Saxifraga Arendsa is a delicate and graceful plant in the garden. Saxifraga planting and care in open ground and reproduction Saxifraga flower planting and care

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Saxifraga is very popular in Lately flower perennial variety, often used as a bright garden decorative element.

The plant in question belongs to the herbaceous category, so it spreads in natural conditions. Most often it can be found in rocky crevices, near cliffs. Due to its localization, saxifrage is traditionally used as a decorative element for alpine slides and retaining walls. Saxifraga has gained real fame and is rightfully considered one of the most famous plants. One of the reasons for its success is its ease of growing from seed. It may well be produced in room conditions.

In this article we will tell you how to plant a plant, grow it and care for it.

The easiest way to have a beautiful front lawn

Of course you saw perfect lawn in the cinema, on the alley, and perhaps on the neighbor’s lawn. Those who have ever tried to grow a green area on their site will no doubt say that it is a huge amount of work. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, and watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think this way; professionals have long known about the innovative product - liquid lawn AquaGrazz.

Saxifraga is not only a luxurious decorative element in any garden. In addition, the plant has a number of distinctive features and positive advantages:

  • it is compact and easy to transport from place to place;
  • resistant to severe frosts;
  • very durable and easy to maintain.

In addition, once the plant has finished flowering, you can collect a significant amount of seeds. Why buy new seeds when you can collect old ones and plant them again?

Saxifraga is a variety characterized by a wide variety of plants. This family includes traditional look saxifrage, as well as over three hundred of its subspecies. They can be found in many parts of the world, as they are unpretentious to growing conditions. The family includes perennials and annuals. The plant has a fairly tall stem and a variety of flower colors. You can find snow-white, soft pink, bright red and mixed types of coloring.

Visually, saxifrage has the following description:

  • Medium sized bushy type rugs;
  • the leaves of the plant have a lush green color with a slight tint of silver;
  • the leaves are collected in a rosette at the roots.

The stem of the plant can reach a height of about 75 cm - the indicators directly depend on the specific subspecies of saxifrage. The plant of the crop in question has flowers of a five-petal type, the diameter of each of them is about 2 cm.

The seeds of the plant are very small and colored deep black. They have very high germination rates. Planting saxifrage indoors allows it to emerge from the soil after 7-8 weeks.

Saxifraga is truly amazing and even unique plant due to the fact that its cultivation initially involves treating the seeds with cold. Flower care is also very original and involves a number of preparatory procedures. Whole line unusual features directly affects the quality of seed germination.

How to properly prepare saxifrage for sowing

Growing seeds indoors can easily be done in early April.

    • If you purchased seeds, you should know that the purchased varieties are very fond of cold care. The essence of this procedure is that you need to take a medium-sized container, put it in it a large number of ordinary soil (it is preferable to use light, slightly moist soil);
    • Then the seeds must be placed directly on the soil, and the container used must be placed in refrigerator for several weeks (two or three will be enough);

  • When the holding period in the chamber has expired, the container can be removed from the refrigerator and placed on a windowsill with sufficient access to light. To recreate greenhouse conditions in the house that promote rapid seed growth, it is recommended to cover the container with ordinary polyethylene film;
  • Now you need to monitor the maintenance in this miniature greenhouse temperature regime at 18-20° C. If the processing time is fully observed, as well as the temperature regime, you will be able to observe the initial germination after a week. Let us remind you that this is only possible if you carefully follow the planting instructions;
  • Further cultivation suggests that you must patiently wait for the formation of dense saxifrage leaves;
  • Then the seedlings are picked into boxes of sufficient volume. As practice shows, the first leaves of the plant when it emerges are quite weak. In view of this, the diving procedure should be carried out only after secondary germination, or more precisely, the formation of subsequent sheets.

Experienced flower growers even believe in special signs. One of them relates to the timing of seed germination and says: if the seeds do not germinate within two or 2.5 weeks, progress can no longer be expected from them. To believe in it or not is everyone's business. But we advise you to think about this observation, because the experience of floriculture masters is unlikely to deceive.

