What is the temperature in the living room? Standard temperature in residential premises in winter

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Residents apartment buildings People are often interested in questions: what temperature should the air be in the apartment in winter? When does it start and end heating season? In this article we will talk about the rules for measuring air temperature in a residential area and the standards in accordance with GOST.

Warming up rooms in multi-storey buildings winter period– this is the area of ​​responsibility of the resource supplying organization that supplies heat to citizens. Heating is carried out according to special standards. The starting point for the calculations is comfortable conditions accommodation.

What should the air temperature be in the apartment in winter?

Regulatory documents clearly state the temperature standard that must be maintained in apartments in winter. In accordance with GOST R 51617-2000, the values ​​of this the most important parameter can fluctuate in the range of +18…+25ºС. This plug applies generally to residential areas. The specific meanings within it vary depending on their location and purpose.

If we are talking about a living room, then the air in it should be heated to at least +18ºС. Upper bar at +25ºС applies to bathrooms. This is explained by the increased humidity in them. To prevent the accumulation of moisture and the development of all kinds of pathogenic microorganisms, the air circulating in such a room should be somewhat hotter.

In law established norm The temperature in the apartment in winter can fluctuate depending on the time of day. During the day it is strictly observed. At night, when the activity of residents is much less, small deviations in the direction of reduction are allowed. If from midnight to 5 o’clock in the morning the air cools down by no more than 3ºC from the standard, then this will not be considered a violation.

Discomfort for a person is created not only by too cold, but also by an overheated atmosphere. That is why SanPin also indicates the maximum level of air heating. IN living rooms this limit is +24ºС.

Separately, the regulations prescribe the conditions for corner apartments. This is explained by the fact that they have more walls in direct contact with the external environment. In such housing, heat exchange with street air. For this reason, the minimum temperature for corner apartments is slightly higher - +20ºС.

Comfort when living in an apartment building is ensured, among other things, by the warmth of the entrances. They also have heating appliances and modern plastic windows. Otherwise entrance doors apartments become an additional source of heat loss. In accordance with the standards, the air in the staircases must be heated to +14…+20ºС. The layout of many houses involves the presence of inter-apartment corridors. The air in them should be even warmer - +16…+22ºС.

There are others regulations, which can be relied upon when determining optimal temperature in the apartment in winter. For example, there is GOST 30494-2011. It contains recommended temperatures in some locations that may differ slightly from those listed above. However general principles providing comfort remains the same. We present tabular data from this GOST.


Room type


Living room

Living room (northern regions)

Bathroom, combined toilet

Inter-apartment corridor

Children's rooms

Living spaces

Start of the heating season

If heat is supplied centrally to houses, then the decision to start the heating season is made at the level local government. For this to happen, the necessary conditions must exist.

According to existing standards, the heating season starts if the average daily air temperature drops below +8ºC for five days in a row. The shutdown date is calculated using the same principle. central heating. To do this, it is necessary that during the same period of time the air warms up above +8ºС on average per day.

From the described general methodology V special conditions may retreat. For example, in the spring, heating is often returned to city apartments again if warming is followed by a serious, persistent cold snap.

How to measure heat in a room

Non-compliance with the normal temperature parameters in an apartment in winter established by GOST is the basis for complaints, followed by investigation and elimination of the causes. To defend your position, violations must be correctly recorded. Heat measurement occurs subject to certain conditions.

Firstly, there is no need to record the temperature of the air in your home on a sunny day. Even in winter, the rooms warm up noticeably due to direct rays. You can postpone measurements, for example, until early in the morning, when the sun has not yet risen. By this time the heating effect of the building heavenly body will disappear and will not interfere with obtaining reliable readings.

Secondly, before measurements, the room is carefully checked for leaks. If heat leaks are detected, measurements are suspended until they are eliminated. One of common reasons leakage - bad condition windows They may be poorly installed or simply old and require repair (replacement). Another common issue is a broken seal. interpanel seams. Unlike windows, it is not the owner of the living space who is responsible for their condition, but Management Company.

To ensure that there are no heat leaks, special devices are used - thermal imagers. Previously, they were only released as separate devices. Today, there are models of thermal imagers that are installed as accessories on modern smartphones. The cost of such models is quite high. However, many specialists have them, as they really make it easier to complete daily tasks.

Temperature measurements in an apartment in winter to ensure compliance with standards are carried out in at least two rooms. This rule does not work only in 1-room apartments, where the window occupies 30 percent of the wall area.

