Gardener's calendar for the year for the Crimea. Sowing seeds in February: video

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IN modern classification Lunar calendars There are three types of lunar calendar:
- a calendar that determines days favorable for working with plants according to the phases of the moon;
- a calendar that determines favorable days by zodiac signs [phases are taken into account but the signs dominate];
and the so-called lunar-bio-zodiacal (signs of “leaves”, “fruits”, etc.) which, in fact, is a slightly veiled calendar of lunar phases. The calendar, which is published on our website, makes an attempt to take into account the combined influence of factors of the phases of the Moon and zodiac signs on plants. Therefore, perhaps our lunar calendar turns out to be more strict: it marks both favorable and possible certain types work days - there are fewer favorable days than in other calendars, but let's hope that they are truly the most favorable!

Moon calendar gardener, 2016.
January 2016

Table: Moon in zodiac signs, phases of the Moon and types of work

The month of January is winter, sir.

The time has come to plan spring work in the garden, flower garden and vegetable garden, purchase seeds of interesting crops, fertilizers, products that stimulate the growth and development of plants, as well as drugs for pests and diseases.

They continue to pour in the garden near fruit trees and bushes snow. Snow is periodically shaken off the trees to prevent branches from breaking. Trees, shrubs, and flower beds are trampled from rodents. They check the storage conditions of vegetables and dahlias, conduct an audit and sort through seeds and bulbs, sorting out spoiled ones .

IN room conditions, counting on the arriving day, you can start forcing root vegetables (parsley, beets) and onions, sowing seeds vegetable crops for greens, wheat for sprouts.

Folk signs for the upcoming gardening season:
If January is dry, frosty and the water in the rivers decreases greatly, then the summer will be dry and hot.
In January there are many frequent and long icicles hanging - the harvest will be good.

Based on one interesting folk sign, together with you we will try to compose one, one of the main tasks of which is to help plan the work of the upcoming 2016 gardening season.

At the suggestion of one of the active visitors to our site, thematic tables were created - selections from the main, universal gardener's calendar:

ATTENTION! Our gardener's lunar calendar is kept by Moscow time. (The calendar can be used throughout Russia, taking into account the difference with local time *)

January 01, 2016

Moon calendar

Gardening work, plant care activities

Happy New Year!
from January 01, 2016 00:00 (Fri)
to 01 January 2016 9:40 (Fri)

Waning Moon in Virgo

Let's meet New Year!

At the same time, work on snow retention, shaking off snow from branches, and hilling with snow is not prohibited berry bushes, trampling snow along the contour of tree trunk circles, raking snow from the trunks of stone fruit crops.
But it is especially not recommended to engage in salting and canning.
(You can read about the results of the “lunar experiment” comparing the growth of tomatoes sown on favorable and unfavorable days on the page: , entry only from the lunar calendar)

from 01 January 2016 9:40 (Fri)
to 03 January 2016 22:36 (Sun)

Planting root crops of parsley and beets for forcing. Inspection of dahlia tuber roots and gladioli corms; begonia tubers. Good time for pruning and shaping indoor plants
from 03 January 2016 22:36 (Sun)
to 06 January 2016 09:56 (Wed)

Waning Moon in the sign of Scorpio

Watering and fertilizing organic fertilizers forcing vegetable crops and indoor flowers. Planting root crops of parsley and beets for forcing. Loosening the soil in pots. Control of pests and diseases of indoor plants. It is not recommended to propagate plants by cuttings and layering. Optimal time for canning, preparing compotes, juices and wines
from 06 January 2016 09:56 (Wed)
to 08 January 2016 18:07 (Fri)

Waning Moon in Sagittarius

Unfavorable days for landings. Pest control for indoor plants. Preparing soil for seedlings, purchasing seeds and fertilizers. Work in the garden for snow retention, etc. Checking stored supplies. Favorable time for freezing vegetables.

January 6 (24.12 style) - Christmas Eve
"With the appearance of the first star, the Nativity Fast ends and Christmastide begins"

from 08 January 2016 18:07 (Fri)
to 09 January 2016 07:47 (Sat)

Waning Moon in the sign of Capricorn

Sowing potato seeds, celery root and leeks for seedlings. Sowing nigella onion seeds for seedlings to obtain bulbs in one year. It is possible to transplant, pick and fertilize seedlings. If necessary, control pests of indoor plants. Pruning of trees and shrubs.
from 09 January 2016 07:47 (Sat)
to January 11, 2016 09:13 (Mon)


It is not recommended to carry out any work with plants; you should also refrain from watering indoor plants.
January 10, 2016 04:30 Moscow time - the beginning of the lunar month - until January 10, 2016 23:22 The moon is in the sign of Aquarius, then in the sign of Pisces.
from January 11, 2016 09:13 (Mon)
to January 13, 2016 02:53 (Wed)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Aquarius

Removing excess and unnecessary plants. Unfavorable days for watering and fertilizing indoor plants and forcing greens. Purchase of seeds, plant protection products, stimulants, fertilizers and necessary components for the formation of seedling soil. Household work possible.

