How to grow an avocado from a seed at home. How to plant an avocado at home and grow a real tropical plant from the seed? How to grow an avocado from a seed

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Some incredible idea sooner or later appears in the head of each of us. So, for example, while eating an orange, you most likely thought at least once: “Is it possible to grow an orange from a seed?” Most often, of course, such ideas end in failure. This happens due to inexperience. For example, consider such an exotic plant as avocado. Few people know how to plant, which means this information will never be superfluous.

Avocado has long been famous for its beneficial properties and versatility of application. This fruit is useful not only to eat, but also to grow - an exotic plant will not be out of place in any home. In terms of absorption of carbon dioxide, an entire window sill of ordinary indoor flowers. The oil of this amazing fruit is used in cosmetology, as it actively restores and smoothes the skin. So why not make such a mask at home from your own fruit? Even this reason is enough to make you interested in how to plant an avocado from a seed.

It is worth emphasizing right away that growing avocados from seeds begins in the store. The further result depends on which fruit you choose. Overripe or unripe fruit is not suitable. You need one that, when pressed, crushes the flesh only slightly. This indicates the ripeness of the fruit. Buy - buy, but how to plant an avocado is worth understanding in more detail.

In what soil and how to plant an avocado from a seed

You can even plant in plain soil. We take the seed and plant it in the ground with the blunt end. You only need to sprinkle the bone halfway, as otherwise it may begin to rot. We water it. Abundant watering in the case of avocado is possible, since the plant is extremely moisture-loving. In two weeks the first shoot should appear. The method is surprisingly simple, but not reliable.

Growing an avocado from a seed is practically no different from growing any other exotic plant, but there is one caveat - it is better to germinate the seed first. This can be done by simply placing it in water. There are other options for planting avocados, but they are not always effective. So, only half of the future plant should be in the liquid. We pierce the blunt side of the bone with toothpicks perpendicularly so that we get a support. Horizontally inserted toothpicks fit well on the edges of any glass. Fill it with water and wait two weeks. If it doesn’t germinate, we go and buy another fruit.

How to plant an avocado from a seed

Roots and sprouts have appeared, which means it’s time to plant in the ground. You need to choose a pot with holes in the bottom, and if there are none, then think about how to plant one that can release excess water. The plant will have to be watered quite often, which means that if there is too much moisture, it will rot. If you don't have a suitable pot, make the holes yourself. You also need to remember that drainage is required. Place a layer of expanded clay on the bottom of the pot. As for the earth itself, then, of course, it must have a certain composition. We need a mixture of wet peat, garden soil and coarse sand in equal proportions. Or purchase special composition V flower shop. It is required to plant so that only 1/3 of the seed is in the ground. In summer, avocados will have to be watered much more abundantly than in winter. Regular spraying won't hurt either. warm water.

Avocado is not too demanding to have sun rays, so you can keep it on shadow side premises. Best temperature for proper plant development - 15-20 degrees above zero.

When the plant has reached a height of 10-15 cm, it should be carefully replanted. In its natural environment, avocados grow up to 18 m. If you don’t need such a giant, just remove the leaves from the top in time.

Anyone who enjoys working with the soil and growing plants probably loves to experiment with planting seeds of various fruits, including overseas ones, at home. But planting an avocado by simply burying the seed in the ground will not work - you need to create special conditions to through certain time An “overseas” tree has turned green on your windowsill.

To begin with, I would like to note that avocados are grown at home only as an ornamental plant. It decorates the interior of the room, creates special atmosphere, releases a lot of oxygen, but nothing more. Even with the most careful care according to all the rules, this tropical tree very rarely blooms at home, and fruiting occurs even less frequently, so there is no point in waiting for a harvest.