The measuring device is located as follows:

  • removal from outer wall and heating devices - 50 cm or more;
  • distance from the floor – 60 cm or more.

If there are complaints about the discrepancy between the actual temperature in the apartment in winter and the norm required by law, you should first take measurements on your own. This will make sure that there really are discrepancies. The following is a message to the emergency dispatch service. In some cases, problems with heat supply may be caused by force majeure, for example, a break in the heating main. If nothing like this happened, the dispatcher will schedule a visit to the specified address of the emergency team. She takes measurements according to all the rules and draws up the corresponding official act.

Registered instruments are used to carry out measurements. This fact is confirmed by special technical documentation. The act is drawn up indicating the following information:

  • date of measurements;
  • general description of the apartment and house;
  • list of specialists included in the commission;
  • instrument readings;
  • measured temperature;
  • signatures of the persons who formed the commission.

When taking measurements, two copies of the report are prepared. The first is transferred to the owner of the living space, the second remains with the specialists of the utility service that carried out the measurement.

Heat / Radiators

Problems with heating during the heating season and cold in the apartment can be a reason for going to court. By law, batteries must warm the room no lower than the temperature established by special standards.

What should be the temperature in the apartment? Legal requirements

The temperature in the residential premises of an apartment building is determined by the “Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings", as well as "GOST R 51617-2000. State standard Russian Federation. Housing public utilities. Are common technical specifications

The “Rules for the Provision of Utilities” states that in residential premises the temperature should not be lower than +18 °C (in corner rooms - +20 °C). And in areas with the coldest five-day temperature of -31 °C and below, the air temperature in residential premises should not be lower than +20 °C (in corner rooms - +22 °C).

At night (from 00.00 to 5.00 hours) the air temperature in the apartment can drop by no more than 4 °C. During the daytime, a decrease in temperature below the standard level is not allowed.

At the same time, GOST R 51617-2000 (State Russian Federation standard. Housing and communal services. General technical conditions. approved Decree of the State Standard of Russia dated June 19, 2000 N 158-st) establishes the minimum level of air temperature for individual types rooms in the apartment.

Room Indoor air temperature during the cold season, °C
Living room of an apartment or dormitory 18 (20 )
The same, in areas with the temperature of the coldest five-day period (security 0.92) minus 31 °C and below 20 (22 )
Apartment and dormitory kitchen, vat: 18
Drying cabinet for clothes and shoes in the apartment -
Bathroom 25
Individual restroom 18
Combined toilet and bathroom area 25
The same, with individual heating 18
Common washroom 18
Shared shower 25
Shared restroom 16
Dressing room for cleaning and ironing clothes, washroom in the dormitory 18
Lobby, common corridor, hallway in an apartment building, staircase 16
Lobby, common corridor, staircase in the dormitory 18
Laundry room 15
Ironing and drying rooms in dormitories 15
Storage rooms for personal belongings, sports equipment; household and linen in the hostel 12
Isolation room in a dormitory 20
Elevator machine room 5
Garbage collection chamber 5

Notes: In the corner rooms of apartments and dormitories, the air temperature should be 2 °C higher than specified

How to correctly measure the air temperature in your apartment?

The current “Rules for the provision of public services” explain the situation as follows:

... The air temperature in residential premises is measured in a room (if there are several rooms - in the largest living room), in the center of planes spaced from the inner surface of the outer wall and the heating element by 0.5 m and in the center of the room (the point of intersection of the diagonal room lines) at a height of 1 m. In this case measuring instruments must meet the requirements of standards (GOST 30494-96)…

What to do if the temperature in your apartment drops below normal?

If you find that your apartment is colder than required by law, you must notify your emergency dispatch service. The application can be made either in writing or orally (by telephone call).

The duty officer is required to register your application and set a time for the inspection.

The time for the inspection is set no later than 2 hours from the moment of receiving a message from the consumer about a violation of the quality of the utility service, unless a different time is agreed upon with the consumer.

Upon completion of the inspection, an inspection report is drawn up. If during its course a violation of the quality of a utility service is established, then the inspection report indicates the date and time of the inspection, the identified violations of the quality parameters of the utility service, the methods (tools) used during the inspection to identify such violations, conclusions about the date and time of the beginning of the violation of the quality of the utility service. services.

It’s cold in the apartment: what compensation can you expect?

