What kind of window opening should there be? Standard dimensions of window openings: width and height according to GOST, as well as how the dimensions of a doorway are determined during construction

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The design of buildings for any purpose is carried out taking into account certain window sizes depending on the requirements of the necessary lighting of the rooms. These illumination indicators depend on the dimensions of the building, its purpose, the level of natural light and other factors. Also great importance has the ability of a window block to transmit light into the room.

The ratio of room size and window size determined by a generally accepted formula based on established building codes and regulations. These standards define permissible value lighting coefficient in public and residential premises located north of 45 degrees and south of 60 degrees latitude. For example, if the building is located north of 60 degrees, then a coefficient of 1.2 must be applied. If the building is located south of 45 degrees northern latitude, then the illumination must be determined using a coefficient equal to 0.75. The indicators are calculated subject to mandatory window cleaning depending on the location of the building. Thus, windows in buildings located not in polluted areas of the city must be cleaned at least 2 times a year, and in buildings located in industrial zones, windows should be cleaned at least 4 times a year. In addition, the ability of a window opening to transmit light is affected by the number of glasses and the distance between them. Since light rays are refracted and absorbed (if there are more than 2 glasses in the frame), the illumination in the room is significantly reduced.

When constructing certain buildings, standard GOST for window sizes. However, in some non-standard cases, indicators may be adjusted. Depending on the type of window frame, there are standard sizes windows for:

  • double glazing window unit;
  • triple glazed window unit;
  • single glazing, terrace frames.

In accordance with GOST 11214-86, 23166-99 standard sizes are established window openings 60 high; 90; 120; 135; 150 and 180 cm and width 60; 90; 100; 120; 135; 150 and 180 cm and a humidity of 8-12% is provided.

Standard window sizes consist of a combination of cross-sectional elements and glass itself. For example, if a standard window block with a width of 1320 mm, a side section of 85 mm and a middle section of 130 mm, then the width of the glass in each sash must be at least 525 mm. In this case, approximately 7.5 mm of glass should be included in the window trim on all sides. After simple calculations, it turns out that the visible width of the glass is 510 mm. The standard size of a window opening also depends on the design of the walls and the size of the quarter. Below are tables of typical window sizes with approximate prices.

Table 1. Standard sizes of single-hung windows.

Opening dimensions, mm.

Cost, rub.





Table 2. Standard sizes of three-hung windows.

Opening dimensions, mm.

Standard window sizes, mm.

Cost, rub.





Table 3. Standard sizes of double-hung windows.

Opening dimensions, mm.

Standard window sizes, mm.

Cost, rub.





Schematic representation of single-, double- and triple-hung windows.

Window sizes in residential premises.

It happens that in the same panel house differ by 10-15 cm. In such situations, you have to forget about standard sizes and, to measure window sizes, you need the help of a qualified specialist. A standard double-leaf window must comply with the following dimensions: height 1300 mm and width 1400 mm; for a three-leaf window the standard size is: width from 2050 to 2070 mm, height 1400 mm. These indicators of standard window sizes must be taken into account during construction. residential buildings in order to avoid difficulties with possible further replacement of windows.

In Khrushchevka window size depends on the width of the window sills. In cases where the window has wide sills, the size is 1450 mm by 1500 mm for two sashes, and 2040 mm by 1500 mm for three sashes. Narrow window sills require window sizes for two sashes of 1300 mm by 1350 mm and for three sashes of 2040 mm by 1350 mm.

For size calculation skylights , except standard parameters, the roof slope angle is taken into account. There is a pattern that the height of the window directly depends on the flatness of the roof. The distance between the rafters should be wider window box no less than 4-6 cm.

Despite the fact that in one typical house may not coincide, based on the type of house you can roughly determine the size of the windows. Moreover, regarding the definition window sizes The angle of incidence of the sun's rays is also of great importance.

Sizes of plastic windows.

PVC windows can be of any size and of absolutely any complexity. IN Lately, has become fashion trend make plastic windows of very large sizes. Such windows look very impressive and beautiful, but it is worth remembering practicality and durability. For example, in order for the structure to last as long as possible, it is better not to make the opening door larger than 900 square meters. mm. Blind sashes should not be made larger than 1000 square meters. mm. This limitation is due to the fact that, as a result of increased load, the double-glazed window does not deform in a short time.

