When is the right time to transplant irises to another location? When is the best time to replant irises?

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Tatyana Alekseevna, Lipetsk. When is it better to replant irises - in spring or autumn? ?
Irises are very unpretentious perennials, and therefore can grow for years in the same place, but with age, the iris bushes for some reason bloom less and less often, and then stop forming buds altogether. So that irises are thrown away every spring a large number of Flower stalks need to be replanted periodically, every five to six years. Flower growers have not yet come to unanimous opinion When is it better to divide and rejuvenate iris bushes - in autumn or late spring, but still professionals believe that this operation should be carried out in September.

When can irises be replanted?

Theoretically, irises can be divided and replanted in early autumn (after the irises have completely bloomed and grown a large number of leaves) or in late spring (when the soil in the garden has warmed up well and the irises have begun to grow). However, in case spring transplant the risk of damage to roots, which are especially fragile and vulnerable during this period, increases significantly. That's why experienced flower growers It is recommended to plant irises in September. The iris planted at this time manages to take root before the cold weather arrives, takes root well, gets sick less often and blooms more profusely.

Advice. If you did not have time to plant irises until mid-October, postpone all operations to rejuvenate the bushes until spring. Irises transplanted in late fall most likely will not survive the winter.

The best time for spring transplantation of iris is the last week of April, the first ten days of May.

Technology for autumn transplantation of irises

1. The soil in the flower bed intended for planting irises is deeply dug up in advance and cleared of weed roots.

2. A bush that has grown over five years is dug up and its rhizome is very carefully shaken off from lumps of earth.

3. Using a sharp, sterile garden knife, cut the rhizome into sections containing one, two, or maximum three leaf bunches.

4. Thin roots emanating from the rhizome are slightly shortened, juicy green leaves in fans are cut off by two-thirds of the length, withered or diseased ones are removed completely.

5. The sections prepared in this way are immersed for an hour in a weak, pale lilac solution of potassium permanganate, after which the sections on them are powdered with crushed charcoal and lay out the disinfected planting material under a canopy to dry.

If irises are transplanted in the spring, it is better to do this at the end of April

6. While the plots are drying in the breeze, holes are dug under them, spaced at least half a meter from each other.

Advice. In order for irises to subsequently develop well in a new place, holes for planting them must be dug wide, with a diameter four times the length of the divisions.

7. The soil extracted from the holes is mixed with coarse-grained river sand and granules of any complex fertilizer of prolonged action. Instead of sand, you can add granite chips or small crushed stone.

8. At the bottom of each dug hole, pour a mound of substrate prepared as described above. The mound is made so high that its top is level with the surface of the flower bed.

9. A division is placed in the center of the hole, on the top of the mound, and the roots emanating from it are straightened along the slopes of the hill.

When planting, the top of the root collar should protrude above the ground.

10. The planting hole is filled with a sand-soil mixture.

Attention! To prevent irises from getting root rot, they should be planted in such a way that the top of the root collar protrudes slightly from the soil.

11. The soil above the rhizome is squeezed with your hands and spilled with a solution of “Fitosporin” prepared at the rate of 1 tbsp. spoon of liquid concentrate into a bucket of settled water. There is no need to water the irises anymore. An excess of water in the soil only interferes with their rooting.

12. In November, after the first frosts, the iris plantings are covered with a ten-centimeter layer of low-lying peat, on top of which (to retain snow) spruce branches are sometimes laid.

13. In the spring, as soon as all the snow has melted from the garden, the spruce branches are removed and the peat is raked from the bushes.

In order for irises to bloom profusely, they need to be replanted every 5 years.

14. If the winter was very harsh, and the iris segments are still slightly frozen, the damaged (become soft and slimy) tissues of the rhizomes are cleaned with a spoon and the wounds formed in their place are lubricated with a strong solution of potassium permanganate.

Irises do not require particularly complex daily care, but in order for these magnificent plants to bloom profusely, they must be replanted every five years.