If no one comes to you, or comes and signs documents, but nothing changes, then you have a natural desire to influence the situation in more radical ways.

Before we look at possible methods impact on public utilities, let's clarify what responsibilities the current legislation places on the heat supplier to a residential building.

The requirements for an acceptable interruption in the heat supply are formulated as follows (for more details, see the Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings, Appendix 1, Section VI):

  • no more than 24 hours (in total) within 1 month;
  • no more than 16 hours at a time - at an air temperature in residential premises from +12°C to the standard temperature indicated in the table above;
  • no more than 8 hours at a time - at an air temperature in residential premises from +10°C to +12°C;
  • no more than 4 hours at a time - at an air temperature in residential premises from +8°С to +10°С

The liability of utility companies for violations of these requirements is established as follows:

  • for every hour exceeded permissible duration heating interruption, calculated in total for billing period, in which the specified excess occurred, the amount of payment for utility services for such a billing period is reduced by 0.15% of the fee determined for such a billing period.

Well, what if heat is supplied to the apartment, but the radiators do not warm the room? In this case, the following requirements are established:

  • permissible decrease in standard temperature at night (from 0.00 to 5.00 hours) - no more than 3°C from the above level;
  • a decrease in air temperature in a living room during the daytime (from 5.00 to 0.00 hours) is not allowed

Responsibility for violation of these norms is established as follows:

  • for each hour of deviation in air temperature in a residential area in total during the billing period in which the specified deviation occurred, the amount of payment for utility services for such billing period is reduced by 0.15% of the fee determined for such billing period for each degree of temperature deviation.

Thus, the current legislation makes it possible:

  • In the event of your batteries being disconnected, for every hour in excess of the permitted duration of battery disconnection (the terms are indicated above), you will be charged 0.15% of the monthly (this is how we set the billing period) payment for heat
  • If the apartment is cold, but the radiators still heat, then you can demand a reduction in the monthly heating fee by 0.15% for each hour when the temperature was below the standard.

The recalculation may be for a significant amount. Let's do the math.

Suppose you pay about 3,000 rubles a month in winter for heating your apartment. You are tired of constantly freezing and, say, on December 3, you drew up an act stating that the temperature in your apartment does not exceed 15 degrees Celsius (determined based on the temperature in the largest room by area).

However, within a month there was no reaction from the utility workers. It's still cold in the house. What will the recalculation be like?

We take 27 days following the drawing up of the act. This will be 648 hours. We multiply this number of hours by 0.15%, we get a figure of 97.2%. You should be recalculated for this amount. It turns out that you are actually not obligated to pay for heating if this service is not provided efficiently.

Naturally, no one will return this money to you voluntarily. We need to go to court.

What are the chances of winning a lawsuit regarding cold radiators in an apartment?

There are precedents for residents being able to get their heating bills recalculated due to the cold in their apartment.

In particular, in 2014, in several courts, a resident Perm region managed to achieve a recovery of 136 thousand rubles in favor of low temperature in a living room.

As Rossiyskaya Gazeta reports, Gubakha resident Natalya Alekseeva (surname changed) filed a lawsuit against the local management company in the spring of 2014, demanding 350 thousand rubles from utility workers. She substantiated her statement by the fact that during the heating season of 2012-2013, as well as in winter next year the temperature in her apartment did not rise above 15 degrees. Meanwhile, according to the rules for the provision of public services, the air in residential premises must be heated to 18 degrees, and in corner rooms - to 20.

Alekseeva invited employees of the Criminal Code to take her temperature. In total, such measurements were made ten times. And not once did they meet the norm. The plaintiff even noted in her statement to the court that because of the cold in the apartment she became ill, and listed several diseases that brought her to the hospital.

Alekseeva did not stop complaining to all sorts of authorities, district and regional, trying to achieve a recalculation utility payments. And in 2013, she even refused to pay for heating, believing that the money was being taken from her unreasonably. The case then reached the magistrate’s court, which issued an order to collect 31 thousand rubles in debt from Alekseeva. But this decision was overturned, since she was able to prove the improper provision of a service such as heating.

As a result, all attempts to solve the problem peacefully failed. Claims asking for a recalculation of heat payments were rejected. The woman was not offered any compensation. And then she went to court.

During the trial, representatives of the management company completely denied their involvement in the low temperatures in Alekseeva’s apartment. They stated that there was no agreement between them for the provision of such a service as heating, and money for it did not arrive at their cash desk. Therefore, they did not recognize the demands presented.

