Which suspended ceilings are safe for health? Mythical and real harm of suspended ceilings

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A stretch ceiling, which is a panel stretched on holders, has been known since ancient times. Roman patricians draped the ceiling with beautiful, expensive fabrics; in Scandinavian countries, bleached canvas was used for this purpose. Of course, such natural materials could not cause any harm to health.

Nowadays, polyvinyl chloride film is most often used to install suspended ceilings; it is a product of the chemical industry, and many people have doubts about its safety. Of course, you should figure out whether stretch ceilings are harmful to health.

The stretch ceiling must be impeccable in both appearance and safety.

Why is the harm of suspended ceilings discussed?

The disadvantages of suspended ceilings have been discussed since their appearance on the modern construction market. The fact is that in the production of polyvinyl chloride film, many chemical substances, most of which do not pose a danger, but elements such as formaldehyde, toluene and phenol, when evaporated, indeed, to one degree or another, have a negative effect on the respiratory system, skin And nervous system person.

It should be understood that everyone’s body is different; some people feel great in rooms decorated artificial materials, others suffer from allergic reactions, so it is hardly possible to talk about the absolute safety or harmfulness of the coating for everyone without exception.

It would seem that it is impossible to determine the limit after which products begin to pose a danger, but this is not true.
Stretch ceiling installation process

Existing safety standards

Currently, there are safety standards, during the development of which many parameters were assessed. This is the so-called ISO international environmental safety system. If the manufactured product meets all its requirements, it does not pose a threat to humans.

That is why, when purchasing suspended ceilings, you should definitely require a quality certificate not only for the product itself, but also for the installation work. Unfortunately, we have to admit that some dishonest traders falsify documents by printing them on a color printer, so it is better to find out what a genuine certificate looks like in advance.

Guess where PVC film is produced

It’s easy to guess where polyvinyl chloride film is produced - in the People’s Republic of China. There are many enterprises producing this type of product located here. To be fair, it should be noted that among them there are bona fide manufacturers producing goods High Quality.

Production of film for stretch ceilings

The so-called Belgian film has never been produced in this country; there are simply no enterprises there to produce it. It’s just that at one time a Belgian company was supplying Chinese products to the domestic construction market, hence the name.

The seller's statement that the film was made in Germany, Belgium or France is not true; it was, of course, made in China. At the same time, no one has yet figured out how to label a material such as polyvinyl chloride film, and many have learned to forge a quality certificate.

How to verify the quality of the material

The easiest way to verify the quality of a material is by the smell it emits. Three situations may occur:

  • The smell after installing a stretch ceiling is completely absent or evaporates through a short time. In this case, you don't have to worry.
  • Not good strong smell is released for about two weeks. This film is not recommended for use in the bedroom; it will work in the toilet or kitchen.
  • If after two weeks suspended ceiling continues to emit a viscous and sweetish odor, it should be urgently dismantled. This is what undoubtedly harmful phenol smells like.

A sharp unpleasant odor makes you doubt the quality of the stretch ceiling

Of course, it is impossible to determine before installing it how long and how strongly the stretch ceiling will emit odor. Reviews from friends and acquaintances who have already used this product and tested it in practice can help here. performance and identified possible disadvantages.

What does low-quality film mean?

Low-quality film contains toxic substances that are very dangerous to human health. First of all, it is phenol, which has harmful effects on the cardiovascular and nervous system, affecting the liver and kidneys. Inhalation of toxic fumes can lead to pulmonary edema, infertility, cancer and heart disease - no wonder it is strictly prohibited in most countries. The situation is aggravated by the fact that phenol forms persistent compounds that do not decompose for a long time. True, it is eliminated from the human body quite quickly, causing irreparable harm to health.

You should choose a film taking into account both the appearance and the safety of the material.

Belonging to the group of heavy metals, cadmium accumulates in the kidneys and liver, contributing to the formation of stones and various pathologies, including cancer. At the same time, it lingers in tissues for a period of ten to thirty years.

Toluene, produced from petroleum, is not soluble in water, but mixes well with the air. Entering the blood through the respiratory tract, the toxin affects the organs of vision, hearing and brain. It is especially dangerous for women during pregnancy; irreparable harm can be caused to the baby.

Chlorine, which belongs to the second class of danger, when inhaled, strongly irritates the mucous membranes, causing a hysterical cough and increased heart rate. Regular inhalation of toxic fumes provokes the occurrence of cancer.

Stretch ceilings mounted from counterfeit polyvinyl chloride film are undoubtedly harmful to health. You should be wary if a product is sold at an extremely low price, and you should only purchase it from trusted suppliers.

Waterproofness: good or bad?

Polyvinyl chloride film does not allow water to pass through; a suspended ceiling made from it can protect living quarters from a fairly serious flood caused by neighbors above. But, on the other hand, the disadvantages of a stretch ceiling are that it also does not allow air to pass through, the coating does not breathe.