Modern technologies make it possible to make a plastic window non-standard sizes taking into account all wishes. However, custom-made windows will cost more than standard ones. Whether such expenses will be justified depends entirely on window opening size.

The primary purpose of windows in buildings and structures of any type is to transmit light for natural illumination. But windows also provide ventilation and perform a number of other functions. Let's try to figure out what is regulated in construction. Is it possible to set arbitrary ones when constructing, for example, a country house?

How is the area of ​​window openings calculated?

In construction various types buildings, building codes and regulations are applied that regulate the size of window openings and windows, depending on many factors. The determining factor among them is KEO - natural illumination coefficient. But many other factors are also taken into account: the dimensions and purpose of the building, geographical location, light characteristics and the number of glasses in a double-glazed unit, etc. Thus, the “Building Norms and Rules” (SNiP P-A862) regulates the area of ​​the window opening in relation to the area of ​​the room ( in percent), which is determined by the formula given in the document. SNiP defines normalized values ​​of KEO in the premises of standard public and residential buildings, geographically located in the band from 45° to 60° northern latitude. This value takes into account that glass in windows must be cleaned twice a year for buildings in areas with low dust and pollution, and 4 times for premises in areas with noticeable emissions of dust and combustion products. If the building is located south of 45° north latitude, a coefficient of 0.75 should be applied to the KEO value, and if the building is located north of 60° north latitude - 1.2.

The calculation formulas have their own coefficients for cases of using several glasses in double-glazed windows, with different distances between the glasses, as well as with different types of glass in the windows (frosted, figured, etc.).
If it is difficult to set different coefficients, then there is a simplified formula for residential premises: the glazing area of ​​windows should be at least 8 times less area premises. This formula gives approximate, but quite close to calculated results.

Standard sizes

But there are standard sizes of window openings specified by state standards for residential and These sizes are chosen optimal for mass construction. They take into account many factors, including the external aesthetic appearance of the building as an architectural structure.

GOSTs take into account not only window sizes but also design features their execution. In addition, the dimensions of openings, door panels and the design of balcony doors have been standardized. There are GOST 24699-81, GOST 24700-81 and GOST 11214-86, which impose restrictions on the selection of wooden windows and balcony doors for public and residential buildings, designed with double-glazed windows and glass, with double-glazed windows and with, respectively.

List of standard sizes

In particular, standardized sizes of windows and balcony doors of residential buildings are provided in height (860, 1460 and 2175 mm) and width (570, 720, 870, 1170, 1320, 1470, 1770 or 2070 mm). For public buildings, a different size range has been standardized for windows and balcony doors (height - 1160, 1760 or 2060, 2375 or 2575 mm, width - 870, 1170, 1320, 1470 mm). openings for these structures are also defined: in residential buildings (height 910, 1520 and 2210, width 610, 780, 910, 1210, 1380, 1510, 1810, 2110 mm) and public buildings (height 1210, 1810, 2110, 2410 and 2810, width 910, 1210, 1380, 1510, 1810, 2110, 2410 and 2710 mm).

Standard sizes of window openings (GOST 23166-99), window blocks and balcony doors are presented in an expanded size range: height values ​​have been added - 580 and 1320 mm, width - 2370 and 2670 mm without specifying whether they will be installed in residential or public buildings .

In panel houses, a standard window with two sashes should have a width of 1300x1400 mm, and a window with three sashes should have a height of 1400 mm, and a width of the sashes of 2070 or 2050 mm.

Window sizes are also standardized for five-story buildings of the Khrushchev period. For a window with two sashes with a narrow window sill, the size is 1300x1350 mm, for a window with three sashes - 2040x1350 mm, and with a wide window sill - 1450x1500 and 2040x1500 mm.

How to calculate window openings?

