Houseplants: magical properties. Love magic of plants What flowers have magical properties you can keep at home

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There is an opinion that indoor plants contain incredible magical powers. There is even a science of using these powers - magical herbalism.
In ancient times, plants were deified. Spirits and wizards lived in hollow oaks, and their whispers could be heard among the flowers. Our ancestors knew that plants have magical power, and they used this property to change their lives for the better.
Why don't we try it too?

Generally any climbing plants. - They give rise to quarrels and gossip, attract various diseases. They take away positive energy.
Even in offices, it is undesirable, or a wire frame should be installed so that the stems lie on the frame in a circle.
But the vines are useful in front of the house, with outside. There they serve as guards who do not allow negativity into the house.

Ivy - This is a vampire plant. You can’t keep it in the house, it has masculine energy, and practically drives the men out of the house where it is located.
Monstera is a vampire plant, and a very powerful one at that. Be careful not to place it in the bedroom or children's room. If there are small children and old people in the house, the monstera will feed on them first. It's better not to keep her in the house at all.
Dieffenbachia - Also a vampire plant. Takes energy. You can't install it in small rooms at all. Designed, like Monstera, for large spaces with very high traffic. There they will even be useful, they cleanse the space.
Ferns are considered “vampires”; they are undesirable for the home, although the negative abilities of the fern can be neutralized. To do this, you need to place the flower pot in an energetically unfavorable place. He will like the location near the TV.



“Flower of Love” (spathiphyllum) - the name speaks for itself.
“Male flower” (anthurium) - attracts men to the house.
"Chinese rose" (hibiscus). In general, any Rose is a flower of Venus, the goddess of love) - attracts men.
Orchid - it can also be called the “flower of love”; it also cleanses energy and improves mood.
Red geranium - strengthens the union between a man and a woman.
White lilies, any indoor plants with white flowers - these flowers (like all women) are under the protection of the Moon. The moon gives magical powers woman. White flowers should be placed on the windowsill so that moonlight falls on them and nourishes them at night.

Children's room.

“Vanka-wet” (balsam) is a very positive flower that purifies the air and energy.

Citrus fruits - improve appetite.
Geranium - purifies the air and energy.
Violet - Violets can be characterized by color:
red - enhances the energy of the residents;
pink - stimulates love energy;
blue - opens the creative flow;
purple - stimulates spiritual activity;
white - cleanses energy.
Therefore, it is advisable to select violets by color in accordance with your needs. Violets can be placed in any room.

Chlorophytum - cleanses the air of toxins and emits positive energy.
“Pike tail” (sansevieria) is a very positive flower that purifies the air.

Living room

Dracaena - protects the room, an energy indicator; if it is sick, the residents have problems, it is better to clean the house. He feels the energy of the house very subtly.
Ficus emits positive energy.
Myrtle - purifies the air and energy of the room.


« Money Tree"(fat woman) - it should be placed in the east, it “lures” money into the house. By the way, it is also an indicator, but this time of yours financial condition. If the leaves fall, expect problems with money - the cash flow is blocked. This tree grows and develops well only with positive flows of monetary energy into the house. It is also recommended to install it in offices.
“Dollar Tree” (Zamioculcas) - the same functions as the Crassula, for attracting larger sums))


1. Low-fat cottage cheese strengthens the heart, promotes vasodilation, and is a source of calcium, magnesium, and potassium. Every day you need to eat at least 100 grams of cottage cheese.

2. Red bell pepper contains a record amount of vitamin C. Hypertensive patients need to eat it whenever possible. If you eat 2 fresh peppers daily, this will cover the body's need for vitamin C.

3. Salmon is a source of omega-3 fatty acids and is great for helping reduce high pressure. It is good to consume it 3 times a week, 100-150 grams.

4. Oatmeal should be on the menu of hypertensive patients every morning. Studies have shown that oats are a source of selenium and are high in fiber.

5. Pumpkin seeds will replenish zinc deficiency and relieve heart attack. It is enough to eat 20 grams per day instead of a snack.

6. Cocoa improves the condition of blood vessels. But this is a high-calorie drink. 1-2 cups per week is enough, no more.

7. Skim milk contains potassium, calcium, magnesium, vitamins and improves the condition of hypertension. You can drink up to 3 glasses a day.

8. Dark chocolate strengthens the heart muscle, contains antioxidants and can lower blood pressure by 5-10 mm. There is no need to eat it in large quantities.

