Summary of plant propagation in an ecological corner. Summary of nodes propagation of indoor plants

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Topic: Getting to know indoor plants

Efimova Alla Ivanovna, teacher of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg
Description: Summary of educational activities aimed at developing children's cognitive interest in nature and the desire to actively study natural world, developing in children a desire to explore and experiment with indoor plants. I offer you a lesson summary for children of the second youngest group (3 - 4 years old). This summary is aimed at teaching children to love and care for indoor plants.

Target: create an atmosphere of joyful mood;

Tasks: Educational - teach to recognize and name parts of a plant;

Developmental - develop concentration and memory,

Educational - to cultivate the ability to experience a feeling of joy from looking at a plant and the ability to care for it.

Vocabulary work: activate children's speech with the words “root, stem, leaves, flower”

Preliminary work: looking at illustrations of indoor plants, reading poems and fairy tales about flowers, talking about plants.

Methods: visual, verbal, practical.


Educator: I invite you to go on a trip today. Do you agree?


Educator: And we will take a trip to our corner of nature. Are we leaving?


The teacher, together with the children, stand near a corner of nature.

Educator: Have you guys noticed what has changed in our corner of nature?

Answers: New flowers have appeared.

Educator: Right. Which of you guys brought these flowers?

Children answer.

Educator: Or maybe Yegorka knows the name of the flower he brought?

Silence in response.

Educator: Do you Katyusha know the name of your flower?

There is also silence in response.

Educator: Guys, the flower that Egor brought is called ficus, and the flower that Katyusha brought is called begonia. Beautiful names, Truth?


Educator: Look closely at these flowers. They are alike?

Children: the leaves are green, grow in the ground, one flower has flowers, but the second does not...

Educator: Well done, but notice how the leaves look like our flowers?

Children: No.

Educator: What is the difference?

Answers: on one flower they are patterned, and on the second they are simply oval.

Educator: Do you think they feel different or the same?

Children: Children's opinions differ.

Educator: Let us touch the leaves on our flowers and see if the leaves are different or the same?

Children answer: different to the touch, on one flower they are smooth, and on the other they are pimply, some are dry, the other are wet.

Educator: Guys, what are the names of the flowers that grow in your home?

Children: indoor

Educator: Houseplants are very beautiful flowers.

Indoor plants belong to living nature.

They are feeding.

All indoor plants are growing.

Guys, tell me why these flowers are called indoor flowers?

Answers: Houseplants are plants that are grown indoors rather than outdoors, in special pots on the windowsill.

Educator: Tell me, where did we get indoor flowers?

Children: they can be bought at flower shop, or you can grow it yourself.

Educator: Guys, what conditions are necessary for plant life?

Children: plants need warmth to grow, they need to be watered, loosened, plant leaves need to be sprayed and washed, plants need light to grow.

Educator: Can they grow in a forest, in a meadow?

Children: No.

Educator: Why can't indoor plants live elsewhere?

Children: it is indoor and can only live in the house and warmth. It needs care and attention.

Educator: What kind of care do you think indoor flowers need?

Children: It needs to be watered, loosen the soil, and wash the leaves from dust.

Educator: I suggest you look carefully at our flowers. Who knows what the parts that make up a plant are called, or rather, what should we call the parts that make up our flowers?

Silence in response.

Educator tells the children what each plant has: a root, a stem, leaves, a flower, and what they serve the plant for.

Educator: I invite you to relax a little, a little physical exercise:

Physical exercise.

The flower says to the flower.

The flower says to the flower:

“Pick up your paper.”

(children raise and lower their hands)

Get on the path

Yes, tap your foot

(children walk in place, raising their knees high)

Shake your head

Greet the sun in the morning

(head rotation)

Tilt the stem slightly

Here is a charger for the flower.


Now wash yourself with dew,

Shake yourself off and calm down.

(shaking hands)

Finally everyone is ready

Celebrate the day in all its glory.

Educator: We rested a bit and returned to our corner. Look at the slots near the flowers various items. What do you think they are for?

Children answer.

Educator: For plant care, of course. Do you want to work with them?

Children: Yes.

Educator: each take one object in your hands, say what you took in your hand, and what will you do with this object, and why?

Children tell what each item is for and what they will do.

Educator: I suggest you spend a little time as gardeners or gardeners. Proceed with your duties.

Well done, everyone.

Let's listen to Alenka, why did she loosen the soil for the flowers?

Child tells.

Educator: And now Fedenka will tell us why he watered the flowers?

Fedya tells.

Educator: Guys, what do you need to grow a houseplant?

Children: Pot. Earth. Sand. Water. Shards. Wand. Scoop. Cutting.

Educator: Can you tell me what indoor plants are for?

Children: Indoor plants purify the air.

Among the indoor plants there are medicinal ones.

Indoor plants create coziness.

Indoor plants lift your spirits and have a pleasant aroma.

Houseplants produce oxygen.

Educator: You are all great fellows, you worked hard. Let's summarize our event.

Did you guys like our activity?

What are the names of the flowers that we talked about today?

Where do these flowers live?

Why do you need to care for flowers?

What color are the flowers?

What are the parts of our plants called?

Educator: Now everyone can sit down in their places and play a little. I have put games on your tables: “Cut pictures”, “Assemble a whole from parts”, “Complete the missing part for the plant”

And your homework: together with your parents, plant and grow a flower at home; if you wish, you can bring it to the garden or provide a photo report of the work done.