Even with the most careful care according to all the rules, this tropical tree at home very rarely blooms

So, if you nevertheless decide to plant an alligator pear (the second name for avocado), then in order to achieve at least some results you must first obtain planting material. Not every fruit is suitable for this. It is necessary to choose the largest and most ripe (or better yet, overripe) fruits, the peel of which has not been damaged during transportation. If there are only hard avocados on the counter, then before planting the fruit must be left at room temperature at home, which will allow him to catch up. The bone must be removed with extreme caution. The remaining pulp should be washed off under a stream of warm running water, after which you should let the seed dry (but in no case should you delay planting for a month or a week. It’s best to do seed material on the same day). When the planting material is ready, you can safely move on to the second stage.

It is useless to simply plant an avocado seed in a pot of soil; it must first be prepared. To do this, the seed is soaked in sufficient hot water(but not boiling water) for half an hour. Next, remove the shell from the heated bone, cut off the tip from the narrow side, and treat the cut with an antifungal drug, which must be purchased in advance at a specialized store. After this, the wide end of the seed is placed one third into the prepared soil mixture. (we’ll talk about how to properly prepare the soil a little later). Next, the future plant, grown at home, is left alone - until germination, only watering is necessary once a week.

While waiting for the sprout, it is very important to monitor the quality and quantity of water in the glass

There is also a way to grow avocados from seeds at home, which is considered more reliable. You need to take three or four toothpicks, and make punctures around the perimeter at the level of the middle and insert the prepared toothpicks into them, sticking them to a depth of 2-5 mm. The entire structure must be placed in a glass with pre-settled water at room temperature, so that the blunt end of the bone is in the water and the punctures remain dry. Many agronomists advise, in in this case, take not just settled water, but add a little charcoal to the bottom of the glass. If you don’t have one at home, replace it with a simple activated one.

While waiting for the sprout to sprout, it is very important to monitor the quality and quantity of water in the glass. Fine dust, specks and microorganisms slow down the “pecking” process. Therefore, every 2-3 days, the stone must be removed and the water in the glass promptly replaced with a new one. The process of germinating seeds at home is quite long, so don’t be alarmed if you don’t see any results even after a month. As a rule, sprouts and roots can be seen after about 5-8 weeks (it all depends on the planting season). As soon as the sprouts reach 4 cm, the seed is ready to be planted in the ground.

Avocados don't like things that are too heavy, sour or clay soils, That's why simple earth With garden plot won't do. The soil mixture will have to be prepared as follows: It is necessary to take garden soil, peat, coarse sand, humus and a pinch of lime in equal proportions. Mix all components thoroughly. That's it, the soil mixture is ready. The same soil must be used if the seed is planted directly in the ground.

Avocado does not like soils that are too heavy, acidic or clayey.

Since garden soil can be filled with harmful microbes, it is better to try to disinfect the prepared mixture by pouring boiling water over it the day before planting a seed or sprouted seed.

For planting, it is better to take a simple plastic pot, no more than 15 cm high. It is better not to use a clay container in this case, since the walls of such a pot can allow moisture to pass through, which is vital for the avocado. The bottom of the selected pot must allow water to pass through well and must also be equipped with drainage system, which can be made using special granules or conventional expanded clay.

The seed with the sprout does not need to be completely buried in the ground. You only need to dig it in a third. This must be done carefully so as not to damage root system.

Video about how to plant avocados correctly

Avocado care at home

But it’s not enough to plant an avocado correctly - you need to provide the plant with proper care.

  1. The plant does not like direct sunlight, so when growing it at home, you need to place the avocado pot in partial shade or on a north-facing window.
  2. The tree must be pruned regularly, otherwise it will stretch out and will no longer be as attractive.
  3. The plant is very moisture-loving. In summer it is necessary to provide frequent watering, in winter a little less. Dry soil causes the plant to drop its leaves. (However, dropped leaves do not always indicate a lack of moisture.)
  4. IN summer-spring period The tree needs feeding once a month. When grown at home, they are suitable for tropical plants, which must be purchased at a specialized point of sale.

Instructions for growing avocado from seed.

Many of us prefer avocados. This fruit has an unusual oily taste, so it can be added to both salty and fruit salads. But what should he do with the seed, which makes up half the mass of the entire fruit? In this article we will tell you what to do with the seed and how to grow an avocado tree with its help.