Planting a plant in open ground

Seedlings obtained from seeds can later be planted in open areas when summer comes. Planting saxifrage will be successful provided that the land is of average fertility and with high quality drainage Due to the fact that the plant in question categorically does not tolerate stagnant moisture in the ground, its cultivation is most often carried out in rocky crevices and near cliffs.

Planting saxifrage is carried out while maintaining a distance of about 10 cm between seedlings. This is necessary so that the mat of flowers is dense, without unwanted voids. When planting plant seedlings, it is recommended to leave lumps of soil on the roots of the saxifrage. If the container of a miniature greenhouse has sufficient dimensions, it is allowed to cut the soil in order to divide it into sections. In the future, using an ordinary garden shovel, the resulting areas (pieces) need to be planted together with lumps of earth.

Saxifraga easily adapts to open ground conditions (if its composition is quite light). Moreover, you can plant saxifrage in soil with the poorest composition. Planting a plant in soil containing limestone should also not cause difficulties.

Caring for a planted plant

IN further care It's getting easier. Saxifraga flowers will require you to comply with the following growing conditions:

  1. Plants need to be watered regularly. Saxifraga requires regular watering, which will not allow the soil to dry out. Make sure that the soil is not flooded - this can have a very negative effect on the flowers. Insufficient watering will make itself felt very quickly, it is simply impossible not to notice the changes: the flower will become smaller in size, noticeable spots will form on the leaves of the saxifrage. The general condition of the plant will noticeably deteriorate.
  2. Feeding. Caring for the plant using complete sets of fertilizers will the best way care It is worth fertilizing for the first time after a week has passed from the day the plant is transplanted to a new garden plot.
  3. Saxifrage also needs frequent weeding of the soil.

After planting, saxifrage, if cared for according to all requirements, will very soon begin to grow. In the future, you will be able to decorate areas of impressive size with plants.

But keep in mind that saxifrage begins to bloom no earlier than a year after planting. At the same time, if you do not organize proper care and plant the plant in conditions of abundant sunlight, the carpet of flowers will become noticeably poorer and will have bald spots.

Plant in a garden

You need to properly care for any subspecies of saxifrage, without exception. Some plant varieties prefer moist soil, while others feel comfortable in dry soil. If we talk about temperate climate conditions, the first thing that comes to mind is the Arends saxifrage variety, as well as the shady variety.

The perennial variety Arendsa is capable of growing actively in partial shade, but is no less common in open sunny areas. This type of saxifrage can usually be seen on garden plot. Very often it is used to create alpine slides and other decorative elements. This variety blooms in spring-summer period– from May to June. The most common flowers are snow-white, soft pink and purple.

When I bought a dacha and began to develop its territory, all my friends gasped. Firstly, I abandoned the potato garden, sowing grass there and planting several trees. Secondly, instead of traditional tulips and roses, I decorated all the flower beds with overseas succulents (and not only foreign, but also native, domestic - the same stone rose).

But most of all I planted saxifrage. When all these flowers grew and bloomed, I was simply beside myself with happiness! And friends... And what about friends, no one has yet refused an invitation to a barbecue!

The plant is called a ground cover, because if it is given free rein, it will cover your yard with a soft flowering carpet over a period of time.

The flower is very unpretentious. IN wildlife it survives in rocks, near mountains, on embankments. Clinging to a crack in the stone, the flower slowly grows - and actually expands its shelter, destroying the structure of the stone.

The popular name of the flower is gap-grass.

Saxifraga blooms from May to August. Its flowers are small, regular in shape, and also have a barely noticeable but pleasant scent. Petals can be pink, red, yellow, but most often white. If you look closely, up close they look like this:

And this is how some people include saxifrage in their landscape design:

The most popular types and varieties with photos

Depending on the species, these bushes can grow up to either 5 or 70 cm.

Branched roots appear not only at the base of the plant, they also sprout on creeping stems when they lie on the ground - this explains the “climbing” of saxifrage along the ground.

The leaves may be different shapes and different shades. Interestingly, over time they become covered with a whitish limescale, which the plant accumulates.

