How to align internal and external corners of walls? How to straighten a wall corner Angle using your hand.

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Crooked corners are a common phenomenon that occurs not only in old apartments, but also in new buildings. If small unevenness in the walls can be masked using wallpaper or decorative elements, then corner defects after finishing with wallpaper or tiles will be even more noticeable. Alignment of external and internal corners can be part of the process finishing walls with finishing plaster and putty, or can be done separately if the condition of the wall surface does not require serious intervention. Let's find out how using different methods.

Internal corners

Select one of three alignment methods in this case depends on whether it is done together with plastering the walls or independently.

Alignment by beacons

This method is used only when working with the entire surface of the walls.

Necessary materials

  • beacons - metal or wooden slats;
  • screws or dowels;
  • rule;
  • plumb line;
  • spatulas - straight and angular.

Sequence of work

  • Attach the beacons to the wall surfaces using fasteners at a distance equal to length rules. The distance from the corner is 5–7 cm.
  • Using a plumb line, determine deviations from the vertical, make marks on the floor and ceiling, and place wedges in the right places as necessary.
  • Start applying plaster on one side. Fill the space between the beacons, distribute the solution as a rule. After the layer has dried, move on to the second wall.

Important! Make sure that there is no accumulation at the junction a large number of mixtures. To remove excess after drying, use a spatula.

  • To form an even joint, use an angled spatula moistened with water.
  • After the plaster has dried, remove the beacons and fill the voids with the same composition.

Using a contraschultz

The best solution when leveling corners is to use a counter-sharp - a perforated aluminum corner.

Necessary materials

  • scissors for cutting metal;
  • long rule;
  • sandpaper;
  • putty mixture.

Sequence of work

  1. Measure the required piece of aluminum corner and carefully cut it with special scissors, being careful not to bend the pliable metal.
  2. Apply a small amount of gypsum plaster to the joint of the walls and apply the counter-shoulder, slightly pressing it with a rule. Remove excess mortar with a spatula, moving away from the joint using smoothing movements.
  3. After the putty has dried, go over the surface with sandpaper. If there are small irregularities, apply another thin layer of putty.

Method using serpyanka

How to level the corner of a wall if there are no plans to carry out large-scale work on plastering and puttying the entire surface of the walls? In this situation, a wide sickle tape will help out.

Necessary materials

Sequence of work

  1. Apply a small amount of solution to the joint of the walls and to the surface adjacent to the corner. The width of the applied putty strip will be 10 cm on each side.
  2. Apply the reinforcing tape to the top of the corner and carefully unwind the roll so that the sickle does not move to the side.
  3. Pressing the block against the joint, give the corner the correct shape. If the tape becomes wrinkled during the process, level it with a spatula and remove excess putty, moving away from the joint.

Important! The movements of the spatula should be careful not to disturb the position of the tape. At the same time, you cannot wait for the mixture to dry, as this will deprive you of the opportunity to adjust the position of the serpyanka.

Aligning outside corners

For external corners, there are two ways to align: with and without a counter-alignment.

Alignment method without counterswitch

To align the external joint of the walls using this method, you will need:

  • spatulas;
  • rule;
  • a perfectly flat board or plank wrapped in tape;
  • fine-grained sandpaper.

Sequence of work

  1. Knock down large protrusions and fill large gaps with plaster.
  2. Place a strip on the surface of the wall where it touches the joint. Do this in such a way that it protrudes around the corner by a distance equal to the thickness of the required plaster layer. Attach it to the floor and ceiling; if the length is correctly selected, it can be inserted as a spacer.
  3. Apply the mixture, spreading it with a general motion towards the joint with a slight downward slope. If necessary, repeat the procedure after the layer has dried.
  4. After two or three days, remove the plank and attach it to the ledge on the other, already plastered, side and repeat the above steps.
  5. After drying, sand the surface.

Forming an external corner using a contra-sharp

Using a profile will not only simplify the alignment process, but will also reliably protect the outer corner from damage.

Necessary materials

  • gypsum mixture;
  • rule;
  • putty knife;
  • level;
  • fine grain sandpaper.