However, the Gubakhinsky City Court decided otherwise. The fact is that according to the management agreement apartment building, where Alekseeva lives, the management company is obliged to provide water supply, sanitation and heating services. According to the same document, payment for them must be made directly to resource supply organizations.

The management company also has an agreement with the local housing and communal services department on the supply of thermal energy. It states that this resource is intended for heating residential buildings, and the air temperature in them must meet the standards.

Therefore, the court recognized Alekseeva’s demands as legal, and all the objections of the Criminal Code as unfounded. The absence of a heating agreement between them does not play any role, since this obligation of the utility organization is specified in the agreement for the management of an apartment building.

Taking into account that the management company could no longer argue the fact of poor-quality heat supply, the court satisfied the plaintiff’s demands to recover money. At the same time, Alekseeva is required to return 77 thousand rubles as a recalculation, in addition, a fine of half this amount and 20 thousand rubles as compensation for moral damage. Total 136 thousand.

The microclimate in an apartment or private house is considered the main condition necessary for the comfortable living of all household members. A comfortable room temperature for a person can be different; it is determined by individual preferences and characteristics of the body. Separately, it is worth mentioning the temperature regime for children, since it is slightly different from the norms for adults and it is strongly recommended to comply with it.

About what room temperature should be in an apartment or private house, you can find out in GOST 1.5-2001. But this norm largely depends on factors influencing the final indicators. There are several conditions that can change it:

  1. Climatic features. All countries are conventionally divided into northern and southern. Each of them has its own concepts of what the temperature in the room should be, since climatic conditions are determined not only by air temperature. They include average humidity, precipitation, Atmosphere pressure. Special attention devote themselves to sunny days throughout the year, since in some populated areas this figure is quite low. Based on all the data, regulatory documents are drawn up.
  2. Seasons. There is no need to explain for a long time that seasonal features also play a role in shaping the indoor microclimate. IN summer time the temperature is high, the air is dry, observed in the fall high humidity, in winter the indicators decrease slightly, regardless of the quality of heating. Optimal numbers can be observed in the spring, especially when the season was not very rainy.
  3. The human factor should also be taken into account, since normal temperature the room will be different for everyone. Women freeze more often than men, so for them the norm is 2-3 degrees higher. Some people feel quite comfortable on the hottest summer day, while others in winter constantly complain about the stuffiness and open the windows.
  4. The materials from which the housing is built also play a role. Apartment buildings usually constructed from special slabs that quickly heat up and cool down. A private house can be built from brick, cinder block or other materials, and the rate of heat accumulation and consumption in them is different.

Elderly people and children also sense temperature differently, and the norms are different for them. An optimal microclimate is especially important for infants.

Constant hypothermia (hypothermia) poses a danger to the health of adults and children. It may be caused by low room temperature and high humidity. As a result, the body is in under stress and uses all resources to normalize metabolic processes. The need for high-calorie food increases, which is converted into energy to heat the body.

The immune system gradually weakens. Adults tolerate this condition more easily, since their body heat transfer is quite high. Children's blood circulation is much better, but they have low heat transfer, so if they are constantly in a room at a temperature less than +18 degrees, their body quickly cools down.

As a result of constant hypothermia, symptoms of colds, damage to the trachea, bronchi and lungs appear. Slowing blood flow leads to a decrease in the amount of oxygen and nutrients delivered to cells. As a result, tissue regeneration after damage deteriorates.

Hypothermia is dangerous not only for children, but also for women, organs reproductive system which react sharply to any changes in temperature. Inflammation of the appendages is considered the most common disease that develops in cases of prolonged hypothermia.

With frequent hypothermia, adults and children often suffer from headaches. This is due to vascular spasm that occurs in response to a constantly reduced room temperature. Typically, analgesics relieve symptoms for a short period of time, since the root cause needs to be removed.

Damage from overheating

Damage from overheating

Overheating (hyperthermia) does no less harm to the body than hypothermia. In adults, constantly elevated room temperature causes headache, contributes to an increase in blood pressure and a deterioration in general condition.

Women find it difficult to tolerate such conditions, especially during menstruation or menopause. The dilation of blood vessels leads to increased blood loss, and hot flashes bring even more discomfort than usual. Insomnia, weakness and decreased performance are also observed. The person becomes apathetic and drowsy.