There are about 450 species in the genus Saxifraga. Many are cultivated, so they have already “overgrown” with varieties.

Saxifraga Arends

Frost-resistant species, bush height 20 cm. Leaves are small, openwork.

Blooms from May to June.

The best varieties are considered:

  • White carpet. It is not difficult to guess that this variety blooms with white flowers. Their diameter is about 1 cm.
  • Purple carpet. Although the flowers growing on it are burgundy, their centers are contrasting yellow.
  • Flamingo. Blooms with soft pink “tulips”.


This species does not cover the ground with a carpet of flowers (its flowers are rare), but it produces a lot of leaves, they quickly cover the flowerbed.

Feature of the species: it is unpretentious to the soil, it will turn green even in acidic soil.

The best varieties:

  • Rosa Koenigen. Blooms soft pink.
  • Triumph. A rare variety that produces red flowers.


The plant itself is not tall, the bushes rarely rise above 8 cm. The leaves are round, with teeth along the edges, collected in a dense rosette with a bluish or grayish tint.

But the flowers bloom on tall peduncles. They are collected in “panicles”. They can be white, yellow, or less often red.

Opposite foliage

This creeping “creature” first turns green above the ground itself, but over time it can rise to a height of 30 or even 60 cm.

Saxifraga blooms in June, and its flowers are not only large, but also chameleon-like: at first they are pink in color, but over time they darken, becoming purple.


This evergreen “creature” really loves shade. Grows up to 20 cm.

Saxifraga leaves are round, with teeth. They are rich green above and reddish below.

Small flowers bloom on long peduncles, not singly, but in panicles. They can be distinguished from paniculate saxifrage due to their burgundy centers.


This species really resembles moss, only blooming with lemon bells.


Another species with round leaves, this time growing on petioles. It is not afraid to grow in the shade and is resistant to frost.

In the first month of summer, saxifrage blooms. The flowers bloom in panicles, their petals are white, but with characteristic pinkish dots.

There is also the spiny saxifrage. This is no longer gardening, but indoor plant from the “unkillable”. More information about her in this video:

How to care for saxifrage and whether you need to do it

In general, this plant is simply planted and forgotten about (until it begins to go beyond the flowerbed). The main thing is to choose the right place to plant saxifrage.

By the way, this may not necessarily be a flowerbed. Saxifraga (any) will turn green with no less pleasure in a wide flowerpot or on your balcony, in a box.

Rules for planting this plant

  • Choose a site either in partial shade or in the light.
  • It is better if the soil is slightly acidic, well-drained, and loose. Although, however, this flower is not very picky about the soil. You can improve your flowerbed by adding a little peat, sand, small pebbles, and slaked lime when digging. Gravel mulch has also worked well.
  • The flowers hardly need weeding - they suppress the weeds themselves.
  • Plant the plants 20 cm apart from each other (don’t worry, the flowerbed will not be empty, because the bushes will intertwine with each other very quickly). Make shallow holes for the sprouts.
  • If you are planting saxifrage in a flowerpot, buy wide, shallow pots. Plant 3 bushes at once in one of these, for splendor. When they fill the entire pot with roots, transplant them into a larger “house”. And remember about drainage to the bottom!
  • In the house, a flower needs from 20 to 25 degrees in summer, about 12 in winter (if the leaves are variegated, variegated, then at least 15 degrees). Don't have a cold room? Flowers can overwinter in a warm place, but in a room where the light is constantly on or under a lamp, otherwise they will stretch out undecoratively. In spring, cut off half the branches. Every 5 years, remove old plants and replace them with young ones.
  • Spray the flowerpot frequently. You can water it, but little by little, so that it doesn’t grow in a puddle (you can use a hose to rain on the flowerbed).
  • You can feed saxifrage by alternating mineral complexes and organics. In summer they are given once every 2 weeks, in winter ( indoor flowers) - once every 6-8 weeks.
  • The flower overwinters in the flowerbed without covering.

