What plants are useful to plant next to strawberries? There are different varieties of strawberries in the same bed. Is it possible to plant strawberries of different varieties together?

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- this is, at first glance, a plant very familiar to everyone. It would seem that there are no secrets or mysteries, but everything is not so simple, it contains too many secrets, which were written about in ancient myths.

Mysterious berry

The very first mystery is connected with the appearance in the world not of itself, but of its cultivated form. The second “open secret” is a plant that lives on summer cottages and is called strawberry by summer residents, in fact, it is a garden strawberry.

There is another misconception. The red, fragrant and very healthy berry of this shrub is not a fruit at all, but an overgrown receptacle. Seeds are located on the surface of the pulp; sometimes they are used for propagation, which have become especially popular in Lately beardless varieties of strawberries. Although most often this process is carried out using whiskers or rosettes.

Landing specifics

The most difficult path, which only the bravest dare to undertake, is growing garden strawberries from seeds. To do this, first seedlings are prepared at home, then the sprouts are transplanted into the ground.

Most summer residents do not bother with such complex work, since the process requires compliance with temperature and humidity conditions, special soil composition, sufficient sunlight and other conditions. The most primitive way to propagate a variety you like is through daughter rosettes. Sometimes you can notice that garden strawberries themselves help owners increase the plantation of this plant, that is, the rosettes have already taken root. In other cases, it is up to the owners to pin the rosettes to the surface, sprinkle them with sand and water them. A little later, you should carry out “circumcision” - cut off the rosette from the mother plant.

Is cross-pollination a problem?

There is no need to worry about cross-pollination with garden strawberries. It’s worth remembering some of the botany lessons I had back in high school. Cross-pollination is the process of double fertilization, when the seeds of a plant acquire both maternal and paternal properties, which affects the quality of the fruit.

It is necessary to take into account that what people call the garden strawberry fruit is not such (it is an overgrown receptacle). It contains only the characteristics of the mother plant, regardless of which strawberry variety pollen was involved in pollination. The quality of the berries does not change due to the cross-pollination process. The same can be said with regard to daughter rosettes; they are formed from the mother plant and retain its main characteristics. No other plants are needed for the appearance and growth of mustaches.

You can often find recommendations to plant different varieties of garden strawberries on different plantations, but the explanation for this is completely different - this is necessary so that the varieties do not get confused. Indeed, in the future, owners may want to completely get rid of some variety or, conversely, remove all varieties, leaving the most productive one.

There should be a lot of strawberries - good and different (in terms of varieties). It doesn’t matter whether the varieties are located side by side or in opposite corners of the summer cottage; this will not affect the quantity and quality of the harvest!

How to plant strawberries correctly in August to get an excellent harvest next year? We have collected in one article the most simple recommendations, interesting tips and secrets that guarantee you enjoy the delicious and aromatic fruits of this amazing berry.

Grown on personal plot Strawberries bring many pleasant emotions to the gardener. But harvesting a rich harvest of this berry is not at all easy. Only by knowing the secrets of planting and caring for it can you grow delicious strawberries. New bushes of this berry take root in late summer or autumn. Let's consider the sequence of agrotechnical techniques before planting seedlings of this crop and methods of planting berry bushes.

How to choose and buy strawberries for planting

To get healthy strawberry bushes that will grow well without diseases and give a large harvest of sweet berries, you need to plant high-quality seedlings. How to choose the right material for planting? Experts recommend buying annual seedlings with a closed root system (in cups). They must have fibrous roots at least 5 cm long and no more than three well-developed leaves.

Elite varieties of strawberries produce a good harvest. It will be good if you purchase and plant such seedlings on your garden plot. To grow this crop, gardeners also use frigo seedlings, which are carefully selected from the berry bushes available in the garden bed, then dug up late autumn and stored in bags at a slightly negative temperature.

