Which tree is called a money tree? What does it mean if it died? Where to put the money tree

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The money tree is a special, mystical plant. It is associated with the appearance of money, prosperity and family warmth in the house. In addition, the fat woman is easy to care for, it sits easily and does not require special conditions care But you can’t just plant a succulent in a pot and expect a miracle. WITH money tree associated signs and superstitions that must be observed in order to preserve magical power this plant. It's not difficult, the main thing is to understand general logic and philosophy.

How the Crassula got its mythical meaning

For the first time, attention was paid to the mystical features of the money tree back in Ancient China. During the era of the development of the art of Feng Shui, the legend of “money rain” was popular. This story was about magic tree, on which coins grew instead of leaves. As soon as the wonderful plant was shaken, the man was showered with money from head to toe.

Of course, in the real world there is no such plant, but in the art of Feng Shui, Crassula appears in this image. If you properly care for the money tree, observe the necessary rituals and follow the signs, then, according to the followers of this teaching, it will truly bring wealth and prosperity to your home.

Origin and brief description

Crassula was brought to Europe from China. This succulent became a famous houseplant in Asia back in the Middle Ages. It has gained particular popularity in the CIS countries in the last twenty years.

Crassula is a succulent plant. The money tree is one of the few succulents with a thick and strong trunk covered with a dense layer of bark. Crassula grows up to 1.5 meters high at home (in nature up to 2 meters). Its leaves are large, fleshy, and bright green.

main feature Crassula - its structure and shape. Without additional pruning and direction of branches, this plant looks like a tree, although it is considered a shrub in itself. In addition, its height and thickness are easily adjustable. If you do not increase the size of the pot, then upward growth will gradually slow down. This is how the gardener gets the ideal plant for the bonsai technique.

History of the name

Why did Crassula become that legendary tree? The fact is that the shape of the leaves of this succulent is similar to the coins that were used to pay in China in those days. Feng Shui masters noticed this feature, and the fat woman was made a symbol of wealth and prosperity.

Of course, the plant itself cannot attract money. It does not have special magical properties unless you believe in them. Only when the crassula is properly cared for, a special meaning is put into it and all rituals are observed, it becomes a real symbol of good luck.

Current signs and superstitions

The signs and superstitions surrounding the fat woman are extremely diverse. They are related to the rules for planting and further caring for a succulent according to the canons of Feng Shui:

  1. Signs say that throwing away a money tree is strictly prohibited. Even if the plant has already died, it cannot simply be thrown into the trash. Crassula can only be “buried” in open ground. It is believed that if a flower is simply thrown away, then the wealthy will be offended by the owner of the house and will not visit him again.
  2. If the plant falls and breaks, both parts can be saved. It is better to plant all the resulting seedlings in new soil, even the part that remained in the pot. If the money tree is broken so that it cannot be used to make new seedlings, soil fertilizer is made at home from pieces that cannot be restored.
  3. It is also impossible to throw out an old plant that is tired of it. It is not recommended to sell it. It is best to leave the flower in a visible place in the office or entrance (if weather allow) and inform neighbors and colleagues that anyone can take him home. Then the ritual of “stealing” the fat woman will be followed.
  4. A succulent that is planted to attract profit cannot be trimmed decoratively. The crown can be trimmed only strictly along the branches, and all separated cuttings should be placed in water to form roots. If it doesn’t work out, they can only be used for fertilizer.
  5. The flowering of Crassula is a special period with which many superstitions are associated. It is believed that at this time the succulent is especially vulnerable to evil spirits, so a red thread should be tied to the trunk. This will protect both the crassula itself and the wealth in the house.

Feng Shui masters also believe that the money tree absorbs negativity. In order for this process to be as efficient as possible, it is best to install a pot with a plant in those places where the family gathers most often, or near the workplace where a person often experiences stress.

Is it possible to keep a money tree at home?

Not all people, even superstitious ones, believe that feng shui can benefit them. Those who do not have problems with money doubt whether they should get a Crassula. Can this plant cause harm?

Breeding fat cats in an apartment is absolutely safe. According to their own botanical properties it is not poisonous, and its mystical features also do not have a negative effect even for fairly wealthy people.

In addition, according to popular beliefs, the fat plant, which was planted by the whole family together, strengthens relationships between relatives and serves as a symbol of the house, protecting it from the evil eye and outside interference. The main thing is that all relatives who were involved in the process do it voluntarily and with good mood.

