How to grow double Turkish carnations at home or in the garden? Turkish carnation: from sowing seeds in March to use in landscape design. Varieties and varieties How to get Turkish clove seeds

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A couple of decades ago, this crop could be found in any flower bed. But for today Turkish cloves is not particularly popular among gardeners. Modern gardeners strive to acquire enviable exotic plants, but it seems simple to them. But for beginners in floriculture, the culture can be a real godsend. This flower is quite unpretentious, has a long flowering period and pleases with its rich color, and information on the topic: carnation turkish cultivation from seeds will make the process easy and fun.

Turkish (or bearded) carnation is a perennial crop, but is more often grown as a biennial because many varieties die off after two flowering seasons. The literal translation from Greek is “divine flower.” In total, there are about 300 varieties of crops and an infinite number of hybrids and mixtures of varieties.

In the first season after planting, the plant forms a rosette of leaves, in the second, it begins to flower and produces a seed. The bud has 5 petals and a long nail. The petal has a horizontal stripe of pink or snow-white tone. One bush is capable of simultaneously forming several inflorescences with about 30 flowers. Thanks to this, the bush becomes like a fluffy bouquet. The seeds of the plant ripen in an elongated box with one nest.

Interesting! Since ancient times, the flower has been associated with victories in bloody battles. In America, he is considered a symbol of a mother's boundless love. Christian legends tell that during the execution of Jesus, flowers of extraordinary beauty grew on the ground, moistened with the tears of the Virgin Mary.

Plant varieties

Garden varieties are superior to their wild brothers in beauty and diversity. The color variations and shape of the buds surprise with their diversity. The buds can be one-color, two-color, multi-colored, with a border and strokes, simple or terry texture. In terms of visual association, the inflorescences are very similar to the Turkish ornament.

The color of the buds has a wide range - from snow-white to dark cherry tone. Every year, breeders develop new varietal species with unique colors. According to the height of the bush, the crop can be short (no higher than 35 cm) and tall (up to 90 cm).

The ability to bloom under any climatic conditions has made the flower in demand both in Europe and on other continents.

Among the variety of varieties, the most popular are:

  1. "Nigracans." Frost and drought resistant variety. Forms dense inflorescences of a chic dark cherry tone. This variety has interesting feature: As the bush matures, the foliage changes color from green to burgundy. Thanks to this, the bush begins to stand out from the rest of the inhabitants of the flowerbed.
  2. "Little Willy" The low-growing variety does not exceed 15 cm in height. It has dense inflorescences and varied colors. Can be grown both in the garden and in a pot. Shows excellent resistance to frost.
  3. "F1 Dynasty". Hybrid terry look. Low-growing bushes (up to 30cm) can grow up to 50cm in diameter. They can bloom in the first year of growth and are immune to frost.
  4. "Noverna Cloyne F1". Hybrid variety. Forms lush bushes, which helps to stand out even in the most populated flower garden. Each bud in the inflorescence has an individual color. Compared to most varieties, it has a fairly long flowering period. The variety shows weakness to low temperatures.
  5. "Undine". The flower has a unique purple-black color with a snow-white edge. It is considered an achievement of breeders. After cutting, it retains its fresh appearance for a long time.
  6. "Moulin rouge". Possesses incredible aroma, which is associated with the southern coast of the sea. Thanks to the special coloring, it seems that the inflorescences are spinning in a delightful dance. The bush reaches a height of 20 cm and produces long-lasting flowering.

Know! As a biennial plant, cloves are grown in temperate latitudes. In the south, the properties of a perennial appear, and in the north, the properties of an annual.

Growing Turkish cloves from seeds

As a rule, cloves are grown from seeds using the seedling method. Growing a crop is considered a hassle-free task that even a beginner can do. The main thing is to properly prepare the place and soil for seedlings. After all, these are two main factors influencing the proper development of culture.

When to plant seeds at home

The timing of sowing seeds directly depends on weather conditions. If you plan to plant seeds for seedlings at home, then it is necessary to carry out planting work in early spring (March-April).

Soil mixture for seedlings

Every amateur gardener will be able to prepare his own soil mixture for seedlings. The substrate requires three main components:

  • peat (2 parts);
  • turf land (2 parts);
  • river sand (1 part).

To disinfect using the steaming method, you need to put a bucket of water on the fire. After the water boils, a metal grid is placed on the bucket, with a bag of soil on top. The soil is left to steam for 1-1.5 hours. After cooling, the earth is completely ready for use.

Important! It should be remembered that there is a need for a drainage layer and drain holes at the bottom of the container for growing seedlings.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

Sowing cloves for seedlings is no different from other crops. When growing seedlings at home, it is necessary to etch the prepared home soil with a weak solution of manganese.

Seeds are placed in a container with prepared soil. It is important not to deepen the seeds too much; the maximum depth should not exceed 1 cm. If the size of the container allows, then planting is done in rows, retreating 15 cm. If not, then the rows are grouped closer, but the plantings are not overly flooded with water. Even with the smallest container sizes, you must follow the main rule - the distance between the seeds should not be less than 1.5 cm.

Upon completion of sowing, the soil is lightly compacted and irrigated with settled water from above. room temperature. Crops take shelter non-woven material to create a favorable climate.

Picking seedlings

Diving of young shoots is allowed three weeks after emergence. Some seedlings can be left to grow in a container. The main thing is that a distance of at least 7 cm is maintained between the bushes. It is recommended to pick in the evening or in cloudy weather, protecting young plants from exposure to direct rays of the sun. After diving, the seedlings are again covered with non-woven material.

Two weeks after picking, the seedlings can be transferred to a permanent place, while maintaining a distance of 20-30 cm between plantings. The crop will bloom only in the second year of its growth. And in the first year, the crop intensively forms its greenery and root system. For safe wintering, it is recommended to cover the bushes with spruce or pine branches.