Ecology lesson

Senior group

Subject: Plant Travel

Target : formation of children’s ideas about the structure, growth, development and seed propagation of plants.


Practice solving riddles;

Expand children's understanding of the parts of a plant (roots, stem, leaves, flowers) and their functions;

Reinforce the idea of ​​the changing seasons;

Develop imagination and logical thinking;

Teach how to plant seeds;

Begin a series of experiments and research on growing various plants;

Cultivate interest and caring attitude towards growing plants and nature in general.

Materials : pictures with plants, herbarium of yarrow with a diagram of the structure, music “Seasons” by P.I. Tchaikovsky, a white sheet, bags of water and cookies, a spray bottle of water, a bee toy on a stick, flower hats, a bag of sensations, home garden and tools, a collection of seeds, a watering can with water, a table with a seed planting diagram.

Literature : program of education and training in kindergarten edited by Vasilyeva, scenarios for classes on environmental education of preschoolers, senior group, L.G. Gorkova, A.V. Kochergina, L.A. Obukhova; N Ryzhova “Growing Together”, a method for organizing children’s research on growing plants in preschool institution.

P preparatory work: a series of observations of plants - trees, shrubs, herbaceous plants, etc.; observing the characteristics of the appearance of plants; collecting seeds and compiling a seed collection; children learn poems and soak seeds for quick germination.

Progress of the lesson

Children wash their hands before class.

The children come in and sit on the chairs.

Introductory conversation.

IN: Hello guys!Say hello to your guests.

IN: We respect nature

We take care and understand.

Us at any time of the year

Wise nature teaches.

Birds teach singing

Spiders have patience.

Bees in the field and garden

They teach us how to work.

Reflection in water

Teaches us truthfulness.

The sun teaches kindness

Kindness, justice.

We are trees of all species

They teach strong friendship.

Nature has it all year round

You need to study.

IN: Today we guys will talk about extraordinary travelers. And in order to understand what kind of travelers these are, I ask you to listen carefully to the riddles and find the answers:

Planted a seed and raised the sun. Sunflower

Delicious earrings grew on the tree,

Round and red, a little sour.

So as not to waste unnecessary words

Let's say right away: this is...( cherries)

What tree is with you
Will we decorate in winter? ( Spruce)

She has a curly ponytail
Long, thin, sharp nose!
This red-haired cheat
Not a fox, but... carrot!

IN: Well done boys! We solved all the riddles about plants. We have already talked about the fact that plants are called plants because they grow all the time. Moreover, plants grow everywhere around us. Look, there are a lot of indoor plants in the group. Vegetables grow in the garden, trees and shrubs grow in the park. The plant world surrounds us. Plants grow in all countries, on all continents, all over our planet.

But how is it that plants have spread everywhere, because they have no legs. How does it happen that a tree grows, and then suddenly another tree grows nearby? This is what we will learn about today.

Main part

  1. Plant structure

IN: Please look at this picture.

All plants look different, but almost all of them have common organs:

These are the roots. Why do you think the plant needs them?

The children answer.

This is a stem or trunk. What function does it perform?

The children answer.

These are leaves. What are they needed for?

The children answer.

This is a flower. It greatly decorates this plant, but this is not its main task. After the flower is pollinated and fades, a fruit with seeds is formed in its place. There are plants whose seeds can fly with the help of the wind, and some seeds are carried by animals. People also help many plants travel: they collect seeds in one place, but can plant them in a completely different place. This is how plants travel.

2. Didactic game"Seed Germination"

IN: Let's play?

I want to offer you new game, which is called “Seed Germination.”

Erokhina Nastya, Zhigunova Nastya, Koltyreva Nastya,

Varvara and Sasha, come to me and imagine that you have turned into the seed of some plant.

These girls will be our seeds, and the rest will help me.

What kind of seed have you become? (the question is asked to each child).

Autumn has come...A musical fragment from the Seasons sounds" P.I. Tchaikovsky, pictures of autumn on the screen.

The seeds have already ripened and fallen to the ground.

The children sit on the carpet.

Valeria Yulusova recites a poem:

Sparrow V. Stepanov

Autumn looked into the garden -
The birds have flown away.
There's rustling outside the window in the morning
Yellow snowstorms.
The first ice is underfoot
It crumbles, breaks.
The sparrow in the garden will sigh,
And sing -

Seeds are preparing for a long time winter holidays. To start life in the spring, after a long winter, each seed has its own supply of food.

The teacher gives the children bags of water and cookies.

But in order to survive and become strong and healthy plant, the seeds do not consume their food supply until the spring rains.

Winter has come… A musical fragment from the Seasons sounds" P.I. Tchaikovsky, pictures of winter on the screen.

Marina Kharitonova recites a poem:

Blanket A. Korinfsky

- Why, dear, does it snow in winter?
- Nature weaves a blanket out of it!
- Blanket, mom? Why is it?!
- Without it, the ground would become cold!
- And who, dear, should look for warmth in her?!
- For those who will have to spend the winter:
Little seeds, grains of bread,
Roots of blades of grass, cereals and flowers.

In winter, the seeds go dormant. Snowflakes swirl in a round dance, and the snow covers each seed with a soft, fluffy blanket.

The teacher covers the children with a sheet as they pretend to be seeds.

Spring has come…A musical fragment from the Seasons sounds" P.I. Tchaikovsky, pictures of spring on the screen.

Kudryashov Vova recites a poem:


Spring sends greetings with a smile
Awakened nature;
Everything after winter storms and troubles
I sighed in freedom.
Helplessly angry and grumbling,
Winter, evil old woman,
Runs from the hot ray
Burning under the sun.