This is what a suspended ceiling looks like after a water leak from neighbors above

This shortcoming should not be prioritized. plastic windows, for example, are also made from synthetic materials, which do not allow air to pass through, this is why they are not used less. Well-functioning ventilation, available in every modern home, helps to cope with the problem.

Fabric stretch ceiling is more expensive and definitely safe

Fabric stretch ceilings are more expensive than products made from polyvinyl chloride film, but they are definitely safe for health. Manufacturers of this type of product mark their products, so it is quite difficult to counterfeit them.

The fabric ceiling guarantees environmental safety and original appearance

The cloth does not have any odor at all; no substances harmful to health are used in its production. It can be used in any living space without restrictions.

Opinion of doctors and specialists

According to doctors and specialists, it is better to install fabric stretch ceilings in bedrooms and children's rooms; they do not pose any health hazard. In rooms with high level humidity, such as the kitchen, toilet and bathroom, fabric ceilings will quickly lose their original appearance; PVC film is more appropriate here. However, low-quality film cannot be used anywhere: suspended ceilings made from it are urgently are dismantled; if this is not done on time, the consequences can be unpredictable for health.

Causes of suspended ceiling contamination

The reasons for contamination of a stretch ceiling are exactly the same as for any other type of ceiling surface finish. Most often, particles of fat and soot formed during cooking and use are deposited on it. gas stove. The first thing you need to do is clean the ceiling in the kitchen.

Stretch ceilings in the kitchen get dirty the fastest

Family members who smoke in the apartment add variety to the color scheme of the contaminants - yellow nicotine stains appear on the surface. The installation of a high-quality hood and punitive measures against malicious smokers will help correct the situation.

Pollution yellow color also appear due to high humidity ceilings arising due to a malfunction pipeline network, and also due to leaks from neighbors. You should find out the cause of the contamination as quickly as possible and eliminate it, since traces of rust form unsightly marks on the stretch ceiling. yellow spots.

To remove such a stain you will have to work hard

In the bathroom, the chemical components of evaporating water leave stains on the surface white. In addition to the above, the surface can be stained by a jet of champagne hitting it, splashes from an exploding container of tomatoes or compote, children’s pranks, and so on. At the same time, cleaning the ceiling preserves its gloss and original condition.

List of accessories for surface care

It’s not easy to figure out how to wash suspended ceilings. The list of accessories for the care of stretch ceiling film includes a strong, non-slip material sliding staircase, on which you can sit without the risk of falling. You will need a rag or a foam sponge made of microfiber that absorbs water well, but under no circumstances should you use brushes with hard bristles.

Special cleaning chemicals are expensive, but can be replaced with dishwashing or glass cleaner. In addition, you will need a sufficiently large bucket and rubber gloves.

General rules for cleaning stretch ceilings

If we want to properly wash a matte or glossy stretch ceiling without leaving streaks, we must follow the general cleaning rules. We list the most important ones:

  • remove from hands before performing work Jewelry, watches, bracelets and other items that can damage the susceptible surface;
  • Do not remove dirt with a knife, a brush with stiff bristles, or any kind of scrapers made of metal or plastic;
  • You should use a soft sponge, making circular movements in the direction of the joining seam;
  • Cleaning products that contain abrasive particles cannot be used, otherwise they will damage the surface;
  • acetone dissolves the material from which the suspended ceiling is made and is capable of making holes in it;
  • It is not allowed to press too hard on the surface when cleaning and bring it into contact with the ceiling itself;
  • It is most correct to use a glass cleaner with ammonia, after using which there will be no streaks.

It is easy to ruin a stretch ceiling with a long-handled mop because it is difficult to regulate the pressure exerted on the film.

For cleaning purposes, you can carefully use a vacuum cleaner with a soft attachment, trying not to touch the surface being treated with it while working. You have to take care of the ceiling in the kitchen especially carefully, because it is in this room that it is deposited. greatest number pollution.

Cleaning agents for glossy and matte surfaces

Set of products for stretch ceiling care

To wash matte and glossy films, it is not allowed to use products containing abrasive particles and acetone. The glass care composition with ammonia will restore the glossy shine, wash the film well and will not leave streaks on it. Good results gives a mixture of soft washing powder with shavings of laundry soap dissolved in warm water.

When using the solution, its temperature should not exceed forty degrees, otherwise the coating may be damaged. Whipped foam is applied to the surface to be cleaned, but there is no need to soap it. Among the manufactured industrially compositions, preference should be given to brands such as “Mr. Muscle” and “Vanish”: the proprietary mixture cleans the coating efficiently.

Methods for dry cleaning film from dust

You can clean suspended ceilings without using humidifiers. Dry cleaning of the film from dust can be done with a soft cloth or napkin in a circular motion, wiping the surface with it. This work can be done more efficiently by using a vacuum cleaner with a suction hose of sufficient length, at the end of which a soft nozzle is placed. You should not touch it to the surface to be cleaned; you should leave a gap of about two centimeters.