Overheating is harmful for infants, because it negatively affects all organs and systems. The baby begins to breathe through the mouth, mucous membranes oral cavity overdried. Mucus collects in the nasal sinuses, which turns into crusts that make breathing difficult, and hyperemic areas form in the skin folds.

With constant overheating, hyperemia turns into inflammation, and small ulcerations appear. Their healing takes a long time, since oxygen access to the lesion site is limited. The work of the child's sweat glands becomes intense, he loses a large number of liquids. This can lead to dehydration.

Overheating is especially dangerous for children who suffer from chronic bronchitis. As a result of constant drying of the mucous membranes of the bronchi, the disease becomes more complicated, the child coughs more often, but the sputum does not come out. At elevated temperatures in the room, dust rises and enters the baby's respiratory tract. This is harmful for both healthy children and those who suffer from allergies.

Standards for each room

There are certain standards established by GOST. They describe what comfortable temperature in an apartment or house will help preserve and strengthen the health of all household members. Indicators of air movement speed and humidity in the living room are also taken into account. The first should not exceed 0.3 m/s, the second - 60%. The temperature for each room should be different:

  1. In an adult's bedroom temperature regime must be maintained at +18-19 °C, otherwise the owner of the room often experiences headaches, insomnia, and is distracted and drowsy throughout the day. Overheating is not needed during sleep, so it is better not to turn on the heaters.
  2. Almost every kitchen contains appliances that generate heat, for example, an oven, stove, kettle, multicooker, etc. That is why it is enough to maintain a temperature of +19 °C in this room to avoid overheating.
  3. The bathroom should be comfortable not only in terms of equipment, but also have an optimal temperature regime. According to GOST standards, this indicator should not be lower than +24 °C and higher than +26 °C. Smaller numbers will certainly lead to the room becoming damp and unpleasant. It is especially important to follow the rules when people live in the house Small child.
  4. For the living room, +20-21 °C is enough for the household to feel comfortable. If there is a wood-burning or electric fireplace in the room, it is allowed to reduce the rate by 1-2 degrees in winter. It is worth noting that the temperature should be the same at the top and bottom of the room.
  5. The children's room is the most important room in an apartment or house. For a newborn baby, the indicator should be at least +24 °C. For children over 3 years old, +21-22 °C is enough.
  6. Almost every apartment has a storage room. The temperature in it should not exceed +17 °C. A higher rate will lead to damage to workpieces that are usually stored indoors. In a private house, the pantry has been replaced by a cellar, in which high temperatures are rarely observed.

In other rooms, temperature fluctuations within +18-22 °C are considered normal. It is worth noting that when moving from one room to another, the temperature difference should not be felt.

Creating an optimal microclimate

A residential building needs constant maintenance, especially in the cold season, since only proper organization heating will help maintain an optimal microclimate.

Before the start of the heating season, it is recommended to check windows and doors for cracks through which heat can escape. If necessary, they should be sealed with special tapes. Skirting boards must be well attached and holes in the floor must be eliminated. It is important not to seal all the windows so that you can periodically open them for ventilation.

If the temperature in the child’s room is below normal, it is recommended to warm it up artificially. If you use a heater, you should install a special humidifier in the room to prevent the air from drying out. If this is not possible, it is allowed to place a basin of water in the room, which will serve as a humidifier. To control temperature and humidity, it is recommended to purchase special devices.

During the heating season, it is quite difficult to regulate the temperature. Today on the market there are various models radiators that allow you to monitor the readings in each room. They are equipped with special thermostats. The device can be configured depending on the needs of the household and the standards of each room; it will independently reduce or increase the heat transfer of the battery. Such a device is not necessary in every room, but it is recommended to install it in a nursery.

In demand during the cold season different kinds heaters that allow you to maintain optimal temperature conditions. The most effective are:

  1. Oil radiators are available and allow you to heat the room in case of poor-quality central heating. There are various models with different amounts sections depending on human needs. Typically, the device is equipped with a thermostat to help regulate the temperature. The disadvantage is that it is impossible to use the device in a room where there are small children, since its body gets very hot.
  2. Convection devices are usually panel-shaped and can be wall-mounted, built-in or floor-mounted. Everyone can choose suitable option. Radiators can also be water, electric and gas.
  3. Infrared heaters are popular and easy to use. They can be floor, wall and ceiling, which makes the choice easier. Installing the device is not difficult and can be done with your own hands, even without professional skills. The devices are economical, operate silently, do not raise dust and distribute heat evenly throughout the room.
  4. The most simple option considered a fan heater. Its cost is affordable, operation is simple, and maintenance is not required. If the device overheats, it turns off thanks to the presence of a thermostat. The disadvantage of the device is that it greatly dries out the air in the room, so when using it, it is necessary to install a humidifier, especially in the children's room.