Thus, to select the number and sizes of window openings for a building under construction country house you can perform the following sequence of actions:
- based on the area of ​​the room, calculate the glazing area of ​​the windows (divided by 8);
- we determine the height of the windows from the standard size range (we take into account the architectural appearance of the house, its harmonious aesthetic appearance);
- by dividing the glazing area by the height of the window glass, we obtain the total width of the glazing;
- calculate the number of windows for the standard row widths that suit you by dividing the total glazing width by the selected glass width of the window block (round the resulting value up if you receive a fractional number);
- choose the width that best suits our preferences.

The result is no worse than the requirements of SNiP, since the result was rounded up.


Let's take a room with an area of ​​40 sq.m. - the glazing area must be at least 5 sq.m. With a window height of 1460 mm (glass height - 1210 mm), the total glazing length will be 4132 mm, which is equivalent to 4 windows with a width of 1320 mm (glass width 1170 mm) or three windows with a width of 1770 mm (glass width 1520 mm).

When determining the size of window openings, you should add 15 mm on each side to the dimensions of the window blocks to fit on polyurethane foam and add 50 mm in height for the same purpose, plus for installing a window sill board.

Concluding remarks

It must be borne in mind that when building an individual country house there are no such strict restrictions as in mass construction. Modern companies (there are a great many of them on the market) that produce and install double-glazed windows are able to produce window units any sizes. But if you implement the recommended sizes of window openings (SNiP P-A862), then the conditions for natural illumination of the premises will be met, and choosing sizes according to GOST allows you to save costs compared to ordering individual window blocks.

Therefore, in any case, it is useful to know and use illumination calculations according to the construction requirements methodology, as well as the provisions of current GOST standards for standardizing window and door structures in order to correctly select the size of window openings, for example, for building a country house.

Before building a house, you need to be very careful about the size of the windows. The window sizes must be optimal. According to GOST, the total area of ​​the window should not exceed 6 m2, the area of ​​the opening part should not exceed 2.5 m2. To obtain quality, reliability and practicality in the glazing of your future home, you need to strictly comply with all the requirements of building codes and regulations and, of course, the state standard. If, during the construction of a country house, you decide to install panoramic glazing, then you need to take into account that the area of ​​​​one stained glass window is no more than 6 m2. This will save you from a lot of misunderstandings, and the suppliers will provide you wide choose window blocks.

Upon purchase finished products, first of all, you need to pay attention to the area of ​​​​the opening parts. Their size should not exceed 2.5 m2. Otherwise, you need to require a quality certificate and a test certificate for safe operation. The reason is non-compliance with the state standard ensuring safe use products.

It is imperative to check that the mass of the opening elements is no more than 80 kg (according to GOST - maximum 75). This can lead to destruction of the window unit and injury to users.

Windows must open into the interior of the room, except for those opening onto a balcony or loggia; otherwise, this must be indicated in the project.

Competent calculation of GOST window sizes is carried out according to special generally accepted formulas.

Window openings must be designed taking into account GOST standards. GOST assumes a state standard.

This standard will help you understand the features, main advantages and disadvantages of wooden, plastic, and PVC windows.

It should be noted that it is in GOST 11214-86 and GOST 23166-99 “Windows and balcony doors wooden with double glazing for residential and public buildings" spells out all the requirements and features of windows and doors and their standardization.

Special standardization was carried out for all features and standards for opening and window sizes were designated for heights of 60, 90, 120, 135, 150, 180 cm, and widths of 60, 90, 100, 120, 150, 180.

So, GOST specifies the following values: 560x870 (opening 610x910); 560x1170 (opening 610x1210); 860x870; 860x1170; 860x1320; 860x1470; 1160x870(1170, 1320,1470); 1460x(1170, 1320,1470).

Standard window sizes GOST

All windows have differences and, according to GOST, are divided according to methods into rooms that open inward, open outward, and do not open (they are most often called blind). At the same time, GOST states that it is inappropriate to use fixed windows above the first floor, because there is no possibility of ventilating the premises. The exception is window units facing the balcony and having dimensions of 400 x 800. The installation of fixed windows in other rooms is specified in the project.

In typical rooms, window sizes often have their own characteristics and can be different.

That's why standard windows GOST dimensions in some cases may indicate approximate values ​​and may be subject to adjustment. When manufacturing window blocks, deviation is allowed linear dimensions+2 and -1 mm. The deviation of the diagonal size of a rectangular window block with a side length of up to 1400 mm is allowed 2 mm, if the side is longer, then 3 mm.