Know! Some varieties of the crop have the peculiarity of re-blooming with the onset of autumn.

Turkish carnation annual

In the northern regions, Turkish beauty is grown as an annual crop, because fierce winter frosts tend to test the strength of winter plantings. It is for such areas that the issue of growing carnations using seedlings is especially relevant.

Sowing can begin in February. The seeds are sown in large boxes, irrigated and covered in one piece glass If the temperature is maintained at +20 degrees, the first shoots will appear fairly quickly.

Also, young shoots need additional lighting. The northern regions have fairly short daylight hours, especially in winter. And the lack of light will have a detrimental effect on the growth and development of seedlings. Although cloves can be considered shade-tolerant plant, the proper amount of light is vital for her. Gardeners in the northern regions will have to acquire a good phytolamp.

Don't forget about the need for free space. With dense seedlings, plantings must be thinned. After a month, the seedlings are picked and transplanted into separate containers. The bushes are transferred to the flowerbed only after the arrival of the permanent spring weather. Before planting in the garden, it is recommended to harden the seedlings, accustoming them to cool, fresh air. The crop grown in this way produces flowering in the first year.

For your information! When grown in pots, the crop exhibits the properties of an annual.

Growing seedlings in open ground

If you plan to grow seedlings in open ground, then the recommended time is May-June. You should wait for the onset of warm weather, when the sun's rays just begin to gain strength. After all, the flower reacts poorly to hot weather. Planting seeds in the evening is the most the best option. In addition, seedlings will develop better in light partial shade.

The seed of the plant can survive winter frosts painlessly, so they can also be planted in autumn time. At autumn plantings the first shoots will appear in the spring. When planting in open ground in spring, from the moment of sowing until the first shoots appear, a week passes.

Preparing a place for seedlings

The flower prefers spacious, illuminated areas. However, in partial shade it will also delight with flowering. For proper growth and abundant flowering, fertile soil is required. In areas with sandy or clay soil add fertilizers.

You can fertilize the soil both immediately before planting and when digging the site. Ash, humus and mineral fertilizers are used as fertilizer.

The selected bed is dug to a depth of 20-30 cm. Then the surface is leveled and moistened. The prepared area must be covered with a thick, opaque cloth and left for 10-14 days. After time has passed, you can begin planting seedlings.

Bushes are planted according to the 20x30x35 pattern. With this planting scheme, the plant will be able to take root firmly before the arrival of the first frost. And with the onset of warm spring days, it will grow densely but evenly.

Remember! If you have no experience in gardening, it is extremely important to plant seedlings according to the scheme. After all, violation of planting rules can provoke the death of young bushes.

Rules for caring for Turkish cloves

Young bushes show sensitivity to temperature changes. This is especially acute in early spring, when daytime sun rays heat the flower stems, and at night there is a high risk of recurrent frosts. To prevent the death of seedlings, the flower bed is covered with spruce branches. With the onset of stable warm weather, the spruce branches are removed.

At the end of flowering, the stems must be cut off and fertilizers added to the soil. This manipulation will allow the bushes to catch up with new greenery, and some varieties may even begin to re-form buds.

Turkish beauty reacts poorly to stagnation of water in the soil and high humidity. Therefore, watering is carried out 1-2 times a week. During the dry season, the amount of watering can be increased. It is important to perform root watering, because moisture that gets on the foliage and inflorescences in sunlight can lead to burns and death of the plant.

Young plantings must be weeded regularly, simultaneously removing all weeds. The two-year-old bush is no longer afraid of the neighborhood of weeds and covers the garden bed with a thick, beautiful carpet.

Informative! The Germans and British consider the flower a symbol of love and innocence. In support of this, references to cloves are found in numerous historical legends and myths.

Diseases and pests

On suburban areas the flower is extremely rarely susceptible to various diseases. But when grown in an urban area, the beauty of the plant can be spoiled by some diseases.

Rust affects crops when there is high humidity and an excess of nitrogen fertilizers in the soil. It manifests itself in the formation of convex rusty spots on the back of the sheet. The diseased plant must be treated with HOM. The affected foliage is torn off.

Fusarium - affects the stems from the inside, thereby destroying it. Affected bushes are urgently removed from the flowerbed. Destroy diseased residues outside the site (burn). The growth site is treated with fungicides to prevent the spread of the disease. Treatment is carried out twice every 15 days.

The main pest for carnations is the mole cricket. Living in the soil, it damages the root system of the plant. The only method of pest control is the manual collection of all detected individuals. Insects are selected when digging up a site, as well as when delivering a new batch of manure.


Thanks to hard work breeders for Lately Many varieties of carnations have been bred with an amazing variety of shapes and colors. Despite the apparent unpretentiousness, when growing a flower you should still follow the rules of cultivation.

Don't neglect the right choice places to plant, because the flower will give good growth only on fertile soil. The bed should be well lit and at the same time hidden from scorching sun rays. Regularity and correct watering directly affects healthy flowering.

Caring for a Turkish beauty does not cause much trouble. By regularly monitoring the plant, you can detect a disease or pest attack in time. not only has a pleasant aroma, but is also an excellent addition to the design of a flower garden, and by studying the information on the issue: Turkish carnation growing from seeds and with a minimum of effort, you can get a flower garden that will delight you both in person and in the photo.

Turkish cloves are very popular among gardeners. The love for this flower is explained by its unpretentiousness, duration of flowering and very bright color. The plant is decorative. To obtain such beauty, cultivation and care must be competent. Its height is 15-20 cm (low-growing carnation) and 60-80 cm (tall). The diameter of the inflorescences in which the flowers are collected is 10-12 cm. The flowers have a wide variety of colors: white, red, pink, burgundy. Carnations can be one color or two or three colors, with an unusual distribution of color areas. Inflorescences can be simple or double, in the form of large caps. Turkish cloves have a very delicate aroma.