9. Almonds contain mono fats and lower cholesterol levels. This nut contains potassium, magnesium, vitamin E - this is all that is necessary to lower blood pressure.

10. Green tea, when consumed regularly, dissolves cholesterol plugs, contains many antioxidants, and prevents the aging process of the body. In Japan, people almost never suffer from hypertension and drink green tea the most in the world.

Raisin liver cleansers

At the age of 30, I started having problems with my liver and at a doctor’s appointment, they advised me folk recipe cleaning. In two days my condition improved, my liver cleared up. Now I drink for prevention. Here is the recipe - let's start preparing the liver cleanser. In the morning, soak half a cup of raisins for 15 minutes in warm water, then rinse thoroughly under running water.

Place the washed raisins in a glass and fill it with boiled water room temperature to the top. Insist for a day!

In the morning next day On an empty stomach you need to drink an infusion of raisins, and then eat all the raisins. After this, immediately go to bed for 1.5-2 hours, placing a warm heating pad on your right side.

Do this procedure once a week, preferably on Thursday. The course is a month. The course is conducted 1-2 times a year.

Thanks to this recipe, all the unpleasant symptoms caused by stagnation of bile went away. The mild choleretic effect of raisins turned out to be easy for me only in terms of preparing the recipe. As for the effect, it is not easy at all, but very effective!

Flaxseed to lower cholesterol.

You can lower the level of bad cholesterol with flaxseed (check out the contraindications), which is sold in pharmacies. Add it to the food you eat regularly. You can first grind it in a coffee grinder. The pressure will not jump, the heart will become calmer, and at the same time the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract will improve. All this will happen gradually. Of course, the diet should be healthy.

Healing powder.

Buy linden flowers at the pharmacy. Grind them in a coffee grinder. Every day, take 1 teaspoon of powder 3 times. Course 1 month. By doing this you will lower cholesterol in the blood, remove toxins from the body and at the same time lose weight. Some people lost 4 kg. Your health and appearance will improve.

Dandelion roots for atherosclerosis to remove excess cholesterol from the body in the blood.

Dry powder of crushed dry roots is used for atherosclerosis to remove excess cholesterol from the body and remove harmful substances. 1 tsp is enough. powder before each meal, and after 6 months there is an improvement. There are no contraindications.

Kvass from jaundice to remove “bad” cholesterol.

Kvass recipe (author Bolotov). Place 50 g of dry crushed jaundice herb in a gauze bag, attach a small weight to it and pour 3 liters of cooled boiled water. Add 1 tbsp. granulated sugar and 1 tsp. sour cream. Place in a warm place, stir daily. After two weeks, the kvass is ready. Drink a healing potion 0.5 tbsp. three times a day for 30 minutes. before meals. Each time add the missing amount of water with 1 tsp to the vessel with kvass. Sahara. After a month of treatment, you can get tested and make sure that “bad” cholesterol has decreased significantly. Memory improves, tearfulness and touchiness go away, noise in the head disappears, and blood pressure gradually stabilizes. Of course, during treatment it is advisable to reduce the consumption of animal fats. Preference should be given to raw vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts, cereals, and vegetable oils.

Propolis to remove “bad” cholesterol.

To cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol, you need to take 7 drops of 4% propolis tincture dissolved in 30 ml of water 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 4 months.

Beans will lower cholesterol.

Cholesterol levels can be reduced without problems!

In the evening, pour half a glass of beans or peas with water and leave overnight. In the morning, drain the water, replace it with fresh water, add a teaspoon of baking soda to the tip (to prevent gas formation in the intestines), cook until tender and eat this amount in two doses. The cholesterol-lowering course should last three weeks. If you eat at least 100 g of beans per day, your cholesterol level decreases by 10% during this time.

Alfalfa will remove “bad” cholesterol.

One hundred percent remedy for high cholesterol is alfalfa leaves. You need to treat with fresh herbs. Grow at home and, as soon as the sprouts appear, cut them and eat them. You can squeeze the juice and drink 2 tbsp. 3 times a day. The course of treatment is a month. Alfalfa is very rich in minerals and vitamins. It can also help with diseases such as arthritis, brittle nails and hair, and osteoporosis. When your cholesterol levels are normal in all respects, follow a diet and eat only healthy foods.