Careful use a vacuum cleaner for cleaning the ceiling is quite effective

Note that they help prevent dust deposition special means, when processed, antistatic properties are imparted to the coating. As a result, the surface is not electrified and stops attracting dust.

How to wash a glossy ceiling without streaks

Stains remaining on the surface of the stretch ceiling after washing will disappoint the cleaning author. In order to prevent their formation as a result of wet wiping, you need to follow some simple rules. You can wash a glossy ceiling without streaks as follows:

  • First, apply whipped soap suds or a cleaning agent to the surface, and then wipe it dry;
  • washing should be carried out in the direction of the joining seams, and not across them;
  • a composition of one part ammonia diluted in ten parts water will give the coating a glossy shine and remove traces of soap stains;
  • The glass cleaner also does not leave streaks after use.

Glossy ceiling easy to clean with microfiber

When using a stretch ceiling, there is no need to bring it to such a state that the surface requires lengthy and persistent cleaning. They need to be washed, wiped and cleaned in a timely manner. Old stains that have become ingrained into the structure of the material are very difficult to remove; rubbing them off can damage the coating and ruin its appearance.

Methods for cleaning matte surfaces

Matte surfaces imitate the surface of a ceiling covered with a layer of plaster. Methods for cleaning a matte stretch ceiling involve the following sequence of actions:

  • cobwebs and dust from the surface are removed with a microfiber cloth;
  • then whipped foam of soap solution is applied to the coating using a circular motion (without applying strong pressure) with a soft sponge;
  • the cleaning agent is washed off;
  • Use a soft cloth to dry the final wipe.

Matte stretch ceiling is easy to clean with a vacuum cleaner

How to get rid of stains on a stretch ceiling

Stains on a suspended ceiling most often appear from exposure to grease, rust, water leaks, the effects of smoking in the apartment, as a result household use paint, felt-tip pens, ketchup, splashes of champagne and so on. You can get rid of grease stains using a soft sponge soaked in dishwashing detergent. After removing the stain, the area where it is located is washed with clean water and wiped dry with a rag.

Stains from water leaks are removed with a mixture of one part ammonia and one part planed laundry soap dissolved in it. Contamination with ketchup or tomato paste are removed with hydrogen peroxide, and traces of a felt-tip pen or marker are wiped with alcohol or soapy water.

Drops of paint are removed very carefully with a solvent, and when performing this manipulation it is important not to touch the adjacent surface of the panel.

What to do if there are circles left after cleaning

If, after cleaning the surface of the stretch ceiling, circles from the soap solution remain on it, they should be removed. To do this, the coating must be washed several times using a soft sponge. After each wet wipe, the surface is dried with a rag.

Stretch ceiling coverings are very popular due to their many advantages. A stretch ceiling levels the ceiling surface well, is quickly installed, hides defects in the base and communications, protects against flooding, is washable and looks beautiful. But, despite its many advantages, there is constant debate about whether stretch ceilings are harmful? Such beliefs arose due to the fact that after the installation of polyvinyl chloride film in the room there is a unpleasant smell rubber.

Composition of the fabric of PVC stretch ceilings

To understand whether a stretch ceiling is harmful to health, you need to understand the components of the product. First, let's look at the composition of polyvinyl chloride films, because they are most popular among the population. The composition of this material includes petroleum products and polyvinyl chloride. The last of them is a polymer, which consists of petroleum products and chlorine.

Vinyl chloride is an organic substance that is a derivative of ethylene. Essentially, it is a colorless gas with a characteristic sweetish odor. Vinyl chloride is an explosive and flammable substance that releases toxic substances during combustion.

In addition to vinyl chloride in the composition stretch film includes toxic toluene and phenol. But they have a toxic effect on humans only in high concentrations. Toluene and phenol are released into the air as a result of heating and melting of the stretch film.

Since PVC is an unstable compound, the composition includes stabilizing additives. To reduce the fragility and hardness of polyvinyl chloride, plasticizers are added to the material. To give the desired shade Dyes and metals are added to the composition, and biocides are used to protect against damage by microorganisms.

Important! There are about 150 additives in PVC film. Together they occupy 60% of the total volume of components.

Composition of fabric stretch ceilings

If we talk about the environmental friendliness of suspended ceilings, then first of all it is worth mentioning fabric coverings. They are made from polyester fabric impregnated with polyurethane. The latter substance resembles rubber. It increases the elasticity of the product, its resistance to aggressive substances and different temperatures.

Unlike film coatings, fabric ceilings do not contain harmful components such as chlorine, phenol, toluene, cadmium. The material does not emit an unpleasant odor either after installation or during operation. Thanks to the woven base, the product allows air to pass through and does not interfere with the ventilation of the ceiling space.

Important! It is more difficult to counterfeit a fabric covering, since the manufacturer's marking is directly on the fabric, and not on the packaging, as is the case with PVC films.