The snow has melted.

The teacher removes the sheet from the children.

The sun gradually warms the earth, and the seeds slowly wake up.

Children begin to move and yawn.

The first spring rain has arrived.

Spray with water from a spray bottle.

The seeds have roots.

Children stretch their legs.

The seeds began to use up food supplies.

Children eat cookies and drink water.

The food added strength to the seeds, they had the energy to germinate from the ground. The sprouts stretch their leaves towards the sunlight. The sprouts are swaying and enjoying the sun.

Children raise their hands up and shake them. They smile.

Summer has come... A musical fragment from the Seasons sounds" P.I. Tchaikovsky, summer pictures on the screen.

Kitova Kristina recites a poem:

Summer song T. Belozerov

Summer is laughing again
Out the open window
And sunshine and light
Full, full!
Panties and T-shirts again
Lying on the shore
And the lawns bask
In chamomile snow!

The plants have grown big. They got flowers.

Children get to their feet and put flowers on their heads.

Insects fly to the flowers.

The teacher controls the bee, which collects nectar from each flower.

But summer, alas, is ending, autumn is getting closer. The flowers fall.

Children remove flowers.

Fruits appear in place of flowers pollinated by insects.

Children spread their arms to the sides, depicting a fetus.

The fruit gets bigger and bigger, then it ripens and falls to the ground.

Children depict this process using movements.

And inside the fetus are... what?

Children: seeds.

The teacher reads a poem. It's autumn again on the screen.

Summer is leaving quietly,
dressed in foliage.
And they stay somewhere
in dreams and in reality:
silver front sight
in the spider's webs,
not drunk mug
fresh milk.
And a glass stream,
And warm earth
and above the forest clearing
the buzzing of a bumblebee.

Autumn comes quietly,
dressed in fog.
She brings with her
rains from different countries.
And a heap of yellow leaves,
and mushroom aroma,
and dampness in dark holes.

And somewhere behind the wall
alarm clock until dawn
chirps on the table:
"Until the next summer,
until the future..."

Tim Sobakin

And everything starts all over again.

3. Plant propagation.

IN: Now you guys and I not only played the game “Seed Germination”, but also saw how plants propagate by seeds.

This process is called -plant propagation. Children repeat.

IN: Plants reproduce not only by seeds; there are other ways, but we will learn about them in the next lessons.

4. Physical education minute

IN: We've been sitting too long, let's get up and play a game.

We are leaves, we are leaves,

We are autumn leaves.

We sat on branches

Children form a circle

The wind blew and they flew.

Running around the room

We flew, we flew

They run and flap their wings

All the leaves are so tired!

And they fell onto the chairs.

They sit on the chairs.

5. Didactic game “Whose seed is this?”

IN: A magical bag of sensations came to visit us today. There is something inside it. But what should you guess?

Each child puts his hand into the bag and takes out dummies of fruits and vegetables, seeds of some plants. The child must name what kind of fruit or seed of which plant it is. If a child has a fake fetus, he should find its seed on a plate.

6. Home garden

IN: Each of you has seeds, and now we will plant them in our home garden, which we prepared before.

The teacher and the children move to a corner of nature.

IN: We pre-soaked some seeds for quick germination.

Children plant seeds in their home garden. Watered warm water. They wash their hands.

IN: I will record everything in this table, and then you, like real scientists, will watch your seeds, how they sprout, grow, draw scientific conclusions, and care for them.

7. Summing up.

What interesting things did we do today?

The children answer.

What new did you learn today?

The children answer.

IN: Let's join hands.

Let's be friends with each other

Like a bird with the sky

Like a field with meadow,

Like the wind and the sea,

Grass with rain,

How the sun is friends with all of us!

Let's strive for this

So that they love us

Both the beast and the bird,

And they trusted us everywhere,

Like your most loyal friends!

Let's be

Save the planet!

There is nothing like it in the entire universe.

There is only one in the whole universe,

It was given to us for life and friendship!

IN.: Thanks guys. Our lesson has come to an end.

A plant is like a living being. Lesson notes for the senior group.

GBDOU No. 93

Educator: Tikhova Tatyana Mikhailovna

Cognition. A plant is like a living being.

Lesson notes for the senior group.


1. Expansion of primary natural scientific and environmental concepts. Structure of plants, functions of plant parts.

2. Development of coherent speech, fine and gross motor skills, creative imagination.

3. Development of skills to establish cause-and-effect relationships between the habitat and the characteristics of the appearance of plants. Usageevidentiary speech.

4. Formation of skills of cooperation, interaction, interest, goodwill, responsibility, love and respect for nature.

Models: plant structures; functions of plant parts; adaptation of a plant to its environment.

Progress of the Lesson.

Didactic game: “Living is not living” in a circle

Identify and correctly name what belongs to living nature. What is not alive, what is made by human hands; (rock, mountains, river, waterfall, tree, mouse, flower, beetle, doll, ball, chair, cup, etc.)

The game character, Pinocchio, appears.

Hello guys, what are you playing here?

Children's answers.

Pinocchio: I heard that it was said that the flower is alive. How is he alive, I’m alive, I’m running, jumping, I’m alive and cheerful, but a flower, how can it be alive? He has no legs, no arms and cannot run.

Educator: Guys, let's help Pinocchio figure it out and understand that all plants belong to living beings.

Game "Collect a flower"

(Root, stem, leaf, flower)

Educator: in order for a plant to grow and be beautiful and healthy, it needs all its parts.