When to plant Turkish cloves

Growing Turkish cloves through seedlings depends on weather conditions. If you plan to plant seeds for seedlings, it is best to do this in March-April. If you plan to plant the seeds directly in open ground, then best time It will be the end of spring - the beginning of summer. It is best to wait for cool weather, when the sun is just starting to get hot, because Turkish carnation does not like heat. Evening hours are the best time to plant seedlings. Growing best in light partial shade.

The plant's seeds can survive winter, so they can be planted even in the fall. But if the question of when to sow Turkish cloves for seedlings is urgent, you can save the plants in indoor pots and in early spring transplant them into open ground. When sowing in autumn, the first shoots will appear only in the spring. The first shoots appear after 10 days if sowed in spring.

Sowing Turkish clove seeds for seedlings

Sowing seeds of Turkish cloves is not much different from sowing seeds of other plants. Cloves can also be grown as seedlings at home; for this, the prepared soil must be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate. Sowing is carried out in March or at the very beginning of April. Take a container with prepared soil and deepen the clove seeds into it. Do not plant too deep, the maximum depth should be one centimeter. Usually the seeds are planted in rows, at a distance of 15 cm from each other. If you don't have that much space, you can group the rows closer together, but then don't flood them with water. The distance between seeds should be at least 1.5 cm.

After sowing, firm the soil over the seeds and lightly mist it with cool water. Cover the seedlings with a piece of any non-woven material. When 20 days have passed, you can start picking. When planting seedlings, it is necessary to maintain a distance between rows of 6-7 cm. Picking is done in the evening or in cloudy weather. Cover the seedlings again, allowing them to breathe from time to time fresh air. As soon as the seedlings become large enough, covering them is no longer necessary.

Planting Turkish carnation seedlings in the ground

At the end of summer, young seedlings can be planted in a prepared area. A distance of 20-30 cm should be maintained between them. If Turkish cloves are grown from seeds in this way, it is possible to achieve flowering in the first year. Although usually in the first year the formation of a bush occurs. And next year it will grow to 40-50 cm. In mid-June you can see incredibly beautiful and large inflorescences in the flowerbed. The leaves that formed in the first year should be covered with spruce branches for wintering. There are some varieties of Turkish carnation that can re-bloom. The lifespan of the plant is 5-6 years.

Growing Turkish cloves from seeds in open ground

Turkish clove seeds can be sown in open ground as early as May or early June. Two weeks before planting, it is necessary to prepare the soil. You need to dig it up, loosen it and water it, and then cover it with film. It is advisable to choose a place for the plant that is sunny or semi-shaded with fertile, humus-rich soil. In cool weather, after removing the film from the prepared soil, you can begin planting the seeds. You need to make grooves located at a distance of about 15 cm from each other, sow seeds in them and sprinkle them with earth. In this case, the distance between the seeds should be 2 or 3 cm, and the planting depth should be 1 cm. After sowing, the soil should be slightly moistened warm water from the sprayer and cover it with non-woven material. As a rule, seedlings appear within 10 days.

18 or 20 days after germination, it is necessary to plant the seedlings in a new place. The recommended distance between seedlings is about 7 cm, and the interval between rows is 15 cm. The seedlings must be covered again protective material. It is advisable to carry out the picking in the evening after 18 o'clock. In August, young carnation bushes should be transplanted to a previously prepared permanent place. The distance between young plants should be about 30 cm. To protect against severe frosts, it is necessary to cover the bed with carnations with spruce branches. Next year, already in June, you will be able to admire the lush inflorescences of Turkish carnation. You can also sow the seeds of the plant in October for the winter, but always in dry soil. The seeds must also be dry. Before frost, you should cover the bed with the seeds with peat or humus with a 10 cm layer. In spring, the emerging seedlings must be protected from sunlight.

Caring for Turkish Carnation

It is important not only to know how to raise a Turkish beauty, but also how to care for her.

Basic rules of care:

  • regular weeding;
  • loosening the soil;
  • timely watering;
  • correct feeding.

Turkish carnation flowers should be watered no more than twice a week. For a flower bed measuring 1 sq.m. 12-15 liters are consumed. water. In the summer heat, watering is carried out more often, but you should not overdo it, otherwise there may be a risk of the formation of root rot. The stream of water is directed not at the flowering buds, but at the soil itself, at the roots.

As for feeding, it can be organic or chemical. It is recommended to carry out the first feeding when the height of the plants is 10-12 cm. The time of the second feeding is the formation of buds. Don’t forget about fertilizing in the fall, and not just in the spring and summer. No nutrients- no healthy growth.

Planting and care of Turkish cloves are the main points that ensure good growth and health. It is important to pay attention to the quality of not only the work itself, but also the soil in which the seeds are planted. Plants grow well in almost any soil, but it is better to give preference to light loam with a slightly acidic or neutral soil reaction.

Propagation of Turkish cloves by vegetative methods

The carnation variety you like is often propagated by layering in July-August. To do this, you need to bend the shoots to the ground, secure them with pins and sprinkle them with soil. The stem at the top is tied to a peg to ensure a constant vertical position. Within two to three weeks, roots appear in the nodes, and after some time, shoots and leaves appear. In autumn, rooted shoots should be cut off from the mother plant and planted. Growing ampelous begonia from seeds

Protecting Turkish cloves from pests

These flowers are most often attacked by aphids and spider mites. Such insects can be effectively combated using freshly prepared infusion of potato tops. To obtain it, you need to take dry tops (0.6-0.8 kg) or green tops with leaves (1.2 kg) per 10 liters. water. All this is infused for 1.5 days. Then one tablespoon of liquid soap is added to the composition. Optimal time for spraying cloves - morning or evening. To combat mice, you need to place baits with poison in their passages near the plantings. IN winter time It is imperative to trample and compact the snow near the bushes (especially during thaws).