January 13 (31.12 style) - Vasiliev evening
"Vasiliev's evening is considered the most suitable time for fortune telling"

from January 13, 2016 02:53 (Wed)
to January 15, 2016 05:48 (Fri)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Pisces

Watering and fertilizing mineral fertilizers winter-blooming indoor flowers. Sowing seeds remontant strawberries and forcing greens. Sowing perennial flowers, the seeds of which need stratification.

January 14 (01.01 Old style) - Vasiliev's Day
“The Old New Year has come. If the first day of the year is merry (happy), then the year will be like that.”

from January 15, 2016 05:48 (Fri)
to January 17, 2016 08:48 (Sun)

Waxing Moon in Aries

Preparing the soil for growing seedlings. Purchase of seeds and fertilizers. In the garden, piercing the snow on strawberry plantations and under stone fruit crops to prevent the root collar from getting wet. Checking inventory storage conditions.
from January 17, 2016 08:48 (Sun)
to January 19, 2016 12:13 (Tue)

Waxing Moon in Taurus

Watering and fertilizing plants with mineral fertilizers. Sowing and planting seeds of parsley, lettuce, root crops of celery, turnips and beets on greens, cereals to obtain vitamin-rich seedlings. Favorable time for installing bulbs on the windowsill onions on the pen. IN southern regions available (indeterminate varieties and hybrids) and tall peppers for seedlings for heated greenhouses. (from January 16 to January 19 - in Russian folk signs associated with the phase of the moon, the most favorable days months for pickling )
from January 19, 2016 12:13 (Tue)
to January 21, 2016 16:28 (Thu)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Gemini

It is possible to sow remontant strawberries (with additional lighting when shoots appear). Purchase of fertilizers, equipment, seeds. Preparing soil for seedlings and containers for seeds. Inspection of dahlia tubers and gladioli corms, checking vegetable stocks.

January 21 (08.01 old style) - Emelyan - “make a snowstorm”
"If Emelyan has a wind from the south, expect a stormy summer"

from January 21, 2016 16:28 (Thu)
to 23 January 2016 16:29 (Sat)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Cancer

It is possible to sow any seeds to obtain vitamin seedlings. Favorable time for liquid fertilizers indoor flowers and forcing greens, as well as for controlling pests of indoor plants. Nests of wintering pests are collected and destroyed on fruit trees. Pickling cabbage, canning winter apples and vegetables, making juice and wine. In the southern regions soaking and sowing seeds of indeterminate tomatoes, tall honeycombs of peppers, eggplants for glass greenhouses, leaf and petiole celery, parthenocarpic cucumbers for growing in a window with additional lighting.

In terms of preparing for the upcoming season, you can watch the video of sowing tomatoes and its description on the page:

ATTENTION! Quite is coming a long period without favorable days for sowing plant seedlings, the purpose of growing which is “tops” - above-ground fruits. If you can’t wait, then this blog post will help you find alternative days:

January 23 (10.01 style) - Gregory of Nyssa
"On Gregory of Nyssa, frost on the haystacks - for a wet year"

from January 23, 2016 16:29 (Sat)
to January 25, 2016 18:46 (Mon)


This is an unfavorable time for sowing, planting and replanting any crops. Convenient time for working with the ground. Purchase of seeds, fertilizers, stimulants. Preparing soil for seedlings and containers for sowing seedlings. The fight against pests and diseases of the root system of indoor plants will be beneficial.

January 24, 2016 04:45 Moscow time - astronomical full moon (mid-lunar month, until January 23, 2016 22:21 Moon in the sign of Cancer, then in the sign of Leo)

January 24 (11.01 style) - Fedosy Vesnyak
“It’s warm in Fedosia - like early spring”

from January 25, 2016 18:46 (Mon)
to January 26, 2016 06:46 (Tue)

Waning Moon in Leo

Snow retention work, shaking off snow from branches. Covering berry bushes with snow. Trampling snow along the contour of tree trunk circles. Controlling the snow level under stone fruit fruit crops. Preparation of cuttings of fruit trees for winter and spring vaccination. If necessary, control pests of indoor plants.

January 25 (12.01 old style) - Tatiana’s day
"If it snows on Tatiana, the summer will be rainy"

from January 26, 2016 06:46 (Tue)
to 28 January 2016 17:59 (Thu)

Waning Moon in Virgo

It is possible to plant root crops of parsley and beets for forcing. Preparation soil mixtures for seedlings. Purchase of fertilizers, stimulants, seeds. Control of pests and diseases of the roots of indoor plants. It is not recommended to engage in salting and canning.
from January 28, 2016 17:59 (Thu)
to January 31, 2016 06:50 (Sun)

Waning Moon in Libra

Planting root crops of parsley and beets for forcing. A good time for pruning and shaping indoor plants Inspection of dahlia tubers and gladioli corms; begonia tubers.