Dividing and transplanting irises - video

When is the best time to replant irises?

Almost every gardener has beautiful irises in their dacha. Despite all its unpretentiousness, plant bushes love to grow. They just need a lot of space. When is the best time to transplant irises to another place: in spring or summer? Why is this necessary?

Why is it necessary to replant?

Every year the bush grows widely. From a planted flower, two divisions appear. The next year, two more grow from these divisions. If the flower is not replanted in time, the leaves begin to dry out and roots appear on the surface of the ground. Over time, irises can completely degenerate, so they need to be replanted and divided. Both spring and autumn are suitable for transplantation.

There are several rules that every gardener should remember:

  • Irises must be replanted regularly;
  • the landing site should be well lit;
  • It is necessary to thoroughly clean the flowerbed of weeds and add humus.

Digging up iris

Autumn. Professional gardeners love this time of year. It is marked not only by the harvest, but also by a global replanting in your flower garden. It is best to move the bushes to a new place when the irises have completely faded. Afterwards you need to wait about 2-3 weeks. At this point, the plant goes into a dormant state and stops growing. This can be understood by its withered leaves. It freezes and gains strength for further flowering.

A new development cycle in irises begins closer to autumn (early September-October), the plant prepares for wintering. When the movement of juice increases, it is at this time that it is recommended to separate the irises. They will have time to take root, gain strength over the season and will be able to produce new buds. And next year they will bloom with beautiful flowers.

Attention! Irises like to grow along something. This could be: a path, a fence or a pipe.

If you incorrectly calculate the planting time, the first frosts can damage the roots of irises that have not had time to take root. In November, plants must be covered with a warm blanket for the entire winter period. It should be removed only when all the snow has melted.

Spring. For southern regions It is preferable to replant irises in the spring. Terms can start from mid-April and last until early May. There are no clear limits here; it is recommended to monitor the weather.

Dividing an iris bush

It is important to remember that the plants are unlikely to have time to establish themselves in the ground and will not bloom in the summer season. In spring, irises are just beginning their rapid growth. During this period, they must be well fertilized and fed with superphosphate when planting.

In early spring, the roots of irises are very fragile. It is necessary to dig up the plant with extreme caution; the roots should not be damaged. It is best to pull out whole tubers with their native soil, there should be a lot of it. Irises cannot be planted in frozen soil, otherwise the plant simply will not survive in such conditions.

Unpretentious irises do not require careful care. It is enough to water them once every 10 days. If it suddenly gets cold, you need to cover the bush with a blanket.

Advice. If the roots rot, you should keep them on the surface of the ground for 1-2 days. You can sprinkle them with ash to wilt them a little.

How to replant irises correctly

Dividing irises is simple, but a little time-consuming:

Planting irises

  1. First you need to cut off the flowers that have wilted.
  2. The roots of the iris are shallow, so the bush needs to be dug out completely with a shovel. It comes out of the ground well.
  3. Cut the bush in half and in half again.
  4. Use a large knife to disassemble the bush into individual roots.
  5. Use garden shears to cut off any excess old roots. Leave only the fresh white stems.
  6. Tear off all wilted leaves. Cut off young green leaves, leaving 10-15 cm (you can fan them out) so that they do not take on too much moisture.
  7. It is necessary to dig small holes in the ground.
  8. Fertilize the soil with mineral fertilizers.
  9. Plant the plant shallowly in the ground, with the heel facing south, so that the soil slightly covers the root.

The season for replanting irises most often occurs in autumn. During wintering, the plant has time to come to its senses, and in the summer it will delight you with its graceful flowers. If you did not have time to replant the plants in the fall, then it is best to leave this matter until spring.

Dividing an iris bush: video

One of the most popular and sustainable plants is considered iris. He for a long time pleases the eye not only at the moment of flowering, but also after, thanks to its beautiful foliage. Every experienced gardener and the florist knows that irises, if replanted incorrectly, can lose their former beauty, so such a moment must be treated with special attention.