In the summer, the gardens are colored with cheerful caps of Turkish carnations. It spreads out on the ground like a colorful carpet, filling the alpine hill, forming original flowering patterns. To be able to enjoy this beauty, you need to take care of it in advance and properly plant, grow and care for these beautiful flowers.

Turkish or bearded carnation is a beautiful flower with a rich, pleasant aroma. The Greek word Dianthus, from which the carnation genus takes its name, means “divine flower.” It contains about 300 species of herbaceous annuals and perennial plants and, in addition, an endless variety of varieties and hybrids of valuable ornamental flowers, popular both for the bright beauty of their fragrant inflorescences and for their ease of propagation.

Since ancient times, cloves have been associated with victory in bloody battles. In America, it is considered a symbol of maternal love. According to Christian legend, during the execution of Jesus Christ, where the tears of the Virgin Mary fell, these extraordinary flowers appeared.

Turkish carnation is still extremely valued among gardeners for its lush, long-lasting, abundant flowering, a varied palette of colors, unpretentiousness, a subtle enchanting smell.

Description of Turkish cloves

Turkish carnation (Dianthus barbatus) is a perennial plant, but is used as a biennial due to the fact that many specimens disappear in the third year of growth. Another name for this carnation is bearded carnation - each flower has bracts. The English call it Sweet William, they eat the flowers. Growing along the foothills of southern Europe and Asia, Turkish carnation was cultivated by man many centuries ago and spread to many countries as garden flower. herbaceous plant consists of a knotty stem, hay-green linear leaves and many flowers collected in corymbose inflorescences.

In the first year of life, a rosette of leaves is formed, in the second year the plant blooms and produces seeds. The flower consists of 5 petals and a long nail. The petals have a horizontal plate of white, pink or lavender. One plant can simultaneously bloom several inflorescences with 30 flowers in each - the flower itself looks like a fluffy bouquet. The fruit of the clove is an oblong capsule with one nest containing black seeds.

Cultural and garden forms superior to their wild relatives in decorativeness and diversity. The varied range of colors and different shapes of flowers - double and simple - amazes the imagination. There are single-color flowers, variegated, two-color, with a border, with strokes, evoking an association with Turkish ornaments. The color varies from white to crimson and dark cherry, and new varieties with new colors appear every year.
There are tall varieties up to 90 cm and low-growing varieties below 35 cm.

Conditions for growing garden perennial carnations

  • Turkish cloves are planted in lightly fertilized soil or in soil consisting of a mixture of humus, rotten leaves and fine sand, taken equally.
  • The best results can be obtained by placing the plants in an open, sunny location and watering regularly without overdoing it.
  • Cloves tolerate short-term lack of moisture well.
  • From April to June, add liquid complex fertilizer to the water for irrigation once a week - Turkish cloves are very responsive to fertilizing.

Faded flower stalks are cut off to cause a second wave of flowering.

Planting Turkish cloves in open ground with seeds

When to plant Turkish clove seeds? These are completely unpretentious flowers that are not afraid of low temperatures. Therefore, you can safely sow the beauty directly into the ground at the first opportunity to go “into the field”: when the soil is ripe, already from the end of April.

  • Prepare shallow furrows because the seeds are very small and should not be buried too deep. 1 cm is enough.
  • Leave the distance between adjacent rows sufficient, do not waste space: you need at least 15-20 cm so that the bushes do not clog each other.
  • They also leave 15 cm between plants in the row, simply breaking through the extra shoots. You can leave 5-7 cm between seedlings and when they reach a height of 8-10 cm, simply transplant the excess specimens to another place.

The seeds take a long time to sprout, so don’t worry: friendly shoots will definitely appear, after which do not forget to break through them so that there is no strong thickening. Turkish carnations can be propagated from seeds without any problems even with the onset of summer; the bushes have time to take shape in order to overwinter well and please with bright flowering next year.

When sowing in early June The seeds are laid out as rarely as possible along grooves that have been spilled with water, and lightly sprinkled with earth. After emergence, care consists of timely watering and weeding. At the end of summer, well-developed rosettes are formed.

They can be transplanted to another place with a distance of 15-25 cm from each other. If you plan to leave the seedlings where they grew, then you should thin them out to the required interval, transplanting the excess ones to another place.

If young plants have produced flower stalks, it is better to remove them so that the bushes take root well and do not go away weakened during the winter. Next year, with the onset of summer, the Turkish carnation will delight you with lush and abundant flowering.

There is another option for sowing Turkish cloves - with dry seeds before winter. Seeds are sown before the onset of stable cold weather directly into the garden bed without watering. Shoots will appear with the onset of spring - such plants will bloom a little later.

Sowing in protected soil, in a greenhouse

  • Choose a well-lit place for seed germination, maintaining the temperature there at least 13 degrees.
  • To speed up growth, cover the bed with glass or film.
  • Sprouts appear quickly, approximately 2-3 weeks after sowing.
  • When the seedlings grow up, do not forget to thin them out or plant them in another bed.
  • Before transferring the seedlings to the garden bed, feed them with nitrogen fertilizer - it is used as an anti-stress drug.
  • Carnations can be planted 25cm apart in the flowerbed when warm weather arrives.

If you grow seedlings and thus extend the growing season, you don’t have to cut the flowers and enjoy flowering this year.

Turkish cloves from seeds at home Sowing for seedlings

Bearded carnations are sown for seedlings with the onset of February in special soil.