Growing (reproduction) of saxifrage


  • They are tenacious, like the flowers themselves - they can last up to 3 years.
  • The seeds need stratification (mix them with sand and keep them in the refrigerator for up to 20 days, after which they can be germinated).
  • Sow the seeds in March, laying a homemade greenhouse on top of the soil. Water by spraying.
  • Seeds germinate quickly - in 7-15 days.
  • When 3 leaves appear, the seedlings dive. In May they are hardened off by taking them outside, and in June they are planted in open ground.
  • This plant will bloom after a year.


  • When the saxifrage stem touches the ground, roots grow from the axils of the leaves. Sometimes they are airborne (appear even without contact with the soil). Cut such a stem and move it to a new place - it will take root there.
  • It can be a little more complicated: in the summer, cut a couple of shoots from 10 to 15 cm. Root them in a glass of water or a mixture of wet peat and sand. By autumn, the saxifrage will take root. It should be planted in a pot and kept in the house all winter, and moved to a flowerbed in June.

What can go wrong with you and how to fix it

  • Rust and powdery mildew. These diseases attack in damp conditions (if water stagnates in the soil, especially potting soil). Diseased branches will have to be removed (do not throw them into the compost, burn them), and treat the rest of the plant with a fungicide or copper sulfate. On particularly rainy days, it is better to cover the flower bed from above.
  • Aphids, scale insects, mites. They can attack both indoor and outdoor plants. The flowerbed can be sprayed with an insecticide (the same “Aktara”). home flower it is better to treat with a soap solution - it does not have unpleasant odor and it is not dangerous for your family. Although if “washing” does not help, you will have to take the pot out to open balcony or veranda and still treat it with an insecticide.

Did you like the flower? Would you like me to show you more plants of the same type? good options for rock gardens and similar flower beds? That way:

Bright flowers and silvery leaves that seem to grow from the very stones will undoubtedly attract the attention of even the most avid gardener and landscape designer. At the beginning of flowering - in May - these plants form a beautiful carpet of flowers. The rest of the time they create a green cushion, completely covering the ground.

Saxifraga is often used by craftsmen to create floral and herbaceous masterpieces. But this flower is also unpretentious. Which does not create problems when caring for it. So if you are looking for plants for, or a border, you should pay attention to the photos of flowers in the article.

In the title photo is Saxifraga oppositifolia.

Saxifraga happens both annual and perennial crops. About 400 species of this plant are known in nature. And it may not even grow in the most favorable conditions. The distribution area of ​​this herbaceous plant- Europe, Asia, Central America and the tropics. This is creeping along the ground.

It can be miniature - only 5 cm in height. But it can grow up to 70 cm. The plant has a large rhizome, and silver-green leaves form a rosette. Their silvery hue gives them lime, which they have the ability to accumulate. Among the leaves grow several stems that have flowers. Flowers consist of 5 petals. They can be pink, white, yellow and lilac colors. Occasionally, saxifrage flowers are bright red.

Tolerates frosts calmly. And it can grow even on soil of average fertility.

Types and varieties of saxifrage

There are many types and varieties of this ornamental plant. Among them, the most popular types are:

  • Arends saxifrage;
  • Saxifraga;
  • Saxifraga paniculata.

Stone grinder shadow

Saxifraga Arends is a type of saxifrage that is distinguished by its short stature. It grows up to 20 cm in height. As this species grows, a thick green covering is formed. The leaves are bright, green, separate from each other. This species begins to bloom in May. The flowers of this species are bright pink, bright red and white. Since this type of saxifrage is very resistant to frost, Arends saxifrage is also popular in northern latitudes. Among the varieties of this species, the following most popular varieties can be distinguished:

  1. Flamingo,
  2. Peter Pan,
  3. Snow carpet,
  4. Sleeping Beauty.

Saxifraga purple mantle

Saxifraga- also a low-growing type of plant. Its height ranges from 20 to 50 cm. This species grows on mountain slopes in Asian countries. It differs from others in the presence of long filamentous lashes. The leaves have almost round shape. The flowers form complex clusters. They are mostly white or slightly red. Usually this type of saxifrage is planted at home. Blooms from May to August. Among the varieties of Saxifraga we can name:

  1. Tricolor,
  2. Maroon beauty,
  3. Harvest Moon.

Paniculate saxifrage or Bedrenets- This is a tall type of flower. Grows up to 60 cm in height. This type is rarely used as decorative decoration. Most often it is used as a remedy. The inflorescences of paniculate saxifrage are umbrella-shaped, and the flowers small form and usually white. The species blooms in May-June.