The beginning of the new year is a busy time for most gardeners. There comes a time when it is necessary to prepare the seed and plant it on time. garden crops. Each person relies on his own experience, but sometimes knowledge is not enough, because it is impossible to select the correct date and even time for planting a particular garden crop at random. There are tips or specially designed sowing calendars for this.

With the onset of the new year, the 2016 sowing calendar is updated taking into account the phases of the moon and the length of daylight hours.

Gardener's sowing calendar

What should a novice summer resident, as well as an experienced amateur gardener, take into account? Here experts offer to reinforce their knowledge and many years of accumulated experience with information taken from specialized literature.

What to consider when sowing seeds:

  1. Sowing garden crops, as well as herbs in seeds, must be done during the waxing moon. If you need to plant root crops, then try to complete the work 7 days before the moon update.
  2. When the moon is full or new, it is better not to sow, since such a period is considered unfavorable. If this rule is not followed, then garden crops may develop poorly. It will take a long time to wait for a rich harvest.

Each country has developed its own sowing calendar for planting garden crops in 2016, taking into account the phases of the moon and time zone. To know and plan your work in advance, you need to start studying the information indicated in the calendar long before the arrival of spring. This way you can buy or slowly prepare the necessary seeds, calculate the ripening time of each crop, find out which days are favorable for planting and replanting plants, when it is necessary to apply useful fertilizers and when you can care for garden crops.

There are also unfavorable days when it is better not to show up in the garden. Well, if you have a great desire to tinker in the ground, then it is better not to plant or replant anything, you can only pull out the weeds, prepare the beds or do mulching.

Sowing calendar for the year or Table sowing calendar:

In June, many novice summer residents still do not know where to start work and constantly ask their neighbors if they are doing the right thing and what needs to be done next.

Here are some useful tips:

  1. The first half of June - during this period, aphids and cabbage cutworms begin to actively reproduce. These pests negatively affect young seedlings and can even destroy all your efforts in a few hours. Therefore, you should not leave everything to chance; try to protect young seedlings from the negative manifestations of nature (rains, frosts), and also protect them from pests.
  2. For lovers garden strawberries there too useful tips: large varieties You can “keep” strawberries in the garden for 3 years, then you need to replace the old plants and plant new ones. The habitat must also be chosen differently. Small varieties of garden strawberries can be left in the same place, the quality of the harvest does not change. If the plant is sick, then in order to prevent the spread of infection to neighboring healthy bushes, sick and all damaged berries must be removed. IN compost heap they are not placed in order to prevent the rapid spread of the disease. To get rid of gray rot, you need to plant onions or garlic next to the strawberry bushes.
  3. As for planting vegetables: for tomatoes you need to choose a warm and well-lit place. The soil must be treated with nutrients (humus, manure, bird droppings). Potatoes are bad neighbors, so as not to infect tomato bushes with bacterial brown rot.

We can talk for a long time about how to properly grow various garden crops; we will study in more detail the table of the sowing calendar, starting in April.

What crops can be planted and sown in April:

  1. Best for landing kale, greens and onions (growing green feathers) the dates are from April 4 to 5, from April 12 to 14, and also from April 22 to 24. This month there are 6 not the best days for planting these garden crops: April 2-3, 6-7 and April 10-11.
  2. Lovers of celery, beets and carrots can start sowing these garden crops from the first of April. Then you can allocate a few more days during the month, depending on weather conditions: this is the period from April 12 to 14, from 22 to 24, as well as on the 27th and 28th.
  3. For sowing garlic and onions, the following dates are indicated in the sowing calendar: these are April 1, 12 and 13, 22-24, and at the end of the month - April 27 and 28.
  4. Sufficient time is also allocated for germination and planting (in greenhouse conditions) of seed potatoes: April 1, 4 and 5, 12-13, 20 to 24, and also from 27 to 28.
  5. Sowing radishes and radishes are similar days, so you can also have time to sow these garden crops at the same time as planting potatoes. Bad period: April 2-3, 10 and 11.
  6. Pumpkins and zucchini can be planted starting at the beginning of the month: April 4 and 5, then in the middle of the month on April 12 and 13, and at the end - from April 22 to 24. A bad time to work in the garden and plant legumes, sunflowers and strawberries is April 2-3, then the 6th and 7th. These days it is better to devote time to rest from working in the garden.
  7. Beans and peas can be sown from April 1, from April 10 to 13, then from April 17 to April 28.
  8. Only 6 days are allocated for planting sunflowers, this is April 4 and the period from April 20 to 24.
  9. Strawberries or garden strawberries can be planted from April 10 to April 13, then in the middle of the month: April 17-18 and at the end of the month from April 20 to April 24.