  • The seeds are small, but you can spend a little more time and plant one seed at a time in a separate cup. This way you will save yourself from the picking procedure.
  • They do not deepen it much, by 0.5-1 cm.
  • Moderate watering is required drainage hole in a container to prevent water stagnation.
  • The seedlings are placed on a sunny windowsill, where caring for them comes down to watering once every two to three days.
  • Shortly before planting, the seedlings are hardened by placing them outside in a place without strong drafts - first for an hour or two, gradually increasing the time to a full day.
  • Seedlings can be planted from the end of April, but only when the threat of night frosts has passed.

This video will tell you how to pick Turkish cloves:

If you sowed the seeds quite densely in a common container, you should pick. Plants are transplanted into separate containers, while trying to damage the roots as little as possible.

Reproduction by layering

The variety you like can be propagated by layering:

  • To do this, take the stem, press it to the ground, pinning it with a v-shaped wire at the crown.
  • The peduncle should be removed.
  • The stem is sprinkled with moist soil.
  • After a month, rooting will occur, and the cuttings can be planted in a permanent place.
  • Such propagation completely copies the mother variety.

Propagation by cuttings

They are cut from a stem taken from a plant in its second year of life and planted in loose, moist soil, creating light shade. After about 3 weeks, the seedlings will begin to grow - this can be determined by the appearance of new leaves. They are transplanted in August. They will bloom next year. If you carry out this operation in a greenhouse or greenhouse, the cuttings will take root much faster. This method is used if you want to preserve your favorite variety.

Turkish carnation is capable of reproducing. Of course, there will be significantly fewer plants, but they will still delight you with magnificent flowering.

Diseases and pests

These flowers love sunny places, they need to be watered periodically, loosen the soil well after each watering, which will prevent the appearance of root rot.

An appropriate insecticide is used against thrips and green aphids that cause white spots on the petals.
When watering and fertilizing, try not to let the liquid get on the flowers.

The variety of varieties and extraordinary unpretentiousness of Turkish carnations can satisfy the desires of any gardener. Low-growing varieties look great in rock gardens or rock gardens; they will decorate an inconspicuous area of ​​the garden; planted in flowerpots or containers, they will fill a balcony or veranda with aroma and color.

Tall forms planted on lawns among shrubs fit perfectly into natural-style gardens. Fragrant picturesque flowers attract butterflies, bees, and birds. Cut flowers last in vases for about two weeks. This extraordinary flower will decorate any area.

Probably not in flora a family more numerous in species and varieties than Cloves, because this herbaceous crop is adapted to life in a wide variety of, almost any conditions. This follows from the species names themselves, because there is a carnation:

  • field;
  • alpine;
  • sandy;
  • meadow;
  • garden

There are also species named after their specific location:

  • Volga;
  • Ural;
  • Uzbek

But only in a region that every second splashes out of its banks due to a frantic riot of colors, sounds and smells, could the Turkish carnation appear.

Botanical description

In general terms, all Carnation species are similar to each other; they are distinguished only by the nuances of their appearance. But what nuances these are! Is it possible to compare the Turkish carnation - the noble lady Dianthus barbatus, dressed in brocade and strewn with jewels of all shades - and the modest village girl - the grass carnation? It turns out that it is possible.

Both the first and second grow into several erect, rigid, woody stems, consisting of long segments connected by thickened nodes (in the manner of bamboo). The nodes serve as places of departure from the stem for narrow, sessile, oppositely located, hairless, rigid leaves of a lanceolate-linear shape.

The color of the leaves can be dark green, green-gray, or have a reddish tint. There must be a powerful basal rosette, which almost immediately turns into a fibrous root in the Turkish clove and a short rhizome in the grass.

With the same structure, shoots have different functions: some bear only leaves, some bear flowers.

But if the herb has single flowers, then its Turkish “sister” has them collected in a heavy and voluminous inflorescence-scutellum, similar to a honeycomb, where all the flowers are at approximately the same stage of development (if buds, then all buds, if withering, then also friendly ). The number of always five-petaled flowers and their color depend both on the variety and on the growing conditions.

“Zeus”, or “divine flower” (often having a connotation of dried or fresh blood, and the king of the gods adored bloody scenes) also has a second name. This carnation is also called bearded due to the ciliated border of each flower made of small, tightly adjacent leaves, which looks like long thick bristles.


Thanks to the success and ease of hybridization, crop varieties are unusually numerous. There are miniature heights, there are “sheaves” up to 90 cm, and there are medium heights. There are varieties with flowers, both simple and double, plain (without an “eye”) and variegated, composed of stripes of various shades of red, pink, cream, purple and pure white.

Even the color of the leaves and stems can be either different tones of green or reddish. The diameter of the flower can reach 1.5 cm, and the shields of the inflorescences themselves can reach 10-12 cm or more. The honey viscous aroma, characteristic of plants of any variety, completes the charm.

Depending on the preferences of land owners, agricultural firms offer varieties of different colors, among which the most popular are:

  • Scarlet Beauty (raspberry);
  • Newport Pink (pink);
  • Hollandia (the color of fresh blood with a snow-white “eye”);
  • Holborn Glory (white with raspberry trim);
  • White Queen (snow white);
  • Pink Beauty (pink).

Of interest:

  • a mixture of dwarf Pinocchio varieties;
  • Sprint and SuperDuplex blooming in the first year;
  • having a chocolate Sooty tone;
  • Noverna Clown, which, as it blooms, “fills” with color (from less saturated to more intense).

Turkish carnation flowers in the photo:

Growing Turkish cloves from seeds and seedlings

When sowing seedlings from seeds, the appropriate time is the beginning of February. The seeds are buried into the prepared soil no more than 0.5-1 cm. To get rid of the need for picking, each seed can be given a separate cup; when planting in a common container, picking (transplanting into individual containers) cannot be avoided.