Grass berenets

Planting in open ground and care

As already mentioned, saxifrage - unpretentious plant. This is just a godsend for beginning gardeners. However, planting saxifrage, as well as caring for it, has its own difficulties and nuances.

Soil and place

First you need to choose a place to plant saxifrage. The soil can be anything. It is not necessary that it be highly fertile or well fertilized. However, saxifrage loves limestone. Therefore, where the flower will grow, it is worth adding a little lime.

It is very important to think about the limiter in advance. Since this is a flower, it occupies the entire area provided to it. It is necessary to ensure that it does not disturb its neighbors in the garden.

Saxifraga can be planted both in the sun and in a dark place. In order for the plant to grow well and for a long time, enhanced soil drainage is necessary. If water stagnates at the planting site, the roots may begin to rot.

Saxifraga Jenkinsiae

When is the best time to plant?

The most suitable time of year to plant a flower in the soil is spring. Don't wait for the heat to come. It is best to sow seeds in open ground in April.

How to plant in open ground?

To plant a plant in the soil, you need to perform a number of actions:

  1. Form small holes in the soil;
  2. Place a plant seedling in the hole;
  3. Dig some soil on top;
  4. Water the garden bed generously.

It is advisable to add the following fertilizers to the soil for planting:

  1. Lime;
  2. Peat;
  3. Sand;
  4. Gravel.

Proper care

Caring for saxifrage does not require much effort. Most species of this rock-breaking plant can easily tolerate heat, frost and drought.

Basic care secrets:

  1. Watering is required only when necessary, even if it’s hot. Immediately after planting saxifrage, you need to monitor the level of soil moisture. Then, when the plant covers the soil, it itself can retain moisture in the soil. That is why the roots of a flower are not afraid of drought.
  2. Weeding is only necessary in open areas around the saxifrage, since it is able to suppress weeds;
  3. There is no need to cover the flower in winter time , since saxifrage is not afraid of frost.

Variety Pablo Picasso (Saxifraga Pablo Picasso)

How to grow from seeds?

Growing saxifrage from seeds is also quite possible and does not present any particular difficulties. Saxifraga can also be grown from seeds, planting them directly in open ground or as seedlings. You can do this yourself. In order to plant a plant from seeds to seedlings, you must perform the following steps:

  • Fill the planting box with a thin drainage layer. Then you need to pour pre-prepared soil on top. It should include the following components: turf soil, sand, peat.
  • Plant pre-dried seeds in a box in early spring. The seeds do not need to be planted deep in the ground, just sprinkle them with a little sand and water them;
  • To create Greenhouse effect, the box must be covered with film. You can periodically moisten the soil by spraying it with water. The first shoots can be seen already on the 15th day;
  • When real leaves appear, the plants must be planted in separate pots;
  • As the weather gets warmer, it is advisable to take the pots out onto the balcony to harden the flower before planting it in open soil;
  • At the beginning of June it is time to plant plants in open soil.

You can try planting saxifrage seeds directly in open ground. However, not all of them can ascend. Seed germination time reaches 3 weeks.

Saxifraga 'Paul Cezanne'

How to plant and care at home?

Indoor saxifrage will perfectly decorate an apartment. To plant the plant indoors, you need to choose a window that is not exposed to too much sunlight. In warm weather, it is advisable to place the plant on balconies, as it loves fresh air.

The air temperature should be between 20-25 degrees from spring until autumn. In winter, it is advisable to lower the temperature to 15 degrees.

The plant does not require abundant watering. In winter, saxifrage should be watered as little as possible. During hot periods, it is advisable to spray the flower with water. Water for irrigation should be taken warm and settled.