Sequence of work

  1. Apply the prepared solution to the surfaces adjacent to the joint of the walls.
  2. Fasten the counterpiece cut to the required length at the joint, using the rule to prevent deformation of the aluminum corner.
  3. Remove excess mixture with a spatula, check with a level that the corner is attached correctly, and adjust its position if necessary.
  4. Once dry, sand the surface using a fine-grit sandpaper. sandpaper.
  5. The final leveling is carried out together with the application of putty to the remaining surface of the walls.

Leveling corners with plaster or putty is a more familiar method for many, but it is also quite “dirty” and labor-intensive. It is worth resorting to this method if the curvature is minimal. In case of significant curvatures of walls and corners, it would be more appropriate to use plasterboard sheets.

If you want the renovation of your apartment or house to be of the highest quality, then it will be necessary to level all surfaces in the premises, including ceilings, floors and walls. These works involve the need to level the corners, and anyone can do this on their own, but only if they have not first become familiar with the technology for carrying out the work. It is important to prepare the entire set of tools and select materials. These manipulations may involve the use of plaster mixtures or drywall, as well as special corners. If you do not have certain skills, then the angle should be drawn only visually so that it does not go in waves along the height of the wall.

Using drywall

If you are thinking about the question of how to align the corners of the walls, then you can use drywall for the work, which is a dry material. The material will need to be secured to a pre-installed frame or to the wall using dowels or an adhesive gypsum mixture. Aligning corners using this technology has many advantages over wet method. Firstly, installing plasterboard sheets on a frame does not involve removing the old finish, including whitewash and wallpaper. Secondly, there is no need to mix plaster solutions, which means that the process will not be accompanied by the formation of a large amount of dust. Thirdly, you can putty the surface of the drywall immediately after installation, while the plaster layer requires drying. But this method also has its drawbacks, they are expressed in the high fragility of the material and the inability to use sheets in rooms with high humidity.

It is important to remember that the corners after such alignment will not be resistant to mechanical damage. If you correctly line the walls with plasterboard, you will not have to adjust the corners, and the internal surfaces can be puttied using To remove the outer corners, you should install perforated corners, and then cover the surface with putty. If you are faced with the task of how to level the corners of walls that are heavily littered, then you will need to apply a very thick layer of plaster, and it is convenient to use a combined method. This technology consists of gluing drywall to that part of the wall that is excessively deviated from the vertical. Once the glue has set, the corners and wall can be leveled with a layer of putty.

Application of plaster mixture

If you are planning to improve your home, you will need to align the corners. The repair will not be accompanied by difficulties if you have previously worked on carrying out the work. At the first stage, you need to clean the surface and then cover it with plaster. On final stage putty is applied to the walls. If you are still thinking about how to align the corners of the walls, then when using plaster you need to use beacons, only then the angle will be as even as possible. To plaster one wall, you need to wait until the layer has completely dried, then you can proceed to installing beacons on the second wall to apply a layer of plaster. Minor errors can be eliminated with putty.

Once the two walls that form the corner are covered with plaster, you will need to slightly correct the corner by applying putty. But it will be difficult to align the corners if the master does not plan to cover the entire wall with plaster. Additionally, aligning internal corners is more challenging task, this is due to the fact that when working with external corners you can plaster both walls. If we are talking about an internal corner, you will need to initially wait for one wall to dry, only then is it permissible to proceed to the second.

Preparation of tools and materials

Before you level the corners of the walls, you need to make sure that you have everything in your arsenal necessary materials and tools, among them:

  • level;
  • container for plaster mixture;
  • rule;
  • primer;
  • drill with mixer;
  • putty knife;
  • dry plaster;
  • putty;
  • perforated corners.

If you want to complete the work in a shorter time, then it is best to use gypsum plaster, since it sets faster and does not slide along the surface of the wall. Internal corners can be aligned in one of two ways, but the preparation technology remains the same. At the first stage, the surface must be cleaned of old coatings, including whitewash, wallpaper or ceramic tiles. The next step is to apply a primer to the base, then the master can begin plastering. If it comes from cement mortar, then the corners must initially be thoroughly cleaned of dust; before applying plaster, they must also be moistened.

Using a perforated corner

Aluminum corners are called by specialists counters. They are intended for internal and external corners and serve as mechanical protection surfaces. With their help you can make your work much easier. Even if it is not possible to install the products strictly vertically, the angle will be as even as possible and free of bends.