Sizes according to standards can be different, for example, up to 15 cm, and in panel rooms The average size of a window with 2 sashes is 1.3 m in height and 1.4 m in width. Three-leaf windows have a height of 1400 mm and a width of 2050 to 2750 mm.

For example, in Khrushchev-type premises, windows that have wide window sills have dimensions of approximately 1.45 m by 1.5 m, and with narrow window sills - 1.3 m by 1.35 m. These values ​​will quite help determine the cost of more affordable price PVC windows.

Thus, the dimensions of windows in a Khrushchev building largely depend on the width of the window sill itself.

When calculating attic window units, typical standard dimensions are taken as a basis, but the angle of inclination of the roof must always be taken into account. The more flat the roof, the higher the height of the window. The distance between the rafters should be 40-60 mm larger than the window size.

GOST dimensions for plastic windows

Currently, plastic windows are found and manufactured in all sizes and shapes of varying degrees of complexity.

Plastic windows today are the most optimal and popular type of windows, since they are very practical, electrostatic, frost-resistant and quite reliable.

That is, all the necessary thermophysical and mechanical parameters are properly observed. Plastic windows today are already quite affordable for the masses.

When purchasing and installing such windows, you must also take into account GOST dimensions for plastic windows.

According to GOST, standard sizes of plastic windows are not universal: their sizes can vary up to 10-15 cm.

For example, the dimensions of a double-leaf window in a panel house are 1300 by 1400 mm. The size of a three-leaf window is 2050-2070 mm by 1400 mm. The remaining parameters have windows in Khrushchev-era premises: 1450 by 1500 mm and 1300 by 1350 mm and 2040 by 1500 mm.

Determine the dimensions of a standard plastic window and make correct calculation approximate cost is possible only by knowing the type of house.

Recently, very frequent cases have been noticed when many orders are received for the manufacture of large windows. Large plastic windows look quite aesthetically pleasing, attractive and solid.

Interesting! Plastic are flowing and there are puddles on the windowsill (Water),

It can be made larger, but you need to take into account the fact that this option will be very unreliable and the structure will soon deteriorate.

In the case of the presence of blind sashes, we note that optimal solution it will be if you don’t make them larger than 1000 sq. mm, otherwise a huge load will be felt on the glass unit, which will lead to defects and various damages.

In fact, you can order plastic windows of any size, even non-standard ones; another question is whether this window will fit your room and look neat and be reliable.

Based on economic considerations, then it is the standard plastic window will cost you less than a non-standard order.

PVC window sizes according to GOST

Nowadays it is very common to find windows made of PVC structures. The number of companies that offer such plastic windows is growing rapidly.

But obviously, all products cannot be of the required quality and directly depend on the literacy and high professionalism of specialists.

Standard PVC (polyvinyl chloride) windows, as a rule, are characterized by reliability, a high degree of tightness and an attractive appearance, although they are not without drawbacks.

However, old wooden windows cannot be compared with a new plastic window in all these characteristics, even if it is made from the most ordinary PVC system.

Dimensions of PVC windows according to GOST. When it is necessary to install PVC windows, you need to be especially careful about the installation norms and standards.

If this type the window faces the street, and you do not have air conditioning, then the thickness of the glass unit must be at least 32 mm.

And if the PVC window faces glass balcony, then standard 24 mm will be enough.

Guided by established standards, a good distance between the glasses is 10-16 mm.

If the distance is made smaller, then the thermal insulation process of the window will not be as effective.

Wooden windows gost size

Wooden windows are currently not as popular as they used to be, but are still used to this day. Wooden windows are characterized by an aesthetic appearance.

Standard wooden windows include rectangular windows that have a transparent transparent or opaque paint coating.

Intensity of room lighting;

Type and dimensions of the building;

Level of natural light and others.

If windows are manufactured in accordance with GOST requirements, then the customer must be completely confident that this product will be as reliable, efficient and durable as possible.

In other words, such windows will be characterized by an excellent guarantee of quality, safety and long service life.

By and large, GOST implies threshold indicators and real optimal schemes, focuses on methods that maximally satisfied the main requirements of the building.

