Which tile is better for the bathroom. He was a “hog” or how to choose tiles for the bathroom

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Ceramic tiles for bathroom cladding are the most the best solution. Thanks to the benefits of this finishing material, the choice in most cases is made in her favor. But not everyone knows how to choose tiles, which tiles are best for the bathroom - which manufacturer? Every business has its own difficulties, and choosing tiles for a bathroom is no exception.

Why ceramics?

The main advantage of the material is its practicality. The tiles work well, are resistant to moisture, and are easy to clean from dirt. Ceramics are presented in stores in a wide range, and at an affordable price. In addition, store specialists will advise you if you cannot decide on a suitable collection.

What are they guided by when choosing ceramic tiles?

Let's consider what factors need to be taken into account to choose tiles for the bathroom.

Period for which the material is purchased

Perhaps you have planned repairs for a long time? In this case, experts recommend paying attention to more expensive options and not turning tiles into an item to save money. To produce cheap types of tiles, as a rule, inexpensive raw materials are used. The strength characteristics of such material are much worse. Tiles are less resistant to sudden changes in air temperature and humidity.

Important! The cost of high-quality tiles is much higher, but you will win anyway. It is more durable. In addition, the surface has a dirt-repellent coating.

Trademark, manufacturing company

It is important to know which tiles are best for the bathroom, from which manufacturer. The Italians are the undisputed world leaders in the production of ceramic tiles. There are simply no analogues of Italian cladding.

The products of Italian craftsmen are far from cheap, but the costs pay for themselves, because this is not just European-level quality, but organic combination practicality, quality, durability and high aesthetics in one product.

Important! Be sure to pay attention that the materials have a quality certificate. Only in this case can you be sure that the tiles will be truly durable, high-quality and environmentally friendly.


How to choose ceramic tiles for the bathroom by color? The choice of tile color largely depends on personal preference. But at the same time, we should not forget about the general rules for choosing a design and also that an unsuccessfully chosen color of the material can nullify all the efforts of the craftsmen.

For example:

  1. Covering the floor with large tiles will make the room visually smaller.
  2. You can achieve the same effect by using light materials at the top of the bathroom and dark materials at the bottom.
  3. Vertical stripes and precise tiles used for the floor visually expand the bathroom.

Important! Neutral colors are optimal Light shades green and beige colors have a calming effect. They are unobtrusive and never get boring. If you like rich colors, you can also use them in the bathroom, but you shouldn’t overuse them. A combination of bright and calmer colors looks good.


This is one of the most important and crucial moments when deciding which tile is best to choose for the bath, because you will not be able to change the chosen decor. Think about what kind of pattern you like: bright and contrasting or calm and gentle. The bathroom should create an atmosphere of comfort and not cause irritation.

Same shade

When purchasing ceramic tiles, be sure to check the packaging to make sure the tiles are the same shade. This is important, since often tiles of the same design are presented in the store in several color options. And different series of the same collection may change the color slightly. Of course, you will do everything to make a replacement as soon as possible. But at the same time you will waste your own time.

Calculation of the required amount of material

  • Calculation of the total area of ​​walls in the bathroom.
  • Calculation of the area of ​​one tile.

By dividing the first number by the other, you will get the required amount of material for wall cladding in the bathroom. It is advisable to take a tile with a reserve, increasing the resulting number by 5%. But don’t “stock up” too much so that leftover materials don’t clutter up the entire open space. You can also use a special online calculator - they are available on most construction portals. The material consumption for floor covering is calculated in a similar way.

Important! When choosing a mosaic pattern for tiling a bathroom, you need to contact a specialist to calculate the required amount of materials. If you are not skilled in working with mosaics, it is better not to undertake this task, as you will have to face additional costs associated with remodeling.

Other consumables

In addition to the tiles, you will have to purchase:

  • Tile adhesive. The amount of glue depends on its properties and purpose - this information is indicated on the packaging.
  • In addition to tiles and glue, you need to purchase crosses for even gaps, a fugue, a latex additive, and spatulas.
  • Rubber hammer - you will need it for facing work.
  • Glass cutter or tile cutter for even cutting of tiles.

How to choose tiles by grade?