Work methodology

If you decide to use aluminum corners, you must first cut them to length, and then prepare a plaster mixture. The composition is applied to the corner, and the inner surface is completely filled with the mixture. If we are talking about an external corner, then the mixture is applied to the base with slaps. The next step is to install the corner, it is important to check the verticality using building level. Excess plaster mixture is removed with a tool, and the base is left to dry. After the wall corners have been installed and the mixture has completely dried, the elements can be leveled with the wall. In order to avoid a sharp transition, it should be applied from a corner of 80 cm. Smoothing should be done with a wide spatula, the mixture should be reduced to “nothing”. As soon as the plaster layer is dried, the surface is treated with a primer; further leveling can be done with putty, which will hide minor irregularities.

Aligning corners to an elevation

Now you know how to level the corners of walls with a perforated corner, technology can be replaced by a technique that involves making marks and using a level. This method is common for leveling internal corners; at the first stage, it is necessary to apply markings to one wall using a plumb line or level. The master prepares the mixture and fills the corner with it along the mark. The composition is distributed with a wide spatula, and after the surface on the first wall has dried, you can proceed to the second, using the scheme described above.

For reference

Plastering corners does not in all cases allow achieving ideal evenness and right angle. Opposite walls may differ in length by about 10 cm. In order to achieve a rectangular room, it is necessary to use a large amount of plaster. But such precision is not always required; it is only necessary if you plan to tile the walls in the future. The main requirement when carrying out the work described above is the verticality of the corners.

Installation of decorative corners

Decorative corners for walls are also used for alignment. They can be made from different materials and intended to protect walls that have been painted, finished decorative coating or covered with wallpaper. Such products can be successfully used for finishing door and window slopes, as well as the design of panel joints. Corners are made in different colors and can even be transparent, their width varies from 10 to 100 mm, and their length can be 1.5; 2.3; and 3 m.

Decorative corners for walls can be curved shape, they are used for installation in arches. Fastening of such elements is carried out using liquid nails, however, you can find products on sale that have a self-adhesive layer on the inner surface. The manufacturer protects it with anti-adhesive paper. It is worth remembering that plastic corners can only be installed at fairly even corners, otherwise the cracks will worsen appearance surfaces. You can check the error of the walls using a rule or a long ruler. But if you don't want to worry about aligning the corner with wet method before installation decorative corner, then you can use PVC products that are elastic. If the vertical deviation is smooth enough, then cracks can be avoided.


Decorative corners for walls can be made from a variety of materials, but PVC can imitate wood, and its use can reduce the cost of construction work.

High-quality repairs require leveling all surfaces - walls, floors, ceilings. Aligning corners with your own hands seems like an impossible task for many. This is not as difficult to do as it seems if you stock up necessary set tools and choose the right materials.

Level the walls and corners with plaster mixtures or dry plaster - plasterboard. If you don’t have the desire or money to level all the walls, at least take care of the corners. In this case, the angle is drawn visually so that it does not move in waves over the entire height.

Leveling walls and corners with plasterboard

Drywall is dry gypsum plaster. The sheets are attached to the frame or directly to the wall using gypsum glue mixture and dowels. This leveling method has advantages over the “wet” method:

  • installation of gypsum plasterboard on a frame does not require the removal of old wallpaper or whitewash;
  • no mixing of plaster solutions is required, the process is relatively clean;
  • GKL can be puttyed immediately after installation, while the plaster layer needs to be dried.


  • fragile material, not resistant to mechanical damage;
  • not used in rooms with high humidity.

Leveling corners with plaster

Aligning the corners will not cause you any difficulties if you can plaster the walls level and in the same plane. Main stages of work:

  • surface cleaning;
  • plaster;
  • putty.

To level the walls, use. To make the corner even, you should plaster one wall and wait for the plaster layer to dry completely. Then the beacons are installed on the second wall and a layer of plaster is applied. Putty will hide minor errors.

After the two walls forming the corner have been plastered, all you have to do is lightly touch up the corner with putty.

It is more difficult to align the corners if you do not plan to plaster the entire wall. Aligning internal corners is more painstaking work than external ones. This is due to the fact that when working with external corners, you can plaster both walls at once. When leveling the inner corner, you must wait until one wall is completely dry, then proceed to the second.