Any of the heaters will good option if it is impossible to increase the temperature in the room by other means. The device can be turned on and off as needed, which is very convenient and will help avoid hypothermia or overheating.

The temperature regime in the room is considered the main condition for creating the optimal microclimate necessary for comfortable living of people. It can be adjusted with a special thermostat for radiators. To maintain it at the required level, it is recommended to adhere to the standards established by GOST.

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We pay utilities monthly, including heating. Sometimes the amounts are impressive, but the quality of services leaves much to be desired. When the temperature is below the permissible level, it means that the management organization is not doing its job properly. You have the right to file a complaint and seek compensation. First you need to figure out what the normal temperature in the apartment is during the heating season, make sure that it is lower or higher than required.

When the heating is turned on

Important! Please keep in mind that:

  • Each case is unique and individual.
  • A thorough study of the issue does not always guarantee a positive outcome. It depends on many factors.

To get the most detailed advice on your issue, you just need to choose any of the options offered:

When in multi-storey building There is a gas or electric boiler; the residents themselves decide when to start heating. At centralized system- Management companies, homeowners associations, but not when they want, but under certain conditions.

Heating is provided when average temperature less than -8 °C for five days. The heat is turned off if it is above -8 °C for the same number of days.

Acceptable indicators

Values ​​for rooms established by SanPiN and SNIP:

  • corner - minimum +20 °C, maximum +24 °C;
  • central - +18…+24 °C;
  • kitchen, combined bathroom and bath, toilet - +18…+26 °C;
  • pantry - 12-22 °C;
  • entrance - +16…+22 °C;
  • lobby - +14…+20 °C;

A nighttime decrease of 3° is acceptable. When it is below -31 °C outside, the temperature on any floor increases by 2 scales. However, this rule does not apply to the restroom and bathroom.

Acceptable values ​​differ slightly according to medical indications. The optimal figure is +22 °C (with a humidity of 30 percent). If it is higher, this can lead to pathologies of the respiratory system and accumulation of sputum. In the nasopharynx will be created favorable conditions for the life of pathogenic microorganisms. The exception is the bathroom, where high levels are not dangerous due to water vapor.

If you have a small child, then the temperature in his room in winter is +23 °C. In the bathroom when bathing - +28 °C. In the adult bedroom, the optimal value is +20 °C. This promotes more restful and deep sleep.

How to measure heat

When measuring, you must adhere to certain rules so that the indicators are as accurate as possible:

  1. Do not produce in sunny weather.
  2. Outside in the autumn, winter time no higher than -5 °C.
  3. Take the measurement several times.
  4. Check the tightness: close all doors, vents, and windows tightly.

Measurements are taken in at least 2 rooms. The exception is one-room housing with a window occupying 30% of the surface.

The measurement is carried out using a device with a technical passport. It is called a digital contact thermometer. The device has the electronic unit and a submersible probe. It is usually used by specialists.

The thermometer is kept at a distance of 50 cm from the wall facing outside, heating devices. The measurement height does not exceed 60 cm. You can also invite specialists to take measurements. To do this, you need to contact the managing organization or independent control laboratory. The latter company is in every city, its number can be found on the Internet.

Air exchange

Air exchange plays an important role in comfortable living in an apartment. This parameter shows how many times per hour a complete air change occurs.

Air exchange standards are in SanpiN: multiplicity for an area of ​​18 sq.m. 3 m³/h. In the kitchen the indicator is 9 m³/h.


This is hot water coming from the tap. This parameter can be measured in a variety of ways. The most accessible of them is to place the thermometer in a glass of tap water.

You can also measure the heat in the pipes: attach an alcohol thermometer to the radiator, cover heat-insulating material. The value should be +50…+70 °C.

What affects temperature

The following factors influence:

  • heating off;
  • climatic features;
  • change of seasons;
  • features (panel, brick structure, etc.).