In order not to be mistaken in the quality of the purchased material, you need to know about the existing varieties of ceramics. Tiles certified by the European Commission for Standardization can be of three grades - from first to third:

  • The first grade is marked in red. This is the most quality material. The acceptable quantity of defects is five tiles per hundred.
  • The second grade is tile with blue markings. The acceptable defect rate in this case is 5%. The difference between the first and second grade is that the material is tested at a specialized stand. For the second grade, the testing distance is 2.0 m, for the first - 1.0 m.
  • The third grade is the lowest and is marked green.

Important! This classification is adopted for tiles made in Europe. For products from Russia and Belarus, grade, permissible percentage defects and tolerances in accordance with GOST are indicated on the packaging.

Features of selection based on physical characteristics

Symbolic markings on the packaging allow you to select tiles with the necessary characteristics. How to choose tiles for the bathroom, taking into account the symbols shown on the packaging?

  • The image of a shoe print on a dark background indicates the floor covering.
  • Palm print - wall tiles.
  • The design of the flask indicates the resistance of the material to aggressive environments.

Tile resistance coefficient to chemicals indicated by letter markings: AA, B, C, D. The most resistant materials are suitable for the bathroom (marked AA).

Important! Strength properties are indicated by Roman numerals. There is no point in buying material above strength class III for the bathroom.

Selecting tiles to suit different styles

The use of ceramic tiles allows you to implement different style solutions. It is no coincidence that this material is so loved by designers. However, when choosing ceramic tiles for the bathroom, you need to wisely combine design imagination and common sense.

When deciding how to choose ceramic tiles for a bathroom, you need to take into account the following principles (by the way, they work in all types of rooms):

  • Application artificial lighting changes the shade of the material.
  • The vertically directed pattern creates the illusion of high ceilings.
  • Dark-colored tiles visually make the room smaller, while light-colored tiles, on the contrary, make the room larger.
  • The use of bright and large patterns on the floor creates the illusion of a monolithic surface, but visually reduces the space.
  • Glare from a glossy surface tires your eyesight.

All these factors need to be taken into account, regardless of the chosen style.

Classic version

Usage classic style is a win-win for the bathroom. At the same time, the floor is several tones darker than the walls. Shades of beige, brown, and terracotta look good.

Important! There is a more daring option: a combination of a pattern (for example, floral) and plain tiles. But here again, it is very important to know which tiles are best for the bathroom - from which manufacturer. In addition to Italian models, you can also pay attention to the products of Spanish craftsmen - they have also proven themselves well on the world market.

"East is a delicate matter"

Do you love everything bright, colorful and unusual? Then pay attention to the decoration of the bathroom in oriental style:

  1. Rich, rich tones are appropriate here: shades of red, yellow, gold and turquoise.
  2. Tiles with oriental patterns on them look good, floor and wall panels, mosaic canvases.

The East is traditionally associated with bliss and relaxation, so such a choice for the bathroom is more than appropriate.

Ceramic tile - traditional version for renovation and decoration of the bathroom. The types of bathroom tiles presented in construction stores allow you to implement a design project of any complexity. Such a choice can make your head spin: in this article we will try to figure out how to choose the right tile for the bathroom and toilet.

Yes, before we forget: some opponents of tiles claim that tiles are very cold material, but now this is not a problem, there are many different ones.

Types of bathroom tiles

The choice in favor of tiles in bathroom decoration is determined, first of all, by its technical and aesthetic characteristics. The main condition that must be met is its water resistance. The rest of the selection is based on personal wishes and financial capabilities.

All bathroom tiles can be divided into several categories - wall or floor, and tiles or mosaics. This gradation is typical specifically for the bathroom, because if we discuss other rooms, other differences may appear, for example, tiles or porcelain stoneware, etc. In this article we will look at tiles, and we will return to them in another article.

Modern tiles, can be of any shape, texture and shade

Floor tiles. It is characterized by an increased level of wear resistance and most often has an anti-slip coating or a relief pattern on the surface. It has high density, which allows it to withstand high mechanical loads and chemical influences. Floor tiles most often have a rectangular shape.

Wall tiles. Compared to the floor, it is more fragile and thin. During production wall tiles more attention is paid to its aesthetic component. It is not suitable for laying on the floor, as it is not intended for high loads. Wall tiles are made in various forms ah, but most often, it is smaller than the floor one. Along with it, there are many decorative elements on sale, such as borders, inserts, panels.