When to sow seeds for seedlings? This question is asked by every beginning summer resident. I want to grow popular garden crops faster and then brag about my achievements. There will be no rush here, it all depends on the phases of the moon and the climate. All these nuances were taken into account when drawing up the calendar for this year.

When can you sow seeds to grow seedlings:

  • pepper - prepared seeds (soaked and disinfected), can be sown on April 4 and 5, from April 12 to April 14, and then from April 22 to 24. Bad period for work: April 2 and 3, 6-7, as well as April 10 and 11;
  • cucumbers for seedlings are sown from April 12 to 14 and from April 22 to 24;
  • cabbage, eggplants and tomatoes - on the following days: from April 4 to 5, from 12 to 14 and from 22 to 24. For these garden crops, the unfavorable period for sowing coincides with the recommendations for planting peppers;
  • planting seedlings and diving is allowed from April 4 to 5, then from April 12 to 13, from April 17 to 9 and from April 22 to 24. Bad days for work: from April 1 to April 3, from April 8 to 11 and April 27 and 28;
  • sowing of grain is allowed during the following period: from 4 to 5, from 12 to 13, then from 20 to 24, 27 and 28. Not best time for work: 2-3, from 6 to 7 and 10-11 April;
  • for sowing annuals flowering plants and bulbous flowers, good days are approximately the same: in the first case it is April 4 and 5, 12-13, from 17 to 19, and then from April 22 to 26. For bulbous flowers, these dates are also suitable, only instead of the period from April 17 to April 19, you need to highlight free time for planting from April 20 and 21;
  • Planting of perennial flowers occurs from April 4 to 5, then from April 8-9, 12-13 and from April 20 to 26.

When can I water, weed and take cuttings from plants? For these works there are also better days and not really. For example, you can water and feed plants for only 3 days in April: this is from the 12th to the 14th. Cuttings are allowed on April 1, 2 and 13, and then from April 20 to 21. The unfavorable time for performing this work is the 25th and 26th.

You can weed garden crops on the 6th and 7th; it is not advisable to do this work on the 1st and 2nd, as well as on the 16th and 17th.

Some more information about the favorable period of work in April:

  1. Beginning of the month, 1st – waning moon. As mentioned earlier, you can sow some leeks to grow strong seedlings, nigella onions, celery (root), and also start sprouting potatoes. You need to plant the seedlings in a free container. Irrigation with nutrient mixtures and application of fertilizing is allowed.
  2. From April 2 to April 4 – the moon in Aquarius, waning. Not a good time to sow seeds. You can start preparing greenhouses and greenhouses, loosen the soil, thin out the first shoots, and also get rid of weed.
  3. April 4-6 – moon in the zodiac sign Pisces, waning. Planting is undesirable; you can pick tomatoes ( low-growing varieties), and also start sowing radishes, beets and carrots (the soil is insulated, recommendations for work in greenhouses).
  4. Period from 6 to 8 April. New Moon– these days it is better not to do any gardening work at all. You can check the condition of your gardening equipment, repair it, or purchase a new one.
  5. April 8 – only green crops are allowed to be sown. The period from April 8 to April 10 (time from 9 hours 10 minutes) is a good time for watering any plants, sowing seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and pumpkins, as well as cabbage.
  6. April 10-12 - the moon is in Gemini - you should not water seedlings and indoor plants. You can only thin out the seedlings and loosen the soil.
  7. During the period from April 12 to 14, when the moon is in the zodiac sign Cancer, it is allowed to apply fertilizing, sowing seeds for seedlings of early tomatoes and peppers, pumpkins, herbs, cucumbers, corn and cabbage.
  8. From April 14 to 17, the moon is in Leo, growing, planting, sowing and picking - all this work is allowed to be done.
  9. From April 17 to 19 - the moon is waxing in Virgo - it is better to relax and not “mess” with the garden. Transshipment of grown tomatoes, eggplants and peppers is permitted.
  10. April 19-21 – moon in Libra, optimal time for watering. You can also sow legume seeds, spices, and rhubarb.
  11. During the period from April 21 to 23, nothing can be done. You can only remove garbage and prepare beds.
  12. April 23-26, have time to soak the seeds of cucumbers, zucchini and pumpkin (for sowing in greenhouses and greenhouses).
  13. 24-27th, moon in Sagittarius, waning - landing is allowed early varieties potatoes, onions, garlic (spring).
  14. The 28th-29th is the time to plant cabbage.
  15. April 30 - waning moon - not a very good period for garden work. It is better to rest and plan time for active work.

