shorter sleeve for pumping out sewerage;
  • submersible or fecal pump for pumping out sewerage. Such a pump is immersed in the contents of the well. The operation of the unit is controlled by an automatic float switch (works on the principle of flushing a toilet cistern). Thus, the pump will stop the cleaning procedure when it reaches a certain level. Experts recommend choosing a submersible type fecal pump.

Which pump to choose for sewage pumping

To do right choice sewage pump you need to pay attention to:

  • material. Frame submersible pump made of steel or cast iron. These materials are resistant to corrosion;
  • power. Determined by the volume of the cesspool;
  • control. The simplest models are suitable for cleaning at home;
  • manufacturer, possibility of implementation service, warranty, etc.;
  • price. As a rule, the price of a fecal pump reflects its quality.

Note. If you decide to buy a submersible fecal pump, then you should pay attention to its characteristics, in particular the depth of immersion and correlate it with the depth of the septic tank on the site.

Pumping out sewerage using a pump - pros and cons


  • the ability to pump out wastewater of various origins;
  • the ability to clean any tanks;
  • operation in an aggressive environment;
  • ease of operation;
  • the presence of a grinder in submersible pumps;
  • reliability and durability.


  • high initial costs for purchasing a pump;
  • the need to dispose of pumped out sewage.

How much does it cost to pump out a sewer in a private home?

If, with the manual method, only the initial costs of purchasing a pump and barrel are taken into account, and not the costs associated with the disposal of pumped out wastewater, then the cost of the services of a vacuum cleaner is calculated taking into account many factors, among them:

  • location country house. The farther you are from the city (the location of the organization providing sewer services), the more expensive it will be to call a car due to transportation costs;
  • volume of the sewer tank. The larger the receiver capacity, the more wastewater will be pumped out, so you need to either hire a car with a large tank, or call two cars;
  • installation location drain hole. If it is impossible to access the pumping site, use a long hose. This factor also affects the price;
  • time to call the vacuum cleaner. In case of emergency pumping, the call may be made outside of working hours, for which you will have to pay extra;
  • duration of operation of the machine;
  • Additional services.

Approximate prices for vacuum cleaner services in the table

Note. Signing a sewerage service agreement will reduce the overall cost of the work (a discount for the company’s commitment) and improve the quality of its execution.

Sewerage without pumping

This name stuck to autonomous systems wastewater treatment, because they have a multi-stage purification system, including biological. Moreover, all containers of the system are sealed, except for the last module, which allows purified water to be discharged into the soil, without the risk of contamination. But it should be understood that achieving 100% efficiency in in this case impossible.

Despite the fact that in modern treatment plants anaerobic processes (decomposition of wastewater without air access) are replaced by aerobic processes (allowing the use of bacteria for cleaning), the need for pumping still remains. The described technique only allows you to reduce the frequency of the procedure and perform it every 4-7 years. The frequency of pumping out an autonomous sewer is determined by its productivity. The advantage of VOC (local wastewater treatment plants) it is considered possible to use the pumped out activated sludge as a fertilizer for non-fertile plants in the country.


As you can see, it is necessary to constantly monitor the fullness and condition of the sewer system in a private home, and pump out sewage in a timely manner in order to avoid emergency situations.

A beautiful well-kept pond with flowers growing along the banks, floating in clear water silvery fish and sparkling under sun rays pebbles can quickly turn into a dirty swamp overgrown with mud if it is not cleaned from time to time. There are several ways to rid a pond of debris and silt, for example, mechanically - but it is time-consuming. Chemical technology will kill all living things in water, remains best option– use a pond vacuum cleaner, a special cleaning device.

The name “vacuum cleaner” in this case is not entirely correct, since the unit has nothing to do with dust, but is named so by analogy with household appliance. Like home assistant, it perfectly cleans a dirty surface, only instead of floor coverings And upholstered furniture he services the bottom of the reservoir, methodically removing silt and small debris. Thanks to the simple operation of the water device, the underwater part of the pond takes on a well-groomed appearance, the water becomes clear, and from the shore you can observe the active life of aquatic inhabitants for a long time.