Selection of tiles according to technical characteristics

In order to choose the right tile, you need to study the markings on its packaging. An arm and a leg on it means wall and floor respectively. You should pay attention to the following characteristics:

Tile marking

The coefficient of friction of a wet surface is important for floor tiles, varies in the range from 1 to 4, where 4 is the most reliable. The facing marked 1 will slip, which can cause injury.

Abrasion resistance (wear resistance) is marked as PEI from I to IV, where PEI V is the most wear-resistant.

Class PEI I - for premises where light traffic is expected in house shoes. For example, a bedroom.

Class PEI II - slightly higher resistance. For example, the bathroom.

Class PEI III is the most universal coating and can be used in almost the entire home.

Class PEI IV - this coating more suitable for public places with average traffic. For example, an office, a small store, a hospital, etc.

Class PEI V - the highest class, the possibility of use is unlimited - from shopping center to the railway station.

Only PEI V porcelain tiles can withstand shopping center traffic

This is important: The difference between PEI IV and PEI V is simply huge, for example, if you put tiles with the PEI IV class at the entrance of a shopping center, then after 2-4 months, depending on traffic, the tile will have to be changed! And PEI V class tiles will last for many years.

The bathroom is not the most trafficked room, so you can choose tiles with average size abrasion, that is, PEIII - PEI III.

Resistance to chemicals - marked with the letters AA, B, C, D. For the bathroom this coefficient should be higher, that is, AA or B, since detergents are often used in this room.
The remaining characteristics - tile thickness, hardness, bending strength, frost resistance - are not so important for the bathroom, so you can ignore them.

The packaging also indicates the number of records in one package and their total area. It is imperative to pay attention to these characteristics when calculating the required amount of material for installation.

Choosing tile color

You can choose the color of the tile entirely based on your own taste, but it is important to consider a few tips:
for rest and relaxation it is better to choose bright hues– beige, blue, light pink;

  • for a charge of energy and vigor, the lining can be bright yellow, orange color, you can add red;
  • When combining white and black, it is important to remember that dark shades visually narrow the room, so when small area in the room white should predominate;
  • When choosing tiles with photo printing or panels, you should first make necessary measurements– so that the drawing fits organically into the wall space;
  • It is advisable to choose floor and wall tiles from the same collection, then the shades will certainly match and be harmoniously combined.

Important! The shades of tiles from the same collection can vary greatly. Before purchasing, you need to check each package and compare the tone. The tone number is indicated on the packaging. (pictured) It is necessary to buy tiles with a reserve, since finding the right shade can later be difficult.

The tone number is indicated on the packaging

It is advisable to choose the color of the cladding, having ready-made design project. If it is not possible to prepare it, then you can clarify it when purchasing - many salons provide a visualization service. This is how you can evaluate appearance premises and choose the appropriate option.

Choice of texture and size

Bathroom tiles have a huge variety of textures. It can imitate stone, wood, metal, or it can be embossed. Of course, the more complex the tile texture, the higher its cost.

Tiles can be divided into two main groups based on texture - glossy and matte.

Glossy tiles for the bathroom has been popular for several years now. It looks quite elegant, the shine of the tiles creates a feeling of cleanliness and well-groomed. However, it also has its drawbacks - when drops of water get on it, when high humidity indoors, marks remain on the glossy surface. You can remove them by wiping with a damp and then a dry cloth, otherwise streaks will again remain. Such tiles require regular and high-quality care.

Matte and glossy tiles

Matte bathroom tiles have gained popularity not so long ago, but are already actively used in decoration. It does not glare in bright light, does not require so much care and allows you to create cozy interior. If glossy tiles are recommended to be used only for walls, then matte tiles can also be used on the floor. These tiles are quite easy to maintain, but after washing with chemicals it should also be wiped well so that no residue remains.

Important! You should be careful when combining matte and glossy tiles on walls, as this does not always lead to positive results.

The size of the tile is most often selected based on the size of the room. For example, for a small area it is better to choose wall tiles big size, since the large one will have to be cut off a lot, which does not look aesthetically pleasing.

Small and large format tiles

When laying, you can combine tiles different sizes, use narrow curbs. If you choose tiles from a ready-made collection, then the dimensions were selected by the designers during development. You just need to order required quantity plates and reproduce the installation in accordance with the project.

Calculation of the number of tiles for laying

Calculation of the number of tiles required for wall cladding is carried out in stages:

  • The perimeter of the room is calculated. To do this, measure the total length of all walls (if the room is square, then the length of one wall can be multiplied by 4, if it is rectangular, then the length of two walls can be multiplied by 2).
  • The total area of ​​the room is calculated. To do this, the perimeter is multiplied by the height of the wall in the room.