What can you do next month:

Let's continue our study of the gardener's sowing calendar and find out the best time to work in the garden - consider the sowing calendar for July:

  1. It is not advisable to sow garden crops such as cabbage, greens, lettuce and onions on July 1, 23 and 24, as well as from July 26 to 29. But starting from July 6 to 7, and then from July 16 to 20, such work is allowed to be carried out.
  2. Celery, beets and carrots, as well as other root crops can be planted from July 6 to 7, July 16 and 17, from July 21 to 22, and then July 25. Unfavorable days: 1, 23 and 24, as well as from July 26 to 29.
  3. Planting garlic and onions, as well as potatoes - 6-7, from July 16 to 17, then from July 21 to 22. Unfavorable times: July 1, 23 and 24, as well as from July 26 to 29.
  4. You can plant radishes and radishes on July 6 or 7, and continue work on July 16-17. Bad days: 1, 23 and 24, as well as from 26 to 29 July.
  5. Planting pumpkins, zucchini - 6 and 7, July 16-17, July 25, unfavorable times: 1, 23 and 24, as well as from July 26 to 29.
  6. Beans and peas can be planted on July 4 or 5, then from July 16 to July 20. Unfavorable days: 1, 23 and 24, as well as from July 26 to 29.
  7. Sunflower planting is approved from July 8 to 10, and then from July 16 to 17. Bad days: July 1, 23 and 24, as well as from July 26 to 29.
  8. It is still possible to sow vegetable seeds for growing seedlings on the following days: from July 6 to July 7, then on July 16 and 17, and July 25. Unfavorable period for planting: 1, the period from July 21 to 24, and then from the 26th to the 29th.
  9. Planting seedlings, as well as picking, is allowed on July 6 and 7, 11 and 12, July 16 and 17, and then on July 25. The first of July, and then from the 21st to the 24th and from the 26th to the 29th are unfavorable days for planting.
  10. Transplantation and planting of indoor plants can be done on July 6-7, from July 13 to 15, from July 21 to 22 and 30. It is prohibited to work: from July 1 to July 5, from July 23 to 24, and then from July 26 to 29.
  11. You can graft trees and trim branches of mature shrubs and trees from July 6 to July 12 and the 25th. Do not start this important work on July 1 and during the period from July 13 to July 20.
  12. The following days are allocated for sowing annual flowers: July 6 and 7, the period from July 1 to July 20, the 25th. Bad days: July 1 and 23-24.
  13. You can start digging bulbous flowers from July 2 to July 5, from July 8 to 10 and from July 18 to 22, the end of the month - July 30 - is also a favorable period. But from July 16 to July 20, it is better not to do this work.
  14. Feeding and watering can be carried out on the following days: from July 11 to 12, from July 16 to 17, from July 21 to 22 and July 25. Not allowed: 1, from 8 to 10 July, from 18 to 20 July and from 23 to 24 July.
  15. Cuttings are allowed from July 8 to 10, July 13-15 and from July 18 to 20. Prohibited on July 1st and 25th.
  16. You can weed garden crops on July 1, then return to work on the 4th, continue from July 18 to 20, and then from July 26 to 29. With this schedule, your garden will be free of weeds. The unfavorable time for weeding is from July 21 to July 24.
  17. Tomatoes are allowed to be planted on July 1, then from the 4th to the 5th, from the 8th to the 10th of July, from the 8th to the 20th of July, from the 23rd to the 24th. Unfavorable time for performing this work: from July 13 to 17, and then July 25.

You can familiarize yourself with the contents of the gardener's sowing calendar in more detail if you really like growing flowers.

Theoretical knowledge personal experience for a rich harvest, it is often not enough. Much depends on the lunar cycles.
Therefore, the beginning of planting various agricultural plants should be compared with the location of the moon relative to the zodiac signs. To accurately calculate such time, a lunar calendar for the current year was created.

In this case, it is necessary to adhere to the basic principles:
– when the moon arrives, it is best to sow vegetables and various greens. And 7 days before the new moon, it is good to plant potatoes, beets and other root crops;
– the most unfavorable time is the new moon. Crops planted at this time will most likely not grow well.

Below is a monthly list for 2016, the gardener's lunar sowing calendar (table):

Gardener's lunar sowing calendar for January 2016

1. onions for greens, parsley, dill, salad:
Recommended days are from 1 to 5, 13 and 14, from 17 to 19, 22 and 23, 29 and 30.
not recommended - from 10 - 12, 15 and 16, 24 and 25.
2. for seedlings (cabbage, peppers, eggplants):
recommended – from 1 to 4, 9 and 31.
not recommended - from 10 to 12, 15 and 16, 20 and 21, 24 and 25.
3. indoor plants:
recommended - from 1 to 3, 6 and 7, 13 and 14, from 20 to 23, 31;
not recommended – 4 and 5, from 10 to 12, from 15 to 19, 24 and 25;