Children: And it also needs favorable conditions (set up a model of plant needs, (earth, light, heat, water). Without this, the plant will not be able to grow.

Educator: A plant, like any living organism, eats, drinks, reaches for the sun, grows, reproduces, and plants also breathe.

Each part of the plant performs its own function. Children, let's tell Pinocchio what different parts of the plant are needed for and what they do.

Children exhibit a model of the “functions of a living thing”

- The root holds the plant in the ground, absorbs water and nutrients from the ground, and breathes.

-The stem supports the plant as a support, conducts water and other nutrients to other parts of the plant, and breathes.

-The leaf captures sunlight, evaporates moisture, respires, absorbs nitrogen and releases oxygen.

-A flower - seeds appear from it, a new plant grows from the seeds, breathes.

Educator: Well, Pinocchio realized that the plant is alive.

Pinocchio answers...

Educator: There are a lot of different plants in nature, and they all adapt to different conditions life. Guys, let's show Pinocchio how many different plants there are.

Table task “Assemble a whole from parts”

(flowers, bushes, trees)

Speech with movement:

Our scarlet flowers open their petals;

The breeze breathes slightly, the petals sway.

Our scarlet flowers cover the petals,

their heads drop and quietly fall asleep.

The teacher praises the children and shows them a magic flower.

And now, with the help of a magic flower, let's go on a journey.

“Fly, fly petal, through west to east, through north through south, return in a circle, as soon as you touch the ground, in my opinion, order, order that the children and I end up in the desert. (spinning)

So you and I found ourselves in the desert. A desert is a territory in which there is no continuous vegetation; the air temperature there is very hot, above 35 degrees. Little moisture and only grow individual species plants.

Game, “What kind of sand.”

Let's touch the sand, what it is like: hot, dry, flowing, burning, etc.

Guys, it’s very hot in the desert, the sun shines brightly there, and plants and other living creatures adapt to such heat

Let's see what plant we will see. (opens a cactus).

Children: this is a cactus

Pinocchio: This is definitely not a plant, there is no stem, there are no leaves either.

Educator: calm down Pinocchio, a cactus is also a plant, it just grows, as we already know, in the desert.

Let's look at a cactus - it is cone-shaped, there are no leaves, there are spines, and there is pulp inside the plant. Cacti, with their wide roots, collect all available water and store it in their thick “stems” cones, and cacti can also bloom, although not for very long, and their bright flowers attract insects. In nature, edible fruits appear on cacti. Some types of cacti reach gigantic sizes. (Show different types of cacti in pictures). Guys, we grow decorative cacti to decorate rooms, and we can admire them, but you shouldn’t smell or touch them, as you can inject yourself.

Pinocchio figured out that the cactus is a desert plant.

And now guys, before the long journey, let’s rest a little and lie down on the warm sand, close our eyes. (relaxation to music.)

Now let's turn to our magic flower.

“Fly, fly, petal through the west to the east, through the north, through the south, return in a circle, as soon as you touch the ground, in my opinion, order, order, so that the children and I end up on the river.” (spinning)

Here we are on the river, the river is fast and full of water, let’s sit down and touch the water, what it is like: cold, transparent, light, etc.

Guys, look, what kind of flowers are these? Remember, you made the same ones as gifts for mothers.

(Working at an easel, a dynamic model of a lily.)

Children: these are lilies.

Pinocchio is definitely not flowers. There is no stem, no soil, it is not clear where the roots are.

Educator: This plant is a water lily, its stem is under water.

It is very strong and long. The large root clings to the bottom of the river, it securely holds the plant and prevents the current from carrying the plant away; the flower of a lily consists of petals white with sharp edges, a large oval leaf lies on the surface of the water, the flower also attracts the attention of insects.

Educator: Pinocchio was convinced that the lily is a very beautiful aquatic plant.

Guys, today we talked a lot about plants, their structure, how different they are, how differently they adapt to different conditions. But the most important thing is that plants bring us great benefits, they purify our air from harmful gases, and where there are many plants, it is easier for people to breathe. When we look at the growths, we admire their beauty and get a good mood from it.

Guys, how can you and I help plants?

Didactic game.

“Reminder signs on how to behave in nature”

Do not pick flowers, do not break branches, do not light fires in the forest, do not litter, etc.

Guys, let's draw Pinocchio as a gift, the plants we met today in the desert and on the river.

Well done, you all did a great job today. And Pinocchio, as a token of gratitude for your help, wants to give you his flowers (Chupa Chups in petals). Thank you guys for your help.

Summary of the lesson “Flowering plants” of the interest association “Entertaining biology”

Description: The material is of interest to teachers additional education environmental profile, teachers of preschool educational institutions and teachers primary school.

Lesson duration: 2 academic hours (45 minutes each)

Class location in training course: lesson with students in the interest association “Entertaining biology”, topic “ Amazing world plants", lesson No. 5.

Purpose of the lesson: introducing students to the variety of flowering plants.

Educational – introduce students to the forms of flowering plants and their characteristics.
Developmental – to get people interested in learning flora.
Educational – to develop in students the ability to work in a team.

Specifics of the lesson: educational and developmental.

Form of organizing a training session: individual - group, practice-oriented lesson.

Teaching methods used in the training session:
- verbal;
- gaming;
- practical.

Material and technical support of the training session: game “Not in the eyebrow, but in the eye”, illustrations of flowering plants, autumn leaves trees, cardboard, glue, paints, brushes, colored paper, album sheets, pencil, paper, pen.

