Brick wall in the interior (56 photos): beautiful combinations in design. Relief and accents: ideas for using white brick in the interior of rooms White and red brick in the interior

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November 2016

Modern design is characterized by the presence unusual materials, and brick will play an important role in shaping the style living rooms.

White brick in the interior of any room is a tribute to fleeting fashion: relief finishing, attracting attention, gives a unique sophistication and stylish look along with the convenience and practicality of the design.

The white color of the brick visually increases the area, moreover brickwork often used with other light finishing materials. White is most easily perceived by humans and represents order and purity.

Increasingly, ideas for modern apartment interior design involve creating unusual combinations of several materials of different types or similar in texture. Designers, focusing on urban style, use brick wall finishes to create sophisticated accents. But, since brick itself does not always contribute to a cozy atmosphere and the creation of coziness in the house, the desired effect can be achieved with the help of correctly selected shades

We invite you to learn more about the features of use white brick in the interior of an apartment or private house.

White decorative brick in the interior, photo

Imitation of white brick: methods and options

There are a number simple ways creating a white brick wall in the interior. The simplest one is possible in the absence of interior decoration in the rooms of brick houses. In this case, it is quite enough to process protective equipment walls and repaint them in the required shade - this method helps to emphasize character traits such style directions like minimalism, loft, urbanism and other modern styles.

Advice: correcting defects in brick surfaces is not always necessary: ​​the natural design of brick walls with cracks, roughness and irregularities inherent in the material can look no less stylish, as well as walls specially finished for brickwork.

Most often it is necessary to decorate walls with finishing materials with stylized properties.

A white brick wall will look like a real one if you implement any of the following ideas:

Wallpaper for white brick in the interior, photo

You can choose for home design any of the proposed finishing options. White brick materials are in harmony with other types of finishing, so a brick background is not at all necessary: ​​we recommend using this idea to create small accents.

In addition, snow-white brickwork goes well with any shade.

Design experts advise not to limit yourself to just a white shade in rooms: modern design can be emphasized with the help of bright accessories or exquisite furniture.

Kitchen ideas

Try decorating your kitchen with white brick - and you will see how much the entire interior will be transformed. The main secret is that finishing the walls with white brick will certainly attract attention, regardless of whether it is decorated brick finishing the whole wall or only partially, i.e. any particular zone.

Quite often, a white brick wall in the kitchen is created for visual zoning into the working and dining areas.

Let's look at a few design ideas for a white brick kitchen interior.

If you decide to use wallpaper for a white brick wall, try to select durable coatings with wear-resistant properties (for example, based on non-woven or vinyl), which are easy to clean and can easily withstand moisture.

Advice. Vinyl and non-woven wallpaper are best used where negative impacts minimal, and not in the cooking area: you can decorate a wall with a door or window or create an accent near the dining table.

Application of small tiles with brick design will not help create a background throughout the room - the problem lies precisely in the small elements. It is advisable to use such finishing only to create individual accents.

The photo below shows one example of a white kitchen with brick wall: the accent became a part of the wall in the dining area. Please note: the brick is in perfect harmony with different materials and palette:

Kitchen with white brick wall, photo

In the photo below is another one ready-made example kitchens with a white brick wall: white is used to create an apron decorative tiles bricks. As you can see, nothing prevents the mounting of wall-mounted furniture on the brick surface, auxiliary elements and technology.

In the interior of the kitchen, white brick can be used to decorate furniture elements: you can veneer the façade of the furniture, create a stylish decor for the bar counter, or decorate the island. If the material is chosen correctly, a kitchen with white brick will become both practical and stylish.

White brick wall in the living room

As a background, white brick in the living room interior is especially relevant. Any furniture will suit such walls, from traditional classics to ultra-modern furniture unusual shapes and flowers. The most suitable directions for white brick are loft, minimalism, Scandinavian and high-tech.

The photo shows an example of finishing an accent wall in the living room: the brickwork is complemented by plasterboard structures that create imitation niches.

White brick in the living room interior, photo

If you decide to put up white brick wallpaper in the living room, find suitable material It will be much easier, since paper, non-woven, vinyl and other types of wallpaper correspond to the conditions of living rooms.

Tip: a wall with imitation brickwork will help to visually zone the room and separate the living room from neighboring interiors, especially if you are decorating a studio apartment.