When is the best time to germinate and plant an avocado seed in the ground: timing.

For these purposes, you need to purchase ripe fruit. Unripe fruits are not suitable, since you will not be able to grow a crop from such a seed. It is worth understanding that the thickness of the peel is quite decent, so you need to initially germinate it in order to then plant it in the soil.

Drop off times may vary. When it’s convenient for you, because at home the temperature conditions are almost always the same. As for seed germination, usually the sprout can be seen after 3 weeks or 3 months. Yes, indeed, the sprout takes a long time to germinate.

Sprout and plant an avocado seed

Which side should you plant an avocado seed on?

It is worth noting that it is not enough to simply immerse the seed in the ground and water it. Because the peel is quite strong and does not break easily. Therefore, the ideal option is to drill small holes in the bark, insert toothpicks into them, and immerse the avocado pit with the blunt side down. You can simply put a bone at the bottom of the glass and wait for it to hatch.

Avocados need to be planted in the soil with the blunt side down, this is where the sprout is located, which will quickly emerge and break through the shell of the pit.

How to germinate an avocado seed in a pot of soil: description

You can germinate an avocado seed not only with a glass of water, but also with soil.


  • To do this, you need to take soil that allows water to pass through well. It is best to use peat or turf.
  • Next, you need to moisten the soil well and bury the seed, but not completely. It is necessary that the third part of the bone looks out on the surface.
  • And it was not covered with earth. You need to water the soil once every 3-5 days. The germination process can take up to three months, so be patient and do not rush to throw away the seed.

What kind of water should you put the avocado seed in, which end?

There are three ways to germinate a plant.


  • To do this, you need to place the seed in a glass a third of the way, with the blunt side down, and wait for germination. Or in a hanging state, using a prick on a toothpick. You need to insert toothpicks shallowly into the crust and use these supports to place them on a glass of water.
  • The blunt side needs to be in the water. This way you can watch the roots appear. First, the top seed will begin to peel off, and then you will see the first roots.
  • Best used for germination clean water. Under no circumstances should it be boiled. Ideal option will become filtered water or melted water. It contains a minimum of bacteria. Therefore, such water will not rot and bloom.
  • You won't have to change the water very often. Place the avocado in water using the blunt end of the pit.

Avocado seed: how many days does it take to germinate?

Regarding the germination period, you need to be patient. Because some online publications write that the period is 4 weeks. But in practice, the seed can germinate after 3 months. It all depends on the density of the seed crust, as well as on the strength of the sprout and germination conditions.

Why the avocado seed does not germinate: reasons, what to do?

There are several reasons why an avocado seed does not germinate:

  • First of all, this is the wrong fruit. If you choose a green avocado, then nothing will work, because the seed is unripe.
  • Failure to comply with disembarkation rules. Perhaps the soil in which you planted the seed is dry or insufficiently supplied minerals. Perhaps it simply does not pass water well and the bone dries out.

An avocado seed has sprouted: what to do next, how to plant a sprouted avocado seed in the ground, save the seed when replanting, or remove it?

The sprouted seed is transplanted into a pot after the roots are 3 cm long. A sprout may also hatch.


  • For replanting, select a plastic pot with a large number of holes for water drainage. The soil is watered abundantly and the seed is immersed 1/3 of the way into the soil. There is no need to completely bury the bone; it will soon become some kind of decoration.
  • After planting the seed, you need to place the pot in a warm place and water it often. Typically, watering is carried out in a tray, that is, a container that is placed under the pot and through a hole in the pot, water is absorbed by the soil. The plant itself will take as much moisture as it needs.
  • Under no circumstances should you break off or remove the bone. This way you can damage the roots and sprout. The whole thing will go down the drain, the bone serves as a kind of decoration. Don't worry that it looks unsightly now.
  • After some time, it will turn from cracked and rough to smooth and beautiful, pink. Its size will increase, it will serve as a kind of decoration for the avocado tree.

Avocado tree from seed: care

Caring for the plant is quite simple. It does not need additional lighting. You just need to put it on a windowsill on the south side, where there is a lot of sun.