I can’t say that I’m an ardent botanist, but when it came time to arrange my space, I spent a long time studying the properties indoor plants so as not to make a mistake when choosing their location in the house. House plants do more than just decorate a person’s home. They are living creatures flora, which create a certain atmosphere around themselves, a special microclimate. Therefore, when choosing plants for your home, you need to understand that those, for example, that are good for the living room, are not suitable for the bedroom. Or your cactus, which you value very much, is not quite suitable for the kitchen and is better placed in the hallway.

In addition, you should take into account the lighting of the rooms, humidity and air temperature, because your green pets should feel comfortable in the house. When choosing flowers, you also need to know that all plants, without exception, have a psychological effect on their owners. And it is not always positive. You need to know all this too.

According to experts, any plants have their own microclimate, which affects people in a certain way. An example is Tradiscantia. These cute flowers are very sensitive to the energy of all family members. Therefore, if it suddenly starts to hurt, the leaves begin to dry out, although the care remains good, you need to be wary. The plant indicates that someone in the household is having troubles or health problems.

Let's find out which indoor plants are good for the home and how best to place them in the apartment. And, of course, we’ll talk about how they affect their owners and which plants are best not to have.

In the most big room- living room, it is better to place tall house plants, which will take up too much space in other rooms. Palm trees will look natural and good in the living room. You can put it there big pot with monstera, ficus or dieffenbachia, it will be good to be located there and geranium with its properties is good for purifying the air.


Many esotericists are sure that monstera is a flower that absorbs energy. Accordingly, by placing the pot in your bedroom or in the place where you relax, you can feel it Negative influence(weakness, weakness). But as practice shows, only people who are particularly sensitive to energy can encounter such a problem. This property monsters, according to superstition, endows it with certain positive qualities. Esotericists claim that such a culture effectively attracts negativity and negative energy, for example, it can treat headaches. To do this, just sit down or lie down for a while near the pot with the plant. His large leaves absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide, which can cause headache, weakness and general malaise (with small area rooms and insufficient ventilation). It is best to grow Monstera in the kitchen or in common room. Folk signs It is advised to grow monstera in homes with a negative atmosphere. This culture effectively removes all negativity from the home. According to this belief, such a flower should not be kept in apartments where peace and quiet reign.


It is believed that the energy abilities of the plant can impart to any person vitality, improve his well-being and give him vigor, physical and mental. In Thailand, it was Benjamin's ficus that earned special veneration for its ability to ward off evil spirits and protect the house from various magical attacks in the form of damage, spells, divination and other influences of otherworldly forces. It is believed that in terms of its energy, Benjamin's ficus is more suitable for women and it is for them that it can serve as a kind of living amulet. At the same time, for a man in the house, the ficus can become a rival and energetically displace him. This plant relieves stress well, has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, and reduces headaches. Ficus benjamina needs special care and temperature control. In its natural environment, the plant can grow into a whole tree, reaching a height of 25 meters. Ficus loves high humidity and periodically needs a warm shower. Ficus flowers, along with numerous advantages, also have contraindications for people suffering from allergic reactions.


One of the most popular magical indoor plants. It does not cause unnecessary difficulties in care, rarely causes allergies and releases a considerable amount of oxygen. Most likely you will be interested in: signs about the mother-in-law’s tongue flower. It is believed that unmarried girl will not be able to get married if she keeps Dieffenbachia at home. She will push men away from home, and not a single relationship will develop into something more serious than fleeting passion. On the other hand, we can currently observe a considerable amount happy families who keep Dieffenbachia at home. This contradicts all the negative signs about her. The home flower will improve your well-being and appearance, help fight aging and excess weight, but only if you care for it correctly. Otherwise, Dieffenbachia can be useful for businessmen and people who are career-oriented. It releases positive energy that is aimed at mental activity, career and business. At the same time, the plant is not related to money. It just helps you make decisions, assimilate material, manage money correctly and use business connections. In addition, Dieffenbachia releases phytoncides and reduces the number of harmful bacteria in the air; perhaps these properties are the reason for this interpretation of some of its magical properties.