That is why it is so important to know the requirements and standards of GOST.

You can also watch a video instruction on how to install plastic windows yourself

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What you need to know about window openings – 4 important rules for the beginning builder

In modern housing construction, few people adhere to established standards and restrictions on window openings, so each owner of a home under construction tries to choose their shape and size based on their own taste and personal preferences.

In some cases, this approach leads to the fact that a ready-made window suddenly turns out to be too small or too large, and sometimes even turns out to be installed in the wrong place.

In order to avoid such situations, in this article I propose to consider the main issues regarding the right choice type and location of windows, as well as common standard sizes of window openings for residential and utility rooms.

Rule 1. What criteria should a window meet?

For those homeowners who want to install window openings in their future home in accordance with GOST, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the regulatory and technical document GOST 23166-99 “Window blocks. Are common technical specifications" At the same time, I would like to warn you right away that this document contains a lot of specialized information. technical information, which in most cases may turn out to be incomprehensible and useless for many private developers.

So that the reader does not rack his brains over this question, I will further try to explain in accessible language the main provisions of the current State standard on windows:

  1. When choosing technical characteristics for a future window opening, first of all, you need to be guided by the room in which the window will be located and for what purposes it will be used;
  2. The total glazing area of ​​one or more window openings must provide free transmission required quantity natural sunlight, which should be sufficient to avoid the use of artificial lighting during daylight hours;
  3. All dimensions of window openings according to GOST are, in principle, standardized, however, in accordance with current standards, they can vary within fairly wide limits. Therefore, in the next section I plan to pay more attention to this issue.

  1. Sound insulation class, air permeability and water resistance class, light transmission coefficient, heat transfer resistance value, and sound insulation value must be within the established limits of this regulatory and technical document;
  2. Estimated service life of wooden and plastic frames must be at least 20 and 40 years, respectively, the service life of fittings and double-glazed windows must be at least 20 years, and the service life of the set rubber seals– at least 5 years.
  3. The number of opening/closing cycles of swing or sliding sashes, while maintaining normal operation, must be at least 20,000.

During the design and construction of a house, I recommend using standard window opening sizes for plastic windows, since the production of double-glazed windows irregular shape or non-standard sizes can be significantly more expensive.

Rule 2. Typical sizes of window openings in apartment buildings

Window and door openings in apartments of multi-storey buildings are part of the external load-bearing walls of the building, therefore changing their size or making any other changes to the design is strictly prohibited by the current regulations. Building Codes and Rules (SNiP). At the same time, to replace or install new windows, homeowners need to know at least the approximate size of the external glazing in all rooms of the apartment.

In most cases, each type and each series of multi-story buildings have standard windows, and to make it easier for the reader to navigate, below I will give approximate sizes of window openings in typical residential apartments:

  1. Houses of the old housing stock, built at the beginning of the last century, are distinguished by elongated rooms, thick walls and high ceilings, so the window openings in such houses most often have a rectangular vertical shape and are quite large in size:
  • In such apartments, the width of a single-leaf window can range from 850 to 1150 mm, and the height on average is about 1900 mm, but sometimes can reach 2100 mm;
  • The two sashes usually have the same height, but their width can be from 1200 to 1500 mm;
  • Triple-hung windows are rare, but they are maximum dimensions can reach 2400x2100 mm.

  1. The so-called “Stalinist houses”, which were built in the period from the 30s to the 60s of the last century, in addition to high ceilings, are distinguished by large and spacious rooms with a separate layout, so single-leaf windows in such apartments are almost never found:
  • Double-leaf windows have two standard sizes: 1150x1950 mm, and 1500x1900 mm;
  • For three-leaf windows at that time there was one standard - 1700x1900 mm.

  1. Typical five-story residential buildings, which were built from the early 50s to the mid-80s of the last century, are usually called “Khrushchev buildings”. They have cramped, uncomfortable layouts with small kitchens and small walk-through rooms, and the standard ceiling height is no more than 2500 mm. For the manufacture of windows in such apartments, two standard sizes were used, and they can be easily determined even without a tape measure, by the shape and width of the window sill:
  • If the window has a wide, massive window sill, then its dimensions are, for a double-leaf opening - 1450x1500 mm, and for a three-leaf opening - 2040x1500 mm;
  • In apartments with a narrow window sill, which practically does not protrude beyond the plane of the wall, the dimensions of double-leaf and three-leaf windows are 1300x1305 mm and 2040x1350 mm, respectively.