Tools and materials

  • brush and roller for priming;
  • level - laser or water, plumb;
  • container for mixing plaster mixture;
  • drill with mixer;
  • rule;
  • spatula - wide 45 cm and narrow - 20 cm;
  • primer;
  • dry plaster mixture;
  • perforated corners;
  • putty.

It is more convenient to work with plaster plaster mixture— it sets faster and does not slip. This allows you to reduce work time. Rotband from Knauf will do.

Internal corners are aligned in two ways. The surface preparation method is the same.

  1. Cleaning of old coatings - removal of old wallpaper and whitewash, dismantling ceramic tiles.
  2. Surface priming.
  3. When working with cement plaster mortars, corners should be cleaned of dust. Moisten before applying plaster.

Leveling using a counter-shoulder - a perforated aluminum corner

The corner alignment angle is used for working with internal and external corners. Such a corner is necessary for external corners in order to protect against mechanical damage. In addition, it makes work easier. Even if you do not install the corner strictly vertically, the corner will turn out smooth, without bends.

  1. Cut the corners to length.
  2. Prepare the plaster mixture.
  3. Apply to the corner. The inner corner is filled completely with the mixture. On outside corner Apply the mixture with slaps.
  4. Install the corner, checking its verticality with a level.
  5. Carefully remove excess plaster mixture and leave to dry.

After the corners are installed, all you have to do is align their edges with the wall. To avoid creating a sharp transition, apply the plaster mixture starting from the corner by 50-80 cm. Smooth it with a wide spatula, gradually reducing it to nothing.
After the plaster layer has dried, treat the surface with a primer.
Further leveling is carried out using putty. Putty can hide minor imperfections and irregularities.

Alignment to a mark made using a plumb line or level

This method is suitable for aligning internal corners.

  1. Mark a level or plumb line on one wall.
  2. Prepare the mixture.
  3. Fill the corner with plaster mixture according to the mark.
  4. Level the mixture with a wide spatula.
  5. After the plaster has dried on the first wall, proceed to the second according to the same scheme.

It is not always possible to make a strictly right angle. Opposite walls sometimes differ in length by 5-10 cm. A large amount of plaster will be required to make a strictly rectangular room. Such precision is only needed when preparing corners and walls for tiling. The main requirement is to achieve vertical angles.

If, nevertheless, the decision was made to independently level the external and internal corners, the owner will need to familiarize himself with several ways to carry out this work. You can straighten corners in the following ways:

  • using gypsum board;
  • by plastering;
  • by installing a perforated corner;
  • plastering according to marks;
  • combining plastering and leveling the base with plasterboard (recommended for minor vertical deviations).

Surface preparation

Before you start leveling the corners of the walls with your own hands, you need to prepare the adjacent foundations. To obtain a high-quality right angle between the walls, you need to perform the following work:

  1. Remove the old wall covering, thoroughly cleaning the surface of small particles.
  2. Treat walls with primer deep penetration, you need to brush the corners especially carefully.
  3. If you plan to do plastering cement-sand mortar, the prepared wall surface should be moistened.

Instructions for plastering corners

It is quite possible to bring the corner to an ideal state through conventional plastering. If the surfaces have been properly prepared and plastered, it is not difficult to level the joints. To do this you will need the following tools and materials:

  • laser level;
  • roller;
  • brush 150 mm wide;
  • mixer;
  • container for preparing plaster mortar;
  • deep penetration primer;
  • rule;
  • construction plaster mixtures;
  • perforated corner;
  • wide spatula;
  • narrow spatula.

Before plastering the corners of the walls, it is necessary to prepare the surface. Then perform the following work:

  1. Using a plumb line or laser level, draw a line on the adjacent wall that will serve as a guide for leveling the base in the corner. If necessary, a guide rail is installed along the line;
  2. Focusing on the mark or guide rail, plaster is applied to the wall and leveled using the rule, pulling the mortar away from the corner so that the geometry of the already plastered wall is not disturbed;
  3. After the plaster has dried, the final finishing of the surface is carried out using putty.

This technology is applicable for plastering the corners of walls with their preliminary alignment. If the walls have not been plastered, it is recommended to level the corners together with the leveling of the walls, using beacons for both internal and external corners.

It is recommended to use metal profiles to align external and internal corners. They not only form an even angle, but also serve as protection against accidental damage to the wall. You can also use a painting mesh as corner reinforcement.