Brick decoration is not always perceived as cozy, which is why it is so important to provide bright lighting in the room and not forget about the “softer” elements that complement the overall design picture. In the interior of a living room, for example, white brick wall can be picked up modern armchairs and sofas with upholstery in matching colors.

Long classic curtains are also appropriate, as in the photo below - this good example design project with a brick wall in a modern interior:

Another one original idea on the use of decorative bricks in the living room - fireplace cladding. The model of the hearth is not important: both a real fireplace in a traditional design and a modern one artificial fireplace will look impressive when decorated with decorative brick elements.

Brick in the bedroom

Comfort and harmony in the interior of a bedroom should always be felt, so few people would risk creating a white brick background here. But if you still allow such a design, then the interior will need to be supplemented with other white details.

Most often, designers create a snow-white accent wall made of brick in the interior, and in the bedroom this area can be the surface behind the head of the bed or the wall opposite.

Look at the photo - this is a vivid example of how the white bricks in the interior harmoniously fit into light design with small red and black accents and successfully combined into the overall stylistic picture.

Imitation of white brick in the interior often serves as a delimiter between the sitting area and the dressing room, so think about how to combine this material with other finishes in the best way.

Interior with white brick, photo

Another example of an interior with a white brick wall suggests additional use other material. Decorative brick in this case is used to create two vertical illuminated inserts framing modern photo wallpaper.

The room, despite the presence of dark shades, looks cozy and bright, and the brick fits organically into the design and does not create the effect of an unnecessary element.

Brickwork in the nursery? Why not? Look how interesting a white brick wall looks in the design of a children's room! After all, our children’s bedrooms can be stylish too!

In this interior, which is in the photo below, two accents are highlighted at once: the front wall of a soft natural color and the relief decoration of the side surface. And the rich colors of the furniture will further emphasize the dynamism and modernity of the environment.

Hallway decoration

Decorating a hallway or corridor using white brick on a wall is often not easy: relief Decoration Materials give the rooms visual cramping, and even White color Such a deficiency does not always help to correct. Therefore, it is important that the background is brick white wall— was quite well lit.

Furniture in small room should be kept to a minimum, so we advise you to limit yourself to only the most necessary set, and among possible accessories- give preference to small-sized items.

In the corridor, white brick is mainly used to highlight the wall with the front door; you can also create an accent in the area where stands, mirrors, stools and other furnishings are placed.

There is no point in covering white decorative brick for the interior with high counters and cabinets: decorate this surface with stylish accessories, hanging shelves, lamps and dressing table.

White brick wall in the interior, photo

Separate white brick inserts in the hallway interior are appropriate if this room has a large area. Otherwise, it is better to make the entire surface brick, without drawing attention to small relief accents.

Notice how skillfully the designers combined colored wallpaper with a pattern and white brick in the hallway.

The decorative surface is not perceived as superfluous, since it is complemented by lighting and thematic paintings:

Bathroom with brickwork

Creating a white brick wall in the interior of a bathroom or bathroom is another modern solution. Decorative brick in such a room will avoid a boring environment, facelessness, and will emphasize the charm of the home interior.

In the room with high level humidity for finishing surfaces, it is best to use decorative bricks that have undergone a special protective treatment, or ceramic tiles.

Background decoration of white brick in the interior in the photo - best example zoning space using relief imitation materials. Combines well in the bathroom dark wood, light gloss of stylized tiles and steel. Agree: a modern and stylish approach.

White brick wall, photo

How to make your bathroom more cozy without sticking to the “cold” accents inherent in most modern trends? There is an idea to liven up the room with bright colors and rich accents.

White brickwork in the bathroom interior should be used only on one wall, the others should be painted in a soft natural color and decorated with white protective panels to complete the look.

Considering the versatility of materials stylized as brickwork, you can repeat the proposed ideas or try to complement any area of ​​your living rooms with such a brick finish.

It’s good if the places where bricks are used in the design are thought out initially, before the start of repairs, since they can fit into the design without any consequences. finished interior New accents will not always work out.


Photo gallery

More examples of decorating walls in white brick interiors are in the photo gallery below:

Photo gallery (48 photos)

Everyone knows that the expression “my home is my castle” is understood in figuratively. But what if you really imagine the house as a fortress?