Preliminary preparation of students for the lesson: collect tree leaves, prepare messages.

Lesson structure:

1. Organizational stage (5 min)
2. Orientation-motivational stage (15 min)
2.1. Game "Yes-No"
3. Operational-cognitive stage (40 min)
3.1. Mini-lecture general characteristics and diversity of forms of flowering plants"
3.2. Student Messages “Amazing” flowering plants Belarus"
3.2.1. Chamomile
3.2.2. Oak
3.2.3. Hawthorn
3.2.4. Sundew
3.3. Game “Not in the eyebrow, but in the eye”
4. Control and correction stage (20 min)
4.1. Game "Trees, Shrubs, Grasses"
4.2. Ecological workshop “Phytopechat”
5. Reflection (10 min)
Summing up the lesson

1. Organizational stage

Introduction to the topic and purpose of the lesson.

2. Indicative-motivational stage

2.1. Game "Yes-No"

The teacher asks questions and the students answer “YES” or “NO.” As the game progresses, the teacher gives explanations.

Is it true that
1. is the science that studies plants called botany? (Yes)
2. Do mosses have a root, a stem, a leaf, a flower? (No)
3. Do flowering plants have a root, stem, leaf, flower, fruit with seeds? (Yes)

4. Do ferns have flowers? (No)
5. Is a plant a living organism? (Yes)
6. Algae have a root, a stem, leaves and a flower. (No)
7. algae - inhabitants of water (yes)
8. Mosses can be found in damp places(Yes)
9. representatives coniferous plants are: pine, spruce, cedar, juniper (yes)
10. mosses have roots (no)
11. the smallest group of flowering plants (none)
12. seaweed is used as food (yes)
13. Fern leaves look like feathers (yes)
14. plants are divided into algae, horsetails, mosses, mosses, ferns, conifers and flowering plants (yes)
15. lichens are a symbiosis of algae and fungus (yes)
16. spruce is a flowering plant (no)
17. seaweed is a seaweed (yes)
18. a cone is the fruit of coniferous plants (yes)
19. a rose is a flowering plant (yes)
20. Russula is a plant (no)

3. Operational-cognitive stage

3.1. Mini-lecture “General characteristics and diversity of forms of flowering plants”

Flowering plants– the most large group flora. There are more than 250 thousand species. They inhabit land from the shores of the Arctic to Antarctica. These plants are called flowering because they always have flowers, from which seeds then ripen. Flowering plants have roots, stems, leaves, flowers, and fruits with seeds. These plants are the most common in the world.
Well, we, and we with flowers,
We bloom, we bear fruit,
We will feed you with seeds,
We will decorate the house with ourselves.
We are in forests, meadows and fields,
We are in the desert and in the water.
By flowers, like by password,
You will recognize us everywhere.
Flowering plants are the youngest and most complex plants on Earth from an evolutionary point of view. They were able to spread over land more widely than other groups of plants, adapt to different conditions habitats and ways of life. As a result, flowering (or angiosperm) plants are highly diverse. This diversity is expressed in various shapes, structure, coloring of vegetative (roots, stems and leaves) and generative (flowers, fruits, seeds) plant organs, their life expectancy. All these differences are a consequence of plant adaptation to certain living conditions.
In the world of flowering plants, various life forms are most fully represented. There are three main life forms - grasses, shrubs and trees. At the same time, grasses can be considered the most progressive branch of evolution, since among gymnosperms (which are more ancient plants) there are almost none of them.
Trees are characterized by perennial woody stems. The main stem is called the trunk, the rest are called branches. The totality of a tree's branches forms its crown. The size of trees varies. So, for example, cherry is a fairly short tree, but eucalyptus reaches 100 m. For comparison, the height of pine trees in the forest is about 30 m.
Shrubs differ from trees not only in their small size. Their trunk is short and begins to branch at the very surface of the soil, so the shrubs consist mainly of branches. Shrubs include not only the familiar currants and gooseberries, but also plants such as hazel and lilac, which reach quite large sizes, as a result of which they could be called trees.
Herbs are usually small in size and have a green, soft stem. Otherwise herbaceous plants very diverse: in stem structure, leaf shape, size.
Diversity is also expressed in the lifespan of plants. Among flowering plants there are annual, biennial and perennial plants.
Trees and shrubs are always perennial. Trees can live for hundreds, and some species even thousands of years.
There are also perennial herbs. In climatic zones with a pronounced change of seasons, their above-ground parts die off during the winter. But roots and rhizomes remain in the ground. In spring, green above-ground parts grow again from underground buds. Examples of perennial herbaceous plants are dandelion, nettle, and lily of the valley.
Biennial grasses live for more than a year, but less than two years. In the first year, only vegetative organs (roots, stems and leaves) grow. During the winter, the above-ground green parts die off, but during the summer underground parts many perennial plants stocks have time to be deposited nutrients(think carrots and beets). On next year in spring the green parts grow back and flowers develop on them. After pollination, fruits and seeds appear. After the fruits ripen, biennial plants die off completely.
Annual herbaceous plants live only one growing season. Most often from spring to autumn. However, there are flowering plants that live only a few months or even less. During this time, annual plants have time to grow, bloom, and have time to ripen fruits and seeds. Examples annual plants are peas, wheat, radishes.