Alignment using gypsum board

If there are significant vertical deviations in the walls in the rooms, it is recommended to level them using gypsum plasterboard. This method allows you to quickly correct all surface irregularities. At the same time, if all the work is done correctly, corner connections will be almost perfectly even.

To level walls and corners using plasterboard, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • laser level;
  • gypsum board sheets;
  • guide profiles;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • construction knife;
  • fixing adhesive for gypsum boards;
  • putty knife;
  • serpyanka;
  • metal corner;
  • putty mixture.

If the vertical deviations are more than 50 mm, it is recommended to install guide profiles, which are the basis for fixing the sheets to the wall. For less significant deviations, it is possible to install drywall using special adhesive solutions.

It is possible to use drywall exclusively for leveling slopes near a window or doorways, in this case, the sheets are cut to size and secured with a non-adhesive solution.

Before installing drywall, you should take into account that this material is afraid of moisture, so installing even moisture-resistant gypsum boards in a bathroom or toilet is not recommended.

Smooth installed sheets drywall does not require special finishing in the corners, but since this material quite fragile, it is necessary to external corners install metal corners.

In order not to disturb the horizontal, a groove is chosen along the height of the place where the walls touch on both sides, with a thickness equal to the thickness of the metal corner. The corner is mounted using adhesive solution, and after installation, it is masked with putty.

To strengthen internal joints, use serpyanka, which is attached to plaster mortar, after which it is also masked with putty.

This technology is applicable in rooms with large area, since the installation of drywall “eats” significant volumes. Leveling walls using plasterboard in old panel houses will leave very little living space, so for such rooms it is best to use plaster.

Seam alignment

Situations often arise when, in order to obtain of proper quality finishing interior walls there is no need to bring the bases into contact at 90 degrees. In this case, it is enough to achieve an even seam, both on the inside and outside.

External corners

Typically, where walls meet, external angles form 90 degrees, whereas when equipped window openings It is possible to use obtuse angles.

To form blunt contacts between the walls, it is recommended to use an angled spatula, the sides of which are specially curved to the desired degree of the opening walls; this process is quite complex and requires professionalism. Also, obtuse corners are leveled with plaster mortar, using a rigid base (straight board) on one side.

To align right outer corners, you can also use a special spatula, but optimal solution The use of metal perforated profiles, which are also called counter-shafts, is considered. The technology for installing a counter-switch consists of performing the following steps:

  1. Using metal scissors, a piece of counter-shaft is cut according to the height of the wall;
  2. An adhesive solution or plaster is applied along the entire height on both sides;
  3. The contraschultz is carefully sunk into the solution so that particles of the mixture appear through the perforations;
  4. With help laser level or a plumb line, the verticality of the corner is checked and, if necessary, adjusted;
  5. The solution that comes out through the perforation is leveled with a spatula, completely covering the metal surface;
  6. After the solution has completely risen, the surface is cleaned with sandpaper. Before finishing walls and the place where the corner is installed are puttied.


If you need to form an obtuse angle, you will need to use a straight guide. Usually a flat board is found for this purpose. The technology for leveling an obtuse angle using a board comes down to the following steps;

  1. The surface to be leveled must be strengthened, for which a sickle is glued onto it with gypsum mortar;
  2. The board is prepared to size and firmly fixed from floor to ceiling;
  3. Plaster mortar is applied to the adjacent surface of the wall, while the edge of the board is used as a limiter;
  4. After the solution has risen, the board is dismantled and installed on the newly prepared surface, freeing up space for plastering the first side;
  5. Fully finished surface rubbed and sanded with sandpaper, after which finishing putty is applied.

Internal corners

For the construction of internal corners, two methods are most often used.

This technology is simple and reliable. To obtain perfect surface at the point where the walls touch, you will need to perform the following steps:

  1. The contra-shultz is cut to the required height;
  2. The solution is evenly applied to the place where the walls touch on both sides;
  3. The contraschultz is applied to the prepared area and gently pressed using a long rule. If you apply pinpoint pressure on the contra-shultz, dents may appear and, as a result, a violation of the right angle;
  4. Using a laser level or plumb line, the position of the counter-sharp is adjusted to the required one;
  5. The remaining solution penetrating through the perforation is smoothed out, the excess is removed, and the entire surface is sanded with sandpaper;
  6. The treated area where the walls meet is puttied along with the entire surface, which eliminates the slight difference due to the thickness of the counter-shoulder.