And not only him external design, but also interior decoration. It was probably this visual image that guided the first designer who proposed using white decorative. This decoration immediately takes us back to the times of ancient stone castles, when ladies wore chic dresses, invariably attracting gallant knights at balls.

A part of a wall or an entire white brick wall in the interior, as well as finishing certain areas with brick, for example, doors and window openings or arches. Of course not all designer styles welcome such a “rough” stone decoration of the living space, but individual rooms without such decoration are simply unthinkable, if you ever see how impressive a white brick wall looks in the interior.

There are several options for finishing walls or other interior surfaces with brick, and it is not always necessary to use this material. Some finishing materials successfully cope with the function of simulating brickwork. So, a white brick wall in the interior of an apartment can be created in the following ways:

— Natural way

A natural white brick wall in the interior can not only give the room aerial view, but also slightly increase its size. This method is suitable for residents of brick houses, because here you just need to remove all finishing materials (wallpaper or panels, plaster, etc.) from the desired wall, and then treat the masonry with a special protective coating.

If colored bricks were used to build the house, the wall is first painted white. If the house is old, it will be possible to treat possible cracks in the masonry and seams with grout or a special solution, or you can not do this, creating an atmosphere of antiquity in the room. In some cases, the masonry is specially aged, adding cracks and chips.

- All other methods can be classified as decorative

One of them is the use of facing bricks. Generally white decorative brick in the interior residential buildings used quite often, but usually it is finishing small objects: columns, corners in a room, fireplace, opening front door, stairs to the basement, etc. However, an entire wall, or even several walls, can be decorated with its help.

The advantages of such a material are its moisture resistance, strength and density, which means that white decorative brick in the interior of any room will last a long time without any problems. additional treatments. In addition, it is much thinner than natural brick, which means it will not “steal” the slightest share of space.

- Another artificial way is to use tiles

Such a white brick wall is not much different from the natural material, but it is much simpler in terms of finishing and further care of the surface. This coating can be easily used even in those areas of the kitchen where grease stains or splashes often appear.

— Brick imitation can also be easily created using wallpaper

This is one of the easiest ways to create a “brick” atmosphere in the house, but similar imitation It's too noticeable and looks pretty cheap. In a living room or bedroom, finishing with “brick” wallpaper is unlikely to be appropriate, but in corridors, small hallways or closets, a white brick wall will come in very handy, since here even a small thickness of another material will “steal” such an important and not at all superfluous space here.

White brick walls in different rooms

White decorative brick will look best in a Gothic or Neo-Gothic style interior, as well as in modern styles: loft, minimalism, hi-tech. Here you can complement the “bare” wall with chrome surfaces, forged elements, metal, technical innovations and a minimum of accessories.

For eco and rural style, a white brick wall in the interior would also be quite appropriate, since brick is natural and environmentally friendly pure material. In some ethnic styles, “brick” motifs will also create the desired cold atmosphere. Even in classic interiors You can use a similar finish, you just need to properly design and decorate the room.

Living room

A white brick wall will look great in the interior of a guest room. Often the living room is decorated with a large number of decorative accessories that will stand out effectively against the background of a white wall.

Thus, house plants or a bright original sofa will attract attention if they are placed against a white wall.

In studio apartments, using white brick wall decoration, you can zone the space, visually separating the living room from the kitchen. White brick can also be used to line the fireplace and surrounding walls.

Note that the most important function of a white brick wall is visual extension space, when the room seems more spacious and bright.

However, it is worth considering the lighting in advance so that the living space is not perceived as a deep and distant dungeon. Commonly used Wall lights, which highlight both the upper part of the wall and the object directly below it. In this case, the spaces between the bricks favorably emphasize the texture of the masonry.


There is an opinion that the bedroom should be as cozy and “warm” as possible. However, here too the most creative personalities allow themselves to show their imagination and design. More often, of course, white decorative brick is used in the bedroom interior. This allows you not to deprive the walls of natural insulation. Such a “cold” wall in the bedroom on the south side will add the desired freshness and coolness.

The most interesting solution The design of the space behind the head of the bed with white brick is considered. The room looks great black and white colors when a dark bed stands out effectively against a white wall. Black and white images above the headboard would also be appropriate here.


The kitchen is another opportunity to experiment with white walls. Here, white brick can be used to visually separate the dining area from the workspace. In a fairly spacious kitchen, you can additionally use facing bricks to decorate the bar counter or kitchen island.