Geranium has a lot useful properties, it gives a person positive energy, pushes him to discover his artistic and creative beginnings, replenishes his strength and helps him gain peace of mind. Geranium is a multi-faceted flowering plant against troubles, diseases and misfortunes. Geranium can attract love; for this, girls carried the leaves of the flower in small bags to attract the attention of the person they liked; strong amulet against negativity - geranium oil, which is kept with you in a bottle to form a “shield” against negative influence; Geranium attracts with its fragrance material well-being to the house. It is recommended to place azalea together with geranium; such a union of plants will create an aura of attraction of cash flow in the room; the smell of geranium relieves stress, fatigue, irritability, and has a positive effect on a person’s internal well-being. Geranium placed in the office protects against conflicts and unpleasant conversations, reducing them to nothing. In the workplace, a flower will help minimize intrigue. At school the plant develops creativity in children, facilitates communication between teacher and student, extinguishes conflicts. It is easy to care for, does not require frequent watering, loves ventilated rooms, but is afraid of drafts.

- In the quietest room - the bedroom, you need to put those indoor flowers that do not have a strong or pungent odor. They should have a calming, calming effect on a person. Therefore, in the bedroom you can place decorative pots with begonia or violet, zigocactus (Decembrist), spathiphyllum. Fittonia is also suitable for this room. But a cactus that has aggressive properties cannot be placed here.


According to Eastern signs, the presence of violets in the house contributes to the reign of peace and harmony in the family hearth. The flowers of the plant pacify those around them, smooth out conflict situations. If there is an acute shortage of money in the family, then the flower attracts flows of monetary energy. This is the statement of the Eastern sages. Flowers white- drive away suffering, relieve home owners from bad thoughts. To attract money and curb your appetite, “get” violets with red flowers. Blue violets have a positive effect on people with creative potential and inspire them to create new works of art. Among other things, to get kicked out of the house uninvited guests- ants, place a violet on the windowsill. You won't see these annoying insects again. Flowers do not affect health in any way, as mentioned above, they simply feel a person’s pain. Also, if the energy in the room is positive, then the violets feel great, they grow well, the leaves become healthy and beautiful. You can make a nursery in this room. Your child will grow up healthy and strong. Capricious plant Does not tolerate direct sunlight, but needs bright light. Illumination with a lamp will help it bloom even in the cold season. Not every gardener knows how to water violets correctly. Do not allow water to fall on the leaves, replenish indoor flower preferably by placing the pot on a tray. From excess liquid, the sprout may not only stop blooming, but also die.

It is also called Decembrist, as it blooms in winter. So, it is useful to keep it at home in the bedroom, because it promotes a favorable environment, brings peace to residents, and makes families happier. They say that it even helps in solving family problems.


There are a variety of signs, beliefs and legends associated with it. It is important to remember that magical power manifests itself only when the owner surrounds the flower with attention, kindness, and sincere love. It is known that if a wife and husband inhale the aroma of spathiphyllum together, mistrust, causeless painful jealousy disappear, and suspicions dissipate. If this flower is placed in the bedroom next to the bed, it will prevent the husband from leaving the family, normalizes intimate intimacy, revives faded passion, and eliminates the danger of infidelity. We continue to study signs about him further. If the flower looks like the round belly of a pregnant lady, expect the conception of the desired baby. The energy of this plant eliminates unwanted sensations during pregnancy, facilitates childbirth, and helps to bear a healthy baby. Several flowers blooming simultaneously indicate that everyone living next to you will be happy. Spathiphyllum does not like direct sunlight, but it will not grow in the shade either. That's why it's best to place it in a shady, draft-free location facing southwest. Special requirements for temperature conditions No. Loves moist air and abundant watering. Will thank you in bright green blooming view, if you water it from the shower 2-3 times a week.

It is best to put the cactus on the hallway shelf. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, a cactus has the ability to reflect negative energies coming from outside and not allow them into the home. Therefore, the prickly ka So, cacti are characterized by the energy of aggression and threat. If a person exhibits these traits very clearly, then home cacti are not recommended for him. The harm and benefits of them are not too obvious, but if you are a suspicious person, then you should listen. A person of weak character, who is subject to unreasonable fears, may wilt even more under the influence of this energy. Moreover, the longer and sharper the spines of a plant, the more aggressive its energy can be considered. The best place for a cactus is in the hallway.