The following will help keep you warm:

  1. Volumetric battery: the larger it is, the better the room is heated. Install by yourself additional radiators prohibited. If done incorrectly, the pressure in the heating system. As a result, the battery will heat up slightly or only partially. It’s even worse if the heat supply is disrupted throughout apartment building, you will have to call emergency services.
  2. New energy-saving double-glazed windows add several degrees. If it is not possible to install them, the old ones are insulated window frames cotton wool, masking tape, thick cloth, etc.
  3. Thermal insulation of walls, especially in corner room. It can be done from the inside or outside.
  4. A heat reflective shield installed next to the battery will guide warm air into the room.
  5. Heated floors. If it is not possible to install them, insulated linoleum and carpet are installed.
  6. Additional heating sources (heater, heat gun And so on).
  7. Autonomous heat supply system.

If it is too hot, you can close the ball valve in front of the radiator: you will reduce the supply flow hot water. It is recommended to install a recuperator; it normalizes air circulation.

What to do when the temperature is lower

If a lack of compliance with standards is detected, you must report this to the emergency dispatch service by phone or in writing. Contact details are indicated on the housing and communal services receipt.

When a complaint is made orally by telephone, the operator is obliged to introduce himself, give the number and time of registration of the complaint. If the claim is submitted in writing, you must make a copy of it. On the duplicate, an employee of the organization puts a note of acceptance, full name, signature.

The application is written in free form, but in compliance with certain rules. In the header of the sheet you need to indicate the following information:

In the middle of the sheet the name of the document is indicated: claim, complaint, statement. In the text of the appeal:

  • links to standards in residential premises;
  • metering indicators in your apartment;
  • consequences of violations;
  • list of attached materials (act, certificates from medical institution, if staying in a cool room led to health problems, etc.);
  • your requirements (normalize the operation of heating networks, recalculate heating fees, make monetary compensation, etc.);
  • an indication of what will happen if your complaint is not responded to or the answer does not suit you (application to Rospotrebnadzor, Regional Housing Inspectorate, Prosecutor's Office, court);
  • date and signature.

You can download the sample as follows.

When low temperature not related to repair and preventive work at the boiler room, after registering the request, an inspection is carried out. The time of the specialist’s visit is agreed upon with the applicant. If the owner has not indicated arrival hours, the inspection is carried out within 2 hours from the moment the application is submitted.
If the inspection reveals violations, a report is filled out in 2 copies, one remains with the owner. The document states:

  • measurement date;
  • characteristics of the premises;
  • composition of the commission;
  • methods and instruments used for testing;
  • data from devices;
  • signatures of all those present.

When the owner has doubts about the reliability of the study, it is carried out again with the participation of the State Housing Inspectorate or OZPP.

If the inspection was not carried out within the time limits established by law, the owner can draw up an act independently, in the presence of the chairman of the house and 2 neighbors. The document is sent to the management company.

Utility Liability

According to Decree of the Russian Federation No. 354, suppliers can suspend heat supply for the following periods:

  • up to 24 hours within a month;
  • at a time up to 16 hours (at +12…+18 °C);
  • up to 8 hours (+10…+12 °C);
  • up to 4 hours (+8…+10 °C).

When the temperature is below the permissible level, a citizen has the right to demand a reduction in heating fees by 0.15% for each hour of discrepancy. It turns out that in a week the amount should be reduced by more than 90%.

To recalculate, you need to contact the Criminal Code with an application. You can download its sample from the following. If responsible person refuses to reduce the fee, you can go to court.

There are cases when citizens were able to achieve not only a recalculation, but also receive moral compensation. For example, one resident of our country sued the Criminal Code for 135,500 rubles. In the woman’s apartment it was +15 °C, this was confirmed by repeated measurements. However, the responsible organization did not take any measures, forcing the owner to go to court.

After the proceedings, the judge ruled that the responsible authority must recalculate the amount of 77,000 rubles and pay a fine of 38,500 rubles. In addition, the plaintiff fell ill due to prolonged exposure to a cold room and was admitted to the hospital. In this regard, she was paid compensation in the amount of 20,000 rubles.

Do not be afraid to stand up for your rights if you are sure that the law is on your side. In proceedings with the Criminal Code, in most cases the judge takes the side of the plaintiff. Even if the case is lost, you will not lose anything.

Lawyer at the Legal Defense Board. He specializes in administrative and civil cases, compensation for damages from insurance companies, consumer protection, as well as cases related to the illegal demolition of shells and garages.


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