  1. Newer "Brezhnevka" apartments were built in the 70s and 80s, along with the "Khrushchevka" apartments, and their main positive difference is the improved layout and larger kitchen area. Typical designs of such houses have several series, and in each series the window sizes are slightly different:
  • Of all the Brezhnev cars, the 600 series is distinguished by the most large windows, since in such apartments the double-leaf opening has dimensions of 2380x1420 mm, and the three-leaf opening has dimensions of 2690x1420 mm;
  • In the 602 series, the double-leaf window has a size of 1210x1450 mm, and the three-leaf window has a size of 2100x1450 mm;
  • The 606th series has the smallest windows: double-leaf - 1450x1410 mm, and three-leaf - 1700x1410 mm.

  1. Modern new buildings are considered to be apartment buildings, which were built from the 90s of the last century to the present. Typical projects modern houses are presented in more than 40 different series, so I will give the window opening sizes for several of the most common typical series:
  • 137th series two doors - 1150x1420 mm, three doors - 1700x1420 mm;
  • 504th series two doors - 1450x1410 mm, three doors - 1700x1410 mm;
  • 504D series two doors - 1420x1100 mm, three doors - 1420x2030 mm;
  • 505 series two doors - 1410x1450 mm, three doors - 1410x2030 mm;
  • 600.11 series two doors - 1410x1450 mm, three doors - 1410x2050 mm;
  • The 600D series has only two sashes, and in this case the dimensions of the window openings can be 1420x2680 mm, 1100x2360 mm or 1420x2360 mm.

I would like to remind you that all sizes shown are approximate and are intended to approximate calculation the cost of making new windows. I strongly do not recommend using the specified values ​​when ordering window frames, since in each specific case, all measurements for a plastic window must be carried out directly at the installation site.

Rule 3. Sizes and location of windows in private houses

When designing and building private houses, I advise you to choose the size and shape of window openings taking into account the requirements of the same normative document GOST 23166-99 “Window blocks. General technical conditions". At the same time, I should note that private developers have more room for maneuver, since this document does not establish any strict boundaries and restrictions:

  1. In order not to disturb conceptual style project of a residential building, when developing the size and number of window openings, you need to take into account the height of the ceilings, the total number of floors, the area and width of each room, as well as others architectural features building;

  1. The optimal height and width of windows should be determined based on total area premises, and the required level;
  2. The glazing area and standard sizes of window openings in private houses are regulated by SNiP P-A862. According to the requirements of this standard, in living and sleeping areas the total area of ​​the light opening must be at least 1/8 of the total area of ​​each room;
  3. For glazing of non-residential and utility premises, these dimensions in a private house can be reduced up to 4 times. Thus, in a toilet, bathroom, storage room or boiler room, the window area can be no more than 3% of the total area of ​​the room;

  1. In regions with a cold climate and short daylight hours, it is best to orient the windows towards the south or southwest side of the house;
  2. In hot climates with a large number of sunny days a year, to reduce the influence of the sun on the internal microclimate, windows should be located from the north or east side Houses;
  3. Ease of use and functional qualities of windows in various rooms, largely depend on the height at which the window sill is located relative to the level of the finished floor. From my own experience, I recommend using the following values:
  • In the living room, bedroom or nursery game room optimal height from the floor level to the window sill is 700-900 mm. This size provides a good panoramic view and the most efficient transmission of natural sunlight;
  • For the kitchen, the height of the window sill can be from 800 to 1200 mm. This is due to the fact that the window sill should be located on the same level as the sink and kitchen countertops;

  • In a toilet, bathroom or bathhouse, the height of the window sill is usually made at least 1600 mm. This is done in order to ensure quality natural ventilation, and at the same time make it as difficult as possible for strangers to spy on residents during intimate procedures;
  • On insulated balconies, verandas and closed summer terraces, the window sill board should lie on top of the side railing, and its height can range from 700 to 1100 mm.
  • In household and utility rooms the light opening is usually made in the form of a low window or a wide horizontal window, which is installed at a level of 1600-1800 mm from the floor.