Environmental standards for suspended ceilings

You can talk about the harm of suspended ceilings only if you buy a fake or low-quality product. Therefore, when ordering a stretch ceiling, ask the company for a certificate of conformity. This document, according to the rules of the certification system, must be issued to confirm product compliance with established standards, requirements and rules.

Exist the following types certificates:

  1. Yellow certificate issued for products that must undergo mandatory certification.
  2. Blue certificate issued for products that are not included in the list of products for mandatory certification. That is, the film is certified on a voluntary basis.

As a rule, certified products of foreign and domestic producers meets safety standards. High-quality products in their composition should not exceed the following hygienic standards:

  • phenol – no more than 0.003;
  • smell – maximum 1 point;
  • formaldehyde – 0.01;
  • xylene – no more than 0.04;
  • toluene – maximum 0.6;
  • ethyl acetate – no more than 0.1;
  • acrylonitrile – maximum 0.03;
  • acetone – no more than 0.35;
  • butyl acetate – no more than 0.1;
  • pseudocumene – maximum 0.05.

How to distinguish low-quality material

It is not difficult to understand whether your suspended ceilings are safe or not. First of all, pay attention to how long the stretch ceiling smells after installation. Usually, the smell from a PVC stretch ceiling within a couple of days after installation is considered normal. Simply ventilate the room more often and the smell will disappear.

If the suspended ceiling smells after installation for several weeks, then the acrid odor may cause:

  • prolonged headaches;
  • deterioration of sense of smell;
  • the formation of allergic rhinitis and other dangerous reactions of the body;
  • decreased concentration;
  • depressed state, weakness and lethargy.

Order suspended ceilings only from reliable, trusted companies. Such companies must have a registered office. The company should provide you with product samples (catalogs and examples of film). The offered products have all the necessary certificates and documents. When ordering, you must enter into an agreement that stipulates the obligations of the parties and warranty cases. The company must not only sell tension panels, but also install them itself. All measurements of the premises are carried out by the installation company.

Toxic substances

Low-quality tension products contain the following toxic components:

  1. Phenol is considered a highly toxic substance, so in many developed countries its use in products is prohibited. The main danger of using phenol lies in the fact that the substance causes the formation of cancerous tumors. In addition, it negatively affects the nervous and cardiovascular systems, causes pulmonary edema, burns the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and adversely affects the functioning of the liver and kidneys. Phenol is also dangerous because it leads to infertility.
  2. Cadmium is a heavy metal that accumulates in the human body in the liver, kidneys, spleen and bone tissue. Cadmium causes malfunctions in many organs, promotes stone formation in the kidneys and liver, and causes disruption of the excretory system. It is also the culprit of cancer processes in the body.
  3. Toluene belongs to a group of volatile compounds that enter the human blood supply through the respiratory system. Toluene causes poisoning of the entire body. If there is a suspended ceiling in the room that releases toluene, then the person sleeps poorly, he is bothered by headaches, weakness, loss of appetite, depression, deterioration of the central nervous system and memory. The organs of hearing and vision suffer, the reaction speed slows down. Toluene is especially harmful for pregnant women, who have an increased risk of having a baby with pathologies.
  4. Chlorine in the composition tension covering is in a bound state, so it usually does not exert negative impact per person. But if the manufacturing technology of the material is violated, then the composition contains excess chlorine. With a long stay in a room with such ceilings, characteristic symptoms of chlorine poisoning appear: fever, difficulty breathing, dry cough, damage to the mucous membranes.

Attention! Even high quality ones stretch fabrics may cause hypersensitivity to individual components. As a result, an allergy appears installed covering. Typical symptoms: difficulty breathing, sneezing, watery eyes, runny nose, choking or swelling of the respiratory system.

Myths about the harmfulness of suspended ceilings

The fact that all suspended ceiling coverings are harmful to health is a myth when it comes to high-quality certified coatings. Even the smell in the room a couple of days after installation is not a reason to think that the coating is harmful to health.

The only thing doctors and specialists advise is not to install PVC sheets in rooms with high temperatures, because when heated strongly, the coating may release some volatile toxic components.

Stretch ceilings are very popular in our country. They are original, varied, beautiful. When the first wave of euphoria over previously unknown types of ceiling designs subsided, the question arose whether they were harmful to health.

Types of materials

Stretch ceilings are suspended structure, consisting of a frame, fastening elements and the canvas itself. It is clear that everyone wants their ceilings to be absolutely safe for the person living in the apartment.

Safety depends on the correct choice of material from which the suspended structure is assembled. If the base and fastening parts do not have an impact on the human body, then the stretched fabric has such capabilities.

The material of modern suspended ceilings can be made from:

  • fabrics.

PVC is an artificial material, it is a polyvinyl chloride film. The film is distinguished by color, thickness, density. The film is very durable and impervious to moisture.

Woven fabric is made from man-made fibers polyester (polyester). Canvases are soaked special composition– polyurethane.

Impregnation is required to increase strength and resistance to moisture.

Properties and composition

At first glance, it is difficult to distinguish two types of material made in the same white color. The differences lie in the composition.