Is it possible to give a money tree?

It is believed that the fat plant grows best if it has been “stolen”. A flower purchased or given as a gift does not have such power. You don’t have to actually steal someone’s houseplant, you can just pretend that you’re “taking someone else’s.”

If you present a crassula to someone for their birthday, it is best not to just give the plant to the new owner, but to ask him to “buy it back.” A coin of any denomination is suitable for this. This ritual helps both parties preserve their wealth and well-being.

How to choose a place for a plant in the house

According to signs, the money tree should stand so that it mystical properties opened up as much as possible, fruitfully influencing the inhabitants of the house. To do this, you need to find a zone of wealth. According to Feng Shui instructions, it is located in the southeast of the apartment, in its lower right corner.

At the same time, the place in which the fat plant is planted must meet the requirements for caring for it. It cannot be too humid here, the temperature should not fall below 16 degrees. In addition, you cannot place the money tree in a draft - this will quickly destroy it.

If a family wants to attract money into the house, it is best to install Crassula in the bedroom. Usually, it is in this room that the family’s money and valuables are stored, so there the succulent will be saturated with this energy and increase it many times over. If there is another room in the southeast, there is no problem. The fat plant can be placed in any room except the bathroom (due to high humidity).

Money tree planting ritual

Planting a money tree so that it brings in money is not difficult if you follow the usual rules for caring for and replanting the plant.

First of all, you need to choose the right pot and soil. The soil should be loose and low in nitrogen. Pot - be big, preferably square shape. The angles symbolize rigor and orderliness, which is often lacking in money relationships.

To plant a succulent you should select correct cutting. It is best to use a baby formed from an air shoot. Such seedlings take root in a new place with almost one hundred percent probability, and the plant experiences less stress when separated.

Planting Crassula is accompanied by a money plot. While the plant is being planted in the ground, the gardener must repeat the following phrase: “Money comes, money grows, money will find its way into my pocket.” The conspiracy must be read at least three times.

Also important condition To transplant a money tree, plant it at night during the waxing moon phase. During the full moon, it is strictly prohibited to replant or plant the crassula.

Coins are placed in the plant pot. They are placed on the bottom as drainage. This helps enhance the effect of Crassula. Valid only if all other signs have been taken into account.

Care secrets to attract luck and money

Caring for a money tree so that there is money is quite simple. First of all, you need to comply standard rules. In addition to them, there are several simple secrets that will help make the life of a gardener easier:

  1. Like any indoor plant, the Crassula needs regular watering.. You can only irrigate the soil of this succulent warm water. If using tap liquid, it is best to let it sit before watering the money tree. During this procedure, you can put a coin in a vessel with water. This will help to properly charge the liquid for wealth.
  2. Another ritual is associated with the application of fertilizing. The spell, which is read during planting of Crassula, is recommended to be repeated once and when the fertilizer is mixed into the water for irrigation.
  3. Special attention You need to pay attention to the health of the fat woman. When this succulent is charmed to generate income, it begins to spend its vitality not only for growth and development, but also for maintaining a positive atmosphere in the home. Because of this, Crassula becomes more vulnerable to various diseases and negative influence insect pests. The money tree needs to be treated quickly and radically, using pesticides and insecticides. The danger from pests and diseases is much higher than from chemicals. After treatment, the plant needs to be spoken again.

If a person is experiencing financial difficulties and wants to get himself a talisman, a money tree is an excellent choice. Caring for it teaches responsibility and organization, the aesthetics and correct forms of the fat plant help to collect thoughts and sort them into shelves, and compliance with Feng Shui norms will help charge the plant with the necessary energy and set up your life for good luck and profit.

Among indoor plants, a special place is occupied by the Crassula, which is popularly called the “money tree”. The plant's homeland is South Africa. From the arid African tropics, the crassula spread to the west of the mainland, to the island of Madagascar and southern Arabia. Let's take a closer look at this interesting species.

"Money Tree". Homeland of the plant and description of the species

There are about 350 species of plants in the genus of succulent plants (family Crassulaceae). One of the species is the decorative deciduous indoor plant Crassula, or Crassula. Other names are “good luck” or the homeland of the plant, as already mentioned, is South Africa. It is an evergreen perennial small tree with a short thick trunk. It can reach 1-1.5 m in height. The fleshy thick leaves of Crassula have a rounded shape. They are 4 long -7 cm, flat, often fused together at the base. They have a light gray or green color with a blue waxy coating. An interesting pattern is that each pair of leaves is located at right angles to the previous one.