3.2. Student reports “Amazing flowering plants of Belarus”

3.2.1. Chamomile

1 - Chamomiles belong to one of the largest plant families in the world, making up almost 10% of all flowering plants on the ground.
2 - Daisies are found everywhere on Earth except Antarctica.
3 – The English name for chamomile is Daisy from the Old English “Daes Eage”, which means “eye of the day”, because they open their petals at dawn and close at sunset.
4 - Daisies symbolize purity and innocence.
5 - Throughout history, the flower has been used in medicine; ancient healers believed that chamomile protects against “ evil eye».
6 - B Ancient Rome, surgeons ordered their slaves to collect bags full of chamomile to extract their juice, which was used to treat wounds caused by sword and spear. Chamomile is also popular in homeopathy and is used to treat a variety of conditions such as rheumatism, bronchitis and kidney inflammation.
9 - Fresh flower heads and leaves are edible and can be added to salads (they are “relatives” of artichokes and are high in vitamin C).
10 – White daisies go perfectly with blue cornflowers, red poppies, sunny decorative sunflowers, delicate forget-me-nots or orange marigolds.

3.2.2. Oak

1. Oak is a symbol of strength, endurance and power. They grow over centuries and become witnesses to history, keeping chronicles of past years in their rings.
2. Oaks, more often than any other trees, attract lightning strikes. This made them the favorite trees of the Druids, who considered lightning to be a sign of inspiration, calling it "arwen".
3. Ink. Some of the most important texts in European history, including the Magna Carta, Newton's theories and the works of Mozart, were written using oak. More specifically, ink made from the galls on oak leaves, also called ink nuts. A leaf coated with such a substance is capable of releasing a black pigment called tannin.
4. Medicinal properties. Almost all parts of the oak tree, including leaves, bark, branches and acorns, were (and in some places continue to be) used to treat diseases such as diarrhea, inflammation, kidney stones, etc.
5. Eating. In ancient times, oak fruit - ground acorns - were used as a coffee substitute, and alcoholic liqueurs and drinks were prepared from oak shoots. In even more ancient times, people collected acorns, made flour from them and baked bread.
6. We are all alike, but so different. There are more than six hundred species of oak trees, many of them practically indistinguishable from each other.
7. Biological diversity. Oak forests and groves create a comfortable and rich habitat for large quantity various representatives of flora and fauna.
8. Eco-friendly. Oak forests, groves and plantings play important role in air purification carbon dioxide. They not only recycle, but also store CO2, which increases the ability of oak trees to clean our air.

3.2.3. Hawthorn

1. The name arose because of the color of the fruit, which has a rich burgundy-red color. In general, the bush is very friendly and even useful for humans, except for the thorns on the branches.
2. Young shoots have brown-red bark, which changes color to darker and becomes coarser as the branches grow.
3. Blood-red hawthorn is also unique in that it can grow quietly for up to 400 years.
4. People have been using blood red hawthorn since the 16th century. During this time, many different recipes and their variations were invented, which helped get rid of many diseases.
5. More interesting application hawthorn was found in England. There on May 1st unmarried girls They tie a hawthorn branch to a post, and in the morning they look in which direction the wind has tilted it. It is generally accepted that it is from there that the chosen one should expect the groom.

3.2.4. Sundew

1. Sundews are one of the most common insectivorous plants.
2. An alluring drop of “dew” turns out to be sticky mucus, which deprives the insect of the opportunity to escape. The sundew leaf is unusually sensitive - just the lightest touch is enough, and all its hairs begin to move, bending towards the center in an effort to “generously” cover the victim with an adhesive substance and move it to the very middle of the leaf - where the digestive villi are located. Gradually, the sundew leaf closes over the insect, turning into a kind of tiny stomach.
3. The digestion process usually takes several days. The glands of the sundew secrete a liquid containing organic acids (mainly benzoic and formic) and digestive enzymes such as pepsin, which break down insect proteins into more simple connections, which the plant is able to absorb.
4. Charles Darwin, who conducted numerous observations and experiments with large-leaved sundew, discovered the amazing ability of this plant to digest even pieces of bone and cartilage.
5. From insects caught by sundews, only chitinous covers, insoluble by enzymes, remain, which are soon washed off from the surface of the trapping leaf by rain or carried away by the wind.

3.3. Game “Not in the eyebrow, but in the eye”

The game is played according to a similar type proposed in the collection “Hours of Merry Inventions” (Minsk “Krasiko-Print”, 2000 (p. 44-53))

4. Control and correction stage

4.1. Game "Trees, Shrubs, Grasses"

Rules: when naming a tree, children stretch their arms up, stand on tiptoes to show which trees are tall, bushes - arms spread to the sides (bushes are wide), grasses - squat down (grasses are short).

"A corner of nature

in environmental education of preschool children"

The relevance of the problem we raise is that environmental education and education of children is extremely current problem present time. IN modern world Problems ecological environment(environmental problems) have become of paramount importance. Therefore, the task of broader environmental education and education of the entire population. Primary importance should be given to environmental education and education of children preschool age. Introducing preschoolers to nature is a means of developing realistic knowledge about nature in their minds. surrounding nature(living and nonliving), based on sensory experience and education of the correct attitude towards it.

Preschool age is an important stage in the development of human ecological culture. During this period, the foundations of personality are laid, including a positive attitude towards nature and the surrounding world. At this age, the child begins to distinguish himself from environment, an emotional and value-based attitude towards the environment develops, the foundations of the moral and ecological positions of the individual are formed, which are manifested in the child’s interactions with nature, in the awareness of inseparability with it. Thanks to this, it is possible for children to develop environmental knowledge, norms and rules of interaction with nature, develop empathy for it, and be active in solving certain problems. environmental problems. At the same time, the accumulation of knowledge in preschool children is not an end in itself. They are a necessary condition for developing an emotional, moral and effective attitude towards the world.

