We paint and varnish doors with our own hands. How to coat a solid wood door: varnishes, paints for applying a protective layer Do-it-yourself door varnishing

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Nowadays, wood has still not lost its relevance in construction, room decoration, and furniture production. Therefore, a wooden door is an integral attribute of most premises, both residential and industrial. On the one hand, this is a material that is environmentally friendly, durable, and aesthetically pleasing. On the other hand, wooden surfaces require special care. They are susceptible to atmospheric influences, absorb moisture from environment, may crack under the influence sun rays. If we are talking about a wooden door, then to make it decorative and increase wear resistance, you should open its surface with a special varnish.

  • Read how to choose

Varnish for a wooden door. How not to make a mistake in choosing

The range of wood varnishes today is quite rich. In order not to make a mistake in choosing them, you should know what properties each of them has. There are such types of varnishes for wood: acrylic, alkyd, nitro-cellulose, polyurethane.

  1. Today they have gained particular popularity among consumers acrylic paints and varnishes. They are environmentally friendly, have no pungent odors, and can be diluted with water. But compared to other materials, they are less wear-resistant and durable. However, this disadvantage can be compensated for by adding special hardeners to their composition. Prices from 300 to 1000 rubles per liter.
  2. Alkyd varnishes are considered more wear-resistant. Their main advantages are moisture resistance and imparting decorative properties to painted surfaces. The disadvantages include the slight yellowness of the wood after coating, as well as the pungent odor of the solvents used to dilute it. In order to obtain a glossy shine, you can use urethane-alkyd varnish. Price from 360 to 500 rubles per liter.
  3. If it is necessary for varnished wood to dry quickly, use nitro-cellulose varnishes, or nitro varnishes, as they are popularly called. They come in transparent types that form a shiny, transparent coating on the wood while preserving its natural color and texture. There are also matte finishes, after which the surface becomes slightly silky with a muted color. There are acid-curing nitrovarnishes with the addition of urea resins. They increase frost resistance, moisture resistance, and protect against sudden temperature changes. The advantages of nitro varnish include reliability, durability, and accelerated drying rates. Its main drawback is increased toxicity. Therefore, it is best to apply such substances with a spray gun. Price - 320?600 rubles per liter.
  4. Polyurethane varnishes are particularly resistant. They are resistant not only to atmospheric influences, but also to hydrochloric and sulfuric acid, ammonia, mechanical damage- impacts, abrasion, cutting. However, such material can sometimes darken the wood, so it requires a primer.

Preparing the door for varnishing

The first stage of preparatory work is the removal of the old coating, if any. In cases where paint is involved, it is better to use a hair dryer or sandpaper. It is better not to use paint remover, since the wood can absorb it and change its color under its influence. If we are talking about an old varnish coating, then you can use a special remover for such materials. The surface cleaning process should be carried out as carefully as possible so as not to spoil appearance doors.

The next stage is grinding the surface to eliminate all unevenness and roughness. This should be done with sandpaper with a fraction of 60 to 180 (depending on how serious the flaws need to be eliminated). If this procedure was not enough and the unevenness is still noticeable, you can use wood putty of the appropriate color.

In the photo, Drevotex (1 liter) is a preservative, difficult-to-wash-out antiseptic for protecting wood, the price of a liter is 72 rubles.

Next, using a brush or roller, special substances are applied that protect the wood from fungus and bark beetle (wood antiseptics). Then the door is primed. When carrying out all these procedures, it is necessary to ensure that the impregnation, varnish and primer are on the same base (it is better if they are from the same manufacturer). After priming, go over it again with sandpaper and apply another layer of primer.

To apply varnish to the door, you need to prepare a narrow roller and a narrow brush, a special tray and sandpaper No. 400. The door must be coated in a horizontal position, very quickly, so that the transitions are invisible. As a rule, the procedure must be repeated three times, waiting until the previous layer has completely dried. After each application and drying, imperfections on the surface must be removed with sandpaper (except for the last layer).

Before varnishing, all hinges and locks must be removed so that the entire surface is covered and, accordingly, protected from various external influences. To have an idea of ​​what the door will look like after varnishing, you can make a few test strokes on its end side and wait for it to dry.

