How to grow delicious peppers in the garden. What to put in a hole when planting peppers: secrets of fertilizing for a good harvest What soil is needed for peppers

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Growing sweet peppers (bell peppers). Preparing the soil for the site. Sowing seeds for seedlings. Transfer to open ground. Care

How to plant and grow Bell pepper. How to prepare the soil. How to sow seeds. When to plant seedlings in open ground. How to care for planting (10+)

Pepper agricultural technology - Preparation. Sowing. Seedling. Care

In order for the pepper harvest to be good, you need to work very fruitfully. This vegetable came to us from southern countries, so it is considered a plant short day. If daylight hours are reduced by less than 12 hours, then the pepper automatically receives a signal that it needs to move on to the fruiting phase. Peppers were first cultivated in Central America. Next came Spain, Turkey and Iran, and only in the 15th century did the “Mexican guest” reach Europe. Today there are more than 2,000 varieties of pepper. But bell pepper- this is not only a bright palette of colors, but also a rich storehouse of vitamins. Not every vegetable can boast of such a set.

Preparing a site for planting pepper

In general, peppers like high temperatures and normal humidity air. It is better to choose a site that is sunny and maximally protected from the winds. The best option- south side of the house. If there is no natural protection from the wind, you can build an artificial lash from twigs or other available material. Most suitable option The predecessors of pepper are cucumber, cabbage, representatives of the legume family and table root vegetables, such as beets or carrots.

You should not plant peppers in the place where potatoes or tomatoes previously grew, since young seedlings can automatically receive a whole “bouquet” of diseases of their predecessors through the soil.

Soil for pepper must have at least three qualities: fertility, high level drainage and retain moisture well. Site preparation begins in the fall, when the remains of the previous plant are carefully removed and then the soil is dug up. Before digging, fertilize the soil with a mixture of superphosphate (30-50 g), wood ash(50-80 g) and rotted manure or humus (5-10 kg). All figures are based on 1 square meter. Remember, fresh manure - worst enemy pepper Pepper does not need organic additives either. This is due to the sensitivity of the plant to dissolved nitrogen in the soil, and if there is a lot of it, then the plant directs all its forces to the development of leaves, and accordingly there is a threat to the preservation of the ovary and the ripening of the fruit as a whole.

After applying fertilizer, the area is dug up deeply, and in the spring it is loosened and fertilized with phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. It is enough to apply about 30 grams of each fertilizer per 1 square meter. Immediately before planting, lightly dig up the soil and level the surface well.

Growing seedlings

You should start working with seeds in mid-February, so that in May, when the need arises to transplant the seedlings into open ground, the plants will be 90-100 days old. It is better to sow the seeds immediately into peat bags with a diameter of 8-10 cm. This measure is necessary because pepper does not tolerate the picking process well. Large pots should also not be taken, since root system The plants at this time are very small.

The soil mixture for planting is taken as follows: 2 parts humus, 1 part sand and 1 part soil. Afterwards, you need to add table ash - 1 tbsp per 1 kg. spoon. In order for the seeds in peat bags to germinate, it is necessary to additional training. To do this, the seeds are kept for 5 hours in water whose temperature is about 50 degrees Celsius. For the next 2-3 days they are kept in damp cotton cloth. This period is sufficient for the seeds to hatch. This preparation allows the first shoots to appear within a day after sowing in peat bags. After placing the seeds in the ground, the crops are well watered and covered with film or glass. Before the emergence of seedlings, it is important to provide warmth in the room (up to 22 degrees Celsius), but as for lighting, the crops can be left for this time even in the dark.

As soon as the seedlings appear, we transfer the seedlings to a warmer place (the temperature should be 26-28 degrees during the day, about 10-15 at night). Do not get carried away with frequent watering of seedlings, as excess moisture may cause a disease such as blackleg. Watering should be done with water whose temperature is about 30 degrees Celsius. Do not forget about air humidity, and also periodically spray the plants, and ventilate the rooms where the seedlings are located, but do not allow drafts. In February there are still very few sunny days, so it is advisable to spend additional artificial lighting during this period from 7 am to 9 pm.