If we take into account the degree of human participation in controlling the water vacuum cleaner, then all known models can be divided into three groups: manual, semi-automatic and independent automatic.

Manual control - budget option

Home driving force of a manual vacuum cleaner is its owner. He selects an area for cleaning and independently, but with the help of a device, removes dirt and silt. The simplest models are ideal for small reservoirs, since the length of the rod is strictly fixed.

Manual pond cleaning can be an excellent active form of recreation: a couple of hours fresh air will strengthen the body, and the pond will look great

A hand-held water vacuum cleaner for a pond comes with standard set details:

  • telescopic rod made of durable plastic or aluminum;
  • corrugated hose;
  • several attachments (garbage net, bottom brush).

All components are assembled and connected to a garden hose. The jet under pressure washes away the bottom silt and lifts the dirt upward. To completely clean the pond, the equipment is connected to a special filter. The purified water is returned back to the pond, and the dirt remains in a special bag. This way you can remove sediment from the bottom, walls of the pond and decorative items contained in it: stones, fountain parts, water decorations. Light debris - leaves, dry twigs, grass - is usually kept on the surface; a net is specially provided for it. A nozzle with a mesh is attached instead of a brush at the end of the rod, and you can slowly remove all the excess that floats in the pond.

Advantages of manual models:

  • ease of assembly and use;
  • budget cost;
  • an opportunity to once again enjoy communication with nature.

Disadvantages are important for people who are short of time: handmade will take more than one hour, and will have to be repeated with some regularity.

Some models of hand-held vacuum cleaners have vacuum attachments that suck up debris raised from the bottom and deliver it to a special tank.

Semi-automatic machines: control over the process

Any automatic intervention is another convenience and additional help to a person. Externally, semi-automatic water vacuum cleaners are distinguished by an attachment - a more complex and functional vacuum brush. In addition, the devices are designed in such a way that the speed of the passing water flow can be adjusted. Most vacuum models are a middle link between a basic manual brush and an autonomous robot vacuum cleaner. The pneumatic system and filtration equipment ensure uninterrupted operation of the device, which moves chaotically along the bottom, collecting silt and dirt. A special suction membrane holds the nozzle in one place, then moves to another.

Brush attachments for semi-automatic water machines differ from their manual counterparts. They are made of elastic material, thanks to which the nozzle literally sticks to the surface, clearing it of silt.

The advantage of purchasing a semi-automatic device is the ability to use it in ponds various shapes and size. When installing, you should take into account the need to connect to a skimmer or to a garbage bag. Cleaning is much faster than manually, but control over the operation of the equipment is still necessary. You can easily adjust the bottom processing speed, which is controlled by a special valve. The semi-automatic machine does an excellent job of cleaning recesses and places that are difficult to reach manually. Naturally, the cost of vacuum models is higher than manual vacuum cleaners.

Modern robot vacuum cleaners

There are many reasons to purchase an autonomous vacuum cleaner for high-quality pond cleaning, which is commonly called a robot. Compact and beautiful models appearance and the way they are adjusted are reminiscent of children's radio-controlled cars - just as bright, functional and original. Moreover, they are more independent than toys and absolutely do not need active human intervention.

There are two main ways to control underwater robots. The first one is good when the bottom of the pond is smooth and does not have complex irregularities and bends. After switching on, the device operates strictly according to the given program, carefully examining all the bottom and walls. The program is saved in the device’s memory, and next time it will clean again along the same route. The second method is optimal for a bottom with depressions and hills. The vacuum cleaner is directed using the remote control to the desired areas, and the time it spends in the desired, difficult-to-clean place is also regulated.

Not only the brushes, but also all the electronic components are under water. The range of the device is limited by the length electric cable. The robot does not need a skimmer or other additional equipment; the filtration system and garbage container are located inside it. After each cleaning procedure, the vacuum cleaner must be cleaned, especially its filter.

Most robotic vacuum cleaners are designed for cleaning swimming pools, however, they also do an excellent job of cleaning ponds that have a smooth bottom and walls.