Subsequent care consists of watering the box placed on a sunlit window sill once every 2-3 days and hardening it, starting shortly before planting in the ground. The time the seedlings stay outside (in a place without a draft) slowly lengthens from 1-2 hours to constant. Using this method allows seedlings to be planted literally at the end of April (after the danger of night frosts has passed).

Another option is to sow seeds in (soil protected on top with film or glass), located in a sufficiently lit place with the ability to maintain a temperature of at least 13°C. 2-3 weeks after sowing, the first shoots will appear. Subsequently, they are thinned out or planted in other beds (after using nitrogen-containing fertilizer as an “anti-stress”). They are planted in flowerbeds 25 cm apart from each other with the onset of consistently warm weather.

Subtleties of growing cloves from seeds:

Sowing in open ground

It is possible to plant Turkish cloves in another way - by sowing seeds in open ground. Considering that in wildlife Carnation grows in meadows, on rocky slopes, and on coastal pebbles; concern about the properties of the soil is unnecessary if the soil is light and has a neutral reaction. But if the soil is highly acidic, adding dolomite flour and peat is necessary in it.

Second important point is sufficient illumination of the landing site and the absence of nearby groundwater.

Since the seeds of this type of carnation are not too afraid of low temperatures, starting from last days In April, you can plant seeds directly into the soil (to a depth of no more than 1 cm) with a distance between rows of 15-20 cm and 15 cm between future plants (they should not be crowded). You can plant it thicker (after 5-7 cm), and when the seedlings reach a height of 8-10 cm, transplant the “supernumerary” to another bed.

When planting seeds in the ground, you have to wait a long time for seedlings to emerge, but it allows you to sow even at the beginning of summer (in June, even July), and the leaf rosettes of plants go into winter fully formed, with inevitable flowering with the onset of next year. When first-year plants produce flower stalks, they should be removed so that the plants can overwinter comfortably.

Another trick is winter sowing seeds in dry (without watering) soil at the beginning of persistent cold weather. The onset of spring will awaken the seeds, but you will have to wait a little longer for flowers.

Sowing clove seeds in open ground:

Caring for a plant in open ground

The main points of care are:

  • fertilizer;
  • watering;
  • loosening;
  • weeding.

Perennial cloves are planted in places where, in the fall, completely rotted manure with the addition of superphosphate (calculated for the latter at 50 g/m2) was added for digging. Before spring digging, potassium sulfate and ammonium nitrate are added (25 g/m2 each).

Provide annual carnation necessary minerals and trace elements can be obtained by applying fertilizers in 2 stages. The first stage is the addition of ammonium nitrate (15 g/m2) on the 7-8th day after planting the seedlings in their final place, the second - in the phase of mass budding (a combination of potassium sulfate and ammonium nitrate).

The carnation treats “underfilling” better than “overfilling,” especially if it has enough warmth and light from the sun. Watering can be combined with foliar feeding, adding a complex of fertilizers in liquid form to the water (preferably every week during the period April-June).

Trimming spent peduncles stimulates a second wave of flowering.

The flowering of carnations continues for quite a long time - starting in the last ten days of June (in the second year of life), it continues for at least 1 month.

Growing and caring for Turkish cloves:

Vegetative propagation

This method includes 2 reproduction methods:

  • layering;
  • cuttings.

In the first option, the peduncle is removed, and the crown of the stem, bent to the ground, is pinned with a wire bow and covered with moist soil. After a month, the rooted cuttings can be replanted.

In the second method of vegetative propagation, cuttings cut from the stem of a two-year-old plant are planted in loose, moderately moist soil, slightly shading them. After 3 weeks, young leaves will appear on the cuttings. Transplantation is carried out in August, and the cuttings will bloom next year. When carrying out manipulations in a greenhouse, the process speeds up significantly.

There are no special “indoor” varieties of Turkish cloves. But if you want to have your favorite crop in your house throughout the year, you can either transplant a plant from the plot into a pot, or (in the absence of one) grow “ fire flower» low growing variety from seeds according to the described method.

If you want to have flowers of different shades at home, you can use a mixture of varieties for planting.

Diseases and pests

Clove greens can be damaged by:

  • cutworm caterpillars;
  • thrips.

The remedy for the former is manual collection or the use of "Fitoverm", for the latter - insecticides of the "Zolon" category (3-4 times of application with an interval of 5 days).

The following pose a threat to roots:

  • root-knot nematodes;
  • mice.

In the first case, steaming the soil with boiling water and treating it 3-4 times with Aktara should be combined with mandatory burning of infected plants. Covering plantings with coniferous branches for the winter will help keep mice away.

Of the putrefactive diseases of cloves, the most common are:

  • rhizoctoniasis;
  • phialophorosis;

If the first is expressed by rotting of the root collar (brownish coating in the form of felt), then in the second, the cut stem has characteristic lesions of the sap-conducting system in the form of dirty-brown rings and stains.

There is no way to save a plant with rhizoctonia; for the purpose of prevention, the soil is spilled and the crop is sprayed with Bordeaux mixture. In the second variant of damage, the soil is spilled with a solution of potassium permanganate, the surviving plants are sprayed with Topsin-M for preventive purposes. All of these manipulations will lead to nothing if you leave the affected bushes in place - they must be burned.

The use of “Fundazol” is recommended to save uninfected bushes with Fusarium wilt. Affected specimens (with browned and withered leaves, with the presence of convex pinkish spots on areas of the plant’s body raised above the ground) must be immediately destroyed.

Mold lesions are usually caused by excessive watering or frequent summer rains(especially in combination with cold).

All the misfortunes against the “flaming flower” stem from too active interference of breeders in its heredity. Therefore, when cultivating any varieties, you should follow the recommendations for keeping the plant in a healthy state.