Watch the video with tips on how to properly restore a wooden door and how to apply varnish:

Perhaps the tree is still considered one of the most popular building materials. Previously, it was used almost everywhere, but today the demand has decreased significantly. Many people prefer to deal with more durable and durable materials. But upon registration interior design few people can ignore the use of wood. Take, for example, an interior door with its processing features and variety of patterned decorations. No matter how well prepared for use wood material, it should definitely be varnished. Otherwise, the appearance of your products will deteriorate over time, and it will be impossible to restore it to its original beauty.

Choosing the right varnish

Have you decided to use varnish? You made the right choice. All that remains is to correctly select the necessary material to process your doors. Varnish compositions are divided into several types:

  • Alkyd compounds are an excellent waterproof, solvent-based option. After application it creates a light yellow tint. To speed up drying, adding a hardener is allowed. This combination will increase the hardness and moisture resistance of the coating. Complete drying time after application is twenty-four hours.
  • Nitrovarnish compositions - capable of drying quite quickly, are made on the basis of solvents. Very toxic material, easy to use with a spray gun.
  • Polyurethane varnish composition - has high strength, can give wood dark color. Before applying it, it is recommended to treat the surface with primer compounds.
  • Acrylic varnish is safe from an environmental point of view, since it contains a water base. This type of varnish is odorless, but is not as durable as other compositions.

How to prepare a door

If you decide to update a door coated with varnish or other protective material, it should first be prepared.

  1. It is not recommended to apply a fresh coating over old varnish or paint, therefore old layer must be removed in advance. The better you do this, the more beautiful your door will look when you varnish it. It is best to use a hair dryer or sandpaper.
  2. Now let's move on to the second preparatory stage - grinding the door surface. This is necessary in order to remove all defects that appeared during primary processing. This procedure is performed using fine sandpaper. To carry out sanding work, you need to be patient, this will help you achieve good results.
  3. If paint is used, the procedure for leveling with sandpaper could be replaced with conventional puttying of the surface. Painting with varnish involves the use of putty, but in small quantities to seal knotty areas and deep damage. It is very important to match the color of the putty to the color of the wood from which your door is made.

Note! Never use removers designed for metal work. as they quickly absorb into the wood, coloring it. For each type of coating, the appropriate type of wash is selected.

Next preparatory stage- treatment door surface with a special impregnating composition that will serve as protection against mold and bark beetles. After the impregnation has dried, apply the primer mixture using a roller or brush. It will create conditions for better adhesion of the surface to the varnish and slightly reduce its consumption. When carrying out all activities, it is necessary to make a selection of materials on the same main component so that the effect of delamination does not appear. We advise you to choose everything necessary materials from one manufacturer. When the soil dries, you need to work a little with sandpaper again. Areas of additional cleaning should be additionally coated with a primer mixture. If you have chosen a varnish that will not change the color of the wood, you can use it as a primer after diluting it.

Varnishing the door

Remember how to varnish a door. First you need to prepare everything necessary tools. You will need:

  • narrow roller;
  • the same narrow brush;
  • a container for varnish (a bath is best);
  • sandpaper.

First of all, you need to thoroughly stir the varnish so that all air bubbles disappear. The door must be in a horizontal position before painting. The frame will have to be covered at the installation site. If smudges appear, they will need to be removed between painting using sandpaper.

The varnish should be applied quickly enough so that no transition marks remain. There must be at least three layers of coating; before each new layer, the applied varnish must dry thoroughly. Please carefully check the drying time in the instructions for use.


See the full report on the restoration of a wooden door using stain:

To renew wood when there is no money to buy a new canvas, varnish is used wooden doors. Some homeowners try to save money by covering their doors with self-adhesive tape. Less commonly, the canvas is sheathed with vinyl panels.

Advantages and features of using varnish

The varnish gives the canvas a spectacular appearance and enhances protective functions tree. With the help of varnish, wood rotting is prevented, and the apartment or house becomes more comfortable.

To cover interior wooden doors, you can use several types of varnish. In this case, the canvas can be made of pine and other types of wood. Due to this technique, the shade inherent in door leaf. The covering material gives some door parts a rich and deep color.

Varnish – affordable universal remedy for covering wood

To varnish wood, it is recommended to choose the right product. Impregnations protect wood from mold and rot. Protective means do not allow the fabric to swell. They also protect the box from the sun and sudden temperature changes.