Easy to use, convenient and reliable, robotic vacuum cleaners quickly won the love of summer residents. The price of the machines is high, so despite all their advantages, not everyone can afford the purchase of underwater toys.

Brief overview of popular brands

On manual models The Czech company Mountfield specializes. Kits for connecting to the skimmer are sold in disassembled form and include at least a telescopic tube-holder (2.5-4.8 m), a corrugated hose of various lengths and a brush attachment. The length of the hose may vary, but on average it is 9 m or 12 m. The cost of the kit is 3,500 rubles.

Mountfield kit parts are sold separately so if they fail telescopic rod, hose or nozzle, they can be easily replaced with similar

Option #2 – Pondovac Classic

Owners of picturesque ponds are probably familiar with German pond cleaning devices from Oase. For the most part this is universal machines, used for cleaning both ponds and premises.

The Classic model with a power of 1400 W has a spacious waste tank (27 l) and a large set of attachments, including convenient devices especially for cleaning depressions and crevices or removing string algae. The device is equipped with two hoses: for water suction (4 m) and for draining (2 m). The vacuum cleaner has proven itself to be excellent when working at a depth of up to 2 m. The cost of the device is 11,600 rubles.

Pondovac Classic is a favorite of practical Germans. In summer it's great helper when cleaning a pond, in winter - wonderful washing vacuum cleaner for home, powerful and comfortable to use

Option #3 – Dolphin Galaxy

The Israeli company Maytronics produces quite expensive, but high-quality and reliable robotic vacuum cleaners. One of the relatively inexpensive ones is the Dolphin Galaxy automatic machine, ideal for ponds with a flat, level bottom. A specially shaped combination brush (40 cm wide) perfectly cleans both the bottom and corners. The device is equipped with a fine filter that retains particles of debris and dirt up to 70 microns in size. Cost – 41,000 rubles.

The Dolphin Galaxy robot vacuum cleaner independently scans the bottom area for cleaning, and is also capable of cleaning a small pond in just two and a half hours

The choice of a water vacuum cleaner depends on the availability of free time, the desire to spend more time outdoors and, of course, on financial capabilities.

The chemical method of cleaning the bottom of the device from sludge involves the use of special strong caustic chemicals that soften and convert condensate waste into a liquid state. Chemical composition it foams, is poured into the structure, acts for a certain time, the effect of mechanical action is created, blockages, formed grease deposits and debris are dissolved. This method is completely environmentally friendly, but is used quite rarely, since chemicals have a very high cost.

Thermal washing of wells

Thermal washing method. Strong pressure is used hot water, heated to 160 degrees, which is supplied to the installation. This method will help clear the well of accumulated debris only if you apply it 2 to 4 times in a row. We recommend using it in addition to hydrodynamic cleaning.

When we need to pump out liquid sewage or clean up the surrounding area, we turn to special equipment for help. The most common machines that restore order using vacuum equipment are vacuum cleaners and suction pumps.

Such equipment is in great demand in large cities, where volumes of liquid household waste accumulate in large quantities. Therefore, the removal of reinforced concrete is one of the top priorities in ensuring order and cleanliness in cities.

What is the difference

Sewage equipment is designed for pumping out sewage that is in a liquid state. This system is a barrel equipped with a vacuum pump and a corrugated hose.

This equipment is usually installed on a truck. Liquid sewage is pumped into a container using a pump and transported to special facilities for neutralization.

The sludge extractor looks like a sewer machine, but has some differences in equipment. The tank of such equipment is equipped with a special gun, which ensures the washout of viscous sewage.

The liquefied dirt is collected using a pump using a suction boom, which is equipped with a remote control. The waste stored in the container is dumped in specially designated areas using the dump method, and in some designs an extrusion plate is provided.

The main difference between a sludge pump and a sewage disposal equipment is that it can be used to collect solid waste, which are subject to preliminary blurring. This technique is universal and can be used for various cleaning jobs.

Sludge extraction is a technique that is used to remove contaminants in various city communications. Purchasing and maintaining such a machine is very expensive, so it is best to use the services of organizations that have such special equipment.