Woven polyester fabrics with appropriate impregnation they form “breathable” suspended ceilings. Such structures are installed in a “cold” way, that is, without special equipment that heats the air to a hot state.

Textiles are much more expensive than film.

However, given its environmental friendliness and other advantages, this option should be chosen for residential premises.

PVC film, used for suspended ceilings, has more than 100 different color shades. It is available in various widths and can take on a variety of shapes. The price of the film is low.

The film ceiling takes on a perfectly smooth appearance. Easy to hide behind panels engineering Communication, electrical wiring, floor defects.

PVC ceilings perfectly resist flammability. When a fire occurs, it is not combustion that is observed, but smoldering of the material. The coating does not absorb odors, does not collect dust, and is capable of retaining heat in the room.

The ceiling does not need to be painted. It is easy to care for; the film can be easily washed with mild detergents.

If necessary, the structure can be dismantled and reinstalled.

To the disadvantages PVC ceilings Several factors include:

  • Unpleasant smell. After installation, it lasts from several hours to several days.
  • Inability to use unheated rooms with a temperature below + 5 degrees.
  • Instability to mechanical stress.
  • If there is welding, it is not possible to completely hide the seam.
  • Low-quality polyvinyl chloride is hazardous to health. The effect of PVC on a person depends on the condition of the material. When purchasing a film suspended ceiling You need to pay attention to the presence of quality certificates.

For fabric stretch ceilings Polyester mesh material is used. Impregnation of the ceiling canvas can be carried out on one or both sides. Thanks to the width of the canvas of 4 meters, the suspended structure is seamless, which has a positive effect on the appearance.

Fabrics do not have as wide color scheme, like films. There are very few color options. But photo printing can be easily applied to fabrics. And after installation they can be painted.

Re-installation is contraindicated for woven structures. Caring for such stretch ceilings requires special skills. The material absorbs moisture, and with it dust and soot.

In order to remove dirt, you have to work hard or invite specialists from a cleaning company to clean it.

Recently, fiberglass has been used for suspended ceilings. The material is harmless to people and animals, and is also very durable.

Impact on microclimate

If we talk about the microclimate, then suspended ceilings do not have a significant impact on it. The main disadvantages are that they somewhat reduce the volume of the room. The lower the ceilings, the less air there is in the room. On the one hand, this is not bad. For example, in cold weather it will take less time to heat the room. On the other hand, a large group will very quickly become stuffy in a room with a low ceiling. The problem can be solved by using an air conditioner or simply opening a window.

Poor ventilation

Stretch ceilings have been used for a long time, and ventilation problems do not arise with them. Regardless of the type of ceiling, it is recommended to ventilate the premises. Regularly ensuring the outflow of stale air and the influx of fresh air is beneficial both for the people in the room and for the room itself. If you forget about ventilation where moist air accumulates, both fungus and mold will appear.

This happens in any room, regardless of how the ceiling is arranged.

Greenhouse effect

The myth about the greenhouse effect of suspended ceilings arose when the innovation itself appeared.

Basically, the appearance greenhouse effect perhaps if there is an airtight film on the ceiling and plastic on the walls and floor. Be long time It's dangerous in such a room. Timely ventilation will protect people from lack of oxygen and protect walls and ceilings from destruction.

Those who care about own health, strive to improve housing using natural materials. Fabric ceilings, paper wallpaper And wooden floor– so there is no greenhouse effect.

Let it be natural Decoration Materials They are more expensive, but they are guaranteed not to cause harm to health.

Poor quality products

It just so happens that only Chinese film ceilings can be installed. The Chinese have filled the sales markets with all of Eastern Europe. Even if some supplier or company claims that their ceiling kits are from a different manufacturer, you should not believe them. From abroad we receive only fabric stretch ceilings with a very high cost. All film comes from China.

We have long ago adopted the idea that everything Chinese is only harmful. Let's see how true this statement is.

Production in the Middle Kingdom is developing rapidly. China is conquering new markets thanks to wide choice goods. Certified products are more expensive, low-quality products are cheaper.

Naturally, harm is presented where the cost is lowest.

Non-compliance with standards

Standards vary. Russian ones, for example, do not reach European standards; Chinese ones are somewhat inferior to Russian ones. Products supplied for export must comply international standards ISO security.

When purchasing a ceiling, you should make sure that you have a document confirming its compliance with the established requirements. Relevant certificates are always available from sellers or organizations that provide services for installing suspended ceilings. Refusal to show a document indicates the absence of a certificate and the product’s non-compliance with standards, that is, its low quality.

Exceeding the limits of harmful substances

This situation, when the degree of excess of substances that are harmful to humans is high, threatens him with serious troubles, even death.

The most harmful substances that may be present in low-quality materials are several chemical compounds.