Transplanting pepper seedlings into open ground

Pepper does not tolerate even slight frost, so seedlings should be planted either in two stages, or when the threat of frost has passed, for example in last days May. Before planting, the plant should gradually begin to harden off. To do this, the seedlings should be taken outside every day, each time increasing the time spent on outdoors. If the temperature is below 13 degrees Celsius, then the seedlings should not be removed. This temperature can only negatively affect a young plant. Five days before planting, the soil should be disinfected.

For this, a solution is prepared from copper sulfate(1 tbsp per bucket of water), which we then water the prepared area with. In a greenhouse made of film, but not heated, seedlings can be planted in the first ten days of April. The planting pattern is 60 -70 by 20-30 cm. Before transplanting, the seedlings are well watered. On a hot day, it is better to plant seedlings in the afternoon, and on a cloudy day, in the morning. Each hole is watered with warm water at the rate of 1-2 liters per hole. Next, we take the seedlings out of the pots and plant them a little deeper than they grew before. This approach makes it possible to form adventitious roots on the main stem.

Low growing varieties with early When maturing, they are planted in a row every 15 cm or 30-40 cm, but two plants per hole. After planting in the ground between the rows, they are immediately loosened.

Pepper is susceptible to cross-pollination, so if you plan to plant several varieties at once, try to plant them at the farthest possible distance from each other or fence them by planting corn or sunflowers.

It is not advisable to plant peppers by directly planting seeds in the ground, even in warm countries, because you still have to wait until the soil warms up, and this, accordingly, leads to a delay in the ripening of fruits in general.

How to properly care for peppers

For successful development and good harvest it's important to organize proper watering, timely loosening and high-quality fertilizers sowing

Water is one of the most important components of successful plant survival after transplantation. Therefore, during the first week you need to water every two days, using 1-2 liters of water per bush. If the weather is very hot, you can water every day. A week later, the bed is inspected, and reserve seedling bushes are planted in place of the dead plants. At the same time, watering is reduced in the future. On hot days, watering is carried out in the morning and evening hours, and during harvesting, watering is reduced to once every 5-6 days.

For peppers, the soil must always be loose, since the formation of a soil crust has a detrimental effect on the nutrition of the plant. Loosening allows the roots to receive more air, and also stimulates the work of microorganisms in the soil. Therefore, after watering and rain, the soil must be loosened, except for the first two weeks. During this period, the plant grows slowly, since the main emphasis is on strengthening the root system. After this period, after watering, loosening is carried out, and quite deep.

Early ripening varieties of pepper should be loosened 3-4 times, and for varieties more late dates ripening - 2-3 times. Between the rows you should loosen more often, but carefully so as not to damage the stem and roots. The plant should be earthed up during the active flowering phase.

Pepper is a rather capricious and demanding crop. However, most gardeners and gardeners have adapted to its requirements regarding soil, watering, heat, and successfully grow it on their personal plots. The reference books give many recommendations on how to how to prepare the soil for peppers, including for seedlings. Let's take notes on the information.

Soil for pepper seedlings

Pepper is a heat-loving plant, so it is recommended to grow it only as seedlings. Since pepper does not tolerate picking, it is recommended to immediately sow the seeds in separate pots (preferably peat). The diameter of the pots is no more than 10 cm.

Soil for seedlings must consist of the following components:

- Garden soil,
— Humus that saturates the soil minerals, increasing its fertility.
— River sand, which is a good leavening agent, and earth.

The components are mixed in a ratio of 1: 2: 1 and ash is added here (for every kilogram of substrate - 1 tablespoon). You can add peat - it provides the soil with the necessary looseness and moisture.

The substrate should be uniform and fine, for which it should be sifted. Must be carried out disinfection measures:

  1. The most in a simple way disinfection is to water the soil with potassium permanganate. After the soil has been watered generously, wait until it dries and only then can you plant the seeds.
  2. More complex methods include calcination - treating the soil with high temperatures (on average up to 80 degrees). This can be done by placing the soil in a preheated oven or microwave.
  3. Steaming – you need to steam the soil in a water bath for several hours with the lid tightly closed. This procedure should be performed a month before using the soil. Then the soil microflora will have time to recover by the time of sowing.
  4. Fungicides are also used; they must be dissolved in water and watered abundantly on the soil, thereby destroying different kinds fungi that may be in the ground.
  5. And in order to improve the quality of the substrate and saturate the soil with air, it is recommended to add natural soil loosening agents - perlite or vermiculite - these are processed small minerals.