In some cases, it can be done instead of varnishing - it looks very stylish in modern interiors.

Before varnishing wooden doors, let’s get acquainted with the advantages of this finishing method:

  • accessibility – the buyer is given the opportunity to buy varnish taking into account the price factor. At the same time, experts advise treating the canvas with a mixture that can improve the external and protective properties, extending the service life of the canvas;
  • easy updating - anyone can paint the door, including those new to such work;
  • versatility - the varnish is used for different surfaces;
  • varnish helps to increase the fabric’s resistance to different negative influences, which include scratches, moisture, mechanical damage.

Lucky on water based have no smell

All varnishes are classified into the following types taking into account the composition:

  • oil based – they are based on oils that are well absorbed into the surface, changing its color. They are used as a solvent. Such compositions take a long time to dry. They have an unpleasant odor;
  • aqueous - colorless and without a pungent odor, matte or glossy type. They dry out quickly. But stain is used first.

Selection of varnish: how not to make a mistake in choosing

To update a door, you can use several types of coatings. Alkyd varnishes contain solvents that give the wood a yellow tone and resistance to moisture.

To improve drying ability, increasing moisture resistance and strength, hardeners are added to the mixture. The surface coated with this product dries within 24 hours.

Alkyd varnishes make wood moisture resistant

You can impregnate wood with acrylic varnishes, which are made from water. They are non-toxic and odorless. To increase strength, hardeners are added to their composition.

You can update a room decorated with wood using nitro varnishes. Their main advantage is quick drying. They are based on solvents. One of the disadvantages is increased toxicity, so nitro varnishes are rarely used.

Polyurethane coatings are characterized by increased strength. Due to polyurethane, the wood is given a dark shade, so the surface of the canvas is primed.

Materials and tools

To spend preparatory work with subsequent varnishing of the surface with your own hands, you will need the following tools:

Preparing the door

Before coating the door with paint and varnish, the door is sanded - roughness and unevenness are removed. The thicker the box, the longer the grinding process. One sanding option is to use a board (25x10 cm) wrapped in sandpaper. You can also get the job done using grinder.

To eliminate surface defects, the wooden door is sanded

All defects are repaired with putty, the choice of which takes into account the color. After cleaning, the inner box is treated with impregnation - protection against mold and pests.

To improve the quality of varnish and reduce varnish consumption, the coating is primed with a roller or brush. Dust is removed from the canvas, and the coating itself is degreased with white spirit.

The door will need to be treated for subsequent painting. chemical composition. An important point The condition is that the impregnation, primer and varnish have the same base. Otherwise, the coating will delaminate. After priming, sanding is carried out again. Then the canvas is primed.

Applying varnish

To coat the door with varnish, you will need to dismantle it and install it in a horizontal position. With this action you can protect the coating from smudges as much as possible.

To apply varnish, the door is installed horizontally

To apply paint and varnish, use a regular synthetic brush or roller. The number of layers applied is 3-5. If the base coat was applied using horizontal brush strokes, then the second coat is applied in a vertical direction.

Varnish the door with a brush, applying the composition 3-5 times

Making an antique effect

Antique doors emphasize design solutions in room. To update the interior of the house in this way, an “antique” wooden door is created. Several technologies are used for this:

If you want to update your wooden doors, there is no better way than to varnish them. This approach to painting restoration is within the power of anyone and, moreover, does not require special costs. Let's look at how to do it correctly this work and what methods exist.

Application varnish coating- a quick and easy way to update wooden doors

Features and Benefits

This method of decorating doors is one of the most popular for wooden structures. The varnish allows you to preserve the color of the base and does not hide the natural grain of the wood. If desired, you can give the surface a shade of a particular breed.

The varnish can also be used as a fixing layer when in various ways decor: painting, decoupage, etc.

It is not only due to these properties that the decision is made to renew wooden doors using this method. Varnish coating has a number of the following advantages:

  • ease of execution;
  • availability of materials;
  • versatility;
  • creation of a durable protective film;
  • increasing resistance to changes in environmental conditions.