Gardener's lunar sowing calendar for February 2016

1. Green onions, greens and cabbage, carrots, beets.
recommended – 1.2, 5, 6, 9, 10, 14, 15, 18, 19;
not recommended – 7.8, 11, 12, 13;
2. Seeds for seedlings.
recommended - 1.2, 5.6, 9, 10, 14, 15, 18, 19 (peppers and eggplants are also 28);
not recommended – 7.8, 11, 12.13;

Sowing calendar for March 2016 gardener
1. Greens, onions, cabbage.
recommended – 12, 13, 16, 17, from 23 to 27;

2. radishes, peas and beans.
recommended – 4, 5, 12, 13, 16, 17, 26, 27;
not recommended – 6.7, from 9 to 11;
3. sowing seedlings.
recommended – 12, 13, 16, 17;
not recommended – 6.7, from 9 to 11, 14 and 15;
4. Flowers (perennial).
recommended – from 1 to 3, 12, 21, 22, 23, 29, 30;
not recommended – 6.7, 9, 10, 11;

Gardener's lunar sowing calendar for April

1. Green onions, cabbage, lettuce, greens.
recommended – 4.5, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 24;
undesirable – 2.3, 6, 10, 11;
2. Root vegetables.
recommended – 1, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28;

3. Potatoes.
recommended – 1, 4, 5, 12, 13, from 20 to 24, 27, 28;
not recommended – 2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11;
4. radish, radish.
Favorable – 14, from 20 to 24, 27. 28;
Unfavorable -2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11;
5. strawberries, wild strawberries.
recommended – from 10 to 1, 17, 18, from 20 to 24;
not recommended – 2.3, 6 and 7;
6. Seeds for seedlings.
recommended – 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 24;
undesirable – 2, 3, 6, 7, 10 and 11;
7. Cereals.
recommended – 4, 5, 12, 13, from 20 to 2, 27 and 28;
not recommended – 2.3, 6, 7, 10, 11;

Gardener's lunar sowing calendar for May

Recommended dates for sowing greens, onions, and kale are the 2nd, 10th, 11th, 17th, 18th and 29th.
For carrots, beets, root celery - 2, 19, 20, 24, 25, 26.
For potatoes - 2, from 17 to 20, from 24 to 26;
For radishes, radishes – 2, 19, 20.
The days when planting these crops is undesirable are the 3rd, 5th, 8th, 9th and 31st.

Gardener's lunar sowing calendar for June

1. For greenery.
recommended days – 6.7, from 16 to 20;
2. For root vegetables
recommended days – 6.7, 17, 17, 21, 22, 25;
3. Peas, beans.
recommended days – 4.5, from 16 to 20.
not recommended – 1, 23, 24, from 26 to 29;

Lunar sowing calendar for July in the year of the gardener

1. Greens
recommended – 4.5, from 13 to 17, 22, 23, 31;
not recommended – 2, 3, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30;
2. Strawberry
recommended – 2, 3, 8, 9, 22, 23, from 27 to 31;
not recommended – 13,14, 15, 20, 21, 24, 26;
3. Planting trees and shrubs in the ground.
recommended – 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 16, 17, 27, 28, 31;
not recommended – 20.21, 24, 25, 26;

Gardener's calendar for August

1. Greens
recommended – 1, 4, 5, 6, from 9 to 11, 19;
not recommended – 17, 18, 20, 21, 22;
2. For perennial plants
recommended – 1, 4, 5, 6, from 9 to 16, 19;
not recommended – 17, 18, from 20 to 22;

Garden calendar for September

1. Greens
recommended – 1.2, 8, 9, 10, 15, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29;
not recommended – 13, 14, 21 and 22;
2. Caring for trees and shrubs
recommended – 13, 14, from 16 to 20, from 28 to 30;
not recommended – from 8 to 10, 15;
3. harvesting potatoes
recommended - from 8 to 10, from 13 to 14, 26, 27, 30;
not recommended – 23, 24, 25;

Planting calendar for gardeners for October

1. Sowing and planting greenery.
recommended – 4, 8, 9, 29;
unwanted – 1, 2, 3, from 10 to 16, from 20 to 22;
2. Plant care and processing.
recommended – 5.6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 20, 21, 22;
unwanted – 1, 2, 3, 29;

Gardener's lunar sowing calendar for November

1. Sowing and planting greenery.
recommended – 1, 4 to 6, 9, 13, 14, 17, 18, 24, 25, 29, 30;

2. Oversowing parsley, carrots, and beets in winter.
recommended – 1, 4, 5, 6, 13, 14, 17, 18, from 24 to 28;
not recommended – 7, 8, 10, 11, 12;

Sowing calendar 2016 for gardeners and gardeners for December

1. Greens.
recommended – 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 20, 21, 22;
not recommended – 4, from 15 to 18, 25, from 28 to 30;
2. Home flowers.
recommended – 1, 2, 3, from 10 to 14, 26, 27;
not recommended – 4, from 15 to 18, 25, from 28 to 30.