  • Phenol. Phenol vapors are poisonous. They tend to accumulate in the body. In case of phenol vapor poisoning, vomiting, weakness, and low blood pressure are observed. Long-term poisoning with small doses leads to damage to internal organs and nervous system disorders.
  • Cadmium. It can cause the appearance of malignant tumors, leaches calcium from bones, and damages the kidneys and liver. Accumulation in the body heavy metal leads to death.

  • Methylbenzene. A very harmful substance. Inhalation of its vapors leads to damage to the entire body.
  • Chlorine. Terrible toxin. It can damage the lungs so much that normal breathing becomes impossible. A person who has inhaled chlorine vapor first loses consciousness, and then, in the absence of timely assistance, and life.

The smell will tell you about the quality

Initially, the smell is present in all film canvases. High-quality specimens are distinguished by the fact that the persistent odor disappears quite quickly. After two days, a subtle aroma remains.

The presence of odors is allowed for two weeks after installation of the ceiling. You shouldn't breathe them. It is better not to enter the room during the period of complete weathering of harmful substances. And if it’s an apartment or a house, then it’s better to temporarily move in with relatives or go on a trip.

The alarm should be sounded if a persistent odor persists after the control period of 14 days. The smell reveals low quality material.

Leaving such a ceiling in the house is completely unacceptable.

Why are suspended ceilings so dangerous for health?

The most important argument of fighters against “non-ecological” materials the fact that, they say, all of Europe abandoned them long ago, but they deliberately poison us, residents of third world countries.

This is just nonsense, which is difficult to even dispute! Europe, and the whole world, is simply filled with polyvinyl chloride. It is everywhere and everywhere and no one refuses it.

Plastic bottles, linoleum, laminate, wires, plastic bags, vinyl wallpapers and records and much, much more... Would you say that all this is not available in Europe? Or is their polyvinyl chloride somehow different from ours? Absolutely nothing.

But the main thing here is this: polyvinyl chloride is a ready-made formula that comes from a compound various substances. That is, it no longer has the properties that its components have! This is already transformed matter.

The harm of PVC appears only during the production process, since in this room there is a high concentration of vapors of the original elements.

Also, polyvinyl chloride releases toxic substances when burned. But what does the average person care about this, by and large?

Why are PVC stretch ceilings a concern?

Stretch ceiling is thin, plastic film. And it is precisely this fact that confuses buyers for whom environmental friendliness comes first.

They are not satisfied with the fact that PVC consists of ethylene, which is extracted from oil (47%), chlorine, that is, salt (55%) and additives - solvents, preservatives, pigments (2%).

These people begin to disassemble the properties of these additives, believing that they are somehow harmful.

What else is contained in PVC? Here's what:

  • Phenol (carbolic acid)
  • Formaldehyde (formalin)
  • Toulol

Of course, these are not all the elements, but this list is enough for some to be seriously scared. Let's take a closer look at each of these components.


Phenol smells the same as regular school gouache: it contains enough of it. But, despite such strong fumes, the paints cannot be called harmful product, since this is all within the normal range.

Carbolic acid, carbolic acid or phenol, a substance extremely poisonous in pure form and in laboratories, work with it is carried out in special masks and gloves, while being in a special cabinet with an exhaust hood.

If you constantly breathe pure phenol, it will destroy the respiratory tract, cause a disorder of the nervous system, and damage the heart. Phenol is especially dangerous for allergy sufferers, since people with reduced immunity and bad work the liver reacts even to small doses of this substance with attacks.

For others, carbolic acid is absolutely harmless. Moreover, its content in building materials and other household items does not exceed acceptable standards. Moreover, it does not matter which manufacturer.

Despite the best wishes of artisans, exceeding the dose of phenol or any poison will not in any way affect the reduction in cost of production! If you add it in a different dosage, the reaction simply will not work. And there is no point in this.

Moreover, if carbolic acid reacts with certain elements, its pure properties are already lost and instead of harm, benefits are obtained. Don't believe me?

Then, look where else, besides suspended ceilings, phenol is contained:

  • In most medications, the most famous of which are aspirin, analgin, oracept. Phenol has bactericidal properties, destroys fungus, infections, viruses, and relieves pain.
  • In most building materials
  • In any children's colors
  • In cosmetics
  • In the production of any plastics
  • In disinfectants

Yes, there is phenol practically everywhere! And to completely dispel your doubts, let us tell you this: carbolic acid is sold freely, in a concentration of 10%, and this means that it is no longer poison.

For example, you definitely won’t be able to buy arsenic. All dangerous poisons are included in the list of substances that are not available for sale to private individuals or organizations without special permission.


Formaldehyde or formalin, like phenol, is poison in its pure form.

But in production, including food production, formalin is just a preservative, labeled E-240.

Formaldehyde is everywhere: in chipboard products, in any building materials, medicines, cosmetics and food. It is much more dangerous than phenol, because it has a depressing effect not only on the nervous system and internal organs, but is also an official carcinogen.

But its mass fraction in building materials, including suspended ceilings, is negligible and serves to protect finished product from the development of fungi and other nasty things.