Inspect the seedlings; there should be no signs of disease on the leaves and stems

Where is the best place to buy strawberry seedlings? If you purchase it on the markets from private suppliers, then there is a possibility that the purchased plant will be infected with diseases and pests. It is best to take healthy seedlings obtained from sterile plants grown according to special technique"from a test tube." Such seedlings are sold large manufacturers. In specialized nurseries, strawberry seedlings are sold from late July to early August.

The earlier at the end of summer you plant the bushes of this plant, the more likely it is that flower buds will appear on them, and already in next year there will be the first harvest. When choosing seedlings, carefully inspect the seedlings. If you see pale, wrinkled leaves on the plants, or there are some spots on them, it is better not to buy such material. These signs indicate poor quality of seedlings and infestation with diseases/pests. Buy strawberry seedlings with the following characteristics:

  • - the leaves of the seedlings are leathery/pubescent, have a rich, healthy shine, green color;
  • - the horn of the seedling has a thickness of at least 0.7 cm;
  • - length of roots open seedlings more than 7 cm;
  • - seedlings do not have damage to roots or leaves;
  • - the core of the bush is strong, elastic, and has a rich green color;
  • - for seedlings in cups or cassettes, the roots must entangle the entire volume of the container in which they are located;
  • - peat pot must have roots that have pierced through it and look out;

Soil preparation

It is best to plant strawberries at the end summer season in August. It is advisable to do this on sunny places and on southwestern slopes with a slope of 2-3 degrees. It is not advisable to use lowland or closed areas for growing this plant. The acidity of the soil for planting strawberry seedlings should not be more than 5.5-6.5 pH. The berry bushes will give a good harvest if they are planted on podzolized chernozem soils or on dark gray forest soil, which has a medium or light composition.

The berry will also bear fruit well on sod-podzolic, sandy loam soils. It is not advisable to plant strawberries where they are close to the surface groundwater. Before planting seedlings in a certain area, it is necessary to first examine it for the presence of pests, and if they are found, destroy the insects by special means. The land for planting strawberries is first cleared of weeds. Then, 2 weeks before planting the seedlings, prepare the soil for planting the seedlings. 2-3 buckets of organic matter per 1 sq.m. are scattered around the site.

What crops to plant after: predecessors of strawberries

When choosing a site for planting strawberries, consider what plant grew there before. The land should not be used for growing this delicious berries, if plants from the family Asteraceae, Ranunculaceae, or tomatoes, eggplants, potatoes, sunflowers have recently grown on it. So after what can you plant strawberries? And is it possible to plant this plant after onions? The berry harvest will be good if you plant the seedlings in the soil where they previously grew:

  • peas;
  • beans;
  • radish;
  • garlic;
  • parsley;
  • radish;
  • mustard;
  • dill;
  • salad;
  • oats;

After planting, strawberries need to be watered generously.

At what distance to root berries: planting diagram with photo

When planting seedlings, you should not bury them too deep into the ground, otherwise the center point or heart of the bush will be below ground level, which will lead to the death of the plant. Shallow planting of strawberries is also not allowed. This is fraught with drying out of the heart and death of the bush. The seedlings will take root well and grow if you plant them so that the center point of the seedling protrudes slightly above the soil surface.

  • When planting seedlings in a hole, you need to make a mound in it and place the plant on it.
  • The roots should not be bent; they should smoothly descend along the tubercle. If they are too long, be sure to trim them down a bit.
  • After planting the seedlings, the plant must be watered generously and a solution of HB 101-93 should be added to each seedling, diluting 93 drops of this substance in 1 liter of water.
  • Then the young bushes are mulched with compost (5-6 cm) or straw, hay, sawdust (10 cm) and covered with special material to create a greenhouse effect for better rooting of seedlings.

Subsequently, the bushes are regularly weeded and the mustache is removed. If the weather is dry after planting the seedlings, you need to water the crop so that the soil on the site is moist. During this period, flower buds are being laid, on which the berry harvest next year depends. There are several schemes for planting strawberries:

  • - one-line. This is planting seedlings in one row. The distance between plant bushes should be 15-20 cm, and between rows - 60-70 cm;
  • - two-line. This is planting in ribbons consisting of 2 rows of bushes. The distance between ribbons is 60-70 cm, in rows - 30 cm, bushes - 15-20 cm;
  • - natural agricultural technology. With this scheme, seedlings are planted every 50 cm in one row on beds 50 cm wide. The distance between rows is 50 cm.