Also in the kitchen, a wall made of tiles with a white brick look is appropriate.

Designers are always ready to offer their clients a variety of interesting ideas to create unique and stylish apartments. Trends recent years show that homeowners give the greatest preference to interiors with original, but at the same time simple decoration. Pretentious furniture, cluttered decor and outdated methods of covering walls and floors are not particularly popular. On the contrary, materials such as wood, stone, and brick are taking up more and more space in design projects and our apartments. A white brick wall is a trend of recent years, which at first was perceived as something rough and cold, but interior professionals have already proven that such an accent in a room of any purpose can be harmonious and unobtrusive, regardless of its style.

Stop! White brick

So, what is this finishing material? Is a white brick wall in the interior a decor or something more? A similar technique can now be found very often, not only in residential premises, but also in bars, offices, and boutiques. Rough brick draws attention to itself with its extraordinary appearance, slightly brutal and “unkempt”, in addition, is an advantageous material. Why? Traditional wallpaper, painting water-based paint, decorative plaster, undoubtedly, look beautiful and expensive, but the walls decorated with them are not particularly practical. The delicate texture mercilessly gets dirty, torn, rubbed, and after a year or two becomes unusable.

A white brick wall, despite its “color” purity, easily avoids such misunderstandings. Walking over brick with a roller is easy and not troublesome; it can be done without resorting to the services of professionals; in addition, if the main, white color of the interior becomes a little boring, the brick can always be modified, giving it any shade.

Something that everyone will like

"Naked" brick is design technique, which was originally used to create Homeowners who were once intended for industrial enterprises, we tried to combine simplicity and naturalness with convenience as organically as possible. The walls were not decorated with plaster or plasterboard panels, their color remained “native” - terracotta or gray, which was soon replaced by a white brick wall, and especially creative people place the main emphasis on bright colors(red, yellow, blue) or vice versa, slightly gloomy (black, lead, steel). Some styles only require tinting the wall with special varnishes and impregnations; this helps make its tone more expressive and the design itself complete.

Styles in which a white brick wall is the background and main decoration of the interior:

  • shabi chic;

As you can see, the possibilities for using brick to finish an entire wall or just part of it are endless, but there are a few rules to follow.

More is not better

This is the basic rule of designers; if your plans do not include recreating the Baroque style, which is famous for its “excesses,” you should not use the same technique or material too zealously. Monochrome rarely looks appropriate, this is especially important if you use textured materials. The brick white wall is one of them, and in typical apartment or a small office, it is better to focus on finishing one, usually the main wall, without covering the entire perimeter of the room. This is not only unsightly, but also creates a depressing atmosphere and visually narrows even the most spacious room.

Brick can be used as a fragment to line an opening, column, mantelpiece or stove. Mostly, this is done to highlight one or two walls; it is most correct to do this in that part of the room that is subject to mechanical stress. For example, if this is the wall behind the sofa, the head of the bed, or a walkable place.

And here, and there, and everywhere

What are we dealing with?

The only disadvantage of facing walls with brick is that it hides too much space. This method of decoration initially involves the use existing masonry, which is brought to perfection by eliminating flaws (unaesthetic chips, cracks and growths) and painting it. But if this is not possible, it comes to the rescue facing brick(2-3 cm thick), front side which can be smooth or embossed. Brick tiles are also popular, which is the most profitable option for city apartments.

They have produced finishing materials and offer customers a variety of brick walls - imitating real masonry on them and can look incredibly realistic, especially if it is photo wallpaper.

A brick wall in an interior is rightfully considered a very expressive element, which a huge number of designers recommend using in order to achieve the most impressive interior. Due to its warm color and hand-made nature, the brick seems specially created for use in modern apartments or houses. Thanks to a brick wall, you can easily emphasize the luxury and elegance of the interior. It can be used in different rooms and in each she is able to look truly impressive and special.

A brick wall in the interior of a house is one of fashion trends in Europe and America. Brick beautiful element decor in the apartment, it is suitable for loft and country styles.

Often decorative walls brick is lined with the use of various decorative materials: decorative bricks, tiles, stone, as well as various plastic panels And special wallpaper. Speaking about the last two materials, it is worth noting that they are rarely, but still used to decorate brick walls. If you choose from the point of view of practicality, then designers recommend paying attention to ceramic tiles and fake diamond, since they are very easy to care for and install, and also do not “eat up” space.