It's simple! For sowing, you can also use a special soil mixture, making it easier for yourself to carefully preparing soil for pepper seedlings. This soil is sold in garden stores and has a fairly reasonable price.

Pepper seedlings can be grown in greenhouses or at home on a balcony or windowsill. Plant the seeds to a depth of 1.5 cm.

Pepper is a plant very sensitive to lack of moisture, so its seedlings should be watered abundantly, but in moderation. If you overwater the seedlings, a fungus may develop in them and the plant will die. Should be watered warm water, since cold weather can also cause plants to die or get blackleg.

Soil for planting in greenhouses and open ground

Peppers prefer a warm microclimate, which is why they are most often planted to greenhouses, providing suitable air temperature.

in autumn soil for peppers dig up and saturate with organic fertilizers, for example, compost or manure. Dose organic fertilizers: 5-6 kg per 1 m. Over the winter, the fertilizers will rot, the beds will become warm and quite fertile. And this is ideal soil for growing peppers in a greenhouse.

In the spring, before planting seedlings, the soil is dug up and fertilized again. Now they are adding potassium and phosphate fertilizers. Dose: 40 g per 1m2. Nitrogen fertilizers are also necessary, their dosage is 30 g per 1 m2. You can prepare fertilizers yourself. To do this, you will need humus (but not fresh manure), a glass of wood ash, a glass of double superphosphate and 25 g of nitrate. This composition is used per 1 square meter of area.

Before planting seedlings, the soil is thoroughly loosened to a depth of about 15 cm, holes are made into which one and a half to two liters of water are poured. Then the pepper is planted there along with the lump of earth in which it grew. Lower leaves must be at ground level. After planting, the plant is compacted by hand and covered with mulch (peat, humus), which prevents the evaporation of moisture from the soil.

Before planting, it is advisable to preheat the air in the greenhouse. The soil temperature must be at least 15 degrees, otherwise the peppers begin to get sick and lose their ability to absorb nutrients. Optimal temperature soil for peppers - 25 degrees.

Greenhouses must be thoroughly ventilated, especially after watering, and do not forget to loosen the soil to a depth of 10 to 3 cm (it is gradually reduced as the plants grow).

2-3 days after landing on permanent place It is useful to hill up the seedlings with damp soil, the height of the mound is approximately 3-4 cm. Hilling up will help young plant better to take root.

Soil for planting peppers in open ground prepared in the same way as for greenhouses. In addition, you should select correct area for landing. Pepper is afraid of drafts and loves light and warmth. Therefore, the area should be bright and protected from drafts.

At the end of May, when the soil warms up well, the seedlings can be planted in a permanent place. Now she is no longer afraid of illness.

If you use expert advice and take care of it exclusively healthy vegetable, then a good harvest will not keep you waiting!

From this article you will learn how to prepare a greenhouse for planting peppers, how to plant seedlings correctly, and which crops will need care. Even if you have no experience, planting peppers in a greenhouse is not difficult, you just need to take into account some subtleties.

Preparing the greenhouse for planting peppers

Pepper of any variety is a very heat-loving plant, so seedlings should not be planted before that time when the average daily temperature is 10°C. A polycarbonate greenhouse would be ideal for growing; it will protect the plants from temperature changes. The seedlings must be at least 60 days old at the time of planting.

It’s better to start preparing the bed for planting peppers in the fall - there is a wonderful classic way provide soil warmth for the root system. To do this in the fall, you need to bury hay, grass, twigs and other vegetation debris to a depth of 30 cm. And by spring you will succeed warm bed- an ideal place for growing any variety of pepper in a climate with sudden and even significant temperature changes.

The future pepper harvest depends not only on the seedlings, but also on the land in which it was planted. This can be self-prepared soil or an option purchased at specialized gardening stores.

The problem with the latter is that such options are made from peat with the addition of excessive amounts of fertilizer. That is why seedlings “burn” in them so often. Due to this good soil It’s better to prepare it yourself for planting, without worrying about its quality. It is worth considering in more detail all the nuances of preparation.

General requirements

Excess minerals can not only inhibit the growth of seeds, but also cause the development of various kinds diseases.