When is the best time to replant irises?

  • do this regularly, at least once every 5 years;

    Important point: if you do it less often, the roots will begin to rise outward, preventing full development and flowering.

  • be sure to carefully choose a place for planting; it should be on the sunny side, protected from wind and excess moisture;
  • conduct preparatory activities with the future: clear of weeds, add humus (you can compost), put sand on the selected place.

Transplantation can be done in spring and autumn, but with the first option:

  • damage to the roots due to temperature changes and the possibility of heavy precipitation is possible;

    Advice: spring is more applicable for the southern regions.

  • The best time is considered to be the period from late April to early May. However, everything is relative; for some areas, in particular the southern ones, you can start doing this a little earlier, but for middle zone, vice versa. There are no clear time frames; you only need to focus on the weather.

    Interesting fact: It has been noted that irises that are transplanted to May holidays They bloom faster than April ones.


  • possible damage to unrooted roots as a result of the first frost (if the time for planting is incorrectly calculated);
  • the ideal period is from early September to October;

Note: Everything is relative, depending on climatic conditions.

Interesting point: most gardeners prefer to carry out all actions in autumn time, noting more intense flowering and disease resistance in the future.


in spring

When replanting in the spring, the following points should be taken into account:

  • dig up the plant with extreme caution, since the roots are most fragile during this period, there should be no damage;
  • dig only together with a clod of earth;
  • Do not plant if the soil is frozen, otherwise the plant may not survive.

    Advice: try to keep as much of our native land as possible.

  • don't forget about feeding.

Transplant stages:

  1. A healthy and strong bush must be dug up.
  2. The rhizome is thoroughly cleaned of soil.
  3. Rotten and damaged roots are removed.
  4. Leaves are pruned.

    Advice: It’s better to shorten them exactly 2 times.

  5. Dry leaves are removed
  6. A disinfection procedure is being carried out. To do this, the plant is placed in a special potassium solution for an average of 20 minutes.
  7. Removed from the solution, transferred to a dry surface and dried thoroughly
  8. Processed with charcoal
  9. A hole is dug, the iris is placed in it and buried.

    Important point: You cannot sink the roots very deeply, as they will quickly rot and the plant will die. It is optimal for the top of the roots to stick out a little.

  10. The leaves are carefully straightened.

  • water infrequently and little;

    Note: otherwise the plant will not take root.

  • if it suddenly gets cold, cover the plant.

in autumn

When choosing a suitable month for such an action, you must take into account that:

  • The iris should bloom completely;
  • the rhizome should have time to firmly establish itself in the soil, therefore, frosts should not be expected in the near future;
  • in November (earlier for the northern and central regions), cover the plant with a blanket.

    Note: it is removed only when the snow has completely melted. Next, the soil is thoroughly loosened, leaves are looked at (if necessary, bad ones are removed) and fertilizers are added.

    Important point: a few weeks before the expected digging date, exclude all fertilizing.

Transplantation stages in autumn:

  1. First you need to thoroughly loosen the soil;
  2. Add required amount minerals;

    Advice: they must be purchased from flower shop, always of a type that is suitable for a particular area. You should not add organic substances, especially for the southern regions.

  3. Remove the rhizome from the soil using a fork or shovel, shorten the leaves;
  4. Disinfect in solution, dry.

    Note: The solution is the same as for spring planting.

  5. Plant in a prepared place and water.

Note: if you replant rhizomes, then, unlike seeds, they will sprout within a year. This method is suitable for any variety of irises - wild and ornamental.

Closer to the onset of cold weather you need:

  • lightly loosen the soil;
  • put humus;
  • make a layer of sawdust on top.

Important point: the latter is applicable only for northern regions or abnormally cold autumn.

Transplant methods

There are several methods; each gardener determines the appropriate one, guided by the characteristics of the soil and the characteristics of the plant.