So, cacti are characterized by the energy of aggression and threat. If a person exhibits these traits very clearly, then home cacti are not recommended for him. The harm and benefits of them are not too obvious, but if you are a suspicious person, then you should listen. A person of weak character, who is subject to unreasonable fears, may wilt even more under the influence of this energy. Moreover, the longer and sharper the spines of a plant, the more aggressive its energy can be considered. In fact, the energy of thorny bushes can be very useful. First of all, it is the activation of mental activity. Under its influence, a person develops logical, analytical and strategic thinking. That is, it helps solve problems using reasoning. First of all, it is very useful to keep him at work, since he fits perfectly into an atmosphere where intense brainwork. Where to place the cactus? This plant is a kind of shield that protects the house from the invasion of evil spirits. However, not every place is equally suitable for it. First of all, its place is on window sills, as well as near front door. That is, where foreign energy penetrates us. It is very good to keep this plant in the workplace, in the office and near the computer, because, among other things, it can absorb radiation from the monitor.

— The kitchen is the most “family” room of all.. Therefore, it can be decorated with a lemon or tangerine tree. With their pleasant smell and cheerful appearance, they create a favorable atmosphere in the kitchen. Pelargonium or ivy will also feel very good there. Chlorophytum crested will clean the kitchen air. Can be grown on a windowsill green onions, dill, parsley, and your other favorite herbs. They will add coziness to the room, and live vitamins are always at hand.

Chlorophytum crested

This is a “universal” option that will suit any home. It is not difficult to find, and such a flower has many useful functions. Chlorophytum because of its rather “cozy” appearance is able to ennoble any room and make it “warmer”. But, of course, in in this case other qualities of the flower are more important. Therefore, there is no point in focusing on this ability of his. Purifies the air. As mentioned earlier, chlorophytum is able to survive under almost any conditions (of course, this also depends on its type). But in addition to this, chlorophytum also removes microbes and other compounds from the air that can harm owners. Since most of the unpleasant impurities are released into the air in the kitchen, it is in this room that it is best to place chlorophytum. Adherents of Feng Shui claim that chlorophytum literally cleanses the home of the energy that remains in it from previous residents or after the arrival of not quite good man. To believe in it or not is up to the owners themselves.

Concerning children's room, then you need to act very carefully. Where children are, play, sleep, do homework, indoor flowers that smell strongly or have thorny stems should not be placed. Favorable for a children's room are Saintpaulia and Crassula. It is very useful to put a pot of chlorophytum. This flower will make the air in the room cleaner.


The Crassula flower is popularly called the money tree. This houseplant is believed to attract money and maintain financial stability. There are many signs and superstitions associated with this plant, thanks to which you can learn a lot about the future of your wallet and what kind of energy is present in the house. The money tree requires unusual care. In addition to watering and treating the leaves and soil, you need to talk to him. According to the superstition, if every Wednesday you report to the money tree about your income and expenses, then the fat plant will help you realize all your plans and protect you from unexpected expenses. The leaves on the money tree fall - Bad sign. This means that in your home bad energy. In this case, it is recommended to move the flower to another place. Also, fallen leaves of the money tree may mean that big expenses await you very soon. The tree drops its leaves, leading to financial losses. The properties of the money tree are very diverse. It not only attracts money, but “heals” the space around you. Look at the thick and succulent leaves of the money tree - they exude life and energy. In order to increase your material well-being, place a pot of Crassula at home. People call it the “money tree.” And dig 3 or 7 coins edgewise into the ground of the pot (the denomination should be the same).

It is not recommended to keep ferns and lilies at home. The fact is that at night they begin to actively absorb oxygen, releasing, accordingly, carbon dioxide. Therefore, after such a night, the inhabitants of the apartment where there are these plants will wake up with a severe headache. So, for example, ivy can “survive” a man from an apartment who cannot be relied upon. This plant has strong energy, and therefore in the room where it grows, little children sleep very restlessly.

When choosing indoor plants that you are going to bring into your home, remember that they have different properties. Some can decorate your home and improve the atmosphere. Others can greatly harm its inhabitants. Therefore, read additional literature about the positive and negative properties of most popular indoor flowers. Let love and prosperity always reign in your home.

Loving plants is a wonderful feeling inherent in people all over the world. Surrounding yourself with representatives of the flora, quite often the energy of these living beings is not taken into account. We should not forget about the forces of nature that can influence humans. Magic properties indoor plants have been known since ancient times.

Mistakes when choosing indoor plants

It is difficult to imagine a home without plants. But how do you choose plants that are placed in apartments and offices? Quite often they prefer bright and beautiful flowering plants. And sometimes more attention is paid to the pots in which the plant grows than characteristic features which it possesses. It would be a mistake to treat a living representative of the flora as a decorative component of the room.