How to fertilize the soil before planting

2 weeks before planting seedlings, it is advisable to add 40 g of double superphosphate and up to 20 g of potassium fertilizers to the soil (for every 1 sq.m.) wood ash or potassium sulfate). It is advisable to add organic matter to the holes for planting seedling bushes. To do this, dig a hole 25x25x25 cm under each seedling and fill it with a mixture consisting of 1 bucket of soil from the site, 1 bucket of compost, 1 bucket of rotted horse manure, 2 cups of ash.

Planting garden strawberries with a mustache in open ground

One of the ways to obtain strawberry seedlings is to root the tendrils from a specially prepared mother bush of this crop. On such shoots, rosettes and their own root system are formed:

  • - 2 weeks before transplantation, separate the young seedling obtained from rooting the mustache from the adult plant with scissors. From now on he will switch to his own food;
  • - when the strawberry rosettes ripen, transplant them to permanent place. When should you plant strawberries? It is better to start this process between the end of July and the end of August. This should be done on a cloudy day or in the evening so that the root system of the plant adapts well to the new place;
  • - divide the area for planting strawberries into rows with a distance of 1 m between them. Plant strawberries at a distance of 20-30 cm between the bushes;
  • - make the depth of the hole for strawberry seedlings 15 cm;
  • - the core of the rosette should be at soil level after planting. It is important not to deepen it or leave it above the ground so that the bush does not die;

How to plant correctly under black film

For getting big harvest Strawberry gardeners use the method of planting plants under black film or agrofibre. These devices cover the entire area. Holes are made in the film for planting berry bushes. Black material on the ground does not allow sunlight to pass through, and weeds and other plants that are undesirable in this area do not grow under it. To implement this planting method you need:

  • purchase agrofibre or black film, area equal to size site for a future strawberry plantation;
  • then lay the mulching material on the ground, placing its corners in holes around the perimeter and covering it with soil;
  • then begin the process of planting the seedlings. It is advisable to plant them in a checkerboard pattern with a distance between bushes of 25-30 cm;
  • Pre-mark the locations for the holes on the film and make small perpendicular cuts in them;
  • then dig holes through each hole with your hands and plant seedlings;
  • holes in the film should not be large so as not to provoke the growth of weeds;

What fertilizer to use or what to feed in the fall

Plants planted in August must be fertilized. This is done using different fertilizers. It is useful to treat strawberries with a solution consisting of 30 g of urea and 10 liters of water. Foliar feeding produce boron, manganese, molybdenum, zinc. Treated bushes will be delivered in the summer more harvest, and the quality of the berries will be higher than on plants not fertilized with these substances. To make a mixture for feeding, prepare the following components:

  • - molybdenum - 2 g;
  • - manganese - 50 g;
  • - boric acid- 15 g;
  • - water - 15 l.

Caring for strawberries in the fall includes preparing the plant for winter. Cover the bushes of this crop with straw, peat, compost, fallen leaves or corn stalks. These natural substances will not only protect plants from cold in winter, but will also fertilize the soil. Bushes are also used as mulch special materials- spunbond, lutrasil. Covered strawberries will be protected from frost and next year will give good harvest. Further agrotechnical work with strawberries begins in April.

You can plant strawberries using a clay mash

Is it possible to plant different varieties of strawberries next to each other?

In some reviews from gardeners, there is a deep belief that it is impossible to plant different varieties of strawberries together. This way they cross-pollinate with each other, and then the quality of the berries on their bushes becomes worse. But experts say that the reason for the deterioration of the yield in such cases is not that cross-pollination occurs, but because the plant degenerates.

If you delve a little deeper into botany, you can remember that when crops are pollinated, double fertilization occurs. This process produces seeds that contain genetic information from the pollinating plant. However, with strawberries the situation is different, because its fruit is not exactly what botany understands by this term.