This section presents lunar calendars for 2016 different types: general and special. General sowing calendars contain recommendations on favorable days for sowing, planting large quantity cultivated plants: vegetable crops, garden trees, fruit and ornamental shrubs, flowers, as well as recommendations on the timing of gardening work on the site. Special lunar calendars give detailed recommendations on planting and growing certain popular crops, such as tomatoes, cucumbers, garlic.

Lunar sowing calendars are compiled for Middle zone Russia. The times of astronomical events are indicated for the coordinates of Moscow.

Lunar planting and sowing calendar for 2016 in pictures

For experienced gardeners: briefly and clearly about favorable days for sowing and planting seeds and plants in 2016.

You can do pinching and pinching. We weed. We fight pests and plant diseases. We whitewash the trunks of fruit trees and tie them with spruce branches or covering material. We cover heat-loving perennials for the winter.

Lunar sowing calendar for 2016 gardener table

Lunar calendar of sowing and planting for 2016 for every day

The daily Lunar sowing calendar contains a detailed list of work in the garden and vegetable garden.

October 5, 2016. Wednesday

Teacher's Day. Day of Criminal Investigation Workers.

Phase 1

Waxing Moon from 12:27 in the sign of Sagittarius.

6th lunar day. Sunrise 11:01. Sunset 20:03.

Sunrise 6:40. Sunset 17:54.

The length of the day is 11:13.

Sow and plant only for seeds. Collect autumn varieties apples, pears Cauliflower is grown in a dark room.

Plants are sprayed to combat pests and diseases. Uproot diseased bushes. Remove the hunting belts. The trunks of fruit trees are whitewashed. The trunks of young trees are tied with spruce branches or covering material to protect them from mice and hares. On this day, dry loosening is done and the seedlings are thinned out. Dig up lily bulbs.

Lunar calendar of sowing and planting

Lunar calendar for planting tomatoes (tomatoes) for 2016

The lunar sowing calendar for tomatoes opens a series of special calendars for popular crops. Here is an excerpt from the lunar tomato sowing calendar for 2016. Read more about growing tomatoes according to the lunar calendar, about favorable days for picking, planting tomato seedlings, about the timing of pinching, pinching and harvesting. The mentioned special calendar shows the timing of agricultural work separately for growing tomatoes in a greenhouse, greenhouse and for growing in open ground.

Favorable days
sowing and planting TOMATOES according to the Lunar sowing calendar in 2016
February 10, 13-14, 17-19
March 12-13, 16-17
Picking for greenhouses and open ground
Planting seedlings and caring for plants in the greenhouse and in open ground

Lunar calendar for sowing and planting cucumbers for 2016

Complete information on the timing of sowing and planting cucumbers for greenhouses and open ground in this year You will find in the special lunar calendar for sowing and planting cucumbers, including: about favorable days for sowing cucumbers in open ground, about the timing of pinching and harvesting. Below is an excerpt from this lunar sowing calendar for 2016, regarding the cultivation of cucumbers by seedlings.

Favorable days
sowing and planting CUCUMBERS according to the Lunar sowing calendar in 2016
Sowing seeds for seedlings for a greenhouse April 12-14, 19-20
Sowing seeds for seedlings for open ground May 8-11; most favorable days: May 10-11
Transplanting in the greenhouse and in open ground
Sowing seeds in open ground

Lunar calendar for planting and harvesting garlic for 2016

Traditionally, garlic is grown in winter. Here is a short lunar calendar for growing garlic in 2016.

Calendar lunar days for gardeners and gardeners this is a great opportunity to achieve high yields. Its compilation is based on the duration of the changing phases of the Moon. For summer residents and everyone who is interested in gardening, the 2016 calendar will become a kind of monthly diary of work carried out in the garden and beds. All days in the calendar are divided into favorable and unfavorable for sowing or planting seedlings. A unique sowing calendar will make it possible to carry out all activities when cultivating the land as required. Live nature. If field work will be maintained in accordance with the table for the care of vegetable and garden crops compiled according to the phases of the moon, then gardeners will be able to grow bountiful harvest. The satellite of planet Earth is the Moon, so everything fruit bushes, trees, flowers and vegetables obey the lunar cycles. This was noticed by our ancestors who were engaged in agriculture.

Depending on what sign the Moon is in when planting, the properties of the plants are determined. If the Moon is in an unfavorable phase during sowing, then even high-quality seeds can produce bad shoots. Therefore, it is recommended to sow seeds and plant seedlings at a time when the Moon opens favorable phase signs not only for tillage, but also for choosing the time of irrigation.