The operating principle of the silt cleaner is very simple, and the quality of cleaning is very high level. Let's look at how this technique works with standard equipment:

  • the car drives up to the cleaning site;
  • the operator, if necessary, uses a special gun to wash away solid waste;
  • using a vacuum pump, wastewater is pumped into the tank through a pressure-suction hose;
  • sewage enters the first compartment of the container;
  • water from the drains flows into the second compartment of the tank;
  • during the vehicle's journey to the unloading site, the silt deposits become stratified;
  • at the end of the journey, the dirt remains in the rear part of the container, and the liquid flows to the front;
  • Sewage is discharged on site using a special piston.

The sludge sucker copes with dirt of any viscosity without any problems and therefore this technique is most applicable when carrying out cleaning work.

Many owners of private houses and personal plots, who own various reservoirs, ponds, wells, and so on, know that these objects silt over time. This problem needs to be addressed periodically. Some prefer to use various specialized machines for this, while others try to manually clean the ponds of dirt.

Since manual cleaning of artificial and natural reservoirs, as well as other similar objects, is associated with a lot of time and labor, as well as with the necessary technical equipment and a certain degree of danger, many still use the services of specialized companies or equipment that allows this event to be carried out quickly and safely . Today we will tell you about what technique can be used for this purpose, name its features and determine which would be better suited for your purposes.

Sludge pump is a specialized technique, which is basically used by specialized companies for business purposes of cleaning various objects (sewage, artificial and natural reservoirs, wells, septic tanks, cesspools, and so on). There are large machines that are needed to deal with large volumes of waste and small ones that are quite suitable for cleaning a small garden pond. To tidy up your pond. You need to familiarize yourself with its characteristics.

Pond suction pump big size used where a person simply cannot reach it with a relatively small household appliance. It is in this case that professionals in their field get down to business. Technical equipment of such an installation on an industrial scale:

  1. chassis necessary for transporting a tank with sludge deposits, garbage and other waste, as well as equipment. Domestic producers sludge sucking machines are used for the chassis of the following brands of cars: KAMAZ, ZIL, MAZ, GAZelle and so on.;
  2. a tank designed to store waste, as well as water for industrial purposes.
  3. Vacuum pump. This device is directly connected to the engine. The pump pumps air out of the tank, creating a vacuum in it. Thus, waste enters the tank through the hose;
  4. a plunger pump, which is connected to a compartment for storing liquids of technical equipment. It is designed to clean pipe walls and wash away sludge using high-pressure water;
  5. hose through which sludge flows. Additional sleeves can be used to access greater depths;
  6. hose control boom;
  7. control panel through which the operator controls the entire installation.

Such a device can also be equipped additional equipment, which is designed to facilitate and speed up the process of cleaning artificial and natural reservoirs. It includes:

All equipment is installed on a chassis in accordance with the purpose of using the equipment and the needs of the installation operator himself.

This technique is used large companies for cleaning various large reservoirs for legal and individuals. It is not recommended to use it for cleaning small ponds, which are common today among owners of private houses and garden plots.

A sludge pump for a small pond can fit in your home, in your pantry and not take up much space. And the cost of such equipment is much lower than that described above. This is the type of device that is preferred by owners of private houses and private plots, on the territory of which there are various artificial and natural reservoirs of small size. Also, using such devices you can clean keys, sources clean water and wells.

Sludge sucker robot diagram

These devices are equipped with small tanks for storing waste, which allows one to trucks transport them to the disposal site. The hoses are also much smaller, as are the motors and pumps used. This device operates from a 220 V industrial power supply network.

Such suction pumps are not recommended for cleaning large reservoirs, as well as cesspools, etc. As a rule, they use a hose of no more than 2.5 m, which significantly limits their capabilities. For business purposes, such devices are not used at all, since the cost of services in this case will not be able to recoup the work of personnel and the cost of equipment in a short time, and the demand for such services is not too great.

In conclusion, it must be said that only you can determine which suction pump you need in a given case. The cost of a household suction pump is not as high as the cost of services from a specialized company. This only means that cleaning will not be too expensive for you.

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