The juicy red berry on the bush of this crop is an overgrown receptacle, which is part of the mother plant and carries only its genetic characteristics. Therefore, the crop whose pollen pollinates strawberry flowers does not affect the quality of the berries. This means that planting different varieties nearby is not prohibited. But when propagating a plant with a mustache, it is important not to confuse which variety of strawberry the daughter rosette belongs to.

Good afternoon Please explain whether it is possible to plant different varieties of strawberries side by side. We want to breed several varieties of crops for small area, but the neighbors say that it will cross-pollinate. Will this affect the yield? How to plant it correctly in this case?

There is no clear answer to the question of whether it is possible to plant different varieties of strawberries side by side. The opinions of scientists and practitioners are divided.

Scientists say that strawberries are a berry obtained by selection in the laboratory. The likelihood that pollination could occur between different types, then the pollinated seed will fall into the soil, germinate, and the sprout will not be removed during weeding, practically equal to zero. The mustaches and rosettes carry the properties of the mother bush, so these qualities do not depend on cross-pollination.

Practitioners believe that cross-pollination occurs over time. Varietal strawberries lose their qualities: their taste, color, and aroma deteriorate. The size of the berries decreases. But this becomes noticeable when the bushes need to be changed. Therefore, owners of small plots plant different varieties of strawberries nearby.

the main problem, which they encounter in this case, is the interweaving of the mustache. If you like some varieties and need to get rid of others, it will be difficult to do this in a bed with intertwined tendrils. If plants with different ripening periods are planted nearby, this will lead to the fact that the collection of berries from one bed will stretch for for a long time. This will make it difficult to weed and treat rows.

Therefore, practitioners recommend planting seedlings different varieties strawberries in different beds or in areas of the garden distant from each other (if possible). But this will not affect the quality and quantity of the harvest. If this is not possible, the rows of bushes should be separated from each other by other plants: low-growing marigolds, garlic.

Hello! Is it possible to plant different varieties of strawberries side by side in a small area? Margarita Semyonovna.
Disputes on the topic of whether different varieties of strawberries can be planted side by side or whether they should be planted in areas distant from each other do not subside among gardeners. This article will help you understand how varieties planted nearby influence each other and what can increase strawberry yields.

Yes or no to joint planting of different varieties of strawberries

According to biological laws, strawberry varieties planted nearby do not affect each other in any way, since the resulting berries only carry varietal characteristics of the mother plant and are not the result of cross-pollination of neighboring varieties. In view of this, planting different varieties strawberries in one area is quite acceptable. And yet, as the experience of strawberry cultivation shows, there is one argument that convinces of the need for, if not remote, then at least separated plantings.

Different varieties of strawberries will not interfere with each other in one area

Attention! When growing different varieties in neighboring beds, you should ensure that the growing tendrils take root only in their own bed, without climbing into the neighboring one. Otherwise, after 1-2 years it will be difficult to distinguish which variety is planted where - they will simply mix with each other.

You can avoid mixing if you plant several beds between adjacent varieties. And if the area allocated for strawberries is very small and there is simply nowhere to plant other crops, pieces of slate will come to the rescue, which must be dug between neighboring varieties, forming a fence 30-40 cm high.

The need for separate plantings is also caused by different periods of fruiting and care requirements at different stages of the growing season. Harvesting and caring for separately planted varieties is much easier.

To prevent varieties from getting confused with each other, you can plant garlic between them.

It should be noted that some varieties of strawberries, even when planted separately, begin to become smaller over time. This process is natural and is associated with biological feature varieties. In this situation, you should simply update the variety regularly or replace it with another, more resistant one. In addition, the size of the berries and their yield are greatly influenced by the quality of the soil and compliance with agrotechnical conditions.

1. Thinning. Please note that most varieties reduce yield precisely because of dense plantings. Thinning increases the feeding area and the amount of food produced. useful substances in the remaining bushes, their level of fruiting increases accordingly.

Attention! Removing excess shoots also has a positive effect on strawberry yields.