First of all, we should not forget that any plant has its own special energy that can have an impact on others. And before you start landscaping your rooms, you need to clearly understand that indoor flowers can have a strong influence on the well-being of the home, on relationships and the health of household members. How to choose plants for your living space

Representatives of flora from all over the world can settle in a house or apartment. The decorative component of the apartment will purify the air and have a beneficial effect on the human biofield, provided correct selection plants. Plants with rounded leaves are better suited than others. They will not repel luck like those whose flowers and leaves have pointed shapes. Therefore, geraniums and Saintpaulias became frequent inhabitants of apartment windows. It is undesirable to grow all kinds of vines - harbingers of loneliness. Plants with upward-pointing foliage will help fill your home with positive energy.

How to achieve energy balance?

When choosing flowers for living quarters in which a family lives, you should know that, among other things, all plants can be divided into those that have masculine and masculine energy. For home comfort, the prosperity and tranquility of such plants should be equal. Plants with feminine energy include: Saintpaulias, begonias, crassulas and cyclomena. And it is possible to balance them with plants with masculine energy: lemon, asparagus, dracaena, chlorophytum. To maintain energy balance, the flower collection must have a mixed composition.

The energy of the house can be accurately determined by the state of the green pets. A positive atmosphere can be accurately determined by the beautiful healthy vegetation carefully placed in all rooms of the home. Rooms filled with negativity can destroy plants. And if suddenly previously beautiful and blooming flowers suddenly they begin to dry out, this is worth paying attention to. This, first of all, means a change in energy, which may be the first sign of impending problems.

Keepers of family happiness

The leader in the list of plants that have a beneficial effect on family relationships considered spathiphyllum. People called it “women’s happiness.” Unpretentious perennial It will not only decorate the interior, but will also help in resolving family issues. The houses in which he grows will be filled with love and mutual understanding. The beautiful Saintpaulia will help you avoid quarrels. She's a little capricious. But if these flowers grow on the windows of the apartment, they will delight you with their bright colorful flowers, love will settle in the home.

Donors and vampires

Plants can have not only positive, but also negative effects. Begonias, ficuses, Kalanchoe, spathiphyllum, Saintpaulia, etc. have a positive energetic effect. Monstera, fern and ivy may have an undesirable effect.

Houseplants carry a piece of their homeland. They can be unpretentious or capricious. For them it is necessary to create certain conditions for growth. And each of them is endowed with certain capabilities. Proper Use Indoor plants will help balance home energy.

Everything that surrounds us affects us. Whether we turn a blind eye to it or not, the world will still affect us. So why not make friends with the world around us and use this influence for your benefit? In this article I will share with you information about those plants whose influence can be used for good. Knowing their properties, you will be able to harmonize the energy in your home, as well as protect your hearth and your loved ones from harmful influences from the outside. You don't have to have them all in your house. You can choose those plants that are close to you and whose magical properties you find suitable specifically for your home.

So, 10 magical plants that are worth having at home:

Aloe vera(Stoletnik, Sabur, Aloy, Rannik)

This plant exhibits lunar and Martian nature.

This beautiful indoor plant, known for its healing properties, is also very valuable for its magical properties. It will protect you from bad influences and protect you from accidents. For this purpose, it is good to place the Agave in the children's room or in the workshop, especially if you have to deal with dangerous tools. Place Aloe in the room where household members gather and where you receive guests, so the plant will harmonize the space. Can be placed at the entrance to attract good luck and ward off evil spirits.

Agave loves straight lines Sun rays, south windows, does not like a lot of moisture. It is enough to water it 1-2 times a week. On summer period will be happy to live on outdoors, balcony or in the garden.

Saintpaulia(Uzambara violet, indoor violet)

Has a lunar nature.

It will help create a spiritual atmosphere in the house. To do this, place it in the room where you have an altar or where the whole family gathers, i.e. to those places where it is important to maintain a state of spirituality, harmony and closeness to the Divine. She will bring peace, understanding and harmony to your home. And also, it will rid it of ants and cockroaches. Which is also good, because... staying in a house with cockroaches promises poverty, and staying in a house with ants promises irritation and discomfort for household members. J

In addition, Saintpaulia has protective properties. So that she shows them and drives them away from home negative energy and enemies, it can be placed on windows, especially those facing the facade of the house. And also in the hallway.
Loves abundant, systematic watering and humidity, does not like direct sunlight. Violet Saintpaulia feels good on western and northern windows.