When choosing a location for installing windows in country house, I advise you to pay attention not only to technical points, but also on the aesthetic side of the issue. There are no trifles in this matter, for example, neat beautiful masonry brick and stylish exterior decoration window openings have a significant positive influence on appearance facade, and on the aesthetic appearance of the entire house as a whole.

Rule 3. Features of the installation of window openings in a brick house

To install a window in the wall brick house, in accordance with the technical design, starting from a given height, several rows of bricks are not laid, resulting in brickwork a window opening is formed.

In order not to go into technical details of the work of masons, below I will talk about what a quarter is in window opening, what it is used for, and how to make an opening for a wooden or metal-plastic window in a brick house.

  1. I want to say right away that the width of the opening is inside houses should always be made a few centimeters wider than the design dimensions of the window frame. Thus, in the top view, a ledge is formed in the side walls, which is called a quarter;

  1. During installation, wooden or plastic window frame installed from inside the house in the extension of the slope, and rests its front part on the rear edge of the quarter;
  2. This ensures high-quality thermal and waterproofing of the window. This is achieved due to the fact that cold wind and slanting rain from the street will not be able to directly penetrate into the gap between the outer slope and the window frame.
  3. After the laying of the side walls is completed, it is necessary to lay the top floor of the window on the top row of bricks. It is a horizontal lintel, which must bear the load from all other rows of bricks and ceiling located above the window opening;
  4. A thin one is most often used as a jumper. reinforced concrete beam width 250-300 mm, metal channel or a thick-walled steel angle with a cross-section of at least 120x120 mm;

  1. The main disadvantage of steel lintels is that the metal has high thermal conductivity, so so-called cold bridges are formed above the windows. To minimize the chance of low temperatures entering your home, decorative finishing the outside of the house should be made using thermal insulation materials;
  2. The lintel must be of such length that after installation it completely covers the window opening and extends over the side brick walls not less than 100 mm on each side;
  3. After installing the lintel, I advise you to once again check the size of the window opening, and then proceed to further laying the next rows of bricks above the window opening;
  4. Installation of window blocks, sealing the remaining cracks and fine finishing the inside is usually done at the very end, after the entire house has been built and the roof has been installed, so I plan to talk about installing windows separately in the next article.

To make a semicircular or arched window with your own hands oval shape, I recommend using two as an overlap metal corner or a channel of suitable cross-section. To do this, you need to make many deep slits at a distance of 50-100 mm from each other in one of the shelves of each corner, or in two narrow shelves of the channel, using a grinder. After this, it will be easy to bend any profiled metal into an arc along the required radius.

Rule 4. Arranging a window opening in a house made of aerated concrete

The manufacture of window openings in an aerated concrete house is generally carried out according to the same principles as in brick houses. The exception is the load-bearing elements and the upper horizontal lintels, since they are cast from monolithic reinforced concrete directly at the installation site.

  1. For the manufacture of vertical load-bearing elements of the house, special hollow cores are used. aerated concrete blocks. After they are installed on top of each other, a vertical cavity in the form of a well is formed inside them;

  1. Such blocks perform the functions permanent formwork . Rebar is installed inside the resulting well, and then liquid concrete solution is poured to the very top;
  2. After hardening concrete mortar, a monolithic structure is formed inside the aerated concrete blocks reinforced concrete column, which has a high bearing capacity. I recommend initially including such columns in the project, and placing them in the corners of the house, as well as along the edges of wide window and doorways;
  3. The upper window coverings have a similar internal organization, only U-shaped blocks with an open top, made of heavy grades of aerated concrete, are used as permanent formwork for pouring concrete mortar.
  • Inside the finished window opening, you need to install and firmly secure vertical supports from scraps of thick bars or steel pipes;

  • Fix a thick, flat board flat on top of them, and then lay out U-shaped blocks so that with their lower plane they form the upper edge of the window opening;
  • In the resulting hollow gutter you need to place reinforcement cage, and weld its ends to the protruding reinforcement bars vertical columns, and then fill the entire gutter to the top with liquid concrete mortar;
  • After the solution hardens, a rigid lintel of monolithic reinforced concrete is formed above the window opening, closed on all sides with aerated concrete blocks.
  1. IN aerated concrete houses preparing window openings for PVC installation windows can begin only after the final hardening and maturation of the monolithic concrete mixture. Depending on the brand of concrete solution, this period can last from 14 to 28 days.