Important! If the room has built-in niches or projections, then each element must be measured separately.

  • Calculate the area of ​​surfaces on which ceramic wall tiles for the bathroom will not be laid, for example, a doorway.
  • From the total area obtained in step 2, the area obtained in step 3 is subtracted. The result is the surface area that needs to be covered.
  • Quantity counting required material. To do this you need to know exact dimensions each type of tile that will be used for finishing.

If one type of tile will be used for finishing, then it is necessary total area for cladding (item 4) divide by the area of ​​one plate. If the number turns out to be a fraction, round up.

Sometimes used when laying decorative tiles with a drawing, or a panel is made. Then it is necessary to subtract the area of ​​the panel from the resulting area.

If they will be used different types tiles (for example, two colors and a border), then the calculation is easier to do without using the area. To do this, divide the perimeter by the length of one tile - we get the number of tiles required to lay one row along the perimeter. Then we divide the height of the wall by the height of one tile - we get the number of tiles needed to lay one row from floor to ceiling. By multiplying these two values, the number of tiles required for cladding becomes known.

Important! After all calculations have been made and exact amount tiles are known, it is necessary to add 5-8 tiles of floor and wall tiles to it, since they can be damaged during installation.

In the first picture the tiles are laid in a rhombus and horizontally, in the second with a shift

  • The simplest and most popular method of laying wall tiles is the classic (or basic) one, when the cladding is laid in even rows, seam to seam, horizontally or vertically, relative to the floor. To do this, you can use plain tiles or different shades in a checkerboard pattern. Or lay out the bottom with a dark color, divide it with a border and add a light color on top.
  • The second method is the basic one at an angle, when the plates are laid in a diamond shape at an angle of 45 degrees. But it is necessary to keep in mind that it will require producing a large number of cutting tiles, which means you need to buy with a reserve.
  • The third method is with a shift. That is, a slight shift is made relative to the bottom row. It is recommended to combine several shades for a more colorful look.

Floor covering can be carried out using several methods, the main ones being basic, at an angle and diagonally.

  • For the first experiment, it is better to choose the option with conventional horizontal laying relative to the walls. In this case, you will have to cut a minimum number of plates.
  • Basic at an angle, when the tiles are laid at an angle of 45 degrees - in a diamond shape
  • Diagonal paving is a more complex option - when the tiles are laid diagonally in the room, and the seam between the tiles in each row is shifted by half the tile. The resulting pattern is similar to brickwork.

The choice of ceramic tiles for bathrooms is not the best simple task. I want to do it beautifully, reliably and safely. Moreover, it is desirable that the tile lasts until the next renovation. However, the main difficulty of the task is that you have to choose quite rarely and therefore each time you have to figure it out from scratch. We tried to summarize in one article all the information that will help you choose ceramic tiles for the bathroom and toilet.

You should not rely solely on your taste in this matter. Try to approach the issue objectively. Objective factors, such as the size of the room, will help you choose the right color of bathroom tiles. If the room is small, then you should abandon dark colors. Light shades will make the room visually larger and help solve the problem of lack of light. Nowadays, compositions made in beige and sand shades, pastel colors are in fashion. They fit perfectly with the white color characteristic of sanitary ware and furniture in bathrooms.

The use of bright colors, fruity shades and a sunny palette is allowed. Juicy green, raspberry and various variations red and orange. The popularity of marine themes, where azure and turquoise colors predominate, is not decreasing.

If you need to choose tiles for a large bathroom, then it is extremely difficult to choose a better combination than black tiles and gold. This option makes the room richer and brighter, but eats up a significant part of the size and few people can afford to adequately use this design option.

The main countries producing bathroom and toilet tiles on the Russian market

The widest selection of ceramic tiles from manufacturers from all over the world is available to Russian buyers, but the following countries occupy a significant part of the market:

  • Russia - enough a budget option, which at the same time can boast of good quality. If you like the design, then, for example, the Kirov Stroyfarforovy Plant and the Ural Ceramic Plant will not disappoint you with quality
  • Belarus is the main supplier of tiles for bathrooms and toilets from Belarus “Keramin”. Adequate price of products, decent quality. There are certain questions regarding the design, but also in the line Belarusian manufacturer There are options worth considering. You can also pay attention to the products of “Berezokeramika”
  • Spain - in Russia there is official dealers Pamesa Ceramica. Not the best cheap option, but has excellent quality and variety that will satisfy the most picky buyers
  • Italy - on Russian market products from Polcolorit, Cerrol and many other Italian brands are presented, both expensive and budget options.
  • Poland - we recommend paying close attention to the products of Polish companies. Italian designers, European technologies and affordable prices. The products of Opoczno and other Polish manufacturers are often superior in quality to their Russian and Belarusian counterparts, but do not differ significantly in price.