Crassula flowers are large, pale pink or white. As a rule, they are collected in a half-umbrella. The “money tree” practically never has single flowers. Crassula blooms very rarely, not earlier than 7-10 years of the plant’s life, while emitting a strong sweet aroma.

Caring for a plant indoors

Gardeners love the money tree houseplant. His homeland endowed him with endurance and unpretentiousness. The plant grows on its own and very rarely dies even without proper care.

It is best to place a pot of Crassula on a windowsill behind a curtain. Because the money tree loves daylight, but not straight Sun rays. The fat woman loves fresh air very much. Therefore in spring- summer period it needs to be placed on the balcony more often, shading it from the burning rays of the sun.

It is enough to water the tree once a week. The homeland of the “money tree” (crassula) is South Africa, where the climate is predominantly arid. Therefore, the soil should not be allowed to become waterlogged. From September to February, it is better to place the tree in a cool place and water it no more than once a month. It is very good to wipe the leaves from dust every month with a damp cloth.

Transplant the plant into a larger pot every 3-5 years as needed.

Crassula is propagated by shoots or cuttings.


It is rare that anyone is lucky enough to see a blooming money tree. The plant's homeland with a harsh climate determined the flowering of only mature trees. In order to room conditions To increase the chances of Crassula flowering, you need to comply with a number of conditions:

  • do not flood the plant with water,
  • In the summer at night, take it out into the cool air,
  • in winter, ensure the temperature does not exceed 10 degrees and reduce watering to once a month,
  • do not feed the plant with fertilizers,
  • Do not replant often so that the fat plant becomes a little cramped in the pot.

Legends about the Crassula

According to Feng Shui, the "money tree" brings good luck to its owners and financial well-being. The more a tree grows, the more positive energy accumulates in its leaves and trunk, and the more happiness it attracts into the house.

Flower growers claim that the fat woman is capable of becoming attached to the one who takes care of her all the time. If the owner gets sick, the Crassula gets sick along with him and may even die.

Crassula, or money tree.

The plant known to many as the money tree is called Crassula. The Crassula genus belongs to the Crassula family, uniting annual and perennial succulents, distributed mainly in the southern hemisphere. The homeland of various species of Crassula is Africa, more precisely its arid southern and southwestern regions, the Arabian Peninsula, and Madagascar.

The inhabitants of arid regions have an unusual decorative appearance, and therefore many of them are bred at home. Let's find out how to care for a money tree, what problems you may encounter during cultivation, and what ways to solve them.

According to various sources, the genus Crassula includes from 300 to 500 varieties. Among them there are dwarfs, whose height does not exceed several centimeters, and big trees, rising 3–4 meters. Most species are perennials, but there are also annual specimens that die immediately after flowering.

Most representatives have erect or creeping herbaceous stems. There are shrubs with succulent, fleshy or woody trunks, and tall tree-like representatives. Juicy and fleshy, covered with a waxy coating, Crassula leaves with a yellowish, greenish or blue tint take on a red or cherry tint in the sun.

The plant was named Crassula for the characteristic structure of its leaves and stems: the word “crassus” is translated from Latin as “thick”. Hence another name for Crassula - Crassula. Original appearance, unpretentiousness to conditions environment, simple care at home have made Crassula popular among gardeners.

Beneficial features

For its healing properties money flower sometimes called a living tree.

Many people know that the fat woman has positive energy. But not everyone knows that this money tree has healing properties and is a filter plant. The phytoncides secreted by Crassula have pronounced antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties and disinfect indoor air.

Crassula juice is used to treat:

  • herpes, insect bites, cuts, abscesses, bruises (as lotions);
  • sore throats, gum inflammation (in the form of rinses);
  • arthritis, other joint diseases (rubbing before bedtime).

Parts of the plant are strictly forbidden to be taken orally as medicine - they contain a large number of arsenic.


The common tree-like Crassulas include three species.

  1. Crassula oval (or ovoid). The most common type of tree, which in nature reaches a height of 3 m, in an apartment it does not exceed 1.5 m. This money tree is unpretentious in care and tolerates shade better than others.
  2. Crassula arborescens. A plant with bare branches and trunk, fleshy, flat, ovoid leaves. The plant's white or pale pink flowers are collected in panicle inflorescences. But the money tree (otherwise known as crassula tree) blooms very rarely when grown at home and does not tolerate shade.
  3. Crassula silvery (purslane). Unlike the two previous types of tree, this money flower is much smaller in size. Otherwise, the silver crassula is very similar to the oval and tree varieties.