Krasula(Money tree, Crassula tree, Luck tree, Jade tree, Friendship tree)

This is a tree with a mixed nature. It displays features inherent in plants and Jupiter - a thick trunk, strength and power, and the Moon - rounded leaves, “fleshy” and watery.

Krasula attracts monetary luck and wealth. To do this, it is good to place it next to your workplace. It also helps to maintain peace and comfort in the family. To do this, place Krasula in the kitchen or living room. To attract good luck, you can place this flower on the window of the facade of your home or at the entrance.

Loves being sprayed with water, does not like dust. Water it as the soil in the pot dries out. Grows well on a south and west window.

Zamioculcas, dollar tree

The interesting thing is that his nature is different from Krasula's. In this flower, only the Jupiterian nature is clearly manifested.

Its magical properties are money luck and wealth, status. This plant is good for placing at home near your desk or in the office.

Loves light, but not direct rays, unpretentious, loves watering.

Purple oxalis(Butterfly flower, Rose sorrel)

The Oxalis plant itself is also called Oxalis, Cuckoo's Clover, and Sour Clover. It differs from clover not only in appearance, taste and growth pattern, but also in magical properties.

Pink sorrel of mixed nature. She got the color from Jupiter, and the look and smell of flowers from Venus.

Rose sorrel, like other types of sorrel, helps in healing and promoting health. It can be placed in the rooms of loved ones who want to get better quickly. And also for those who want to always stay healthy. In addition, it will help you find your place in life if you place it in the bedroom or at your desk.

Loves a consecrated, cool place, tolerates both light and partial shade. Loves abundant watering and sprinkling.


Has a strong Venusian nature.

All types of pelargonium have protective properties, especially those with red flowers. It’s good to place it at the entrance to the apartment or at the entrance to the courtyard (in summer), as well as on the windows on the street side. Geranium with pink flowers good to start for someone who wants to attract a relationship. Place it on the east or south side. If you want to enhance fertility, place Geranium with white flowers in your bedroom.

She does not like spraying, loves warmth and grows well in moist and dry soil. Grows well on the south side.


A plant with a vibrant Venusian nature.

Good to place in the bedroom, because... The magical properties of the plant are fertility, carnal passion and protection of those sleeping. It also attracts happiness, so Cyclamen is good to place in a children's room, as well as in a room where you spend a lot of time.
In addition, Cyclamen has strong protective properties, it protects against evil spells and destroys evil spells. For this purpose, it can be placed in the hallway and in the central room of your home.

Cyclamen likes to be watered 1-2 times a week, and it is important to pour water into the pan, and not into the flower pot itself. She does well on north and west windows. Loves light, but not direct rays.


Plant of Venusian nature.

It can be placed in the bedroom or in the central room if it is important for you to support or attract love. Orchid also has the property of awakening psychic and magical abilities, remove laziness and apathy, find your Path. To do this, place a flower next to the altar, your workplace, or in the room where you spend the most time.

She loves sunny windows, warm and humid air and timely watering with clean water.


Has a Jupiterian nature.

If you place it in a room where you have an altar or where you do meditative practices, it will strengthen your wisdom, your connection with the Divine, as well as your ability to meditate. It also has a magical property that grants fertility. For this purpose, it is good to place a ficus in the bedroom. Its nature is such that evil spirits The “companies” cannot stand it. It protects the house with its presence in it, so it is good to place Ficus in the central room of your house or your apartment.

Loves the sun, but does not like its direct rays. Watering is moderate without droughts or flooding.

Decembrist cactus(Zygocactus)

In cacti, the lunar nature is very clearly manifested - the fleshiness of the trunk and the Martian nature - the needles.

Decembrist will be an excellent active protection for your home. Place it at the entrance, and it will protect you from unwanted visitors and those who are trying to disturb the peace and integrity of your family home. In addition, the Decembrist, like any cactus, can absorb negativity. If you have a source of negativity at work or at home, place a cactus in the room where such a person most often visits.

It does well on northern windows, and on eastern ones, if direct sunlight does not fall on it. Loves heat and watering, but not excessive.

Awakening Ritual

It is worth remembering that all flowers can show their qualities when they are healthy. Therefore, you should carefully consider how to care for this or that flower. In addition, the magical properties of a flower will appear more clearly if it is cleansed and then consecrated (thereby enhancing the desired magical quality in it). This can be done as follows:

Stand up straight, place a potted flower in front of you, inhale deeply and exhale. Feel your feet, how roots are coming out of them, and you are touching the ground with these roots. Let the roots grow deeper and deeper into the ground. Become a part of nature, become its extension. Place one hand on the flower, the other on the soil in the pot and say:

Mother Earth, Mother Progenitor of all things, I ask you to cleanse this plant.