The soil in which indoor saxifrage grows must be fertilized regularly. In spring, this should be done once every 2 weeks. In winter, once every month and a half will be enough.

Indoor plant

Planting in autumn

In autumn, saxifrage is rarely planted. However, some gardeners plant plant seedlings in autumn period for the winter. This planting method is no different from the spring one.

Application in landscape design

Saxifraga enjoys great success among landscape designers. With its help, real masterpieces are created. The best place for planting saxifrage - this alpine coaster and rockeries.

Saxifraga is capable of excellent fill empty spaces in gardens. The plant can instantly transform an empty rocky place into a chic one. floral carpet. These plants can also decorate curbs.

The flower goes well with other plants of the same height. Best neighbors for saxifrage in a flowerbed can become phlox, irises or tiarella.

Stone grinder Snow

Video consultation

About whether it was previously possible to grow saxifrage from seeds - in the blog “Garden Experiments”.

This article will reveal to you such beautiful and amazing plant like saxifrage. You can learn about how it is grown, cared for, planted in open ground, what varieties exist, and also get acquainted with some of the features of propagation and use of saxifrage in modern landscape design.

Saxifraga: varieties and varieties

The name of this beautiful herbaceous plant hints at the fact that saxifrage grows and develops even in hard to reach places. Her sophisticated bright flowers are able to easily destroy the strongest stones and “settle” in the resulting cracks. The Saxifraga family is diverse and multifaceted, it has about 200 species. The beauty and unpretentiousness of saxifrage contribute to their active use in modern landscape design. The most popular today are 2 types of these perennial plants.

Saxifraga is a very unusual and attractive plant for your garden.

Soddy saxifrage. It looks like a dense turf of rosettes with dissected leaves. This species does not bloom for long, only 3-4 weeks in June. For it, planting in slightly acidic open ground rich in humus will be optimal.

Soddy saxifrage

This type of saxifrage boasts the following varieties:

  • Rose-koenigen (bright pink shade);
  • Purpurmontel (purple color);
  • Triumph (ruby red hue).

Arends saxifrage. This plant will delight you with its rich green color. all year round. Its leaves form a continuous carpet up to 15 cm high. The flowering period is late spring - early summer.

Saxifraga Arends

The most popular varieties of this saxifrage:

  • Peter Pan (bright red buds);
  • Sleeping Beauty (red flowers);
  • Floral Carpet (a scattering of pink and purple flowers);
  • Snow carpet (white buds).

In addition, there are shadow, Manchurian, reed, paniculate, round-leaved, wicker and other types of saxifrage. Some of them can be seen in the photo.

Saxifraga rotundifolia

Planting a plant

Decorative saxifrage has an incredibly beautiful appearance, planting and caring for which does not involve any complex manipulations.

The flowering and development of these perennial plants will occur much better if you add a little to the planting soil. crushed limestone, gravel, sand and peat. When planting saxifrages, provide them with good drainage system, since a large amount of moisture can cause plant death.

Saxifraga care

Give attention and proper care these stunning perennials and they will reward you with their fantastic blooms. They need regular watering in moderate doses, as well as fertilizing with fertilizers (once a month). The soil around plants should always be loose and weeded.

Saxifraga will feel very good in a rock garden or rock garden.

Stone rock gardens are often laid around saxifrage bushes, which serve as a kind of protective barrier for the roots from the scorching sun and help retain moisture.

When the saxifrage fades, aboveground part plants are cut. This procedure is necessary for the appearance of new leaves. These perennial plants tolerate the winter season well. If severe frosts occur, it is better to cover the saxifrage.

Proper cultivation of saxifrage involves several important nuances in care:

  • avoid heat (create relative shade);
  • provide flowing watering (make drainage).

The plant can thrive with minimal care.

Fertilizer and feeding

Once every 4 weeks, along with the next watering, add fertilizer. The only exception would be the period from October to February, when this should not be done. Concentration liquid fertilizers should be at least two times less than indicated on the package.