Of the creeping plants, Crassulas are the most common:

  1. mossy;
  2. pseudomosquiform;
  3. milky;
  4. point;
  5. tetrahedral;
  6. Cooper.

The genus Crassula is distinguished by a variety of species, among which there are even specimens for the aquarium. However, the most widespread in home floriculture is the tree crassula.

Home care

Caring for a fat woman is not difficult. Essentially, money tree care involves moderate watering, periodic feeding, removing dust from leaves, pruning and crown formation.


The shape of the fat plant can change depending on the intensity of light: with a lack of light, the trunks stretch out and become thin; with too much light, on the contrary, they thicken.

Crassula, or money tree, should be placed in places with sufficient lighting, optimally on the southeast side. This rule is recommended not only by flower growers, but also by Feng Shui experts.

It is important to ensure that direct sunlight does not fall on the flower, which causes the plant’s foliage to turn red, wither and fall. In summer, Crassula arborescens feels good and comfortable on the balcony, and in the cold season, it is better to move the plant to windows facing south.


How often to water depends on the temperature. You need to water the money tree:

  • twice a week - in hot weather;
  • once every 7 days – at normal temperature;
  • once every 20–30 days – in winter.

The person caring for the plant must ensure that the soil is not excessively wet, but also does not dry out. It is better to water the plant in the evening, with warm, settled water.


Crassula tolerates moisture deficit well and does not require regular spraying. Dust accumulated on the surface of the sheet plates can be removed with a damp cloth. Crassula responds well to warm souls, which are carried out once every 2–3 months, covering the ground with film.


In spring and summer, the optimal temperature for the plant is from 20 to 25 ° C, it is advisable that the flower be located on the balcony or street - living tree does not tolerate deficiency well fresh air. In winter, the plant is comfortable at a temperature of about 15 ° C or lower, but not less than 4 ° C.

At room temperature the flower can also overwinter, but its leaves will most likely begin to wither and fall off. It is better not to place the money tree flower near heating radiators.

How to replant a money tree

You can learn how to replant a money tree from experienced flower growers. Transplantation is carried out once every 2-3 years, not more often, and only if necessary - if the flower has grown greatly.

The plant is transplanted in the spring (preferably in May) into a pot slightly larger than the previous one. The soil for replanting Crassula is taken from ordinary purchased soil, intended for planting cacti and succulents.

You can prepare such a soil substrate yourself by mixing part turf soil and sand with three parts leaf soil. If you add a handful of humus, clay, and ash to the ground, the nutritional value of the soil will increase. In order for the transplanted flower to grow well, it is important not to forget about drainage - expanded clay or crushed shards.

The roots of the plant along with a lump of earth are placed in a pot filled with drainage material and a quarter of soil. Then the voids are filled with new soil substrate. After transplanting, the flower is watered well. The soil is periodically loosened to improve oxygen supply to the roots, and if the soil sags, the top layer is added to the pot.

If the root has become too long, it needs to be shortened before planting the plant.

How to trim Crassula

To create a beautiful decorative look The money tree needs to be pruned. The formation of the flower crown begins while the tree is still young. When the height of the fat plant reaches 15–20 cm, pinch off the two small top leaves. As a result, branching will begin in this place, and four leaves will appear instead of two. As Crassula grows, the top leaves are removed in places where shoots are expected to branch.

Is it possible to trim the stems and leaves of an adult plant? It is possible, but in this case, stumps remain in place of the truncated shoots, spoiling the appearance of the Crassula.

How to grow a money tree?

In order for the plant to grow well and please the eye, it is important to know some of the features of Crassula and the rules of cultivation.


To grow a beautiful money tree, you need not only to properly care for the plant, but also to plant it correctly. The pot for Crassula needs to be small and shallow, but wide, heavy and stable. In a deep container, the root of the plant tends downward, and the Crassula itself stretches upward, which is why the trunk becomes thin and weak.

What kind of land is needed to plant Crassula? The soil for a money tree should consist of equal amounts of leaf soil, turf soil and sand. You can use soil containing three parts of turf soil, one part each of humus and leaf soil, sand, brick chips or fine gravel. After planting the plant, the small fat plant is kept at a temperature of 16 to 18 ° C and watered once a day.