If the Moon sets in water signs(Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) water costs for irrigation are significantly reduced, since the plants absorb it well. When the Moon is in another sign, more water is required. It should also be remembered that:

  • It is better to introduce complex organic compounds on the waning Moon;
  • mineral fertilizers - on growing.

In both cases, the Moon must be in Taurus, Cancer, Pisces Scorpio or Capricorn.

When to sow seeds

The qualities of plants are determined by what sign the Moon was in when sowing. In order for the germination rate to be high and the seedlings to be strong, the seeds must be sown on the right days. In addition, in favorable signs, plants should be replanted, fed, cuttings, grafted, etc.

Seeds are considered planted from the day they are sown in the ground or soaked in water. These events become the start for the growth of agriculture, since moisture reaches the seed embryo and awakens the seed. Programming high yields begins from the moment of sowing. It is impossible to change anything later (during transplantation or cuttings). By transplanting seedlings on a favorable day, we only correct its condition. For example, if the seeds were planted in Cancer, then they should be planted in Capricorn or Virgo, then the roots and stem of the sprout will become a little stronger.

Agroastrology is very interesting thing. The main rule in it is this: when the sowing day corresponds to zodiac sign, but not quite suitable lunar phase, you should choose a zodiac sign, and carry out activities when the last day of the Moon’s stay in suitable sign. So, the sign of Sagittarius is suitable for sowing carrots, but the waning Moon is not suitable; sowing is carried out in this sign of the Zodiac, but on the last day of the Moon’s stay in Sagittarius. It is on this day that the lunar phase does not negatively affect carrot germination and yield.

When to water

Lunar calendar for seedlings for 2016 shows that when moistening plants, the phase of the Moon does not play any role. Here everything depends only on the zodiac sign. So, when watering sprouts at a time when the Moon is in Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces (water element), water consumption decreases, because during this period the plants absorb moisture well. In other zodiac signs, sprouts require much more water.

The Northern and Northwestern regions have peculiarities of irrigation. In these regions, the sprouts are irrigated while they are small and fragile. And when the plant grows and moisture collects on the leaves overnight, there is no need to water it. But after the rain, the soil in the beds must be loosened so that the moisture does not evaporate. On swampy soil, with frequent watering, all added organic matter is washed away. This should also be taken into account.

It is also possible to plant plants without constant watering. For example, tomato seedlings were planted in open ground with mineral fertilizers and organic matter placed in the holes. After sprouting tomatoes, water until water begins to remain on the surface of the ground. Then sprinkle the surface around the sprout with dry soil to prevent moisture evaporation. You don’t have to water the plant all summer, don’t fertilize it, and only loosen the soil after rain. Tomatoes planted in this way ripen very quickly.

When to feed

It is best to add organic matter to the soil on the waning Moon, which is in signs such as Taurus, Scorpio, as well as Capricorn, Pisces or Cancer. And here minerals It is best to apply in the same signs, but only on the waxing Moon.

For example, if you decide to fertilize with organic matter, you need to make an infusion of slurry or weeds on the waning moon immediately after the day of the full moon. After the fertilizer has fermented in a few days, you need to start fertilizing. We feed the plants 2-3 times during the season.

Garden work

All garden and garden work correctly carried out according to the lunar cycle.

  1. Seeds should not be sown during the new moon, since during this period the energy of sprouting is reduced. When the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth, it is better to start pruning fruit trees.
  2. During the waxing moon cycle, you need to plant green plants, that is, those whose edible part is above the surface of the earth. In addition, trees can be grafted onto the growing Moon and crowns can be formed.
  3. The full moon is especially dangerous for crops and transplants. At full moon It is better to devote time to combating plant diseases, as well as protecting them from pests. During the full moon, you should also pay attention to the protection of garden and fruit crops.
  4. As the Moon wanes, it is recommended to plant those plants that have edible “roots,” that is, the part that is underground. Feeding the root system, watering, replanting and planting crops will be of great benefit these days.

You can download the lunar sowing calendar for 2016 from our website in the form of tables, print and follow it for all 12 months.

Table of the lunar sowing calendar for 2016

Lunar sowing calendar for gardeners and gardeners for January 2016

Lunar sowing calendar for gardeners and gardeners for February 2016

Lunar sowing calendar for gardeners and gardeners for March 2016

Lunar sowing calendar for gardeners and gardeners for April 2016

Lunar sowing calendar for gardeners and gardeners for May 2016

Lunar sowing calendar for gardeners and gardeners for June 2016

Lunar sowing calendar for gardeners and gardeners for July 2016

Lunar sowing calendar for gardeners and gardeners for August 2016

Lunar sowing calendar for gardeners and gardeners for September 2016

Lunar sowing calendar for gardeners and gardeners for October 2016

Lunar sowing calendar for gardeners and gardeners for November 2016


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