Painted brick wall

Today, people are looking for new options with which they can make the interior of a house or apartment truly original and special. Painted brick wall– this is exactly the solution. This design move is truly attractive and original, but without proper processing, there is no need to talk about beauty. This is why designers recommend painting the wall. Of course, this must be done using a certain technology. Can choose various colors, best suited to the overall design concept of your house or apartment, which...

The living room is rightfully considered the most cozy place in the house. All family members gather here and also receive guests. Special atmosphere A brick wall will create a difference in your living room. Today there are a huge number of options for using this design solution in the living room. can become a bright accent, and can also fit into the integrity of the space as much as possible. To do this, it can be decorated using various building materials, achieving different styles. Brick can be aged, varnished or painted, completely or partially covered with plaster. A fairly common option is to paint the wall white.

Only at first glance brick wall in the bedroom interior looks rough and unfinished. But if you take a closer look, you will notice a unique charm and zest in this solution. A brick wall gives the bedroom warmth and materiality, especially if you turn to the “country” style. Due to its naturalness and naturalness, the bedroom interior looks harmonious and natural.

IN classic bedroom the brick wall creates a stunning contrast. Even a classic crystal chandelier against a brick wall acquires an extraordinary charm. Moreover, a brick wall is an ideal decorative element for a modern style bedroom.

The kitchen is one of the main rooms in a house or apartment. We all spend a lot of time here, which is why we want to create the maximum level of comfort in it. It seems that brick wall in the kitchen interior is not capable of coping with such a task. However, it only seems so. The pleasant color of the brick will make the kitchen modern and stylish. It can be complemented with stylish furniture in softer colors and pleasant lighting areas, which can easily be created using modern chandeliers, spotlights and sconces.

A brick wall in a bathroom interior is a bold and unusual option for decorating a space. That is why it is used very rarely. But if you are not afraid of such experiments, then you will have to carefully consider every detail of the design, which a selection of options for using a brick wall in the bathroom should help with.

Among the huge number of styles that are used in interiors today, it is worth noting the loft style. The word itself is of English origin, which means attic. The main idea of ​​the style is a combination of different architectural solutions within one room. So, brick wall in loft style can become a bright accent in your home or apartment. Brick overhangs, plank floors and partially plastered walls will all create a unique look for the room.

Brick wall - modern version decoration. She is only rude at first glance. For those who are not afraid of experiments and are also willing to take the time to correctly combine this bold decision with other decorative elements, nothing is impossible. Thanks to a brick wall, you can achieve that zest in a room that many are looking for.

IN modern design In the interior, the use and combination of non-standard textures, styles and materials is more appropriate than ever. Therefore, the use of brick is an integral part of the decoration of residential premises in the loft style and other directions.

White decorative brick is used to decorate any room. This can be a relief finish, giving uniqueness and sophistication combined with the convenience and practicality of the design.

It’s always interesting to learn about something new, so get acquainted with the techniques and techniques for finishing surfaces in the interior of an apartment or house.

Methods and options for simulating white brick

Construction possibilities involve recreating in a room not only with bricks. Use textured plasters, tiles imitating masonry, non-woven or vinyl wallpapers, artificial and natural stone.

The easiest way to do it is in an apartment without finishing. Indoors, it is enough to treat the surface protective composition and cover the walls with a layer of paint of the desired shade. This way you will emphasize the characteristic features of at least three style trends in interior design, namely minimalism, loft, and urbanism.

Important! It is not always necessary to correct visible defects in brick surfaces. Brick - natural material with uneven texture, cracks, chips, roughness, unevenness. Therefore, all of the listed properties are appropriate, taking into account the stylistic direction.

There are a lot of ideas for decorating a room using white decorative bricks. Familiarize yourself with them and feel free to put them into practice if you need to finish the interior surfaces of walls.

Imitation of brickwork using tiles

Ceramics are appropriate in kitchens and bathrooms. Less often in dining rooms, where there is a brick stove or fireplace in the living room under white tiles.

The use of a glossy coating opens up the possibility of careful care for it. Materials with a reflective effect in light shades contribute to the visual expansion of space. Therefore, this finishing option is appropriate in small spaces.