Attention! Avoid overfeeding the plant. Excessive application of fertilizers can cause the crop to become loose and vulnerable to dangerous infections.

Reproduction of saxifrage

Saxifraga is propagated in several ways. It is grown from seeds, new representatives are obtained by rosettes or by dividing the bush.

The culture is very easily propagated by rosettes

Start off propagation by rosettes possible only after flowering has ended. To do this, the rosettes are very carefully separated from the bush and rooted in fertile soil and then watered. For planting, you should choose a place that will be protected from the scorching sun. Only in spring are plants planted in open ground.

Another method of propagation involves obtaining seedlings, after planting seeds plants in open ground. The seeds are scattered on the surface of the nutrient substrate and lightly patted with the palm of your hand. The seedlings are picked and transplanted into peat pots. Seedlings are planted in open ground together with pots in June, maintaining a distance of 7 to 25 cm.

Such propagation methods will be simple for both experienced and novice gardeners.

Saxifraga seeds

Diseases and pests

Saxifraga is quite resistant to pests and diseases. However unfavourable conditions growing or improper care may cause infection or pest damage.

Dryness can cause damage to the plant by spider mites. In this case, a whitish web will be visible on the saxifrage. Later the mite infects the leaves, they become covered yellow spots, dry out and gradually die off. Excessive moisture causes powdery mildew or damage to plant leaves by rust, which is created by various fungi.

Spider mite

Most dangerous pests for these perennial plants are scale insects and green aphids.

Saxifraga: combination with other plants

Growing saxifrage will bring you tremendous pleasure. All their varieties look very original and impressive, especially in combination with other plants. The neighborhood can be shared by irises, muscari and many other low-growing crops. They will help fill your exterior with beauty and originality amazing combinations saxifrage with lingonberries or Chinese-decorated gentian.

Saxifraga in landscape design

With its mesmerizing beauty, saxifrage has earned its rightful place in modern landscape design. It is placed in rock gardens, on artificial slides, embankments and rocks, where it looks very stylish and impressive. This plant will instantly turn an empty and unattractive rocky place into a chic flower garden. The richness of its varieties and shades will fill the surrounding space with bright, rich colors. That is why saxifrage is absolutely irreplaceable for landscape design.

Growing saxifrage: video

Types of saxifrage: photo

Saxifraga, planting and caring for which does not cause any particular difficulties, belongs to the genus of perennials of the same name. It includes about 370 species. The roots of this plant grow into stones and are even capable of breaking them, as its name suggests. Saxifragas are especially common in areas with temperate climate and very diverse in appearance. Some of them are up to 3 cm in size, but there are varieties that grow up to a meter wide. Leaves various shapes and the textures, often with a wavy edge, usually spread close to the ground. The color of the leaf plate may vary. The roots are poorly developed and superficial.

Types of saxifrage

The saxifrage flower has five petals on a long peduncle that extends from the center of the rosette. Flowering is long lasting. In indoor culture it is often grown as hanging plant. Having grown, it creates a semblance of a waterfall from shoots, which looks very impressive.

Popular types of saxifrage:

  • saxifraga- a low-growing herbaceous perennial with long shoots on which there are daughter rosettes;
  • cesium saxifrage, or saxifrage, - herbaceous perennial with straight peduncles and white flowers;
  • Saxifraga rigidifolia- perennial with creeping stems and oblong serrated leaves, flowers yellow color, with red dots;
  • Saxifraga oppositeifolia- herbaceous perennial with creeping stems and large flowers pink-lilac color.

Saxifraga, or saxifraga, which grows well in rooms with low temperatures and dry air. Its leaves are beautifully silver in color, rounded, and have medicinal properties. The inflorescences are inconspicuous, paniculate. But, thanks to the hanging shoots with small rosettes, the flower looks very decorative. Species that grow in open ground often bloom very beautifully and have interestingly shaped leaves.

Many varieties of this plant are quite winter-hardy and can grow in the 3rd and 1st climatic zones. They are easy to care for and reproduce well by seed. Flowering lasts all summer, but the rosettes themselves may lose decorative look, therefore in some cases the flower is removed.