To grow good and strong seedlings, it is necessary that the soil meets the following requirements:

  1. Good permeability to moisture and air. To achieve this, the soil must have the required degree of looseness, be porous and not very heavy, so that good access to both oxygen and water is provided to the roots of the plant.
  2. Balance with fertilizers and minerals. The composition of the soil, in addition to all organic substances, should contain useful microelements in an easily digestible form for plants, but in quantities not exceeding the norm.
  3. Acidity. It should not exceed 7.0, but not be less than 6.5.

Simply put, to grow pepper seedlings, the soil must be balanced with nutrients. Any significant deviation from the norm has a negative impact on productivity. It is best to fertilize over time during the active growth phase.

Soil composition

Under no circumstances should you add clay, this will make the soil more dense and reduce its carrying capacity.

A common problem for new gardeners is planting seeds in uncultivated soil. This becomes the reason for unsuccessful attempts to grow seedlings themselves, after which they buy ready-made options for landing.

To prevent this from happening, the soil must be properly prepared, so it should consist of the following components:

    1. Peat. It allows you to make the soil the necessary looseness and provide the necessary moisture to the plant.
    2. Humus. Due to the content of a huge amount of minerals, it is the best remedy to increase fertility.
    3. Leavening agents. The main type of such component is river sand. If it is used together with peat, then this mixture replaces sawdust. However, it is worth noting that before using them, they must first be treated with boiling water.
    4. Leaf soil. A good option loose soil. Its main disadvantage is the low content of essential minerals and nutrients.

Worth knowing: if purchased soil options are used, they must be diluted with ash and sand to reduce the standard level of mineral oversaturation.

Therefore, to use this type of soil, you need to combine it with other types of soil and fertilizers. They collect such soil in forest belts, where large quantities Deciduous trees grow.

Mixing components

If it is not possible to use manure, it can be replaced with various mineral fertilizers.

The process of preparing soil for seedlings begins with mixing. To do this, a thick polyethylene film, onto which all components are poured in the following proportions.

The standard soil for pepper seedlings should have the following composition:

    1. Mix equal quantities of turf soil, peat and the same amount river sand. Mix this whole mixture very well and add 30 g of superphosphate, the same amount of potassium sulfate, 10 liters of water and 10 g of urea. Stir the resulting mixture and leave to dry.

It is important to know: those who have significant experience advise making separate seedlings for each variety. This is necessary in order to more optimally select components for the individual needs of each type.

  1. Another option is to mix humus with peat and turf soil, also in equal quantities. Stir and add a half-liter jar of ash and 35-40 g of superphosphate.

Soil disinfection

The most gentle option for soil disinfection is freezing, since when treated with high temperatures, the soil loses its beneficial properties.

In addition to the fact that seedlings can be destroyed by unbalanced soil, diseases can also destroy them. So that there won't be any left in the ground pests and pathogens, it is necessary to carry out a disinfection procedure. The following methods are used for this:

    1. Calcination.

This option is to treat the soil with exposure high temperatures. To do this, place about 5 cm of soil on a baking sheet and then place it in the oven.

Its temperature should average 80 degrees. But you need to make sure that this indicator does not rise above 90 degrees, because in this case the soil may lose its fertile properties and it will become impossible to grow seedlings on it.

    1. Steaming.

About one month before use, the soil needs to be steamed for several hours in a water bath. The lid of the container in which this process will take place must be well closed.

    1. Freezing.

In the fall, you need to prepare the soil and leave it in a container outside, while closing it to protect it from precipitation. About a month before use, bring it into a warm room, let it warm up, and then mix it with the necessary components. Then take it outside again and let it sit for the remaining time.

  1. A simple way to treat the soil is to water it with potassium permanganate and wait until it dries, after which you can plant the seeds.
  2. To disinfect the soil, you can also use the method of watering with a fungicide, for example, Fundazol.

These are the main methods, but not all. Moreover, each of them has both its supporters and its opponents, so you need to choose the disinfection method yourself.

Soil storage

If the soil, not treated with additives and fertilizers, is usually stored on a balcony or in a garage, where the temperature is winter time approximately in the region of 0, then after processing and disinfection the list of conditions increases.

Ready-to-use soil should be stored dry and protected from sun rays premises. There shouldn't be any nearby medicines or food.

The temperature should not be lower than -35C and not higher than +40C, although it is better to store at sub-zero temperatures. If these conditions are fully observed, the shelf life of such soil can be more than one year.


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