  • It is necessary to water frequently. The avocado is replanted when it grows to a level of 15 cm. Many people recommend cutting it off after the plant reaches this height. Leave only 8 cm of stem.
  • This will stimulate the plant's growth and make it appear bushier, as well as encourage additional side shoots to grow. In addition, it is necessary to sometimes spray the avocado leaves and water mineral fertilizers.
  • For planting it is best to use mixed loose soil or you can cook it yourself. By mixing one part peat, one part river sand, and one part of garden soil.

Avocado from the pit: will it bloom?

Avocados grown from seed at home rarely bloom and bear fruit. Because plants such as oranges, tangerines and persimmons need to be grafted. In almost 95-99% of cases, you will not get any flowers or fruits if you do not graft the plant. You can initially buy an already grafted plant.

Will an avocado from the seed bear fruit?

Usually an avocado tree is grown not for the purpose of obtaining fruits, but in order to admire ornamental plant. After all, this is a rather unusual culture that looks interesting and unusual.

What does an avocado tree look like at home: photo

The appearance of the tree directly depends on how to care for it. Therefore, if you spend little time on your tree, it will most likely wither and not grow. With constant good care you can get a healthy, strong tree that will decorate your windowsill. Below are photos that show what a home-grown avocado tree looks like.

You should not expect the tree to grow 2 m tall, as happens in nature. Because the conditions at home are different from those at open ground. If you want to get exotic plant, you can grow an avocado tree from a seed.

VIDEO: Avocado from the pit

Once delicious Exotic fruits eaten and only the bones remain, you can begin a very exciting activity and try to grow trees from them. Unusual plants will become a “highlight” in your collection of flowerpots. One such fruit - avocado does not require special care, grows well, so it will delight you for many more years. The only caveat is that it is almost impossible to grow a fruit-bearing avocado at home, but you can at least get it to bloom.

To grow an avocado, you need to immediately choose the right fruit. It should be juicy and ripe. Their unripe avocado pit is unlikely to germinate.

Growing roots

  1. Preparation. Remove the seed from the fruit, wash it, make three holes at about a third or half of its height, counting from the blunt end. The holes should be no deeper than 5 mm, and located along the “equator line”. The purpose of the holes is that toothpicks or matches will be inserted into them to fix the bone in a glass of water. You can, of course, instead use cardboard with a hole cut for a pit, or four wooden sticks tied with threads.
  2. Pour cool into a glass boiled water, and secure the bone on top with toothpicks so that its lower part (the blunt wide end) is immersed in water. As it dries, water will need to be added. If you are too lazy to insert toothpicks, then the bone can be placed in a glass or saucer with water with the blunt end down. You can add it to water charcoal, feed the plant.
  3. Now you need to check the water level often and wait. The avocado needs a temperature of about 19 to 22 degrees, so it needs to be placed close to the radiator. You can wait 3 months for the first roots to appear, but this process usually takes 3 weeks. After the roots reach 3 centimeters, the seed can be planted in the ground or you can wait a little more time until the first sprout appears.
Transplantation into the ground
  1. The soil. It should be soft, loose, alkaline, moist. Universal soil, soil mixture for flowers, or even soil with own dacha. For self-cooking Soil must be taken in equal parts humus, coarse sand and garden soil, add a little lime to make it alkaline. You can also add peat, expanded clay or moss to it for good penetration oxygen.
  2. Drainage. Since the plant loves moisture and frequent watering, but is prone to root rot, it needs good drainage in a pot: wet pebbles or expanded clay one third of the height of the pot.
  3. Pot. For the first time you don’t need a bone big pot, a height of 9 and a diameter of 8 centimeters is sufficient. It should have a lot of holes. And it’s better not to take clay pot, but plastic, because clay will absorb moisture.
  4. Planting depth. The avocado seed is planted in the ground about a third of the height, no more. Otherwise it will rot.
  5. Microclimate. If you plant the seed directly into the ground, bypassing the stage of root germination in water, then the pot should be placed under a jar and placed under light. The resulting greenhouse effect will protect the plant from drafts and cold.
Avocados grow quite quickly in the first month: about a centimeter per day. Gradually the growth rate will decrease.