A preschool institution is the first link in the system of continuous environmental education, so it is no coincidence that teachers are faced with the task of forming the foundations of a culture of rational environmental management among preschoolers. In a preschool institution, children are introduced to nature, what is happening in it, different time years of changes. On the basis of acquired knowledge, such qualities as curiosity, the ability to observe, think logically, have an aesthetic attitude towards all living things, love for nature, and the skills of caring for it and all living things are formed. Every acquaintance with nature is a lesson in the development of a child’s mind, creativity, and feelings.

The goal of environmental education of preschool children is to develop the foundations of an individual’s ecological culture, to form practical and spiritual experience of interaction between humanity and nature.

The preschooler’s communication with living nature is based on the relationship between the elder and the younger (the child’s need to caress and care for plants and animals is manifested).

Environmental education is carried out in a preschool institution through the entire pedagogical process - in Everyday life and in class. In implementing the tasks of environmental education great importance has a natural environment in the kindergarten. These are corners of nature in all groups, a properly designed and cultivated area, providing the opportunity for constant direct communication with nature; organizing systematic observations of natural phenomena and objects, introducing children to regular work.

The importance of a corner of wildlife in a preschool institution is one of necessary conditions visual and effective introduction of nature to preschoolers. Children's observations on excursions or activities in the room are short-term. In the corner of wildlife, preschoolers can approach plants throughout the day, examine them, and conduct long-term observations of them. Children's specific knowledge about nature expands. When becoming familiar with living objects, preschoolers develop observation skills and interest in nature. While caring for the inhabitants of a corner of nature, children develop labor skills and such valuable qualities like hard work, careful attitude to the living, responsibility for the assigned work.

A corner of nature provides an opportunity to focus children's attention on a small number of inhabitants, on their most typical features, and thereby provide deeper and more lasting knowledge. The spatial proximity of the inhabitants of a corner of nature also matters. Children get the opportunity to get a good look at plants and animals and observe them for a long time.

When selecting plants and animals for a corner of nature, the following requirements should be taken into account:

1. A plant or animal must be typical of a particular systematic or ecological group. At the same time, it becomes possible to introduce children to the basic, typical features, conditions or lifestyle characteristic of large group plants and animals.

2. Care for the inhabitants of the corner in terms of quality, nature of work, effort and time expended should be available to preschool children (with the participation and guidance of the teacher). Therefore, plants and animals that are unpretentious to food and care are selected.

3. Plants and animals in a corner of nature should be visually attractive, capable of arousing and retaining the not yet very stable attention of a preschooler.

4. It is necessary to have several copies of one species of plants and animals; children will see in objects of observation not only general, but also individual characteristics, this will lead them to an understanding of the diversity and uniqueness of living organisms.

5. Plants and animals must be absolutely safe and not cause the slightest harm to the health of children.

6. It is necessary to take into account the possibility of normal life activity, growth and development of animals and plants in the premises of a preschool institution.

So to fulfill your role wildlife corner in kindergarten must correspond following requirements:

* “less is better,” i.e. use a small number of objects, but healthy, well-groomed and beautifully fit into room interior,

* when organizing a corner of nature, be sure to find out whether children are allergic to certain plants and animals. If such a problem exists, then you should limit yourself to a common corner of nature, or keep the animals in a separate room, or exclude allergenic objects from the group corner,

* the selected objects must be beautiful, typical, with pronounced characteristics,

* plants and animals must be safe for children, i.e. not poisonous, without thorns, not aggressive, etc.

The inhabitants of the corner should be unpretentious and easy to care for,

The selection of plants and animals is carried out taking into account age characteristics children.

A corner of nature as a means

environmental education

in different age groups

IN junior groups Oh when selecting inhabitants of a corner of nature, they take into account, first of all, the peculiarities of children’s perception of objects (kids highlight bright signs and properties), as well as educational objectives. Kids should learn to recognize and name 2-3 plants and their main parts (leaf, stem, flower).

Children second junior group are involved in caring for the plants: they water them with water prepared by an adult (he also determines the dosage), and wipe the large leathery leaves of the plants with a damp cloth. By observing animals, kids learn to recognize them by their appearance. clear signs: parts of the body, nature of movement, sounds made, etc.

The teacher teaches children to observe: accept the question-task, focus on the observed object, use simple examination actions, and answer questions posed during the observation.

In the corner of nature of the younger groups, plants are placed that have clearly defined main parts (stem, leaves) and bloom brightly, abundantly and for a long time, such as:

Common (or zonal) geranium,


Ever-blooming begonia,

Balsam ("light"),

Chinese rose, etc.

Plants with variegated leaves also attract the attention of children.

Aucuba ("golden" or "sausage" tree),


Aucuba and Chinese rose (small sizes), in addition, they have quite large and strong leaves, where you can teach children of the second younger group the first simple techniques for keeping plants clean. These same techniques can be taught to children in the process of caring for ficus trees.

Of these species, 3-4 plants are brought in for observation throughout the year. Some of them should be in duplicate, so that children can learn to find identical plants.

In the second group younger age placed in a corner of nature aquarium with fish. For kids, based on the characteristics of their perception, you need to choose a brightly colored fish that leads an active lifestyle for most of the year and willingly eats food. This is an ordinary gold fish, golden and silver crucian carp. They have the typical shape of freshwater fish, are attractive in color, and are quite mobile.