Aerated concrete has an open, finely porous structure, due to which it strongly absorbs moisture, therefore, under the influence of precipitation, it can crack and collapse over time. To prevent this from happening, I advise you not to waste time, and immediately after construction, carry out protective and decorative decoration on the outside of aerated concrete houses, using hydrophobic, moisture-repellent finishing materials.


In this article I talked about installing windows in brick and aerated concrete houses, and deliberately did not mention here wooden log houses, because installation of windows and sealing in wooden house– this is the topic of a completely separate article. The fact is that during the construction of log cabins and frame-panel houses made of wood, you need to take into account a lot of specific points that are not inherent in houses made of mineral building materials.

To visually consolidate the information received, I recommend watching the attached video in this article, and if you have any comments or suggestions, I am ready to discuss them in the comment form.

The construction of buildings and structures is a complex multi-stage process associated with many approvals and requirements. The structure must be strong, durable, and earthquake-resistant. Therefore, design precedes construction - thinking through and making calculations on paper. In order not to start calculations anew each time, we created special standards, adhering to which you can quickly erect high-quality buildings. Construction standards cover all the details: the materials to be used, the size of the building, and the size of window and door openings. The window opening must provide the required level of natural light, without compromising the strength of the structure. A standard doorway should provide free access to the room, not only for people, but also for pieces of furniture. The use of standards for window and door openings makes the work of manufacturers of door leaves and window frames easier.

Entrance and interior doors in the house: standard size and width of the doorway

Typical dimensions of doors and doorways are indicated in special documents - SNiPs. Depending on the type of premises (residential, bathroom, administrative) and the type of doors (interior, entrance), the following standards are distinguished:

  • Interior doors: opening height 1970 mm and 2070 mm, door height 1900 mm and 2000 mm. Opening width: 620, 670, 770, 870 and 970 mm, width door leaf: 550, 600, 700, 800, 900 mm. In this case, the thickness of the box should be 108 mm.
  • Entrance doors: opening height 2065 mm and 2165 mm, leaf height 2000 mm and 2100 mm, respectively. The opening width is 930, 980 and 1030 mm, and the leaf width is 800, 850, 900 mm.

These are the standards for “single” doors, they also set double doors: two panels of 550 mm each allows you to get an opening for the door whose dimensions will be 1100 mm.

Of course, the size of the doorway can be changed, but in this case you will have to order doors custom size. Moreover, resizing is called redevelopment and to carry it out it is necessary to obtain special permission in the architectural department. A significant increase in the doorway can weaken the structure and cause structural failure.

Another option is possible: if there is a doorway of non-standard dimensions, its geometry is changed (extra sections are laid in) and standard doors are installed.

Continuing the conversation about standard door sizes, it is worth mentioning that we mean ordinary swing doors. However, recently, sliding doors have been increasingly used, which allow maximum space saving for opening/closing doors.

Opening dimensions for sliding doors depend on the design of the doors (there are compartment doors, accordion doors, etc.).

Regular and non-standard width and height of the window opening: how to design correctly

Unlike doorways and door sizes, the situation with window openings and windows is somewhat different. During construction, although they adhere to the standards laid down in SNiPs, window sizes still vary greatly, because the window area is usually calculated based on the square footage of the room. Therefore, houses of various types will have windows. different sizes. For example, in a standard panel house, two-leaf windows have a size of 1300x1400 mm, tri-hung windows have a size of 2050X1400 or 2070X1400 mm. In “Khrushchev” buildings, the size depends on the width of the window sill. In apartments with wide window sills, double-leaf windows have a size of 1450x1500 mm, three-leaf windows - 2040x1500 mm. If the window sills are narrow, then the window sizes are smaller: 1300X1350 mm and 2040X1350 mm.


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