This is a solvent for polymers and without it the production of plastics and plastics is impossible.

At the same time, its concentration is very low and you will not feel any such destructive effect if it is a solid material.

But in liquid form, toluene is very volatile and harmful, but in this form it is found only in some types of building materials. For example, the well-known “Moment” glue, which used to be in great demand among drug addicts. It is the toluene contained in it that causes hallucinogenic and narcotic effect. True, in 1998 this component was removed from the glue composition and today, toluene in this form can hardly be found anywhere. That is, although it is contained in suspended ceilings, there is no harm from it.

Are fabric stretch ceilings safer?

If you are not convinced by what is written above and one word “film” puts you in a stupor, you can consider the option of suspended ceilings made of fabric. But the only thing that is eco-friendly in them is the word itself, fabric. But in fact, this fabric is also impregnated with chemicals!

And the fabric ceiling is an excellent dust collector, which is almost impossible to clean. And what is essentially more harmful is up to you to decide. Either mythical fumes of poisons, or living, real dust and mites, which are the worst evil for allergy sufferers.

In general, whether a stretch ceiling made of fabric is harmful or not is up to you to decide. But we see absolutely no difference between these coatings.

Is there a difference between Chinese and French stretch ceilings?

Some believe that only a trusted manufacturer can guarantee the environmental friendliness of PVC products. That is, if you buy expensive material from European manufacturer, then you don’t have to worry about anything, since the standards are met there.

There is some truth in this, but... In Europe, physically, there are not so many enterprises that can fully supply the world market with “French” ceiling coverings.

What about France and those couple of factories? And do you have any idea how much they need to work to meet the needs of Russia alone, which is vast in comparison with them?? And America? What about other countries?

And no matter how much you want it, in 98% of cases you will buy a “French” ceiling, which is made in China. And this does not mean at all that it will not consist of chlorine and ethylene, but of the purest phenol and formaldehyde. Why do the Chinese need this, judge for yourself?

What do experts say about suspended ceilings?

The opinion of experts on the topic of the harm of suspended ceilings is clear: it’s a harmful thing! They do not recommend putting them on in children's rooms and bedrooms, because they warn about ominous fumes that will haunt those sleeping all their lives.

Which appears during installation is the usual smell of phenol. Almost all new things, plastic and otherwise, smell of it. But for some reason he really scares people. Although, it disappears literally within a couple of days after installing the ceilings.

Also, experts do not advise placing light bulbs in chandeliers that heat the surface of the ceiling, because this can trigger the release of poisons. But the fact is that such a temperature will not cause a blowout, but energy-saving lamps much more harmful...

P.S. The experts in this case are ordinary installation specialists. And these people, as you yourself understand, are very far from chemistry.

But it is their opinions that litter the entire Internet and they tell terrible stories about the consequences of working with PVC. But, they work with heated PVC, and yes, in this case it begins to release toxic substances.

Although here is one of real reviews specialist who for a long time engaged in the installation of suspended PVC ceilings:

But what does that do to you? Wouldn't you heat the room up to 300 degrees? Even a kitchen where pots boil day and night does not reach such critical temperatures.

How to make your home completely safe and environmentally friendly?

Lyrical digression. If you are still afraid of suspended ceilings like fire, then we would like to give you some recommendations on how to ensure complete cleanliness of your home and body.

The first thing you should do is critically examine the walls of the house. If they are concrete, feel free to change your home! Concrete is strongly “phonic” from radiation.

If there is asphalt around your home, leave!! It is also radioactive because it contains rubble. The best option- a clay house in the village.

Throw away all dishes, as any metal releases substances harmful to the body. And no Teflon or ceramics will save you. And there’s nothing to say about plastic! Phenol, you understand...

Also, it is advisable to stop eating and breathing, since the air is oversaturated with radiation and chemical emissions from factories, and food is poison.

Don't believe me? And we tell you for sure, everything is poison! And vegetables, fruits and meat. Because their mass production is simply impossible without the use of chemicals.

One salvation - your own garden and organic farming, without the use of herbicides, insecticides and fertilizers. But, it’s true, there’s a catch waiting for you here: the rains are chemical and acidic, but groundwater impregnated with fertilizers from fields and industrial emissions...

In conclusion, I would like to say: we have fully covered the question of whether stretch ceilings are environmentally friendly and you now understand for yourself whether they are harmful to health or not.

The benefits and harms of suspended ceilings are discussed in various sources. Arguments for and against are given tensile structures However, not all opinions should be considered true. For the sake of profit, someone may lie about harm or, conversely, report safety. Therefore, it makes sense to analyze in detail what pros and cons they have various materials For ceiling covering and how their properties can affect our health.

There are many rumors about the benefits and harms of different ceiling coverings. However, not many of them have reliable confirmation in medical environment. Professionals talk about stretch ceilings as one of the safest ways decorate the ceiling.