Decorating a wooden door using varnish is the most common way

In order to renew wood, you can use varnish of different composition. Two main categories of mixtures should be distinguished:

  • Oil varnish. The composition is based on oils, which act as a solvent and at the same time impregnate the wooden surface. It is worth noting that it can affect the final shade of the door. In addition, most of these options do not have a very pleasant smell and take longer to dry.
  • Water-based varnish. Today they are mainly used acrylic varnishes water-based, they are colorless, can be of varying degrees of matte or completely glossy. In addition, the material has absolutely no odor and dries very quickly. However, to protect the wood, it is recommended to pre-treat the surface with stain.

Fabric preparation

Before renovating an old varnished wooden door, you need to prepare the surface. First of all, the old coating is removed. There are several ways to remove varnish from a wooden door:

  • Sandpaper. It is more convenient to work with a block filled with sandpaper. To completely remove the varnish and level the surface, you need to start with more grainy paper and gradually reduce it to zero.
  • Sander. This tool can remove the coating much faster. The principle of operation is similar to the previous method, but in this case handmade fully compensates for the device.
  • Solvent. Remove varnish chemicals It’s not always possible, and moreover, most likely, marks will remain on the tree. However, this is also a valid method.

Before removing the old varnish coating from the door, you need to protect your respiratory organs and eyes from dust, which will inevitably appear when the layer of material is abraded.

Using a sander you need to remove the old coating from a wooden door

After this, you need to finally sand the door to remove burrs. If there are chips or other defects, the application of special mastic will be required. It is best to choose it to match the main material. If you plan to change the shade of wood using stain, you should do this immediately after cleaning the surface. Dust particles also need to be removed, otherwise the work will not succeed. After cleaning and drying the canvas, you can begin to apply the varnish itself to renew the door.

Method of doing the work

In order for the surface to be perfectly smooth, without smudges or marks, it is important to know how to properly varnish a wooden door. Work must be performed in a horizontal position on a flat surface. In order to evenly distribute the composition, a brush is used.

You need to work in several stages. First, apply the base layer. After it has completely dried, the operation is repeated. It is important to follow this rule: the direction of brush movement in the second case is completely opposite to the previous one, that is, you need to alternate vertical and horizontal strokes.

If you have dropped varnish on the door, you need to correct the mistake as soon as possible. If the varnish has already set, it is better to leave everything as is, since trying to smear the frozen mass will lead to the fact that you will completely ruin the appearance of the door.

To apply the varnish evenly to the surface of the door, it must be placed in a horizontal position.

Alternative options

If you do not want to use only varnish and are thinking about how to make new ones out of old doors, pay attention to alternative options their decoration, first of all, is:

  • Painting. Thanks to the wide range of paints, you can choose any color you like. Fantasy is not limited by a banal monochromatic coating. You can also choose what exactly to cover a wooden door with. The materials differ not only in the palette, but also in their composition. Later, you can apply varnish over the paint.
  • Self-adhesive and wallpaper. If you don't want to use varnish and others paints and varnishes, then pay attention to even more simple methods. You can cover a wooden door with remnants of wallpaper or purchase self-adhesive film.
  • Laminate. This material will become excellent option for masking minor wood defects. The colors are selected according to personal tastes, and the material itself is attached to glue under high temperature.

Types of door leaf decoration depending on the material used

Similar methods for designing wood doors may be suitable for other materials. Before starting work, it is best to practice on an unnecessary piece of the same material in order to see the approximate result of processing.

Wood is ideal for making doors, but it needs protection. Painting allows you to extend the service life and give the doors a beautiful appearance.

How to prepare wooden doors for painting

Application of paint and varnish components requires preparation of the wooden surface. This is necessary to improve adhesion between the coating and the base, as well as even distribution of paint or varnish. You can carry out the preparation yourself, since there is no need for a specially equipped room and professional tools. At the same time, the technology of this process is common both for the old and already painted, and for the new structure. But in the first case, removal of the existing coating is required, and further actions are optimal for any wooden panel.

Proper door preparation is the key to perfect painting

For proper preparation The type of wood from which the product is made is not important. You should use convenient and quality tools. If the wood is hardwood, then you need to put more effort into processing it. Doors made of pine or others soft options arrays require careful handling.

Removing old paint from a door

In preparation old door may need to be removed before updating old paint, with which the product is covered. With the help of such an event, you can completely transform a canvas that has lost its beautiful appearance.