Turkish cloves, or bearded carnation (lat. Dianthus barbatus)- a plant of the genus Carnation of the Carnation family. The generic name of the plant is translated from Greek as “flower of Zeus” or “divine flower”, and this carnation is called bearded for the presence of bracts with ciliated edges. Turkish clove is originally from Southern Europe. It grows on river sands, in groves, deciduous forests, meadows and rocks. The plant has been in cultivation since 1573, and today Turkish cloves can be found in almost every garden. It is used to create alpine slides, flower beds, borders and even as a ground cover plant.

Planting and caring for Turkish carnation (in brief)

  • Bloom: from the end of June to the end of July.
  • Landing: sowing seeds for seedlings - at the end of March or early April, planting seedlings in the ground - in the second half of May. Sowing seeds directly into the ground - at the end of May or early June, as well as in October, but before winter only dry seeds are sown.
  • Lighting: bright sunlight.
  • The soil: fertile, sandy loam or loamy.
  • Watering: 2 times a week, with a consumption of 12-15 liters of water per 1 m² of area. In hot and dry summers you will have to water more often.
  • Feeding: three times per season: when the seedlings grow to 10-12 cm, at the stage of formation of the first buds and during flowering. Both mineral and organic solutions can be used.
  • Reproduction: seed - seedlings and non-seedlings.
  • Pests: mole crickets and earwigs.
  • Diseases: fusarium, rust and viral mottling.

Read more about growing Turkish cloves below.

Turkish cloves - description

Turkish clove is a herbaceous perennial grown in a biennial crop. It has straight, strong, knotty stems 30-75 cm high, glabrous, sessile, lanceolate opposite leaves, green or blue-green with a reddish tint, and numerous aromatic, double, semi-double or simple flowers with a diameter of 1.5 to 3 cm in different shades of white, red, pink, cream - one-color, two-color, variegated, velvety, with a border or an eye. The flowers are collected in a corymbose inflorescence up to 12 cm in diameter, which opens in the second year of life and blooms for a month from the end of June. In the first year, Turkish carnation forms only a rosette of leaves. The fruit of the plant is a capsule with black flat seeds that ripen by August and remain viable for 3 to 5 years. Turkish carnations are grown not only for landscaping, but also for cutting: its inflorescences stand in water for up to two weeks.

Sowing Turkish cloves

If you decide to grow Turkish cloves seedling method, then sowing is carried out in March or early April in a substrate previously disinfected with a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate. The substrate is prepared from sand and leaf humus in equal parts. Instead of sand, you can use vermiculite. Boxes or containers can be used as containers, which must be washed with hot water and soda before use. A drainage layer is placed at the bottom of the container, and a wet substrate is placed on top.

Turkish clove seeds are sown to a depth of 1 cm, placing them at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other. The crops are covered with loose white paper and kept at a temperature of 16-18 ºC, from time to time moistening the substrate from a spray bottle with water at room temperature.

Caring for Turkish carnation seedlings

As soon as the seedlings appear, the crops are moved as close to the light as possible, and the temperature is lowered by 2-3 degrees so that the seedlings do not stretch out. It is likely that you will have to provide additional lighting for the seedlings, since the plants need a lot of light. At the stage of formation of the second pair of true leaves, the seedlings dive into peat pots with a soil mixture of the same composition in which you sowed the seeds. Caring for Turkish carnation seedlings consists of regular watering and careful loosening of the substrate around the seedlings.

Seedlings are planted in open ground in the second half of May, when warm weather sets in, but before planting, Turkish carnation seedlings must undergo hardening procedures: the crops are taken out to the ground every day. open air, gradually increasing the duration of the session. At first, half an hour is enough, but in two weeks, Turkish cloves from seeds should get used to new environment so much so that you can safely plant it in a flowerbed.

Sowing Turkish cloves in the ground

When to sow Turkish cloves in open ground

Turkish carnation flowers can be sown directly in the garden, bypassing the stage of growing seedlings. When to plant Turkish cloves in the ground? At the end of May or at the beginning of June, when the soil has warmed up and the threat of return frosts has passed. You can sow Turkish clove seeds in October, but do not forget that any autumn sowing should be done with dry seeds, and the soil should also be dry. In the fall, crops are mulched with peat or sawdust, and in the spring the mulch is removed.

How to plant Turkish cloves in the garden

Select for plant sunny plot With fertile soil, best sandy or loamy. The soil on the site needs to be dug up to a depth of 20-25 cm one to two weeks before sowing, with the simultaneous application of compost or humus and wood ash at the rate of 6-8 kg of organic matter and 200-300 g of ash per 1 m² of area. You can also add mineral fertilizers: a tablespoon of Nitrophoska and a teaspoon of Agricola for flowering plants for the same unit of area. After digging, the area is covered with plastic film.

When the time comes to sow cloves, the film is removed, grooves 1-1.5 cm deep are made in the soil at a distance of 15 cm from each other, they are well shed with water, and then the seeds are laid out in them in increments of 2-3 cm. After planting the seeds, the surface lightly compact and cover with non-woven material until emergence.

Caring for Turkish Carnation

How to care for Turkish cloves

Garden Turkish carnation needs regular watering: 2 times a week at a rate of 12-15 liters per m² of land. If the summer is dry and hot, then you will have to water more often. Try to pour water on the ground so that the stream does not fall on the plant itself, otherwise it may get sunburn. However, if the carnation grows in lowlands, be careful with watering, otherwise the plant may develop root rot from waterlogging: as soon as you find that the Turkish carnation is shedding its root rosettes, treat it with a solution of 40 g of HOM in 10 liters of water.