Which manufacturer's tiles should you choose? Our practice shows that most serious manufacturers adhere to production standards and provide their customers with decent quality ceramic tiles. Therefore, when choosing, be guided by your taste and technical characteristics.


In Europe, ceramic tiles for bathrooms have three quality grades:

  • first grade - is marked in red and is optimal solution for the bathroom and toilet;
  • second grade - blue, may have minor flaws;
  • the third grade is green, and may have a more serious defect.

Mechanical characteristics

Relatively speaking, this is the strength of ceramic tiles under load. There are only three such quantities:

  • maximum load when bending;
  • tensile strength under compressive load;
  • surface hardness (wear resistance).

The first two characteristics are not listed on the packaging and are tested in laboratory conditions; they must comply with GOST requirements for the consumer special significance Dont Have. What is important here is wear resistance - this is a key characteristic when choosing ceramic tiles for the floor, because... It is this that characterizes the ability of the front part to resist scratches and abrasive effects. She in mandatory indicated on the packaging, or according to the Mohs scale Arabic numerals from 1 to 10 (strongest), or P.E.I. scale: I, II, III, IV and V (strongest).

physical characteristics

Tile porosity

An important characteristic when choosing tiles for the bathroom and toilet. It is very convenient to make heated floors in bathrooms and for them would be better suited tiles with lower porosity coefficients, because it has better thermal conductivity. If warm floors are not planned, then it is better to take average porosity values, then the tiles will not be so cold. It is also worth considering that unglazed tiles with low porosity are resistant to dirt and stains.

In Russia, the following designation system for the porosity coefficient has been adopted, from A (minimum) and further alphabetically - B, C, etc.

Thermal conductivity of tiles

You will not find this characteristic on the box, so you need to focus solely on the porosity coefficient.

Water absorption of finishing tiles

In fact this characteristic is not the key when choosing tiles for a bathroom or toilet. For interior decoration Any of the four groups will do. Therefore, we present the data solely for your understanding of the characteristics displayed on the packaging:

group I - less than 3%, it can be used anywhere, including lining pools and exterior decoration;

group IIa - (3 - 6)%;

group IIb - (6 - 10)%;

group III - more than 10%, unsuitable for external finishing work.

Chemical characteristics of tiles

There are 5 classes of resistance of the front surface of ceramic tiles to chemicals. AA - the most resistant, A - stable, B - average loss in quality, C - partial loss, D - not resistant.

This important characteristic is also required to be displayed on the packaging. Which class should you choose for your bathrooms? It's up to you to decide based on your favorite detergents.

Ceramic tile safety

Main safety characteristics of tiles:

  • antistatic;
  • fire safety;
  • dielectric properties;
  • friction coefficient of the front surface (R).

It is R that is the key characteristic when choosing tiles for the bathroom floor. This coefficient is responsible for the safety of movement on the floor. International standards divide tiles into four categories:

  • dangerous from 0 to 0.19;
  • not very dangerous from 0.2 to 0.39;
  • satisfactory level from 0.4 to 0.74;
  • safe tiles from 0.75.

What kind of tiles should be in the bath and toilet?

Let’s summarize and answer the question of how to choose tiles for the bathroom and toilet:

  1. For the floor it is necessary to use ceramic tiles with a pictogram of a footprint, for the walls - palms.
  2. Glossy tiles get dirty faster and are easier to clean. Matte is the opposite.
  3. It is better to take the coefficient of friction of the front part of the surface (R) for bathrooms above 0.75 and never less than 0.4.
  4. If there is a heated floor on the floor in the bathroom or toilet, then the porosity coefficient should be minimal (A, according to the Russian standard); if there is no heated floor, then vice versa.
  5. Abrasion resistance is not important for bathrooms in private houses and apartments; the load on the tiles is minimal.
  6. Water absorption is not important, unless, of course, you are inclined to cool your bathrooms to negative temperatures
  7. Chemical resistance - knowing the passion of Russians for aggressive chemistry, it is better to play it safe and choose between AA and A
  8. Color - for small rooms these are light or bright colors; for large bathrooms you can opt for a more expensive, dark one color scheme.
  9. Manufacturers are the key difference in in this case appearance, so you should rely on your taste. Quality gap between medium and high price segments practically unnoticeable.