Paint can be removed different ways, but it is important to treat all areas of the working surface

To remove flaking and old coating, you can use thermal, chemical or mechanical methods. Features of the technologies are expressed as follows:

  • when thermally removing the coating, a construction hair dryer is used to heat the surface, and the softened paint is removed with a spatula;
  • the chemical method involves applying a special chemical remover to the door, waiting about 5–10 minutes for the product to take effect, then scraping off the paint with a spatula;
  • the mechanical method involves treating a wooden door with hard sandpaper, grinder, that is, removing paint by friction.

After applying the remover, the paint can be easily removed with a spatula

Chemical and thermal methods allow you to quickly clean the product from the old coating. To implement mechanical method requires time and physical effort, which is not always convenient.

Video: thermal method of removing paint from wood

Treating the door before painting

An old door after paint removal or a new product is sanded before coating. This process involves smoothing the wood grain as much as possible to ensure even distribution. paint composition. If there are small dents or cracks on the canvas, they must be covered with acrylic putty to match the color of the wood. After this product has dried, sanding begins, which is carried out along the fibers.

The sanding process eliminates uneven surfaces on the door and ensures a smooth finish.

If bath or wooden entrance doors are treated, then after sanding you need to apply it to the wood. antiseptic and fire retardant. These substances can be purchased at construction supply stores, and they are applied to the canvas with a brush, distributing thin layer. To increase their service life, interior doors are often treated with an antiseptic.

Video: sanding a wood panel

Choosing paint for wooden doors

To create a dense and uniform coating, use paint suitable for processing wood products. Such products are presented in a wide variety and therefore, when choosing, you need to take into account certain features, for example, the operating conditions of the paint, the application method. The composition is also selected depending on where the doors are located. For example, entrance sheets are significantly affected by ultraviolet radiation and humidity, and the paint must protect the material as much as possible from deformation.

The paint for the door can be any color, but its high characteristics are important

The choice of paint is made taking into account the following features of door placement:

  • for entrance doors you need a product intended for external use, resistant to low and high temperatures, humidity and ultraviolet rays. The paint should provide a dense coating to protect the surface from mechanical stress;
  • For interior doors the optimal compositions are those that do not have a strong odor and form a durable, durable, high-quality coating;
  • doors to the bathroom and other rooms with high humidity They must be painted with compounds that are resistant to temperature changes and moisture, protecting the product from rotting.

Door paint should be thick and provide a durable finish.

Manufacturers produce many options for products, each of which has certain characteristics. The following compositions are suitable for wood:

  • acrylic paint belongs to the group of water-dispersion paints and provides a dense coating. The product has a uniform structure and is easily applied to a wooden surface. Acrylic paint suitable for interior doors installed in rooms with low humidity levels;
  • alkyd compositions are based on a complex of thick resin, rosin, glycerin and vegetable oils. Enamels of this type require drying for 2–3 days, protect the wood from rotting and form durable coating, abrasion resistant. Suitable for outdoor use;
  • polyurethane products create a reliable coating that perfectly protects wood from moisture and scratches. The composition is easy to apply, as it is characterized by elasticity.

High-quality paint allows you to make the door beautiful and provide a durable coating

When choosing a wood treatment product, you should carefully study the information provided by the manufacturer and indicated on the label. This will allow you to determine the purpose of a particular paint option and whether the product characteristics meet the required level. For example, for an entrance door you need a material intended for outdoor use, which has high frost resistance, forms a dense coating and can withstand exposure to UV rays. The impregnation, varnish or paint must have the same base, otherwise the coating will quickly delaminate.

Video: choosing paint for wood

Processing a wooden door: applying paint

Painting a door from natural wood requires certain tools. The composition can be applied with a brush or a special spray gun. In the first case, it is important to carefully and evenly distribute the product, and in the second, application is simple, but also requires precision movements. Using the brush is optimal at home, as there is no need to prepare the area for painting. You don’t even have to remove the door from its hinges, but just cover with film and masking tape those places that should not be painted. But in this case, you need to put a small amount of material on the brush to avoid drips.

You can paint a door with a brush at home

Work with a spray gun is carried out in utility room or outside in dry and warm weather. It is important to avoid dust getting on the surface to be painted, which is necessary to obtain an even coating. Treating a door with a spray gun involves the following steps:

  1. Application masking tape to areas not subject to painting. Long screws are screwed into the upper and lower parts of the frame, and then the canvas is placed between two supports, that is, it must be suspended.