Main ways:

  1. The bush is completely dug up:
    • Using a shovel, the rhizome is removed from the ground. It is important not to damage anything;
    • cleared;
    • leaves are pruned;

      Note: many leave only up to 10 cm in length.

    • roots are shortened to 3 cm;
    • They stand for 2 days, then they are planted.
  2. Partial excavation:
    • a shovel is used to dig up a bush;
    • the required number of stems is separated;

      Advice: A sharp knife is best for this.

    • lands in a prepared place.

If damage to the rhizome is discovered during digging, then such a plant is not suitable for partial replanting.

Prevention of diseases during transplantation

To avoid any diseases, and in iris it is most often the roots or leaves that rot, preventive measures are necessary:

Note: half a gram of Confidor is added to 5 liters of water, then the leaves are thoroughly sprayed.

Quick tips:

  • you should not delay the transplant for a long time, the lost time can negatively affect his health in the future or even lead to death;
  • It is better to carry out all work in the morning;
  • Irises should be planted no closer than 50 cm from each other;
  • strictly follow all recommendations for disease prevention;
  • do treatment in a timely manner.

Do you grow irises in your garden? Then you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for transplanting them. After 5 years from planting, irises may stop blooming. We will tell you how to divide and replant them after they bloom.

Irises are beautiful bright flowers, which have many advantages. They are unpretentious in care, their transplantation does not involve any special difficulties, but it must be carried out in accordance with certain rules. Let's talk about them.

Irises (Photo used under standard license ©ofazende.ru)

When is the best time to divide and replant irises?

Iris reproduces well by vegetative means and takes root in a new place without problems as soon as its bushes are divided.

Keep in mind that the bushes need to be divided or replanted from time to time. The thing is that the rhizome of varietal plants lives no longer than 5 years. Over time, it grows strongly in the surface layer of the earth, dies off in some places, and begins to actively grow in others. Soon the rhizomes of the irises create “nests” that stretch nutrients from the soil and inhibit other plants. In the future, this is dangerous because the irises may encounter illnesses, which can lead to their death.

There are more than 800 species of irises in the world (Photo used under standard license ©ofazende.ru)

What to dig and how to divide irises correctly

Before you start transplanting, prepare garden tools. For such work you will need a garden fork, a well-sharpened knife or pruning shears. Annual growths of flowers can reach up to 10-15 cm in length and up to 3 cm in diameter. Take this into account and dig up irises carefully, following the following scheme:

  1. Examine the bushes and choose one with well-developed stems.
  2. Dig it out using a garden fork, shake off the soil, and rinse under running water.
  3. Divide the rhizome into several parts. Each of them should include 1-2 fused annual links with a fan of leaves.
  4. Remove dry and rotten parts. Trim healthy roots, leaving 5-6 cm of the original length. Take a pruner and cut the leaves at an angle, leaving a margin of about 20 cm. This way you will protect the transplanted flowers from strong winds.
  5. Treat the planting material with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. After disinfection, dry it in the sun. Be sure to turn it over from time to time.

(Photo used under standard license ©ofazende.ru)

Features of division of bearded irises

If, after 5 years from the moment of planting, the roots of the irises have grown greatly and began to oppress the plants growing in the neighborhood, you can begin to divide them without removing them from the ground. Take a shovel, separate part of the root with young shoots and replant them in a new place. This express method will help you out if you don’t have time to carry out the division according to all the rules.

A standard division consists of an annual rhizome unit. The latter has about 7-8 leaves. Its strong base has a diameter of 3-4 cm. If you want the bush to be lush, take divisions that have 2-3 rhizome bases. Lush flowering V next year guaranteed.

How to plant irises in open ground

Irises can be planted until the end of September. It is important to find a well-lit area for them. The ideal place would be a flower bed or flower garden, which is illuminated by the sun for at least 6 hours. You can define them by high bed or slope with good drainage. Some varieties can be grown in shaded areas that are well ventilated.