The bathroom becomes not only functional, but also a beautiful, fashionable room in a modern apartment. This is a place of relaxation and rest after a busy day at work. That is why the bathroom design should be unobtrusive, harmonious, and cozy. As a rule, tiles or porcelain stoneware are used to decorate a modern bathroom. And the choice of this finishing material determines what your bathroom will ultimately be like.

If you don’t know what style to decorate your bathroom, what tiles to choose, how to think about a color combination, then read this article. In it we will look at the latest trends in bathroom design, current color and stylistic solutions, and popular finishing materials for 2017-2018.

Bathroom decor with tiles: latest trends and new designs 2017 - 2018

IN Lately Minimalist urban and stylish light Scandinavian design are rapidly gaining popularity. These two trends in interior design have won the hearts of many owners of modern homes. Loft is gradually migrating from cafe interiors to our homes, and the restrained Scandinavian style imposed by IKEA catalogs is increasingly being chosen by designers to decorate modern kitchens and bathrooms. Both directions are distinguished by their conciseness and practicality.

Popular styles

If you have a small bathroom, then it is better to decorate it in light Scandinavian style. To do this, you will need either white tiles or very light ones. The floor can be decorated in black and white colors. To do this, choose a mosaic, hexagonal tiles or beautiful tiles with an interesting black and white pattern. Often, when decorating a Scandinavian-style bathroom, they use rectangular white tiles that imitate brickwork, and in dry areas they do not lay it over the entire wall, but end it in the middle of the wall, decorating the end with a beautiful border. The remaining wall can be painted light blue, purple, grey, turquoise or any other color you like.

If you have a large bathroom, then you can decorate it in an urban style. As a rule, creating such an interior requires walls that imitate “bare” concrete, but you can also finish it with textured tiles in dark shades, or it is better to use natural stone or porcelain stoneware slabs. Recently, matte tiles of a fairly large size with the texture of natural stone or wood have been gaining popularity. Examples and photos of a bathroom with dark-colored tiles are presented below.

Current shapes and designs of ceramic tiles

The favorite among materials for finishing the bathroom is still tiles. Only the shape, color, patterns and texture of the tiles change. Recently, they have been used to decorate the bathroom. rectangular tiles size 60 x 30 cm. Natural stone and porcelain stoneware, which have different shapes, are also in fashion, but the slab itself is quite large. Such materials are good for decorating large and spacious rooms. The latest trend in bathroom design is the use of marble slabs; see the photos for examples of such interiors.

If you have, then it is better to give preference to light or white small tiles or even use small mosaics for decoration. Now small tiles imitating brick have become fashionable. Glass mosaic is also trendy; it is used to decorate the area near the sink or shower wall. If you are decorating in a Scandinavian style or with Art Deco motifs, then the floor can be laid with stylish pixel tiles with geometric black and white patterns. At first glance, it somewhat resembles a mosaic, but this tile design looks much more interesting. You can find pixel tiles in the catalogs of online stores selling Italian ceramics.

Now designers are experimenting not only with combinations of colors and textures, but are also constantly searching for new ideas and forms. Therefore, now, when developing, they are increasingly using tiles of non-standard shapes and colors. They are also experimenting with options for laying ceramic tiles. It is laid out in a herringbone pattern, with narrow rectangular plates, combined in one interior different shapes tiles and mosaics. Hexagon-shaped tiles are back in fashion.

Photo of bathroom interior with tiles: A New Look on classic hexagonal tiles

Cladding wet areas with glass mosaic

Fashionable shades of tiles for the bathroom

In 2017 – 2018, designs that claim naturalness and authenticity will remain popular. “Natural” finishing materials such as wood, stone, clay, etc. will be in fashion. Therefore, to decorate modern bathrooms, matte tiles in beige, brown, gray shades with the texture of wood or stone will be used. If funds allow, you can finish the bathroom natural stone, while laying the floor and walls with slabs in the same color scheme. Single color designs are very popular right now.