In younger groups kindergarten You can keep birds. It is desirable that the bird has bright plumage, a cheerful disposition, is unpretentious to food, and sings in captivity. A canary is most suitable for this.

It is hardly advisable to keep mammals constantly in the corners of nature of younger groups. Mammals, even small ones, require much more attention than other animals (ample and frequent feeding, daily cleaning of cages, etc.). You can keep a rabbit on the site. A cage with a rabbit, squirrel or guinea pig, or hamster is occasionally brought into the group of children for occasional, short-term observation.

Corner of nature in the middle group

IN middle group Children develop the ability to see the variety of properties and qualities of objects and their parts (variety of shapes, colors, sizes, surface characteristics, etc.). Children master more complex comparison techniques, learn to establish differences and similarities between objects, and generalize objects according to certain characteristics.

Knowledge about plants and animals becomes more complex. Children more clearly distinguish the characteristics of plants and become familiar with the conditions necessary for their life. The number of plants that children recognize and name is increasing.

A child of the fifth year of life, getting acquainted with animals, notes the uniqueness of their appearance, structure, movement, and method of feeding; establishes the first connections - the dependence of the nature of movement on the structural features of the limbs.

IN process of care (together with the teacher) While watching the inhabitants of the corner, children master simple skills: keeping the plant clean, watering it properly, washing drinking bowls and feeders for animals, and giving food. Observing plants and animals, one notices striking manifestations in the growth and development of plants and animals. They learn to reflect their observations in coherent, precise speech.

The expansion and complication of program tasks in the middle group requires the replenishment of a corner of nature with new inhabitants. Houseplants must have different shapes and the size of the leaves, as the children are mastering new techniques for keeping plants clean: pouring a fine-mesh watering can on or spraying plants with small leaves from spray bottles, wiping jagged leaves with a damp brush or a brush, and pubescent leaves with a dry brush. At the same time, children learn to establish a method of care depending on the nature of the leaves: size, quantity, nature of the surface, their fragility.

In addition to the plants named for the corner of nature of the younger groups, aloe or agave (with succulent leaves with jagged edges), rex begonia, asparagus, fragrant geranium (with patterned, pubescent leaves), etc. are placed in the middle group. There can be up to 6-8 plant species in a corner of nature.

The aquarium contains two species of fish that differ in appearance and habits: slow-moving pond crucian carp and nimble, mobile topfins; varieties of goldfish - veiltail, telescope and at the same time (in another aquarium) fish from local reservoirs. Differences in appearance and the habits of these fish are quite noticeable and can be detected by children during observation. In a corner of nature middle group You can keep the same canaries.

Mammals can also be kept as permanent residents in a corner of nature in the middle group. Children of this age are quite capable of mastering simple caring skills. So, it is advisable to place a guinea pig and a hamster in a corner that are interesting in their habits. Caring for them is easy, they are friendly, they easily develop reflexes to various signals - time, environment.

Corner of nature in the senior group

IN senior group the formation of skills to observe, compare objects, generalize and classify them according to various signs. The main content of observations is the growth and development of plants and animals, their changes over the seasons. Children should know that plants need light, moisture, warmth, and soil nutrition to grow; different plants need different quantities light, moisture.

Children continue to become familiar with plants and their features. external structure: not only with a variety of leaves, but also stems and flowers. The ability to determine the method of caring for plants depending on the nature of the leaves and stem (the method of keeping the plant clean) is consolidated.

The content of cognitive tasks about plants includes knowledge about some methods of their vegetative propagation, in particular stem cuttings. All this requires replenishing a corner of nature with new plants: with a variety of stems (climbing, creeping or modifications of erect stems), having bulbs, corms, etc. These can be 2-3 types of tradescantia, indoor grapes, climbing ivy, ficus, aloe, zygocactus, epiphyllum, cyclamen, primrose, amaryllis, clivia, etc. They have leaves, stems, flowers that are varied in shape and character, and they have different needs for light and moisture.

When selecting animals for the nature corner of older children, it is necessary to take into account the main program task - to ensure the formation of initial knowledge about the peculiarities of adaptation of animals to environmental conditions.

In aquariums it is good to keep heat-loving viviparous and egg-laying fish - guppies, swordtails, angelfish, etc. Observing the loach will also be of no less interest to children. This small fish of local reservoirs is a kind of barometer: before the onset of inclement weather, its motor activity increases.

Of the birds, preference should be given to those that breed offspring in captivity - canaries, budgies. The growth and development of chicks, the care of adult birds for their offspring is the most valuable material for observation. At the same time, we should not forget that children have an inherent feeling of especially careful and protective attitude towards their young, and caring for helpless, growing chicks is a source of kind and humane feelings, a careful and caring attitude towards all living things.

To a corner of nature senior group It’s good to place a turtle (any kind). Usually this animal goes into a short hibernation in winter. If a turtle lives in a corner for several years, then there may not be hibernation, then during this period the turtle becomes lethargic and reluctantly takes food. (Only older preschoolers can understand the reason for this condition and create appropriate conditions for the animal’s life.)

The selection of mammals is also more diverse. In addition to a guinea pig and a hamster, there may be a squirrel. The squirrel, to a greater extent than other mammals of nature, changes its lifestyle according to the seasons. In the fall, the squirrel often hides leftover food in its pantry; in winter it is less active; in addition, it molts twice a year. These changes are associated with the living conditions of animals in nature, which older preschoolers should know about.


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