Top dressing

A living tree is fed liquid fertilizers for cacti and succulents. In summer, feeding is carried out twice a month, the rest of the time - once a month. The concentration of fertilizers is also halved. Fertilizers are applied to moist soil immediately after watering.

Other Important Points

  1. The fat woman loves constancy, so you should not often move the pot from one place to another.
  2. Lack of light can lead to lengthening of the trunk and massive loss of leaves.
  3. In winter, Crassula begins a period of rest. At this time, it is better to place the plant in a room with a temperature of about 5 ° C, and water it no more than once every 20 days.
  4. When placing Crassula on a windowsill, it is important to ensure that the leaves do not come into contact with the glass.

Problems in growing

Spots on the leaves are a sign of scale infestation.

  1. Spider mite. When a tick attacks, the leaves and stems of the plant become covered with a thin web. A soap solution, Actellik, Fitoverm, Fufanon will help cure a living tree.
  2. Shchitovka. Infestation with scale insects can be identified by yellow and brown spots appearing on the surface of the leaves. The fight against scale insects is carried out in the same way as destruction spider mite.
  3. Mealybug. To destroy the pest, a solution of laundry soap and insecticides are used. If there are few insects, they can be removed with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol.

In addition to pest attacks, other problems may arise when growing a money tree:

  • rotting of the roots and base of the trunk - with an excess of moisture (crassula should not be watered frequently);
  • wilting of leaves - in case of moisture deficiency;
  • shedding of leaves - when watering cold water, in a draft, with a lack of fresh air.

Crassula reacts poorly to drafts, which can cause all the leaves of the plant to dry out and fall off.

How it blooms

Crassula blooms very rarely even among experienced gardeners.

It turns out that a living tree can bloom. However, getting flowers to appear is very difficult even for professional florists who know exactly how to properly care for the plant.

Most often, beautiful white flowers appear on the plant when the fat plant is actively growing. Delicate flowers produce pollen, and therefore some people may develop allergies during the flowering period of the crassula.


Money tree propagation is carried out:

  • cuttings;
  • seeds.


Cuttings are the easiest way to propagate a money tree. Crassula reproduces by stem cuttings and leaves. Large leaf or the shoot is cut off sharp knife. The cuttings are placed in a container with water until the roots grow. To root system formed faster, and the stem did not rot, you can add charcoal to the water.

If you wish, you can immediately plant the cuttings in the ground, but in order for the living tree to take root better, it is recommended to germinate the cuttings. Cuttings with roots are planted in a pot with a diameter of 5–7 cm with a soil substrate consisting of equal quantities of turf and leaf soil and sand.


The Crassula flower can reproduce by seeds. They are sown in wide containers filled with a mixture of leaf soil (2 parts) and sand (1 part), covered with glass. The crops are ventilated daily and condensation is wiped off the glass. Two weeks after planting, the seeds germinate.

The seedlings are planted in soil consisting of leaf soil (1 part), turf soil and sand (½ part each). The container with seedlings is placed under bright, diffused lighting. Grown-up Crassulas are transplanted into pots with a diameter of 5 to 7 cm in soil consisting of equal parts of leaf and turf soil and sand. Until the sprouts take root, they are kept at a temperature of 16–18 ° C. Then the Crassula is moved to a permanent place.

Where can I buy

Money tree can be purchased at specialized flower shops, greenhouses and online stores. The cost of Crassula varies widely, depending on the type of plant, its age and size.

Average prices for Crassula:

  • Crassula Ovata (height 20 cm) – 600 rubles;
  • Crassula Ovata (35 cm) – 1,390;
  • money tree (70 cm) – 8,500;
  • Crassula Hobbit (50 cm) – 3,700 rubles.

The money tree is unpretentious, and caring for the fat tree will not cause any problems. But in order for the plant not only to grow well, but also to attract financial well-being, you cannot just buy a crassula - you need to grow a money tree yourself from a small shoot. Caring for plants is very simple - even novice gardeners can grow money flowers.

One of the effective talismans for attracting monetary energy into the home is the money tree. It is believed to be able to attract abundance and prosperity into the home by managing cash flows. Therefore, you can often find this talisman in the house, made of wire and coins, or its living analogue.

The most popular plant that plays the role of a money tree is Crassula arborescens (aka Crassula). However, to bring into the house material well-being Any plant with rounded, fleshy leaves can. It can be colitedon, cyclamen, arrowroot, and some types of ficus, and a flower called Zamioculcas is even called not just a money tree, but a dollar tree.