Bathrooms decorated in black and white colors look no less stylish. For large baths, it is important to use tiles of various shapes and different colors to create a visual separation between the wet and dry areas in the bathroom.

In catalogs with Italian tiles More and more often we come across tile options with Scandinavian-style ornaments. By choosing similar colored tiles you can very easily create an interesting and at the same time uncomplicated interior. Simply divide the space into zones, cover one part of the wall with colored tiles with patterns, and the remaining wall with classic white tiles. For an example of this tile design in the bathroom, see the photo.

Which tiles for the bathroom should you choose?

As already indicated above, when choosing tiles and finishing materials in general, you should start primarily from the size of the room. It will be easier to cover the walls with small tiles, and finishing a large room will be less labor-intensive if you choose large rectangular or square tiles.

The color of the tile will depend on the overall concept that will be used in the design and decoration of the room. If we talk about the combination of furniture color and tile shade, then it is better to choose either very similar tones, or, on the contrary, very contrasting ones.

Most fashionable color this season will no doubt be grey. But don't think that an interior with gray tiles will be boring. Using the rich variety of shades and textures of this finishing material, you can create an atmosphere of luxury and relaxation in a gray bathroom. Considering the usage trend natural materials, stone tiles will be very popular this year. Here is an example of a photo of a bathroom tile design, in which you can see how the nobility of stone is combined with minimalism and others natural materials creates a truly stylish and modern atmosphere.

Often, to create a single harmonious atmosphere, ceramic tiles are chosen for finishing, duplicating the texture of bathroom furniture, i.e. if the furniture has glossy fronts, then the tiles should be glossy, and if you plan to buy furniture from natural wood, then the tile should repeat its texture.

Life hack: how to lay tiles yourself?

If you have decided to renovate and develop a bathroom design yourself, then video lessons that are devoted to laying bathroom tiles and small bathroom design tricks can help you.

Training video: tiling a bathroom

Tutorial video: how to make a hole in a tile

Beautiful tiles for the bathroom: photos with design ideas

You can create a beautiful, thoughtful bathroom interior, in which everything is carefully planned, on your own. Get inspired by a collection of photos from interesting design tiles in the bathroom and come up with your own interior solutions. After all, you can decorate absolutely any bathroom stylishly and beautifully, no matter if it is located in Khrushchev, panel house or cottage.

Stylish tiles

Interior solutions for the bathroom

Non-standard installation methods tiles in the bathroom

Modern bathrooms

Hexagon Bathroom Tiles

Magnificent interiors with mosaics

Various bathroom tiling solutions

Restraint and minimalism are in fashion

Bathroom interior with hexagon tiles

Interior with blue tiles

Bathroom interior with fashionable hexagonal tiles

Color options for bathroom tiles

Orange tiles in the bathroom

Photo gallery of ceramic tiles from the collections of Russian and European manufacturers

In this section you will find interesting collections of ceramic tiles from Russian and foreign manufacturers.

Alcor bathroom tiles, interior design photos

Bathroom tiles Kerama Marazzi, interior design photo

Europa Ceramica bathroom tiles, interior design photos

Bathroom tiles Cersanit, interior design photo

Bathroom tiles Cersanit, interior design photo

Bathroom tiles Cersanit, interior design photo

Ceradim bathroom tiles, interior design photos

You can find out prices for ceramic tiles on the official websites of manufacturers. If you want to save money, you can do it with a pattern that imitates tiles.

Ceramic tiles are the most popular material used for finishing works in the process of renovating a bathroom. The assortment of modern construction stores includes products for every taste and budget - from budget domestic to Italian luxury. However, tiles carry not only decorative function, but also a serious practical load. To understand which tile is best to choose for the bathroom and make the best purchase in every sense, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the topic in a little more detail.

Which tile is better to choose for the bathroom: basic principles

To answer this question, you need to understand several key points.

  • Necessary performance characteristics of the material. Its functional purpose- for the floor or for the walls. Each category has its own quality criteria. So, if the wall covering must be primarily moisture-resistant, then the floor ceramics must be durable and abrasion-resistant. At the same time, both should easily withstand temperature changes and the aggressive effects of household chemicals.
  • Second factor - optimal size elements. Here it is recommended to start from the dimensions of the bathroom. Small details optically expand the space, large ones conceal. Accordingly, than bigger room, the more large tiles can be used without loss in visual effect.
  • The color scheme is mainly a matter of personal preference. However, you should not ignore objective parameters - the area of ​​the room. Classic rule“light increases, dark decreases” also applies to choosing tiles for your bathroom.