See and feel the energy flowing through you and the plant being cleansed.

I ask you, Great Mother of All, fill this plant with your power, awaken in it (tell required quality and how it should manifest itself, for example, protective power, let it protect our home and our family from everything bad, negative and destructive). Let it be so.

Thank you, Great Mother Earth.

See how the plant is filled with energy and strength and is ready to help you. Take a deep breath and exhale. Pull in the roots. Take a deep breath, exhale and open your eyes. Place the plant in the place where it needs to stand and do its “job”.

More articles on the same topic:

10 magical plants that are worth having at home - part 2 - continuation of the article, which talks about the magical properties of 10 more indoor plants.

Magic Beans - part 1 - an article about the use of beans in the magical practice of making amulets.

Incredible facts

Everyone knows that witches love herbs.

Many of us grow things at home without even realizing that plants have the amazing ability to establish a magical connection with the other world.

Therefore, always remember that every plant has a soul, which is why witches protect, protect and grow their plants as true living allies.

Magic plants

The following 7 plants, without exaggeration, can be called magical. They grow easily and provide amazing magical energy in their owner's home.


Is it easy to grow? Yes…

This amazing grass not only provides the dish with a subtle and refined aroma, but also brings positive energy to the place where it grows.

Basil is considered one of the most powerful and blessed herbs imaginable. If basil grows in a house, then its owner will certainly be accompanied by success, good luck and prosperity.

And, of course, the witches know this.

Benefits of bay leaf

2. Bay leaf

Is it easy to grow? Yes…

Another great herb that not only improves the taste of some dishes, but also brings magical waves into the house.

The energy that the laurel emits is extremely positive. This plant has the ability to turn darkness into light. Laurel is associated with Apollo, the god of Light and beauty. Therefore, the laurel leaf is considered blessed.

Given enough light and moisture, its seeds germinate fairly quickly.

P.S. When burning laurel, be sure to pay attention to safety precautions.

3. Dandelion

Easy to grow? Yes…

Dandelions are associated with Hermes - Mercury and the magical elements of Air.

Dandelion is used to perform various spells, including making wishes.

Dandelions are often considered a simple weed. However, those who think so are very mistaken. This plant is truly endowed with unusual powers and is considered a witch plant.

Dandelion can withstand almost anything.

With this plant you can do the following simple, but very effective ritual: On Wednesday, take one dandelion and blow on it. It is believed that dandelion seeds will carry your wish through the air to the spirits, who will certainly fulfill this wish.

Please note that the ritual must be performed on Wednesday and not on any other day of the week.

What plants to keep at home

4. Lavender

Easy to grow? Yes…

Lavender is one of the favorites of most women. The presence of this in the house delicate flower not only pleases the eye, but also drives away insects and all types of evil from the things of its owner.

Lavender is considered magical plant as it brings peace, security and love. Growing lavender at home is quite simple. You should also know that lavender helps attract good things into life.

For example, in order to meet new love, fill your home with pots of lavender and be sure to use lavender essential oil to purify the air.

Do the ritual with essential oil on Wednesdays on the waxing moon. And be sure to say your wish out loud.

5. Violets

Are they easy to grow? Not good…

The violet is considered one of the most magical and sacred flowers. She attracts people not only with her beauty, but also with her magic.

Violets radiate beauty and magic. However, they are not as easy to grow as previous plants. Growing flowers at home requires certain knowledge, such as soil pH, amount of moisture, etc.

To bring happiness and good luck into your home, you need to perform the following ritual:

On Friday afternoon, display homemade cakes and a glass of milk in the window. Write a small note with your wishes and place it nearby. Then burn the fallen violet petals.

Benefits of chamomile

6. Chamomile

Is it easy to grow? Yes…

It is the plant of the Sun, associated with all its blessings. Chamomile is the flower of the witch, the Sun and Fire.

The nice thing about this plant is that chamomile is easy to grow at home and can be used to make herbal tea or added to herbal mixtures.

To get rid of nightmares and attract good luck into your life, perform the following ritual: place dried chamomile under your pillow on Sunday night and go to bed.


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