2. Good lighting. Planting strawberries in the shade of bushes and trees has a negative impact on yields. The more sunlight the strawberry bush gets, the more berries you can collect.

To ensure high yields, varieties need to be updated periodically.

3. Low beds. When growing strawberries in high beds, the plants often suffer from drying out in the summer and freezing in the winter. The only exception is the presence of stagnant water in the soil, in which case raised beds- the only salvation.

Advice! To mulch strawberry plantings, you can use compost, straw, pine needles, chopped grass, sawdust, and peat.

4. Mulching organic materials. This simple agricultural technique will not only save time and effort, but also protect root system plants from damage during weeding.

5. Application of fertilizers. Regular fertilizing helps increase strawberry yields. The main thing is not to overdo it, because with an excess of nitrogen in the soil, the bushes will be powerful and densely leafy, and there will be few berries.

Strawberries of any variety require regular feeding.

6. After the end of fruiting, strawberry bushes do not cease to need care, because this time is running laying the foundation for the future harvest. Do not forget to water and feed strawberry plantings until the beginning of autumn.

Regardless of the number of strawberry varieties on your site and their close planting to each other, obtaining consistently high yields depends only on the quality of agricultural technology.

Fertilizing strawberries in spring - video

Is it possible to plant different varieties of strawberries next to each other?

The end of summer and the beginning of autumn is the best time to plant strawberries. If you are going to plant this crop for the first time, it is possible that you will come up with the idea of ​​placing several varieties side by side in the garden bed. There is debate among experts about whether this can be done and whether this method of planting will harm the plant.

What happens when different varieties of strawberries are planted next to each other?

There is an opinion among gardeners that if you plant together different strawberries, then you will get a mixture of varieties or even degeneration of the culture. They blame this on a property called cross-pollination. Indeed, neighboring plants will be pollinated by the same insects. However, any breeder will reassure you with confident argumentation:

  1. What many call a strawberry is actually the overgrown receptacle of the plant. It will have the characteristics of the mother plant, regardless of mixing with pollen from a neighboring flower during fertilization.
  2. The principle is also relevant in relation to daughter rosettes and whiskers.
  3. Seeds are inclusions on the receptacle. They will depend on the composition of the pollen, but on taste and appearance strawberries will not be affected.

Attention! Strawberries are a self-pollinating plant. It can successfully produce berries when planted with one type. However, it has been proven that when two specific varieties are adjacent and cross-pollinated, the yield and quality of fruits improve.

If you propagate strawberries with a mustache (vegetatively), then the new plants will take over the properties of the mother plant. But if you collect seeds from a pollinated sample and plant seedlings, then the child plants will not be a copy of the “parents”. The result will be a mixed variety. Breeders use the effect of cross-pollination and plant different varieties of garden strawberries nearby for crossing. This is how most were bred modern species garden strawberries. And closely growing varieties do not affect the quality and productivity of plants planted in the garden and do not cause degeneration.

Planting strawberries nearby: pros and cons

Reasons for planting different varieties of garden strawberries in nearby beds may be:

  • desire to try different types;
  • the desire to choose the best among them for further cultivation;
  • small plot size.

Experienced gardeners warn that when planting several varieties of strawberries in one bed, you must adhere to the following care rules:

Attention! At one place garden strawberries It grows well only for 4 years.

If you are looking after the garden bed, but the harvest has deteriorated with the new season, the reason for this may be:

  1. With varietal seedlings, you brought the strawberry weed varieties Bakhmutka, Zhmurka, Podveska, Dubnyak to the plot. They may look like strawberries but will not bear fruit.
  2. Seeds of a cross-pollinated species fell to the ground and accidentally sprouted. In this case, varietals could, for example, die from frost. Such chaotically crossed varieties are very tenacious and prolific: they will grow, but the berries will be bad.
  3. The earth is depleted, the plants are old.

Planting different varieties of strawberries together is possible and even useful, but you should strictly adhere to agricultural technology and carefully care for the garden bed.

Yield varieties of strawberries: video


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