Living money tree

There is an opinion that in order for the Money Tree to “work”, it should not be purchased, much less given as a gift, but taken from someone in the form of a sprout or cutting to be planted independently, perhaps even without the owner’s knowledge, and planted with one’s own hands . After the sprout takes root, like any other flower, it must first be planted in a small pot, and only later in a larger pot.

Treat the landing process itself consciously, tune in, work on your mood, throw all heavy thoughts and worries out of your head, turn on good music or something that will improve your mood. Imagine that you are planting your future with your own hands, laying the foundation of your well-being, and while you are working on the plant, imagine how at this very moment new doors begin to open, through which streams of abundance penetrate into your life, and as you grow, with the appearance of new leaves these streams multiply, bringing wealth and prosperity into your life.

This plant is unpretentious in care, loves light and will easily take root in any housewife. Surround him with care and love, talk to him and thank him for every additional income, even if it is some little thing. And if an unexpected need arises for admission Money- ask your money tree for them, talk to him and explain how important this is to you. No matter how stupid it may sound from the outside, it is your energy that will be the main stimulus that can activate its action.

As it grows, remember to turn your tree in different directions towards the light so that it grows evenly and spreads well. It is believed that the tree itself reflects your financial situation at the moment - if it suddenly began to lose leaves and slowed down its growth, it means that at the moment it is financial situation you don’t have much or there are major expenses ahead of you. And if your tree, on the contrary, is full of health, there are many leaves on its branches, or even flowers have appeared, then good profit and material stability are on the doorstep. You can also judge the financial situation by the size of the leaves themselves - if they are large and there are a lot of them, then the cash flows into your home are the same. And if, on the contrary, the leaves are mostly small, it means that at the moment you are allowing only minor profits into your life.
It is also recommended to enhance its effect with the help of coins placed at the bottom of the pot, and as it grows, tie red ribbons and Chinese coins to its branches. You can also put banknotes or coins under the pot itself, or use a red money envelope or a napkin with a hieroglyph of wealth as a stand.

Artificial money tree

A money tree made of artificial materials. Very often in souvenir shops or stores of specialized feng shui and esoteric paraphernalia you can find trees whose trunk is made of wire with Chinese coins with square holes as leaves on it.

For those who are interested in handicrafts, it will not be difficult to make such a tree yourself by finding it online detailed descriptions process, what will be the most the best solution- since in this case the money tree will already be saturated with energy and the owner’s thoughts about enrichment, and its action will not be long in coming when correct placement and care. In addition to Chinese coins, you can also use ordinary coins from different countries- this can attract foreign travel and business trips.

Money tree placement

Traditionally, the money tree is usually placed in, which is located in the southeastern part of the house or a separate room. The area itself and, accordingly, the money tree must be well lit and kept clean and tidy - we discussed this in detail in the article. However, if you don’t have the opportunity to put a money tree in this area, don’t be upset, just put it on the window - the main thing is that it is surrounded by your care, attention and love.

Another favorable option for the location of this talisman, which is more suitable for its artificial counterpart, is a well-lit part of the hallway. After all, this is the first room into which Qi Energy enters after entering the house, and it is from here that it further carries its flows through the house, saturated with what it meets on its way. If it is dirt and rubble, then not very favorable energy will go further with the flow. And if they are talismans of wealth and prosperity, then it is this energy that will be carried by the flows of Qi to all other parts of the house.

Like any other talisman that you decide to use to attract the necessary changes into your life, the Money Tree needs attention and care. Especially if it's living plant. You need to keep an eye on it, prevent it from becoming desolate, if it is an artificial tree, keep it clean and don’t forget to pay attention to it, imbuing it with your energy. Everything that surrounds us depends only on ourselves - give your love and care to your Money Tree and then it will not remain in your debt, attracting material wealth and prosperity into your life.

Read with this article

The money tree is a beautiful decorative deciduous plant, but with proper care it can bloom at home. Thanks to the undemanding and simple reproduction It is found in cuttings in almost every home. But not everyone knows how to properly care for it.

The money tree is a beautiful decorative deciduous plant, but with proper care it can bloom at home

The money tree, or Crassula, is a large genus of succulent plants that belong to the Crassula family. According to various estimates, it includes from 300 to 350 species, sometimes with significant differences: these are giant shrubs with a tree-like trunk, and aquatic plants, and miniature succulents. But they are all similar in the arrangement of leaves on the shoots: they “sit” in pairs opposite each other and crosswise with their “neighbors” above and below.