Read also:

Iridarium - how to create a beautiful iris garden on your site

Once you decide on a location, you need to pay attention to preparing the soil. It is better that it is slightly acidic (pH level 6.8). Apply sulfur to the ground (per 10 sq. m. 1 kg). This should be done to a depth of 10-12 cm. It is important to apply the substance no later than 1 year before the planned planting of flowers. If the soil is acidic, you can correct the situation by adding lime. The dosage depends on the pH level. For loamy, clay and sandy soils, about 0.2-0.3 kg of product may be required.

The next stage involves correct location irises in the selected area. We recommend that you use a proven scheme. Place the flowers along the vertices of an isosceles triangle, maintaining a distance of 30-50 cm between them. To activate the plant development process, add appropriate fertilizers to the soil. It needs to be fed after loosening to a depth of 20 cm. Nitrophoska and diammofoska (maximum 90 g per 1 sq.m.) are suitable as fertilizers.

Once you have completed all this work, it is time to decide on the depth of planting the flowers. They need to be planted in shallow holes that are slightly lower or at ground level. Pour some soil onto the bottom, place the rhizome on it at a slight angle and straighten the roots. The fan of leaves should be directed to the south. This will allow the bush to develop symmetrically. Fill the hole with soil.

Water the plant warm water. In the future, irises should be watered only when necessary. If the weather is hot, moisten the soil at least once every 7 days. Water consumption – 5 liters per 1 bush.

What to plant next to irises

Irises share a flowerbed with other plants without any problems. Some crops saturate the soil with nitrogen, while others attract butterflies and pollinating insects.

You can complement a flowerbed with irises with perennials and annual crops. Near these flowers you can plant:

  • peonies;
  • oriental poppy;
  • delphinium;
  • lupins;
  • dogwood;
  • magnolia;
  • birch;
  • heather;
  • rhododendrons;
  • rudbeckia;
  • clematis;
  • echinacea;
  • phlox;
  • lavender;
  • sedum

The main factor in transplanting irises is time. With the help of this article, every gardener will be able to transplant their irises correctly and on time.

Currently, the number of iris varieties exceeds 750 species. Many gardeners who decide to start growing and breeding irises are wondering when to replant irises - in spring or autumn. This article will give you the full answer, as well as some tips for replanting these flowers.

Experienced flower growers advise replanting irises after flowering has ended. The most successful time for transplantation is the end of summer - beginning of autumn. However, transplantation into spring period, if it was not possible to carry out this operation in the autumn.

Digging with a pitchfork

There is also an opinion that irises do not like transplantation and should not be done. This opinion is wrong. Irises must be replanted every 5 years. Otherwise, they begin to grow. Due to the close proximity of plants to each other, their flowering deteriorates significantly, and eventually stops altogether.

Autumn planting

Spring planting

The difference between spring and autumn planting irises do not differ much.

Trimmed irises

  • If the planting material was kept in winter or was purchased in a specialized store, it is recommended to treat it with means to increase its ability to grow. When transplanting, such a procedure is not required.
  • You should carefully examine the rhizomes and remove all areas damaged by rot.
  • To disinfect, soak the flower rhizomes in potassium permanganate for 20 minutes.
  • To plant irises, you should use techniques applicable to the selected variety. Landing features should be taken into account different types irises
  • In order for irises to have enough space to develop, when planting, you should maintain a distance between plants. For low-growing varieties For iris, 15 cm is enough, between medium-sized varieties of irises you need to leave more than 20 cm, and for tall irises you need to maintain a distance of more than 50 cm. The more space for growth, the better.
  • As a site for irises, it is better to select well-lit places without waterlogging and surface groundwater.

By properly caring for irises, you can receive the results of your labors every year. Timely transplanted irises will significantly increase the abundance of flowering. And the main reason for the quality of flowering is the time when to replant the iris, in spring or autumn. Now every gardener will be able to replant his favorite flowers with his own hands.


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