Tree care

  1. Watering. Avocados love moisture, so watering should be frequent, but not allowing the roots to rot, and should be done with warm water.
  2. Lighting. The tree prefers bright light, but not direct light, so as not to get burned. But avocados also grow well in the shade, so you can choose any window in which to grow them.
  3. Temperature. Avocados like warm climates, but not too much. heat, around 20 degrees.
  4. Humidity. As a true resident of the tropics, avocados need moist air. Therefore, you can place wet moss or expanded clay in a tray or nearby. The plant should be frequently sprayed with water.
  5. Feeding. In the warm season, avocados need to be fed every other week with mineral fertilizers for tropical plants.
  6. Transfer. It is enough to replant the tree once a year into a slightly larger pot; this should be done in the spring.
  7. Peace. In winter and at temperatures below 12 degrees, avocados “go away” winter holidays. At the same time, it begins to shed its leaves, but the process is completely natural, so there is no need to worry.
  8. Pests. The enemies of avocados are spider mite, scale insect.
  9. Crown. Avocado - tall tree, however in room conditions It is advisable to grow it to a height of only about half a meter. Therefore, when the plant reaches 30 cm, you can trim the top, encouraging it to grow side shoots. This is how the crown is formed.
  10. Bloom. In indoor conditions, the plant can live for several years. After about 8 years, the tree may bloom. But you don’t need to hope for fruits.
As the avocado grows, it will separate from the pit and it will become beautiful and unusual decoration flowerpot and will also show your botanical abilities to all guests who will definitely want to admire the marvelous exotic tree.

How often do you, friends, eat avocados? If not, then in vain. Of all the overseas fruits and vegetables that fill modern supermarkets, this fruit is the healthiest. It is very nutritious because... comprises unsaturated vegetable fat and a unique set B vitamins, and A,WITH, D And E. In addition, avocado is rich potassium, phosphorus And magnesium This entire unique composition speaks of the unconditional benefits of this overseas fruit, especially for the health of the heart, blood vessels and skin. Avocado is free of allergens and that is why it is recommended as one of the first complementary foods in the diet of babies.
And here Avocado seed is very poisonous, so beware of giving it to children, they will certainly put it in their mouth. It’s better to plant this goodness with them in a pot of soil and watch how a small tree grows on the windowsill.

For planting you need to use a seed from ripe avocado fruit. When pressed with a finger, a ripe fruit should sag slightly, i.e. be soft, but not crumbly. If the fruit is hard and heavy, it will ripen at room temperature within two days.

Cut the avocado lengthwise around the pit, pressing the knife against the pit, and then twist both halves in different directions (simulating opening the lid). Divide the fruit into two parts. Now pry it with a knife and remove the pit; if the avocado is ripe, it comes off in one motion.

First you need to sprout the avocado, You will need: a seed, a glass of water and 4 toothpicks. Remove the top dark layer from the pit. Insert toothpicks into the pit on all four sides at the level of the middle of the pit, without piercing all the way through. Pour water into a glass, the level of which should reach the punctures on the bone. Place the bone in the water so that it rests with toothpicks on the edges of the glass.

After some time, a root will sprout from the seed.

When the root reaches a length of 3 cm, you can remove the seed from the water and plant it in a regular plastic pot with universal primer. The bone is immersed halfway in the ground. Don’t forget to add expanded clay or small pebbles to the bottom for drainage - Avocado does not like stagnant water. Soon you will have a small tree like this.

Avocados do not like direct sunlight.. Water the plant as soon as it dries out upper layer land. At proper care and timely transplantation into a larger pot, the tree can reach impressive sizes, but will not bear fruit at home.

After half a year, the avocado sprout will get stronger and will ask for a larger pot.

Rejoice with your children in the little miracles that surround us everywhere, don’t forget to eat avocados and feed them to your kids! But first, make something like this delicious and beautiful


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