At home, money trees do not reach the size that is possible in their homeland - South Africa. These are plants with dense stems and fleshy simple leaves. With age, shoots may become woody. Each species has its own structural features. The flowering of the money tree is very rare. But when good conditions and care, panicles appear with small flowers: white, yellow, light blue, reddish.

Varieties of Crassula (video)

How and under what conditions does the money tree bloom?

The money tree blooms when it feels comfortable. Few people get to see this beauty. But even if the plant has never even formed buds, this does not mean that flowering will not happen: it should be provided with the right conditions and care.

Flower growers recommend that at the beginning of summer, take the pot outside and water it moderately: this way the plant will be in conditions close to natural. They keep it outside until it gets cold: low temperature air stimulates the formation of buds. Then it is recommended to keep the flower in a cold room (about 15 °C), watering it once a week. So you can count on buds forming by November. They will bloom in December: they will be small flowers collected in inflorescences. The flowering period lasts approximately a month.

Some types of Crassula bloom in summer.

Flower growers recommend taking the pot outside at the beginning of summer and watering it moderately.

What is another name for money tree?

The money tree, as already mentioned, is called Crassula - from Latin name kind. Another common “name” of the plant is “Crassula”, derived from the family name and appearance. It is also sometimes called the “tree of happiness.”

The plant got its “money” name because its leaves look like coins. According to signs, it contributes to the influx of material wealth into the house. Moreover, the larger the copy, the greater wealth it promises the owner.

Popular types of money tree

Most of the genus remained in Africa, but some of the plants confidently migrated to window sills around the world. Here are the most popular ones.

Crassula ovata cv. Hummel's Sunset

Decorative variety of oval Crassula. It is distinguished by the variegated color of its leaves: on their edges there are white or yellowish hairs with a bright red border. This coloring is why the variety got its name, which translates as “Sunset”. At proper care flowering occurs when the plant reaches at least 7 years of age, in late autumn. Then numerous “stars” of light purple color appear, closely clustered with each other.

Crassula ovata cv. Hummel's Sunset

Crassula oval (silver) (Crassula ovata)

The species is very common in indoor floriculture. This is a plant with shiny leaves oval shape, the color of which is predominantly green, but there are also gray specimens.

Under natural conditions, the plant grows up to 3 meters. At home, the height of Crassula oval is much more modest: a maximum of 1.5 m. This money tree grows very quickly and branches well. The species has others positive traits: external attractiveness, enviable unpretentiousness, including shade tolerance. Crassula oval is ideal for beginner gardeners and busy people.

Crassula schmidtii

A low-growing plant, the height of which does not exceed 12 cm. The lower leaves, 4 cm long, close together, forming a kind of rosette, and the upper ones are narrower, longer and pointed at the ends. They have a two-tone color: red and silver-green in various variations, depends on conditions. Some specimens are reddish lower leaves, while others have a soft gradient transition. There are numerous dark spots on the leaf blades.

Compared to other species, Crassula Schmidt's flowers are relatively easy to achieve and produce small carmine flowers in panicles in spring or summer. The plant is common in Europe, where it is usually purchased as an annual and then discarded when it has finished blooming.

Crassula schmidtii

Crassula falcata Wendl

Crassula crescent looks very decorative. Usually this is a plant with one (less often several) stems, on which thick leaves grow tightly pressed to each other, pointed at the edges. They are shaped like a sickle, which is why the species got its name.

But distinguishing feature Crassula crescent - these are large red inflorescences, reaching a diameter of 20 cm. They have the shape of an umbrella and rise above the ground on a high stem growing up to 1 m. Flowering time is July and August.

Crassula perfoliata

This is another species that boasts abundant flowering which falls in the summer. The inflorescences are lush umbrellas of red or white appearing in summer. Like the crescent crassula, less demanding on conditions for bud formation, so it usually always blooms in the house.

The leaves are lanceolate, with triangular tips, growing up to 15 cm in length. The height of the stems can be up to 1 m, but in indoor conditions this is rare - most specimens are lower.

Crassula perfoliata

Mossy Crassula (Crassula lycopodioides)

Miniature plant with original appearance no more than 25 cm high. It is distinguished by thin shoots with curving tips. The stem has a tetrahedral shape and has small dark green leaves. Flowers are formed in their axils. This species tolerates shade well. If it receives a lot of light, the leaves will turn reddish.