Bathroom renovation with PVC panels

from 16,300 rub.

Bathroom renovation with PVC panels

from 21,300 rub.

Toilet repair with PVC panels

from 8,500 rub.

Major bathroom renovation

from 52,100 rub.

Major renovation of a bathroom

from 69,700 rub.

Major toilet renovation

from 23,500 rub.

Technical characteristics of tiles and their markings

The most important parameters of ceramic tiles are the following:

  • quality class. The generally accepted classification includes 4 levels - AA, A, B, C. Of these, class AA is the highest. If possible, give preference to this particular category of material; it guarantees high water resistance due to the small number of pores;
  • functional purpose. As mentioned above, types of ceramics for flooring and the walls are clearly separated from each other. Look at the markings on the packaging - an icon with the image of a hand (for walls) or a foot (for floors) will indicate the type of tile;
  • wear resistance. This indicator is key when deciding how to choose the best tiles for the bathroom floor. Its level is determined by the corresponding number - I (minimum), II, III, IV, V (maximum). The first two types are suitable for use in a home bathroom;
  • non-susceptibility chemical exposure. Look for a product marked with a picture of a light bulb on a dark background;
  • thickness of elements. For walls, the optimal range is 6-9 mm, for floors - a thickness of at least 9 mm.

Wealth of assortment: what type of tile is better to choose for the bathroom

Based on the type of production, ceramics are divided into the following types:

  1. bicottura is double-fired enameled ceramic. Beautiful and light, it has questionable moisture resistance;
  2. majolica is a pressed type of ceramic coated with glaze. Its main property is high porosity and, as a result, moisture absorption;
  3. monocottura is a universal tile produced by single firing. It is a good option for both wall and floor cladding;
  4. ceramic granite - the strongest material for flooring. It will serve perfectly due to its hardness, non-slip surface and resistance to mechanical damage.

If you strive for long and flawless service of your bathroom, you should give preference to points 3 and 4.

How to choose ceramic tiles: color, style, design

The bathroom is a place designed for physical and psychological relaxation. Choosing decorative elements, consider their impact on mood.

  • Warm tiles natural shades- always a win-win option. It creates a cozy atmosphere and also goes well with most bathroom fixtures styles.
  • Excessive contrasts and too many shades in the decoration can quickly become boring. In addition, the abundance of color visually reduces the area of ​​the room. In most cases, the best solution is to use 2-3 related tones.
  • You can add personality to the interior using various panels and mosaics. A tile with a high-quality artistic image applied to it will add a touch of sophistication. And mosaic overflows on the walls of the bathroom will create the illusion of a spacious room.

Tile grout: selection criteria

When deciding which grout to choose for bathroom tiles, give preference to one that is as close as possible to the color of the ceramic. This way you will maintain the unity and holistic perception of the room. A bold alternative would be grout in a contrasting shade. Owners of a spacious bathroom can experiment with this option.

Concerning chemical compositions grout, they come in two types - cement and epoxy. The former are cheaper and easier to work with. The latter are more durable and reliable, and in addition they lack porosity, the main problem of cement grouts. Because of this, the epoxy variety is deservedly recognized the best option bathroom grout.

Which tile is better to choose for a bathroom video

Other nuances

At the end of the conversation about which tile is better to choose for the bathroom, I would like to pay attention to a few small details. Knowing them will save you time and money.

  • As practice shows, it is advisable to purchase tiles with a small margin. It will be useful in cases of defects, adjustment of cladding to individual characteristics premises and in a number of other circumstances. To prevent such situations from taking you by surprise, it is quite enough to purchase material 10% more than what is directly required in the area of ​​walls and floors.
  • Read package labels carefully. Modern manufacturers display comprehensive information about the product in them. It is indicated in the form of corresponding icons - a gear with a number (degree of wear resistance), a snowflake (frost resistance), a boot on inclined surface(anti-slip) and so on.
  • Be careful when purchasing products different brands or purchasing tiles from different batches. The slightest discrepancies in shades, size and thickness of elements can result in a serious problem.

When choosing and purchasing ceramics for the bathroom, you should not rely on big names and manufacturers’ promises. It is enough to take into account technical properties material and be guided by your own ideas about a beautiful home.


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