Growing Turkish cloves involves adding fertilizer to the soil. The first fertilizing is carried out when the seedlings reach a height of 10-12 cm. As a fertilizer, use a solution of one tablespoon of Nitrophoska and one tablespoon of Agricola Forward in 10 liters of water. The next time the plant is fed at the stage of formation of the first buds: a tablespoon of superphosphate and potassium sulfate is diluted in 10 liters of water. During flowering, add a solution of 1 tablespoon of Agricola for flowering plants to the soil in 10 liters of water.

After watering, rain and fertilizing, the soil around the plants must be loosened to prevent rapid evaporation of moisture. Don't forget to delete it in a timely manner weeds and cut off the faded stems at a height of 10-15 cm from the ground: in a month, the carnation will grow new shoots, and by autumn it can bloom again.

Although the perennial Turkish carnation is frost-resistant plant, but will endure the winter better under a layer of peat or humus 8-10 cm thick. In general, with favorable conditions And good care lifespan perennial carnation 5-6 years, and in less fortunate circumstances – at most 2-3 years.

Pests and diseases of Turkish cloves

IN normal conditions Turkish carnation usually does not get sick, and insects rarely damage it, but sometimes troubles do happen, and you need to be prepared for them. What can cause Turkish carnation diseases in the garden? In addition to being sensitive to heavy metals and urban smoke, it can be affected by:

  • fusarium – fungal disease, destroying the plant’s vascular system. The leaves of the carnation evenly turn yellow, wither, but do not fall off, the stem turns red or turns brown, the flowers do not open completely or do not open at all, the basal part of the stem and the root system of the plant rot. Sick specimens must be destroyed immediately, but in the meantime healthy plants and the soil around them is treated with a fungicidal preparation in two stages with an interval of 10-15 days;
  • rust is also a fungal disease that affects the leaves, petioles and stems of cloves: brown swellings with yellowish spots appear on them, the plants are depressed, the stems dry out and break. The disease progresses against the background of increased soil moisture, excess nitrogen and lack of potassium. When signs of disease appear, plants are treated with one percent Bordeaux mixture, a solution of the drug XOM or any other fungicide with a similar effect;
  • mottling may appear in spring in the form of spots on leaves without clear contours, deformation of flowers and variegation. Medicines for this viral disease does not exist, so the affected plants are destroyed.

Of the pests, the Turkish carnation can be annoyed by mole crickets and earwigs that damage the roots, from which the seedlings, young shoots and flowers of the plant suffer. The fight against mole crickets and earwigs is carried out by such means as digging up the soil in the fall and setting up traps: dig a hole, fill it with manure and cover it with something from the rain. The mole crickets will gather in a hole to spend the winter in the warmth, and in the spring they can be destroyed. In the summer, mole crickets can be killed by pouring a concentrated soap solution into the passages leading to their nests, and for earwigs, bait is laid out around the area in the form of piles of wet grass or half-rotted hay covered with planks, into which the pests crawl to hide from the heat.

Unlike other types of carnations, which are long-day plants, domestic Turkish carnations can grow in partial shade without compromising health and decorativeness. The optimal temperature for the plant is 15-18 ºC.

Turkish cloves need fertile, neutral soil, for example, a mixture of leaf soil, sand, peat and turf soil in a ratio of 1:1:1:2. Before planting, the mixture is disinfected. When transplanting, the root collar should remain level with the surface of the site. To form a more lush bush, young carnations are pinched as soon as it has 5-7 pairs of leaves.

You need to water the cloves generously - earthen lump should not dry out in the pot. Water for irrigation is used soft, at room temperature. In the evening, during the hot summer, Turkish cloves are sprayed.

Starting from one month of age, cloves are fed with complex mineral fertilizer for flowering plants. Dilute fertilizers in water with the addition of milk and spray the soil in the pot with a spray bottle with this solution. Feeding is applied from spring to October; in winter, the plant is not fed.

Turkish cloves can be affected at home spider mites, aphids and mealybugs. Wash off the pests with a soap solution, then spray the plant with an infusion of tansy, celandine or yarrow, but if these measures do not give results, treat the Turkish carnation with Actellik, Aktara or another insectoacaricide.

Varieties of Turkish cloves

The most common varieties of Turkish cloves are:

  • Diadem– bushes up to 45 cm high with shoots and leaves of dark green color with a red tint and dark red nodes. Dark carmine flowers with a large white eye and serrated edge petals are collected in an inflorescence up to 10 cm in diameter;
  • Scarlet Beauty– bushes 45-50 cm high with dark green leaves and shoots and bright red flowers up to 23 mm in diameter with petals serrated along the edge;
  • Heimatland– bushes up to 50 cm high with shoots and leaves of dark green color with a dark red tint. The flowers are dark red, up to 2 cm in diameter, with an eye and petals deeply serrated along the edge. The inflorescences of this variety are up to 12 cm in diameter;
  • Lakhskenigin– a variety about 45 cm high with large inflorescences of salmon-pink flowers;
  • Schneebal– white Turkish carnation up to 40 cm high with green leaves and shoots. Terry flowers with jagged edges of the petals are collected in inflorescences up to 11 cm in diameter;
  • Weiss Risen– bushes up to half a meter high with green leaves and shoots and white flowers with a diameter of up to 25 mm, collected in inflorescences up to 12 cm in diameter;
  • Kupferrot– bushes up to half a meter high with dark green leaves and shoots and copper-red flowers up to 22 mm in diameter with jagged edges. Inflorescences reach a diameter of 9-10 cm;
  • Egyptian– a variety up to 60 cm high with narrow burgundy leaves and catchy dark burgundy flowers with a white border;
  • Undine– this variety has purple flowers with a white center and a white border.

The Holland variety has also gained popularity - a group of varieties about 60 cm high with branched stems and multi-flowered inflorescences up to 12 cm in diameter. Cut flowers from this series last up to two weeks.


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