Crassula lactea

An ampelous Crassula, the shoots of which stretch 30–50 cm in length. The leaves are round, sharp at the ends, green with a gray tint. Blooms with white panicles in winter. Crassula lactifera can be grown in hanging planters.

Crassula lactea

Crassula rupestris

A tall Crassula, whose branching shoots grow up to 60 cm. The miniature leaves lack a petiole, so they sit tightly on the trunks. The color of the leaves is green, with a pronounced blue tint. There may be reddish stripes on the top of the leaf. It blooms yellow in April or May.

Crassula Cupera

A very valuable plant from a decorative point of view.. Crassula Cooper is a herbaceous succulent with numerous and intensively branching shoots, the length of which is only 10 cm. They have miniature leaves: their length is 1.5 cm and their width is only 0.8 cm. The leaves have pointed tips and are covered with red dots , A down side has pubescence, uncharacteristic of Crassula.

Crassula Cupera

Crassula socialis

Another low-growing species. It has thin and branched shoots, on which dense rosettes of small (0.5 cm in length) bluish-green leaves are formed. They have a round shape and are bordered by cilia. It grows quickly in a pot, forming lush cushions. In spring, umbrella inflorescences appear on tall shoots. This type of Crassula is used not only in home floriculture, but also for decoration. alpine slide or rockery in the garden.

How to form the crown of a money tree (video)

Secrets of caring for a money tree at home

Caring for succulents is different from caring for herbaceous plants. indoor plants. This is due to their ability to accumulate moisture and nutrients in its fleshy leaves - this is necessary for Crassula to survive in hot Africa. Although the plant loves moisture, it tolerates drought much more easily than overwatering. It is recommended to water it rarely but abundantly: in warm weather 1–2 times a week, depending on the temperature and lighting. In autumn and winter, watering is minimal: as the soil dries out.

The money tree does not need frequent feeding: It is enough to feed it from spring to October. Fertilizers for succulents or cacti are suitable for this. If buds appear on the plant, then fertilizing continues in November.

It is recommended to water Crassula rarely, but abundantly.
  1. Although the fat cat responds well to coolness, drafts should not be allowed.
  2. The leaves are wiped with a damp cloth as they become dirty.
  3. The plant is suitable for south-eastern and slightly less south-western windows. In the south, it can get burned if artificial shading is not provided.
  4. In winter, the money tree needs rest. The pot is moved to a bright and cool room, reducing watering and stopping feeding.
  5. In order for a plant to become decorative, you need to start shaping it as early as possible. This can be done “to suit every taste”: grow a spreading crown or put all your effort into growing a thick trunk. To do this, they use the method of pinching young shoots or cutting off old ones, but in the second case, traces of cuts will remain and the Crassula will not look natural.

Crassula is known for its unpretentiousness, but the methods and rules listed above will allow you to grow a nice plant that will decorate any room, even if it does not bloom: it is rich in green “coin” leaves.

The fat woman is known for her unpretentiousness

Money tree diseases and methods of combating them

When grown at home, a money tree can get sick:

  1. Defeated by rot. main reason- too much watering. First, the small roots in the depths of the pot rot, and then the rot rises to the trunk. You can suspect something is wrong by the loss of elasticity in the leaves. They begin to turn yellow and fall off. Only replanting with treatment of the root system can save the money tree from death: it is carefully inspected and the affected roots are cut off with a sharp knife. The cut areas are sprinkled with powdered activated carbon tablets. After this, the plant is replanted, always in new pot and soil. For the next month, Crassula needs to be watered minimally.
  2. The appearance of brown and light spots on the leaves is a sign of the “work” of the fungus. The affected leaves must be removed, and then the entire plant must be treated with a fungicide.
  3. Also The plant can be affected by pests, primarily scale insects and spider mites. The first is noticeable to the naked eye - these are round insects with a hard round or oval shield. Light dots and a thin web will indicate the presence of a spider mite. The best way to control pests is to use insecticides. For example, “Fitoverma” and the more powerful “Aktara”.

A sick plant must be moved away from others until complete recovery, so that the others do not become infected.

How the money tree reproduces (video)

Money tree - interesting and unpretentious plant. This great option for those who may miss a couple of waterings of their “green charges”. For experienced flower growers, Crassula offers to solve a more difficult problem - making it bloom, which will become a fascinating process. Your hard work will definitely be rewarded!

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