With leveling base

You can get a smooth surface for the internal contact of the walls using a guide. You need to do the following:

  1. The most prominent point is determined on one of the walls. To do this, it is enough to apply the rule with a level to the surface of the wall;
  2. A guide (a flat board, usually metallic profile), stepping back from the point by the width of the corner spatula;
  3. Using an angle trowel, apply a leveling solution to both walls. If the measurements and installation of the guide were carried out correctly, the contact surface of the walls will be leveled;
  4. The guide is removed;
  5. Use a spatula to clean off excess mortar;
  6. After the leveling mixture has completely dried, puttying and sanding are carried out.

Smooth corners - sign quality repairs . However, this result is considered to be the exception rather than the rule.

Often uneven corners can greatly spoil the impression of the work done repair work, since due to this drawback significant visual distortions of the finishing material are possible.

Aligning wall corners is important the final element of wall finishing work. How to level the corner of a wall with your own hands is discussed in this article.

Joints are a rather difficult area to process: to make ideal 90-degree corner surfaces, you will have to put a lot of effort and care.

Leveling walls with your own hands - myth or reality?

It is generally accepted that decorating walls with your own hands is much easier than correcting the ceiling, but this statement is only partially true. Often the reason why corner irregularities may occur is poor quality plastering.

If certain deviations of the corner surfaces are detected before finishing the walls, they should be eliminated.

This is especially true in cases where you plan to stick wallpaper with a pattern in the room or install ceramic tiles - with such finishing options defects in corner surfaces will be obvious.

Depending on the type of finishing, a method is selected - it can be done either using gypsum plasterboard or using dry mixtures. Irregularities in corner spaces are corrected using the protrusion or level alignment method.

First option most preferable when you plan to paint walls or decorate decorative layer plaster. Second option acceptable when subsequent wallpapering is expected.

Leveling corner spaces on your own may seem like a very troublesome and almost impossible task, but this is not so.

Subject to certain rules and having the necessary tools, correction of wall joints will be possible even for a beginner.

You can level corner surfaces using plaster or putty, sheets of plasterboard and a perforated corner with mesh.

Wherein Leveling with gypsum board is not recommended if the final finishing involves laying ceramic tiles or porcelain stoneware: too smooth surface will not provide strong adhesion of the finishing material to the base.

Ideal angle: how to measure skew and achieve 90º?

Sometimes it's worth thinking– is it so important to bring wall joints to perfection? To answer this question, you need to understand how important it is in this case to clearly set the corner joints at 90º.

In some cases, when only cosmetic renovation of the interior space is planned and no additional costs are expected, alignment of wall joints may not be done.

In other cases, setting 90º is an integral stage of repair work, since some modern furniture and technology requires only such a foundation.

Once the decision on alignment has been made, it is necessary to carefully measure the angular misalignment.

To determine the vertical distortion, it is enough to place a ruler or rule vertically in the corner.

Next, you should lean a spirit level against the ruler, which will help you visually determine the value of the distortion along the wall. After the work has been done, you need to use a ruler to measure the maximum distortion from the vertical of a corner or wall - the result will be the desired value.

In the same way you can measure deviation from even angle in the horizontal plane, however, in this case, a longer ruler or profile is necessary: ​​horizontal distortions, as a rule, have a smaller value, so a larger distance will be needed to measure them.

In cases where it is impossible to visually determine the distortion, you will need a profile at least two meters long.

Types of materials for performing work

The most common and effective There are types of leveling methods that use dry mixes and sheets of drywall. The method of eliminating defects using a perforated corner has also proven itself to be quite effective.

To find out which method will be effective in each specific case, you need to consider each of them in detail.

Using putty or plaster

For angle correction to be successful, you need to use mixtures High Quality , produced by trusted manufacturers.

Perhaps the price tag for these mixtures will be slightly higher than unknown brands, but there will be no doubt about the quality of the work done.

Most convenient way work involves gypsum plaster or starting. This option will allow you to make a correction using the most thin layers and at the same time without sagging.

To perform this type of work you will need the following tools:

  1. Roller or brush for priming the base;
  2. Spirit level of any type, as well as a plumb line;
  3. A container in which the plaster will be mixed;
  4. Drill mixer;
  5. Rule;
  6. Wide and narrow spatula;
  7. Primer for the base;
  8. Dry mixture for leveling.