What are the pros and cons of suspended ceilings in contrast to other coatings:

  • In terms of consumer health, fabric ceilings are distinguished. Their advantage is that they allow air to pass through. However, it should be noted that this plus is noticeable only in a private house with wooden ceiling. If your ceiling is made of concrete, then no ceiling material will save the situation.
  • Also among the advantages it is worth noting the exceptional cleanliness when carrying out installation work: Dust from sanding the ceiling will not clog your lungs.
  • Another advantage of a ceiling made of PVC film is that fungi and bacteria do not grow on the surface of the film! This is an indispensable property for rooms with high humidity.
  • Certified PVC ceilings are completely harmless. The only thing you need to make sure of is the documents confirming the quality of the material.
  • PVC film can become a health hazard if you fall into the hands of the company. Which sells low-quality canvases. As a rule, such companies do not have the appropriate certificates, and the unpleasant odor from their ceilings lasts more than 2 days.
  • Some consider the downside of film ceilings to be that they are not environmentally friendly. But in fact, this material is used to make almost any plastic product. In addition, PVC can easily be replaced with an absolutely environmentally friendly fabric ceiling.

If you see a suspiciously favorable price offer for a suspended ceiling, then do not rush to make a purchase: perhaps you are faced with dishonest businessmen who want to sell low-quality material that is hazardous to health. Check the certificates and get reviews from people who have already used the organization's services.

Why are suspended ceilings harmful?

Concentrating on possible dangers ceiling covering, you should understand that a high-quality, documented product cannot be harmful to you. Organizations whose products may threaten the life and health of their consumers are not allowed to enter official trade.

The problem that causes some people to argue that suspended ceilings can be dangerous lies in some of the components of PVC. However, paintings approved for sale contain chemical elements in very small quantities. Only uncertified materials can be dangerous.

What possible risks exist when installing a ceiling:

  1. Phenolic fumes. Phenol is a substance harmful to the body that is contained in PVC. However, phenol is not dangerous if your ceiling is of high quality. IN chemical composition phenol is not a volatile element. It can only evaporate at high temperatures, which is necessary for installation. This explains the smell from the film, which lingers in the air for several hours.
  2. Fabric ceilings are famous for their safety and environmental friendliness, however, they have learned to replace this type of coating with hazardous materials that look like ceiling fabric. This material is impregnated with chemically hazardous substances.
  3. It is not recommended to heat ceilings even from the highest quality raw materials: baths, saunas, hot pipes, chandeliers with hot incandescent lamps - all this should be kept away from PVC film. Exactly high temperatures contribute to the melting of the material, as well as the spread of harmful fumes.

Modern stretch ceilings: reviews from doctors

Since people are puzzled by safety issues when stretching the ceiling, doctors were happy to review everything possible options protect yourself and your family as much as possible from the negative effects of suspended ceiling materials. According to doctors, suspended ceilings, by and large, do not affect consumers.

However, practicing professionals give some recommendations for complete confidence in safety:

  • Choose a proven, well-known company and European materials that have passed all the necessary tests and certifications.
  • Do not visit the room or allow children into the room immediately after installing the PVC film. Allow fumes generated by heating to completely evaporate from the room.
  • Avoid overheating during operation. Fire, hot and incandescent objects should not be kept near the ceiling. The material will melt and release substances that have a bad effect on the human body.

Stretch ceiling: environmentally friendly materials

The issue of environmental friendliness of suspended ceilings is still being discussed. Some say that high quality ceiling is in no way inferior to even the most natural materials in its properties, while others argue that PVC, like specialized fabric, are extremely non-ecological materials.

To what extent can the arguments regarding the environmental friendliness of suspended ceilings be considered worthy:

  1. PVC is a material suitable for making children's toys, water pipes, dishes and other items that are directly related to our body. These types of materials have undergone repeated testing, therefore they can be classified as absolutely safe environmentally friendly materials.
  2. Fabric impregnated with polyurethane is a popular material for sewing clothes. This texture is completely harmless and environmentally friendly.
  3. The downside with regard to the environmental friendliness of ceilings is the poor quality of some manufacturers. If the material does not meet international standards, then it can easily be dangerous and extremely unfriendly. Be careful and check your documents.

It is also important to check the certificate confirming fire safety material.

How to choose an environmentally friendly stretch ceiling

In fact, any high-quality stretch ceiling is environmentally friendly. All possible materials, from which a suspended ceiling can be made, have quality standards.

Documents confirming compliance with quality standards guarantee the environmental purity of your ceiling.

Materials that meet the standards have the following properties:

  • PVC film does not emit any substances into the air and loses its unpleasant odor a few hours after installation.
  • The fabric has no odor. This material does not contain any harmful substances in principle.

Are stretch ceilings harmful (video)

If you care about the health of your family and friends, then do not save time and money on choosing materials that you plan to live with for more than one year. Ask questions to representatives of the selected company, demand documentary confirmation of the words. If you are attentive and picky enough, then be sure to study the reviews about the company’s work. By following these rules, you will not have to worry about your health when installing and using suspended ceilings.


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