Saxifraga care

The indoor plant is best placed on an east or west window, although a north window is also suitable. In the south, shading from direct sunlight will be required, otherwise the leaves will lose color and may even get burned. In summer, this flower can be taken out to the balcony or garden, leaving it in shady place. It is advisable to protect it from precipitation so as not to cause waterlogging of the soil. For active growth saxifrage needs an air temperature of +20-24 °C, but during the dormant period it requires a decrease to +16 °C for variegated forms and to +13 °C for green-leaved forms. In open ground, the flower grows on rocky soils, so for some time it can tolerate direct Sun rays and retain moisture inside the shoots.

Watering is needed moderately, as the top layer of soil dries. The water used is settled and soft. From spring to late autumn, the flower is watered more abundantly than in winter. During the dormant period, make sure that the soil in the pot does not dry out. Plant care includes spraying the leaves. For this, they also take soft water. Saxifraga should be fed all year round, otherwise the shoots begin to stretch. Starting in March, every 2 weeks you can apply complex mineral fertilizers. In the fall, the dose is reduced, once every 1.5 months is enough. The soil around the plant must be carefully loosened to provide the roots with access to fresh air.

The time to transplant saxifrage comes when the roots completely entwine the pot. Expanded clay drainage should be placed at the bottom of the container to prevent moisture stagnation. There is no need to take a tall container, since the plants have a superficial root system. To make the composition look more lush, you can plant several plants in one pot. This is easy to do by rooting young rosettes on the mustache. Saxifraga needs humus soil mixture, you can make it up from sand, peat soil, leaf soil and humus in equal parts. It is also good to use a mixture of leaf, clay, turf soil and humus.

Reproduction of saxifrage

Saxifraga is a flower that reproduces easily and tends to occupy all the living space around itself, rooting daughter rosettes in neighboring pots. You can direct them yourself if you want to propagate the plant. The rooted shoot is cut off and transplanted into a mixture of sand, humus and turf soil. A young rosette needs to be watered abundantly until it begins to grow.

Seed propagation of this plant is also possible. For sowing to be successful, some rules must be followed.

  • Conduct cold stratification of seeds: to do this, place them in any container, sprinkle with light, moistened soil, and place them in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator for about 2 weeks.
  • Afterwards, the seeds are removed and covered with film to create greenhouse conditions.
  • Boxes with crops are placed on a bright windowsill or under lamps.

You can sow seeds directly into the ground in early spring - then stratification takes place under natural conditions.

The first shoots appear within a week. Seedlings can be picked after a pair of true leaves appear. If you pick earlier, the plants may die. When transplanting, you do not need to shake off the soil; it is better to cut it into pieces and move it along with the seedlings. Saxifraga, which is planted in open ground at the beginning of summer, is quite unpretentious and can grow on rocky soils. Rosettes are planted at a distance of 10 cm from each other - the result is a beautiful flower carpet. It is necessary to periodically loosen the soil and remove weeds.

Pests and diseases of saxifrage

Saxifragas are quite unpretentious and rarely get sick. Most often, this flower is damaged by spider mites. At the same time, a coating in the form of a white cobweb appears on it, the leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off. Infected plants are treated with special chemicals, withered leaves are removed, you can give the flower a hot shower to wash away pests and stimulate its immune system.

Plants may suffer from fungal diseases if overwatered. root system: in this case, on the edge of the sheet appear brown spots. Diseased flowers are treated with copper-containing preparations.


Saxifraga is an unpretentious and hardy plant that can grow on rocky soils. Caring for it includes regular watering, fertilizing and spraying with settled soft water. As indoor flower They grow wicker saxifrage, which reproduces well by daughter rosettes.

The plant can be propagated by seeds. But before sowing, they need to be stratified in the refrigerator, in the vegetable compartment. Another option is to sow directly into the ground. in early spring. Pests and diseases rarely affect saxifrage; the biggest concern is spider mite and fungal diseases, which can be avoided by organizing proper care.


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