Before starting work it is necessary prime the wall joints using a deep penetration solution. Next you need to calculate required quantity plaster mixture.

Leveling must be done when the surface will be finished with tiles of any kind. In case of painting or pasting, leveling on a plane is sufficient.

The choice of mixture depends on outside or inside finishing work will be carried out. If you plan to finish corners located on outdoors or in premises with high humidity, it is worth choosing a cement-based mixture, lime mixtures and polymers.

In cases where it is necessary to correct internal joints, you can use plasters based on a gypsum mixture.

Work order consists of the following steps:

In the case when the walls are erected evenly, the angle after alignment is obtained by itself. For more convenient work you can use contraschultz– a special metal corner with perforation.

The plastering method is used when the angle misalignment is insignificant and does not exceed a few centimeters.

If the distortion turns out to be significant, it is better to use plasterboard sheets.

Video instructions on how to properly putty corners:

Plasterboard sheet as a means of achieving an even joint

Plasterboard sheets for leveling corners are very effective means. They are applied then when leveling with plaster cannot give a quality result and have many advantages over plastering:

  • GCRs do not require removal of old wall coverings;
  • They do not require mixing dry mixtures and the entire process proceeds without dirt;
  • Plasterboard can be puttyed immediately after installation.

Among the disadvantages of this type of finishing, one can highlight the relative fragility of the material and its instability to serious mechanical damage. In addition, gypsum plasterboard is not used in rooms with permanent high level humidity.

If the walls of the room were originally lined with gypsum boards, adjustment of the corners is not required. If there is a need to level the walls with plasterboard, you must:

  1. Install guides that will serve as the basis for sheets of drywall;
  2. Sew up the gypsum board frame using self-tapping screws or self-tapping screws;
  3. Apply reinforcing tape to strengthen internal corners;
  4. Place perforated aluminum corners for the outer corners;
  5. Putty the joints.

A heavily littered wall requires the use of a combined method, which includes both finishing with plasterboard and leveling with a plaster layer.

Perforated corner with mesh for perfect 90º

The leveling corner is used where it is necessary to strengthen external and external corners. In addition, this material greatly facilitates the work of exhibiting perfect corner joints. In any case, the corner in which it is mounted perforated corner with a mesh, it will turn out perfectly even.

In order to set such a corner, you need:

To ensure that the transition to the corner from the wall remains unnoticeable, you should plaster it overlapping with the wall and smooth with a wide spatula.

Internal corners: features

For interior corners in an apartment, you can use both dry mixtures and sheets. Before plastering, it is necessary to check the evenness of the corner joints using a plumb line and level.

If there are protruding bumps on the surfaces, they can be removed with a hammer or chisel.

After preparing the surface, it is primed with a special deep penetration compound. This method will make the corners stronger and improve the adhesion of the new plaster layer. The primer must be applied along the entire length of the rule.

Smooth angles when plastering will ensure special beacons. They need to be placed directly in the corner space.

Lighthouse - a strip of gypsum solution about 5 centimeters wide. The mixture for beacons should not contain lumps.

The solution for the beacon is applied in a strip to one side of the corner joint, and then leveled using the rule.

After the first beacon dries, you can install the next one on the opposite side of the corner. Subsequently, it is necessary to level the corner completely using a special corner spatula.

External corner of walls - how to achieve an even joint?

For external works by alignment plasterboard is not used. Only dry building mixtures are suitable for external corners.

  1. First you need to check the outer corners for evenness. All protruding irregularities must be removed with a hammer.
  2. The next step is to prime the walls using special compounds deep impregnation.
  3. To strengthen external corner joints it is necessary to use perforated metal corners, which will strengthen the joint and help avoid damage. They are pressed into the gypsum solution and subsequently leveled with putty.
  4. Excess mixture must be removed using a spatula. Then you need to make sure vertical installation metal profile.
  5. Using gypsum beacons on both sides, the corner is leveled and puttied.

Different ways to align external corners are discussed in the video below:


Aligning corners with your own hands is a painstaking task, but not difficult. For high-quality execution works, it is better to use proven ones Decoration Materials. When performing work, you must be patient, careful and attentive.


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