Wall decoration with white decorative bricks

The facing material has a number of characteristics. This:

  • high strength indicators;
  • interesting texture with a pronounced surface relief;
  • ease of installation;
  • the ability to simulate a brick insert until the desired result is achieved.

White brick wallpaper

This is the easiest material to work with. Cover the required surface with wallpaper canvases of the required length and get a surface that imitates white decorative brick in the kitchen area, next to the niche for the TV or on the wall at the head of the bed.

Remember that in the interior, especially in rooms with high levels of moisture, wallpaper does not retain its whiteness for as long as compared to other finishing coatings. This option is cheaper, but not more durable.

When choosing wallpaper to match white decorative brick, consider the following characteristics:

  • resistance to wet cleaning;
  • attraction of dust;
  • strength;
  • discoloration.

For home option finishing can be purchased in any material. But when choosing, consider how harmoniously the brick background will look and whether it is worth covering the entire wall with it or is it better to create a small accent.

Important! A light wall made of white decorative brick goes well with all shades.

White brick in the kitchen interior

If you want to transform the interior, decorate the kitchen in white colors, and not just, but using brickwork. The secret is to focus attention regardless of the area being covered, be it an entire wall or a separate area.

I had to see the brick transition in the kitchen from the working to the dining area. This structuring looks impressive.

The use of small tiles with a brick design has also been successfully practiced. But in this case, it will not be possible to create a background in the room due to the use of small elements.

The use of this form of finishing is advisable when creating individual accents using white decorative bricks in the kitchen. The material is used to decorate furniture elements:

  • cladding of facades of sets;
  • island decoration;
  • finishing of a stylish bar counter.

White kitchen with correct selection material (white brick) turns into a practical and stylish room, attractive with aesthetics.

Brick wall in guest room

Toned decorative rock, white brick is relevant in the interior design of the living room as a background. Almost all furniture is combined with light walls, from classics to modern solutions and transformable furniture. With colors and shapes, pastels and bright flashy colors are also appropriate.

A room in a high-tech or Scandinavian style looks impressive.

Brick decoration, especially something as unobtrusive as white masonry, is always perceived as cozy. In such a room, it is important to take care of sufficient lighting, the presence of “soft” accents in the form of furniture and other little things that give the picture completeness. For example, you can choose modern, functional armchairs and an ottoman with upholstery that contrasts with the background of the walls.

Another option is to surround the fireplace in the living room. In this case, it does not matter whether it is a real fireplace or an artificial hearth. The main focus is on texture and effectiveness when decorating with decorative bricks (white) for interior decoration.

How to decorate a bedroom

The bedroom is a place where comfort and harmony always reign. This is the main task that must be accomplished in the process of repairing and creating the interior design of the room. A brick background is appropriate in the bedroom, but it is always extravagant and risky. If you still decide to decorate the wall in light shade, then you will have to complement the interior with other elements to match, as in the photo. Even if it's just bed linen.

Decorative white brick on the wall is well suited for delimiting the seating area and the dressing room, so take care harmonious combination bricks and other finishing materials.

It seems that the use of dark shades in the bedroom is inappropriate, but the room does not waste coziness, light and warmth. In this case, the brick fits organically into the design and does not create the effect of an unnecessary element.

Brick wall in the hallway decoration

There are difficulties in decorating a hallway or corridor using white brick. All embossed finishing materials visually reduce the space, and even white color does not save the situation. Therefore, a wall made of decorative white brick is sure to be well lit.

In the corridor, this type of finishing is used to separate the wall from the front door. Sometimes they focus on the dressing area, framing the mirror background with brickwork.

Separate brickwork inserts are appropriate in the hallway if it has a different area, as in the photo. White is more of a plus than a minus, but before you decorate the room, think again.

Bathroom tiling in light colors

This is about modern solutions, therefore it is appropriate to talk about creating a white wall in the interior of the bathroom. Decorative material effectively emphasizes the charm of the home interior.

To finish surfaces with high levels of humidity, use a special brick that has undergone protective treatment, or tend to finish ceramic tiles. The second option is no worse.

The bathroom looks modern, made in a soft natural color with the use of white protective panels, where one of the walls is lined with white brickwork.

Considering that the variety of materials imitating brickwork allows you to imagine and create. You can repeat the proposed ideas or develop your own to decorate any area of ​​the living room.

Think carefully about the design scheme before starting work so as not to be disappointed in the end after the renovation is completed.


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