    The door leaf for painting can be placed on special supports

  2. Preparing and stirring the dye, mixing the components if necessary (follow the manufacturer’s recommendations indicated on the packaging label). If the product is thick, then it must be diluted with suitable components, as indicated on the label. Place the composition in a special container of the spray gun, test painting the test boards.

    The paint composition is placed in the spray gun tank

  3. The paint is applied to the surface using short sprays. All areas of the canvas, panels and other complex structural elements are carefully processed. After the first layer has dried, apply a second one, if necessary.

    The paint is applied along the wood fibers, which is important when using a spray gun, roller or brush

If the door is varnished, then opaque compounds treat the surface with sandpaper. This will improve the adhesion of the paint to the varnished structure. Only after this can you apply the paint using the chosen method: roller, brush or spray gun.

Video: painting a wooden door with a roller

Door varnish technology

The method of applying varnish to a wooden door is slightly different from applying paint, but you can also use a brush or spray gun to work with it. In the second case, you will get a more even thin layer, emphasizing the natural structure of the wood.

The use of varnish allows you to make the door beautiful and emphasize the structure of the wood

Varnish comes in a wide variety and therefore it is important to know the features of the main options. Their classification varies depending on the area of ​​application, but the products differ significantly in composition. So, the following options are distinguished:

  • water-based acrylic varnishes are used only for interior works, since they have low resistance to humidity, mechanical stress, and temperature changes;
  • alkyd varnishes contain resins and vegetable oils, which makes them universal, they are applicable for interior and exterior work;
  • Oil compositions form a thick and durable coating with shine. The drying period of the layer is about 48 hours;
  • nitro varnishes are optimal for interior work, dry within 15–25 minutes, apply them in several layers;
  • epoxy varnishes require mixing two components into the right proportions, can be used for external or internal work.

To obtain an even layer, stir the varnish thoroughly

In order to varnish a wooden door, you need to do the following:

  1. Study the instructions for use of the wood varnish used. The composition must be stirred slowly and thoroughly, which will ensure uniform color and quality of coating.

    Any varnish should be thoroughly mixed before use.

  2. The prepared composition is poured into the tank of the spray gun connected to the compressor. Test spraying is carried out on a test board. The door leaf is placed on supports, as is the case with paint. After this, they begin to apply the product.

    The varnish is applied evenly and in several layers

  3. The composition is applied along the wood structure, observing equal but very short intervals between sprays. After the first layer has completely dried, you need to sand the doors with a sander and fine-grained sandpaper, remove the dust and proceed to further actions. The second and subsequent layers are done only after each previous one has dried.

    The varnished door looks solid and stylish

Applying varnish with a brush is possible without removing the door from its hinges. In this case, the coating will be very different from the surface treated with a spray gun.

Video: step-by-step restoration and varnishing of a door

Painting a door with stain

Stain is a colored component that not only gives the wood a tint, but also protects the product from rotting. This product has a liquid consistency and can be applied using a spray gun or brush. Stains are available in the following options:

  • aqueous compounds easily penetrate the wood structure and emphasize it, but the product takes a long time to dry and makes the surface rough;
  • Solvent based stain provides smooth surface, has a pungent odor and dries quite quickly after application;
  • oil and wax stain options are environmentally friendly and suitable for treating children's furniture and interior doors.

The stain may contain protective components

When choosing a stain, it is important to consider its purpose; for example, the product may be optimal for outdoor use. If processed front door tool for interior work, the canvas will not be sufficiently protected from moisture and will also quickly lose color.

The technology for using stain is similar to the method for using varnish or paint. The main actions are expressed as follows:

  1. Placing the canvas on supports, preparing and stirring the product.
  2. Test spraying the stain from a spray gun or applying it to a test board with a brush.
  3. Spray or brush evenly onto one layer of the door leaf.

The stain is applied in a thin layer and evenly

The gap between sprays or brush strokes should be minimal. This will avoid highlighting borders and differences in shade.

Video: using wood stain

Painting wooden doors necessarily involves choosing a product that matches the operating conditions of the product. After this, the processing technology is carried out, and the result depends on the thoroughness of preparing the canvas for dyeing.


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